Make sentences with the word boat

Sentences with the word Boat?



  • «the boat was set adrift»
  • «a ship aground offshore»; «a boat aground on the beach waiting for the tide to lift it»
  • «go ahead»; «the train moved ahead slowly»; «the boat lurched ahead»; «moved onward into the forest»; «they went slowly forward in the mud»
  • «The boat ascended the Delaware»
  • «the boat was 5 miles off (or away)»; «the party is still 2 weeks off (or away)»; «away back in the 18th century»
  • «the boat ran aground on a submerged bar in the river»
  • «The leaves were blowing in the wind»; «the boat drifted on the lake»; «The sailboat was adrift on the open sea»; «the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore»
  • «The boat beat in the strong wind»
  • «tie up the boat«
  • «he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line»
  • «they brought about the boat when they saw a storm approaching»
  • «The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter»
  • «Don’t rock the boat or it will capsize!»
  • «This boat can only carry a small sail»
  • «chock the boat«
  • «the boat headed into the chop»
  • «a scenic but devious route»; «a long and circuitous journey by train and boat«; «a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic»
  • «the boat had a metallic finish»; «he applied a coat of a clear finish»; «when the finish is too thin it is difficult to apply evenly»
  • «the boat entered an area of shallow marshes»
  • «The boat cut the water»
  • «This boat draws 70 inches»
  • «The tsunami swamped every boat in the harbor»
  • «The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn»-Henry Fielding; «the twilight glow of the sky»; «a boat on a twilit river»
  • «we were given the use of his boat«
  • «He floated the logs down the river»; «The boy floated his toy boat on the pond»
  • «an inflatable mattress»; «an inflatable boat«
  • «I taught them French»; «He instructed me in building a boat«
  • «involuntary manslaughter»; «involuntary servitude»; «an involuntary shudder»; «It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They sank my boat«- John F.Kennedy
  • «the boat limped into the harbor»
  • «the English vowel sounds in `bate’, `beat’, `bite’, `boat‘, `boot’ are long»
  • «moor the boat«
  • «an open boat«; «an open fire»; «open sports cars»
  • «dangerous waters»; «a parlous journey on stormy seas»; «a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat«; «the precarious life of an undersea diver»; «dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery»
  • «a telling smile»; «a telltale panel of lights»; «a telltale patch of oil on the water marked where the boat went down»
  • «The capsized boat righted again»
  • «row the boat across the lake»
  • «scull the boat«
  • «the shiftiness of the wind caused the boat to veer unpredictably»
  • «signals from the boat suddenly stopped»
  • «The boat skirted the coast»
  • «viewing subaqueous fauna from a glass-bottomed boat«; «submerged leaves»
  • «The sailors decided to tack the boat«; «The boat tacked»
  • «a throbbing pain»; «the throbbing engine of the boat«
  • «a tipsy boat«
  • «the Vietnamese countryside»; «the Vietnamese tones»; «Vietnamese boat people»

The two «Must See» Icons in the Whitsundays, snorkel, dive, swim, ride the glass bottom boat or take a heli-scenic trip over «Heart Reef».


But I forgot the old adage that a rising tied lifts all boats (or idiots).


Fuel purchases for airplanes and boats receive 1 point per dollar spent.


Accelerating from 0 to 60 takes a period of 9.2-seconds but this truck (comfortably equipped with a four-wheel drivetrain) has plenty of pulling power for putting the boat in the water, etc..


That’s why researchers with the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are planning the first boat expedition to visit the newly-opened waters.


We are all in the same boat, trying to do our best to be the best parent we can be.


Just as I was thinking these thoughts, I looked up the river and saw a boat floating down the river toward me, and inside were some fishermen!


Alternatively, a boat trip around the island is a great way to see all of the sights; some locations on the island simply can not be reached by road!


How can we avoid paddling in circles forever because the oars are working on only one side of the boat?


The week progressed with a few more humpback sightings here and there, in addition to two transient Orcas who came right next to our boat in Port Houghton.


It’s about a boat, and she’s on board…?


And of course no visit to Krabi would be complete without a boat trip to see the very famous James Bond Island or Khao Ping Gan featured in the film The Man With The Golden Gun.


For the boats 4 medium chicken thighs 4 black peppercorns 2 large garlic cloves, peeled 2 tsp ghee or coconut oil 2 medium onions, finely chopped 1/4 tsp fresh ginger, chopped 1 tsp tomato puree 7 whole dried unsulphured apricots 4 tbsp full-fat probiotic yoghurt 1/4 tsp fresh lemon juice 1 small handful fresh coriander, roughly chopped (save a little for garnishing) 2 tbsp flaked almonds, toasted 6 baby gem lettuces, washed and dried Salt and black pepper


University takes the social element to a new level, and at Leeds, where I went, the boat races after the match had little to do with rowing.


Deep Sea fishing, jet skis, boats, private pilot.


The resort’s fleet includes four Pro 48» and seven Pro 42» Custom Dive Boats and a dedicated 51» snorkel boat.


From the smallest details, like USB’s loaded with movies provided in every room, to major structures like the whale deck, the Raja Ampat Aggressor is a premium boat that provides a premium service.


Furthermore, he needs to do all that whilst not rocking the carefully-balanced boat carrying the weight of star-studded egos.


Sail away on weeklong voyages on the Lady Washington, test your mettle on the Tall Masts Ropes Course, or design a boat on a computer and build your creation in the shop.


Yes, many of our speed daters come by themselves and you will find the crowd very friendly and as everyone is in the same boat as you, you will naturally get talking with other guests.


After exploring the magnificent cave, we give you some time for snorkeling, taking photos or to take a hot shower on the boat.


Off-street parking is available, but limited, so guests towing trailers, boats and caravans should inform us, at the time of booking, so that arrangements can be made.


Picture windows frame the view of Dora Creek with its tree lined banks and boats.


It was a small boat, but the waves that day were pretty strong.


Rates: $ 27 boat launch fee Parking for vehicles with trailers only — parking for no other type of vehicles is permitted.


If you are interested in chasing down the ultimate ocean predators, our experienced local captains know how to entice sharks towards the boat.


Homes, cars, boats, property, savings accounts, investment portfolios and even jewelry would help ease the lender’s angst.


Up close and personal: South Africa has two land-based penguin colonies — Boulders beach and Stony Point (Betty’s Bay), but there are other colonies on the islands around South Africa, and boats often venture out past them, Dyer Island, off Gansbaai, included


HOW TO BUY Avoid enormous zucchini boats — they tend to be bitter, watery, or bland-tasting.


The Ram 1500 is the ideal light-duty pickup to haul your boat or other favorite toy, while the Jeep Grand Cherokee offers a luxury SUV option with unmatched 4 × 4 power to take you off-road when needed.


I’m in the same boat with H Stringer of Texas.


Everyone’s looking for someone to blame for the losses, but don’t forget that nearly everyone is in the same boat no matter who is managing their money is known as a Scapegoat Trap.


Team a blue number with beige pants and maroon boat shoes for a super trendy look.


Mix in half the cauliflower to each squash boat, add 1/2 cup shredded cheese and 2 tablespoons of parmesan to each half and gently fold into the squash and cauliflower mixture.


If Mesut signs the contract we put in front of him, he will be making a boat load of money.


— or been in the North Pacific on a fishing boat that hits and iceberg and rips a hole in the side just above the water line.


Then we flew down to northeastern Peru and took a three-hour boat ride on the headwaters of the Amazon River.


Guys, STEP AWAY from the seersuckers and don’t even think about slipping into those boat shoes.


Literally raised in a zoo, Pi’s family in India decides to sell their animals to a zoo in Canada and on the boat journey there, Pi becomes the sole human survivor as he escapes on a life raft after a deadly storm.


It’s one of the best inflatable boats with motor.


Acura’s reluctance to offer more choices might make sense if the MDX was built in Japan and shipped stateside via slow boat.


The lake is the primary attraction for visitors to this area, with its emerald-green waters stretching out over two and a half miles in length and 0.6 miles in width, a boat ride across Lake Zell also provides access to many of the local villages.


Private Cruise Charter is the ultimate choice to celebrate that very special occasion, enjoying the freedom to do exactly as you please, hiring the whole boat with a group of your favourite people!


Coffey carries the portable WavBoard into boat shows and marinas, where he often gives prospective buyers continents away a live videocam tour of a yacht while chatting over Skype’s toll-free phone service.


Pressure has grown on governments to act after an overcrowded migrant boat sank in the Mediterranean last month, leaving more than 750 dead in a case that sparked international outrage.


A resort boat collects the passengers so they can witness the breath-taking views as soon as they arrive.


Go for a hike, take a program, enjoy the scenery by boat, and more.


But, That doesnt seem stop them from trying to jump into my boat.


But now I really think this is going to transform oceanography by giving us a persistent presence in the ocean — a presence that doesn’t require a boat, can operate in any weather condition, and can stay within the same water mass as it drifts around the open ocean.»


And those surveys, Howey tells us here, are missing the boat not only on the technical point of how it compares earners but also on the actual impetus to write.


All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«That little boat isn’t made for the ocean.«
(little, tiny, small, row, paddle, inflatable, wooden, steam, river)

«We bought a speed boat for summer vacation.«
(speed, motor, sail, sailing)

«You’ll have to take a ferry boat to the island.«
(ferry, charter, passenger)

«She’s working on a fishing boat.«
(fishing, whaling, shrimp, crab, cargo)

«His gift for Christmas was a toy boat.«
(toy, model)

«We found a capsized boat on the beach.«
(capsized, wrecked, overturned)

Used with verbs:

«Let’s take out the boat this weekend.«
(take out, use, sail)

«They are getting into the boat.«
(be + getting into, be + getting on, be + getting onto, be + boarding, be + getting off, be + getting out of)

«She is about to launch the boat.«
(launch, lower, sail, row, guide, steer, turn)

«Can I captain the boat?«
(captain, pilot, skipper, man, operate)

«He docked the boat in the bay.«
(docked, moored, tied up, anchored)

«They have to load the boat.«
(load, unload, charter, rent)

«If you stand up, you’ll rock the boat.«
(rock, capsize, overturn)

«They caught the last boat.«
(caught, took, chartered, rented, missed)

«The boat will sail east.«
(sail, head, go)

«When does the boat arrive?«
(arrive, come in, dock, return, go out, set sail, sail out)

«Another boat drifted by us.«
(drifted, floated, passed)

«The boat keeps rocking and it is making me sick.«
(rocking, rolling, bobbing)

«The storm caused the boat to sink.«
(sink, capsize, overturn)

«What is the boat carrying?«
(carrying, holding, shipping)

Used with nouns:

«We are going on a boat cruise for our anniversary.«
(cruise, ride, trip)

«He watches boat races.«

«It’s in the boat house.«

«He’s the boat operator.«
(operator, owner, skipper, captain, crew)

boat — перевод на русский


Bring the boat.

Давай лодку.

The one about the big fish that jumped over the boat.

[МАЛЫШ] Про огромную рыбу, которая перепрыгнула лодку.

Oh, it leads to a little cove where we used to keep a boat. Oh, let’s go down there.

— К небольшому домику, там держали лодку.

— He found another boat.

И нашли другую лодку.

Well, he’s examining the boat now. Purely as a matter of routine, you know.

Он сейчас осматривает лодку, это простая формальность.

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Father, I am stayed away on your boat.

Папа, я не поднимусь на твой корабль.

Seems he has two tickets on a boat to Havana.

— Похоже, у него есть два билета на корабль до Гаваны.

When we get on that boat I wanna get cockeyed.

— Когда мы попадем на корабль, я хочу напиться.

-Excuse me, I thought you were a boat.

Прошу прощения, я думала, ты корабль.

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I bought her a pleasure boat, the Alberta.

Я купил ей прогулочный катер, Альберта.

Now, your patrol will leave from here this afternoon, board a boat, which will bring you around to this spot.

Ваш отряд отправляется сегодня днем, вы сядете на катер, который доставит вас вокруг острова в эту точку.

Tell them to send us another boat.

Скажете, чтобы за нами отправили другой катер.

Hey, it’s a boat!

Эй, это катер!

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What do you mean, go by boat? I’ve got a reservation on the morning train.

Я не сяду на судно, у меня билет на поезд.

She and her partner just happened to be leaving on the same boat.

Они с партнером сели на то же судно.

She had to wind up here… because if you wanna go south, here’s where you get the boat.

Она тоже там была. Любой, кто отправляется на юг, должен найти там себе судно.

I found a boat. I went to Hawaii.

Я нашёл судно и поплыл на Гавайи

I wonder when we’ll get a boat from Ireland with some Irish whiskey.

Хоть бы судно из Ирландии с хорошим виски.

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Everything a boat should be until she develops dry rot.

Такой и должна быть яхта, пока дерево не начнёт гнить.

When you’re through with a boat, you’re through.

Раз яхта своё отслужила, значит, отслужила.

On my boat, of course

Немного холодновато. Но у меня есть яхта. — Яхта?

Club boat? No, she’s ours

— Клубная яхта?

Not one of the usual boats, a real sailing ship… one of those that braved the seas and the storms of this world.

Яхта, которая проходила мимо, отличалась от обычных. Это был настоящий парусник. Из тех, что пересекают море в самый сильный в мире шторм.

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There’s a boat sailing at midnight.

Пароход уходит в полночь.

— He’d almost have to be to stop a boat.

— Ради него остановили пароход.

Are you sure we’re on the right boat, Sylvester?

Ты уверен, что мы сели на тот пароход, Сильвестр?

That’s the boat to San Francisco.

Это пароход в Сан-Франциско.

I can get on a train, then get on a boat.

Я могу сесть на поезд, а затем на пароход.

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Come on, Tex, let’s get in that boat!

Давай, Текс, давай в шлюпку!

You’re rocking the boat.

Ты раскачиваешь шлюпку.

I’ll bring the boat back in the morning.

Я приведу шлюпку завтра утром.

I have to catch the 4:00 boat.

Мне надо успеть на 4:00 шлюпку.

I looked out, and there was the boat, Headed for the rocks, Mainsail all torn to shreds.

Я присмотрелся и увидел шлюпку, движущуюся на скалы. с разорванным в клочья парусом.

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That’s the ferry boat.

Это паром.

Would you mind telling me When the next boat goes to the island?

Вы не подскажите когда следующий паром на остров?

You missed a mail boat.

Ты опоздал на паром?

The name of the boat is Diana.

Паром называется Диана.

When the boat came to Gothenburg, Roseanna wasn’t on it.

Когда паром прибыл в Гётеборг, Розанны там уже не было.

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Хоть на борту, хоть в прериях.

There’s some girl on the boat.

Там на борту девушка.

— There’s no one on the boat?

На борту что, нет никого?

It’s dangerous to fill it on the boat.

На борту переливать опасно.

You’ll need these papers for the boat. And you’ll need this US money.

На борту тебе понадобится эта карточка и эти американские доллары

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There are too many in our boat.

И не надо ему плыть с нами, нас слишком много.

Will we be on the boat long?

Плыть долго?

While the boat floats, don’t row

Плывёт милая, ну и пусть плывёт.

~ Baby’s boat ~ ~ A silver moon ~

«В небе ночном плывёт луна.»

Get your boat over here and give us some help.

Плывите сюда! Помогите нам с уловом!

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  • Use the word boat in a sentences

Sentence Examples

People who had taunted Noah… just hours before… now willing… to commit any vile act… to secure a seat on his boat.

It looks like the Point Dume cameras got the boat on night vision.

That chick is a real banana boat.

Why are you on this boat?

Terje Vigen rowed for his wife and child, crossed the sea in an open boat

«You sailed at ease in your mighty corvette, I rowed in my humble boat

All fixed up for the boat ride.

Sometimes Van Groot watches the manoeuvring, his boat-hook in his hand.

his coat was found in a boat drifiting in the waves in the big lagoon, we can suppose he was victim of a disaster and most likely drowned.

Tomorrow there’s a boat … Yes?

Paris struggled in the boat against the raging sea.

The winner already approaches to take me to the boat.

Melancholy Achilles watches the beautiful Helen disappear in the boat of the priest of the temple of Adonis.

The sea has thrown on the beach These remnants of the sacrificial boat.

«Some boat must go there!

«The boat sails at ten in the morning, sir.»

«We’re safer on the boat

That’s 3 times the length of this boat.

«We must hurry… maybe we will manage to get the boat before the current takes hold of it.»

I think that the waves will devour Both boat and man, by and by,

«…then overturn the boat

«…after the boat has capsized, save yourself with these bulrushes.»

We are about to embark … On an ocean of mysticism and passion … in a small, leaky boat.

«I’ll run on this river if I’m the only passenger on the boat

«Fix him up with some working clothes for the boat

Working clothes for the boat with her help.

«If I find him on this boat again, I’ll personally wring his neck.»

«If anybody else is caught on this boat … my son’ll handle him.»

«Show him what makes the boat go.»

«The pier is not strong enough to hold the boat against this wind.»

I’ve got a boat waiting’.

You’ll go sailing away from me, just like that boat down there will now.

Listen, we want you on the prow of that boat.

By the way, what’s the name of that little beauty on the boat?

When I got a peek at you up there on that boat

Isn’t this the beautiful lady of the boat?

I’m gonna get on that boat.

Come on, little love boat.

You may stay with me in the boat

He did not make a boat trip

Between Bruges and the sea Jonathan went 4 times by express train, one time by boat and 3 times by bus.

That reminds me of a story… about a man building a boat to cross a river.

He got impatient building the boat and started swimming.

After 15 days on the water and 6 on the boat, we reached Africa.

No, Marthy, no, we’re in the boat, huh?

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