Make sentences with word over

Examples of how to use the word “over” in a sentence. How to connect “over” with other words to make correct English sentences.

over (adv, prep): from a higher to a lower position; down; above or higher than something else, sometimes so that one thing covers the other; above

Use “over” in a sentence

Don’t you see the exit sign over there?
He threw a ball over the fence.
It took me three weeks to get over the flu.
She looks young. However, she’s over forty.
Come over here and join us.
He wants to turn over a new leaf.
The building is over 100 meters high.
It’s all over.
What is over there?
I guess he’s over thirty.

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The physics Ava spoke of never explained the connections of what should be random odds in strange ways that favor one person over another

They hugged sensuously and his hands lingered on her chest and ass while she played them over him and straddled his leg

» She turned and bent over to pick up the quilt, making sure the guy in the boat could see her spreading

Jorma leaned on his elbow and looked over Venna’s curls toward the dock, looking at the boats and listening to the charraspas buzzing in the noontime hangleaves

The cockpit had a post-bulge over two feet wide, shiny, and sloped

One had to climb in and out over the sides

Can he create that same cavern that consistently flowing water will form over time? No

He had to stoop over inside

Wel I say normal; I sat with a wool hat stretched to its limit over a large bandage whilst

“Probably the lonely one who can’t stop kicking himself over things in the past

They had eaten all they could of the trap mix over vedn toast by the time Venna finally stirred

Vera and Theo took off the British flag and painted over the sign, but they kept everything else

the world over have in common is that they like attention

«Learning Kulai’s business, taking over his math, and for the first time in my life, actually being an asset on the social scene

wil never believe she cannot do it – she falls over again and again

She looked out over the water quite a while before answering, and didn’t answer directly

problem, ask her to go over her options out loud, ask her what

They both looked out over the water for awhile

I physically lived on Earth two decades, I’ve been here in flesh for over twenty

«And one that will come back now that their energy age is over

«It’s been over for all but the rich for two hundred years, a century here

I took over the empty body

living that life is nothing more than creating goals, achieving those goals, and doing that over and over and over again

Moreover, until recently, feelings of sexuality and sexual need among those over 60 years of age might be cause for guilt feelings, based on the culturally constructed assumption that people were supposed to «mature out of» sexual interest and become sexual neuters as they entered into their so-called «golden years

Tdeshi was gone Jorma, you have to get over that, but nothing was implanted in this flesh

Over the years, my parents found that they could speak freely about this previously obscured time of my life

spending doing this, equal over a year? What can I do to replace that

By the way, that Bedford Van that blew over in 1971; can somebody please turn it back over?

beginning He gave a man the power to rule over the

But one minute more and one minute less over the course of a year, adding all of those additional steps into your routine, makes a huge difference

Having recently had a very good MRI scan [and surviving over two

She was going to shower and comb out her hair, but he had been out in the lake and resting down at the beach for over an hour

It was over an hour and a half

Her side of the headboard was picked over, the light stuff was gone, a picture of a home in the inner canals remained, a feathered set of hair rings was gone

“Do you see those two makeshift graves over there?” he asks

He went over the house, looking for things out of place and found almost nothing

They knew because he had been over to Raltain’s at least once in each of those weeks since Venna disappeared and told many who asked for her

It could be last winter all over again

peak? Are they energy zombies limping through life with that bent over

That’s what Venna did was just leave, not even a note and signature turning it over to me

The captain almost knocks Tom over with his elbow

Tom can hear the guys from the next post over

Tom looks over to the fuse on the aerial repeater

Within moments, the perch was falling over

The zombies were all over him before he could grab for his gun

«I’m sorry, I promise I’ll be back to explain when this is all over but right now I’m in a hurry, and I am under confidentiality oath

pushups a day add up to 10,950 pushups over a year

We have over 200 exercise

He was almost too hung over to stand and knew it would be senseless to chase

” Sam handed the phial of one of his more expensive product lines over to Harriet

Ruthie coughs and chokes, leaning over to vomit onto the floor

Travis’s emotions are about to boil over

I believe strongly that the days of miracles are not over

These are by drugs that are popular and are available over the counter

That building put up four apartment trees from there, with the courtyard between them over the business space below

Yorthops went off to the cook’s counters and Ava leaned over the rail

He saw that there wasn’t a line yet, so he jogged over there

When she looked over the rail as a child, she saw the coy-dog packs tearing at the garbage the residents of her abandoned parking garage threw out

Here the view over the rails was filled with what looked like the standard media supermodels of old Earth sunning themselves in the nude on the top decks of those garden floats

Normally when she came over for lunch they rummaged the kitchen and took their booty to the fourteenth floor balcony on the far side of this yacht basin

A certain level of snails is preferred over complete elimination

» The media frenzy over finding the ‘lost Angel’ had really petered out by now, so it wasn’t such a big deal

» Ava had been over this before

It had been over fifty Earth years that Kulai had owned this place, but this structure had been completed while Europe was in the dark ages and Third Canal had been the beachfront

They called themselves the Fourth Wall because they thought they were all so big that if they had one more member they could hold a roof over their heads

Perhaps he was worrying over nothing

He was hunched over his desk, shifting through piles of paperwork and tossing it around with abandon, creating a bigger mess than he had before

· Remove knickknacks and fragile items that can be knocked over inadvertently

· Avoid using folding tables and chairs that can be tripped over

She had to be over a hundred, after all

As with memory, mood, and behavior problems, the physical symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease tend to worsen over time

Sprinkle thin layer over lawn and water well

The best time to apply compost to the lawn is in early spring (or as soon as the last frost is over)

What they got over there?”

According to a leading life insurer, ‘life expectancy is likely to rise from 77 years to 85 years over the next decade

So the relationships we’ve had in our past lives keep repeating over and over again

She had not been friendly with Kulai until just the past couple local years, she’d lived here a little over three months as she had counted time on Narrulla’s Tear

He had been hunched over, trying to make himself smaller when he had gone into the room, and now he straightened up and gave a small wave to everyone

The confusion, however, is not entirely over, for rather than accepting the carefully deliberated recommendations of the National Standards Board, Glickman declined to definitively prohibit three practices being used in producing organically grown foods

I wish I could say that I had the courage to invite her over for dinner, but Vera was the more assertive one in the relationship

Vera and I talked and flirted over its sizzling corpse, head and everything

There was a wide bench in the back of the boat, but from down on that she couldn’t see over the cabin

He left all his drawers open and all over the walls were fliers, notebook doodles, and movie ticket stubs

Easy accessibility, undivided attention, proper ‘listening’, showing of real care and the faith developed over a period of time are the major aspects of successful consultation

Henry had just delivered a sales report to his boss that was over a year old

His parents sent him to summer camp last month and he had bug bites all over his arms and legs

5% sulfur, 5% calcium and over 30 trace minerals

Toby imagined Michael Jordan doing a lay over up to the top shelves

in the land, whither ye go over Jordan to possess it

Over the years we create a self-image and when we face situations, which are as it is not under our control, we react based on this image

Older people who have more negative stereotypes about aging have greater hearing loss over time than people with more positive views on aging

At three hundred people per square mile you can get away with it, at over a thousand like these people live, and a K-type sun, the energy flux just isn’t high enough

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, he walked back over and started up again

“But it will still be over in two weeks,” Nancy offered

Whenever I feel it vibrate, I race over to see if I caught something to eat, but then it’s always him just putzing around

Nancy was a little taken aback upon seeing all the pimples all over his face, but she did her best to hide her reaction

seems like it was over, but no, that was transition

They were at a table in the Balconies by the time he got over the dock attendant

Dad drove ten miles over the speed limit the whole way

«And you drew all over his face! What is wrong with you?»

Предложения с «word over»

He said the word over and over in his mind.

Он снова и снова произносил про себя это слово .

Look, Corker, you know me better than to take a simpleton’s word over mine.

Коркер, ты же меня хорошо знаешь, почему веришь дуракам?

Yeah, see, I always take a fugitive’s word over handcuffs.

Да — да, я тоже верю беглецам больше, чем наручникам.

What- you gonna take his word over a decorated cop?

т.е. ты ставишь его слово против слова заслуженного полицейского?

They kept saying this word over and over again.

Они лишь повторяли это слово , снова и снова.

And I say he will pick my word over yours.

И он поверит мне, а не вам.

What’s going on with The L Word over there?

Что там происходит в нашем местном варианте The L Word?

I think that the use of the N-word over and over again is unnecessary.

Я думаю, что использование N — слова снова и снова является ненужным.

And the effect of hearing these horrible stories over and over instilled one word in a young mind: enemy.

Эффект, который производили все эти жуткие истории, складывался в детской голове в одно слово : «враг».

Can’t speak a word, but she can hunt anything over any terrain.

Совсем не умеет разговаривать, но способна охотиться на кого угодно в любой местности.

A voice came back over the general channel, a single word loaded with the ready glee of battle.

На главном канале связи опять послышался голос, и единственное слово звенело ликованием битвы.

We have received word that one of our informants has been shot dead by the Kelly gang over near beechworth.

Мы получили известие, что один из наших осведомителей был убит бандой Келли возле Бичворта.

I gave him my word that I would watch over you until your companions came.

Я дала ему слово , что присмотрю за тобой, пока не появятся твои друзья.

And then one day the King received word that his dominion was being ruled over by some curly-headed Step King with good credit?

А потом Королю сообщили, что его владениями правит какой — то курчавый Король — отчим с хорошим кредитом?

Not another word or I’ll come down there, and push you over myself!

Еще одно слово , и я сам тебя сброшу.

But the word that has dribbled out over the years indicates the regime is very concerned about separatist activity and sentiment among the predominantly Muslim Uighur population.

Однако, судя по имеющимся отрывочным данным, режим крайне тревожат сепаратистские настроения, распространяющиеся среди в основном мусульманского уйгурского населения.

What advantages do you think illustration has over the written word in conveying information at times like this?

Почему, на ваш взгляд, в такие моменты, как сегодня, графическое изображение способно лучше передавать информацию, чем печатное слово ?

The agreement put the brakes on a spiraling arms race, but this week brings worrying news that — just over two decades later — Russia may be actively going back on its word.

Этот договор остановил эскалацию гонки вооружений. Но на этой неделе появились тревожные новости о том, что спустя два с лишним десятилетия может оказаться так, что Россия не сдержала данное слово .

And those long, rhetorical dialogues recounting the debates over war and strategy — they are accurate word for word accounts?

А те длинные, красноречивые диалоги, передающие споры военачальников о войне и стратегии – неужели они переданы дословно?

Don’t just take my word for it, look at how the three currencies have performed against the dollar over the past year.

Те, кто не верит мне на слово , могут посмотреть на график курсов этих валют к доллару за последний год (см. оригинал статьи, — прим. перев.).

He describes hearing, upon arriving in Gdansk in August 1980, a word that sounded like yowta over and over again, and thinking it must mean something like “that’s life.”

Он пишет, что, когда он приехал в Гданьск в августе 1980 года, он очень часто слышал незнакомое ему слово «Йалта», полагая, что оно должно значить что — то вроде «такова жизнь».

In a word, it appears that the Reagan-Thatcher period is over.

Одним словом , похоже, что период Рейгана — Тэтчер закончился.

He slurred over the word lonely, throwing it away with a self-deprecatory smile.

— Он слегка запнулся на слове одиноким, произнеся его с извиняющейся улыбкой.

‘Seedlings have to sprout by themselves.’ Dyoma hurried to get his word in. ‘If you plough seedlings over they won’t grow.’

Ростки сами должны прорасти, — торопился вставить Дёмка, — а если их пропахать, они не вырастут.

We’d have been out of here a long time ago if you didn’t bicker over every word.

Уже ушли бы давным — давно если бы ты не препирался по каждому слову .

Here’s a guy standing over there with his jockey shorts full of little Vinnie’s and Debbie’s and nobody’s saying a word to the guy.

Вот вам чувак у которого в штанах полно маленьких Винни и Дебби и никто ему слова не скажет.

‘I love the ground under his feet, and the air over his head, and everything he touches, and every word he says.

Я люблю землю под его ногами, и воздух над его головой, и все, к чему он прикасается, и каждое слово , которое он говорит.

And often sound does not quite become a word but suffocates or floats away over me half finished; an arch, a pathway, a comet.

Порой она не договаривает слово до конца, оно замирает на ее губах или так и долетает до меня недосказанным, — как недостроенный мостик, как затерявшаяся тропинка, как упавшая звезда.

Soon, word came over the radio that Hammond was on his way to rejoin us and that he wasn’t in the best of moods.

Скоро мы услышали по радио, что Хаммонд готов к нам присоединиться, и что он весьма не в настроении.

Finn had sent word through his militia that Tycho Under must be evacuated; Prof had repeated it over video.

Финн через свою милицию потребовал, чтобы Тихо — Андер был немедленно эвакуирован, проф повторил то же самое по видео.

Your Holy Word swooshing over him!

Твоё слово святое омоет его!

Without a word the casket was handed over.

Футляр был ему передан без единого возражения.

Who honors the pinky swear of a degenerate over the word of a decorated soldier?

Как можно сравнивать клятву на мизинчиках с каким — то дегенератом со словом заслуженного солдата?

And what said you made the sch-sch-schooner go? Koogah asked, tripping craftily over the strange word.

А что, ты говорил, заставляет шх… шх… шхуну двигаться? — спросил Кугах, ловко одолев незнакомое слово .

His tongue worked soundlessly, forming the opening syllables first of one word, then of the other, over and over again.

Язык шевелился беззвучно, прилаживаясь к началу то одного слова , то другого, опять и опять.

Good show, Mr. Stevens. The word about the match has already gone out over the wireless.

— Отличное представление, мистер Стивенс. Результаты матча передали по беспроволочную телеграфу.

The lovesick puppy that was hanging all over Midge and her every word.

Любвеобильный щенок, который следовал за Мидж по пятам, и ловил каждое ее слово .

Over the past several months we had gotten word that the plaintiffs were growing impatient and were in the process of revising their settlement numbers.

последние месяцы мы получаем постоянные сигналы что истцы теряют терпение и намереваются пересмотреть сумму своих требований.

I’m gonna add word to the end of Tara’s last sentiment, because whoever is sending these emails has gone hog wild over the last 12 hours, and the message is always the same

Я вставлю свое веское слово в монолог Тары, потому что, кто бы ни слал эти и — мейлы, в последние 12 часов он активизировался, и сообщение всегда одно и тоже…

If you feel nauseous, just say the word and I’ll pull right over.

Если ты почувствуешь тошноту, просто скажи и я сразу остановлюсь.

Word is Hornigold arrested her, handed her over to the navy.

Говорят, Хорниголд арестовал ее и передал военному флоту.

Dorian shook his head and a look of annoyance passed over his face at the mention of the word inquest.

Дориан отрицательно покачал головой и досадливо поморщился при слове следствие.

The word from Rwanda is a Hutu village was destroyed- men, women and children, brains bashed with hammers, then thrown into a pit and bulldozed over.

Из Руанды пришли сведения, что деревня Хуту была уничтожена. Мужчинам, женщинам и детям разбивали головы молотками, сбрасывали в яму и закапывали бульдозером.

The word reached his ear as a wave which he no longer had the strength to surmount passed over his head.

Это слово долетело до него в тот самый миг, когда волна, на которую он уже не имел сил подняться, захлестнула его и покрыла пеной.

Then they went over all the trifling events of that far-off existence, whose joys and sorrows they had just summed up in one word.

И тут они начали пересказывать друг другу мелкие события того невозвратного времени, все радости и горести которого сводились для них теперь к одному — единственному слову .

Enticing men until they fawn over your every word, aching to receive the slightest touch?

Побуждать мужчин ловить каждое твоё слово , в ожидании лёгкого прикосновения.

Without a word Nikolka rushed into the kitchen, where at his instructions Anyuta ran a stream of cold water from the tap over his wrist.

Николка молча кинулся в кухню, и там Анюта пустила ему на руку, по его распоряжению, струю холодной воды из крана.

He went out of the door without a word, and at once stumbled over Marya Nikolaevna, who had heard of his arrival and had not dared to go in to see him.

Он молча вышел из двери и тут же столкнулся с Марьей Николаевной, узнавшей о его приезде и не смевшей войти к нему.

I’m not gonna take the word of a homicidal maniac over Lex.

Слово Лекса мне намного дороже, чем слово какого — то маньяка — убийцы.

Look, once word gets out that the NYPD subpoenaed his clothing in connection with embezzlement and murder, that man’s career will be over.

Послушай, как только просочится слух, что полиция Нью Йорка, затребовала его одежду в связи с мошенничеством и убийством, карьера этого человека закончится.

He was- they have a word for it over there- liquidated.

Его… там они это называют ликвидировали.

I cannot call them handsome-they were too pale and grave for the word: as they each bent over a book, they looked thoughtful almost to severity.

Я не могла бы назвать их хорошенькими — они были для этого чересчур бледны и серьезны, их лица, склоненные над книгой, казались задумчивыми до строгости.

‘I will not quarrel with you over a word, mon cher Colin.

Не буду спорить с тобой из — за слов, mon cher Колин.

Take the word of a degenerate cop over me?

Верить слову копа — дегенерата надо мной?

And the word was painted over after his family leased the ranch.

И слово было нарисовано после того, как его семья арендовала ранчо.

Then I get word from Europe that Hitler took over all our German properties, offices, theaters, everything!

Потом я получаю известие из Европы, что Г итлер присвоил себе всю нашу германскую собственность: конторы, кинотеатры — все.

After thinking it over and over I remembered the 3-letter word SKY.

Я всё обдумывал, и тут в голову пришло короткое слово SKY.

I got over the stile without a word, and meant to leave him calmly.

Не было никакой нужды в дальнейших разговорах.

The word is, Little Bonaparte is real sore over what happened to Toothpick Charlie.

Говорят, Маленький Бонапарт весьма сожалеет из — за Зубочистки Чарли.

Now just say the word King, and he spits up all over himself.

Теперь достаточно сказать слово Кинг, и он зассыт всё вокруг.

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Some English words have many uses. In this lesson we look at the usage of the word OVER, especially when talking about ages and speeds. I will talk about the word ABOVE in my next lesson.

engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.


Random good picture Not show

1. He asked the tailor to make over his dress.

2. Can you make over this old shirt?

3. He asked the tailor to make over his trousers.

4. I used to make over 40k.

5. Do you think you can make over this old overcoat?

6. Already the local people were disposed to make over various small sums for the use of the Schoolmaster.

7. I was able to make over thirty predictions on statistically reliable differences in cancer mortality rates in various groups.

8. They paused to make over the baby.

8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

9. He asked the tailor to make over his pants.

10. You can’t make over a personality in one day.

11. Make over fashion side to discuss.

12. Shirley had to make over her dress because it was too big.

13. I have a tendency to make over my ideas to match his.

14. Lift make over the mysterious veil with price, landed buying and selling also can become transparent.

15. It was another of the many offerings to spirits I had seen her make over the years.

16. Here too the legatee would be asked to give a guarantee that he would make over the property as requested.

17. He gave it to me, and with the necklace I make over to you all the duty of remembering the original giver. It is to be a family remembrancer.

More similar words: take over, make out, be over, moreover, over and over, take off, take out, take on, shake off, make, maker, makeup, make way, make up, make for, for the sake of, make sure, lawmaker, make use of, make up for, make fun of, make sense, make a face, over, cover, make peace with, go over, get over, oversee, overall. 

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