Make sentences with the word strange

I had this strange dream.
Я видел этот странный сон.

You wouldn’t be on a date with a strange woman.
И не пошел бы на свидание с незнакомой иранкой.

He knew the ins and outs of strange and exotic adventure, backwards and forwards.
Он знает все необыкновенные и экзотические маршруты от А до Я, вдоль и поперек.

We chose him in Koshevoy, so was very strange Cossack.
Выбрали бы его в кошевые, да был совсем чудной казак.

Maybe we’re strange attractors.
Возможно мы странным образом притягиваемся друг к другу.

The city, which looked different and strange, impressed me by its ability to change.
Город, выглядевший необычным и незнакомым, удивил меня своей способностью к переменам.

He’s a strange person.
Он странный человек.

I imagine strange women traipsing through the property isn’t a completely unusual occurrence.
Могу вообразить, что незнакомые женщины, бродящие по территории, не являются чем-то необычным.

The Strange Death of Solidarity
Странная смерть Солидарности

And then one day, you’ll be in the showers and a big, strange man.
А там, в один прекрасный день, когда вы будете в душевой и незнакомый здоровяк.

My explanation may sound strange.
Моё объяснение может показаться странным.

«It conjures up images of, you know, strange men in white coats,» said one woman.
«Это вызывает такой образ, как, скажем, незнакомые мужчины в специальных белых халатах — как в психбольницах», — сказала одна из женщин.

Tom died in strange circumstances.
Том умер при странных обстоятельствах.

Sasha adjusted nicely to the strange new environment, her determination and boldness serving her well.
Саша прекрасно приспособилась к новой и поначалу незнакомой среде, в чем ей помогли такие черты характера как смелость и решительность.

“This is strange,” Putin said.
«Странно», — сказал Путин.

I go onto Twitter, there are all these strange words that I’ve never heard before:
Я захожу на Твиттер, там повсюду эти незнакомые слова, которых я раньше никогда не слышал:

She’s simply too strange.
Слишком странная.

In bygone days when someone found himself in a strange city, he felt lost and lonely.
В былые времена, когда человек попадал в незнакомый город, он чувствовал себя одиноким и потерянным.

It’s very strange, signora.
Странно выходит, синьора.

Carry that stress too long, and it’s easy to start missing details, like a strange pair of shoes under the crack of your door.
Продлись напряжение чуть дольше, и легко начинаешь упускать детали, например, незнакомую пару ботинок в щели под твоей дверью.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word strange, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use strange in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «strange».

Strange in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word strange in a sentence.

  1. So it was a strange mixture ..

  2. Tents sprang up like strange plants.

  3. And then these two strange ideas came up.

  4. And then, suddenly, something strange happens.

  5. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with.

  6. My major problem at this moment is a strange kind of guilt.

  7. Harris described Thomson’s strange working hours years later:.

  8. From Guildford comes a strange but well-attested Piece of News.

  9. One night found everyone staring at a strange light in the sky.

  10. Then Cecile meets a strange man, the museum curator Van Britten.

  11. It just took this strange beginning to cause it to be what it is.

  12. It is not strange to find the sacred and the profane intertwined.

  13. Even the great Pierrepoint developed some strange ideas in the end.

  14. Azar believes these concepts might explain these strange occurrences.

  15. I found myself in this strange position, trying to make it less violent.

  16. It seemed altogether too strange a creature, and many believed it a myth.

  17. Experts occasionally do strange things and this was one of the strangest.

  18. It was once suspected to be a strange star, but this has been discounted.

  19. That seemed strange to me, as though white sex was cleaner than black sex.

  20. The telegram ended with a strange line «Tell Cockcroft and Maud Ray Kent».

  21. The telegram ended with a strange line: «Tell Cockcroft and Maud Ray Kent».

  22. We were making good speed through strange waters with islands all around us.

  23. Surely this is strange, seeing that but for India there would be no Empire.».

  24. I was only an actor reciting my lines.» «How strange,» the colleague replied.

  25. Colonists believed that witches could be identified by their strange behavior.

  26. Bobby uses cookies with strange ingredients to trick Arnie into a peace treaty.

  27. After an earthquake, Ichigo and four other girls are bathed in a strange light.

  28. Media outlets found the pairing of Spelling and Frost for the production strange.

  29. Bondfield later described her first months in government as «a strange adventure».

  30. He was a strange actor because you’d look at him during a scene and you’d think ..

  31. Tommy responds, saying they will return and noting that Rebecca is acting strange.

  32. This stuff is so beautiful, and so strange, and I want to do something like that.».

  33. Editor Lee Hewitt commented in the Numismatic Scrapbook, «it seems strange that Mr.

  34. But this act is divinely beautiful, and what is so strange is that [its] beauties ..

  35. I thus had the strange experience of talking to my own people through an interpreter.».

  36. It is a novel of both power (Macunaíma has all kinds of strange powers) and alienation.

  37. Maslin called it a strange but well-cast film representing multiple Hollywood generations.

  38. On one occasion, she looked at her husband and stated, «Politics makes strange bedfellows».

  39. There are six types, known as flavors, of quarks: up, down, charm, strange, top, and bottom.

  40. Lynx boasts of his victory and banishes Serge to a strange realm called the Temporal Vortex.

  41. Both sexes sometimes boom or grunt during threat displays or on encountering strange objects.

  42. She later commented that some of the varieties of Chinese sounded «as strange to me as Gaelic.

  43. Meanwhile, Professor Ojo placed a strange hovering eye over Star City, the home of Green Arrow.

  44. Throughout «A Fish Called Selma,» it is hinted that McClure engages in strange sexual behavior.

  45. While the Tower may have been «the only possible place», in some respects it was a strange choice.

  46. Our colonies include parts of the earth where the forms of plants and animals are the most strange.

  47. Josh Weinstein described the fish fetish concept as «so perverted and strange, it was over the top.».

  48. This hints to the audience that the episode’s musical format is strange to the actors and characters.

  49. Kim notices a rash on his face after having strange dreams, and The Doctor cannot identify its cause.

  50. It was while Kent was away at a wedding in the country that the first reports of strange noises began.

Synonyms for strange

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word strange has the following synonyms: foreign, adventive, alien, exotic, nonnative, established, naturalized, foreign-born, imported, tramontane, unnaturalized, unnaturalised, unknown, unfamiliar, unusual, antic, fantastic, fantastical, grotesque, crazy, curious, funny, odd, peculiar, queer, rum, rummy, singular, eerie, eery, freaky, gothic, oddish, other, quaint and weird.

General information about «strange» example sentences

The example sentences for the word strange that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «strange» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «strange».

Sentences with the word Strange?



  • «at first he didn’t notice anything strange«
  • «His voice took on a sad tone»; «The story took a new turn»; «he adopted an air of superiority»; «She assumed strange manners»; «The gods assume human or animal form in these fables»
  • «He associates with strange people»; «She affiliates with her colleagues»
  • «her personality held a strange attraction for him»
  • «The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas»; «When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out»
  • «the pungency of mustard»; «the sulfurous bite of garlic»; «the sharpness of strange spices»; «the raciness of the wine»
  • «gloomy at the thought of what he had to face»; «gloomy predictions»; «a gloomy silence»; «took a grim view of the economy»; «the darkening mood»; «lonely and blue in a strange city»; «depressed by the loss of his job»; «a dispirited and resigned expression on her face»; «downcast after his defeat»; «feeling discouraged and downhearted»
  • «a real character»; «a strange character»; «a friendly eccentric»; «the capable type»; «a mental case»
  • «a causeless miracle»; «fortuitous encounters—strange accidents of fortune»; «we cannot regard artistic invention as…uncaused and unrelated to the times»
  • «concoct a strange mixture»
  • «Her strange behavior condemned her»
  • «it was a strange dragging approach»; «years of dragging war»
  • «She claims to never dream»; «He dreamt a strange scene»
  • «strange notions inhabited her mind»
  • «She let out a big heavy sigh»; «He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand»
  • «fall into a trap»; «She fell ill»; «They fell out of favor»; «Fall in love»; «fall asleep»; «fall prey to an imposter»; «fall into a strange way of thinking»; «she fell to pieces after she lost her work»
  • «Light fell on her face»; «The sun shone on the fields»; «The light struck the golden necklace»; «A strange sound struck my ears»
  • «he had a queasy feeling»; «I had a strange feeling in my leg»; «he lost all feeling in his arm»
  • «a metallic compound»; «metallic luster»; «the strange metallic note of the meadow lark, suggesting the clash of vibrant blades»- Ambrose Bierce
  • «a strange, other dimension…where his powers seemed to fail»- Lance Morrow
  • «she was a surpassingly beautiful woman»; «I will mention only one particular aspect of the current mess because … this one is surely something new and passing strange«—Walker Percy
  • «a strange personage appeared at the door»
  • «She read the sky and predicted rain»; «I can’t read his strange behavior»; «The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal ball»
  • «strange fancies of unreal and shadowy worlds»- W.A.Butler; «dim shadowy forms»; «a wraithlike column of smoke»
  • «These words mean nothing to me!»; «What does his strange behavior signify?»
  • «the baby talks already»; «the prisoner won’t speak»; «they speak a strange dialect»
  • «used many strange words»; «saw many strange faces in the crowd»; «don’t let anyone unknown into the house»
  • «a strange exaltation that was indefinable»; «a strange fantastical mind»; «what a strange sense of humor she has»
  • «telegraphic economy of words»; «the strange telegraphic speech of some aphasics»
  • «The chemical undergoes a sudden change»; «The fluid undergoes shear»; «undergo a strange sensation»

Examples of how to use the word “strange” in a sentence. How to connect “strange” with other words to make correct English sentences.

strange (adj): unusual and unexpected, or difficult to understand

Use “strange” in a sentence

He looked at me with a strange expression.
We saw a strange object in the sky.
He is a very strange person.
I didn’t see anything strange.
Don’t you think that’s strange?
He told such a strange story that nobody believed it.

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strange — перевод на русский


Won’t it be very strange?

Это ведь будет странно?

— Is that so strange?»

— Разве это не странно?»

– It was strange

– Вот это странно

It is quite strange!

Это довольно странно!

It is very strange to find this man alone in the desert

И всё-таки это странно: человек один, в пустыне…

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Two weeks later a stranger arrives.

Спустя две недели прибывает незнакомец.

«Stay with us, handsome stranger»

«Оставайся с нами, прекрасный незнакомец!»

The stranger did it.

Его убил незнакомец!

Save your money, stranger.

Не трать деньги, незнакомец.

You hear that, stranger?

Ты слышишь, незнакомец?

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But she found its strange force irresistible.

Но она была не в силах противостоять неведомой чужой воле.

Right now I’m like a stranger.

Сейчас я, как чужой.

You aren’t her brother. Or a mere stranger.

Вы не её брат, но и не чужой.

This might be Ashley… and only strangers here to comfort him.

Ведь это мог быть Эшли и кто-то чужой ухаживал бы за ним.

After all, she’s in a strange country.

В конце концов, она в чужой стране.

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We saw the strangers, the two of them, do this thing.

Мы видели, как это делали двое чужаков.

We are to kill the strangers.

Мы должны убить чужаков.

Have you seen any strangers among the villagers?

Ты видел в деревне чужаков?

If we give you the strangers, will you leave us in peace?

Если мы отдадим вам чужаков, вы оставите нас в покое?

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We walk in comparative strangers, we walk out comparative friends.

Туда приходят незнакомыми, а выходят друзьями на век.

No, I don’t work with strangers.

Нет, с незнакомыми не работаю.

You didn’t talk to any strangers?

Вы не разговаривали с незнакомыми?

I don’t want you having to do with strangers.

Я не хочу, чтобы вы общались с незнакомыми.

I mostly looked, some of the words were strange.

В основном смотрел, некоторые слова были незнакомыми.

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The eyes — they’re very strange.

У вас очень необычные глаза.

strange offenses committed by seemingly normal people… all of them searching for an answer.

Необычные правонарушения нормальных, с виду, людей, ищущих ответы на вопросы.

Strange talk for a poet.

Необычные речи для поэта.

What a strange smell is in here.

Какой необычный запах.

It’ll be a most strange and extraordinary baby, won’t it?

Самый удивительный и необычный ребенок.

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— He’s being very strange.

Он какой-то странный.

It tastes strange!

Вкус какой-то странный!

The chief’s acting strange.

— Комиссар сегодня какой-то странный.

You know what, Massa seemed strange.

А знаешь, Масса какой-то странный.

I don’t deny, that there’s a strange evolutionary process going on, but mankind won’t be destroyed.

Я не отрицаю, что идет какой-то странный еволюционный процесс, но человечество не будет уничтожено.

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Julia Farren a stranger?

Джулия Фаррен — незнакомка?

Mysterious and beautiful stranger.

Таинственная и прекрасная незнакомка.

Oh, I see a stranger coming into your life, a woman of mystery.

Я вижу, что в вашей жизни появится незнакомка, таинственная женщина.

«Dear beautiful stranger, I’m hungry.

«Милая прекрасная незнакомка, я голоден.

Almost a stranger to you.

Почти незнакомка для вас.

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Have you seen any strangers this morning?

— 3дравствуйте. Незнакомых людей утром видели?

I don’t take in strangers unless they’re sent here by somebody I know.

Что закончится? Я не беру на постой незнакомых людей.

He’ll be frightened of strangers.

он наверняка плохо отреагирует на незнакомых людей.

He doesn’t want to see strangers.

Он не любит незнакомых людей.

Only saps risk their lives for strangers.

Они дураки потому, что они рисковали своими жизнями ради незнакомых людей.

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‘A search combing black markets and the civilian masses ‘for some lead to the underground ‘to find a man among strangers and enemies ‘that were always present but unseen.’

Прочесывали черный рынок и массу гражданских лиц, чтобы найти ниточку, ведущую в нацистское подполье, найти человека среди посторонних и врагов, которые незримо были где-то рядом.

And here we are, like two strangers

И вот к чему мы пришли. Мы как двое посторонних.

That, before strangers, he should not know a word of English.

Что, при посторонних, он не говорит по-английски.

Don’t let any strangers come on it.

Не пускай сюда посторонних.

No. No strangers.

Никаких посторонних.

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