Make sentences with the word active

Active was a ketch that was launched in 1850 and that wrecked at the entrance of the Hunter River in New South Wales on 18 February 1852. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The unanimous decisions came during a regular meeting of the Town Board on Thursday, November 20, which was well-attended and which saw the majority of speakers prior to the decision urge the council to allow the neighboring communities to have an active role in the process.


Oren is typically the main early backer and plays an active role on the boards of the companies he invests in.


Blitzer disputed that estimate, noting that the RAND Corporation estimated in 2016 that between 1,320 and 6,630 transgender service members were on active duty, and that only 29 to 129 of those service members were likely to seek gender-transition-related treatment each year.


Everyone is so friendly and welcoming and it is a great place to meet lifelong friends, as well as staying active throughout your time at university.»


Up until 28 weeks she’ll be her most active.


I’m an active member of the Chi Omega women’s fraternity as well as the Texas State chapter of the PRSSA.


he may not have an active game but he would have certainly provided or made atleast one chance to Welbeck.


That’s what many women business owners in the U.S. are finding, according to a series of recent surveys conducted among active small business contractors.


Image Courtesy peteoshea Be active in your local government and utilize local small business resources such as your local chapter of S.C.O.R.E. «We need you as small business owners, as leaders in your communities to -LSB-…]


The Revels are performers that come together to celebrate the seasons with traditional song and dance, inviting the audience to join in as active participants.


Parents also need to serve as the primary teacher for the mastery of basic learning skills and encourage active discussion and experimentation of new concepts and skills.


Whether you need your students to eat healthier and be more active, or just finish their milk, we have a program that will help.


«Providing this level of portability with just the right amount of wine makes it easy for today’s active consumer to enjoy their favorite beverage anywhere,» confirms Sherrie Rosenblatt, vice president of marketing and communications for CMI, the Can Manufacturers Institute.


Bone and Bass, the Mercury players who kneeled, were also active on social media during the time their teams were fined for wearing T-shirts.


In the past decade, Spinrite has developed active followings on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Ravelry, YouTube and (to a lesser extent, since it’s less visual) Twitter.


Pick up one or more of these high-quality, affordable toys and enjoy all the great fun and benefits of playing inside with your kids with the best toys for active toddlers!


Alberta Enterprise is an active CVCA member.


It’s 60 percent larger than Earth, with sunshine, oceans, active volcanoes, twice as much gravity and a 385-day-long year.


Empowering your adolescent to choose whether or not they want to be sexually active, rather than going along with peer pressure is really important.


Ingredients 2 tablespoons shortening 3 tablespoons white sugar 1 cup hot water 1 -LRB-.25 ounce) package active dry yeast 1 egg, beaten 1 teaspoon salt 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flou


It’s a perfect addition to my active lifestyle and I will continue to purchase this product.


«He assures the general public of his determination to provide community oriented service that will ensure active community partnership in crime prevention and control» it added


TiLT’s SDR Challenge is available at no additional charge to all paid, active licensees of DiscoverOrg.


The terms voluntary active euthanasia and phyician-assisted suicide sometimes are used interchangeable, confusing the two practices.


The Britax B-Agile Elite Travel System has been the number one choice among active parents who are in the market for a luxury brand travel system that will exceed all of their expectations.


The focus is on glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup.


There are always those outlier stories where the baby is born in a cab, but I try and stress that for first time moms there is usually plenty of time at the hospital, even if they get there in active labor as I suggest.


Consequently politicians now take an active interest in films that might impact their reputations.


AAAS’s three regional divisions — Pacific, Arctic, and Caribbean — serve as networks for scientists, organizing meetings on topics relevant to the area, and promoting publications from scientists active within the division.


Adding elements like a climbing wall or trapeze can give your toddler something to spend energy on, especially for active children.


Supermassive J0100 +2802 sits at the center of an active galaxy, called a quasar, 12.8 billion light-years away.


The company said it had 15.1 million active diners in the first quarter ended March 31, roughly in line with analysts» average estimate of 15.06 million, according to FactSet.


In consideration of recent public exposure concerning ped-ophiles (in most cases these are pederasts, i.e., active ho-mo-se-x-uals practicing an-al (or oral) i-nterc-ourse with teenagers) in the Church the following passages from Scripture are referenced.


The company also saw strong growth in monthly active users, now boasting 1.71 billion as of June 30, up from 1.49 billion a year earlier.


Sports bras are a must for girls who are active or play sports.


He joined the Arlington Heights police department in 1993 when he returned from active duty.


They have 6 grams of proteins, along with 6 live active cultures, vitamin A, D, and calcium.


Snap’s critical metric, daily active users (DAU), is expected to increase 16 percent year over year in the fourth quarter and remains a key measure for the company, according to Cowen.


Morristown, N.J., May 3, 2017 — Capsugel will be showcasing its DUOCAP ™ capsule-in-capsule delivery system innovations at Vitafoods Europe 2017 with the presentation of new ready-to-market product concepts for the healthy aging, active lifestyle and probiotic markets.


The dissolving of the yeast first in a warm liquid is done to make sure the yeast is still fresh and active.


«How do we use technology to help people get healthier and more active, specifically by giving them data and guidance and inspiration?»


After all, we see the movies and videos of women screaming bloody murder and practically breaking the hand of their partner once they are in active labor.


The Ultimate Labor Support Toolkit brings together my tried and true, favorite and most effective ways of supporting a laboring person, so you can feel confident that you are doing exactly what your partner needs, and be comfortable taking an active part in the process.


We seek to mitigate these risks through active management of well-diversified portfolios.


He has been on the staff of the Elite 11 camps, and is a top speaker at the Glazier Clinics tour — the largest football coaching clinics in the country with over 26,000 active members.


We must also keep in mind that the active (verbal) idea of agapao is closer to the sense of the word where English favors the abstract noun.


In recent years some countries such as Sweden have consolidated state-owned real estate in holding companies with a mandate for active governance.


At this time, these instances might include infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), active Tuberculosis, or Human T-cell Leukemia Virus type 1 (HTLV-1).


«Fourth Avenue is a wide, transit-rich corridor with new housing and residents, but often lacks an active pedestrian environment,» Burden said in a statement.


Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp felt his side deserved three points after being the more active side in their 0-0 draw with Manchester United.


  • Use the word Active in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And that their contempt of truth shall not go unpunished I shall ask their indictment for perjury on the same evidence that in one minute will prove the identity of these defendants with that of 22 active members of the mob that stormed and burned the jail and lynched Joseph Wilson!

He uh ju-, well, he has a very active imagination.

Did you come straight to us from active service?

There’s no active extravasation of contrast, but there is some retroperitoneal fluid.

I wasn’t on active service when you called me.

«Then I think that the best swordsman in Prague, and the most active student should get a chance!»

Private Jean Diaz, the bearer of the present order, is to report for active service on the 40th day of mobilization.

I request transfer to active service. Jean Diaz

I now request permission to return to active duty in my old company with the rank of Private 2nd Class under the orders of Sergeant Francois Laurin.

All active people should allow themselves a bit of relaxation.

From our arrival, we led an active life.

I’m virtually certain the flower girl was played by a young actress, Anita Dardour, who did not much longer pursue a Hollywood career, but later, under her married name, Anita Harder, was active in Santa Barbara community theatre, where she enjoyed recounting being Bela Lugosi’s first victim outside Transylvania.

Examination of the skin for telltale marks was a common anxiety ritual for sexually active Victorians.

We’re still on active service though we’re through with fighting

Well done, Fred, I didn’t know you were so active.

But I know it’s something very active and exciting.

I wish you’d keep your mind active instead of your feet.

It was an active life full of excitement.

«An active, useful pig eats as much wheat as a family of five.

For the present, it has no active head… and shall remain so… until the one vacant chair here… becomes suitably populated.

I don’t want to give up active management.

There is always a part of the people who stand out as really active fighters… and more is expected from them than from the millions of national comrades in the general population.

No, I mean more of an active interest.

Indispensable to the active woman.

The devil’s pretty active around these parts.

I’d have to transfer Woodward because I’m afraid he’s too well on in years for an active command.

You know I active cuss. Barney.

A little dog this high, but perfect with an active brain.

While we’ve been fumbling, they’ve been active.

Do you realize the immense task we shall undertake… when we set ourselves to an active and aggressive peace… when we direct our energies to tear out the wealth of this planet… and exploit all these giant possibilities of science… that have been squandered hitherto upon war and senseless competition?

Van is very like his father: Warm-hearted, impulsive, active, and temptation ought not to be put in their way.

Please to release too active number one son.

When he and the natives had finished building Shangri-La he was 108 years old and still very active in spite of having only one leg.

«Wanted to mark his active sympathy for the working class.

And because for them as well as for us, the most active elements… dare I say the best… are the ones who intuitively always put themselves at the forefront.

Mr. Faversham has seen fit to send in his papers… on the eve of his regiment sailing for active service.

I carried no papers on active service and no money.

She’s so active for a girl.

The poison is very active.

I joined the Navy because it offered an active medical life.

I’m Andrew Brock, Canadian active Service Force.

General Scott, can’t you put him back into active service?

Gentlemen, you’ve completed your training and you’re now ready for active service.

We fully realize how anxious all you chaps are to get overseas for active combat flying.

Слово «activity» в английском языке имеет сразу несколько значений — «активность», «деятельность», «действие», «энергия», «транзакция», «мероприятие». Рассмотрим примеры предложений с ним с переводом на русский.

10 предложений в значении «активность»


It’s very good of you to be so activity in class.

Очень хорошо, что вы проявляете такую активность на занятиях.


In this case, the activity of the fifth column will increase.

В этом случае усилится активность пятой колонны.


The party has only recently begun to be politically activity.

Данная партия начала проявлять политическую активность совсем недавно.


Where all your activity has gone!

Куда только подевалась вся ваша активность!


Increased social activity is now characteristic of most representatives of modern youth.

Повышенная социальная активность сейчас характерна для большинства представителей современной молодежи.


Despite the fact that she is over 70 years old, she continues to maintain high physical activity.

Несмотря на то, что ей уже за 70 лет, она продолжает поддерживать высокую физическую активность.


You just don’t understand yet what such increased activity, turning into fanaticism, can lead to.

Ты просто пока не понимаешь, к чему может привести такая повышенная активность, переходящая в фанатизм.


I’m very activity at work.

Я проявляю высокую активность на работе.


I try to maintain a high level of activity throughout the day.

Я стараюсь поддерживать высокую активность в течение дня.


The nerve cells are still activity for some time.

Нервные клетки еще в течение некоторого времени сохраняют активность.

10 предложений в значении «деятельность»


What is your activity?

В чем заключается ваша деятельность?


The activity of volunteers is to help others.

Деятельность волонтеров заключается в помощи другим.


This is the end of my activity.

На этом моя деятельность закончена.


Her political activity has benefited the country.

Ее политическая деятельность пошла на пользу стране.


The King’s exploits and activities for the good of the State will remain forever in history.

Подвиги короля и деятельность на благо государства навсегда останутся в истории.


What interesting things can you tell us about your activities?

Что интересного вы можете рассказать о вашей деятельности?


Is this your main field of activity?

Это ваша основная сфера деятельности?


The scientific activity of this laboratory has made a great contribution to medicine.

Научная деятельность этой лаборатории внесла большой вклад в медицину.


Their activities began with dislike for each other.

Их совместная деятельность началась с неприязни друг к другу.


I’m impressed by your activity.

Ваша деятельность производит на меня большое впечатление.

10 предложений в значении «действие»


Coordination of activities.

Координация действий.


Military activity.

Военные действия.


Don’t take any activity.

Не предпринимайте никаких действий.


These were too rash activity.

Это было слишком опрометчивое действие.


No one needs your active activity.

Никому не нужны ваши активные действия.


The activity took place at night and was kept secret.

Это действие проходило ночью и держалось в секрете.


The activity of the play takes place in Rome.

Действие пьесы происходит в Риме.


Her every activity was wrong.

Каждое ее действие было неправильным.


Do not do such activity anymore.

Не совершайте больше такие действия.


It was a bold and unexpected activity.

Это было смелое и неожиданное действие.

10 предложений в значении «занятие»


This is a great activity for him.

Это отличное занятие для него.


It was a very exciting activity.

Это было очень увлекательным занятием.


I like this kind of activity.

Такое занятие мне по душе.


Do you like this activity?

Вам нравится такое занятие?


We need to come up with an interesting activity for him.

Нужно придумать для него интересное занятие.


This activity seemed boring to her.

Это занятие показалось ей скучным.


This activity did not excite him.

Это занятие не вызвало у него восторга.


This activity consumes a lot of energy.

Такое занятие затрачивает много энергии.


I find this activity too boring.

Я считаю это занятие слишком скучным.


This is not the best activity for a child.

Это не самое лучшее занятие для ребенка.

10 предложений в значении «жизнедеятельность»


Active life activity.

Активная жизнедеятельность.


It supports active vital activity.

В нем поддерживается активная жизнедеятельность.


Vital activity began in the test tube.

В пробирке началась жизнедеятельность.


Calm vital activity of the brain.

Спокойная жизнедеятельность мозга.


It is important to maintain the vital activity of the brain.

Важно поддерживать жизнедеятельность мозга.


This supports normal life activity even in the North.

Это поддерживает нормальную жизнедеятельность даже на Севере.


The room has a suitable temperature for normal human activity.

В помещении подходящая температура для нормальной жизнедеятельности человека.


We can no longer support the patient’s vital activity.

Мы больше не можем поддерживать жизнедеятельность пациента.


This has an important effect on the vital activity of the body.

Это оказывает важное влияние на жизнедеятельность организма.


We observed the vital activity of bacteria through a microscope.

Мы наблюдали через микроскоп за жизнедеятельностью бактерий.

10 предложений в значении «мероприятие»


He participated in operational activities.

Он участвовал в оперативных мероприятиях.


An activity in the field of pricing.

Мероприятия в области ценообразования.


The entertainment activity was conducted by my brother.

Развлекательным мероприятием руководил мой брат.


Measures to activity the military conflict.

Мероприятия по предотвращению военного конфликта.


I wasn’t ready for such emergency activity.

Я не был готов к таким чрезвычайным мероприятиям.


Your contribution to the activity is absolutely necessary.

Ваш вклад в это мероприятие абсолютно необходим.


On what date are you planning an activity?

На какую дату вы планируете мероприятие?


In which city is this activity held?

В каком городе проводится это мероприятие?


I’m late for an important activity.

Я опаздываю на важное мероприятие.


Is this activity really important?

Это мероприятие действительно важное?

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Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

Ответ №1


I love doing different activities in summer.

My favourite activity is running.

There a lot of kinds of activities.


Английский язык!

Ответ №2


There are a lot of people in my country that support nature protection activities.

My activity in school is steadily declining.

There is a lot of criminal activity in my neighbourhood.

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