Make sentences with the word raw

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word raw, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use raw in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «raw».

Raw in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word raw in a sentence.

  1. See or edit raw graph data.

  2. It can also be eaten raw when young.

  3. Domestic sheep provide a wide array of raw materials.

  4. They are also fried or grilled, or used raw in salads.

  5. But this time, we tried to keep it all live and raw.».

  6. The meat may be consumed raw or used in prepared dishes.

  7. The sound was raw, but the arrangements were sophisticated.

  8. Pasquier, described an outbreak of typhoid linked to the consumption of raw oysters.

  9. First, I let the song take hold and I put down the idea as a raw emotional statement.

  10. It was not waterproof, and contact with the icy seawater left their skins painfully raw.

  11. Supplies of raw cotton were exported from plantations in the United States to Manchester.

  12. The bill proposed moderate downward revisions in the tariff, especially on raw materials.

  13. In contrast to their glam metal contemporaries in L.A., they were seen as much more raw and dangerous.

  14. Several alleged that, in other scenes in the raw footage, it is clear that protesters are play acting.

  15. This cervical mucus can be detected as a vaginal discharge that is copious and resembles raw egg whites.

  16. For example, raw materials could travel up and down the Ruhr Valley without having to unload and reload.

  17. The external tariffs on finished goods and overseas raw materials were below the rates of the Zollverein.

  18. Murray said that being outside for up to 12 hours a day left his skin feeling raw and made him irritable.

  19. Prior to this, the Japanese hawksbill shell trade was around 30,000 kg (66,000 lb) of raw shells per year.

  20. They are eaten and enjoyed raw, sautéed with butter, ground into pasta, in soups, and in many other dishes.

  21. The La Cobata head was almost certainly carved from a raw boulder rather than being sculpted from a throne.

  22. One variety, the celtuce (asparagus lettuce), is grown for its stems, which are eaten either raw or cooked.

  23. After its extinction, humans continued using its ivory as a raw material, a tradition that continues today.

  24. Once in space, the ore could be used as raw material for building space colonies and solar power satellites.

  25. It was known to be a gastrointestinal irritant when ingested raw but had been presumed edible after cooking.

  26. Giraffes can also suffer from a skin disorder, which comes in the form of wrinkles, lesions or raw fissures.

  27. Early attempts to mitigate the pollution, which included raw sewage and industrial waste, were unsuccessful.

  28. Exports from Alodia likely included raw materials such as gold, ivory, salt and other tropical products, as well as hides.

  29. Marr accused the majority of deciding that «saving Australia from boat people counts for more than Al-Kateb’s raw liberty».

  30. The combination of competition and improved efficiency halved the cost of coal and halved the transport cost of raw cotton.

  31. However, due to shortages of coking coal and other raw materials, the ironworks was running at less than half its capacity.

  32. Other reviews positively noted the dark, percussive sound meshed well with the plot, as well as the raw power of the music.

  33. Gould describes it as «a great deal of raw footage showing a group of people getting on, getting off, and riding on a bus».

  34. Lactarius indigo in Mexico, or Lactifluus edulis in tropical Africa Some species, like Russula vesca, can even be eaten raw.

  35. Few maritime flowering plants are widely used for food but one example is marsh samphire which is eaten both raw and cooked.

  36. Japan’s main imports are machinery and equipment, fossil fuels, foodstuffs, chemicals, and raw materials for its industries.

  37. It is also unclear whether they made their own raw glass or merely imported pre-made ingots, which they melted and finished.

  38. Wagons of finished leather and raw hides came from and went to the English Center tannery via White Pine, seeking to avoid traffic on the plank road along the Second Fork.

  39. Challenges for the sector include the high cost of importing raw materials into a land-locked country, as well as substandard infrastructure and a lack of skilled workers.

  40. You’d get raw anger.» From the album, «There Goes The Neighborhood» was released as a single, while «Body Count’s in the House» was featured in the film Universal Soldier.

  41. These pilgrims brought large quantities of goods and raw materials to the canyon, including exotics such as turquoise and shell beads, and also ceramics, timber, and food.

  42. Monomethylhydrazine, as well as its precursors methylformylhydrazine and gyromitrin and raw Gyromitra esculenta, have been shown to be carcinogenic in experimental animals.

Synonyms for raw

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word raw has the following synonyms: bare-assed, bare-ass, in the altogether, in the buff, in the raw, peeled, naked as a jaybird, stark naked, unclothed, bleak, cutting, cold, crude, unanalyzed, half-baked, underdone, rare, uncooked, untoasted, injured, naked, overt, open, natural, rude, unprocessed, new, inexperienced, inexperient, sensitive, sore, tender, painful, unfair, unjust, unpolished, unsanded, unfinished, untreated, altogether and birthday suit.

General information about «raw» example sentences

The example sentences for the word raw that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «raw» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «raw».

Raw (French: Grave) is a 2016 French-Belgian horror drama film written and directed by Julia Ducournau, and starring Garance Marillier. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Whether you roast it, fry it or use it raw, the flavor never gets old.


Completely raw and animal-friendly, this recipe will satisfy everyone at the table, including those with an affinity for mayonnaise-based dressings.


The most heavenly cake I’ve had in recent years has been the raw cashew dreamcake.


My question is: Can I make my own almond flour/meal using raw almonds or will the results vary substantially?


Now that I’ve finished off the first batch, I’m going to try my hand at making it with raw carob powder blended with the date mixture and a ton of orange zest mixed in.


-LSB-…] used fresh buttermilk from making raw butter, when I had my best results with this recipe.


What persuades an investor to write a check for an entrepreneur’s raw idea?


I just read about the raw almonds and finishing salt.


Even though there was still no apple, Rob reminded me I had just created raw caramelized apple.


It tells me I’m really hitting raw nerves.


Smoothie bowls can be enjoyed with everything from peanut butter and raw nuts to fresh fruit and chia seeds.


To make our beet powder, we take raw whole beets, let them dry, and then crush them up into a pillowy soft, nutrient-dense product packed with superfood power!


The bread can not be considered raw as it’s baked!


The flavor of chickpea flour is a milder version of these tasty legumes, without tasting raw or «beany.»


I have never eaten raw corn but I’ll try this.


Dean, which doesn’t directly own dairy farms, sources its raw materials primarily from dairy co-ops and independent farmers.


Consumption of raw or undercooked eggs, shellfish and meat may increase the risk of foodborne illness.


I use maple syrup in raw desserts and on pancakes.


Use Davidson’s Safest Choice Eggs in all your raw or gently cooked recipes including salad dressings, sauces, ice cream, poached and sunny side up eggs, and this no cook ricotta mousse.


These treats are not only decadent and easy to make, but they are also suitable for a raw, vegan, gluten-free or paleo diet.


It has been the best-performing commodity this year — soaring 56 per cent until a temporary correction in May — after Indonesia, the world’s biggest producer, banned exports of raw material in January.


I made a double batch and added in a sprinkling of sesame seeds, a 2 Tblsp each of raw quinoa and millet (leftover from the amazing banana bread!).


Vegan chef consultant Mark Reinfeld has been developing innovative vegan and raw food recipes for over 20 years.


I’m going to try it because I’m getting a little bored with the raw flax crackers in the dehydrator.


Most are available in raw, roasted and salted or roasted, no salt.


(to make cauliflower rice, add chopped raw cauliflower to a food processor and pulse until it resembles rice.


Oil extracted from raw cannabis also can offer exact dosing for medicinal purposes, including the treatment of chronic pain.


After months of experimentation in her family kitchen, Marie developed a recipe that utilized cooked vegetables such as onions and carrots as a base, and then added pureed raw habaneros until she found the proper heat level for her Regular and Extra Hot sauces.


I bet you could make a great raw hummus with pine nuts!


dairy-free, gluten-free, grain-free, Holidays, paleo, raw, recipe, recipes, Snacks, soy-free, vegan, vegetarian Leave a Comment


Some people believe eating foods in their fully raw, completely unprocessed and uncooked form is truly whole food plant based.


And not surprisingly, placing highly motivated individuals in must-win situations elicited the raw emotion and absorbing theatre they were looking for.


Top each cookie with the raw cranberry preserve and arrange vanilla honey soaked lady apples in a spiral on top.


Kate, to be honest, I almost always use raw almonds that I grind myself mostly because I buy them in bulk and always have them on hand; and I find the cost of the almond flour to be ridiculoulsy high.


QUALITY — I use only organic or wild-crafted (found in their natural habitat) ingredients from trusted farmers and include raw herbs where appropriate.


Plus, sometimes a nut based raw dessert can feel a little heavy, especially in warmer weather.


The K.I.S.S method, as it relates to Forex trading, is built upon an understanding that the best way to navigate the market is by learning to interpret and trade the raw price action signals that form naturally in the market.


Enter this raw vegan (yes, it’s deliciously warm) version of one of StyleNectar’s most popular dishes ever, Tom Yum Soup.


Join The Lasting Supper with me and many others who are learning how to be real, raw, and authentic with one another, and are really supporting one another through our individual journeys.


This is a simple combination of full-fat coconut milk and raw cacao with a natural sweetener.


The roasted almond butter lends a crispier outside than the raw almond butter.


Used three small, very ripe, organic bananas (1 Cup mashed), 1t of Cinnamon, 1t of vanilla and 1 t of almond extract,1 T of local raw honey and one T of agave syrup, as well as the 4 organise eggs and 1/2 cup of Ghee called for in the recipe.


The process of American political debate is messy, loud, frequently over-the-top, raucous, and often raw.


Love raw broccoli, but not so much Cauliflower.


The smoothie, which is made from raw fruits and veggies, is dairy-free and topped with energizing superfoods such as maca, goji berries, cacao nibs, spirulina, açai, and bee pollen.


Perhaps place in the freezer in a square dish for some chocolate fudge, or spread it on some raw bread or just regular bread.


The Holiday Season is upon us and what a better way to indulge and celebrate than with homemade raw chocolate.


I tend to use whatever raw cacao powder they have in the shops, I’ve been using The Raw Chocolate Company x


In no-bake granola bars, since you won’t be baking any of these raw nuts and seeds, you can toast them first.


They don’t seem to have almond meal here (which is what I mostly use for grain-free recipes), so what I do is buy raw almonds and grind them in the processadora or licuadora (in my case), and then sift the ground almonds so that only the finest go through, and then re-grind the rest until all the almond meal is fine enough — the texture of the almond meal can really affect the final product.


Sentences with the word Raw?



  • «in the raw«; «in the altogether»; «in his birthday suit»
  • «a basic course in Russian»; «basic training for raw recruits»; «a set of basic tools»; «an introductory art course»
  • «The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it»
  • «raw data»; «the raw cost of production»; «only the crude vital statistics»
  • «The debate intensified»; «His dislike for raw fish only deepened in Japan»
  • «a raw drizzing rain»
  • «in Japan most fish is eaten raw«; «after the scare about foot-and-mouth disease a lot of people started eating fish instead of meat»; «they have a chef who specializes in fish»
  • «profits were enhanced by a fortuitous drop in the cost of raw materials»
  • «Swallow the raw fish—it won’t kill you!»
  • «naked ambition»; «raw fury»; «you may kill someone someday with your raw power»
  • «natural yogurt»; «natural produce»; «raw wool»; «raw sugar»; «bales of rude cotton»
  • «the new men were eager to fight»; «raw recruits»
  • «horrible like raw and putrid flesh»- Somerset Maugham
  • «a raw wound»
  • «raw sewage»
  • «received raw treatment from his friends»; «a raw deal»
  • «raw talent»; «raw beauty»
  • «raw wood»
  • «the raw and theumy damp of night air»
  • «He cannot stomach raw fish»
  • «thrown silk is raw silk that has been twisted and doubled into yarn»

raw — перевод на русский


Put a piece of raw steak on it.

Положи на глаз сырой бифштекс.

We lived on wild berries and raw fish.

Питались дикими ягодами и сырой рыбой.

He used to eat raw onions.

Раньше он ел один сырой лук.

She said she wanted hers raw.

Она сказала, что хочет сырой.

I imagine that the raw protein is centrifuged before being freeze-dried and compressed for packaging.

Предполагаю, что сырой белок обезвоживается перед тем как попадает в сублимационную установку и упаковывается.

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Power… Raw and unlimited.

Сила… грубая и беспощадная.

So the birds are raw, incestuous energy.

То есть птицы — это грубая инцестуозная энергия.

Real life is raw and difficult.

Настоящая жизнь грубая и тяжелая

Extonic rays, raw galvanic radiation.

Экстоничные лучи, грубая гальваническая радиация.

That’s the raw funky, stanky stuff of life.

Это грубая, смрадная, зловонная материя жизни.

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The city conduits just can’t handle this kind of raw power.

Ничего не выйдет. Городские трубопроводы не пропускают этот вид необработанной энергии.

The machine uses a very specialised transformer to convert raw power into highly stable, very specific stream of power.

Механизм использует специальный трансформатор для преобразования необработанной энергии в высоко стабильный, очень специфический поток энергии.

The City conduits just can’t handle this kind of raw power.

Городские трубопроводы не справятся с таким видом необработанной энергии.

So much raw data…

Сколько необработанной информации…

Yep, I’ll be locked up raw and forced to be someone’s girlfriend.

Да,меня запрут там еще необработанной и заставят стать чьей-то девушкой.

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Sharman wrote that the basic diet of the creatures is raw sulphur.

Шерман написал, что основная пища этих существ — чистая сера.

The cargo was raw steel.

В нем была чистая сталь.

Maybe the raw energy can translate all sorts of thoughts.

Быть может, чистая энергия может перевести все мысли.

The raw, unvarnished fact of the matter.

Чистая, неприкрашенная правда жизни.

When I know what’s in store, raw love.

Ведь я знаю, что меня ждет чистая любовь.

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Stop at Wu’s on the way. Tell him he feeds his pigs Persimmon Phil tonight, — or I serve them raw loin of Oriental.

Зайди к Ву, скажи ему, если он сегодня не скормит свиньям Персимона Фила, я скормлю им свежее азиатское филе.

Something raw.

Что то свежее.

Oh, and raw milk, man.

И к нему свежее молоко.

He’s young, he’s raw, he’s a fresh, if slightly deformed, face that I can ride like a hobby horse.

Он молод, задирист, он свежее, хоть и слегка деформированное, лицо, которое я могу оседлать как коня-качалку.

Hey, raw fish is cheapest and freshest in Seoul.

Слушай, самая дешевая и свежая рыба продается в Сеуле.

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Miguel has such raw talent, but his attitude keeps getting in the way.

Талант Мигеля оставляет желать лучшего, но он старается…

Raw talent, Danbury.

В тебе скрыт талант, Дэнбери.

You are decent wrestlers, but lack the Raw wrestling talent this man has.

Но у этого парня настоящий талант

But I think I have some of the same raw natural talent, don’t you?

Да, но мне кажется, мне должен был передаться его талант?

Whoever painted it has raw talent.

Кто бы это ни написал, у него настоящий талант.

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OK, look. The way Sam explained this to me, the bugs use whatever raw materials are around to replicate.

Сэм объяснила мне,… что жуки используют любые материалы, чтобы воспроизводиться.

Welcome to the practical skills exam. We’ve provided you with some nice raw materials for your alchemy.

Мы отдаём в ваше распоряжение все имеющиеся тут материалы.

We had to dismantle our ship to provide the raw materials.

Нам пришлось демонтировать наш корабль, чтобы получить материалы.

I know we can find the raw materials and machines.

Я знаю, мы можем найти материалы и оборудование.

I went through Rachel’s raw footage, a lot of it, trying to find a connection to Branson.

Я просматривала отснятые материалы Рэйчел. Их немерено. Пыталась найти связь с Брэнсоном.

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Corn is the great raw material.

Кукуруза замечательный исходный материал.

You already have the raw material. Just needs to improve presentation.

У тебя, ну, есть исходный материал, осталось только подать его, как надо.

He takes a pair of scissors to raw footage.

Режет ножницами исходный материал.

When I terminated that poor girl’s child I was harvesting raw material for my work.

Когда я прервал беременность той бедняжки, я собрал исходный материал для анализа.

The Metrons, the creatures that sent us both here, said that the surface of the planet provides the raw material to construct weapons.

Метроны — существа, отправившие сюда нас обоих, — сказали, что поверхность этой планеты предоставит исходные материалы для создания оружия.

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I know they’re a bit… raw.

Я знаю, они немного… неопытные.

They’re so raw, so untrained, so corruptible.

Они настолько неопытные, такие неподготовленные, и столь подкупные.

Raw recruits, neither combat-ready nor numerous enough… to repel a large-scale Lycan attack.

Неопытные новобранцы. Их слишком мало, чтобы отразить широкомасштабную атаку ликанов.

They were raw troops.

…Отряд был неопытный.

He’s a Gascon farm boy — promising, but raw.

Гасконский мальчишка-фермер — многообещающий, но неопытный.

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That sounds like a raw deal for me.

Это звучит, как нечестная сделка для меня.

It’s a raw deal.

Это нечестная сделка.

See, I was talking to my pianist, Jin, and I said what a raw deal I thought you got.

Слушай, я поговорил с моим пианистом, Джин, и я сказал, что думаю, это нечестно по отношению к тебе.

I was talking to my pianist, Jin… And I said, what a raw deal I thought you got.

Я поговорил с моим пианистом, Джин… и я сказал, что думаю, это нечестно по отношению к тебе.

This Shaw shit’s been a raw deal.

Все это дерьмо Шо – это нечестное дело.

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Отправить комментарий

сырой, необработанный, сырье, больное место, сдирать кожу


- сырой, неварёный

raw fish [potatoes, apples] — сырая рыба [-ой картофель, -ые яблоки]
raw milk — сырое /непастеризованное, некипячёное/ молоко
raw water — сырая /недистиллированная/ вода

- недоваренный, недожаренный, непропечённый

this leg of mutton is quite raw — эта баранья ножка совершенно не прожарилась

- спец. сырой, необработанный

- кож. невыделанный

raw hide — недублёная /сыромятная/ кожа

- горн. необогащённый

raw ore — необогащённая /сырая/ руда

ещё 15 вариантов


- ссадина, больное место

to touch smb. on the raw — задеть кого-л. за живое

- обнажённость

in the raw — нагишом
to swim in the raw — купаться без костюма
to sleep in the raw — спать голышом
to present life in the raw — изображать жизнь как она есть /без прикрас/

- что-л. необработанное, сырое; сырьё

wild raw — текст. шёлк-сырец дубового шелкопряда


- ссадить кожу; натереть (спину лошади седлом и т. п.)

Мои примеры


a secluded swimming hole where we could swim in the raw — уединённое место для купания, где можно было поплавать нагишом  
to give smb. a raw deal — обходиться с кем-л. несправедливо  
raw egg — сырое яйцо  
raw material — сырьё  
raw meat — сырое мясо  
a raw draft of a thesis — черновая версия доклада  
a raw recruit — новобранец  
raw emotions — тонкий эмоциональный мир  
raw power — неограниченная власть  
fresh / green / raw recruit — новобранец, новичок  
raw estimation — приближенная оценка; грубая оценка  

Примеры с переводом

Cabbage can be eaten raw.

Капусту можно есть в сыром виде.

He drank it raw.

Он выпил, не разбавляя.

In its raw state, cocoa is very bitter.

В сыром состоянии какао очень горькое.

The skin on my feet was rubbed raw.

Кожа на моих ногах была стёрта до крови.

He entered the raw data into a spreadsheet.

Он ввёл исходные /первичные/ данные в электронную таблицу.

She shivered in the raw morning air.

Он продрогла на сыром утреннем воздухе.

Most of our soldiers are raw recruits.

Большинство наших солдат являются неопытными новобранцами.

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

rawness  — необработанность, неопытность, промозглая сырость, больное место, ссадина

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