Make sentence with word like

Synonym: appreciate, be fond of, care for, enjoy, fancy, go for, prefer. Antonym: dislike, hate, unlike. Similar words: likely, unlike, and the like, feel like, unlikely, likewise, likelihood, something like. Meaning: [laɪk]  n. 1. a similar kind 2. a kind of person. v. 1. prefer or wish to do something 2. find enjoyable or agreeable 3. be fond of 4. feel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard 5. want to have. adj. 1. resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination 2. equal in amount or value 3. having the same or similar characteristics 4. conforming in every respect. 

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1. Genius without educaton is like silver in the mine. 

2. Counsel after action is like rain after harvest. 

3. Beauty is like a rich stone, best plain set. 

4. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 

5. Benefits please like flowers, while they are fresh. 

6. There is no place like home. 

7. No fool like an old fool. 

8. Promises are like piecrust, made to be broken. 

9. To read without reflection is like eating without digestion. 

10. Know something like the palm of one’s hand. 

11. There is no time like the present. 

11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

12. To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. 

13. There’s no time like the present. 

14. Love and lordship like no fellowship. 

15. Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set. 

16. Friendship is like wine—the older the better. 

17. There is no fool like an old fool. 

18. Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears. 

19. Joy often comes after sorrow, like morning after night. 

20. Love and lordship never like fellowship. 

21. There’s no fool like an old fool. 

22. Genius17 without education is like silver in the mine. 

23. Like draws to like the whole world over. 

24. Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen. 

25. Credit, like a looking-glass, broken once, is gone, alas! 

26. Silent men, like still waters, are deep and dangerous. 

27. Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit. 

28. Like father, like son.

29. A body without knowledge is like a house without a foundation. 

30. True friendship is like sound health.The value of it is seldom known until it is lost. 

More similar words: likely, unlike, and the like, feel like, unlikely, likewise, likelihood, something like, bike, hike, strike. 

Examples of how to use the word “like” in a sentence. How to connect “like” with other words to make correct English sentences.

like (prep, vconj): typical or characteristic of; similar to; in the same way or manner as;

Use “like” in a sentence

I’d like to join your group.
She treated him like a king.
I’d like to kiss you.
Would you like a cup of tea?
Stop staring at me like that.
He doesn’t like us.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«I really like him.«
(really, truly)

«I absolutely do not like this teacher.«
(absolutely, definitely, seriously)

Used with nouns:

«Do you like to play sports?«
(sports, games, baseball, basketball, soccer, golf, football) *many additional nouns

«My daughters like shopping.«
(shopping, eating, knitting, dancing, swimming, singing)

«I like movies.«
(movies, books, magazines, stories, plays, comedies, comedy clubs, shows, concerts)

«I like your hair.«
(hair, clothes, shoes, style, fashion)

«My children like math.«
(math, science, history, reading, writing, social studies)

  • Dictionary
  • L
  • Like
  • Sentences
  • He looks like Father Christmas.
  • What was Bulgaria like?
  • Suggest a topic or article headline you would like the author to write about.
  • It may seem like you are the only one that deals with this problem.
  • The neglect that large cities like New York have received over the past 12 years is tremendous.
  • It also moved those who, like me, are too young to have lived through the war.
  • It is like snowboarding on the street and the rider can go anywhere, up or down.
  • The use of like to mean such as was formerly thought to be undesirable in formal writing, but has now become acceptable. It was also thought that as rather than like should be used to mean in the same way that, but now both as and like are acceptable: they hunt and catch fish as/like their ancestors used to. The use of look like and seem like before a clause, although very common, is thought by many people to be incorrect or non-standard: it looks as though he won’t come (not it looks like he won’t come)
  • I was shaking all over, trembling like a leaf.
  • You should have told us. But it’s just like you not to share.
  • His arms look like they might snap under the weight of his gloves.
  • People are strolling, buying ice cream for their children, just like they do every Sunday.
  • There’s nothing like candlelight for creating a romantic mood.
  • Three hundred million dollars will be nothing like enough.
  • He likes baseball. [VERB noun]
  • How do you like America? [VERB noun/verb-ing]
  • I’ve been looking at the cookery book. I like the way it is set out. [VERB noun]
  • I like to get to airports in good time. [VERB to-infinitive]
  • I’d like a bath. [VERB noun]
  • I’d like to apologize. [VERB to-infinitive]
  • Here’s your change. Would you like a bag? [VERB noun]
  • I’d like an explanation. [VERB noun]
  • You have to make sure you’re comparing like with like.
  • I thought that I knew everything about Jemma: her likes and dislikes, her political viewpoints.
  • Acting like a maniac
  • like mother, like daughter
  • There was this policeman just staring at us, like
  • You look like you’ve just seen a ghost
  • She doesn’t dance like you do
  • Compare like with like
  • He likes boxing
  • We would like you to go
  • How did she like it?
  • It likes me not to go
  • A cup of sugar and a like amount of flour
  • She is like a bird
  • She sings like a bird
  • It’s not like her to sleep late
  • To feel like sleeping
  • That sounds like fun; it looks like a clear day tomorrow
  • Great dramatists like Sophocles and Shakespeare
  • It was just like you said
  • It looks like he is late
  • I’ve never met her like
  • It’s, like, hot
  • Leave whenever you like
  • I would like to see him
  • I like Cleveland in the Series
  • Tell me your likes and dislikes.
  • To play the like
  • I like hamburgers;  I like skiing in winter;  I like the Seattle Mariners this season
  • I like to go to the dentist every six months;  She likes to keep herself physically fit;  we like to keep one around the office just in case
  • He liked to have been too late.
  • I really like Sandra but don’t know how to tell her.
  • I liked my friend’s last status on Facebook. I can’t stand Bloggs’ tomato ketchup, but I liked it on Facebook so I could enter a competition.
  • My partner and I have like minds.
  • Sunning himself on the board steps, I saw for the first time Mr. Farquhar Fenelon Cooke. He was dressed out in broad gaiters and bright tweeds, like an English tourist, and his face might have belonged to Dagon, idol of the Philistines.
  • 1966, Advertising slogan for Winston cigarettesWinston tastes good like a cigarette should1978, «Do Unto Others» by Bob DylanBut if you do right to me, baby I’ll do right to you, too Ya got to do unto others Like you’d have them, like you’d have them, do unto you
  • It looks like you’ve finished the project. It seemed like you didn’t care.
  • These hamburgers taste like leather.
  • Divint ye knaa, like?
  • He was so angry, like.
  • She was, like, sooooo happy.
  • There were, like, twenty of them. And then he, like, got all angry and left the room.
  • I was like, “Why did you do that?” and he’s like, “I don’t know. ”
  • There are lots of ways you might amuse yourself — like taking a long walk, for instance
  • like boxes.
  • He works like a beaver.
  • He is just like his father. Your necklace is just like mine.
  • It would be like him to forget our appointment.
  • It looks like rain.
  • She looks like a good prospect for the job.
  • To feel like going to bed.
  • There is nothing like a cold drink of water when one is thirsty. What was he like?
  • like father, like son.
  • Sleeping like a log.
  • There are numerous hobbies you might enjoy, like photography or painting.
  • The house is more like 40 than 20 years old.
  • Like enough he’ll come with us. Like as not her leg is broken.
  • I did it like wrong.
  • A long list of likes and dislikes.
  • I see my comment got lots of likes.
  • We all liked the concert.
  • His parents like me and I like them.
  • You can do exactly as you like while you are a guest here.
  • Like us on Facebook to get a free sample.
  • We’ll have lunch whenever you like.

THEY TALK THE TALK If your little one starts communicating with you and mentions words like «pee» and «poop,» she/he is well on her/his way to potty independence.


My daugther is 2 1/2 she can say her abc count to 30 has a vocb out of this world, read words like yes, no, exit stop and knows all of her colors.


Use strong words like pioneered, envisioned, accelerated, benchmarked, incentivized, leveraged, etc..


If you have acne-prone skin, scan the label for words like «non-comedogenic» so you can rest assured that it won’t clog your pores.


So if you type, «You’re my favorite,» the keyboard suggests words like «person,» or «girl» (we intended to type the former).


Soubry issued a furious denial, telling the paper: «I can absolutely assure you I have never used language like that and I can equally assure you on the back row nobody, we wouldn’t think of shouting a word like that, the foulest word.»


Using specific descriptors for foods (crunchy, salty, sweet, spicy, chewy, etc.) and avoiding vague words like yucky, gross, and yummy has been so helpful in getting my kids to try more foods.


If you go far into the world of counter-human trafficking and the NGO community, the confusion around terms continues, especially with words like «rescue» which remains both highly subjective despite their common application.


«They like a word like that, begins and ends with the same letter.


The commentators were saying words like «complacent»!


This is why there’ll never be a common comfort level with a word like anthropocene, or with the signals emerging from the biogeophysical world, or with what to do about it.


Eliminate tedious words like dedicated, sincere, loyal, etc..


Steer clear of discriminatory words like «chairman», «workforce» etc..


I’m getting words like «aversion» thrown around, too.


But he keeps running into the same words like a brick wall: «professional experience required.»


You have trouble sleeping, or you say words like, «if» instead of «when» when talking about baby’s arrival, and people look at you funny.


If a firm wants to be truly great, the first step is to kill words like «efficient» «automated,» «streamlined,» «user-friendly,» «best in class,» «remarkable,» and «systematized.»


I’ve learned to refrain from using words like «paleo,» «vegan,» «dairy free,» «gluten-free,» «raw,» etc., when presenting him w / new recipes.


You’re using words like «if» and «could» to describe Animal Crossing’s possible future success.


Talk of frugality and words like sparing, thrifty, prudent in spending start coming to mind.


When they answer, follow with words like, «Okay — if you can guarantee that when I follow your suggestion, you will stop (or start doing…).


The legal community increasingly uses words like predictability, transparency, and efficiency in the many market conversations around the evolution in the business of law.


The string of codes pertaining to this feature also contains words like «front» and «back,» so they are taken as a hint that both the front-facing and back cameras of the handset are capable of recording 4K videos.


These words are more Biblical than words like «missional,» «emerging,» and «glocal.»


Little official info and a lot of attention is the perfect recipe for hordes of clickbait titles with all-caps words like «CONFIRMED» plastered all over it.


They include words like; organized, maintained, created, solved, developed, negotiated, taught, designed, presented, repaired, held, managed, researched and wrote among others.


In times where footballers are increasingly becoming less loyal than mercenaries, you can not help but appreciate words like these, especially coming from a U21.


I feel confident that if a survey was conducted among those closest to me regading my personal attributes words like calm, relaxed or the dozen other laid back synonyms would be frequent mentions.


Using words like «power» or «success» to describe a company can sometimes make it easy to imagine a cutthroat environment.


Characters spout phrases filled with words like «hella» and other painful teenage jargon that feels outdated, making portions of the game’s dialogue feel laughably forced.


Replace passive words like «manage,» «lead,» or «oversee» with active words such as «initiate,» «implement,» or «drive.»


They were loaded and heavy words like «power,» «privilege,» «justice,» «solidarity,» «allies» and «community.»


Use action words like prepared, managed, developed, championed, monitored, and presented will cause your resume to stand out.


As you may have noticed in the professional customer service associate cover letter sample, words like resolved, documented, handled, closed, coached, trained, advised, and guided show that you’re a person who’s ready to get to work and do your best.


A look at the test items reveals no words like cat, dog, hit, or run.


But the deeper problem, the one that’s crippling us, is that we use words like justice, rights, freedom and dignity without any commonly shared meaning to their content.


When words like «father» and «king» are used to evoke the image of a personal God, at some level of consciousness a male image takes hold.


We can use more call to action words like book now, shop now, free, hurry up, limited offers we can use questions type marketing like why, how, looking for, are you confused these kinds of words and type we can use in our campaign level.


Most secondary teachers have encountered students who overuse vague, general words like nice and stuff in their academic discourse and writing.


When national groups use words like humane society, or letters such as SPCA in their name, people think they are giving to their local shelter.


You’ll have a different word like «walkies «for other more fun times outside and your dog will eventually learn the difference and set their expectations of their time outside accordingly.


It might be wise to refrain from using words like thermodynamical if you do not intend to actually talk about thermodynamics.


She may comprehend common words like «ball» and «bottle.»


Your not feeding your souls, if you were your voices wouldn’t utter words like a stupit and ignorant human being.


When I hear answers that include words like, «anyone who…,» I immediately know that we are heading into an emotional conversation — niche marketing.


They were more likely to use words like «cry» and «lonely,» to describe their own emotions and what emotions the girls were experiencing.


Then, teach it words like «drop it».


Most Aussies eavesdrop on a family argument four houses away, yet become selectively deaf upon hearing words like «stop that», «come here» and «be quiet».


Use words like «substantial» and «significantly» to infer that your expertise enables you to know the difference between «a lot» and «no big deal.»


That fact that Marty uses words like «turkeys» and «losers» by quoting other so-called notable industry members, I find extremely negative, and gutless, because he should be using these words directly himself — since he seems to embrace them, so comfortably.


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