Make sentences with the word accept

Sentences with the word Accept?



  • «I cannot accept the dogma of this church»; «accept an argument»
  • «People did not accept atonal music at that time»; «We accept the idea of universal health care»
  • «accept students for graduate study»; «We’ll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member»
  • «I’ll accept the charges»; «She agreed to bear the responsibility»
  • «I cannot accept your invitation»; «I go for this resolution»
  • «I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions»; «I swallowed the insult»; «She has learned to live with her husband’s little idiosyncrasies»
  • «The only girl who would have him was the miller’s daughter»; «I won’t have this dog in my house!»; «Please accept my present»
  • «She didn’t want to answer»; «answer the question»; «We answered that we would accept the invitation»
  • «We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club»
  • «I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage»
  • «We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls»; «I didn’t eat yet, so I gladly accept your invitation»
  • «an extended telescope»; «his extended legs reached almost across the small room»; «refused to accept the extended hand»
  • «he moved his family to Virginia»; «It was a good Christian household»; «I waited until the whole house was asleep»; «the teacher asked how many people made up his home»; «the family refused to accept his will»
  • «I cannot accept the defeat—I want to get even»
  • «he longed for the flowers that were yet to show themselves»; «sooner or later you will have to face the facts»; «in time they came to accept the harsh reality»
  • «the wrong medicine»; «the wrong way to shuck clams»; «it is incorrect for a policeman to accept gifts»
  • «I am willing to accept certain restrictions on my movements»
  • «You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live»
  • «government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically»
  • «I offered to leave the committee if they did not accept my proposal»
  • «foreigners stubbornly reluctant to accept our ways»; «fresh from college and reluctant for the moment to marry him»
  • «accept your wakefulness and sleep in its own contrary way is more likely to come»
  • «ill-advised efforts»; «it would be ill-advised to accept the offer»; «took the unadvised measure of going public with the accusations»
  • «the ends are unobjectionable; it’s the means that one can’t accept«
  • «I willingly accept«

Synonym: adopt, approve, believe, consent to, decline, refuse, reject. Similar words: acceptable, acceptance, except, concept, inception, except for, access, accent. Meaning: [ək’sept]  v. 1. consider or hold as true 2. receive willingly something given or offered 3. give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to 4. react favorably to; consider right and proper 5. admit into a group or community 6. take on as one’s own the expenses or debts of another person 7. tolerate or accommodate oneself to 8. be designed to hold or take 9. receive (a report) officially, as from a committee 10. make use of or accept for some purpose 11. be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal. 

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(1) I will not accept if nominated, and will serve if selected. 

(2) We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. 

(3) We will accept ultimate responsibility for whatever happens.

(4) Do you accept credit cards?

(5) The circumstances forced me to accept.

(6) It would be difficult for us to accept .

(7) Please accept my hearty congratulations upon your marriage.

(8) Never accept lifts from strange men.

(9) Pls accept my sincerest condolences.

(10) The bank refused to accept any mortgage on land.

(11) We aren’t gods: we must accept our mortality.

(12) I had no alternative but to accept his offer.

(13) Please accept this small token of my appreciation.

(14) Stop whingeing about the situation and accept it.

(15) I feel that we ought to accept his proposal.

(16) She learned to accept criticism without rancour .

(17) Accept no cheap imitations of our product!

(18) The governor refused to accept Cox’s resignation .

(19) If you accept, please let me know.

(20) Accept it or reject it.

(21) Don’t just blindly accept what you are told.

(22) we accept the love we think we deserve.

(23) I am happy to accept your invitation.

(24) She said she’d accept $15 for it.

(25) She was learning to accept the inevitability of death.

(26) She refused to accept that there was a problem.

(27) I’m quite willing to accept the consequences.

(28) I can accept failure,but I can’t accept not trying.

(29) Lady Caroline was gracious enough to accept our invitation.

(30) Initially the government was unwilling to accept the defeat.

More similar words: acceptable, acceptance, except, concept, inception, except for, access, accent, accede, deceptive, reception, perception, exception, conception, susceptible, apperception, accessible, accelerate, accentuate, soccer, succeed in, keep to, successfully, antiseptic, accuse, surreptitious, vaccine, acclaim, accompany, account. 

accept — перевод на русский


You need to accept that.

Это нужно принять.


Веление моего сердца обязывает меня принять ваше крайне лестное предложение.

— Oh, I accept it, please. — Oh, no, no.

— я прошу вас принять это.

I’m sorry, I can’t accept it now.

Извините. Я не могу это принять.

No, but if you offered it, I’d advise the Prefect to accept it.

Нет, но если вы подадите, я бы посоветовал префекту принять ее.

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Then, I, too, will formally accept it.

Тогда я принимаю приглашение.

I’ll accept that challenge.

Я принимаю вызов.

«I wired Mr. Herman … telling him to accept the conditions.»

«Телеграфируйте мистеру Херману, что я принимаю эти условия.»

I don’t accept bracelets from a stranger.

Я не принимаю браслеты от незнакомцев.

I accept your apology.

Я принимаю ваше извинение.

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Since I did not have the necessary capital, she proposed to sell her jewels for cash. I accepted this proposition.

Так как у меня не было достаточно денег, она предложила продать свои драгоценности, с чем я согласился.

Is he going to accept?

Он согласился?

He accepted so easily.

Слишком легко согласился.

— And I accepted.

— И я согласился.

Would you have accepted a normal invitation?

А если б я тебя просто пригласила, ты бы согласился? — Нет.

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Sleeping or dreaming, the dreamer must accept his dreams.

Сон или греза, грезящий должен смириться со своими снами.

But I can see it might be hard to accept.

И я понимаю, что с этим не просто смириться.

They can’t accept a samurai becoming a dignitary of the Empire!

Они не могут смириться с самураем в роли придворного вельможи!

These things happen to us sometimes… and when they do, we simply accept them.

Такое иногда случается… И нам остаётся только смириться.

Suppose he just invented her for some reason, or she’s dead and he can’t accept it, so he just goes on pretending?

Что если он просто выдумал её, или она умерла, а он не может смириться с этим?

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— We accept.

— Я согласен.

Therefore I accept.

Следовательно, я согласен.

Your Excellency, I accept.

Ваше превосходительство… я согласен.

And the man or woman who accepts those terms can’t be ordinary, can’t be just someone.

Я согласен, что люди, посвятившие себя театру, не могут быть обыкновенными.

I haven’t accepted your offer.

Я не сказал, что согласен.

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You must at least accept these.

Их-то вы должны взять.

Is he quite sure that he will not accept one of our umbrellas?

Он точно не желает взять себе зонтик?

I can’t accept it.

Я не могу взять этого.

I cannot accept your buttons.

Я не могу взять у вас пуговицы.

It’s lovely, but l-— I can’t accept it.

Очень красиво, но я… Я не могу его взять.

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We have no alternative but to accept defeat and trust your word. In return for your freedom, Lavalle will grant us ours?

Хотя король ещё не спасён, мы не можем признать поражение и верить вашим словам.

— And maybe they might accept me.

Они могут признать меня.

He will be able to accept your love later.

И позже он сможет признать Вашу любовь.

To give up hope of escape to stop thinking about it means accepting a death sentence.

Отказаться от надежды на побег перестать думать об этом — это значит признать смертный приговор.

But your governments of Earth refused even to accept our existence.

Но правительства Земли отказались даже признать наше существование.

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Challenge was given and lawfully accepted.

Вызов был брошен и принят согласно закону.

Thus the commissioners authorised me, Thomas Haringh, administrator to accept and to sell.

Сей документ принят и завизирован мной, администратором Томасом Харингом, по поручению комиссионеров городского собрания.

You’re accepted.

Ты принят!

[ Alfredo ] I accept the challenge.

Что ж, вызов принят.

— Challenge accepted!

— Вызов принят!

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Please do not feel constrained to accept it.

Вы не обязаны соглашаться.

It’s so disgusting, absurd, we shouldn’t have accepted it.

Это так отвратительно, абсурдно. Мы не должны были соглашаться на это.

I shouldn’t have accepted the invitation.

Мне не стоило соглашаться

Well, I think I’ll have to accept it, as a husband, I will be closer to that cash anyway.

Придется, наверное, соглашаться? В качестве мужа я все-таки буду поближе к этим деньгам

I wouldn’t dream of accepting him, of course.

Но я не буду соглашаться.

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But you lot can’t accept that.

Но вам еще далеко, чтобы понять это

but He just won’t accept it.

Он просто не хочет это понять.

But it’s impossible to accept.

Но это невозможно понять. -Я знаю, я здесь…

I plead that you all understand and accept these circumstances.

Я искренне прошу всех вас понять и учесть эти обстоятельства.

It can’t accept the truth, but I’ll help you just same.

Вы отрицаете правду, Но я помогу вам все понять.

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Used with adverbs:

«He gratefully accepted my help.«
(gladly, gratefully, reluctantly, graciously, willingly)

Used with verbs:

«I am unable to accept your late homework.«
(be + unable to, refuse to)

«I have to accept punishment for my crimes.«
(have to, be + forced to, must)

Used with nouns:

«You have to accept responsibility for your actions.«
(responsibility, punishment)

«My new school is accepting credits from my previous school.«

«We are accepting applications at this time.«
(applications, volunteers, registrations)

«We accept cash.«
(cash, credit cards, checks)

«I accept your suggestion.«
(suggestion, recommendation, resignation, criticism) *many additional nouns

  • Dictionary
  • A
  • Accept
  • Sentences
  • Eventually Sam persuaded her to accept an offer of marriage. [VERB noun]
  • I do not accept that there is any kind of crisis in British science. [VERB that]
  • You don’t have to sacrifice quality either when looking for discount merchants to accept online payments from your customers.
  • They are reluctant to accept younger coworkers and sometimes downright resentful of their younger.
  • …Britain’s reluctance to accept a proposal for a single European currency. [VERB noun]
  • People will accept suffering that can be shown to lead to a greater good. [VERB noun]
  • Heath Ledger’s family will accept the late actor’s hotly tipped Oscar on Sunday if his posthumous award-winning streak continues.
  • When you want to choose a credit card processing company to help you sell your products online and accept credit.
  • We advised newspapers not to accept the advertising. [VERB noun]
  • All-male groups will not be accepted. [be VERB-ed]
  • Merchant accounts make it possible for businesses to accept credit cards as a form of payment for card present and card-not-present transactions.
  • My grandparents have never had a problem accepting me. [VERB noun]
  • The company cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage. [VERB noun]
  • The army refused to accept orders from the political leadership. [VERB noun]
  • …drugs which will fool the body into accepting transplants. [VERB noun]
  • The telephone booths accept 10 and 20 pence coins. [VERB noun]
  • To accept an invitation
  • He accepted office
  • I cannot accept your argument
  • You must accept that he lied
  • To accept a theory
  • He had to accept defeat
  • To accept an invitation
  • The Boy Scouts were going to accept him as a member.
  • I accept the fact that Christ lived.
  • I accept your proposal, amendment, or excuse.
  • I accept my punishment.
  • To accept the report of a committee
  • I accept.
  • To accept a present; to accept a proposal.
  • To accept a treaty; to accept an apology.
  • To accept an invitation.
  • To accept the office of president.
  • To accept the situation.
  • To accept a claim; to accept Catholicism.
  • The report of the committee was accepted.
  • This socket won’t accept a three-pronged plug.

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