Make sentences with the word rude

Sentences with the word Rude?



  • «He insulted her with his rude remarks»; «the student who had betrayed his classmate was dissed by everyone»
  • «blunt talking and straight shooting»; «a blunt New England farmer»; «I gave them my candid opinion»; «forthright criticism»; «a forthright approach to the problem»; «tell me what you think—and you may just as well be frank»; «it is possible to be outspoken without being rude«; «plainspoken and to the point»; «a point-blank accusation»
  • «a crisp retort»; «a response so curt as to be almost rude«; «the laconic reply; `yes'»; «short and terse and easy to understand»
  • «the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man»; «primitive movies of the 1890s»; «primitive living conditions in the Appalachian mountains»
  • «he grumbled a rude response»; «Stones grumbled down the cliff»
  • «natural yogurt»; «natural produce»; «raw wool»; «raw sugar»; «bales of rude cotton»
  • «they were unnecessarily rude«

rude — перевод на русский


Even if it’s not, I don’t pity someone who rudely returned the note I sent.

— Даже если это не так я не жалею того, кто грубо вернул моё послание.

She was rude to that young man.

Она поступила грубо с молодым человеком.

Really rude.

Действительно, грубо.

Why are you so rude?

А зачем так грубо.

As Miss Golightly was saying before she was so rudely interrupted.

О чем говорила мисс Голайтли перед тем, как ее грубо прервали…

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Where have you been since your rude exit from the Whitsons’?

Где ты была после того, как так невежливо ушла от Уитсонов?

I think that’s very rude.

Это очень невежливо.

Don’t be rude! He’s waiting.

Это невежливо, нас ждут.

Well, it seems rude not to go down and check him out.

Ну, как-то невежливо будет, если мы на него не посмотрим.

Because it’s rude otherwise.

Потому что иначе невежливо.

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Don’t be rude to your father now.

Перестань грубить отцу, сейчас же.

Since I graduated, I feel like I have to always be rude. Do you understand?

С тех пор, как я закончил учебу, мне постоянно хочется всем грубить, понимаешь?

— Don’t be rude!

— Не надо грубить!

We can’t be rude to him.

Грубить ему нельзя.

Because you always get rude when you’re trying to cover up a mistake.

Потому что ты всегда начинаешь грубить, когда пытаешься скрыть ошибку.

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Please don’t think me rude.

Пожалуйста, не сочтите это за грубость.

There’s no reason for you to be rude, too.

Грубость твоего брата — не повод быть такой же.

I struck him because he was rude.

Я врезал ему за его грубость.

He would consider that rude.

Он объяснит такую грубость.

I’m sorry, I’m being rude.

Прошу простить меня за мою грубость.

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Look, I don’t mean to be rude or impatient-

Послушайте, не хочу показаться грубым или нетерпеливым,

I don’t want to be rude, but I’ve got a date at 2.

Не хочу показаться грубым, но у меня в 2 часа встреча.

I didn’t mean to be rude, girls.

Не хотел показаться грубым, девушки.

I don’t mean to be rude, but this is not as easy as it looks.

Слушайте, я не хочу показаться грубым, но это не так просто, как кажется.

Now, at the risk of being rude…

Не хочу показаться грубым…

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— How rude of you.

— Вот грубиян.

He’s so rude.

Такой грубиян…

You’re so rude!

Ты такой грубиян!

Stupid and rude!

Грубиян. Чурбан неотесанный.

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You are rude and uncouth and… I am leaving now.

Вы невоспитанный бесцеремонный грубиян и я сейчас покидаю Вас.

Don’t he so rude!

Какой невоспитанный!

He’s rude.

Какой невоспитанный.

At least he’s not a horrible, rude bastard!

Он хотя бы не грубиян невоспитанный!

He’s a very rude man, okay?

Он очень невоспитанный человек.

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Sir Guy accepted our invitation. We’d be rude not to accept his.

Сэр Гай принял наше приглашение, было бы неприлично, не принять его.

Joan, please, don’t be rude.

Джоан, пожалуйста. Это неприлично.

— You must come, it’d be rude.

— Ты должна, было бы неприлично…

How rude it is of you ,Henri, that you don’t want to recall me.

Как это неприлично с твоей стороны, Рири, что ты никак не хочешь меня вспомнить.

It’s very rude to stare!

Неприлично так пялиться!

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But I was purposely rude and sent him away.

Но я нарочно нагрубила ему и прогнала.

She was very rude to me, as a matter of fact.

Она нагрубила мне, знаешь ли.

Some nurse came by after about 15 minutes and she was rude.

Какая-то медсестра подошла минут через 15-ть и нагрубила мне.

Hey, Ems, this girl is being rude to Char and Shall…

Эй, эта девчонка нагрубила Чел и Шел.

Malcolm says you were rude to him.

Малколм сказал, ты нагрубила ему.

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Little rude.

Немного грубовато.

That was kind of rude.

Грубовато это было.

That’s a little rude.


It’s just a little rude.

Это немного грубовато.

That was rude to me.

Это было грубовато.

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How to use in-sentence of “rude”:

– After the first block every time a person is rude I would block him with no warning.

– I feel that I have always been WP:CIVIL and can’t remember a time I’ve been rude to someone and would feel quite ashamed if I have been.

– Stunned by this, Mahree sees how rude she’s been, and agrees to stay and try to make this work.

– Dinos were used for mixing water and wine, as it was considered rude to drink straight out of the goblet, at the time.

– Dexter has made a Rude Removal machine to remove the rudeness from Dee Dee.

rude example in sentences

rude example in sentences

– Hendrix later told the reporters that he was thrown out for being rude to a teacher.

– I hope there is nothing ambiguous or rude there.

– It is considered rude to enter the tub without first washing, as shown by Satsuki before she enters the tub with her father and Mei.

– They called Michelangelo “the painter of rude bits”.

– They got into the machine and made rude and profane clones of themselves while the nice ones have British mannerisms.

– He is very rude to Leonard.

– The oldest people are usually served first, and it is thought rude to pick up chopsticks or eat before the oldest people do so.

– Generally, it’s because it would be rude to the Seven Gods of Fortune if people are talking while it is eaten, but anyone doesn’t know the fact.

– Also seems like there is a lot of weirdly worded stuff on here and I am not sure how to flag it or if I’ll seem stupid or rude or something.

– Leet speak is the most common language on MMORPGs because rude words are not stopped by filters.

– She continuously wears polka-dotted dresses, and serves like others as a foil to Calvin’s rude behavior.

– In 1604 someone wrote a note about him, and said that he was rude and a bad person.

– The show has actors who go into the restaurants to be rude or difficult to the employees.

– Many punk rock songs were rude or used bad words.

– The term may be considered offensive or rude to some, because of its origin.

- Hendrix later told the reporters that he was thrown out for being rude to a teacher.

- I hope there is nothing ambiguous or rude there.

More in-sentence examples of “rude”:

– She wrote down many rude things people said in her diaries.

– He was known for the characters he created with paradoxparadoxical and rude characteristics: Professor Kranz, the ultra-timid Giandomenico Fracchia, and the comedic Ugo Fantozzi.

– With many quite rude comments to Mythdon and other users who is just trying to help the user.

– Susan’s company said something rude behind Charlie’s back.

– The word is often used to be rude or mean to someone.

– In October 1870 he was sent to Beechworth, VictoriaBeechworth gaol for assault and for being rude to a lady.

– I was rude to the community, being disruptive and pranksterish.

– Constant shouting on talk pages and in is disrupting and rude with no signs of you changing your ways.

– Many punk rock songs have lyrics which tell angry stories or which use rude words.

– I’ve never accused PBP of being lazy in this process, but I have found him rude and ungrateful.

– Pages which are normally suitable for children to use may be vandalized with rude words or content which may be offensive.

– Some people have argued that calling him only “Saddam” may be rude and academically out of place.

– He is best known by his ring name “Ravishing” Rick Rude and wrestled for the professional wrestling promotions World Championship Wrestling from 1987 to 1998.

– They then sent a rude letter and some cattlecalf’s testicles to the hawker’s wife.

– Their slogan was: “A nude horse is a rude horse”.

– In some countries, particularly the British Isles, despite the high proportion of redheads there, redheads are sometimes given rude names such as “carrot-top” and “ginga”, and are in some cases heavily ridiculed by their peers.

– That was bad enough but now I’ve found someone has taken all the information off and replaced it with some very rude sayings like; “HP is bitchen” or even as far as “Dumbldores Gay!” As I mentioned before I reverted it but there are so many other related links that have been changed to this that even an A+ seventh grader can’t change them all! In any case I would like to get back to what I was starting at, the removal of information you know is true.

– In contrast to Northwest Wind songs, prison songs were slow and “weepy”, and were characterised by the rude and vulgar language and lyrics showing pessimism, despair, anticonformity and cynicism.

– It is also considered as rude to walk in front of Muslims in prayer or otherwise disturb them.

– In online interactions, enraged persons may flame and abuse other users, shouting at them through headsets, sending rude messages, or rage quit.

– Actor Kamal Rashid Khan was booked by the police on December 9, 2018 for making rude comments against LGBT people.

– She accidentely reads the rather rude couple’s mind, and hears them both think that when they leave the bar, they will drain the vampire of his blood, a rather expensive substance used and seen as a drug in the series.

– Pages which are normally appropriate for children to use are occasionally vandalized with rude words or content which may be offensive.

– I considered it quite rude that it was set up where anyone could attack Ric, and indeed people did, and he had no opportunity to defend himself.

– Twain resented his publisher and an inventor for fleecing him, and also a rude landlord, from when he lived in Italy in 1904.

– This is seen as rude to the women that they are supposed to be studying.

– He is cultured, and his reasons for killing people are often that he thinks they are annoying, rude or corrupt.

– When she returns to the Dellum’s house, she made a rude comment about Biko’s death.

– People who carry the syndrome can sometimes seem rude or uninterested during conversations, without meaning anything wrong.

– Some recent songs, like Cheerleader and Rude are reggae.

– I know that in the last few months, discussion was had, and blocks were given to because of his being rude and/or unkind.

– He was an artist who made many beautiful pictures that were very rude and sexy.

– Montgomery’s black community had long been angry about their mistreatment on city buses, where white drivers were often rude and abusive.

– Ochs is a very rude man with bad manners.

– Sometimes it is just a person’s name or a rude word.

– I was first wondering whether this is a template? If it is, then it the language slightly too complex for our target audience, especially considering this is the first thing they will get, so it will all be confusing to them anyway? if this is just something that someone made by themselves, and is not a standard template or anything, then I did not mean to be rude about it, and am very grateful, but I am thinking about the language used in it for the basic english users.

– If the other user is rude to you, don’t do the same.

– Dexter and Dee Dee tricked the clones into going to the Rude Removal system, making the two whole.

– Her boyfriend is Riven, who is sometimes rude to Musa.

– Harassment is a pattern of repeated rude or nasty behavior that seems to a normal observer to deliberately target one or more people.

– I am sorry to be so rude and/or blunt, but it is pathetic that people ponder over whether something is notablewhen we’re trying to build an encyclopædia here, and only in special cases should we delete articles.

– The family starts to act rude to Shary and does not care for her excitement.

– The rude clones make a mess in the kitchen with their mother around and swear up a storm.

– She starred as Opal in “Because of Winn-Dixie Because of Winn-Dixie” and as the competitive and rude Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”.

– If someone is rude give that person a warning, and if he is rude again block him for at least 3 day’s, so they can cool down.

– It has also happened that some words used in Anglo-Saxon for bodily functions became thought of as profanity or rude after they were replaced by Latinate words like “urinate”, “defecate” and “copulate” – which polite people were supposed to use after the Norman conquest of England in 1066.

– Bullying is when someone is rude or mean to another person.

– Some Japanese once thought it was rude to call a person of noble rank by their given names.

– Their ‘insurance policy’ ie bodyguard, Rick Rude also joined soon after.

– Homer, who is mad, writes a rude reply, but Marge tells him at the last minute not to send it, although Bart mails it anyway.

- She wrote down many rude things people said in her diaries.

- He was known for the characters he created with paradoxparadoxical and rude characteristics: Professor Kranz, the ultra-timid Giandomenico Fracchia, and the comedic Ugo Fantozzi.

грубый, неприличный, невежливый, резкий, сырой, невоспитанный, внезапный


- грубый, невежливый; оскорбительный

rude reply — грубый ответ
rude remarks — грубые замечания
to be rude to smb. — грубить кому-л., оскорблять кого-л.

- невоспитанный; неучтивый

it was very rude of you to have kept me waiting — с вашей стороны было очень невежливо заставлять меня ждать
would it be rude to ask when they are likely to leave? — не будет ли бестактностью спросить их, когда они собираются уезжать?

- примитивный, некультурный

our rude forefathers — наши первобытные предки
peoples still in a rude state of civilization — народы, находящиеся ещё на низкой ступени цивилизации

- необработанный, неотделанный; сырой

cotton in its rude state — хлопок в необработанном виде

- грубо сделанный, топорный

rude implements — грубо сделанные орудия

- неотшлифованный, неотделанный

rude language [style] — грубая /корявая/ речь [-ый слог]
rude drawings — незаконченные /неотделанные/ рисунки

- дикий, необработанный

rude rocks — дикие скалы

- бурный (о море)
- сильный (о ветре)
- резкий, неприятный (о звуке)
- внезапный

rude shock — внезапный удар
rude reminder — неожиданное напоминание

- крепкий (о здоровье)

in rude health — крепкий, здоровый
rude awakening — глубокое разочарование; утрата иллюзий

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

I don’t want to appear rude.

Я не хочу показаться грубым.

He answered me very rudely.

Он ответил мне очень грубо.

It’s rude to stare.

Пялиться — нехорошо.

It’s rude to point at people.

Некрасиво показывать на людей пальцем.

I was shocked by her rude behavior.

Я был потрясен её грубым /неприличным, оскорбительным/ поведением.

She replied to me in a very rude manner.

Она ответила мне очень грубо.

How could you be so rude? Have you no shame?

Как можно было себя так грубо /неприлично/ вести? Совесть у тебя есть?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The shoppers were snappish and rude.

…an unsociable but not an overtly rude child…

…our incult ancestors, who dwelt in rude huts…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

rudeness  — грубость
rudiment  — рудимент, зачаток, элементарные знания, начатки, рудиментарный орган
rudely  — грубо

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): ruder
прев. степ. (superlative): rudest

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Another rude and impolite gesture — to point person with chopsticks.

Еще один грубый и невежливый жест — указывать на человека палочками для еды.

I dislike Chris because he is very rude and insensitive.

Мне не нравится Крис, потому что он очень грубый и невосприимчивый.

You weren’t rude or anything.

То есть ты не был невежливым или еще что-нибудь.

Those allegedly very rude behave towards electronic intelligence.

Те якобы очень грубо себя ведут по отношению к электронному разуму.

Tom got fired because he was rude to customers.

Тома уволили за то, что он был груб с покупателями.

Please tell me you weren’t rude.

Умоляю, скажи, что ты не была грубой.

She thinks were rude to her.

Она думает, что ты была груба с ней.

I can’t believe someone could be so rude.

Я не мог поверить, что кто-то может быть настолько груб.

Disrespectful or rude behavior in teenagers is common.

Неуважительное или грубое поведение у подростков — довольно распространенное явление…

Management and some employees are very rude.

Менеджмент и некоторые сотрудники стойки регистрации являются крайне грубыми.

We just knew there was something rude somewhere.

Мы просто знали, что в ней есть что-то грубое.

The woman to whom I spoke was very rude.

Женщина, с которой я разговаривал, вела себя очень грубо.

You no longer think he is rude or ill-mannered.

Вы больше не думаете, что он груб или не воспитан.

And she is as rude and callous as any man.

А она оказывается такой же грубой и черствой, как любой мужчина.

However behavior cannot be considered threatening just because a person finds it offensive or rude.

При этом отдельно оговорено, что поведение не может квалифицироваться как угрожающее только потому, что человек посчитал его оскорбительным или грубым в отношении себя.

Everyone says I am rude and arrogant.

Знаю, все говорят, что я грубая и высокомерная.

I think they’re very rude statements.

«Я думаю, что это очень грубые заявления.

The lady I spoke with was very rude.

Женщина, с которой я разговаривал, вела себя очень грубо.

The person I was talking to was very rude.

Женщина, с которой я разговаривал, вела себя очень грубо.

Let everyone know how rude, cold as ice enemy.

Пусть каждый узнает, с каким грубым, холодным как лёд противником мы имеем дело.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат rude

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