Make sentence with word independent

«Independent» is the first single from Webbie from his album Savage Life 2. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

This extra investment would not only relieve the pressure on A&E; it would help tackle the scandal of care services being withdrawn from older people who need them — enabling more people stay healthy and independent in their own homes — and help families being squeezed by rising charges for care.


You must, though, relinquish some of the autonomy you enjoyed as an independent business.


Mr Kerr, who failed to win the Scottish Labour leadership in 2007, said the party in Scotland needed to be independent of the UK organisation.


There has been a great deal of interest in a California court case — O’Connor v. Uber Technologies — brought by three drivers who believe they should be treated as employees not independent contractors.


But more importantly, Apple only came clean after independent investigation, giving the whole situation an air of underhanded secrecy.


Waldorf Education is a world-wide independent school movement developed in Germany in 1919 by Austrian philosopher, social reformer, and visionary Rudolf Steiner.


The combined company, which will retain the eOne name, will hold about a 20 % share of the distribution market for independent films in Canada and will have significantly expanded its footprint in international territories.


Additionally, all 140 Dutch Campina Organic farmers are annually checked by inspectors of Skal, an independent organisation supervising the organic production in the Netherlands.


I am a product of co-sleeping and I am the most independent woman i know!


Its community of members have a like-minded approach to their working life: sharing energy and ideas, forming new connections, and having access to business resources that make the independent working experience as vibrant as it can be.


After breaking their campaign promises on independent redistricting and ethics reform, it’s clear the GOP’s ethics problem is that they don’t have any.


Because it was not possible to examine the independent effects of BMI and edema in the same logistic regression model, these variables were examined in separate models.


Gotham Gazette is an independent publication of Citizens Union Foundation, sister organization of Citizens Union.


The picture for 2006 is not yet complete, however, as independent candidates have until June 1 to file their candidacies.


The carrier is compliant with the new Consumer Product and Safety Commission and ASTM compliance standard F2236, having been tested by an independent laboratory.


Like their contemporaries who had chosen to combine outside careers with the raising of children, they felt the attractions of using their minds and education in systematic, diligent ways; of possessing a sense of purpose independent from their husbands»; and of avoiding the tedium of housecleaning.


The results of our independent 3rd party tests are «undetectable,» meaning, at least below 5ppm.


(Plus is for an independent list.)


In constructing the portfolios this way, The Fund aims to reduce market risk, which is the risk that equity markets as a whole may rise or fall, independent of the investment merits of individual stocks.


Each of the independent concepts are deep conversations in their own right.


After you’ve spent some time with your kids, it’s beneficial to teach them the skill of independent play.


The Speaker says the legislature wants to instead overhaul the existing legislative ethics commission, which is viewed as notoriously weak, to make it more transparent, and independent.


Engage is changing corporate innovation and venture capital by introducing an independent, and pooled venture investment model for corporations.


Melvin Williams acknowledges that the concept of «observing participant» was earlier used by Bennetta Jules-Rosette in her study of an African independent church that she herself joined: African Apostles: Ritual and Conversion in the Church of John Maranke (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univ..


The universe is expanding in all directions)— 1965: discovery of microwave cosmic background radiation (the echo’s of the big bang)— 1998, two independent research groups studying distant supernovae were astonished to discover, against all expectations, that the current expansion of the universe is accelerating (Reiss 1998, Perlmutter 1999).


Todd has been helping buy side portfolio managers as an independent researcher for over a decade.


This is not really a concern for «parent & tot» classes (though you will need 2 adults for your 2 tots) but this is pretty critical when you have two or more kids who are old enough to take independent group classes.


To clean up the government and restore trust with New Yorkers, we need to pass a new ethics law that mandates transparency and full disclosure as well as a law that calls for a real independent monitor.


Meanwhile Nick Clegg has gone a step further and committed to unilaterally introducing some of the recommendations of the Members Estimates Committee, such as independent spot checks of MPs expenses and quarterly expenses reports from his «shadow cabinet».


To assure that our vendors share our quality commitment we source our produce from farms, packing houses, and distributors that are audited by independent third party certification bodies.


Culture-dependent and independent techniques revealed the predominance of staphylococci, streptococci, lactic acid bacteria and strict-anaerobe bacteria.


Crocker Ventures is an independent, privately-held life science and healthcare investment firm that funds promising seed — and early-stage life science technology companies in four primary areas: diagnostics, biotechnology/pharmaceuticals, drug delivery, and medical devices.


If a current VonChurch employee doesn’t meet the applicant it can be a red flag — people who reflect the «confident» value are outgoing, driven, independent, and curious and likely should have been proactive enough to make sure to have left no employee unmet.


It is your job to teach your child age-appropriate skills in order to allow them to become more and more independent.


AT&T said in a statement it had previously addressed all the issues in the letter and argued that the deal would offer consumers more choice, and «will expand distribution and creative opportunities for diverse and independent voices.»


They do not appear to be backed up by statistics or independent surveys.


The Kevin Smith era (like it or not) started with this different kind of independent film that had countless pop-culture references and adolescent humor.


Maybe there wasn’t a need for him to call out since I made my presence known, allowing him to be as independent as he wanted without fear of abandonment.


«It is unlawful and we are calling, on behalf of our clients, for the policy to be struck down and for there to be an independent investigation,» he said.


I grew up in an independent church, my wife in the Pentecostal Holiness church, both of which had a liberal view of structured services (though they had their own structure).


In fact, when joining a new group, it might be helpful to ask whether they encourage or welcome independent thinking.


Representatives for a half dozen independent charter schools in New York City did not comment.


In her report published this week she remarked that some independent faith schools are «deliberately choosing» not to meet standards, due to the tensions between legal requirements and community expectations.


Democrats say that’s not the full story, and that the «that the investigation would persist on the basis of wholly independent evidence had Christopher Steele never entered the picture.»


It has a built-in step ladder and specially designed gripper handles that help to reinforce your toddlers» confidence to be independent at potty time.


Last week’s National League MVP vote was another reminder that working for an independent entity, like a newspaper, is no guarantee of objectivity.


«As the star power — and business pull — of video-content creators only grows, we’ll see more brands effectively leveraging their industry’s independent creators to cross-promote and co-create.»


Our firm’s independent research outpaces even government agencies, and we are the only firm dedicating its own resources to uncovering new instances of fraud.


Biggar & Leith (pronounced «Bigger and Leeth») is an independent family owned spirits company producing super-premium spirits at family owned distilleries around the world who are dedicated to innovation and quality.


The training pants are just easier for them to pull up and down so it becomes more independent.


Sentences with the word Independent?



  • «to be nominally but not actually independent«; «no one actually saw the shark»; «large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt»
  • «affiliated clubs»; «all art schools whether independent or attached to universities»
  • «they consider the church to be independent of the world»
  • «an independent mind»; «a series of independent judgments»; «fiercely independent individualism»
  • «the main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb»

  • Use the word Independent in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Well, luckily, the room had a hygrometer and a humidifier, an independent thermostat, motion sensors and a CO2 scrubber.

To give an independent opinion, we have asked to a specialist of horticulture to come.

And we call ourselves independent?

Independence means you’re independent of asking for favors.

We can’t say we are independent, because we are still relying on many things to keep our country going.

Georgia was quick and impulsive, proud and independent.

«Crainquebille» his second independent film, which came out a year later, was in a more realist vein.

«Not I am their woman type, I am too independent

well maybe I am independent.

Surely it is clear to you that in the evidence for the defense the doctor put forward a theory that it was due to the independent activity of the suppressed experience.

Steve, I’ve just made a wonderful investment… that will make you and your sister independent for life.

I’m longing so… to be free and independent at last, I must go out into the world.

For a minute there, you had me thinking you were going in for independent production.

You will take lead of a independent troop ÔÇô «Friedrichshain».

I’m gonna make you independent for life.

They’ll be much more independent. As a matter of fact…

independent fire as soon as you’re under cover!

This is an independent sovereign state at war.

This is an independent sovereign state.

We don’t approve of independent sovereign states.

Ain’t got no wife, too independent


I’m an independent gentleman of letters and soon the world will recognize me.

You must act on your own, independent of all else.

I’m president of the independent boules players, President of the Trumpets of the 14th of July President of the Former Presidents Association…

I’m free, independent, rich.

Your heart’s broken, your faith’s gone, you want to be independent

See to it that your next husband isn’t financially independent.

Poland is in turmoil… and Denmark is getting ready… to annex the independent duchies of Schleswig and Holstein.

The independent operators’ convention in Washington begins tomorrow.

Those independent operators might come in handy, Shorty.

I’m gonna beat them to every independent operator left in the West.

He’ll come and get me and I’ll tell him what I just heard about Jack Buck and the independent Freight Handlers Association.

You are very independent for a girl without a passport.

The independent but frustrated female.

I’m independent too, you know.

From it will arise, not half-breed, but a free and independent Metis nation.

In 1916, as independent candidate for governor the best elements of the state behind him the White House seemingly the next easy step in a lightning political career then suddenly, less than one week before election defeat.

Every straw vote every independent poll shows that I will be elected.

You’re in no position to be independent.

And anyway, it’s wonderful to be independent, not having people feel sorry for you.

Your Highness forgive her her pride it bears witness of a courageous and independent heart to persevere in a great destination even if it might mean becoming a beggar so, what is it you wish, demoiselle Schr├Âder?

An independent country where the Boers and the English live together in peace.

All guns, sector independent.

As I walked along the Bois de Boulogne with an independent air…

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