Make sentence with word sleep

Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind and body, characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity, inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles, and reduced interactions with surroundings. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

This brochure provides safety guidelines for all infant sleep arrangements, including bedsharing and crib.


We came to her seeking help in sleep coaching for our Infant.


Melatonin promotes sleep, which is a primary problem for frequent travellers.


The BabyOasis ™ BST-100B is the best white noise machine on the market, and comes with an SD card preloaded with 12 sounds to help create the ideal, peaceful sleep environment for your baby.


But I confess that I do not see why dreamless sleep creates a hardship for a personalistic view of self-identity that does not hold equally for any other view of personal being that includes consciousness and self-consciousness.


If I was Terry/Vidic, I wouldn’t lose too much sleep on Chamakh.


If she cries I listen to see if its her scared or hungry cry or if its just the «yayaya» noise that indicates sleep is moments away.


My favorite sleep aid drink is almond milk, cacao, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and ashwaganda.


Check out their website for articles on breastfeeding from going back to work to how to cope with broken sleep.


My husband and I read most of Dr. Weisbluth’s book and also read a book called Babywise (generally the premise is you feed baby, spend wake time with baby and then put baby down for sleep each cycle).


Not only due to lack of time and sleep, but we’ve also been looking for meaning, relevance and motivation.


Helping diagnose and treat sleep apnea is a major target for tech companies, ranging from small start-ups to bigger companies like Fitbit, because it can be detected with existing sensors.


Amy has assisted hundreds of families in getting the sleep they need for over the past three years.


A study from UC Berkeley «found that after a poor night’s sleep, the parts of the brain associated with automatic behavior were extra active, while the frontal lobes which affect self-control were more inhibited.»


Satiated, I had a good night’s sleep!


, I’m getting enough sleep… and by enough I mean a few hours book ended by babies crying and g-tube alarms going off in the middle of the night.


Altman’s not losing sleep over low-carb diets, either.


conversation has come up as per usual… And I mean everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but… for me there doesn’t seem to be a difference in opinions, the same bog standard 4-2-3-1 (put me to f@cking sleep formation) is the basis to which we turn to time and time again, the only difference is the personnel… and the assumption that they bring tactically a different aspect to the team..


He refers to death again as a «sleep» in verse 20.


Even with the risks of sleep induced death, I would prefer a dialegomai to the one man lecture of our modern church.


Experts are convinced that lost hour of sleep is far more consequential than most of us imagine.


Don’t let your newborn stay awake for too long at a time and sleep will come peacefully for her at the right times.


Perfect for layering, this basic sleep dress pair with all of your robes.


Within research, the Marpac sleep and sound machine would be a great addition to any environment, as it provides steady noise tones and even stories.


The Pixel 2 features the Android Oreo operating system, an always-on display that shows the time even when the display is in sleep mode, and new augmented reality capabilities.


In this episode, you’ll also get answers to the million dollar question «How can mom improve their sleep


Ball, H. & Klingaman, K. Breastfeeding and Mother-infant sleep proximity: implications for infant care.


If you or your partner are heavily medicated or intoxicated at bedtime, do not co sleep with your baby.


Hope it helps, and you both get a full night sleep soon!


Hope that the full Zipadee-Zip review today provided you with valuable information and you have your own decision about the sleep tool for the swaddle off transition.


We have a 2 1/2 year old who is very insistent about her breastmilk in the night, and we are quite desperate for sleep.


To combat the effects of lack of sleep, it’s also important to know just exactly how much shut-eye your baby really needs.


Perfect to use as a before bedtime body cream, for a peaceful, revitalizing sleep…..


You bring your newborn home, and for weeks you marvel at your baby who does little more than sleep, eat, pee and cry sometimes.


For it was from the side of Christ as He slept the sleep of death upon the cross that there came forth «thewondrous sacrament of the whole Church».»


And a DF can start to disrupt sleep if your baby doesn’t need it anymore.


Either choice will help you to keep your child’s sleep schedule as close to normal as is reasonably possible.


● Making sure your regular routine allows enough time for healthy sleep.


When you have a teenager who prioritizes League of Legends over sleep, this is a must.


Packing a yummy lunch fast makes me as happy as getting an extra 20 minutes of sleep in the morning….


These are five things you can do to help your baby sleep that will not cause tears.


He’s the one who decided we’d all need an average of eight hours of sleep and frequent meals.


Made with quilted, breathable organic fabrics and filling paired with heavy-duty stainless steel springs, these luxurious mattresses offer the most natural and comfortable sleep.


Getting sleep is the most important thing.


Your gorgeous little bundle of joy will stay toasty warm yet will be able to learn how to move and control their legs with this adorable Mickey Mouse baby sleep sack, officially licensed from Disney.


They even look forward to the day the pediatrician will give the green light on solids so they can finally get some much needed sleep.


Possibly the Biggest Lie Ever Foisted on Parents «It figures it would be the latest propaganda about baby sleep that would wake me from my blogging slumber.»


It’s an awful lot of work; I lose more hair every year and get less sleep.


it’s 8:30 pm, a little late wouldn’t you think to redo a talk you are giving in a little over 12 hours, and you have to get a sleep in there.


And when our baby is young, and she is bleary-eyed from nights with no sleep, and doesn’t have the time or energy to dress up or put on makeup or shave her legs or pluck her eyebrows or any of the other things she spends time on in the morning, she will still be beautiful.


Sentences with the word Sleep?



  • «was all in at the end of the day»; «so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere»; «bushed after all that exercise»; «I’m dead after that long trip»
  • «She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger»; «he feigned sleep«
  • «he went back to sleep«
  • «he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep«
  • «Her eyes glazed over from lack of sleep«
  • «broken lines of defense»; «a broken cable transmission»; «broken sleep«; «tear off the stub above the broken line»; «a broken note»; «broken sobs»
  • «To sleep, perchance to dream…»
  • «Catch some sleep«; «catch one’s breath»
  • «her crooning soon put the child to sleep«
  • «The little boy cried himself to sleep«
  • «a deep breath»; «a deep sigh»; «deep concentration»; «deep emotion»; «a deep trance»; «in a deep sleep«
  • «too upset to say anything»; «spent many disquieted moments»; «distressed about her son’s leaving home»; «lapsed into disturbed sleep«; «worried parents»; «a worried frown»; «one last worried check of the sleeping children»
  • «knocked out by doped wine»; «a drugged sleep«; «were under the effect of the drugged sweets»; «in a stuperous narcotized state»
  • «some people sleep better double»
  • «a sound and dreamless sleep«
  • «the effects of sleep loss»; «the effect of the anesthetic»
  • «her enhanced beauty was the result of a good night’s sleep rather than makeup»; «careful cleaning was responsible for the enhanced value of the painting»
  • «they were tired and famished for food and sleep«; «a ravenous boy»; «the family was starved and ragged»; «fell into the esurient embrance of a predatory enemy»
  • «she was laid to rest beside her husband»; «they had to put their family pet to sleep«
  • «Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work»; «Her recent divorce may explain her reluctance to date again»
  • «suddenly felt faint from the pain»; «was sick and faint from hunger»; «felt light in the head»; «a swooning fit»; «light-headed with wine»; «light-headed from lack of sleep«
  • «fitful (or interrupted) sleep«; «off-and-on static»
  • «beneficial effects of a balanced diet»; «a good night’s sleep«; «the salutary influence of pure air»
  • «a healthy diet»; «clean healthy air»; «plenty of healthy sleep«; «healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy»; «the salubrious mountain air and water»- C.B.Davis; «carrots are good for you»
  • «a healthful climate»; «a healthful environment»; «healthful nutrition»; «healthful sleep«; «Dickens’s relatively healthful exuberance»
  • «a heavy sleep«; «fell into a profound sleep«; «a sound sleeper»; «deep wakeless sleep«
  • «please hold down the noise so that the neighbors can sleep«
  • «inducement of sleep«
  • «he felt better after a little sleep«; «there wasn’t time for a nap»
  • «he believes that narcolepsy is attributable to an inability to suppress REM sleep during waking»
  • «he sought the great oblivion of sleep«
  • «a peaceful nation»; «peaceful times»; «a far from peaceful Christmas»; «peaceful sleep«
  • «my mother prescribes a good night’s sleep as the cure for all ills»
  • «we were really pumped up for the race»; «he was so pumped he couldn’t sleep«
  • «the cat was very ill and we had to put it to sleep«
  • «he needed silence in order to sleep«; «the street was quiet»
  • «a restless night»; «she fell into an uneasy sleep«
  • «with details of the wedding settled she could now sleep at night»
  • «shallow breathing»; «a night of shallow fretful sleep«; «in a shallow trance»
  • «he didn’t get enough sleep last night»; «calm as a child in dreamless slumber»
  • «On Sundays, I sleep in»
  • «accept your wakefulness and sleep in its own contrary way is more likely to come»
  • «troubled areas»; «fell into a troubled sleep«; «a troubled expression»; «troubled teenagers»
  • «a convalescent needs uninterrupted sleep«
  • «seemed untroubled by doubts of any kind»; «untroubled sleep«; «a kind untroubled face»
  • «their holiday was spent in sleep and vegetation»
  • «I cannot sleep—my daughter’s health is worrying me»

Examples of how to use the word “sleep” in a sentence. How to connect “sleep” with other words to make correct English sentences.

sleep (v, n): to be in the state of rest when your eyes are closed, your body is not active, and your mind is unconscious; the resting state in which the body is not active and the mind is unconscious

Use “sleep” in a sentence

I want to sleep a little more.
I want to sleep a little more.
The children are sleeping. Please don’t be so noisy.
I need some sleeping pills.
He’s probably sleeping.
She gently rocked the baby to sleep.
We sleep in separate rooms.
I want to sleep a little more.
I was tired, but I couldn’t sleep.
You should go home and get some sleep.
I was tired, but I couldn’t sleep.

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спать, ночевать, засыпать, бездействовать, сон, спячка


- спать

- поэт. спать вечным сном, покоиться (в могиле)

the land where our forefathers sleep — земля, где вечным сном спят наши предки

- ночевать

I shall sleep in L. tonight — сегодня я ночую в Л.

- разг. предоставлять ночлег, размещать на ночь

we can dine and sleep you — мы можем предоставить вам стол и ночлег
this hotel sleeps 300 guests — в этом отеле могут разместиться 300 человек

- неметь (о конечностях)
- (on, upon, over) откладывать решение (дела) до утра

to sleep on /upon, over/ a question [a matter] — отложить решение вопроса [дела] до утра

- казаться неподвижным

a top sleeps when it moves with such velocity — волчок как бы стоит на месте, когда вращается с такой скоростью

- бездействовать
- быть спокойным

the blue sea was sleeping — море спало

- притихнуть, не проявляться

the emotions sleep — чувства спят /дремлют/
the feuds and animosities are sleeping — распри и раздоры стихли

- (with) разг. жить, иметь любовную связь (с кем-л.; тж. sleep together)

to sleep in /on/ the bed one has made — ≅ пожинать то, что посеял
to sleep on a volcano — ≅ сидеть на пороховой бочке, жить как на вулкане


- сон

- поэт. вечный сон, смерть

the last sleep — смерть
the never ending sleep, the sleep that knows no breaking /no waking/ — вечный сон, смерть
to put a cat to sleep — эвф. усыпить кошку

- физиол. спячка

winter sleep — зимняя спячка

- онемение (конечностей)

his leg has gone to sleep — у него онемела нога

Мои примеры


a dynamo who barely needs to sleep, or so it seems — живчик, которому и спать почти не нужно — по крайней мере, так кажется  
an industrious worker who never seems to sleep — прилежный работник, который, похоже, никогда не спит  
Accept your wakefulness and sleep in its own contrary way is more likely to come. — Примите факт бессонницы, и наступление сна, вопреки этому, станет более вероятным.  
to bore to tears / sleep — очень сильно надоесть  
sleep deprivation — недостаток сна, недосыпание  
to suffer from sleep deprivation — страдать от недосыпания  
sleep disruption — нарушение сна, бессонница  
to disturb smb.’s sleep — нарушать чей-л. сон  
to drift into sleep — погрузиться в сон  
to drop into sleep — провалиться в сон  
to be drowned in sleep — крепко спать  
to sleep off the effect — снять эффект с помощью сна  
fitful sleep — прерывистый сон  

Примеры с переводом

Did you sleep well?

Ты хорошо спал?

He went back to sleep.

Он снова заснул.

I slept at my sister’s.

Я ночевал у своей сестры.

The boat sleeps six.

Катер располагает шестью спальными местами.

I sleep late at the weekends.

По выходным я сплю дольше обычного.

Sh! I’m trying to sleep.

Тсс! Я пытаюсь заснуть.

She put her baby to sleep.

Она уложила спать своего ребёнка.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the cat would curl up, tightly like, and just go to sleep…

…the rationale for starting the school day an hour later is that kids will supposedly get an extra hour of sleep…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

oversleep  — проспать, просыпать, заспаться
sleeper  — спящий, спальное место, шпала, спящий человек
sleepless  — бессонный, бодрствующий
sleepy  — сонный, сонливый, заспанный, вялый, ленивый, усыпляющий, снотворный, нагоняющий сон
sleeping  — спальный, спящий, ночной, сон
sleepiness  — сонливость
sleepily  — сонно, вяло, лениво
sleepful  — спокойный, сонный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: sleep
he/she/it: sleeps
ing ф. (present participle): sleeping
2-я ф. (past tense): slept
3-я ф. (past participle): slept

Synonym: doze, drowse, nap, rest, slumber, snooze. Antonym: wake. Similar words: go to sleep, sleeve, flee, fleet, aisle, Chrysler, keep, steep. Meaning: [slɪːp]  n. 1. a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended 2. a torpid state resembling deep sleep 3. a period of time spent sleeping 4. euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb). v. 1. be asleep 2. be able to accommodate for sleeping. 

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1. Walk groundly; talk profoundly; drink roundly; sleep soundly. 

2. Now I shall go to sleep. Good night. 

3. Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas. 

4. One hour’s sleep before midnight is worth three after. 

5. She had just woken from a deep sleep.

6. She was just awakening from sleep.

7. I can’t sleep in the daytime.

8. I must have dropped off to sleep .

9. The noise awoke me from my sleep.

10. You’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep.

11. How many hours’ sleep do you need?

12. My efforts to go back to sleep proved futile.

13. The wanderer has to sleep rough.

14. I aroused Kyle from his sleep.

15. She felt refreshed after her sleep.

16. There are two other servants who sleep out.

17. I need to get some sleep.

18. She lay in bed,[] too feverish to sleep.

19. I couldn’t get to sleep last night.

20. Her grandmother mumbled in her sleep.

21. His voice tailed off as he drifted into sleep.

22. He awoke from his sleep in a cold sweat.

22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

23. Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation.

24. Mother lulled the child to sleep.

25. In spring nature wakes from her long winter sleep.

26. John awoke from a fitful sleep .

27. I’m so tired I could sleep for a week.

28. The children sleep in separate beds.

29. You may force a man to shut his eyes, but you cannot make him sleep

30. My father had always said that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep, and lots of soap and water—and after those, what he needs most is some intelligent neglect. 

More similar words: go to sleep, sleeve, flee, fleet, aisle, Chrysler, keep, steep, sweep, keep to, keep up, keep off, keep on, keep down, keep away, keep back, keep out of, keep from, keep in mind, keep up with, keep in touch, keep an eye on, keep pace with, keep company with. 

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