Make sentences with word money

деньги, денежные суммы, богатство, монетные валюты, монетные системы


- деньги

- кредит

cheap [dear] money — дешёвый [дорогой] кредит

- (pl moneys[ʹmʌnız]) монетная система валюты
- (pl тж. monies) pl юр., уст. денежные суммы

Мои примеры


money for the family’s maintenance — деньги на содержание семьи  
an expert at counterfeiting money — специалист по изготовлению фальшивых денег  
a piggish demand for more money — алчная потребность иметь больше и больше денег  
judicious use of one’s money — рациональное расходование денег  
she has money to burn — у неё денег куры не клюют  
to draw money on a cheque — получать деньги по чеку  
money circulation — денежное обращение  
to coin bad money — делать фальшивые деньги, фальшивомонетничать  
colossal sums of money — огромные суммы денег  
to deposit money with / in a bank — положить деньги в банк  
frugal of / with one’s money — экономящий деньги  
generous with money — щедрый на деньги  

Примеры с переводом

I always carry money.

Я всегда имею при себе деньги.

Money isn’t everything.

Деньги — это ещё не всё.

Have you got enough money?

У тебя достаточно денег?

He has money to burn.

У него денег — куры не клюют.

I demand my money back.

Я требую свои деньги назад.

Money reigns supreme here.

Здесь всем заправляют деньги.

He has money to burn.

У него денег куры не клюют.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust.

Save money by turning the temperature settings up in the summer and down in the winter.

Some people feel it’s not worth their while working if they can get money from the state.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

conductmoney  — деньги, уплачиваемые за доставку свидетеля в суд, деньги на доставку солдат в армию
gate-money  — входная плата, сбор
moneyed  — денежный, богатый
moneyless  — безденежный, нуждающийся в деньгах
smart-money  — компенсация за увечье, отступные деньги
head-money  — подушный налог, избирательный налог
moneys  — денежные суммы, монетные системы
door-money  — плата за вход
hearth-money  — налог на очаги
hush-money  — взятка за молчание

1. Money is wise, it knows its way. 

2. Lend your money and lose your friend. 

3. Money is the root of all evil. 

4. Muck and money go together.

5. Money begets (or breeds or gets) money. 

6. Save money against a rainy day. 

7. Love of money is the root of all evil. 

8. Money is round, and rolls away. 

9. Money makes a man free everywhere. 

10. Money is something, but no everything. 

11. Money often unmakes the men who make it. 

12. Money makes the mare [to] go. 

13. Money is the root of evil. 

14. You pays your money and you takes your choice. 

15. Money lost, little lost; time lost, everything lost. 

16. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. 

17. Money is the sinews of war. 

18. No bees, no honey; no work, no money

19. Money can buy the devil himself. 

20. The abundance of money ruins youth. 

21. Ill gotten money is soon spent. 

22. Love does much, money does everything (ormore). 

23. Ready money is a ready medicine. 

24. Money is the sinews of love, as of war.Sentence dictionary 

25. Time is money, but money is not time. 

26. Money can move even the gods. 

27. Money makes a man welcome everywhere. 

28. Lawsuits consume time, and money, and rest, and friends. 

29. All things are obedient to money

30. Money is often lost for want of money. 

  • Dictionary
  • M
  • Money
  • Sentences
  • We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed.
  • Silver money
  • Millions of people around the world are starting to turn to the internet to begin making money from home.
  • You will only make money from your site after you have gotten enough traffic.
  • money to lend
  • The money shot
  • Learn from the money saving experts how to build your net worth through.
  • Trader tend to believe that they do not need to address money management until they can prove that a particular trading system will work and they can make.
  • A lot of the money that you pay at the cinema goes back to the film distributors.
  • Mortgage money.
  • Did you bring some money?
  • She was brought up with money.
  • Not for love or money.
  • Have you seen my little money purse?
  • The money business.
  • For my money, there’s nothing to be gained by waiting.
  • You can see he’s in the money by all those clothes he buys.
  • You’ll never make money as a poet.
  • The space shuttle landed on the money at 9:55 a.m.
  • Instead of bragging about your beautiful house, put your money where your mouth is and invite us over to see it.

These word combinations are often, adjective + noun, verb + noun. Each of these collocation sheets provides collocations for commonly used word. Learn common collocations with MONEY in English.

List of Collocations with Money

  • Hard-earned money
  • Extra money
  • Big money
  • Little money
  • Easy money
  • Cold hard cash
  • Dirty money
  • Quick money
  • Plenty of money
  • Stolen money
  • Lost money
  • Spare money
  • Real money
  • Large sums of money
  • Adequate money
  • Make money
  • Spend money
  • Save money
  • Waste money
  • Earn money
  • Lose money
  • Invest money
  • Borrow money
  • Lend money
  • Manage money
  • Raise money
  • Donate money
  • Use money
  • Give money

Adjectives + “Money”

  • pocket/ spending money

E.g: My dad gave me a little extra pocket money.

  • stolen/ dirty money

E.g: We don’t want your dirty money!

  • easy money

E.g: People were tempted into the trade by the thought of easy money.

  • big money

E.g: Carter won big money in Vegas last year.

  • counterfeit/ fake money

E.g: He was arrested for using fake money.

  • hard-earned money

E.g: He spent all his hard-earned money.

  • hush/ protection money

E.g: I knew he was doing illegal business, so he offered me hush money.

  • bonus/ extra money

E.g: If you complete the project before next week, there’ll be some bonus money.

  • government/ public money

E.g: It’s not right to waste public money on projects that benefit those who are already wealthy.

  • gas/ lunch/ petrol/ rent money

E.g: Could you lend me some lunch money today?

  • prize/ grant/ scholarship money

E.g: They won a lot of grant money for their research into DNA.

  • pension/ retirement money

E.g: We plan to move to Los Angeles with our retirement money.

Verbs + “Money”

  • coin/ print money

E.g: The government printed a lot of money in 2001.

  • count money

E.g: Always count your money.

  • earn money

E.g: I don’t earn much money, but I love my job.

  • borrow money

E.g: He borrowed money from the bank.

  • lend money

E.g: He refused to lend me the money.

  • bank/ deposit/ put in money

E.g: I deposited a large amount of money last Friday.

  • draw out/ get out/ take out/ withdraw money

E.g: I’d like to withdraw £500 from my current account.

  • pay out/ shell out/ spend

E.g: Altogether he had paid out almost £5000 for the improvements.

  • give/ donate money

E.g: They donated more than $200,000 to charity last year.

  • repay money

E.g: I’ll repay you the money you lent me next week.

  • owe money

E.g: I owe my brother $50.

  • save money

E.g: I try to save some money every month.

  • accept money

E.g: I’m afraid I can’t accept your money.

  • change money

E.g: Can you change a £20 note?

  • steal money

E.g: Boys broke into a shop and stole £45 in cash.

  • launder money

E.g: He was jailed for laundering drug money.

  • collect money

E.g: I’m collecting money for Children in Need.

  • invest money

E.g: The city has invested millions of dollars in the museum.

In conclusion, collocations with “money” play a crucial role in improving one’s English language skills, especially in financial and business contexts. The list of 30 useful collocations with “money” provided in this article will be useful for English language learners and anyone who needs to improve their financial vocabulary.

These collocations will help you sound more natural and fluent when discussing financial matters in English. Keep these collocations in mind and practice using them regularly to further improve your language abilities. With time and practice, these collocations will become part of your vocabulary and you’ll be able to use them effortlessly in your day-to-day conversations.

Common Collocations with MONEY | Image

Collocations with MONEY in English | Image 1

Collocations with MONEY

Collocations with MONEY in English | Image 2

Collocations with MONEY

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