Make sentences with the word exciting

We support all of your families birth and baby choices and will help your family gain understanding and confidence during this amazing and exciting time.


FPR has a brilliant stable of writers/thinkers and for a very long time provided an exciting and ebullient discourse that drew some very intelligent people into a vibrant and often erudite discussion.


An impact would be an exciting opportunity for scientists, says Ray Arvidson of Washington University in St Louis, Missouri, US, a member of the rovers» science team.


And something exciting that comes with Christmas time is my birthday!


It’s certainly not the most exciting purchase you’ll make, but it’s one of the most important.


I guess it’s goodbye to beautiful, exciting, offbeat covers and hello to predictable and corny covers,» replied a less than impressed Marc10.


That being an archaeologist is romantic and exciting and that we are always searching for important treasure.


It’s Rivalry Week in College Football, and there is no shortage of exciting matchups on the schedule.


In an exciting update for Arsenal supporters, the Gunners are set to announce the signing of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang on Monday, as per reports in Germany.


How super awesomely exciting for you all!!


«So it’s probably never been a more challenging and disruptive time to be a marketer, but at the same time I would say, never a more exciting time to really lean into this disruption and drive growth in new and different ways,» he added.


«This coupled with the recent advancements in digital print for packaging technology, spells a really exciting time for the industry.


I am looking forward to an exciting 2012 filled with some Global Recipes and Tasty Ideas!


I’ve got an exciting new business opportunity to share with you guys on Monday so make sure to come back!


How will we find out if any of those planets are habitable or, more exciting, if they actually have life?


This Chelmsford design from Baby Appleseed is an impressive and exciting focal point for themes of enchantment for the early years and sophistication for your big kid.


For little ones starting solid food for the first time, food can be exciting.


Journey is only about to get even more interesting and exciting.


«The reason this study is so exciting is that previous methods of reconstructing ocean heat content have very large age uncertainties, [which] smooths out the more subtle features of the record,» said co-author Sarah Shackleton, a graduate student in the Severinghaus lab at Scripps.


Ultimately this line up would provide Everton the chance to return to the top of the division, as key players would be kept while the cash would be splashed on new and exciting additions.


And soon — often between 12 and 15 months — they’ll be taking those exciting first steps.


It’s exciting to see your baby getting ready for his first steps, but hold off on that first pair of tiny shoes until he is walking.


The Oracle of Omaha doesn’t sound very exciting.


Introducing solids is an exciting and fun time.


Greenwich Park was an exciting place to be!


«When you think of BIGGBY COFFEE, you think of a concept that is fun, exciting and energetic.»


We think the most exciting news in today’s press release from Ionis is this: «In the Phase 1/2a study, dose-dependent reductions of muntant huntingtin were observed among patients treated with IONIS-HTTRx».


As exciting as the prospect of 90 minutes of Alexandre Lacazette and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang was for Arsenal supporters, Sunday’s 2-1 loss on Tyneside to Newcastle…


The spirit of Bill Nicholson lives on with Spurs while we move into an exciting stage in our development as the world-renowned club that he did so much to establish.


Carbon farming is an exciting new area we’re exploring.


While it can be exciting to watch your child reach milestones and grow, this transition should be extended for as long as possible.


Join us to be part of an exciting collaborative network committed to investment practices that consider environmental, social and corporate governance criteria to generate long-term competitive financial returns and positive societal impact.


The global church is beautiful and timeless, and it’s amazing and exciting to imagine the crazy ways Jesus guides each member.


It has been an exciting month for Attachment Parenting International.


Not too exciting, but I have old fashioned oatmeal every day during the week.


Unplanned, unlovely and hazardous but hypnotically exciting, Tokyo mushrooms by 300,000 more people every year.


I know it’s not very exciting, but contemplate the benefits:


This one-day conference featured exciting talks by luminaries in the cancer research field.


Located at Booth # 3305, Lonza Consumer Health & Nutrition will also feature a range of new and exciting product concepts targeting the sports nutrition and healthy-aging consumer markets.


She believes understanding child brain development is one of the most exciting advancements in parenting and loves learning about how kids» brains get wired up.


«This is an exciting advance and the type of groundbreaking work that these high-risk NIH awards are designed to support,» said Richard Conroy, PhD, program director of optical imaging at the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, part of the NIH.


In my classes I offer so many different ways for men to take this role on in a natural and exciting way.


This is a fun and exciting method for older babies and toddlers who want to be close to their caregivers but have more control of their bodies.


Let me also put it this way, I’ve found my Arsenal owned hockey team more exciting to watch than Valverde’s tactics.


Financial technology has never been a more exciting or innovative category — especially in New York City.


«Kitesurfing has taught me how to anticipate challenges, solve problems, and embrace the exciting life that comes with being a global entrepreneur.»


The real explanation isn’t quite as exciting.


Getting man of the match’s like it’s going out of fashion, aggressive dribbling and passing that made him such an exciting player to begin with..


«This is an exciting and hopeful time.


Congrats on the launch of the book, very exciting!


exciting — перевод на русский


Alice, I’m so excited.

Элис, я так взволнован.

— Oh, I’m too excited to eat. Let’s dance. — All right.

— Я так взволнован, потанцуем?

No offense, but I can’t get excited.

Ничего страшного, конечно, но я взволнован.

You’re excited.

Ты взволнован.

Bill was so excited about your going.

Бил был так взволнован вашей поездкой.

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And it’s terribly exciting.

И это ужасно захватывающе.

oh, exciting.

О, захватывающе!

It’s exciting!

Это захватывающе!

It can be exciting.

Это бывает захватывающе.

It’s very exciting.

Очень захватывающе.

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Look, I no get excited like my wife, but I come in here with 12 kids and now there are only six.

Послушайте, я не волнуюсь как моя жена, но я пришёл сюда с 12тью детьми а сейчас тут только 6.

— I’m not excited!

— Я не волнуюсь!

Well, I-I guess I’m always excited when I give a party.

Я, я, всегда волнуюсь, когда принимаю гостей.

I’m so excited. I think I’m going to have the most beautiful birthday.

— Я так волнуюсь: мой день рождения должен быть самым прекрасным!

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— How exciting. Where?

— Как интересно.

This is positively exciting.

Отлично! Это становится интересно.

Exciting, having a secret with sir.

font color-«#e1e1e1» -Так интересно секретничать с учителем. font color-«#e1e1e1»

Wouldn’t it be exciting to play it in real life?

— А разве в жизни это не интересно?

Well, I think I’d be kind of exciting.

Но мне кажется, это будет интересно.

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Ain’t it exciting?

Разве тебя это не возбуждает?

That’s what’s really exciting.

Вот это по-настоящему возбуждает.

Just thinking about you is exciting.

Как только я подумаю о тебе, меня всего возбуждает.

Like it’s exciting.

Как это возбуждает.

Hey, isn’t it exciting!

Эй, это так возбуждает!

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— So exciting!

-Так волнующе!

The first time you fall in love, it’s all so exciting and wonderful.

Когда человек влюбляется первый раз, это всегда так волнующе и чудесно.

This is rather exciting.

Это довольно волнующе.

It’s pretty exciting.

Это очень волнующе.

Well, don’t be. Oh, the casino was exciting, of course, but let’s face it, I’m just a hick from Chicago who found a bright, new shiny toy.

Не беспокойся, казино — это конечно волнующе но только взгляни, я всего лишь провинциалка из Чикаго которая нашла себе новую сияющую игрушку.

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«When you came here I was so excited to see you again.

«Я был так рад снова увидеть тебя в твой последний приезд.

Buck’s all excited.

Бак очень рад.

Friday was so excited, just like me it was the first time that he saw a seal.

Пятница был очень рад. Он впервые увидел тюленей.

Wesley was so excited to make the flight team.

Уэсли был так рад, что попал в пилотажную группу.

I remember how excited I was. It was as if it happened yesterday.

Я помню, как я был рад, так, как будто это случилось вчера.

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Just a little excited, that’s all.

Немного возбужден.

— He was breathing hard, very excited.

Он тяжело дышал, был очень возбужден.

— I’m much too excited.

— Я слишком возбужден.

Very excited he was, and he said to get to his house as quick as I could, that his girl had been raped.

Он был очень возбужден и сказал идти к нему домой так быстро, как я могу, потому что его дочка была изнасилована.

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His leg will be in a cast and he’ll be on crutches, which generally makes life quite exciting for small boys.

Его нога пока в гипсе, и ему понадобятся костыли, и обычно для мальчишек это очень увлекательно.

— I’ll pull away from them. This is exciting.

— Два человека, и это так увлекательно!

— Oh, it sounds exciting.

— Звучит увлекательно.

Yes, it sounds very intriguing and exciting…

— Это так романтично, увлекательно.

Isn’t it exciting, Augustin?

Это же увлекательно, Огюстен.

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Isn’t it exciting, Scarlett?

Правда, здорово, Скарлетт?

— How exciting!

— Это так здорово!

It might be rather exciting.

Было бы здорово.

I don’t think it sounds odd. I think it sounds very exciting, but why aren’t you doing it?

мне не кажется это странным наоборот, это здорово, так почему же ты этого не делаешь?

Sounds real exciting.

Звучит здорово.

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Used with verbs:

«This movie is very exciting.«
(be: is/am/are, looks, sounds, seems)

«The book is becoming exciting.«
(be + becoming, be + getting)

«How can we make the party more exciting?«

«She doesn’t find sports exciting.«

«The uncertainty of the game keeps it exciting.«

Used with adverbs:

«This show is extremely exciting.«
(extremely, very, fairly, not)

«This trip has been incredibly exciting.«
(incredibly, especially, particularly, unbelievably, genuinely, truly)

«I don’t think baseball is equally as exciting as football.«
(equally, just)

«His painting is visually exciting.«

Used with nouns:

«They are off on an exciting adventure.«
(adventure, trip, holiday, vacation)

«The scientist made a really exciting find.«
(find, discovery)

«He has an exciting future ahead of him.«
(future, project, challenge)

«This has been a very exciting contest.«
(contest, game, match, competition)

«He presented an exciting idea.«
(idea, possibility, development)

«They are watching an exciting film.«
(film, episode, program, movie, show)

«We are making some exciting changes to the program.«
(changes, additions)

захватывающий, возбуждающий, волнующий


- возбуждающий, волнующий; захватывающий, увлекательный (о рассказе, новости и т. п.)

how exciting! — разг. как интересно!

- возбуждающий, ускоряющий

exciting cause — мед. непосредственная причина болезни

Мои примеры


an exciting account of her adventures — захватывающий рассказ о её приключениях  
the metamorphosis of the old house into something new and exciting — превращение старого дома в нечто новое и удивительное  
exciting story — увлекательный рассказ  
exciting current — ток возбуждения  
exciting radiation — возбуждающее излучение  
exciting winding — обмотка возбуждения  
breathtaking / exciting / thrilling adventure — захватывающее приключение  
exciting life — восхитительная, интересная жизнь  
self-exciting circuit — контур автоколебаний  
exciting circuit — схема возбуждения  
exciting line — шина возбуждения  
exciting passion — возбуждающий низменные страсти  

Примеры с переводом

This isn’t a very exciting book.

Это не очень увлекательная книга.

Let’s do something exciting.

Давайте делать что-то увлекательное.

Man, that was exciting!

Блин, вот это была веселуха!

The most exciting part is yet to come.

Самое интересное ещё впереди.

It was not an exciting life, but it was rather interesting.

Это была не то чтобы захватывающая, но довольно интересная жизнь.

She led an exciting and glamorous life.

Она вела интересную и яркую жизнь.

I’ve got some very exciting news for you.

У меня для вас есть очень интересная новость.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

‘Julia and Paul are getting married!’ ‘Oh, how exciting!’

It must be really exciting to see your work in print.

…a style of jazz that the vanguard quickly recognized as new and exciting…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

excitable  — возбудимый, легковозбудимый, азартный
exciter  — возбудитель
excited  — возбужденный, взволнованный, экзальтированный
unexciting  — неволнующий, незахватывающий, неинтересный

Examples of how to use the word “exciting” in a sentence. How to connect “exciting” with other words to make correct English sentences.

exciting (adj): making you feel excited

Use “exciting” in a sentence

It was an exciting game.
He told us a very exciting adventure story.
It was the most exciting holiday I’ve ever had.
The story gets more and more exciting.
The latter half of the game was very exciting.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


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