Make sentences with the word wonderful

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word wonderful, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use wonderful in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «wonderful». In addition, we also show how different variations of wonderful can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are wonderfully, wonderful—a and wonderful—like. If you click on the variation of wonderful that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Wonderful in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word wonderful in a sentence.

  1. I thought it was wonderful.

  2. They took out a wonderful scene.

  3. It really is a wonderful place to be.

  4. Don’t you see how wonderful they are?

  5. All the kids are special and wonderful.

  6. He was a wonderful man, a real fighter ..

  7. It was inventive, powerful, [and] wonderful.

  8. He was a wonderful husband and a wonderful father.

  9. He looked wonderful, he seemed to be 7 ft [tall].».

  10. Harry Cobby who was a wonderful man, he was posted.

  11. The majority of kids supported me, which was wonderful.

  12. She was brilliantly clever, had a wonderful head for business.

  13. Bush, who told Brown, «Congratulations on a wonderful moment ..

  14. He’s everything that’s horrible and everything that’s wonderful..

  15. It’s playing a game with the country and I think that’s wonderful.

  16. This wonderful monster (to the great greif of his subjects) is a King!

  17. This New York Times critic wrote that Kelly «was wonderful as Pat Nixon.

  18. I stood outside & looked at the lovely wonderful scenery all around.».

  19. Schön was confident of his side’s chance to win: «We have a wonderful team.

  20. This demonstrates one of the most wonderful things about theatre audiences.

  21. He was a wonderful man and will be deeply missed by everybody in the country.

  22. American League President Will Harridge said of Landis, «He was a wonderful man.

  23. Orsborne describes his stay in Wormwood Scrubs prison as «a wonderful experience.

  24. For that reason Misty today is a symbol for all that is wonderful and beautiful ..

  25. She is absolutely wonderful.» Mare of Easttown proved to be a ratings hit for HBO.

  26. This is the wonderful hand of God on high.» Oecolampadius had died on 24 November.

  27. I passed him on his way down though hit in seven places, his courage was wonderful.

  28. But Terra Nova offers a wonderful variety of terrain, mission types, and scenarios».

  29. You are fortunate in having a loving wife by your side and three wonderful children.

  30. Epic Records’ president, Dave Glew, said of the tracks, «It’s wonderful and amazing.

  31. If it only wasn’t for Germany, we should be having such a wonderful time just now.».

  32. He mocked the coverage, saying: «I think for the most part everything was wonderful.

  33. She would give these wonderful, curmudgeonly speeches to which there was no response.

  34. Like the novel from which the plot was taken, Greed is a terrible and wonderful thing.».

  35. Ann Miller portrays Coco, the landlady who welcomes Betty to her wonderful new apartment.

  36. For Gascoigne, it was «a wonderful thing to be associated with the high point in my life.».

  37. It was only when I saw Bill on screen that I realized what a wonderful physical clown he was.».

  38. April 1916 also saw Ball’s first mention in a letter home of plans for «a most wonderful machine ..

  39. Similarly, Mase told Fatima Meer that Mandela had been «a wonderful husband and a wonderful father».

  40. It had been wonderful anyhow to be back, to see England at its greatest, and to visit my old mother.

  41. An earlier riser of more mature age is seen on the right possessing abundant hair and wonderful wings.

  42. Chaplin decided that the concept would «make a wonderful comedy», and paid Welles $5,000 for the idea.

  43. Wisden observed that he had «given yet another exhibition of his wonderful batsmanship on tricky turf ..

  44. It is wonderful to still be alive and it is, I think, merely the after-effect of violent, terrible fear.

  45. MTV called Capaldi a most wonderful person for his act, and concluded that the video was quite endearing.

  46. In late 1809, John Drakard released The life of that wonderful and extraordinary heavy man, the late Danl.

  47. The lake, known as a wonderful spot for largemouth bass, is located within Greenbo Lake State Resort Park.

  48. She assumes you know the basics, and is a writer who offers inspiration, and wonderful, opinionated prose.

  49. Richard and the wonderful June Brown played their final encounter as intensely as the characters deserved.».

  50. Hankerson shared that this will be the end of new music for the late star and added, «I think it’s wonderful.

Wonderfully in a sentence

Wonderfully is a variation of wonderful, below you can find example sentences for wonderfully.

  1. He said «for me, it is a wonderfully poetic text.

  2. My incredulity was at the critics who found the first book wonderfully original.

  3. In Yosemite, her success apparently hinged on midget hands, which fit wonderfully into the infernal thin cracks.

  4. Dan Leno, who is sketched as the galvanic baroness in the wonderfully amusing dance which sets the house in a roar.

  5. The Females are wonderfully beautiful, some fair, some brown; I call them fair, because they are the colour of fair Hair.

  6. For Crowther, «the charm and distinction of this film reside in the wonderfully dry way it spins a deliciously wet tale».

  7. Rudmose Brown wrote: «Considering that we had no mortar and no masons’ tools it is a wonderfully fine house and very lasting.

  8. Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly declared Gyllenhaal’s performance «as wonderfully, naturally slouchy-sexy as her character is artificial».

  9. It was praised as «a tight, gloriously stressful half-hour», «hugely enjoyable», «an intricate, wonderfully well-executed tale», and «terrific fun».

  10. In Trenchard’s opinion, Ball had «a wonderfully well-balanced brain, and his loss to the Flying Corps was the greatest loss it could sustain at that time».

  11. PlayStation Official Magazine called the PlayStation 3 version «simple but wonderfully effective», commenting positively on the game’s uniqueness and sense of wonder.

  12. He noted that one of the last action scenes «is so wonderfully staged, its action crisp and easy to follow, that it reminds you what skill Affleck has with the camera».

  13. RPGFan said «the pieces are beautifully composed, wonderfully played (…) has a stellar soundtrack with music that easily stands alone outside the context of the game.

  14. Robert Hilburn of the Los Angeles Times had a more positive reaction, which he described as a «marvelously designed and wonderfully executed blend of Latin music tradition».

  15. Green upon the flooded Avon shone the after-storm-wet-sky,Quick the struggling withy branches let the leaves of autumn fly,And a star shone over Bristol, wonderfully far and high.

  16. Sunderland won the league championship in the 1891–92 season, one season after joining The Football League, and this performance led The Times to describe the players as «a wonderfully fine team».

Wonderful—a in a sentence

Wonderful—a is a variation of wonderful, below you can find example sentences for wonderful—a.

  1. Following their meeting, Goebbels wrote in his diary that «the duke is wonderful—a nice, sympathetic fellow who is open and clear and with a healthy understanding of people ..

Wonderful—like in a sentence

Wonderful—like is a variation of wonderful, below you can find example sentences for wonderful—like.

  1. Really wonderful—like going to Waterloo and seeing the sunset.

Synonyms for wonderful

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word wonderful has the following synonyms: fantastic, grand, howling, marvelous, marvellous, rattling, terrific, tremendous, wondrous and extraordinary.

General information about «wonderful» example sentences

The example sentences for the word wonderful that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «wonderful» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «wonderful».

wonderful — перевод на русский


Ah, how wonderful.

Как замечательно.

How perfectly wonderful to see you again!

Как замечательно снова вас увидеть!

Oh, it was wonderful.

О, это замечательно.

That’s wonderful!

Это замечательно.

You’re wonderful!

Как замечательно!

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That’s wonderful, Polly.

Это чудесно, Полли.

Living on a farm must be wonderful!

Должно быть, жить на ферме чудесно!

Oh, Lem, it’s wonderful to have a home and a mother and father…

Ах, Лем, как чудесно иметь дом, маму и папу.

See, isn’t it wonderful?

¬идишь? –азве не чудесно?

Wonderfully, thanks to the Baron.

Чудесно, благодарю, барон.

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that was wonderful.

Это было прекрасно.

You can’t imagine how wonderful it is to live for you children

Ты даже представить себе не можешь, как прекрасно жить ради вас, детей

Music all the time. It’s wonderful.

Везде музыка, прекрасно.

Oh, how wonderful our marriage has been.

О, как прекрасно нам было вместе.

It’s wonderful, isn’t it?

Это прекрасно, правда ?

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But it’s wonderful.

Но здесь великолепно.

Bravo, Bravo! Wonderful!

Браво, браво, великолепно!

-Yes, it is wonderful.

— Да, это великолепно.

It’s wonderful!

Это великолепно!

Oh… why, baby, you slept two days, last i know. Oh, i feel wonderful!

все что я знаю крошка, ты проспала два дня я чувствую себя великолепно!

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«How wonderful!


Isn’t that wonderful?

Ну разве не удивительно?

It’s wonderful how you make up your mind so quickly.

Удивительно, как быстро вы решаете.

This is wonderful.


Randy, you are wonderfully wise.

Рэнди, ты удивительно мудрая.

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— Вы здоровые и счастливые, это хорошо, но поверьте мне, не познав смерть, не познаешь и жизнь.

Everything is so wonderful.

Мне так хорошо!

Oh, dear. That’s too wonderful to be true!

Боже, слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой!

This is wonderful.

Как же хорошо!

Not that I didn’t think everything was gonna be wonderful but now I’m positive. Thanks.

Не то чтобы я не думал, что все будет хорошо но сейчас я абсолютно уверен в этом.

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-No, it feels wonderful.

Нет, все отлично.

— I look wonderful. I smell good too. — Father?

— Я отлично выгляжу, и пахну тоже.

It’s wonderful talking to you.

Отлично, что с вами можно говорить об этом.

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My, it must be wonderful to win a lot of money like that.

Как же это должно быть здорово — выиграть вот так кучу денег.

Yes, isn’t that wonderful?

Здорово, да?

It’s wonderful.

Тут здорово!

— Isn’t that wonderful?

Здорово! — Ты посмотри!

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Oh, wonderful!

О, восхитительно.

Oh, but this is wonderful.

Но оно восхитительно.

It’s wonderful.

Это восхитительно.





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Oh, Steven, it looks wonderful.

О, Стивен, выглядит изумительно.

— .05882352941. Wonderful.


Why, Temple, how wonderfully thoughtful of you.

Темпл, как это изумительно с твоей стороны.

It’s wonderful.


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Similar words: Wonderful Endeavor, Won Best Screenplay For, Wonderful Help, Wont Do Any Good, Wondrous Ability, Won Contract, Wonda, Won’t You, Won The Best, Won The Gold Prize, Wonderful Respect, Won Critical Acclaim, Wonderful Stroke Of Luck, Won Numerous Award, Wonderful Opposite, Wonderful Timing, Wonderful, Wonderful Colleagues, Won A Fellowship, Wont Work

Examples of how to use the word “wonderful” in a sentence. How to connect “wonderful” with other words to make correct English sentences.

wonderful (adj): extremely good

Use “wonderful” in a sentence

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


  • Use the word Wonderful in a sentences

Sentence Examples

No complains undarkens the wonderful harmony of my soul

This must be distinctly understood or nothing wonderful can come of the story I’m going to relate.

I have this wonderful idea.

Elder Price seems like a wonderful boy, Arnold!

Here’s the doctor, he has AIDS ÔÇô Here’s my daughter she has A wonderful disposition!

And it was the most… wonderful, most magical place I’d ever seen.

I just want to take a second to say how wonderful it is that you all turned out to support my brother.

A wonderful bird is the pelican.

A wonderful nerd is the Ronny.

Maybe you need to tell her that you are a… wonderful, talented, smart black man that forgives her.

Attack, profits sons, heroes from wonderful Bosnia!

Oh, wonderful land of dreams …»

«I had the most wonderful sleep last night.

We will reward you for this wonderful victory.

How wonderful Provence must be!

«Read what the critics say… wonderful

You possessed all that is most wonderful, but you lost it!

On that island an artificial grotto makes wonderful rooms accessible,

In my whole life this woman was the only great, the only wonderful thing.

All write about the sky of your work is the most wonderful thing that you have ever painted

How long I’ve waited for this wonderful moment.

I didn’t know it is such a wonderful game!

I no longer feel lonely now that I have Peter… who seems to think that I am the most wonderful woman in the world.

Livia is not crazy, she’s a wonderful person. — A wonderful person… — You screwed up by leaving her.

Isn’t it wonderful how the parrots always talk to your Grandma?

«All things in heaven and on Earth are wonderful! But the greatest wonder is man’s freedom to choose between good and evil!»

In wonderful style, Vigo determines the winner.

Somewhat prematurely, Mignon Rose’s friends congratulated her for having gotten such a wonderful role.

You have a wonderful wife, who can assert her beauty only in a city.

Show me more of that wonderful dancing!

«Mamoutcha, you are wonderful

«You’re having a wonderful wedding.

«You’re wonderful, Ginger…

«Gee, I had a wonderful time!»

A wonderful fox for sale in the marketplace…

No? But I remember she was wonderful.

It must be wonderful to sail all over the world that way.

It would be wonderful if she would.

Gee, that was wonderful of you, Queenie.

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