Make sentence with word imagine

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«I could clearly imagine being on the beach.«
(clearly, easily, almost)

«I could hardly imagine living in a different place.«
(hardly, barely)

«I always imagined him becoming a doctor.«

«I can’t actually imagine having children.«
(actually, really, seriously)

«She was simply imagining things.«
(simply, only, just)

Used with verbs:

«They tried to imagine what she went through.«
(tried to, could, couldn’t)

«I began to imagine what life would be like without him.«
(began, started)

«I can imagine what she was thinking.«
(can, cannot)

To imagine means to form new images and sensations that are not perceived through the five physical senses. Imagine may refer to:
Imagination (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

That same affect has provoked anger, even disgust, in those parts of Europe suffering economic pain, and, one imagines, among the various leaders on the European stage she has seen come and go.


But if anything, one imagines, the Indian government is delighted with the short-term advantage it has gained in its dealings with Canada — a fact that lends credence to our government’s leaked damage-control theory.


The difference is the one who has not knows he has not, but the one with half baked imagines has, but has not.


Every founder, during their darkest days, closes their eyes and imagines ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange while holding a multi-million (or possibly billion) dollar check.


(Google notes that other companies are free to set up caching systems to use with AMP, but given that Google’s will be free and, one imagines, pretty good, broad competition here seems unlikely.)


With only a month until he can negotiate with other clubs, its something that will be on the Chelsea man’s mind too, one imagines.


So five years after the original sin of trading Harden over financial concerns, the Thunder are throwing every penny available — and, one imagines, pennies not available — at this team, this year, right now.


Someone please tell the Mad Men writers» room, in which, one imagines, everyone was satisfied that they had earned their paychecks.


I wish it were as simplistic as Weinberg imagines.


These commissions may help fund food/photography purchases as well as costs of running the blog (web hosting, domain name, etc.) All images seen on the blog are original, therefore if you’d like to use any imagines to link to a recipe, kindly refrain from cropping or editing them in any way, as this may ruin image quality.


This year’s commercial imagines a children’s football game featuring NFL quarterback Cam Newton as a player and supermodel Miranda Kerr as a coach.


I was completely over the moon and, my mind instantly began conjuring imagines of what my beautiful baby might look like.


But, mostly, we talk about Jesus at night when my son wiggles under his covers in the dark and imagines.


Would cost a fair penny too, one imagines.


But what if the oldsters have more to give than conventional thinking imagines?


But liberal religion has been more vibrant in the modern era than Hauerwas imagines.


Funny… and probably more common than the average pew-sitter imagines.


But one doesn’t simply fall victim once these things rear their ugly heads — one accepts them as small seeds and hates them once they grow larger than the afflicted imagines they ever would.


Short & Simple Example Sentence For Imagine | Imagine Sentence

  • Would any one imagine it?
  • I should imagine this to be the case.
  • You can scarce imagine in what dread.
  • Nobody could imagine half his sufferings.
  • I could not imagine at what the genial Count was driving.
  • But I could not imagine him dabbling in bombs and fuses.
  • Not for an instant did he imagine that he was falling in love.
  • The man who has not experienced it cannot imagine the curse of it.
  • I can’t imagine what this means.
  • You can’t imagine the difference.
  • I can’t imagine him doing anything against his will.
  • I imagine she’s used to have her own way.
  • He knew something had happened, but could not imagine what it was.
  • I tried my best to imagine what he wanted, but nothing suggested itself.
  • I cannot imagine Lincoln refusing his assent to this measure.
  • You don’t imagine that I think you all this.
  • Unless I knew the cause, I should imagine this was truth he spoke.

How To Use Imagine In A Sentence?

  • I can imagine that had he lived and you had ever met you would have understood each other.
  • I am at a loss to imagine why a man should throw his head away when he yields his heart.
  • How could my worthy host imagine that I, or any man would be so worried by a mere picture?
  • It was easier to suspect her of this than to imagine in the man qualities which would be worthy of her.
  • Perhaps he is not yielding as supinely as many people imagine to the inflexible mandates of constitutionalism.
  • One was almost tempted to imagine that they had been human once, and been turned into yew trees for their sins.
  • Yet this excellent man did not imagine for a moment that he upheld a scheme which is at war with the great moral interests of the world.
  • Can we imagine that being is devoid of life and mind, and exists in awful unmeaningness an everlasting fixture?
  • But never measure your conceptions of his revealed by his secret will; that is, by what you may imagine concerning that.
  • Whatever they had been once it was impossible to imagine what use such feeble creatures could be to the devil, now, in the world of the living.
  • But nothing could be more beyond the mark than to imagine that he was the pioneer of German war-aggression.
  • Did those who believed in the old formulas imagine that the new formula would be discovered straight away, without failures preliminary?
  • And, indeed, how can we imagine that perfect being is a mere everlasting form, devoid of motion and soul?
  • In this sentence, what the writer cannot imagine is Lincoln himself, in the act of refusing his assent.
  • I could hardly imagine that the scenes anywhere were considerably different from those of which I was an astonished and chagrined witness.
  • Our reception made us imagine for an hour that our arrival perceptibly heightened the general joy of the Washington anniversary.
  • The main reason is, says he, because we imagine that the essence of virtue and vice consists, not in their nature, but in their origin and cause.
  • Sandy Tom was at home; I could only imagine the gentle rub of the head with which he would have assented.
  • It is impossible to imagine a more repulsive spectacle than this man presented, exulting not only in his own wickedness, but in that of his forefathers.
  • We just got a mere glimpse of him, and I imagine he was nowise anxious to try heading us off, which he could not do without coming into the open.
  • In short, he’s thoroughly humane, and I don’t imagine there can be much of any other sort of goodness that counts on this earth.
  • I knew where such of the keepers and gardeners as lived upon the estate resided, and it puzzled me to imagine to what purpose this cottage was assigned.
  • It was quite an affair to lift out the pieces; they were fitted into each other so beautifully that it was natural to imagine they could never be got back again.

Definition of Imagine

(transitive) to form a mental image of something; to envision or create something in one’s mind. | (transitive) to believe in something created by one’s own mind | (transitive) to assume

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Imagine in a sentence

Imagine sentence

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Imagine used in a sentence

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make sentence with Imagine

make sentence of Imagine

Imagine sentence in english

imagine — перевод на русский


I have done things for you that you can’t even imagine, things that would make your head spin.

Я делала для тебя вещи, которые ты не можешь представить, от которых у тебя голова пойдёт кругом.

I can’t imagine her thinking a thing like that.

Представить не могу, что она такое подумала.

One can hardly imagine — with such quiet, gentle beings…

Невозможно даже представить — такое тихое, нежное существо …

And with my acquaintance’s suitcases. You can imagine, how surprised I was.

Можете представить себе моё удивление.

I can well imagine what he thought.

Могу представить, что он думает.

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I’d like to shoot hoops more than you can imagine.

Я так люблю баскетбол, ты даже не представляешь.

Can you imagine?


Imagine, we don’t have to whisper any more.

Представляешь, нам больше не нужно шептать.

You can’t imagine what was going on.

Ты не представляешь, что тут творилось до тебя.

Well, old boy, imagine that…

— О, да. Так вот, представляешь…

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I imagine it costs plenty.

Я думаю, это стоит дорого.

Well, I imagine the proper legal procedure would be to pick one

Думаю, законным решением будет выбрать одного

— I imagine we’ll survive it.

— Я думаю, мы переживем.

For the time being, I imagine that must do.

Думаю, сейчас ей этого хватит.

— I imagine they meet you halfway.

Думаю, они в этом идут вам навстречу.

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When she reads this fascinating data. Her subsequent antics are easy to imagine.

Когда она прочтет эти захватывающие страницы, последcтвия легко вообразить…

I can’t imagine.

Я не могу вообразить.

Have you ever imagined those kinds of conditions?

Можете вообразить такое сочетание?

I can’t imagine what America is like.

Я не могу вообразить, на что похожа Америка.


Он дьявол. Ты не можешь вообразить каков он.

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And I imagine this is Susan.

А это, полагаю, Сьюзан.

I imagine the stud fees of a champion must be quite high.

Полагаю, положенный победителю гонорар должен быть довольно высоким.

I imagine you’ll be attending.

Полагаю, ты будешь присутствовать.

Heaven brought them together, I imagine.

Их свели небеса, я полагаю.

Yes, I imagine you’ll be doing big business.

Да. Полагаю, будут отличные продажи.

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I like to imagine how much more amusing… this scene would be… if the Monegasque soldiers… strictly in rhythm… having marched a few steps forward… suddenly took exactly the same number of steps backwards.

Я воображаю, как бы этот выход был ещё симпатичней если бы монакские солдаты идя в ритме кадрили сделав несколько шагов таким образом внезапно сделали точно то же самое число шагов назад.

So I feed myself a lot of nonsense, imagine that it did happen.

Так что я кормлю себя всяким вздором, воображаю, что это было.

I imagine a god for slaves… and I pray.

Я воображаю, что есть боги, покровительствующие рабам, и я молюсь им.

— I can imagine.


My God! I can just imagine what it must be like in that flat now. What are they doing there?

Боже мой, воображаю, что там делается в этой квартире.

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Imagine you living right across the hall from us all of this time.

Подумать только, вы всё это время живёте напротив нас!

I mean, imagine.

То есть, я хочу сказать, подумать только!

Imagine Johnny killing him. You’d think he had more sense.

Подумать только, Джонни убил Смайли.

— Italian. Imagine.

Подумать только, итальянское.

Imagine, the governor of Tango coming all the way to Tsukushi.

Подумать только, губернатор Танго прибывает в Цукуси.

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I could imagine life with you being a series of ups and downs, lights and shadows, some irritation, but very much happiness.

…мне кажется, жизнь с тобой состояла бы из взлетов и падений, из света и тени, из растерянности и очень большого счастья.

I imagine things, that there are people over the house.

Мне кажется, что в доме какие-то люди.

You know, ma’am, you just imagine things.

Вам просто кажется, мэм.

Well, if we did talk a great deal, I mean, I imagine we’d find we like all the same things.

Если бы мы пообщались подольше, мне кажется, что мы бы поняли, что нам нравятся одни и те же вещи.

You must forgive him. I imagine he was a wee bit taken back.

Вы должны его извинить. Кажется, он немного не в себе.

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Nor you you imagine it.

Ты не можешь представить.

Imagine having that happen to you.

Можешь представить?

Imagine how they would feel.

Можешь представить их чувства.

Imagine no druggist in New York City carrying Dr. Silver’s Elixir.

Представить не могу, что в аптеках Нью-Йорка нет этого эликсира.

I don’t suppose you do In face, I don’t imagine you like it Or dislike it.

Я даже представить не могу, что вам что-то нравится или нет.

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Can’t imagine why you didn’t.

Не понимаю, почему ты не сказал.

I can’t imagine why you should think that…

Не понимаю, почему вы так думаете…

I can’t imagine what possessed the child.

Не понимаю, что нашло на неё.

I imagine it is.

Да, я понимаю.

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