Make sentences by putting the words in the correct order there is one extra word

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Put the words in the correct order to make Past Simple questions. Match the questions in Exercise 2 with the short answers. There is one extra answer. – Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились вопросы в простом прошедшем времени. Сопоставьте вопросы в упражнении 2 с короткими ответами. Есть один лишний ответ.
1. Who did Harry Potter live with? — g his aunt, uncle and cousin. – С кем жил Гарри Поттер? – с тетей, дядей и двоюродным братом.
2. Did Agatha Christie write the Harry Potter books? — d No, she didn’t. — Агата Кристи написала книги про Гарри Поттера? — Нет, она этого не делала.
3. When was the first Harry Potter film? — f in 2001. — Когда был первый фильм о Гарри Поттере? — в 2001 году.
4. Where did Oliver Twist live? — e in London — Где жил Оливер Твист? — в Лондоне.
5. When did Charles Dickens write Oliver Twist? — b in the 1830s. — Когда Чарльз Диккенс написал Оливера Твиста? — в 1830-х годах.
6. Did Oliver Twist live with his family? — a No, he didn’t. — Оливер Твист жил со своей семьей? – Нет.
Extra — с Yes, they did.

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Ребят помогите пожалуйста с английским:))
Задание.Make up sentences putting the words in the correct order.
1. brothers/ a/ my/ company/ work/ at/ electronics/ big
2. go/ Academy/ they/ the/ generally/ to/ bus/ by
3. school/ him/ takes/ minutes/ to/ five/ it/ get/ to
4. hard/ English/ work/ we/ our/ at
5. likes/ she/ time/ spare/ to/ when/ friend/ my/ dance/ some/ has
6. sisters/ always/ do/ so/ work/ late/ your/ finish? but/ meat/ vegetables/ they/ not/ do/ like
8. students/ are/ teacher-training/ we/ of/ the/ college
9. know/ use/ do/ a/ how/ you/ computer/ to?
Тут надо составить предложения

1 ответ:



1. My brothers work at a big electronics company.
2. Generally, they go to the Academy by bus.
3. It takes him five minutes to get to school.
4. We work hard at our English.
5. When my friend has some spare time she likes to dance. 
6. Do your sisters always finish work so late?
7. They like meat but they do not like vegetables.
8. We are students of the teacher-training college.
9. Do you know how to use a computer?

Читайте также

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1. “Have a cigarette”. “No, thank you. I don’t smoke”.

2. They don’t buy newspapers in this shop.

3. She has a car, but she doesn’t drive very often.

4. I like films, but I don’t go to the cinema very often.

5. He smells because he doesn’t wash very often.

6. It’s a cheap hotel. It doesn’t cost much to stay there.

7. He likes football, but he doesn’t play very often.

8. I don’t know much about politics.

9. She is married, but she doesn’t wear a ring.

10. He lives near our house, but we don’t visit him very often.


1. are made

2. was built

3. is being cut

4. was stolen

5. has not been repaired

6. is not being translated

7. is shown

8. is not used

9. has been spent — ?

10. are being cut down

11. was written

12. has been opened — ?

13. was drawn

14. has been done

15. am asked

B. evolved, was, evolved, began, involved, were, created, operated, replaced, referred

-es:watchES, foxES, kissES, benchES
-ies: flies, bodies
-ves: shelVES, liVES,
irregular: children, sheep

1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 doesn’t / Tom / like / ice cream
2 geography / at school/ study / we / don’t
3 work/ don’t/ my parents / at the weekend
4 the piano / doesn’t/Josh / play
5 tidy /l/my/ don’t/ at weekends / bedroom
6 do / doesn’t/dad/ the washing / my
7 and /l/ play / don’t/my friends / after school / footba
8 from / doesn’t / Manuela / Spain / come​


1. Tom doesn’t like ice cream.

2. We don’t study Geography at school.

3. My parents don’t work at the weekend.

4. Josh doesn’t play the piano.

5. I don’t tidy my bedroom at weekends.

6. My dad doesn’t do the washing.

7. My friends and I don’t play football after school.

8. Manuela doesn’t come from Spain.

1. Том не любит мороженое.

2. Мы не изучаем географию в школе.

3. Мои родители не работают по выходным.

4. Джош не играет на пианино.

5. Я не убираю свою спальню по выходным.

6. Мой папа не стирает.

7. Мы с друзьями не играем в футбол после школы.

8. Мануэла не из Испании.

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