Make sentence with word off

Examples of how to use the word “off” in a sentence. How to connect “off” with other words to make correct English sentences.

off (adv, prep): away from a place or position, especially the present place, position, or time; down or away from a place, position, or time, especially the present place, position, or time

Use “off” in a sentence

Please turn off the lamp.
I got laid off yesterday.
I forgot to turn off the light.
He wants to pay off his loan.
Please take off your shoes.
Can I turn off the TV?
Let’s get off the bus.
She proudly showed off her awards.
Turn off the radio, please.
She brushed off the sand from her shoes.
Get off this ship right now.
Please take off your shoes.
Take off your socks, please.
I will get off at the next station.
I want to get off at the next bus stop.

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Английские фразовые глаголы состоят из глагола и частицы:
глагол + наречие или глагол +предлог или глагол + наречие + предлог.
Значение фразовых глаголов обычно сильно отличается от значения исходных глаголов и предлогов/наречий.

Фразовые глаголы употребляются в основном в устной и неформальной речи. Изучение фразовых глаголов всегда вызывает массу трудностей, ведь в образовании фразовых глаголов нет определенных правил, к тому же многие фразовые глаголы кроме прямого имеют и метафорическое значение.

Часть фразовых глаголов является переходными (transitive). Это означает, что они используются только вместе с объектом речи, другие можно использовать отдельно от объекта. Это непереходные фразовые глаголы (intransitive verbs).

Также фразовые глаголы делятся на разделяемые (separable), если между глаголом и частицей можно вставить объект, и неразделяемые (inseparable).
Separable verb:
Правильно: Put on your coat.
Правильно: Put your coat on.
Inseparable verb:
Правильно: Get on a bus
Неправильно: Get a bus on

Английский предлог OFF противоположен предлогу ON. Его используют в двух основных значениях: во-первых, когда объект движется в направление от говорящего, во вторых, если объект находится в нерабочем или испорченном состоянии.  

Фразовые глаголы с OFF, их значение и примеры использования

Back off – Отступать. Everyone back off and let the doctor through.
Be off — Отправляться/Покидать. I should be off now if I am going to catch the next bus.
Buzz off — Покидать. I’ve got to buzz off.
Clear off — Исчезнуть/Быстро уйти. I wished the door to door salesman would clear off so that I could get back to watching the football on television.
Dash off — Быстро уйти/Делать быстро. When the bell rang he dashed off to class.
Drive off — Уехать. She got in her car and drove off.
Drop off — Подвозить кого-либо куда-либо/Заснуть/Уменьшить. I dropped off the kids at the party.
Dry off — Высушить. I dried myself off with a towel and got dressed.
Fall off — Упасть. I fell off the ladder and bruised my knee.
Get off — Закончить/Уйти с работы/Выйти из автобуса, поезда, самолета и т. д. (anything apart from cars). What time did they get off work?

Give off — Выделять, испускать. This chemical reaction gives off a lot of energy.
Go off — Покинуть/Уйти. They went off without saying goodbye.
Head off — Направляться. She’s heading off to New York City next week.
Make off — Покинуть в спешке. He certainly made off in a hurry!
Peel off — Оторваться от группы. One motorbike peeled off from the formation and circled round behind the rest.
Pop off — Выбежать/выйти ненадолго. Bye, I must pop off.
Ride off — Ускакать/уехать на велосипеде. She got on her motorbike and rode off.
Run off — Убегать, удирать. Their dad ran off when they were little.
Rush off — Отправиться в спешке. They rushed off to the catch the next bus.
Set off — Отправиться/Вызвать события. What time are you setting off tomorrow morning?
Shoot off — Покинуть быстро. I’ll have to shoot off as soon as the lecture finishes.
Take off — Взлетать. The plane should take off on time.
Tear off — Сорваться с места/срывать с себя что-либо. He got in his car and tore off down the road.

Blow off — Упускать шанс/Игнорировать. Just blow off his comments, he’s only joking.
Call off – Отменить/Отозвать. The game was called off because of bad weather.
Cry off — Отменить. She usually says she’ll be there and then cries off at the last minute.
Hold off (on someone or something) — Отложить. Let’s hold off making a decision until next week.
Rain off — Отложить из-за дождя (usually passive). His hockey match was rained off.
Put off — Отложить/Перестать нравиться. I’ll put off doing the washing until tomorrow.
Stave off — Отложить. We were hoping to stave off these difficult decisions until September.

Burn off — Сгореть, выгореть. They managed to burn off the excess wax.
Chew off — Откусить. The puppy chewed off my shoe laces.
Clean off — Очистить. After dinner I cleaned off the table.
Ease off — Ослабить. If she doesn’t ease off at work, she’ll make herself ill.
Fall off – Уменьшить. Sales always fall off in the winter months.
Flog off — Распродать. The council may be planning to flog off most of the land to developers.
Knock off — Снизить цену. They’ll knock something off the price if you collect it yourself.
Shave off — Сбрить/Уменьшить. The new high speed trains will shave 1 hour off the journey time.
Slip off — Снять. Slip off your shirt so that I can sew the button back on.
Slack off — Бездельничать, пренебрегать чем-либо. Tom slacked off at work and started surfing the Internet.
Take off — Снять/Снизить цену. I’d better take my shoes off before stepping on the new carpet.
Tear off — Оторвать. Just tear off the return slip at the bottom of the form and sign it.
Throw off — Сбросить/Избавиться. John threw off his coat and dived into the water.

НЕ РАБОТАТЬ ИЛИ НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ (о машинах и оборудовании)
Come off — Поломаться, порваться. I picked the bag up and the handle came off in my hand.
Go off — Перестать работать (об электрических и электронных приборах). The heating goes off at ten o’clock.
Power off — Отключить питание электроприбора. You mustn’t power it off while it is updating.
Turn off — Выключить оборудование. How do you turn the computer off?
Set off — Сработать (о сигнализации), взорваться. Kate pushed open the front door, which set off the alarm.
Shut off – Перекрыть, отключить. The engine shuts off automatically when the desired speed is reached. Shut off the tap when you have finished watering the garden.


Bunk off — Отсутствовать в школе или на работе. A lot of people bunk off early on Friday.
Goof off — Покинуть работу. They’ve goofed off and gone to the pub.
Skive off — Не исполнять свою работу или обязанности. He was always skiving off and going to the cinema.


Be off — Быть испорченным. This yoghurt must be off.
Go off — Испортиться. That milk has gone off.

Go off — Прекратить делать. My son has gone off playing rugby.
Die off — Вымирать. The generation that fought in the war are all dying off.
Cast off — Избавиться. It took many years for him to cast off his bad reputation.


Break off — Поломать, закончить отношения, замолчать. I’ve decided to break it off with her.
Check off — Отмечать галочкой в списке. Please check each name off on the list.
Cross off — Вычеркнуть из списка. Did you cross her name off the guest list?
Cut off — Обрывать, разъединить. If we don’t pay the bill, the electricity will be cut off.
Mark off — Вычеркнуть из списка. He marked off the names of all the suitable candidates.
Measure off — Отмерить. He took the fabric and measured off a couple of metres.
Tick off — Отметить галочкой в списке. I ticked off the children’s names as they arrived.

Bring off — Преуспеть. If they can bring off the deal, they’ll be able to retire.
Carry off — Выиграть, преуспеть. I thought he carried off the part of the play with great skill.
Come off — Иметь успех. The party didn’t quite come off as we had hoped.
Fend off — Отражать, парировать. So far he has managed to fend off attacks on his reputation.
Pull off — Справиться с задачей, отъезжать. The team pulled off a surprise victory in the semi-final.


Bundle off — Отсылать, спроваживать. He was bundled off to boarding school when he was ten years old.
Fire off — Рассылать письма (быстро и сердито). I sat down and fired off a letter to my MP.
Pack off — Отсылать. I packed her off to my sister’s.
Send off — Послать письмо. Have you sent off your application form yet?


Cap off — Завершить. He capped off the meeting with a radical proposal.
Choke off — Остановить, ограничить. If prices are too high, demand is choked off.
Finish off — Закончить. I will finish off the essay tonight.
Knock off — Завершить работу. Do you want to knock off early tonight?
Lay off — Уволить. They’ve had to cut back production and lay off workers.
Polish off — Закончить, употребить. He polished off the whole pie.
Ring off — Закончить телефонный разговор. He rang off before she had a chance to reply.
Round off — Заканчивать, завершать чем-то приятным. We rounded off the meal with a cheesecake.
Sign off — Выйти, подписать. He signed off — ‘Yours sincerely, John Smith’.
Shake off — Избавиться. We shook off our fears.
Stop off — Остановиться, заехать. We stopped off in town on the way to Kate’s house.
Top off — Увенчивать, дополнить, завершить. We topped off the evening with a carriage ride.
Write off — Списать, игнорировать. The £500 they have spent will have to be written off.


Face off – Противостоять. Soldiers and protesters faced off during the riots.
Fight off — Сопротивляться нападению, болезни, эмоциям. The old lady managed to fight off her attackers.
Fob off — Убедить, обмануть. Customers complain they’re being fobbed off.
Frighten off — Спугнуть. Be quiet or you’ll frighten off the butterfly.
Front off — Противостоять, бороться. The two guys fronted each other off.
Go off — Перестать нравиться. I went off the idea of buying a sports car after I found out how much it would cost.
Hack off — Раздражать. He leaves all the difficult stuff for me to do, and it really hacks me off.
Head off — Остановить, развернуть. Let’s try and head them off before they cross the bridge.
Piss off — Раздражать, расстраивать. It really pisses me off when you talk like that.
Scare off — Отпугнуть. The country’s high murder rate has scared off the tourists.
Shrug off — Игнорировать, не обращать внимания. They’ve clearly shrugged off the disappointment of last week’s defeat.
Slag off — Критиковать. You shouldn’t slag him off without knowing the facts.
Sound off — Громко выражать недовольство. He’s always sounding off about how he thinks the country should be run.
Square off — Противостоять, конкурировать. The two retail giants are squaring off this month with advertising campaigns.
Tell off — Упрекать. сделать выговор. Mia got told off for talking in class.
Tick off — Раздражать, бранить. He ticked me off for parking in front of his house.


Bounce off — Тестировать новые идеи. I have been thinking about it, so let me bounce a few ideas off you.
Hit it off — Иметь хорошие отношения с самого начала знакомства. I didn’t really hit it off with his sister.
Kick off — Начать что-то, например, футбольный матч. The game kicks off at 9.30.
Start off — Начать (путешествие, карьеру, новую жизнь). We don’t want to start off a riot.
Trigger off — Начать, запустить, вызвать. The report has triggered a fierce response from the CEO.


Block off — Блокировать выход. The road was blocked off whilst they mended the gas leak.
Cream off — Снять сливки. They had a plan to cream off the brightest children.
Hive off — Разделить компанию на части. The plan is to hive off individual companies as soon as they are profitable.
Fence off — Огородить, обнести забором. They fenced off the bottom end of the garden.
Rip off — Сдирать, обдирать, вымогать, грабить. Cars get ripped off all the time round here.
Rope off — Огородить веревкой. The police roped off the crime scene.
See off — Провожать. Kate saw Mary off at the airport.
Screen off — Отделить часть комнаты с помощью штор, ширмы и т д. We could screen off this part of the room.
Shut off/Close off — Закрыть, предотвратить доступ. They have shut off access to the rear car park.
Wave off — Провожать, помахать кому-либо рукой на прощание. She stood at the gate and waved her children off to school.

Множество бранных слов со значением «Убирайся!»»Проваливай!«:
Naff off
Pig off
Piss off Why don’t you just piss off — you’ve caused enough problems already!
Push off
Rack off


Doze off — Задремать. I dozed off in front of the television.
Laugh off — Отмахиваться от чего-либо, посмеяться над чем-либо. He laughed off the incident.
Let off — Отпускать без наказания, прощать. The police arrested the leader and let off the rest of the gang with only a warning.
Live off — Жить на чужие деньги. All his life he had lived off his father.
Marry off — Женить (особенно детей). She was married off to the local doctor by the age of 16.
Nod off — Заснуть. I nodded off after lunch.
Show off — Хвастаться. Stop showing off!

Узнайте свой уровень английского языка, пройдя бесплатный онлайн тест на нашем сайте.

1 The child made off when he saw a stranger.

2 On hearing the news, she made off.

3 He made off with all the old man’s savings.

4 He made off with my dictionary.

5 Masked robbers broke in and made off with $8,(

6 They broke in and made off with all the furniture.

7 The men made off as the police arrived.

8 When did she make off her horse?

9 The money has been made off with her.

10 The children have made off with the whole cake.

11 The burglars made off before the police arrived.

12 Masked robbers broke in, tied him up, and made off with $8,000.

13 Two boys made off with our cases while we weren’t looking.

14 The thief dived his hand into my handbag and made off with my purse.

15 Somebody broke into the shop and made off with several TVs and videos.

16 The lambs must be made off fat early in summer.

17 They broke free and made off in a stolen car.

18 When the deer saw the hunter, it made off at once.

19 Before the policemen came, the thief had already made off.

20 She soon made off with the fortune which she had gained when his father died.

21 I watched you make off along the cliff path, as if you were making for Otters’ Bay.

22 He might have been a monster ready to make off with me.

23 The Beast will make off with your children.

24 In the event of emergency we may make off.

25 Portugal star Ronaldo is the favourite to make off with the world player of the year crown and Nani does not want to be compared to his fellow countryman, but has big aims for the future.

26 They make off with other countries’raw materials at low prices.

27 «If you were really going to go and steal something from the Palace Museum, there’s a lot more valuable things you could make off with,» Smith said.

28 In it, Parson shoots an elephant and lets a bunch of villagers make off with its flesh.

29 Going beak to beak, an adult king penguin challenges a skua attempting to make off with a freshly killed chick.

30 It had been said that his plan to buy a boat was nothing but a trick to make off with his brother’s money when the news spread that a strange craft was approaching the town.

of vs offMany use the words of and off interchangeably, due to lack of knowledge about their meaning and usage. ‘Of‘ is a preposition which is used in sentences to show belongingness or possessiveness. It is commonly contrasted with the word ‘off‘ which is used when we mean ‘away from a person, object or place’. Let’s take a look at the examples given below to understand their difference:

  • The game had to be called off because of incessant rains.
  • Maria took her pen out of the jacket, before taking it off.

In the first sentence, we are using a phrasal verb called off to mean cancel, whereas of is used to give a reason. In the next sentence, take off implies remove, while of is used to show the source or derivation.

Content: Of Vs Off

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Examples
  5. How to remember the difference

Comparison Chart

Basis for Comparison Of Off
Meaning ‘Of’ is used to show a relationship or connection between someone or something to another. ‘Off’ means away from someone or something, i.e. it expresses the act detachment from a person, place or object.
Pronunciation ɒv ɒf
Part of Speech Preposition Verb, Adjective, Adverb and Preposition
Phrasal verb No Yes
Examples There are only a handful of almonds in the packet. Switch off the fan now.
I have a pair of shoes that I bought from London. I slipped when I was getting off the train.
21 June is the longest day of the year. You should turn off the computer, before leaving the class.

Definition of Of

Of is a preposition, which is used in sentences to show connectivity with the noun. It is a function word that shows the point of reckoning, part of the whole, origin, belongingness, motive and the like. So, let’s take a look at the points presented below to understand its uses:

  1. To indicate possession or belongingness:
    • They are the workers of the factory.
    • The colour of her saree is black.
    • Delhi is the capital of India.
  2. It also expresses an amount or number or particular unit:
    • Thousands of people came to the Mayor’s daughter wedding.
    • None of them went to the hospital to see his condition after the accident.
    • All of us contributed to the welfare fund.
  3. To reflect containing/comprising:
    • I need a glass of hot water.
    • She drinks 5 cups of coffee every day.
  4. To show position:
    • You can find the book at the top of the almirah.
    • I am standing in front of your house.
  5. To indicate date:
    • Alex was born on the second of April.
    • We’ll meet you at the end of this month.
  6. It is used to indicate made up of:
    • The jewellery is made up of gold.
    • The green bottle on the table is made up of glass.
  7. It can also be used for comparing two things:
    • Minnie is best of all the candidates came for the interview.
    • Of all the dresses, I like the green one most.
    • This is one of the best restaurants in Paris.

Definition of Off

Off is used to show disconnection from a person, place or object, i.e. away from someone or something. Generally, we use off after verbs, making it phrasal verbs, such as turn off, call off, put off, take off, go off, runoff, drive off and so forth. Let’s take a look at the uses of the word ‘off’:

  1. As an adverb, it indicates the distance from a place or separating/removing something:
    • The thief stole the mobile phone and ran off.
    • The officers asked students to take off the jacket.
    • Joe is off to America next year.
  2. As a preposition, it indicates moving away from a place, time or position:
    • Alisha cried, as she fell off the bicycle.
    • Please cut me a piece off the birthday cake.
  3. As an adjective, it expresses stopping or delaying something or no longer fresh:
    • The event has been put off till March.
    • The medicines will go off if you don’t store it at the right temperature.
  4. As a verb, it means to kill someone off:
    • After the fight, Mark offed Rachel and ran away.

The points given below are substantial, so far as the difference between of and off is concerned:

  1. We use the word ‘of’ to express the direction from, origin, source distance, belongingness, association, cause, occasion or purpose of something. On the contrary, we use the word off to show detachment as in something is no longer in connection with the another, i.e. it is away or aside from its usual place or position.
  2. Of is a preposition, which is used to show some connection with the other word, or part of the sentence. As against, Off is commonly used as an adverb, but it can also be used as a noun, verb, adjective and preposition.
  3. The word ‘off’ is added after the verb, to make it a phrasal verb, whereas we cannot make a phrasal verb, with the help of the word ‘of’.



  • She is the sister of my mother.
  • The painting is made up of watercolours.
  • There is an overall decrease of 2% in the company’s profit.


  • The policeman is off duty today.
  • Many employees are laid off this year from the company.
  • The plane took off, after an hour of delay.

How to remember the difference

The first and foremost difference between these two words lies in their pronunciation, in the sense that while ‘of’ is pronounced with a ‘v’ sound, whereas, ‘off’ is pronounced as an ‘f’ sound. Secondly, ‘of’ is mainly used as a preposition, but ‘off’ is commonly used as an adverb.

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