Make sentences with the word curious

Sentences with the word Curious?



  • «The noise and the screaming brought the curious«
  • «This procedure produces a curious effect»; «The new law gave rise to many complaints»; «These chemicals produce a noxious vapor»; «the new President must bring about a change in the health care system»
  • «a curious child is a teacher’s delight»; «a trap door that made me curious«; «curious investigators»; «traffic was slowed by curious rubberneckers»; «curious about the neighbor’s doings»
  • «a curious hybrid accent»; «her speech has a funny twang»; «they have some funny ideas about war»; «had an odd name»; «the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves»; «something definitely queer about this town»; «what a rum fellow»; «singular behavior»
  • «the first Mozartian opera to be subjected to this curious treatment ran dispiritedly for five performances»
  • «curious about the neighbor’s doings»; «he flipped through my letters in his nosy way»; «prying eyes»; «the snoopy neighbor watched us all day»

Curious (Yellow) was a pop, alternative rock band formed in 1987 by Swedish-born Karin Jansson, a singer-songwriter and guitarist, formerly of feminist punk band Pink Champagne. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Out of the 20,000 keywords they analyzed, Iâ $ ™ m curious how many of them were Wikipedia articles, which are always longer, richer content.


I’m encouraged that other readers were able to make this with ease — I will be curious to try it.


If you’re concerned about hidden «gotchas» in ETFs, curious about how ETFs can help you fulfil your investing goals, and want to build a profitable, sustainable, long-term portfolio… then ETF 20/20 is exactly what you’ve been looking for… Read more»


By the following Wednesday (ten days from birth), they began to get curious and tumble about, almost playing with one another.


In his last 60 innings he has given up only seven earned runs, luckily coming away with a 3-1 record despite a curious silence from Texas» bats.


It is one of the curious ironies of our time, however, that New Testament scholars who rail most loudly at the imposition of theological systems on the text are themselves often proponents of their own type of system.


New Side Luggage Basket Cover not only protects your goods from the elements, it also keeps those curious hands out!


I won’t eat before working out and I suppose I am always curious how this routine effects my body.


For those of you that are curious, I do have an outcome for the deodorant — potty issue.


She will be intellectually curious, interested in learning about areas…


As I received the signal that I needed to wrap up the interview, I panicked asked a question that I was personally curious about, but probably wasn’t incredibly necessary to ask.


The barrier thwarts prying eyes and protects the curious from an unpleasant surprise.


Cattle and horses roamed freely in small groups and some were curious about us.


For those curious about the options available for students inside and outside the district, SAISD will host its annual Magnet & Specialized Schools Fair on the evening of Nov. 2 at the Alamo Convocation Center, located at 110 Tuleta Drive.


If you are curious about what I do, check out my process.


This has made me little curious about how well this product is.


One of the more curious is Ian Buruma’s treatment in the New Yorker, which is basically an exposï ¿ 1⁄2 of Johnson’s political and ideological gyrations over the decades.


Employing a curious cast, James White might prove to be more visually and emotionally more daring than the work of his closest peers in Campos and Durkin.


As with most Asian visitors I meet, these gentlemen were curious about how we manage to produce so many innovative leaders.


In case you’re curious, on this particular day, I used Kehoe’s Kitchen Fermented Paleo Mustard Pickles (it has a lot of cauliflower) and Kehoe’s Kitchen Beetroot & Ginger Sauerkraut.


We were curious about the books Good has enjoyed reading lately, so we asked him to recommend some recent favorites, which he shared in a predictably hilarious fashion.


For those curious, read his chapter in Political Theory vs. History: Contextualism and Real Politics in Contemporary Political Thought (see book details here).


A reversible top seat is included with the stroller frame and accessories are sold separately for additional seating including a bassinet for the sleeping newborn, lower second seat for the growing family, lower infant car seat adaptor for the newest addition, and the Britax B-Safe 35 Elite and B-Safe 35 infant car seats for the curious baby.


Didn’t he wire us to be curious and to seek answers?


I was curious how did you go about measuring 4 cups of greens?


Over the summer Josh and I began training for the Philadelphia marathon, and I was curious about the diet of vegan athletes.


kate spade new york draws women into a world that’s culturally curious, intellectually playful, quick-witted and strong.


I’m curious about the tattoo that Portman and Rodriguez seem to share, for example, but I’d have to watch the movie again to try to solve it.


Their dark eyes have a curious and lively expression.


I am curious, Matt, since based on your comments you are interested in the documentary and in debate tactics, what exactly do * you * consider «elective c-section»?


Thank yourself for getting curious and gathering the tools to improve your life.


I am curious if you thought it was stupid before I put «scientists» in there.


I am curious if this two camp system is really of import in most Christian circles?


Knowing this NYSRPA is curious as to what Councilwoman Scott actually hopes to accomplish with this turn-in program?


I have yet to cook with nutritional yeast but am very curious to see how this recipe turns out.


I’m curious to see what your solution to mother nature might be.


BE: When you were doing «The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,» I’m just curious if you successfully kept a straight face the first time you saw Terence Stamp in all his glory as Bernadette.


Whether you are simply fashion curious or a huge fan of MAISON KITSUNE products, joining VestiaireCollective is available to all.


We will continue to monitor these trends in the two weeks leading up to the big game, but we’re always curious about your opinion.


Other than that, I’m just curious: what’s in the Wal-Mart position?


I am curious and will have to find my materials on the «Warrior Diet» and see how it fits in with my current thinking, it’s been about a year since I read his book.


Are you curious to find cute looking singles in your neighborhood and crave to date them instantly?


If you’re curious to know what’s the Send and receive messages absolutely for free.


I’m just curious just kind of like your intuitive guess.


Dorrie, fleeing problems of her own and curious whether she can unlock the secrets of Isabelle’s guarded past, scarcely hesitates before agreeing, not knowing it will be a journey that changes both their lives.


Because of its user friendly website design and exceptional as well as interesting means to meet matches, this website is the best free online dating for the bisexual and bi curious individuals.


My second is 11 months now and I’m curious to see where our journey takes us…


Additionally, this kids dresser has the appearance of levitation which will invite curious stares.


If you’re curious how much an 11 month old baby eats or even how much should a 1 year old baby eat, it will be the same.


Being a curious, open, and nonjudgemental person helps.


Synonym: inquisitive, odd, peculiar, queer, strange, unusual. Antonym: incurious, indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested. Similar words: various, mysterious, laboriously, security, centurion, anxious, dubious, envious. Meaning: [‘kjʊərɪəs]  adj. 1. beyond or deviating from the usual or expected 2. eager to investigate and learn or learn more (sometimes about others’ concerns) 3. having curiosity aroused; eagerly interested in learning more. 

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1. Everyone was curious as to why Mark was leaving.

2. I was curious to know what would happen next.

3. I’m curious to know what she said.

4. Her secretive manner had made me curious.

5. Children are curious about everything around them.

6. Curious pedestrians were ordered to move along.

7. He is such a curious boy,( always asking questions.

8. I heard a curious noise last night.

9. It is a curious paradox that professional comedians often have unhappy personal lives.

10. I was curious to find out what she had said.

11. Don’t be too curious about things you are not supposed to know.

12. Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from.

13. They entered the shop, which was a curious ramshackle building.

14. They were very curious about the people who lived upstairs.

15. He felt a curious mixture of excitement and panic.

16. We received a number of curious stares from passers-by.

17. I was intensely curious to know more about him.

18. He remains curious about why she neglects him.

19. It was curious that she didn’t tell anyone.

20. It’s curious that she left without saying goodbye.

21. Hide it where curious eyes won’t see it.

22. My eye fell on a curious object.

23. She’s a curious mixture of stubbornness and servility.

24. We got a number of curious looks from passers-by.

25. He grew curious about how to make a toy.

26. He was curious about how she would react.

27. Babies are curious about everything around them.

28. She was curious as to why he was there.

29. We felt curious how she received the shocking news.

30. I was curious about how she would react.

More similar words: various, mysterious, laboriously, security, centurion, anxious, dubious, envious, obvious, officious, previous, oblivious, vivacious, obviously, ambitious, bumptious, suspicious, previously, loquacious, pugnacious, subconsciously, consciousness, during, tourism, tourist, flourish, riot, prior, period, curve. 

любопытный, любознательный, странный, курьезный, пытливый


- любознательный, пытливый

I am [should be] curious to know what — мне хочется [я бы хотел] знать, интересно знать [было бы узнать]

- любопытный

curious idlers — зеваки, любопытствующие бездельники
she stole a curious look at me — она с любопытством /украдкой/ взглянула на меня

- странный, курьёзный, чудной

- эвф. эротический, порнографический
- арх. тщательный; искусный

curious research [inquiry] — тщательное исследование [расследование]

- диал. изящный, изысканный, тонкий

curious design — изящный /узор/
curious workmanship — тонкая отделка
a curious piece of the 19th century art — прекрасный образец искусства XIX века

Мои примеры


curious exuviae of early art — любопытные остатки предметов древнего искусства  
curious / prying eyes — любопытный взгляд  
curious incident — любопытный случай  
curious involvements of English society — забавные условности английского общества  
curious / strange look — странный взгляд  
curious inquiry — тщательное расследование  
curious research — тщательное исследование  
curious sight — странный /загадочный/ вид  
curious chapter in history — любопытная страница истории  
he collected a quantity of curious information — он собрал много любопытных сведений  

Примеры с переводом

Puppies are naturally curious.

Щенки, любопытны от природы.

I’m curious to know more about her.

Мне любопытно было бы узнать о ней больше.

He was curious about how she would react.

Ему было любопытно узнать, как она отреагирует.

Mandy was curious to know what happened.

Мэнди было любопытно узнать, что случилось.

She felt curiously calm.

Она ощущала непривычное спокойствие.

Cats are said to be naturally curious.

Говорят, кошки от природы чрезвычайно любопытны.

She found a curious old clock in the attic.

Она нашла на чердаке необычные старые часы.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His austere and basically humble personality imposes a curious damp propriety upon his memorial.

…the two robberies, committed on opposite ends of the country, show some curious similitudes…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

curiously  — странно, необычайно
incurious  — нелюбопытный, нелюбознательный, безразличный, невнимательный
curiousness  — ярость, неистовство, бешенство
overcurious  — слишком любопытный или любознательный, слишком любопытный

At a new place, one is curious to know and eager to gather information.

I am curious to see my little daughter’s dance performance at the school function.

adolescents are curious to know about sex.

We are looking for curious and creative employees for our company.

We humans are a curious lot.

I am curious, adventurous, and always ready to learn something new.

I came across a curious phenomenon yesterday.

He is seriously curious to know about it.

He has always been a curious child and loves asking questions.

She is curious to read about women cricketers and their achievements.

Be curious and dare to try something new.

The future belongs to the curious.

I’m very curious by nature.

It makes me curious.

I was curious as to which approach would produce the most meaningful results.

Young children are naturally curious and passionate about learning.

Be more curious.

Scholars are people who are naturally curious.

He is curious and full of emotions.

Our kids are curious about the world.

Let him be curious about you.

Cats are generally curious by nature.

Answer curious questions from young children.

They are intensely curious about the world around them.

He is curious about you.

He is curious by nature.

Inquire about the person you’re curious about.

Children are very curious to know everything.

He was curious to get morknowledge.

This was very curious.

l am curious to know who won.

He is always curious about what we are doing.

It is a curious fact.

Are you curious to know what the health benefits of raw banana are?

We are always curious to know what the future holds for us.

We humans are forever curious to know about our future.

She is always curious about what I am doing.

I was curious to know why people had been staring at me.

He was curious to see the inside.

He was curious to know her secret.

I’m curious to know why they removed my name from the list.

My child is curious to know everything.

I’m curious about the things that I’m interested in.

I was curious to see evidence of this.

He is curious to learn new things.

Children are very curious and ask many questions.

He’s curious about everything.

Children are curious about everything.

Synonyms Of Curious – Another Words

Inquisitive, Interested, Analytical, Disquisitive, Examining, Impertinent, Inquiring, Inspecting, Interfering, Intrusive, Investigative, Meddlesome, Meddling, Nosy, Peeping, Peering, Prurient, Prying, Puzzled, Questioning

Antonyms Of Curious – Opposite Words

Incurious, Unconcerned, Average, Disinterested, Indifferent, Normal, Ordinary, Uninterested

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