Make sentences with word follow

Synonym: ensue, obey, pursue, succeed, trace, trail, use. Antonym: lead, precede. Similar words: follow up, following, as follows, follow through, allow, swallow, pillow, shallow. Meaning: [‘fɑləʊ /’fɒl-]  v. 1. to travel behind, go after, come after 2. be later in time 3. come as a logical consequence; follow logically 4. travel along a certain course 5. act in accordance with someone’s rules, commands, or wishes 6. come after in time, as a result 7. behave in accordance or in agreement with 8. be next 9. choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans 10. to bring something about at a later time than 11. imitate in behavior; take as a model 12. follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something 13. follow with the eyes or the mind 14. be the successor (of) 15. perform an accompaniment to 16. keep informed 17. to be the product or result 18. accept and follow the leadership or command or guidance of 19. adhere to or practice 20. work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function 21. keep under surveillance 22. follow in or as if in pursuit 23. grasp the meaning 24. keep to. 

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1. Follow your own course, and let people talk. 

2. The leader beckoned the others to follow her.

3. Follow the path through the woods.

4. I don’t quite follow you, sir.

5. Their argument was too metaphysical for me to follow.

6. People on parole must follow certain rules.

7. I will follow you wherever you go.

8. Millions follow this hospital drama twice a week.

9. She used to follow after him wherever he went.

10. He made a sign for me to follow him.

11. You go ahead and I’ll follow on.

11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

12. Follow the very well-trodden path to the summit.

13. Don’t follow others’ steps when making your own trip.

14. I’ll lead; you must follow me.

15. She hired a private detective to follow her husband.

16. They are individuals; they will not follow the herd.

17. May success and happiness follow you throughout the year.

18. Men don’t follow titles, they follow courage.

19. Go through the arch and follow the path.

20. He was observed to follow her closely.

21. Only dead fish follow the flow.

22. I’ll be back soon. Meanwhile follow on.

23. The guide becked us to follow her.

24. For real Indian food, just follow these recipes.

25. Please follow the proper procedures for dealing with complaints.

26. Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you. Margaret Thatcher 

27. Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow thee. 

28. It is easier to give good counsel than to follow it. 

29. If one sheep leap over the dyke, all the rest will follow

30. Follow pleasure and it will flee thee; flee pleasure and it will follow thee. 

More similar words: follow up, following, as follows, follow through, allow, swallow, pillow, shallow, allow for, yellow, roll out, colloquial, fold, folk, unfold, portfolio, low, flow, below, lower, toll, doll, roll, poll, glower, blow up, blow out, blow off, slow down, roll in. 

Examples of how to use the word “follow” in a sentence. How to connect “follow” with other words to make correct English sentences.

follow (v): to move behind someone or something and go where he, she, or it goes

Use “follow” in a sentence

His dog follows him everywhere.
You need to follow your mother’s advice.
He spoke so fast that I couldn’t follow him.

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  • Meanings of words and phrases

  • Example sentences

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  • Translations

  • Other types of questions

The meaning of «Follow» in various phrases and sentences

What does follow for follow mean?

It refers to pretty much any type of social media, meaning that if one person follows someone’s account, that person will follow them back

What does follow up with~ mean?

Yes you could use it when you have a question — ex. «following up with what you said, could you explain …» This expression is also used when making an appointment — ex. I would like to book a follow up on Monday.

What does follow mean?

What does I follow you — pretend you want me to mean?

I think she’s saying that she’s spending time with her boyfriend but it doesn’t seem like he appreciates her. So she’s saying, «Even if you don’t really care about me, at least pretend you do. Don’t act like you don’t care if I’m here or not».

Of course as these are song lyrics, they’re very open to interpretation.

What does following soon after mean?

That means if something happened «soon after» a particular time or event, it happened a short time after it.

Example sentences using «Follow»

Please show me example sentences with follow.

Examples with the word ‘FOLLOW’
I followed you today, and that’s why, now, I know all the truth
Let’s go grab some desert, come on, follow me.
Hey, you’re on the wrong way home, is that way over there, come on follow me, I’ll help you.
Here follows the books, you required at the library, last week
I will follow you
She/he followed me
I have 50k followers on instagram

Please show me example sentences with «be followed by».

This example will be followed by another example if I can think of one.

Please show me example sentences with follow.

Follow : go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind.

eg.1 you go first, I’ll follow you
eg.2 I would rather follow than lead the group
eg.3 Lila stayed up all night so the following day she was very tired
eg.4 First I’ll cook the potatoes, followed by the carrots
eg.5 Lila followed her friend around town, spying.


Please show me example sentences with followed by .

The President was followed by many of his supporters.

I was followed by my friend.

Please show me example sentences with following words↓.

@st_kamo: my bad!

1. This dog that we have, has had a rough time.
2. That couch you have had, has been thrown out.
3. The chicken has have had to eaten it’s food!
4. (I can’t think of any sentences with these words in that specific order, sorry!)

Synonyms of «Follow» and their differences

What is the difference between 〜 so we can follow up and 〜 so that we can follow up ?

Same answer. I practice every day so that I can get first place in the competition = I practice every day so I can get first place in the competition. In English, the «that» is frequently omitted. It does not change the meaning.

What is the difference between and and followed by ?

“and” is used to connect two sentences together.
followed by” is used to connect two sentences together in a chronological order (time order).

For example: let’s say a woman goes to the spa and firstly receives a facial, then a foot massage and finally a manicure.

“She went to the spa and received a manicure, foot massage and facial.” (Not in time order)

“She went to the spa and received a facial, followed by a foot massage and then a manicure.” (In time order)

I hope this helped!

What is the difference between follow up with and follow up on ?

we usually use follow up with when talking about a person. «follow up with Lulu»
We use follow up on when talking about an object.
«follow up on your assignment»

What is the difference between following and next ?

«Following» se podría traducir como «próximo», refiriéndose a algo que puede continuar en cualquier momento, mientras que «next» = «siguiente», y viene justo a continuación.
La diferencia se encuentra sobre todo en el uso.
Por ejemplo:
«Read the following example»
(Lee el ejemplo a continuación)
«We’ll go next week»
(iremos la semana que viene)
«We’ll go the following week»
(iremos la semana que viene a continuacion [de lo que estéis hablando])

What is the difference between following and according to ?

According to ~에 의하면
예) 보도에 의하면 그 사고로 3명이 사망했다.
According to the report, three people died in the accident.

Follow 따르다
예) 강아지가 어린이를 따라가고 있다.
The puppy is following the child.

Translations of «Follow»

How do you say this in English (US)? as follows

It is common. Especially in emails. It wouldn’t be strange to hear it.

Spoken examples:
“The list of winners are as follows:…”
“These are the rules as follows:…”

How do you say this in English (US)? follow me

you say
«FA-LOW ME» 😊it might help

How do you say this in English (US)? follow up

Check the question to view the answer

How do you say this in English (UK)? “don’t follow me directly” or “don’t directly follow me”

«don’t follow me directly»

How do you say this in English (US)? following

Check the question to view the answer

Other questions about «Follow»

I will follow you wherever you go. Does this sound natural?

I’ll follow you no matter where you may go. (1)
=I’ll follow you wherever you may go. (2)
“No matter where” in sentence (1) can be substituted with a compound relative pronoun “wherever” in sentence (2) for brevity.

Please show me how to pronounce follow.

Check the question to view the answer

I’m following what he is saying but not fully understand. Does this sound natural?

You could also say «I follow what you’re saying, but I don’t fully understand it.» or «I follow what you’re saying, but I don’t completely understand it.» 😀

What follows after «how about» Does this sound natural?

Yes, the question sounds natural. :)

This can also help:
I can’t follow what you were saying about…
Can you please repeat it/the topic/it from X to Y?
What did you mean by…?
I did not fully understand what you said about/X topic. Kindly explain X topic more.
Please provide more examples on…
I would like to understand X topic more. Can we do more exercises on this/X?
I’m having a hard time undertanding…can we go over the lesson once more, please?
What did you mean by..?
What did you mean when you said…?

I hope these help! I find that when you honestly tell what you don’t understand, it would be easier for the teacher to provide what you need. And therefore, it would be easier to learn! :D

Would you follow me if you like? f4f :) Does this sound natural?

Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases

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If you don’t know the way t the park follow me because I know
direction and you wont get lost.

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Example Sentences with MakePin

Have a look at example sentences using the word ‘make’ below.

  1. It’s time to make the donuts.
  2. There is nothing like a hot cup of tea on a cold day to make you feel cozy inside.
  3. I will make you another sandwich if you are hungry again.
  4. I make my living as a con artist.
  5. We will make camp here for the night.
  6. We make fun by going fishing together.
  7. He always makes mistakes when he does some work for me.
  8. Let’s go make some coffee.
  9. I couldn’t make this without you.
  10. I will make myself available all week.
  11. I will make your presentation ready by tomorrow’s meeting.
  12. Can you make a copy of this document?
  13. This product makes you look younger
  14. You cannot make this decision alone.
  15. You want to make a difference, but the job is too challenging.
  16. You make me feel important when you’re around me.
  17. She always tries to make him feel better.
  18. I can’t make myself run faster.
  19. They make good quality cars in Italy.
  20. He went down to the river to make a drawing of the landscape.
  21. Make sure to turn in your homework on time.
  22. He could make money in the war.
  23. It would be best if you didn’t make your business premises out of paper.
  24. Don’t get mad; make a list of items to make your life easier.
  25. Don’t be stressed; make a plan.
  26. We will make them pay!
  27. Make a difference in the lives of others.
  28. There is always an opportunity to make the readers feel motivated, deserving and privileged.
  29. It can make your readers feel good about themselves or be proud of what they have achieved or learned.
  30. Make sure you look both ways before crossing the road.
  31. I want something to make my hair grow fast.
  32. Let’s make dinner together tonight.
  33. I make sure that I read all information before making any purchase.
  34. My mother makes the best cupcakes.
  35. I would love to make dinner for my family tonight.
  36. Please make sure you are at the train station on time.
  37. Please make sure you have the right amount of change for the tickets.
  38. We need to make a change right away.
  39. These time-consuming projects make me too busy to keep track of everything I have to do.
  40. She wants me to help make pizza for the kids every day this week.
  41. Hayley helps her mother make chocolate cookies.
  42. Make him an offer he cannot refuse.
  43. It makes sense to do everything we can to help her now.
  44. Make sure you include a table of contents.
  45. Make things easier for people to do business with you.
  46. A study suggests that the average person makes up their minds when they meet you in just 7 seconds.
  47. I make paper flowers.
  48. We need to make a box.
  49. Some of the cakes that we make are iced while some are not.
  50. You have to make a lot of sacrifices to follow your dreams.
  51. The government will have to make its choices.
  52. Did you make it yourself?
  53. We have 14 days to make a decision.
  54. Make sure you check flight times and cancellations before driving to the airport.
  55. The police decided in a democratic manner to make the suspect talk.
  56. If you make it home for dinner most nights at least once a month, you can’t consider yourself a poor parent.
  57. She was unable to make herself understood.
  58. If you make a mistake, admit it!
  59. The medicine only makes the patient feel worse.
  60. This new drug will make a vast difference when dealing with heart disease cases.
  61. Make sure you have clean hair to go with the hat, or it won’t look good when you wear it!
  62. Make sure to clean them before you use them.
  63. Make sure to remember to turn the computer off before you leave.
  64. Please make a list of what you need to pack and where it is located in the house.
  65. First, make sure all boxes are empty, then stack them neatly in a corner of the room.
  66. My mother always tells me that I have to make my bed every morning before school.
  67. Gary went to make a new friend yesterday in his class, but he didn’t succeed in doing so because not all students were there.
  68. The administration will make all efforts to curb pollution.
  69. I will make her see reason.
  70. Make sure you wear the right clothes when you carry out the task or feel uncomfortable during the activity.
  71. I hope you make progress with your dissertation this year.
  72. He said he would make the presentation by Wednesday.
  73. We make our sandwiches at home on the weekends.
  74. My grandmother makes us oatmeal every Sunday morning for breakfast.
  75. Our clients love these bands because they make great gifts.
  76. He made an effort to talk about sports, movies, and such with the kids to make them feel more at ease with him.
  77. Did you know that you can use coconut oil instead of butter in your mashed potatoes to make them a bit healthier?
  78. You can’t make me go there!
  79. He’ll make you pay in the end.
  80. This heat will make you sick if you don’t do something about it.
  81. She makes a new friend every day at school.
  82. I have to make lunch for my children every day.
  83. Make your point about the sale of alcohol to minors in schools very clear to all students.
  84. I’ll make sure dinner is ready on time.
  85. Many people make significant changes after turning 40, but others stay the same all their lives.
  86. My job is to make the best choices for all my clients.
  87. A significant number of businesses make use of social media for marketing.
  88. On the other hand, make sure you check with the sales associate before you take a new appliance home with you.
  89. Make sure your department is registered as a 501(c)(3) organization if you want to take donations without being taxed.
  90. Make sure that both products are compatible, fully charged, and tested in all modes.

Sentences with MakePin

Sentences with Make

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