Make sentences with the word probably

Sentences with the word Probably?



  • «he talked plausibly before the committee»; «he will probably win the election»
  • «He is probably out of the country»; «in all likelihood we are headed for war»
  • «a bloody nose»; «your scarf is all bloody»; «the effects will be violent and probably bloody»; «a bloody fight»
  • «I’ll probably see you at the meeting»; «How nice to see you again!»
  • «probably his horse would be close to where he was hiding»; «She is hiding out in a cabin in Montana»
  • «I didn’t enjoy it and probably wasn’t a pleasant person to be around»
  • «a revitalized economy»; «a revitalized inner-city neighborhood»; «Berlin has been reborn after probably the most intense period of construction since the post-war period.»
  • «Jack the Ripper was probably a madman»
  • «If the temperature rises above freezing, it will probably sleet»
  • «they will probably give you a lot of static about your editorial»
  • «but there is still a twilight zone, the tantalizing occurrences that are probably noise but might possibly be a signal»; «in the twilight zone between humor and vulgarity»; «in that no man’s land between negotiation and aggression»
  • «cereals must be protected from mice and other vermin»; «he examined the child’s head for vermin»; «boys in the village have probably been shooting vermin»
  • «a clever wheeze probably succeeded in neutralizing the German espionage threat»

Synonym: believably, belike, credibly, in all likelihood, in all probability, likely, plausibly. Similar words: problem, presumably, inevitably, considerably, baby, robot, global, tobacco. Meaning: [‘prɑbəblɪ /’prɒ-]  adv. 1. with considerable certainty; without much doubt 2. easy to believe on the basis of available evidence. 

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1. The person who arrives, ect early will (probably) succeed. 

2. The Democrats will probably lose control of Congress.

3. Their plan will probably meet with little success.

4. Campbell’s broken leg will probably require surgery.

5. Most scientists would probably lean toward this viewpoint.

6. I’ll probably be a little late.

7. She’s probably in her early forties.

8. They told me that they probably wouldn’t come.

9. I’m not sure. Probably around midnight.

10. I think more customers probably prefer a soft sell.

11. You probably picked up my keys instead of yours.

12. Gershwin’s lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.

13. The repairs will probably run into thousands of pounds.

14. The tree was probably a hundred years old.

15. It will probably take about a week.

16. If I were you, I’d probably go.

17. Tavare was probably ruing his decision.

18. Bergit was probably more daring than I was.

19. We’ll probably go away at Easter.

20. They will probably bump you off anyway!

21. I’ll probably be home by midnight.

22. What he says is probably true because he has the ear of the Queen.

22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

23. When alive ,we may probably offend some people.However, we must think about whether they are deserved offended.

24. Do you think you can do it? Well, probably I can.

25. You’ll probably only get one chance to take a photo, so don’t muff it!

26. Pour in some of the syrup, but not all of it, as it will probably overflow.

27. I don’t see the point of waiting for her, she is probably not coming.

28. He’s a frightful snob — if you haven’t been to the right school he probably won’t even speak to you.

29. If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.

30. If someone in your life makes you forget your Past , that someone is probably your Future.

More similar words: problem, presumably, inevitably, considerably, baby, robot, global, tobacco, go back on, go back to, terribly, assembly, incredibly, able, cable, table, unable, enable, be able to, tableau, vegetable, suitable, variable, bearable, reliable, disabled, pro, establish, on the table, agreeable. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«You are probably right.«
(right, correct, wrong)

«It was probably worth the wait.«

Used with verbs:

«He probably deserved the reward.«
(deserved, earned)

«She probably needs help.«
(needs, requires)

Example sentences:

«It’s probably for the best.«

«The game is probably over by now.«

«You are probably one of the nicest people I know.«

«That was probably one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.«

«Are you going to the party tonight? Probably.«

Examples of how to use the word “probably” in a sentence. How to connect “probably” with other words to make correct English sentences.

probably (adv): used to mean that something is very likely

Use “probably” in a sentence

You’re probably right.
He’s probably sleeping.
He probably won’t approve your proposal.
I’m from a tiny town that you’ve probably never heard of.
It’s probably a warning.

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probably — перевод на русский


I know you’ve probably gotten all my texts, but…

Знаю, ты, наверное, получала все мои сообщения, но…

They’re probably supposed to go on something or in something or be hung.

Они, наверное, должны быть на чём-то, или в чём-то, или их нужно повесить.

«I knew of one, but she probably has not waited for me…»

«Я знаю одну девушку, но она, наверное, не ждёт меня…»

They’ve probably pinched Mulligan by now.»

Наверное сейчас они уже взяли Маллигана»

I probably would have figured it out myself if you hadn’t tipped me off.

Наверное, я пришла бы к этому сама, если бы вы не подтолкнули меня.

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Okay, I know that all of this has been sprung on you, and you’re probably incredibly overwhelmed, but…

Я понимаю, что это все как снег на голову, и вы, вероятно, ошеломлены, но…

She was probably telling the truth, sir.

Вероятно, она говорит правду, сэр.

Then you probably need money.

Тогда Вам, вероятно, нужны деньги.

Well, they’ll probably notify you.

Они, вероятно, уведомят вас.

He was just homesick, but probably they couldn’t see it that way.

Он был под влиянием острого приступа тоски по дому, но вероятно они так не думали.

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He probably dragged it off into there and hid it or something.

Возможно, он утащил его куда-нибудь туда и спрятал там.

Oh, you know, I have a few apps that I, that I really love, but, um… probably… definitely… nothing.

Ну знаешь, там парочка приложений, которые мне очень нравятся, но.. возможно.. определенно ничего.

He’s probably going door to door, telling people that he wasn’t feeling me first.

Возможно слоняется от двери к двери, втирая всем, что он ничего не чувствовал первый.

Many women have probably really used such magic tricks and believed in their destructive effects.

Возможно, многие и правда шли на подобные уловки, веря в их колдовскую силу…

Probably, for the same reason as the other girls:

Возможно, по той же причине что и другие девушки:

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Probably fishing gear.

Рыболовные снасти, скорее всего.

Yes. They’re probably having sex or something.

Скорее всего они занимаются сексом или чем там еще.

Only half a dozen people, not everyone wants to join in, and probably in some ghastly hall in London.

Только с полдюжины, не все хотят участвовать, и скорее всего в каком-нибудь ужасном зале в Лондоне.

«He probably is a con artist.»

Скорее всего, мошенник экстра класса.

Probably not.

Нет, скорее всего.

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— Uh, probably no one.

Наверно, никого.

Some of you probably thing I should stick to polo and not try to run a bank.

Наверно, некоторые из вас полагают, что мне лучше было бы остаться в прежнем деле, а не управлять банком.

She probably forgot it’s the opening and made another date.

Наверно, она перепутала дату и забыла про премьеру.

That’s probably your Aunt Katherine.

Это, наверно, ваша тетя Кэтрин.

He probably wants to question Mrs. Charles again.

Наверно, он хочет снова расспросить миссис Чарльз.

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His farm probably ain’t nothing like as big as he said in his letter.

Может его ферма не такая уж и большая, как он писал в письме.

He probably sent me a picture of some movie actor.

Может он послал мне фото какого-нибудь актера.

If she committed suicide with laudanum she probably took it in its true form… and we’ll find it in that or very close to that state.

Но если она покончила с жизнью с помощью опиума, то это может пролить правду на всё произошедшее, и мы должны постараться выяснить сейчас, в каком состоянии она тогда была.

That’s right. She’s probably waiting for us there.

Может, она уже в театре.

You’re probably sick of hearing this but, honestly, why don’t you let Roy know?

Может, тебе надоело здесь сидеть.

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You probably eat with your knife, so you won’t have to worry about that.

Но ты наверняка ешь с ножа, поэтому тебе не стоит волноваться за вилки.

There’ll probably be 20 by the morning.

К утру наверняка дойдет до двадцати…

He was probably detained.

Он наверняка задержался.

But wherever I show up there probably is one. Shut the door.

Но где появляюсь я, там наверняка хотя бы один, но имеется.

-Not I. They’ve probably all got your taking ways.

Наверняка, они такие же бандюги как и ты!

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She’s probably up at her Aunt Patsy’s.

Она, видимо, у тётушки Пэтси.

You probably have interests outside work.

Видимо, у вас есть…

Yes, it probably isn’t easy for you to imagine anyone could like a man of my type.

— Да. Видимо, вы не представляете,.. …что кто-то может любить такого, как я.

He probably thought I had big melting eyes and a rosebud mouth… and a figure like Miss Long Beach, the dream of the fleet.

А он, видимо, видел томные глаза, рот, как бутон, и фигуру,.. …как у мисс Америка — мечты моряков.

That’s probably why they look so funny.

…нежели жену. Видимо, поэтому они так забавны.

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I don’t love him, and I probably never did.

Я не люблю его, может быть, и не любила.

She’d probably want to help.

Может быть, она захочет помочь.

Oh, well, she probably doesn’t play the horses anyway.

— Ну, может быть ей лошади вообще не интересны.

You probably imagine they don’t like you.

Может быть, вы просто воображаете, что не нравитесь им.

You’ve probably forgotten you locked it.

Может быть, вы забыли, что закрыли её.

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«From ‘slumdom’ to stardom.» He probably thought that was very clever.

«Из грязи в князи» Он, должно быть, думает, что это очень оригинально.

He was probably desperately unhappy.

Должно быть, он был отчаянно несчастлив.

That pawnshop probably scatters those tickets all over the street… Just for gullible women like you to pick up.

Ломбард, должно быть, разбрасывает на улице квитанции, чтобы доверчивые женщины вроде тебя попались на это.

Gogo is probably asleep.

Гого, должно быть, уже спит.

Someone else was probably happy with this ring.

Кто-то, должно быть, был счастлив, когда носил это кольцо.

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