Make sentences with the word unusual

Sentences with the word Unusual?



  • «This new washer carries a two year guarantee»; «The loan carries a high interest rate»; «this undertaking carries many dangers»; «She carries her mother’s genes»; «These bonds carry warrants»; «The restaurant carries an unusual name»
  • «it should arrive any day now»; «after that day she never trusted him again»; «those were the days»; «these days it is not unusual«
  • «a man of unusual decisiveness»
  • «he paid especial attention to her»; «exceptional kindness»; «a matter of particular and unusual importance»; «a special occasion»; «a special reason to confide in her»; «what’s so special about the year 2000?»
  • «an unusual floral design»
  • «her hair-coloring was unusual: a very pale gold»
  • «her longevity as a star»; «had unusual longevity in the company»
  • «lightning produced an unusual union of the metals»
  • «a scene of unusual beauty»; «a man of unusual ability»; «cruel and unusual punishment»; «an unusual meteorite»
  • «two-career families are no longer unusual«

The officer remembered me but had not noticed anything unusual in

Here are a few jokes from the west where it is not unusual to cut jokes around religious leaders and mythological figures

«I don’t know it to be unusual

The crime occurred less than 10 hours ago so it was unusual that things should have been wrapped up so quickly

«Sure, I’m alive all right but what’s this about, where is everyone? Was that date right? 2423?» Ava’s gathering room was empty, but that was not unusual in and of itself unless she was having a party, then there would be a table of food set up in the middle of it

It means that his life and his works were supernaturally unusual in God’s

“Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even

actress in a horror film go forth to see what it is that makes such an unusual noise,

Most of the day staff passed Ted ‘Bugle Boy’ Williams, on their way into the building and noticed nothing unusual

Her stories are structured in a very unusual way: I have written down in a separate notebook memories, fantasies, as well as dreams of mine and I have classified them in certain categories: Start of story – Main events – Secondary events – Cosmic truths – Fights – Dialogues – Space and time – End of story

Menachem raised one eye-brow, grinned back at me, and then set about his own breakfast with unusual relish

It had some unusual ingredients in it

It was she who discovered your unusual resistance to Earth’s effects

‘You were put through some intensive training, Lintze, and that, coming on top of your unusual life, may have caused some memory loss

‘Yes, I know, but I am told that I have unusual resistance to the effect

“A helicopter, looking for the unusual” said Joe

“And in this area, only you are unusual” said Fred

‘You are a most unusual woman

Pin pricks of light glittered in the growing darkness, unusual clusters that had me confused until I twigged they were not stars at all but lights from mountain houses

“Jake informed me of this turn of events, it is most unusual

Not unusual since Desa wouldn’t have known either til she got on it

Daniel stepped forward with Kate and bowed to Wolf, “Daniel, rider of Queenie; she was from California wasn’t she? You speak the dialect of the surfer crowd, very unusual

She doesn’t seem to feel any of this is unusual so I assume they get lots of people here who need help … but that cannot be, surely?

‘I didn’t expect to see that stone – a most unusual cut

Just be prepared for some very unusual dragons, they talk a lot

During cleaning it became clear that at some time in the distant past part of the church had been a temple dedicated to Pallas Athena and although it was not unusual for the locals to mix their beliefs, the church authorities were rather embarrassed and the work came to a standstill until it could be determined who would provide funds for the work to continue

Friday takes its usual hectic course; I get home before the kids, which is unusual, but within ten minutes they arrive home (the bus, it would appear was held up en route) and I outline what’s been arranged

He was, however, intrigued by the competition’s rules, which stated that to win the competition you had to produce a most unusual and new flower

There’s nothing unusual about vultures scouring the land for prey

a very unusual dream

was something very unusual happening to me

“During the winter it is not unusual for the Inns to be snowed in for several months,” he explained

at all unusual to you, recommend to them that they

It’s not unusual to find several trapped emotions

I don’t usually remember my dreams so this one is doubly unusual

He had been exhibiting unusual

” The tech turned some dials, “this is very unusual sir, there does not appear to be an engine on the third ship

Focus To give an unusual amount of attention to a particular thing

a specific training that was very unusual

It is not unusual for a child to develop trapped

is very unusual for a horse, but Newt has some

win the competition you had to produce a most unusual and new

albeit one of an unusual colour

“This is unusual

say exactly what was unusual about them

“Is it unusual for her to leave someone locked in there?” Ava asked

Tom’s view, and the one he found most unusual by comparison with

Petr felt his skin relax as that unusual

that, when anything unusual was reported, the Guardians should enter

was nothing unusual in their backgrounds

Also a bit unusual was their frequenting of the haberdashery across the street from the hardware store

kind that anything unusual was happening and, more worryingly, no

felt sure that something unusual was going on, but he had not told her

duty, and asked if there was anything unusual going on

say, unusual private speculations that you might have

We stare at the view in friendly silence for a few minutes, content to be sitting doing nothing – an unusual occurrence for both of us

We stare at the view in silence for a few minutes, content to be sitting doing nothing – an unusual occurrence for both of us

There was no one on any committee in that area who had gained anything unusual during that time

unusual appearance – exceptionally red hair and clubbed

The girls had run ahead, and were already telling of their unusual weekend, when Emma entered the back door

It was even more unusual that he would know enough about it to use it metaphorically

Kaitlyn explained their unusual wardrobe

“You noticed that what they thought unusual was that I was camped here when I could have been in town, ‘upstairs’ was the word I heard

land was allodial, or freehold, not unusual for the area but

She had that unusual

players were being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment, and their sons who

» She agreed, and then suddenly remembering the unusual things that had happen there, she added

but it was nothing unusual for that time of the day

To me having to wear a suit and tie violates one of our constitutional amendments against cruel and unusual punishment to high school students

As an Angel she was unusual for being a child, a child smarter than they, even in silicon

In my life the unusual and bad happened as you can tell from many pages in this book

This smal island is most unusual, with a lot of Swedish influence

«Nothing unusual in that, ten thousand guys a year probably follow girls to Zhlindu

Desa at least wasn’t an unusual name, it turned up now and then in the sea of names that filled the production sign-outs

«Yes, I think you’ll have to admit that the person or persons who contacted you on this case were most unusual

Now we have two conflicting interests coming to us on this case, that in itself is not terribly unusual

the characters was unusual, and Jean had never before

A few years ago, while reading various articles on the subject of the Universe, I was astounded to learn that a number of prominent physicists were talking freely of some of their most unusual theories about the reality of universe

“No, it’s just unusual

The phenom-enon yielded a hazy half-light that gave him unusual chills

Unusual, because men and women rarely ate together, even when it wasn’t a question of slave and master

Yes, I was born a city boy, but my circumstances were rather unusual I’ve come to learn since I was simultaneously brought up as a country boy

But since coming to Skyrim, she muttered to herself about the unusual frequency with which she seemed to encounter such strangeness in that land

This would be called » cruel and unusual punishment»

The hermit looked up because it was unusual for Nerissa to make a sound

They do not always send more money abroad than usual, but they buy upon credit, both at home and abroad, an unusual quantity of goods, which they send to some distant market, in hopes that the returns will come in before the demand for payment

Zarko couldn’t believe his ears! All this just because he told the king some dream and its supposed interpretation? And this for a foreigner – even more unusual

She surprised both of them with this unusual display,

It wasn’t the hour when she usually came to Polis, and she’d never brought the two young slaves before, but no one seemed to think her presence unusual

It was rather unusual, he had explained, but it was according to the Hebrew culture

Has there been any chatter, anything unusual about the Empire or the Legion that’s found your ears?”

“It’s an extremely unusual species of ivy,” the Professor said as he snipped a portion of partially-desiccated leaf between his thumb and forefinger then stood up and held it up towards the light

Studies of individuals who report an above-average incidence of flow experiences indicate that these people have an unusual ability to control and concentrate their attention

There was nothing particularly unusual about it, but it nevertheless compelled her attention

of unusual anomalies in the human genome

There was nothing unusual about this

There is nothing unusual in this sort of happening

It flowed north, which in itself was unusual for rivers

Though not visible to the naked eye, this could be validated by the occurrence of certain unusual events

I also have information that he is escaping in a most unusual way

Examples of how to use the word “unusual” in a sentence. How to connect “unusual” with other words to make correct English sentences.

unusual (adj): different from others of the same type in a way that is surprising, interesting, or attractive

Use “unusual” in a sentence

The photo was taken from an unusual angle.
This dish has an unusual flavor.
I heard an unusual noise.
This is an unusual situation.
I didn’t see anything unusual.

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Synonym: different, novel, odd, queer, rare, uncommon, unique. Antonym: usual. Similar words: as usual, casual, visual, casualty, in use, bonus, persuade, actual. Meaning: [ʌnˈjuːʒʊəl]  adj. 1. not usual or common or ordinary 2. being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird 3. not commonly encountered. 

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1. The flavours intermingle to produce a very unusual taste.

2. This bird is an unusual winter visitor to Britain.

3. It is unusual for him to come punctually.

4. They were punished with unusual rigour.

5. This cake has an unusual flavor.

6. She gave me an unusual gift.

7. Something unusual is about to happen.

8. Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition.

9. He observed well on her unusual appearance.

10. What an unusual combination of flavours!

11. It’s unusual for Dave to be late.

12. Hess has an unusual philosophy of life.

13. Did you eat something unusual?

14. This egg has an unusual flavor.

15. She is unusual to the point of eccentricity.

16. It was considered unusual for a gentleman’s son to study medicine.

17. A notable feature of the church is its unusual bell tower.

18. This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures.

19. If you experience any unusual symptoms after withdrawal of the treatment then contact your doctor.

20. Ordinary working with unusual attitude to complete, simple questions to use a comprehensive thinking to decision, the matter will look at the way[],[] distant ideal rely on real efforts to achieve.

21. They have replanted many areas with rare and unusual plants.

22. The arrival of a taxi was unusual enough; an unknown woman getting out of it was sensational.

23. It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen.

24. There has been some unusual variance in temperature this month.

25. It was an unusual day for summer, damp and chilly.

26. I received a most unusual present from my aunt.

27. Some unusual phenomena are chasing through my mind.

28. She had on some very unusual earrings.

29. Her gaze sharpened, as if she had seen something unusual.

30. There was something, dare I say it, a little unusual about him.

More similar words: as usual, casual, visual, casualty, in use, bonus, persuade, actual, manual, mutual, sexual, annual, ritual, sexually, annually, virtual, actually, qualify, gradually, virtually, sexuality, eventually, mutualism. 

unusual — перевод на русский


That was so unusual that I really got afraid of that I had became insane.

¬се это было настолько необычно, что € серьезно испугалс€, что тер€ю рассудок.

«It would be very unusual … but in the interest of justice, let him.»

«Это достаточно необычно… но в интересах данного дела я разрешаю это.»

It is rather unusual, isn’t it?

Немного необычно, правда?

— But isn’t this most unusual, my boy?

Весьма необычно. Не так ли?

— I’m sorry, but it is, sir, most unusual.

Именно так, сэр. Крайне необычно.

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Is it not unusual?

Разве не странно?

Isn’t that a little unusual on a cargo ship?

Разве это не странно на грузовом кораблем?

I just think it’s a little unusual.

Мне кажется, это странно.

Unusual of you, Mr. Neville… to profess to an ignorance of a subject which before… you would be anxious to have us believe was an essential… prerequisite to an artist’s vocabulary.

Странно, что вы, мистер Нэвилл, признаетесь в незнании предмета, который раньше — уж вы постарались бы нас в этом уверить — составлял неотъемлемую часть лексикона художника.

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The first professional film by Josef von Sternberg was unusually bold both subject matter and technical skill. It framed the style of all gangster films to come.

Первый профессиональный фильм Джозефа фон Штернберга в момент выхода на экраны казался необычайно смелым по тематике и стилистике.

I’d heard that the jaguars there were unusually cunning.

Слышал, что ягуары там необычайно хитры.

Unusual to have it warm enough to go without your coat.

Необычайно тепло — можно не брать с собой пальто.

He hath been in unusual pleasure, and sent forth great largess to your offices.

Он необычайно Был радостен и щедро наградил Всех ваших слуг.

Unusually heavy, though.

Необычайно тяжелый.

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If you’re drunk, it’s best to steer clear of the sergeant… though it’s unusual for him to be out at this hour.

Лучше всего держаться подальше от Маречьялло,.. …хотя обычно он не ходит по улицам в столь поздний час.

Well, this one time was a little unusual, Ma.

Мама, сегодня всё было не совсем обычно…

It’s unusual. We’re famous for our cool breezes.

Слишком жарко, обычно дует прохладный бриз.

It’s unusual.

Это не обычно.

It’s just unusual.

Просто это не обычно…

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During the second half of the show, did you notice anything unusual?

Нет,это невозможно. Во время второго отделения Вы никого не встретили? Ничего особенного не заметили?

It’s not so unusual anymore.

Ничего особенного.

I didn’t say anything unusual.

Я не сказал ничего особенного.

I didn’t smell anything unusual.

Я ничего особенного не ощущаю.

Nothing unusual.

Ничего особенного.

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There’s an unusually high amount of EM interference in the planet’s magnetosphere.

Там необыкновенно высокая ЭМ интерференция в магнитосфере планеты.

Its core contains unusually high concentrations of silithium.

Её ядро содержит необыкновенно высокие концентрации силитиума.

The Force is unusually strong with him.

В нем необыкновенно великая Сила.

Your blood tested high for an antibody that only appears in people with an unusually high number of sexual partners.

Ваша кровь показала большое количество антител, что бывает только у людей с необыкновенно большим количеством сексуальных партнеров.

It was unusually exciting, being present at the birth of something like that that looks like a ‘bump’ in the nerve in the cultural

Необыкновенно волнующе было присутствовать при рождении чего-то подобного. Чего-то, что, кажется, только что проникло в культурную среду.

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Obsessive behavior is not unusual.

Навязчивые состояния — не редкость.

It’s unusual.

Это редкость.

Which is lot more unusual.

А это большая редкость.

the technique of using the combined processing power of networked computers in the form of grid for data analysis is nothing unusual.

подключённых здесь к сети. Использование их производительности для анализа данных не такая уж и редкость.

The memory loss is not unusual and it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Потеря памяти — это не редкость, и это необязательно плохо. Вы себя защищаете.

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Now isn’t that unusual.

Ничего удивительного.

That’s not unusual.

— Ничего удивительного.

It’s not unusual.

Ничего удивительного.

That’s not that unusual, Bob.

Ничего удивительного.

Well, I often took guests into my laboratory. It wasn’t unusual.

— Я часто вожу гостей, ничего удивительного.

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Well, this is rather unusual, sir, but how do you do?

Это довольно неожиданно, сэр, как вы поживаете?

It’s rather unusual. First novels are generally formed on experience.

Довольно неожиданно — первый роман, основанный на личном опыте.

You seem unusually poetic for a businessman.

Вы неожиданно поэтичны для бизнесмена.

That makes it unusual for a piece of writing(!

Как неожиданно для записей.

Quite unusually, the Baron, whose family had not yet come back, didn’t attend the service

Совершенно неожиданно барон, чья семья ещё не вернулась обратно, не пришёл на церковную службу.

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My blood group is very unusual.

У меня очень редкая группа крови. Смотрите!

What an unusual nostalgia for a professor’s house, don’t you think?

Редкая тоска в профессорском-то доме, не находишь?

That’s an unusual tactic for a guard dog, but it’s effective.

Редкая тактика для сторожевой собаки, но вполне эффективная.

Bonasera: That’s an unusual blood type.

Редкая группа.

Despite the rather unfortunate shape this it’s in, this is actually a very unusual piece.

Несмотря на довольно неудачную форму, это довольно редкая вещица.

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