Make sentence with word away

Antonym: near. Similar words: in a way, get away, await, award, put away, die away, pass away, take away. Meaning: [ə’weɪ]  adj. 1. not present; having left 2. used of an opponent’s ground 3. (of a baseball pitch) on the far side of home plate from the batter. adv. 1. from a particular thing or place or position (`forth’ is obsolete) 2. from one’s possession 3. out of the way (especially away from one’s thoughts) 4. out of existence 5. at a distance in space or time 6. indicating continuing action; continuously or steadily 7. so as to be removed or gotten rid of 8. freely or at will 9. in or into a proper place (especially for storage or safekeeping) 10. in a different direction 11. in reserve; not for immediate use. 

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1. Don’t throw away the apple because of the core. 

2. Better good neighbours near than relations far away

3. Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot. 

4. Although it rains, throw not away your watering pot. 

5. Take time when time cometh, lest time steal away

6. Money is round, and rolls away

7. Long tarrying takes all the thanks away

8. Don’t trifle away your time. 

8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

9. Agues come on horseback but go away on foot. 

10. When the cat’s away, the mice will play. 

11. Long tarrying takes all thanks away

12. Take time when time comes lest time steal away

13. Blue are the hills that are far away

14. Misforunes come on horseback and go away on foot. 

15. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

16. Salt water and absence wash away love. 

17. Throw away the apple because of the core. 

18. A soft answer turneth away wrath. 

19. Old soldiers never die, they just fade away

20. A soft answer turns [turneth] away wrath. 

21. Constant dropping wears away a stone. 

22. What we acquire without sweat we give away without regret. 

23. Take away my good name and take away my life. 

24. Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches. 

25. Swearing was invented as a compromise between running away and fighting. 

26. The cuckoo comes in April, and stays the month of May; sings a song at midsummer, and then goes away

27. Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it. 

28. Two dogs strive for a bone, the third runs away with it. 

29. Take time while time is, for time will be away

30. If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. 

More similar words: in a way, get away, await, award, put away, die away, pass away, take away, turn away, keep away, give away, far and away, away from, back away, break away, clear away, right away, throw away, awareness, be aware of, awaiting, do away with, withdrawal. 

away — перевод на русский


«Your daughter’s only chance is to get away into the country, somewhere she can get a complete rest.»

«Единственный шанс для вашей дочери — это уехать в деревню, туда, где она сможет как следует отдохнуть.»

.. And if you think he’ll let me go away without him guess again!

И если вы думаете, что он позволит мне уехать одной, то заблуждаетесь!

Why don’t you chuck all this… come away with me when we finish the harvesting’…

Почему бы тебе не бросить всё это и не уехать со мной, когда мы закончим уборку урожая?

My father says he caught you and Mac planning to run away together.

Отец сказал, что услышал, как вы с Маком собирались уехать.

Jerry, your mother and I are going away.

Джерри, твоя мать и я хотим уехать.

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You guys will not be getting away with this!

Вы не сможете уйти отсюда с этим.

«I’m sorry things went wrong — but there’s still time — for you — to get away!»

«Извини, что всё пошло не так, но у тебя ещё есть время уйти.»

…better to just go away.

Лучше просто уйти.

I told him to go away, but he wouldn’t until I granted him a wish.

Я попросила его уйти, но он не ушел, пока я не пообещала выполнить его любое желание.

I think you’d better go away.

Думаю, вам лучше уйти.

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— Maya, go away.

— Майя, уходи.

No, don’t walk away from me.

Нет, не уходи.

«Go away, Annette…

«Уходи, Анетт…

Don’t go away… Stay with me.

не уходи, останься со мной.

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«To run away, we need money.

«Чтобы убежать, нам нужны деньги.

You know I can’t run away.

Ты знаешь, я не могу убежать.

I always wanted to run away and join a circus.

я всегда мечтал убежать с цирком.

But you don’t know me, I might run away with it.

Но ты меня не знаешь. Я ведь могу убежать с ними.

Why don’t you run away?

Почему бы тебе не убежать?

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Since there was that incident with me, she might have run away.

После того столкновения со мной она могла сбежать.

Ah, I can run away.

Ааа, я же могу сбежать.

An hour with my trophies… and they usually do their best to keep away from me.

Час с моими трофеями — и, обычно, они идут на всё, чтобы сбежать.

Said he’d come in this evening if he could get away from his family.

Сказал, что если сможет сбежать от жены, то зайдет.

— I think I want to run away and hide.

— Был соблазн сбежать и укрыться.

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«I’ll be away because of an invitation from the governor»

«Я уезжаю за Губернатором»

You wanna know why I’m going away?

‘очешь узнать, почему € уезжаю?

There won’t be any next time. I’m going away.

—ледущего раза не будет. я уезжаю.

It’s a good thing I’m going away.

Хорошо, что я уезжаю.

You know, I’m going away on a trip.

Знаете, я уезжаю в поездку.

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— I will if you stay away from the center.

Уйду, если будешь держаться подальше от центра.

If he had kept away from Berit, this would not have happened.

Если бы он держался подальше от Берит, она никогда не заболела бы так тяжело.

«I will travel far away to forget.»

«Я собираюсь уехать подальше и забыть обо всем.»

And if I were you, I’d keep away from cabarets altogether.

На вашем месте я бы держалась подальше от всяких кабаре.

Stay away from Johnny, for good.

По хорошему тебя прошу, держись подальше от Джонни.

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Do not be troubled that your beloved is far away.

Не волнуйся из-за того, что твой любимый так далеко.

You’re so far away, not being able to see you, I can’t bear it anymore.

Ты так далеко, без возможности увидеть тебя, я так долго не выдержу.

Listen, you haven’t been getting away with this either.

Послушай, ты не уедешь далеко во всем этом.

Oh, they’re too far away.

— Они слишком далеко.

All linemen are away.

Линия фронта слишком далеко.

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Why doesn’t he bury her right away, making the 3 days of funeral process like this?

Почему он не похоронил её сразу? Зачем нужно было создавать шумиху на три дня?

If there is any mirror or something like that, I can find out right away

я бы сразу выяснила.

he left for Edo right away.

и потом сразу же отправился в Эдо.

We get on the job right away.

Мы сразу взялись за дело.

Yeah, right away. All right.

Да, сразу же.

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I should chase after her right away.

Точно… прямо сейчас пойду и догоню её.

you know, we should make sashimi out of this right away.

Мы должны сделать из неё суши прямо сейчас.

We can sign a contract right away.

Мы можем подписать контракт прямо сейчас.

If we get married right away we can be home by morning.

Если мы поженимся прямо сейчас, то завтра будем дома.

I’ve got to have some money right away, Nick.

Мне нужна кое-какая сумма прямо сейчас, Ник.

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Study Vocabulary Words away
not here or not at its usual place

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Used with nouns:

«Our team is playing an away game this weekend.«

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Study Vocabulary Words away
towards another place; at another place; not home or here

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Used with verbs:

«Her daughter ran away from home.«
(ran, moved, stayed)

«Please put your things away.«
(put, place)

«She looked away from the accident scene.«
(looked, turned)

«We’re so stressed, we need to get away.«
(get, go)

«Please keep this away from children.«

«His money is locked away in a safe place.«
(locked, stored)

Used with adjectives:

«They moved far away.«


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Sentences with the word Away?



  • «the abaxial surface of a leaf is the underside or side facing away from the stem»
  • «Let’s abstract away from this particular example»
  • «he scraped away the accretions of paint»; «the central city surrounded by recent accretions»
  • «I throw away all mail addressed to `resident'»
  • «figures light and aeriform come unlooked for and melt away«- Thomas Carlyle; «aerial fancies»; «an airy apparition»; «physical rather than ethereal forms»
  • «age-old customs»; «the antique fear that days would dwindle away to complete darkness»
  • «brush the objections aside»; «pushed all doubts away«
  • «turn aside»; «turn away one’s face»; «glanced away«
  • «started setting aside money to buy a car»; «put something by for her old age»; «has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day»
  • «he’s away right now»; «you must not allow a stranger into the house when your mother is away«
  • «an away game»
  • «the pitch was away (or wide)»; «an outside pitch»
  • «the music faded away«; «tried to explain away the affair of the letter»- H.E.Scudder; «idled the hours away«; «her fingernails were worn away«
  • «he worked away at the project for more than a year»; «the child kept hammering away as if his life depended on it»
  • «cleared the mess away«; «the rotted wood had to be cut away«
  • «fire away
  • «put the toys away«; «her jewels are locked away in a safe»; «filed the letter away«
  • «ran away from the lion»; «wanted to get away from there»; «sent the children away to boarding school»; «the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal»; «went off to school»; «they drove off»; «go forth and preach»
  • «the boat was 5 miles off (or away)»; «the party is still 2 weeks off (or away)»; «away back in the 18th century»
  • «he gave out money to the poor»; «gave away the tickets»
  • «there was no remainder»; «he threw away the rest»; «he took what he wanted and I got the balance»
  • «she kicked him in the balls and got away«
  • «the dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring»- E.A.Freeman
  • «The leaves were blowing in the wind»; «the boat drifted on the lake»; «The sailboat was adrift on the open sea»; «the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore»
  • «the track bed had washed away«
  • «the gunman blasted away«
  • «He blazed away at the men»
  • «Mr. Jones blazed away in one passage after another to loud applause»
  • «He blazed away at his opponents in the Senate»
  • «the hostage was blindfolded and driven away«
  • «blink away tears»
  • «blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries away waste products»; «the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions»
  • «After the break up of the Soviet Union, many republics broke away«
  • «there was a breakaway by the discontented members»; «a breaking away from family and neighborhood»
  • «brush away the crumbs»; «brush the dust from the jacket»; «brush aside the objections»
  • «she was by far the smartest student»; «it was far and away the best meal he had ever eaten»
  • «The men cantered away«
  • «The doctor treated my broken leg»; «The nurses cared for the bomb victims»; «The patient must be treated right away or she will die»; «Treat the infection with antibiotics»
  • «Their dreams carried the Romantics away into distant lands»; «The car carried us off to the meeting»; «I’ll take you away on a holiday»; «I got carried away when I saw the dead man and I started to cry»
  • «he used a handcart to carry the rocks away«; «their pushcart was piled high with groceries»
  • «the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced»
  • «Put away your worries»
  • «wearing someone’s cast-off clothes»; «throwaway children living on the streets»; «salvaged some thrown-away furniture»
  • «Mays made the catch with his back to the plate»; «he made a grab for the ball before it landed»; «Martin’s snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away«; «the infielder’s snap and throw was a single motion»
  • «Drive away potential burglars»; «drive away bad thoughts»; «dispel doubts»; «The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers»
  • «he ran away from home to join the circus»
  • «The clock ticked away«
  • «She came away angry»
  • «Common sense is not so common»; «he hasn’t got the sense God gave little green apples»; «fortunately she had the good sense to run away«
  • «the creak of the floorboards gave him away«
  • «he swore as the ball rimmed the cup and rolled away«; «put the flag back in the cup»
  • «she began to recover from her numb unresponsiveness after the accident»; «in an instant all the deadness and withdrawal were wiped away«
  • «Go away before I start to cry»; «The train departs at noon»
  • «She was digging away at her math homework»; «Lexicographers drudge all day long»
  • «Fritter away one’s inheritance»
  • «He dragged me away from the television set»
  • «The enemy withdrew»; «The limo pulled away from the curb»
  • «She placed the tray down and drew off the cloth»; «draw away the cloth that is covering the cheese»
  • «She tugged for years to make a decent living»; «We have to push a little to make the deadline!»; «She is driving away at her doctoral thesis»
  • «the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land»; «the earth shook for several minutes»; «he dropped the logs on the ground»
  • «less durable rocks were gradually worn away to form valleys»; «the perdurable granite of the ancient Appalachian spine of the continent»
  • «there is no greater sadness that the dwindling away of a family»
  • «The patient’s strength ebbed away«
  • «a writer of empurpled literature»; «many purple passages»; «an over-embellished story of the fish that got away«
  • «We escaped to our summer house for a few days»; «The president of the company never manages to get away during the summer»
  • «She gets away with murder!»; «I couldn’t get out from under these responsibilities»
  • «the explosion was heard a mile away«
  • «Can you fax me the report right away
  • «The prisoners fell to work right away«
  • «winnow chaff»; «The speaker ceased to be an amusing little gnat to be fanned away and was kicked off the forum»
  • «he traveled far»; «strayed far from home»; «sat far away from each other»
  • «farther north»; «moved farther away«; «farther down the corridor»; «the practice may go back still farther to the Druids»; «went only three miles further»; «further in the future»
  • «he played a trick on me»; «he pulled a fast one and got away with it»
  • «she was yakking away about her grandchildren»
  • «She gets to fretting if I stay away from home too long»
  • «She gave away her antique furniture»
  • «it is a mile away, give or take a few hundred yards»
  • «guard my possessions while I’m away«
  • «the Prime Minister was wearing a grey suit and a white shirt with a soft collar, but his neck had become thinner and the collar stood away from it as if it had been bought haphazard»
  • «we live an hour from the airport»; «its just 10 minutes away«
  • «an invitation to lunch»; «she threw the invitation away«
  • «he said testily: `Go away!'»
  • «I tried to keep the child away from the pool»
  • «She keeps plugging away at her dissertation»
  • «After her husband died, she just pined away«
  • «I watched the blue smoke drift lazily away on the still air»
  • «gave a limp handshake»; «a limp gesture as if waving away all desire to know» G.K.Chesterton; «the afternoon heat left her feeling wilted»
  • «felt sad and lonely»; «the loneliest night of the week»; «lonesome when her husband is away«; «spent a lonesome hour in the bar»
  • «I turned around and there, a few hundred feet away, was our government minder, Li Wong Su, huffing and puffing toward us»
  • «our bodies jumped nervously away at the slightest touch»
  • «replied offhand, his mind a million miles away«; «she threw him over offhandedly without even a Dear-John letter»
  • «The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away«
  • «She hoped that the problem would eventually pass away«
  • «Students must plug away at this problem»
  • «she laughed at this sexual power play and walked away«
  • «gave precautionary advice»; «I would take precautionary steps to keep him away«
  • «the children were told to put away their toys»; «the students put away their notebooks»
  • «it’s time for you to put away childish things»
  • «They turned away hundreds of fans»; «Black people were often rejected by country clubs»
  • «The death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage»; «God takes away your sins»
  • «the waves reverberate as far away as the end of the building»
  • «they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights»; «Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people»- Eleanor Roosevelt; «a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away«
  • «Political prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world»
  • «want nothing from you but to get away from your uncivil tongue»- Willa Cather
  • «Industry is running away with us all»
  • «sidewalks slick with ice»; «roads are slickest when rain has just started and hasn’t had time to wash away the oil»
  • «The ship slipped away in the darkness»
  • «we talked for some time»; «he was still some distance away«
  • «It doesn’t seem fair somehow»; «he had me dead to rights but somehow I got away with it»
  • «he walked away with a springy step»
  • «The solar wind protons must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust»
  • «the foul smell of the stinkhorn attracts insects that carry the spores away on their feet»
  • «the storms that had characterized their relationship had died away«; «it was only a tempest in a teapot»
  • «We took the abused child away from its parents»
  • «takeout pizza»; «the takeout counter»; «`take-away‘ is chiefly British»
  • «the houses were swept away in the torrent»
  • «wanton one’s money away«
  • «he made an abrupt turn away from her»
  • «They turned away the crowd at the gate of the governor’s mansion»
  • «managed to slip away unobserved»; «unseen forces at work»
  • «tried to give away unwanted kittens»
  • «the volatility of the market drove many investors away«
  • «The swollen river washed away the footbridge»
  • «he washed the dirt from his coat»; «The nurse washed away the blood»; «Can you wash away the spots on the windows?»; «he managed to wash out the stains»
  • «wash away all the differences»
  • «Watch how the dog chases the cats away«
  • «Erosion wore away the surface»
  • «we began to steer away westerly»- Daniel Defoe
  • «whang away at the school reform plan»
  • «The gust of air whiffed away the clouds»
  • «The President was whisked away in his limo»
  • «Her optimism whistled away these worries»

Below is a list of phrasal verbs using the particle Away.

Back Away

  • Meaning: To remove oneself from a situation by backing up or moving backward
  • Use in a sentence: After he noticed the mean dog on the porch, he slowly backed away from the house.

Bang Away

  • Meaning: To do something in a persistent manner. To strike repeatedly
  • Use in a sentence: He was up all night banging away at his keyboard.

Blast Away

  • Meaning #1: to produce an extremely loud noise
  • Meaning #2: to shoot a gun or weapon continuously
  • Use in a sentence #1: She looked out the window to see where the music was coming from and she saw some young kids blasting away on their guitars.
  • Use in a sentence #2: They pulled out their weapons and begin blasting away.

Blow Away

  • Meaning: To carry someone or something by means of the wind
  • Use in a sentence: The wind was so strong it blew away his hat.

Blow (Someone) Away

  • Meaning: (slang) To kill with a gun or an explosive device
  • Use in a sentence: Two gang members were blown away in the gunfight last night.

Break Away

  • Meaning: to escape from someone’s hold, to get away; to escape. To separate oneself from a group of people.
  • Use in a sentence: The group of young people broke away from their parents.

Carry Away

  • Meaning #1: to take or steal something. To remove by force.
  • Meaning #2: to lose control of oneself, usually because of excitement.
  • Use in sentence #1: While in line at the airport, we didn’t realize that somebody had carried away our luggage.
  • Use in sentence #2: Sorry, I got a little carried away when we were talking about photography. It’s just that I love taking pictures.

Chase Away

  • Meaning: to drive someone away from something. It can be used both in a literal sense of a figurative sense
  • Use in a sentence: The dog chased away all the birds in the yard.

Chip Away (at)

  • Meaning: to divide a big task into smaller more manageable sized tasks.
  • Use in a sentence: By working on the project during our free time on the weekends, we were able to chip away at it little by little.

Do Away With

  • Meaning #1: to end or remove something
  • Meaning #2: to kill
  • Use in a sentence #1: The company decided to do away with free parking in an effort to save money.
  • Use in a sentence #2: In the movie, the gang leader asked him to do away with the hero.

Fade Away

  • Meaning: To slowly diminish or become less noticeable.
  • Use in a sentence: The background music started to fade away.

Fall Away

  • Meaning: To distance oneself from something or someone.
  • Use in a sentence: He used to be a strong believer in the bible, but recently he is starting to fall away from his beliefs.

Fire Away

  • Meaning #1: to begin talking or to begin asking questions
  • Meaning #2: to shoot a person quickly
  • Use in a sentence #1: The second I entered the office, she started firing away questions at me.
  • Use in a sentence #2: He started firing away arrows, hoping at least one of them would hit the target.

Get Away

  • Meaning #1: to escape something: evade
  • Meaning #2: to distance oneself from someone or something
  • Meaning # 3: to go on vacation
  • Use in a sentence #1: The bank robbers were able to get away in their car.
  • Use in a sentence #2: Get away from the stove, it is hot!
  • Use in a sentence #3: We need to get away for the weekend.

Give Away

  • Meaning #1: to donate something to someone usually because you don’t want it or no longer need it
  • Meaning #2: to reveal something about someone
  • Use in a sentence #1: I gave away my shoes because they no longer fit.
  • Use in a sentence #2: He was talking so loud, he gave away our location.

Go Away

  • Meaning: to leave
  • Use in a sentence: He told me that he is going away for 2 weeks, but he will be back before the meeting.

Keep Away

  • Meaning: to stop using or doing something; avoid
  • Use in a sentence: Little did I know that I was allergic to cats, so the doctor told me to keep away from them.

Melt Away

  • Meaning: to go from a solid form to a liquid form; to lessen
  • Use in a sentence: I am surprised at how fast the snow melted away, Spring is definitely around the corner.

Put Away

  • Meaning #1: to store something in its designated location
  • Meaning #2: to send someone to jail; usually for a long time
  • Use in a sentence #2: The first thing I did when I got home was put away the groceries.
  • Use in a sentence #2: After a crime like that, I hope they put him away for good.

Run Away

  • Meaning: to leave a situation because you aren’t happy or you no longer want to deal with it.
  • Use in a sentence: He seriously thought about running away from home.

Run Away With

  • Meaning #1: to secretly leave with someone to either live with them or marry them
  • Meaning #2: to steal
  • Use in a sentence #1: He ran off with his ex-girlfriend.
  • Use in a sentence #2: The young children ran off with my wallet.

Send (someone or something) Away

  • Meaning: to ask someone to leave
  • Use in a sentence: I was so angry that I sent him away before he could tell me what happened.

Slave Away

  • Meaning: to work very hard at something
  • Use in a sentence: Your mother has been slaving away for hours in the kitchen to make you a good meal.

Stay Away

  • Meaning: to maintain a safe distance from something or someone; to not go near
  • Use in a sentence: Stay away from the edge of the water, otherwise, you could fall in.

Store Away

  • Meaning: to hide or store something for use in the future
  • Use in a sentence: She has been storing away money for a long time in order to buy a new car.

Take Away

  • Meaning: to remove something from someone
  • Use in a sentence: I took the dog’s toy away because it was making too much noise.

Tear Away

  • Meaning: to quickly pull something away, usually by force
  • Use in a sentence: I had a hard time tearing the kids away from the TV, but they need to do their homework.

Throw Away

  • Meaning: to dispose of something
  • Use in a sentence: I threw away my old shoes because they had huge holes in them.

Tuck Away

  • Meaning: to hide something in a safe place; to store
  • Use in a sentence: I bet they have tucked away a lot of money over the years.

Turn Away

  • Meaning #1: to move one’s body in the opposite direction
  • Meaning #2: to dismiss or to reject
  • Use in a sentence #1: Please don’t turn away, I am talking to you.
  • Use in a sentence #2: The store ran out of supplies, so they had to turn away customers.

Walk Away

  • Meaning: to withdraw oneself from a situation or problem
  • Use in a sentence: If someone wants to pick a fight, it is often best to just walk away from the situation.

Wash Away

  • Meaning: to be removed or to be carried away by water.
  • Use in a sentence: The floodwaters washed away much of the small village.

Waste Away

  • Meaning: to lose strength and energy; to become sick and weak
  • Use in a sentence: It made him sad to see his loved one wasting away.

Whisk Away

  • Meaning: To remove someone or something from a place very quickly
  • Use in a sentence: I wish my husband would whisk me away to Hawaii for a long weekend.

Wipe Away

  • Meaning: to remove by wiping; to clean
  • Use in a sentence: He wiped away her tears.

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