Make sentences with word enemy

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word enemy, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use enemy in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «enemy».

Enemy in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word enemy in a sentence.

  1. For example, Batman’s enemy Mr.

  2. He has destroyed 8 enemy aircraft.

  3. The enemy are laughing you to scorn.

  4. He first run [sic] up to the enemy ..

  5. The enemy at last fell into confusion.

  6. It is the mortal enemy of the elephant.

  7. They were just men in an enemy uniform.

  8. This is known as the «dear enemy effect».

  9. Will try to take enemy artillery position.

  10. The enemy dropped their rifles and gave in.

  11. He has done great execution among enemy aeroplanes.

  12. This morning at 11 o’clock I have attacked the enemy.

  13. In all, Sergeant Derrick had reduced ten enemy posts.

  14. Eardwulf appears to have been an enemy of Æthelred I.

  15. These vary depending upon the enemy Mario is fighting.

  16. On the return flight, the Phantom was damaged by an enemy surface-to-air missile.

  17. The ship and her crew emerged from the battle completely unscathed by enemy fire.

  18. Pearl requested she join her and the two ships anchored to await the enemy fleet.

  19. Only troops who fired their weapons at enemy targets were allowed to participate.

  20. Later, whilst sniping the retreating enemy, this very gallant soldier was killed.

  21. With only six of his men around him, he then managed to break through the surrounding enemy soldiers.

  22. He crippled an enemy army twice the size of the Prussian force while suffering negligible casualties.

  23. The main enemy is the Sorceress, the iron-fisted mean and bad-tempered queen of the Forgotten Worlds.

  24. After repairs, Bellerophon was employed blockading the enemy fleets in the Channel and the North Sea.

  25. Two of the enemy then attacked from a climbing head-on position, and he scored damaging hits on both.

  26. Having found a suitable pretext, Francis once again declared war against his perpetual enemy in 1542.

  27. According to The New Grove, Tchaikovsky’s melodic gift could also become his worst enemy in two ways.

  28. At 13:00 on 10 May, Takagi concluded that the enemy was gone and decided to turn back towards Rabaul.

  29. He takes Kid under his wing, brainwashing her to believe the real Serge (in Lynx’s body) is her enemy.

  30. Nagato did not fire her main armament against enemy vessels until the Battle of Leyte Gulf in October.

  31. When the chain counter reaches a preset amount, different for each enemy, the enemy becomes Staggered.

  32. The Dakota were the enemy of the Ojibwa, to whom the Métis carters were related by blood and marriage.

  33. For the former, this was a logical alliance as Mowbray was as bitter an enemy of Somerset as York was.

  34. Whittle personally collecting all available men and charging the enemy that the position was regained.

  35. The submarine would then attempt to move into a position where it could torpedo the approaching enemy.

  36. If the enemy craft was boarded and the enemy crew was eliminated, the player received more loot than if it was destroyed.

  37. Trooper Donaldson then rejoined his patrol and continued to engage the enemy while remaining exposed to heavy enemy fire.

  38. Peter Knight, author of the 59th Divisional history, wrote «The aim of Pomegranate had been to attract enemy attention ..

  39. Modern Indian historians consider Tipu Sultan an inveterate enemy of the British, an able administrator and an innovator.

  40. Additionally, as the carrier was not armed for ship-to-ship combat, speed was her main protection against enemy warships.

  41. The goal is to score more hits than the enemy spaceships within a set time period, which awards a free round of gameplay.

  42. These smaller bonshō were used primarily as alarms to warn of enemy attacks; commands were given using drums and conches.

  43. Together with the battleship Iowa and armed yacht Gloucester she opened fire, destroying the lightly armored enemy ships.

  44. The approach of the Gibraltar, firing her guns to indicate that the enemy had been sighted, took the British by surprise.

  45. During the war, the moss became one of four sites in Manchester used as a Starfish site—decoy targets for enemy aircraft.

  46. The story on the albums involved an anti-hero called Mr Flash, and his rival and enemy Mr Black (played by Dave Davies during live shows), an ultra-purist and corporatist.

  47. He preferred guerrilla tactics to formal military conflicts, once telling a subordinate that the best attack would be one with a hundred snipers hidden behind enemy lines.

  48. But a thin iron skin, while not being susceptible to fire or lethal splintering like wood, was not the same thing as providing iron armor calculated to stop enemy gunfire.

  49. Having just taken off the engine cowling, he spotted enemy tanks approaching and immediately took off with the engine exposed to the elements, safely landing back at base.

  50. The regiment fought next in the Sidi Rezegh area on 27 and 28 November, finding itself once again outgunned by enemy armour returning from its raid on the Egyptian border.

Synonyms for enemy

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word enemy has the following synonyms: foe, foeman, opposition and .

General information about «enemy» example sentences

The example sentences for the word enemy that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «enemy» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «enemy».

Sentences with the word Enemy?



  • «the armies were afield, challenging the enemy‘s advance»; «unlawful to carry hunting rifles afield until the season opens»
  • «We were approaching our destination»; «They are drawing near»; «The enemy army came nearer and nearer»
  • «He assassinated his enemy‘s character»
  • «an avowed enemy«; «her professed love of everything about that country»; «McKinley was assassinated by a professed anarchist»
  • «repel the enemy«; «push back the urge to smoke»; «beat back the invaders»
  • «The water turned into ice»; «Her former friend became her worst enemy«; «He turned traitor»
  • «The enemy has been shelling us all day»
  • «Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring»- Herman Melville; «a frank courageous heart…triumphed over pain»- William Wordsworth; «set a courageous example by leading them safely into and out of enemy-held territory»
  • «an attempt to secure a bridgehead behind enemy lines»; «the only foothold left for British troops in Europe was Gibraltar»
  • «The troops camouflaged themselves before they went into enemy territory»
  • «the enemy catapulted rocks towards the fort»
  • «his challenge of the assumption that Japan is still our enemy«
  • «clandestine intelligence operations»; «cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines»; «hole-and-corner intrigue»; «secret missions»; «a secret agent»; «secret sales of arms»; «surreptitious mobilization of troops»; «an undercover investigation»; «underground resistance»
  • «close with the enemy«
  • «it gave comfort to the enemy«
  • «the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft»
  • «a fatal accident»; «a deadly enemy«; «mortal combat»; «a mortal illness»
  • «deep in the past»; «deep in enemy territory»; «deep in the woods»; «a deep space probe»
  • «penetrated deep into enemy territory»; «went deep into the woods»
  • «the defeated enemy«
  • «Hold that position behind the trees!»; «Hold the bridge against the enemy‘s attacks»
  • «The landscape was deforested by the enemy attacks»
  • «the guard delivered the criminal to the police»; «render up the prisoners»; «render the town to the enemy«; «fork over the money»
  • «he confused the enemy with feints and demonstrations»
  • «The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion»
  • «a struggle against a determined enemy«
  • «made continued and determined efforts to find and destroy enemy headquarters»
  • «the disorganization of the enemy troops by a flank attack»
  • «the enemy landed several of our aircraft»
  • «The enemy withdrew»; «The limo pulled away from the curb»
  • «the bombs are dropping on enemy targets»
  • «the enemy attacked at dawn»
  • «he viewed lawyers as the real enemy«
  • «they were tired and famished for food and sleep»; «a ravenous boy»; «the family was starved and ragged»; «fell into the esurient embrance of a predatory enemy«
  • «The enemy exploded the bridge»
  • «scouting in enemy territory is very dangerous»
  • «The cities fell to the enemy«
  • «The enemy fell back»
  • «hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes»; «they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire»
  • «they attacked the enemy‘s right flank»
  • «I finally settled with my old enemy«
  • «The victory over the enemy glorified the Republic»
  • «a guilty look»; «the hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy«- Eric Linklater
  • «the gunfire endangered innocent bystanders»; «they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire»
  • «to American soldiers, the hajji are the alien people from whom the enemy emerges»
  • «harass the enemy«
  • «enemy-held territory»
  • «The Germans struck Poland on Sept. 1, 1939»; «We must strike the enemy‘s oil fields»; «in the fifth inning, the Giants struck, sending three runners home to win the game 5 to 2»
  • «an implacable enemy«
  • «intense heat»; «intense anxiety»; «intense desire»; «intense emotion»; «the skunk’s intense acrid odor»; «intense pain»; «enemy fire was intense»
  • «they intercepted intercommunication between enemy ships»
  • «they attacked the enemy‘s line»
  • «the merciless enemy«; «a merciless critic»; «gave him a merciless beating»
  • «the monitoring of enemy communications plays an important role in war times»
  • «moonlight is the smuggler’s enemy«; «the Moon was bright enough to read by»
  • «mortal enemy«
  • «can you pinpoint the position of the enemy?»; «The chemists could not nail the identity of the chromosome»
  • «zap the enemy«
  • «numerical value»; «the numerical superiority of the enemy«
  • «They prostrated the enemy«
  • «The enemy recommenced hostilities after a few days of quiet»
  • «The enemy redoubled their screaming on the radio»
  • «we faced redoubled attacks from the enemy«; «despite our redoubled efforts»
  • «the enemy offered little resistance»
  • «stood resolute against the enemy«; «faced with a resolute opposition»; «a resolute and unshakeable faith»
  • «severe pain»; «a severe case of flu»; «a terrible cough»; «under wicked fire from the enemy‘s guns»; «a wicked cough»
  • «several sightings of enemy troops were reported»
  • «to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy«
  • «hit the ball squarely»; «the bat met the ball squarely»; «planted his great bulk square before his enemy«
  • «the next morning they carried out a strafe of enemy airfields»
  • «The president’s trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country»
  • «now my sworn friend and then mine enemy«- Shakespeare

An enemy or a foe is an individual or a group that is verified as forcefully adverse or threatening. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

This week he sent out a press release in which he congratulated News Corp — currently enemy number one among many in the Labour party — for their latest business acquisition.


I used to believe that hunger was public enemy # 1.


Many people assume, because I critique the church and those in authority within it, that I am an enemy of the church, the ministry, and pastors.


This lets you plan ahead for positional advantages for things like AOE support, to dodge a known attack pattern, or to line up numerous enemies for a piercing attack — like Sherra’s bow, or Van’s laser.


Gravity was always Reggie Jackson’s worst enemy.


Internal enemies at your client play their cards more openly.


Trying to hold up every single enemy guard across each difficulty and obtain all 300 + dog tags is no small feat.


Locals around Aberdare National Park say that the Kenyan Defence Forces hold a gun in one hand to protect the country from external threats and a seedling in another to protect an internal enemy — hazards of deforestation.


You must traverse a floating Katamari-esque world, dodging slow-moving bullets as you shoot stationary enemies and maneuver around obstacles to reach the purple pole at the end of each level.


Mario, friends and enemies are here to work with Mario Party: The Top 100.


Increased health, more loot, and the ability to see tagged enemies through walls make a surprisingly difficult game a little less stressful.


Should you happen upon a stone slab known as a traveller’s tablet, you can use it to access special dungeons where powerful enemies await.


Horde Mode, which you can play in either defence or attack, tasks you with capturing enemy units.


However, that has been difficult to do without the idea of a common enemy.


By defeating enemies, you are awarded experience and loot to improve your chances of succeeding.


«Capitalism, comrades, is not the enemy.


The match proved that Spurs» greatest enemy isn’t adaptation, it is rust.


In these times when journalism is being questioned and attacked as «fake news,» Garbus turns her lens on The New York Times in THE FOURTH ESTATE, revealing the challenges, triumphs and pitfalls of covering a president who has declared the majority of the nation’s major news outlets «the enemy of the people.»


While the visuals and «feel» of the game are near flawless, the gameplay itself is severely lacking and with only three weapons and a handful of enemies to destroy it’s ultimately more of a neat tech-demo than a lasting game.


«We’re entering an era in which our enemies can make it look like anyone is saying anything, at any point in time, even if they would never say those things,» Peele said as a faux-Obama.


This a bare bones RPG title, no level up system which makes battles annoying, the only use of coins is to buy stickers to waste on enemys that you don’t really need to kill anyways hence the NEED of a level up system, a bad story, the fact I cant go through the game without going online consistenty, and pointless combat, deteriorate what is great combat and exploration


The Bazaar uses a combination of materials found from defeated enemies and rupees to offer various improvements to each playable character.


In many Asian and African countries, people will love what the Bible says about creation, sin, sexuality and judgment, but struggle with what it says about forgiveness, grace, inclusion and loving your enemies.


Then why did that traitor jumped in the arms of AF when he scored against us, I can forgive Sanchez he gave it all on the pitch but no way I can bring myself to forgive that traitor for leaving us after years of being injured we stuck by him an as soon as he had a season and a half of good play he went to the enemy and celebrated goals against us, they hate him in Turkey suporters and punters canot belive his carector


I was never thin enough, never pretty enough, and food was the enemy.


Other problems I ran into included some graphical problems, dodgy AI where enemies would just stand there before eventually coming to life, a key for a captive’s cage never appearing, some audio hiccups, Geralt lighting or extinguishing nearby candles when trying to open chests thanks to context sensitive controls, and a few other little things.


Unfortunately too the Church can show a keener appreciation of its enemies than its friends, and it needs to express more clearly the fundamental unity of its teachings for individuals and its teachings for societies.


Betrayed By a Friend Prophecy: Psalm 55:12-14 For it is not an enemy who reproaches me, Then I could bear it; Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me, Then I could hide myself from him.


Many Democrats, teachers and parents have assailed her as an enemy of public education, intent on draining resources from the public schools that educate the majority of American children.


As we pray in loving concern for our enemies, «Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,» enmity recedes, and reconciliation replaces vindictiveness.


Nations around the world and over the centuries have repeatedly underestimated their enemies, overestimated their own capabilities, and exaggerated their ability to control what are inherently unpredictable events.


During these patrols, the ship proved to be a formidable adversary by sinking 44 enemy ships, earning its nickname «The Pearl Harbor Avenger.»


Due to this inglorious picture, the Region has unfortunately assumed that any project, national or local, sited in it should be with the intent of alleviating its chief enemy, poverty.


There were some occasions when my attack missed even though I was close to an enemy.


Of course, you’ll still be carving through hordes of enemies, but it promises to be dynamic than the litany of very similar games that have gone before it.


In 1970s South Boston, FBI Agent John Connolly persuades Irish-American gangster Jimmy Bulger to act as an informant for the FBI in order to eliminate their common enemy: the Italian mob.


The Iranian army’s Deputy Chief of Staff Brigadier General Ali Shadmani said Tuesday that «If the enemy makes a small mistake, we will shut the Strait of Hormuz, kill their sedition in the bud and endanger the arrogant powers» interests,» according to the Fars news agency.


Bandai Namco has confirmed two new games for Switch, one of which features labyrinthine levels, unpredictable enemy behaviours and a protagonist driven by an all-consuming hunger for the souls of the slain.


Combine it with Hero Mode, and enemies come close to dealing one-hit kills.


And he issued an open invitation for some of his top political enemies — Ken Langone, Hank Greenberg and Dick Grasso — to come debate him on «The Arena» any time, but thinks «they will run for the hills.»


Antonacci is one of Mahoney’s chief political enemies as well as a close friend of Renna’s.


All that said, when it comes to Michigan vs Wisconsin, I’ll always be rooting for the Maize and Blue, as evidenced by numerous forays into the halls of the Kohl Center and the UW Fieldhouse, and even the drunken student infested sections of Camp Randall stadium wearing the enemy colors.


Carbs then became the new enemy (1).


Lala, I’m afraid the enemy of your soul is trying to trick you.


Featuring stunning visuals and a brand-new story, players must work together to explore the temple, defeat hordes of enemies from the Egyptian underworld, solve devious puzzles, and avoid deadly traps.


On the contrary, I don’t believe in drugs or polluting the body with toxic substances, I get high on life, went to college, work is not a 4 letter word (well it actual is but you know what I mean), soap is not my enemy, and my favorite band is NOT the Greatful Dead.


Outlast 2 will provide the occasional jump scare as well, along with the stress that comes with avoiding a brooding enemy ready to remove Blake’s «manhood» and send him to his grave.


Fort Baker, for example, in the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge at the south end of Sausalito, was a depot for the minefields that kept enemy submarines out of the bay during World War II.


«I had no interest in becoming an enemy or being antagonized by one of the biggest companies in the world that could — even if it’s frivolous — sue me into oblivion.


There would be times when I would be right in front of an enemy and it would just stand there and look at me.


Random good picture Not show

1. An enemy’s mouth seldom speaks well. 

2. Man has not a greater enemy than himself. 

3. One enemy is too much.

4. He who overcomes his anger subdues his greatest enemy

5. Nothing worse than a familiar enemy

6. An open enemy is better than a hollow friend. 

7. In an enemy spots are soon seen. 

8. The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good. 

9. Science has no enemy but the ignorant. 

10. Believe no tales from the enemy

11. Every man is his own worst enemy

12. Better an open enemy than a false friend. 

13. Trust not a new friend nor an old enemy

14. Make your enemy your friend.

15. All are brave when the enemy flies. 

16. Every wise man dreadeth his enemy

17. A false friend is worse than an avowed enemy

18. Do not despise your enemy.

19. The best is the enemy of the good. 

20. Speak well of your friend, of your enemy say nothing. 

21. You are the greatest enemy if you are a coward, but if you are brave, you are your greatest friend. 

22. Who shows mercy to an enemy denies it to himself. 

23. Action is consolatory. It is the enemy of thought and the friend of glittering illusions. 

24. A friend exaggerates a man’s virtue, an enemy his crimes. 

25. A thousand friends are few, one enemy is too many. 

26. Disease, enemy, and debt —these three must be cut off as soon as they begin to grow. 

26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

27. God defend me from my friends; form my enemy I can defend myself. 

28. The greatest friend of truth is time, her greatest enemy is prejudice, and her constant companion is humility. 

29. A friend that frowns is better than a smiling enemy

30. There is more danger from a pretended friend than from an enemy

More similar words: blasphemy, unemployment, renew, gene, scene, energy, beneath, convene, benefit, general, scenery, genetic, renewable, enervate, energetic, frenetic, listener, generous, awareness, generate, in general, shortened, senescent, benevolent, gentleness, frightened, beneficial, benefit from, entrepreneur, effectiveness. 

enemy — перевод на русский


I ain’t the enemy.

Я вам не враг.

In the end, obviously, the Kanima brings them together, and they have a common enemy.

В конце, очевидно, Канима объединяет их вместе, у них есть общий враг.

Scott, but at the moment, we have a common enemy.

Скотт. Но сейчас у нас общий враг.

In this mountain dwelt the Sorcerer’s greatest enemy the Fire Mountain Witch

На этой горе жила Ведьма Пламенных Гор — заклятый враг Колдуна.

«He is my greatest enemy!»

«Он – мой злейший враг!»

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They’re enemy planes, sir.

Это вражеские самолеты, сэр.

They’ve detected enemy atomic missiles crossing our border.

Обнаружены вражеские атомные снаряды, пересекающие нашу границу.

Did you ever bring down any enemy planes?

А вам приходилось сбивать вражеские самолеты?

Enemy reinforcements in sectors 4 and 5.We can see masked arrangements for an attack.

В секторах 4-м и 5-м наблюдаются вражеские подкрепления, в виде замаскированной техники, идет явная подготовка к атаке.

And if enemy ears are listening, they heard you, too.

Если вражеские уши нас подслушивают, они это тоже сльiшали.

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The idea was to spray the drug on enemy troops.

«де€ заключалась в распрыскивании Ћ—ƒ над войсками противника.

The enemy has too many reserves there.

Здесь. У противника здесь слишком много резервов.

We overwhelm the enemy.

Главное — напугать противника.

Some of you have faced the fire of the enemy and given a good account of yourself.

Некоторые из вас сталкивались с огнем противника и хорошо зарекомендовали себя.

Listen now. The enemy is scary.

Да, вы боитесь противника.

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If the enemy is an ass and a fool and a prating coxcomb, is it meet, think you, that we should also, look you, be an ass and a fool and a prating coxcomb?

Если неприятель осёл, дурак и болтливый хвастун, так разве мы должны тоже быть — как бы это сказать — ослами, дураками и хвастунами?

The enemy’s on the move, sir.

Очевидно, неприятель готовится к наступлению.

The enemy could not conceive that anyone would be so foolhardy as to go on fighting with four unprotected guns.

Неприятель не мог предположить дерзости стрельбы четырех никем не защищенных пушек.

The enemy’s there.

— Зто неприятель

I have said and I still say the field of operations is Poland, and that the enemy will never get beyond the Niemen river.

Я говорил и говорю, что театр войны есть Польша, и дальше Немана никогда не проникнет неприятель

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When can I face the enemy, so you may see your son’s valor?

Когда же я могу принять бой и показать, на что способен?

Waspinator engage enemy!

Жужера должна вступить в бой!

Engage enemy forces at once!

Вступить в бой немедленно!

You scare the enemy before battle, you get an advantage.

Запугаешь до боя — сразу преимущество.

Soon the hour of destiny will strike and we will combat the enemy side by side.

Скоро настанет судьбоносный час и в бою мы окажемся по разные стороны баррикад.

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My regiment had been wiped out. And I found myself lost behind enemy lines.

Мой полк был уничтожен, и я оказался за линией фронта.

Later I deserted because I wanted to go behind enemy lines… to look for mother, who was leading a company of her majesty’s, the Queen of Italy, a refugee in Bari, naturally

Восьмого сентября 1943-го года я снял военную форму. Перешёл линию фронта и пришёл к мамочке, которая была фрейлиной её величества королевы Италии, которая, естественно, сбежала в Бари.

Well, the SAS was originally founded to be a crack secret, elite secret and crack assault force — to work behind enemy lines during Worid War II. — Right.

Изначально SAS были созданы как первоклассно-секретные… элитно-секретные и первоклассно— штурмовые войска… для работы за линией фронта во время Второй Мировой Войны.

As we reported earlier, U.S. Serviceman Willie Schumann… remains missing behind enemy lines… lt’s all thinking ahead.

Как мы сообщали ранее, боец Вилли Шуманн… потерян за линией фронта… Главное, все продумать наперед.

Schumann is the military soldier… who’s been left behind enemy lines…

Шуманн, солдат… который был оставлен за линией фронта…

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He landed behind enemy lines by parachute, at night.

Он опустился ночью с парашютом за линией фронта.

I was trapped behind enemy lines… with my entire squad dead.

Мы попали в засаду за линией фронта, и все мое отделение погибло.

The president reveals that William Schumann… was trapped behind enemy lines.

Президент обнаружил, что Уильям Шуманн… был схвачен за линией фронта.

A member was left behind what were then enemy lines.

Ее боец был оставлен за тем, что когда-то было линией фронта.

What did he eat behind enemy lines?

Что он ел за линией фронта?

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I gave you my friendship and my trust and now they tell me that my best friend is the goddamn enemy.

Мы с тобой подружились, ты заслужил мое доверие. А мне говорят, что мой лучший друг — мой заклятый враг.

He’s Georges Didier’s official enemy.

Он заклятый враг Жоржа Дидье.

Georges — you know, my official enemy — begged me to give you this invitation.

Жорж Дидье, мой заклятый враг,.. …умолял передать вам это приглашение.

Revolutionary theory… is now the enemy of all revolutionary ideology, and knows that it is.

На данный момент революционная теория является заклятым врагом любой революционной идеологии и прекрасно это осознаёт.

Unfortunately, in his desperate career Notoku found face to face to his terrible enemy the powerful lion.

— К несчастью в этом рискованном предприятии — Нотоку сталкивается лицом к лицу со своим заклятым врагом — мощным львом

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  • Make sentences with word doctor
  • Make sentences with word cause
  • Make sentences with word arrived
  • Make sentences with word always
  • Make sentences with the word wonderful

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