Make sentences with the word famous

Sentences with the word Famous?



  • «his quick adeptness was a product of good design»; «he was famous for his facility as an archer»
  • «I was analyzed in Vienna by a famous psychiatrist»
  • «The scholar annotated the early edition of a famous novel»
  • «a sword made by a famous English armorer»
  • «The famous professor awed the undergraduates»
  • «They named their son David»; «The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader»
  • «The university conferred a degree on its most famous former student, who never graduated»; «bestow an honor on someone»
  • «The press savaged the new President»; «The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage»
  • «bound to happen»; «an old house destined to be demolished»; «he is destined to be famous«
  • «their son became a famous judge»; «his boy is taller than he is»
  • «it was a case of bad judgment»; «another instance occurred yesterday»; «but there is always the famous example of the Smiths»
  • «a famous actor»; «a celebrated musician»; «a famed scientist»; «an illustrious judge»; «a notable historian»; «a renowned painter»
  • «too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures»; «the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland»; «the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters»
  • «Thoreau wrote a famous essay justifying civil disobedience»
  • «This famous potter hand-builds all of her vessels»
  • «`faster’ is the comparative of the adjective `fast'»; «`less famous‘ is the comparative degree of the adjective `famous‘»; «`more surely’ is the comparative of the adverb `surely'»
  • «how you can do that is beyond my comprehension»; «he was famous for his comprehension of American literature»
  • «the jewelry was made by internationally famous craftsmen»
  • «the whole town was famous for its crudeness»
  • «a princely sum»; «gilded dining rooms»; «these architecture magazines are full of the lush interiors of the rich and famous«
  • «Chanel designed the famous suit»
  • «the Dutch are famous for their tulips»
  • «the Scots are famous for their economy»
  • «This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France»
  • «The list includes the names of many famous writers»
  • «his paintings reveal a sensitive interpreter of nature»; «she was famous as an interpreter of Shakespearean roles»
  • «This writer plundered from famous authors»
  • «famous for a mean backhand»
  • «The famous professor mentored him during his years in graduate school»; «She is a fine lecturer but she doesn’t like mentoring»
  • «the store is famous for the reasonableness of its prices»; «the modestness of the living standards here becomes obvious immediately»
  • «his pretension to the crown»; «the town still puts forward pretensions as a famous resort»
  • «The author of this article profiles a famous painter»
  • «on that reading it was an insult»; «he was famous for his reading of Mozart»
  • «he was famous for the regularity of his habits»
  • «They never reprinted the famous treatise»
  • «the valley of the Rhone is famous for its vineyards»
  • «the Post Office issued a series commemorating famous American entertainers»; «his coin collection included the complete series of Indian-head pennies»
  • «`fastest’ is the superlative of the adjective `fast'»; «`least famous‘ is the superlative degree of the adjective `famous‘»; «`most surely’ is the superlative of the adverb `surely'»
  • «This song takes off from a famous aria»
  • «they debated the truth of the proposition»; «the situation brought home to us the blunt truth of the military threat»; «he was famous for the truth of his portraits»; «he turned to religion in his search for eternal verities»
  • «these puzzles are famous for their trickiness»

famous — перевод на русский


«Dear sister, The famous Prince Zsbrschosky— by the way, a charming gentleman, and not without means — is giving a large ball to which we are invited.

Дорогая моя сестра, знаменитый князь Жбршонский кстати, очаровательный господин, и весьма богат устраивает большой бал, на который и мы приглашены.

JUWELER ARRESTED This daring theft was discovered only when Mr. Wallace Jack called at the jeweler’s shop at 73 rue Jacob, where he had left his famous diamond to be reset.

ЮВЕЛИР АРЕСТОВАН Дерзкая кража была обнаружена только когда мистер Уоллес Джек… посетил ювелирную лавку по адресу ул. Жакоб 23, в которой он оставил свой знаменитый алмаз для оправки.

It happened in Moscow in the summer of 1946 when the famous astro-physicist Academician Sedych decided to fly to the Moon.

Это случилось в Москве, летом 1946 года, когда знаменитый астрофизик Академик Седых решил лететь на Луну

So it’s you, sir. So you are the famous Dr. Jekyll.

Так это вы, знаменитый доктор Джекилл.

I’m the famous Lalah-Poor!

Я знаменитый Лала-Пур!

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Today it is not the Devil, but rather a famous actor, a popular clergyman or a well-known doctor, who disturbs the calm of the night.

Сейчас это уже не Дьявол, а известный актёр, духовное лицо или врач, который также может нарушать ночной покой.

The world’s most famous detective with his friend Dr. Watson.

Самый известный в мире детектив со своим другом, д-ром Ватсоном.

The very famous pirate Morgan… used to come ashore here and make love to the wife of the governor-general.

Печально известный пират Морган причаливал здесь к берегу и встречался с женой генерал-губернатора.

Here we is, ladies— the famous begue’s. All the quality eats here.

Мы приехали леди — известный Беке вся знать ест здесь Стой

He’s rich and famous and very sweet too, Johnny.

Он богатый, очень известный, а еще очень милый, Джонни.

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Well, honey, let me tell you just how famous that really is.

Что-ж, милая. Я расскажу тебе, что «знаменитость» есть суть.

There we go, you’re famous!

ты теперь знаменитость.

— Make me famous.

— Делать из меня знаменитость.

I’m not famous.

Я не знаменитость.

I know John, and even though he is kind of a famous guy… and won a lot of awards, don’t make a big deal over him, okay?

Я знаю Джона и, хотя он своего рода знаменитость,.. и лауреат многих наград, не надо делать из него шоу.

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Since then, I have become famous.

С тех пор я прославился.

In the village… An area made famous by Jazz and then the Beatniks.

Район прославился джазом… а затем битниками.

You ‘re famous, angel.

Ты прославился, ангел, прославился!

The lawyers got fat and the judge got famous but somebody forgot to sign the search warrant in the right place and Krueger was free, just like that.

Адвокаты сорвали банк, а судья прославился, но кто-то не поставил своей подписи в ордере на обыск, и Крюгер вышел сухим из воды.

What’s this LA thing? You famous or somethin’?

Так что было в Лос-Анжелесе, ты там прославился?

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And she’s the daughter of the famous Beauminet!

И она — дочь прославленного Бомине!

Is this the house of the famous Beauminet?

Я действительно у прославленного Бомине?

This is Suzy, the daughter of the famous Mr Beauminet.

Познакомься, это Сюзи, дочь прославленного Бомине!

This afternoon… opening of the new… communal party hall… with a performance of the famous…

«Сегодня после обеда инаугурация нового муниципального зала для праздников с выступлением прославленного

Listen to me because I’m Sancho Panza, squire of the famous knight Don Quixote de la Mancha.

—лушайте мен€, потому что € —анчо ѕанса, оруженосец прославленного рыцар€ ƒон ихота Ћаманчского.

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Mrs. McGonigle is famous for these tricks.

Да, миссис МакГонагл славится такими штучками.

It’s famous for its ceramics.

Она славится своей керамикой.

Greenville is famous for pussy.

Гринвилль славится девками.

Mm, famous for it. I often say to him when we’re at the races or shifting a few at the Troghouse,

Знаете, он этим славится на скачках или когда мы карты перекидываем,..

The cloister is famous for its oubliettes. «Oubliette.»

Со времен инквизиции монастырь славится своими затворками.

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She was very famous.

Она была популярна.

He should sing «ARTE SAYIR» because it’s the most famous.

Ему надо петь «Артыы Сайыр» — она очень популярна.

Here are the limestone formations for which Stump Hole is famous.

А здесь можно видеть известняковые образования, благодаря которым, Искалеченная Дырка популярна.

Used to be famous…

Была когда-то популярна…

I’m famous too.

И очень популярна.

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— You’ve no urge to become famous.

-Чего? -Отсутствует тяга к славе.

Nadine Marsac, now famous, rushes off right after her final lines.

Надин Марсак, идущая навстречу славе, каждый вечер исчезает после последней реплики.

I’m suspicious thinking that one of that wretched devices can stop me from becoming famous thanks to my courage and the blade of my sword.

€ подозреваю, что один из тех гнусных приборов может остановить мен€ на пути к славе, где € благодар€ моей храбрости и клинку моего меча.

I never wanted to be famous.

Я не мечтал о славе.

Talk about famous. Everyone’s heard of Cicero.

Если говорить о славе, то о Цицероне слышали все!

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You’re famous.

Ты стал знаменитым.

And it was a long time ago, before he was famous when he still had a family and worshipped my mother.

Это было давно, он еще не стал знаменитым тогда у него была семья, и он обожал мою мать.

How come you’re famous with such a stupid kisser?

ак ты стал знаменитым с таким тупым ебалом?

I’m going to be a famous actress.

Я собираюсь стать знаменитой актрисой.

And if I can’t get into any of the clubs, then how the hell am I supposed to get famous?

И если я не могу попасть в любой из клубов, то как, чёрт возьми, я должна стать знаменитой?

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You’re a big character— famous, plenty of dough.

У Вас репутация, известность, катаетесь как сыр в масле.

Getting famous with smash hits, several big big success! es,

Получить известность за счёт сногсшибательных хитов и несколько больших, больших успехов!

The Special Air Service has already been dispatched, willing to demonstrate once again the gratuitous violence and mayhem for which they are so rightly famous.

Специальные Воздушные Силы уже направлены в регион, с целью продемонстрировать свою силу и необузданную жестокость, благодаря которой они приобрели свою всемирную известность.

But there’s one animal in particular, whose remains drifted down through the salty water and settled on the mud of the lagoon, that has made the name Solnhofen famous worldwide.

Но есть одно особенное животное. Его останки, попав в солёную воду залива, затонули, опустившись на илистое дно и спустя миллионы лет, будучи обнаруженными, принесли Зольнхофену всемирную известность.

The only thing more important than being rich is being famous!

Единственная вещь, которая важнее богатства – это известность!

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1. She is becoming famous in Australia and elsewhere.

2. Many famous people have stayed in the hotel.

3. She was pared with a famous movie star.

4. The hotel is famous for its entertainment.

5. He is internationally famous as a character actor.

6. This town is famous for its beautiful buildings.

7. This city is famous for its apples.

8. Macbeth is a famous tragedy by Shakespeare.

9. He was arrested for faking some famous paintings.

10. That school is famous for baseball.

11. Once a famous actress, she is now in eclipse.

12. The palace is famous for its 17th-century painted ceilings.

13. Everybody famous gets crank calls and letters.

14. After suffering an eclipse,[sentence dictionary] she is now famous again.

15. The art galleries of Florence are very famous.

16. He is a worldwide famous designer.

17. Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective in stories.

18. He is now being coached by a famous pianist.

19. I have got lots of famous footballers’ autographs.

20. I meet famous people practically every day.

21. Being famous is often a double-edged sword.

22. Homer’s Iliad is a famous epic.

23. Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.

24. He is famous throughout the world.

25. He’s an ordinary bloke[], despite being famous.

26. Dame Ellen Terry was a famous actress.

27. There he met the famous Shoshone chieftain Washakie.

28. He was a famous racketeer in Chicago.

29. Her ambition was to be a famous singer.

30. Her dream to enter the famous university came true.

More similar words: amount to, enormous, venomous, anonymous, family, familiar, mount, among, dream of, diamonds, in a moment, be familiar with, oust, no use, house, spouse, cousin, espouse, onerous, noxious, warehouse, obvious, curious, nervous, heinous, various, anxious, household, dubious, envious. 

Examples of how to use the word “famous” in a sentence. How to connect “famous” with other words to make correct English sentences.

famous (adj): known and recognized by many people

Use “famous” in a sentence

She finally achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.
Rome is famous for its ancient architecture.
My mom works as a cook at a famous restaurant.
She is a famous singer.
I met a lot of famous people at that meeting.
He is eager to be famous.
That incident made him famous.
She’s a famous movie star.
He is a famous volleyball player.
I have a friend whose father is a famous doctor.

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Used with verbs:

«She wants to become famous.«
(become, be)

«She is a famous singer.«
(be: is/am/are)

«The movie made the town famous.«

Used with adverbs:

«He has become extremely famous.«
(extremely, very, fairly, quite, rather)

«They want to be equally famous.«

«She is an internationally famous singer.«
(internationally, world)

«This restaurant is locally famous.«

«The town is rightly famous for its beer.«
(rightly, justly)

Used with prepositions:

«The town is famous for its restaurants.«

«She is famous as a singer and an actress.«

Used with nouns:

«She was excited to meet the famous actress.«
(actress, actor, musician, singer, athlete)

«He is a famous architect.«
(artist, author, composer, conductor, designer, novelist, painter, photographer, writer, sculptor)

«We saw a famous painting in the museum.«
(painting, photograph, sculpture)

«She read some famous books for her project.«
(books, novels, passages, quotes, remarks, sayings)

«He visited a famous landmark on his trip.«
(landmark, museum, monument)

«A famous scholar is visiting our school this week.«
(scholar, scientist, physicist, philosopher, person)

«There are many famous people in town this week.«
(people, celebrities, performers)

«She recognized the famous song.«
(song, name, passage, quote, quotation)

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