Make sentences with the word adventure

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word adventure, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use adventure in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «adventure». In addition, we also show how different variations of adventure can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are adventure’s, adventurer, adventure—an and adventure—walking. If you click on the variation of adventure that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Adventure in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word adventure in a sentence.

  1. It was a choice of adventure.

  2. Riven is a puzzle adventure video game.

  3. Not all the fiction was adventure oriented.

  4. The adventure then ends, with no postscript.

  5. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure.

  6. Happy anniversary to this epic 2001 adventure!

  7. It was intended as an adventure story for boys.

  8. Serge enjoys adventure with a carefree attitude.

  9. His first aquatic adventure was almost his last.

  10. DeMille’s wartime adventure film The Story of Dr.

  11. L’Empereur Smith is a Lucky Luke adventure from 1976.

  12. Rick Swan reviewed the adventure in The Space Gamer No.

  13. Tracy Hickman once ran the adventure as a Dungeon Master.

  14. DeMille’s adventure film North West Mounted Police (1940).

  15. The 32-page adventure bears the code S3 («S» for «special»).

  16. In 2018, Bale voiced Bagheera in the adventure film Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle.

  17. In 2012, it ranked eighth on GamesRadar’s «Best point-and-click adventure games».

  18. Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward is a 2012 adventure game developed by Chunsoft.

  19. Now that the lecture has been delivered, the Dylan adventure is coming to a close».

  20. In 2011, Adventure Gamers named Myst III the 59th-best adventure game ever released.

  21. Marcian is played by the Hollywood star Jeff Chandler in the 1954 period adventure Sign of the Pagan.

  22. The adventure is an old-time favorite of many Dungeons & Dragons fans, including Stephen Colbert.

  23. It consisted of a 32-page book, with separate maps that detailed locations in the adventure scenario.

  24. The first adventure game book of the series, The Wreckers’ Tower Game, was published in October 1984.

  25. Bennett also told Shatner that the film had the feeling of a tone poem rather than an adventure story.

  26. In 1980, TSR published the adventure, updated for first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rules.

  27. The adventure is designed for first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons characters of levels 8–10.

  28. But it is a big story because it is an American girl who went off on an adventure and didn’t come back.

  29. LucasArts stated in 2006 that they do not plan on returning to adventure games until the «next decade».

  30. Freelance Police’s cancellation is often cited as the culmination of the adventure genre’s decline.

  31. Like its predecessor, Riven is a point and click adventure game played from a first-person perspective.

  32. Grim Fandango was an attempt by LucasArts to rejuvenate the graphic adventure genre, in decline by 1998.

  33. The player’s goal is to adventure through a large, multi-level dungeon, in which the entire game is set.

  34. From early childhood, Shackleton was a voracious reader, a pursuit which sparked a passion for adventure.

  35. This hardback contains reprints of the 1980 and 1981 editions, and a 5th edition update of the adventure.

  36. The adventure was not updated for later rules systems, but a article did provide a conversion to Future Tech.

  37. Radical Dreamers is an illustrated text adventure which was created to wrap up an unresolved plot line of Chrono Trigger.

  38. They return as adults for another adventure in Ballantyne’s 1861 novel The Gorilla Hunters, a sequel to The Coral Island.

  39. In 2011, Richard Cobbett summarized Maniac Mansion as «one of the most intricate and important adventure games ever made».

  40. Game Chronicles was less enthusiastic, calling the graphics above average, but standard fare for a current adventure game.

  41. Shackleton’s expedition was an epic adventure, but failed completely in its main endeavour of a transcontinental crossing.

  42. It influenced numerous graphic adventure titles, and its point-and-click interface became a standard feature in the genre.

  43. Gilbert hoped to create a «system that could be used on many adventure games, cutting down the time it took to make them».

  44. Countdown to Doom is a text adventure game written by Peter Killworth for the BBC Micro and published by Acornsoft in 1982.

  45. She also produced and starred in the biographical adventure Wild (2014), based on Cheryl Strayed’s memoir of the same name.

  46. With the help of the cricketer Pelham Warner, who worked in the War Office, in 1915 he was transferred to the Royal Flying Corps, which was more to his sense of adventure.

  47. It was a critical success, receiving praise for its modern take on the serial film, its non-stop action and adventure, and the cast, particularly Ford, Allen, and Freeman.

  48. In this, the whole Brazilian adventure was replaced by a brief coda, in which Tony returns from a luxury cruise to be greeted by a chastened Brenda asking to be reconciled.

  49. Schafer had conceived a Day of the Dead-themed adventure before production of Full Throttle began, and he submitted both concepts to LucasArts for approval at the same time.

  50. It also explained that the game was more like a traditional shooter video game than an adventure shooter, and stated that the motion activated actions were too unresponsive.

Adventure’s in a sentence

Adventure’s is a variation of adventure, below you can find example sentences for adventure’s.

  1. Game designer Daniel Kaufman remembers «the famous backward-firing guns» as one of the adventure’s highlights.

  2. According to the Dungeon editors, the adventure’s defining moment was its froghemoth creature, and its full page color illustration.

  3. The catacombs, where player characters were teleported away and replaced with undead wights, was singled out at as the adventure’s «defining moment» by the magazine’s editors.

  4. In the adventure’s introduction, it is explained that the Grand Duchy of Geoff is under constant attack by a succession of monsters that have been emerging from a cave in the mountains.

  5. He singles out its use of common monsters in D&D, an abundance of traps, and frequent combat interludes as elements that detract from the adventure’s spookiness by interrupting the module’s flow.

Adventurer in a sentence

Adventurer is a variation of adventure, below you can find example sentences for adventurer.

  1. At first, Toni is not a very serious adventurer.

  2. During the late 1670s Greek adventurer Constance Phaulkon arrived in Siam.

  3. Rook being a scientist and an adventurer, he was recruited into Danse Macabre.

  4. Goodman realizes Nelson’s insanity, abandons the adventurer, and returns to his book.

  5. Ford’s interpretation of the character was as an academic first and an adventurer second.

  6. In Sabre Wulf, the player guides the pith-helmeted adventurer Sabreman through a two-dimensional maze.

  7. During the struggle, she meets Vaan, a young adventurer who dreams of becoming a sky pirate in command of an airship.

  8. Hakluyt was also a leading adventurer of the Charter of the Virginia Company of London as a director thereof in 1589.

  9. Sterling, raised in a poor family, was a young adventurer with dreams of fame and fortune who decided to become a pirate.

  10. Fanny chose not to conform to the traditionally circumscribed roles of wife and mother, and became an author and adventurer.

  11. Although he created Dan Dare, he and Morris had signed contracts which made the space adventurer the copyright of its publisher.

  12. In 1978, he met with adventurer Dick Smith, who was about to launch an expedition to recover the Kookaburra from the Tanami Desert.

  13. A group of Cuban revolutionaries led by Venezuelan adventurer Narciso López intended to liberate Cuba from Spanish rule by the sword.

  14. Jonathan reveals he stole the box from an American adventurer, Rick O’Connell, who discovered the city while in the French Foreign Legion.

  15. The Venezuelan adventurer Narciso López recruited Americans for three filibustering expeditions to Cuba in the hope of overthrowing Spanish rule.

  16. He also made several unsuccessful attempts during the 1930s, in collaboration with American adventurer Lincoln Ellsworth, to fly to the South Pole.

  17. In the film, Cooper plays an American adventurer hired by Emperor Maximilian I to escort a countess to Vera Cruz during the Mexican Rebellion of 1866.

  18. Driberg’s Labour Party colleague, Leo Abse, offers a more complex explanation: Driberg was an adventurer who loved taking risks and played many parts.

  19. Robert Guiscard (/ɡiːˈskɑːr/; Modern French: [ɡiskaʁ]; c. 1015 17 July 1085) was a Norman adventurer remembered for the conquest of southern Italy and Sicily.

  20. She wrote a well-received series of stories featuring adventurer Eric John Stark, which began in the Summer 1949 Planet Stories with «Queen of the Martian Catacombs».

Adventure—an in a sentence

Adventure—an is a variation of adventure, below you can find example sentences for adventure—an.

  1. Tourism developers have marketed Tana Toraja as an exotic adventure—an area rich in culture and off the beaten track.

Adventure—walking in a sentence

Adventure—walking is a variation of adventure, below you can find example sentences for adventure—walking.

  1. After three months, the pair decided that they would go on an adventure—walking through western Victoria and New South Wales.

Synonyms for adventure

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word adventure has the following synonyms: escapade, risky venture, dangerous undertaking, gamble, chance, risk, hazard, take chances, run a risk, take a chance, venture, stake and jeopardize.

General information about «adventure» example sentences

The example sentences for the word adventure that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «adventure» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «adventure».

Synonym: experience, exploit, happening, incident, occurrence, project. Similar words: venture, inadvertent, eventually, century, inadvertently, advertisement, centurion, advert. Meaning: [əd’ventʃə]  n. a wild and exciting undertaking (not necessarily lawful). v. 1. take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome 2. put at risk. 

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1. When you’re a child, life is one big adventure.

2. These adventure films are pure escapism.

3. You are my most adventure youth dream.

4. I related my adventure to my family.

5. We had a little adventure yesterday.

6. My researches into adventure holidays were very fruitful.

7. It is foolish to haphazardly adventure.

8. I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year.

9. Popper described science as the greatest adventure in the world.

10. The reader of adventure stories wants romance and vicarious excitement.

11. For me life has got to be an adventure. Enjoy every minute of it.

12. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Helen Keller 

13. Adventure is a state of mind and spirit. It comes with faith, for with complete faith, there is no fear of what faces you in life or death.

14. The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.

15. He roved over the sea in search of adventure when he was young.

16. He’s always game for an adventure.

17. He was none the worse for his adventure.

18. The journey began cheerfully with a sense of adventure.

19. He’s always had a thirst for adventure.

20. He’d had more than his fair share of adventure.

21. He travelled across continents in his quest for adventure.

22. The trip to Afghanistan was an adventure for Helen.

23. His stories of foreign adventure captured my imagination.

24. He had acquired a taste for adventure .

25. The adventure changed the whole current of his life.

26. Sailing across the Atlantic on a raft was an adventure.

27. Nothing will ever completely replace playing the game I love(,(sentencedict .com) however I feel like I’m starting a new adventure.

28. His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure.

29. My dad was so full of life; anything with him was an adventure.

30. I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure.

More similar words: venture, inadvertent, eventually, century, inadvertently, advertisement, centurion, advert, advertising, in turn, momentum, lecture, feature, culture, capture, gesture, mixture, picture, texture, in nature, in future, creature, by nature, accentuate, signature, sculpture, departure, furniture, structure, for the future. 

Sentences with the word Adventure?



  • «her amatory affairs»; «amorous glances»; «a romantic adventure«; «a romantic moonlight ride»
  • «avid for adventure«; «an avid ambition to succeed»; «fierce devouring affection»; «the esurient eyes of an avid curiosity»; «greedy for fame»
  • «bold settlers on some foreign shore»; «a bold speech»; «a bold adventure«
  • «a breathless flight»; «breathtaking adventure«
  • «flying was still an exciting adventure for him»
  • «He launched into a long diatribe»; «She plunged into a dangerous adventure«
  • «the adventure ended tragically»; «tragically, she contracted AIDS»

An adventure is an exciting experience that is typically a bold, sometimes risky, undertaking. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

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While some will find enjoyment in its dedication to realistic combat, I found the majority of the massive adventure to lack lasting appeal.


There’s also the prospect of adventure in a faraway land, the allure of the unknown, and the joy of serendipitous discoveries.»


Some kids are too adventure loving rather than others.


I love learning about food every single day and share my adventures with you here.


Plots of action are built around the adventures of propositions rather than their qualitative change: in an historical event, this means the shifting of contrasts from parity to disparity, from concord to discord, from significance to insignificance as the pattern of the event emerges from potentiality toward actuality.


Now, men in a good and meaningful relationship will usually do the right thing, but guys who are not tied down may opt for adventure and variety.


Post-grad life is full of new beginnings and opportunities in ways I never anticipated, and everyday has been an adventure since I left my university.


Phil harnessed his personal passion for running and sense of adventure as the foundation of his business, taking a courageous path to create a functional product line.


Years later, we still share a love of international adventure.


I’ve become blessed with new life coaching clients, had proposals accepted for three new trainings and new life adventures.


She talks him out of it, shows him how to break in to the storeroom of a nearby candy store, and so the adventure begins, and a friendship, soon to be disapproved by the authorities of both bear and mouse society, is born.


Concerning the adventures of married parents Tim (co-screenwriter Jake Johnson) and Lee (Rosemarie DeWitt), «Digging for Fire» opens with the two of them and their son, Jude (played by Swanberg’s toddler, Jude, the finest comic of his young generation), arriving at a house in the hills that belongs to one of Lee’s clients, who’s off shooting a movie.


I’m the adventures type love my motorcycles but also am one for a dinner and a movie.


We use a lot of nuts in Turkish cooking and the souteast part of Turkey, a city called Gaziantep produces some of the finest pistachios, such a treat:) walnuts, pistachios, work so well in salads, desserts — and we eat a handful of them with kids everyday:) thanks for sharing your adventure with us:) best, Ozlem


Those of you who like to chill with me on Facebook know the exciting adventure I had last week at The White House.


However, the rushed level and mostly uninspired and small adventure world means that if you’re picking and choosing which Level Packs to get then I would recommend leaving The Goonies for last.


I love a good adventure and never turn down an opportunity to play sports, view art, watch movies, or travel to explore places.


The Jane Crosswalk Pushchair is ready to equip you for wherever your adventures take you.


I haven’t been to that part of Italy so it is nice to see some photos of your adventures!


I am so excited for this next adventure, and I can’t wait to tell you guys all about it!


Think of it as an adventure or as looking for treasure.


I enjoyed reading about your newest adventure!


My goal by sharing these stories is to motivate and inspire others to strike out on their own adventures.


Adam — one of those square, polo-shirt dweebs that Adam Scott occasionally plays in comedies — joins the rest of them in the hunt for the killer, which takes them on adventures which include: Nick butt-fucking Adam on a reality show hosted by Christian Slater, and a trip to the E.R., where the fluid from Adam’s engorged balls is geysered into the faces of Lou and Nick.


You also designed the branding for the Folksy Summer School… I wanted the identity for Folksy Summer School to feel like a homespun adventure day in the woodlands — you’ve left your man at home on his xbox (yawn!)


I do want commitment and something real, lots of love, excitement and adventures.


Our cake was splendid and had all the places we had traveled written on it from our birth places at the top, our growing up places and meeting places in the middle, to our world adventures together on the bottom.


I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to go to many places, and I’m always hungry for more adventures.


They have a partner in crime to plan their adventures with.


Canada’s community for everyone over 50 looking for love, friends and new adventures!


I so enjoy reading your acv adventures Margo!


I love planning adventure trips and sometimes just sitting at home as I love to cook and entertain.


Little ones can’t get enough of transportation, so an adventure on your local transit system makes for a fun and inexpensive day out.


This dress is flowy + comfy (perfect for weekend adventures or the office) and the floral detailing gives it a little extra «something»!


It is my experience that questioning is human nature, and the experience is the adventure of our lives.


Adult bike rentals are available, making your next family adventure a bit more possible.


Hey just looking for a girl to have fun with go out on adventures watch anime game be best friends and date


Why go: Jaw-dropping landscapes make this South American destination a quintessential spot for adventure travelers to visit.


Our new character, Tim, will lead your child an amazing adventure!


Together, new heroes can join forces with characters from previous editions and embark on adventures as big as your imagination.


DUMB AND DUMBER TO Director: Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly Starring: Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Kathleen Turner, Rob Riggle Lloyd Christmas (Carrey) and Harry Dunne (Daniels) are back for another crazy adventure.


I already wrote about our late summer adventure when we took the twins apple picking.


Some of you may know me as a part-time professional wedding guest attendee, (check out my adventures here) I have two weddings to attend this season and a black tie event!


I love to cook, adventure, anything exciting or heart pounding adrenaline rushing, I will try anything once.


I am excited to find out what strange adventures the Bard has penned for these characters named «Luke Skywalker» and «Obi-Wan Kenobi.»


There are seven books in total, so if you have fun, you have a lot more adventures ahead!


I’m a laid back kind of guy however, when adventure shows up at the door, I usually plunge right in.


While it did feel good to cuddle up in my down comforter after 2 weeks of motel room polyester bedding, I’m missing the adventure and how unexpected and new…


adventure — перевод на русский


— Remembering your past adventures, sir… I fail to share in your enthusiasm.

Я помню ваше последнее приключение, сэр, поэтому не могу разделить ваш энтузиазм!

This is our journey, our own adventure, our own beginning.

Это наш полет, наше приключение, наше начало.

I’ve led you into a strange adventure… haven’t I?

Я втянула вас в странное приключение… не так ли?

Love is a wondrous adventure Something that no one should miss

Любовь это чудесное приключение то, что никто не должен пропустить

I’ve just decided to embark on a daring and dangerous adventure.

Я решился на смелое и опасное приключение.

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Why did you ling yoursel into this stupid adventure?

Как тебя угораздило отправиться в это дурацкое путешествие?

I hope you are enjoying your little adventure.

Надеюсь, тебе приятно это маленькое путешествие?

You’ll have an excellent adventure through history.

У вас будет потрясное путешествие через исторические эпохи.

I’ve decided, Sancho, that we’re going to visit Dulcinea, to the Toboso, before undertaking the adventure in the moon.

я решил, —анчо, что нам следует нанести визит к ƒульсинее, в «обосо, до того как предпримем путешествие на Ћуну.

That’s it. My little adventure ended.

Закончилось мое маленькое путешествие.

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After that terrible adventure, your uncle enrolled in the army.

После той ужасной авантюры ваш дядя записался в армию.

New Year will bring you new adventures, mademoiselle Susanna, change of your attitudes but you have to restrain your temper, that’s what horoscope says.

Вам, мадемуазель Сюзанна, Новый год подарит бурные авантюры, перемену мировоззрения, но вы должны сдерживать свой темперамент.

Where’s your sense of adventure?

Где твой чувство авантюры?

When she used to baby-sit me she was always dragging me on some wild adventure.

Её оставляли за мной присматривать, а она втягивала меня во всякие авантюры.

It may be a futile wish to keep a few white spots on our maps, but human adventure, in its original sense, lost its meaning, became an issue for the Guinness Book of World Records.

Может быть, это тщетное желание оставить несколько белых пятен на карте, но людские авантюры в своём первоначальном смысле, потеряли своё значение, и стали уделом книги рекордов Гиннеса.

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We read adventures and novels and… journals.

Мы читаем приключенческие повести, романы и журналы.

Where are those empire builders… those modern-day knights and intrepid pioneers… that all those adventure novels had us dreaming of?

читая приключенческие романы?

But he won’t let us read any adventure books.

Но он не позволил нам читать приключенческие книги.

It sounds more like one of them adventure tales young Edmund is so fond of… Do you realise what you’re saying?

Это больше похоже на приключенческие рассказы, которые так любит Эдмунд.

— I like adventure stories.

Люблю приключенческие книжки.

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Where’s your sense of adventure ?

Где твоя жажда приключений?

Honestly, Your Highness… where’s your sense of adventure?

Ну что вы, Ваше Высочество, где же ваша жажда приключений?

I was drawn by adventure and I promised to return.

Меня подвигла на это жажда приключений, и я обещал вернуться

You don’t need a sense of adventure living here.

Жажда приключений тебе не понадобится, если ты и так уже здесь живёшь.

Where’s your sense of adventure? God-

Гарри, ты же Гриффиндорец – где твоя жажда приключений?

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— Yeah. lt’s quite an adventure.

— Да. Почти настоящее приключение.

Sounds like an adventure.

Настоящее приключение.

This is adventure, yeah?

Это настоящее приключение.

But these three old crocks had turned it into an adventure.

Но эти три развалюхи превратили все в настоящее приключение.

It’s an adventure.

Это — настоящее приключение.

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The second story tells the adventures of a thief who, when doing a robbery, finds a robber mirror which makes everything it reflects disappear.

Вторая история рассказьiвает о похождениях вора, которьiй, совершая очередную кражу, находит плутовское зеркало, делающее все, что в нем отражается, невидимьiм.

I’m sure your amorous adventures are fascinating, doctor but sadly, I’m on my way out.

Я бы с удовольствием послушал истории о ваших любовных похождениях, доктор… но, к сожалению, мне уже пора уходить.

— I was thinking about all of your adventures.

Да, так. Размышлял о твоих похождениях.

I did not like to talk about their adventures at school, because they are different things.

Я не любил рассказывать о своих похождениях в школе, потому что это разные вещи.

I ways tell you about my sexual adventures.

Я всегда рассказываю тебе о своих любовных похождениях.

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# We travel on the adventure of our lives together.

Мы отправляемся в путешествие, нас ждут приключения… Мы вместе.

# We travel on the adventure of our lives together.

Мы отправляемся в путешествие, нас ждут приключения. Мы вместе.

An adventure afoot!

Нас ждут приключения!

It’ll be an adventure.

Нас ждут приключения!

This place is full of adventure.

В этом месте вас ждут приключения:

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This trip was to be about adventure!

Мы ехали на поиски приключений!

Next time we go to Great Adventure, you’re carrying your own sunblock.

В следующий раз, когда мы отправимся на Большие поиски Приключений, позаботься о том, чтобы взять свой собственный солнцезащитный крем.

Like go on a road trip, find some adventure.

Например, отправиться в путешествие, на поиски приключений.

Oh, Denisovich, we’re going to have an adventure.

Денисович, мы отправляемся на поиски приключений.

Hey, let’s run away and have adventures.

Эй, давай убежим в поисках приключений.

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Chef said he’s been bored, so he joining a group called the Super Adventure Club. Wow! Chef?

Шеф сказал, что ему все надоело и он решил вступить в общество под названием «Клуб Супер-Приключений»

Have a great time with the Super Adventure Club! Good-bye!

Всего тебе хорошего в «Клубе Супер-Приключений!»

It seems like you had a great time with the Super Adventure Club, Chef. They sound like really interesting people. Yeah!

Похоже, тебе было классно в «Клубе Супер-Приключений» Они мне показались очень интересными людьми.

But now that you’re back here does that mean that you’re not in the Super Adventure Club anymore?

Да! раз ты вернулся, значит ли это, что ты больше не состоишь в «Клубе Супер-Приключений»?

That’s what the Super Adventure Club does!

Ах, да, ну конечно! Этим и занимается «Клуб Супер-Приключений»!

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  • приключение
  • путешествие
  • авантюры
  • приключенческие
  • жажда приключений
  • настоящее приключение
  • похождениях
  • нас ждут приключения
  • поиски приключений
  • супер-приключений

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Make sentences with the word active
  • Make sentences with the word accept
  • Make sentences with some word combinations you have made
  • Make sentences using the word combinations given the english training centre to grow
  • Make sentences using the following word combinations to make progress