Make sentence with word angry

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1. He that is angry is seldom at ease. 

2. When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, count a hundred. 

3. Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be. 

4. Whe angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, a hundred. 

5. To be angry with a weak man is a proof that you are not very strong yourself. 

6. He is a fool who cannot be angry, but he is a wise man who will not. 

7. The dog was angry and bellicosely bristled up.

8. ‘Was he very angry?’ ‘Indeed he was.’

9. You have every justification for feeling angry.

10. Karen had seldom seen him so angry.

11. She seemed to delight in making her parents angry.

12. He was stung by thousands of angry bees.

13. His delay made the teacher angry.

14. He let out a torrent of abuse/angry words.

15. Angry staffs swamped the company with complaints.

16. I obeyed her lest she should be angry.

17. A few angry locals started heckling .

18. He changed his mind(, which made me very angry.

19. There were angry tears in Lily’s eyes.

20. My friends’ angry words hurt my feelings.

21. He fired off an angry letter to the editor.

22. I came home late and my mother was angry.

23. The angry man knocked him down.

24. Her behaviour really made me angry.

25. It makes me so —— I just get angry.

26. He’s really angry at/with me for upsetting Sophie.

27. How can I provide feedback without making someone angry?

28. He is liable to get angry.

29. Dad seemed more disappointed than angry.

30. She sounded tense and angry.

More similar words: Congress, ingredient, in the long run, congratulate, congressional, gang, angle, anger, angst, range, angel, hang on, hang up, change, orange, anguish, arrange, changing, in danger, tangible, language, harangue, exchange, intangible, tangential, triangular, changeable, out of danger, arrangement, unchangeable. 

«Angry» is a popular song, with lyrics by Dudley Mecum and music by Henry Brunies, Merritt Brunies, and Jules Cassard, written in 1925. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«If at times I get angry or I complain, it’s because I don’t know how to keep my feelings quiet,» he says.


There are the stereotypes: shrill killjoys, man-haters, angry nasty women, and rabid abortion-pushers, terrifying some of us on cable news programs, deriding motherhood and homemaking.


When so many of their leaders can be bought for a few thousand dollars, they should maybe be angry,» he said.


When two FBI agents defy those instructions, he’s understandably dazed and angry.


This made Sarah’s mother angry and Sarah then began to cry.


Practice of the Practice Podcast with Joe Sanok Session 013 How to help angry kids and frustrated parents with new parenting approaches


When she drinks, she slurs her words and her mood swings from happy and gentle to confrontational and angry.


This has led customers to post angry messages on Coinbase message boards, accusing the company of stealing their property and threatening class action lawsuits.


12:32 — The permanently angry Labour backbencher John Mann is fed up this week about people being prevented from building their own homes.


The story is based in part on a novel, in turn based on the true account of how Glass endured herculean challenges that included an angry bear, furious blizzards and greedy men to avenge wrongs perpetrated on him and his family.


The Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore, officiated at a SAY NO leaflet handout in Sydney a year ago and she too is horrified and angry at the outrageous waste of innocent animal lives each and every year.


Though we take it for granted, it takes a lot of coping skills to manage that physical burst of energy experienced whenever we feel frustrated or angry.


I find the contract confusing and daunting, and was almost angry with the vague and useless answers I got from customer service.


Alisson Becker (6): Will be angry to have let in two goals against Benevento, primarily due to defensive lapses in concentration.


I am not an angry person, I am full of life and energy, I like to laugh at each day’s humorous situations and try to look at the bright side of everything, a total optimist.


Puppies can sense your feelings; if you are angry, he may become too confused and frightened to perform.


The rantings of a angry chef, sick of the lies told about food and health.


• Agenda-driven (someone wants to persuade you of something); • Promotional (someone wants to sell you something); or • Emotional (someone has an axe to grind and wants you to get angry, too).


That image of an angry, violent, judgmental God has kept people in line and has given religion an enormous amount of control over people, hasn’t it?


Downey plays the exhausted angry foil for Galifianakis’s odd, brain-scrambled doofus and it’s his presence that keeps it funny all the way through.


She got very angry one evening when we were eating a chicken, tomato and yogurt curry so I let he taste a tiny piece of tomato and she gummed for a second then swallowed it immediately.


he’s tarnishing his legacy If he stays and fans will really get more angry coming season.


As he took the podium at the Green Party National Convention in Houston on Saturday, Matt Funiciello said he had «an angry Green speech» to give.


They weren’t angry or frustrated or disappointed.


I was angry for about 30 more minutes until J got up from playing and peed on the potty by himself.


And if I said something that really ticked you off, don’t leave angry troll messages — send me a tweet and we’ll settle the argument like gentlemen over a game of Black Ops: Fore!


The characters are supposed to be «deep» and «introspective» or some crap but they all resemble the same overly anxious, angry, and selfish person that is just generally unlikable.


On the other hand, what am I teaching my kids if I pretend that I’m NEVER angry and never lose my cool?


That being said, softer tinker toys, and no breakables are a better choice if you have a child that tends to throw when angry (it’s pretty normal if that is the case, and it can get better!)


How often are you afraid to say «No» to your spouse, child, teenager, boss, neighbor or friend and later feel angry that you didn’t?


How each of us react when angry or feeling another strong emotion is tied into our own neurobiology shaped by how we ourselves were raised, and even how our parents were raised, as well as the generation we grew up in and the community and society we knew then.


He says that even when there’s disagreement, both sides need to tone down the angry rhetoric and focus on how to fix the problems that exist in schools today.


In today’s news roundup an angry teen stabs a girl upon finding out his internet connection prevented him from playing Starcraft, Naughty Dog add a «next-gen filter» to Uncharted 2 to fit in with the brown games of this generation, Konami reveal Castlevania Rebirth as a Game Boy remake, and Brian May reveal Queen may get their very own dedicated Rock Band game.


Albany, NY — Parent groups say they are angry that Governor Pataki won’t release funding for after-school programs.


But it’s not just about being angry or upset.


I might make my supervisor angry, she could hate me forever.


Online, it’s sometimes called a «twitchfork mob» — a combination of «Twitter» and «pitchfork mob» that captures the spirit of the frightening madness of crowds in an angry online world.


She could tell he was trying not to sound angry.


I had a complicated surgery for an «angry» gall bladder.


The latest Avengers movie is basically a fun party with two dozen or so cool people you really like serving up zingers and comebacks and showing off their latest gadgets/powers… except for the duration of the party you have to watch them all get beat up by one really angry guy with inferior mental processing abilities (like, inferior even to Chris Pratt’s Star Lord).


I don’t think he’d be bitter, angry, and resentful if somebody happens to be born to parents of a different religion.


And Thibs… oh whatever… I feel that they need to get angry.


Child externalizing problems were significantly associated with parent scaffolding in both the angry [r (46) = − 0.32, p =.03] and anxious conditions [r (46) = − 0.34, p =.02], as well as with child emotion regulation ability [r (46) = − 0.30, p =.04].


Zach said Erie County Democratic Chairman Len Lenihan has predicted AG Andrew Cuomo, the presumptive Democratic gubernatorial nominee, will attend Obama’s speech and asked Paterson if he’s angry at the president for «snubbing» the governor during his last trip upstate (to HVCC in Troy).


If you find that even the slightest annoyance makes you angry and produces tension between you and others causing significant relationship problems with the people in your life, you can depend on our experienced and thoughtful anger management therapists to help you learn how to control your anger.


It can make us happy and confident or angry and withdrawn.


4.56 pm: That was a terrific speech — funny, angry, self-deprecating, at times slightly deranged (how often have you heard a party president describe his members as «cockroaches»?)


Written and directed by James Gunn, the tale follows Peter Quill and a band of unlikely heroes as they hurtle through space, dodge and sometimes fight angry foes, trip over their own foibles, and wisecrack their way through adventure.


I don’t understand why some people get so angry over remastered games.


I understand that transitioning from a marital relationship to a co-parenting relationship can be a difficult process and I am sensitive to the many hurt and angry feelings stirred up by separation and divorce.


My teacher is angry with me.

He was angry, he called me names.

He is angry with me.

She is angry with me at my behaviour.

I dislike his angry looks.

Please don’t be angry with me. Keep cool!

He was in a bitter, angry frame of mind.

He got angry before I had said a word.

She is angry with him because he was late.

She darted an angry look at me.

It is evident from your face that you are angry.

At times he gets very angry.

He is angry with me.

Why are you so angry with me?”

Please don’t be angry with me.”

You still angry with me?

Are you angry with me, about something?

What are you angry at me for?

He was in an angry mood.

I was angry with him.

Are you still angry?

We must do our best or our boss will be angry.

He was angry to hear the result.

Why did he get angry with you ?

He is an angry young man.

He is angry at your way of questioning.

It is silly to get angry over such a small thing.

Why is he angry at you?

The teacher is angry with you.

We are not angry with you.

We were too angry to say anything.

I met him at that time when he was angry.

We were very angry.

He came out with an angry expression.

You certainly look angry about something.

What are you looking so angry for?

My friends are angry with me.

Please don’t be angry with me.

Were you angry with me ?

I do not know why he is angry.

The teacher was angry at the conduct of the student.

He lent me money lest I should get angry.

He is angry with me for not giving him help.

Is the teacher angry with me?

Why are you angry with me?

Why am I so angry all the time?

He was angry at my not complying with his request.

Why are you angry with your son?

Don’t angry with me.

He is a terrible man when he is angry

Don’t get angry.

Our teacher is never angry.

Are you angry with your brother?

He was angry at my not agreeing to his proposal.

He looked at me in an angry manner.

He is in an angry mood.

I was angry with him because he disobeyed me.

I am sure you will not be angry with me.

Are you angry with me ?

He is angry with me.

He is angry with me for nothing.

Are you angry with me ?

I am sure that you will not be angry with me.

Sometimes I begin to feel that you are angry with me.

Was was angry with me at my attitude.

I never saw him angry before now .

He is angry with his brother.

If anyone abused him he became angry.

He behaves like a savage when he is angry.

He shouted as if he were very angry.

I was angry, still I kept quiet.

He is getting angry.

Finding none in the class, the teacher became angry.

This is why he got angry with you.

He was so angry that he slammed the book on the table.

Are you angry with me ?

We were angry at the delay.

He gave me an angry look.

I’m angry at the injustice that he suffered.

She gave me an angry glare.

Surprisingly she was not angry with them.

Why did he get angry with you ?

The teacher was angry at his misconduct.

My father was angry with me at my rudeness.

I saw her with angry looks in her eyes.

He looked at me in an angry manner.

Are you angry with me ?

He was angry with me at my attitude.

The early men thought that every misfortune was caused by angry gods.

He was in an angry mood.

The teacher was angry with me.

He was angry with his son.

We were too angry to say anything.

I guess it’s silly to get angry over such a small thing.

What are you looking so angry for?

You certainly look angry about something.

Doesn’t he ever get angry with his students?

Why is she angry at you?

Why are you angry with me ?

Who is this person with an angry look in his eyes ?

The angry people derive him of all his power.

He was so angry as to be unable to speak.

He cried in an angry voice.

He is in an angry mood.

He got angry with his brother.

It was bad of you to get angry at your wife.

I was angry about missing that film at the cinema.

Why did you get so angry at his mistake?

I don’t like people who get angry easily.

He is impatient enough to get angry easily.

He got angry with whoever challenged him.

He gets angry over trivial things.

He got angry because he thought that everyone was trying to make a fool of him.

That is why I am angry with him.

He is apt to get angry if you ask a lot of questions.

There is nothing for you to be angry about.

We got angry at his words.

I’m not angry because you have failed.

I was angry because he was late.

Why did he get angry with you ?

He was angry because we were late.

I am angry with you for opening them.

He was angry with his brother.

I’m angry at the neglect of these children.

He will be angry if you don’t see him.

The teacher was very angry with us.

Why is he angry ?

What are you angry about ?

He was so angry that he would not speak to me.

Are you angry ?

You are angry for nothing.

He is angry with me.

This made him angry and desperate.

He was angry with his son.

The angry mob set fire to the building.

He was in an angry mood.

He got angry with me.

Why did your husband get angry with you?

I am sure that you will not be angry with .

His parents are always angry with him.

H is angry with me.

He was angry so I ran away.

I could not remain angry for long.

Are you angry with me?

Do you know why he was so angry ?

He was angry when he heard the result.

She gets angry easily.

She is angry with me.

Why did he get angry with you then ?

When nature gets angry there is very little that one can do.

Don’t be angry with me

I am angry that she didn’t keep her promise.

Are you angry at what I said?

She gets angry at trifles.

She was angry to find the door locked.

She must be angry with me.

He got angry because his honor was at stake.

Why are you angry with him?

He gave an angry shake of his head.

He tried to soothe the angry man.

He easily gets angry at trivial things.

He got angry to know the fact.

She got very angry with her children.

I’m angry with you about this.

He got angry when he found the door locked.

I do not like people who get angry easily.

He was so angry that he could not speak.

Were you angry with me ?

He is angry with me for not giving him help.

Obviously, he was angry for nothing.

Though he was angry but he listened to me patiently.

He was angry to hear the result.

The teacher was angry with the whole class.

We must do our work well, or our master will be angry with us.

I am angry with you.

The teacher was angry at the conduct of the student.

He gave an angry shout.

Why are you so angry with me?

His insults made me angry.

The police could not stop the angry mob.

She spoke in a loud voice.

You are ruining your life and your partners life too.

Do not be angry or agitated.

If you are angry and in a bad mood avoid making decisions.

Of course she is angry with you.

He made an angry gesture.

He was angry at the news.

I am not angry.

He often gets angry at small things.

Don’t be angry at his words.

He was too angry to speak.

He was angry with himself.

He tends to get angry when people oppose him.

He was angry at what she said.

They are angry at your ill manners.

She glared at me with angry eyes.

My father is very angry with me.

He gets angry quite quickly.

He must be angry with her for what she did.

He doesn’t understand why she got angry with him.

He gets angry easily.

People won’t have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.

She is very angry with her children.

angry — перевод на русский


I’m glad you’re really not angry.

Я рад, что ты не сердишься.

You’re angry at me. No.

— Ты сердишься на меня.

— You’re not angry with me?

— Ты не сердишься?

Cheri, you’re not angry. Take your hand off my arm!

Милый, ты не сердишься?

Anne, you’re angry.

Энн, ты сердишься.

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— I sense you’re angry.

— Я вижу, что ты злишься.

When you’re angry he’s always my son.

Когда ты злишься он всегда мой сын.

I’m sure you’re angry because I threw Manfred out!

Я уверена, что ты злишься потому, что я выгнала Манфреда!

You’re angry I left without a goodbye.

Ты злишься, что я ушла не попрощавшись.

And now you’re angry.

И из-за этого ты злишься.

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Mr Farr’ll be angry.

Мистер Фарр будет зол.

— Don’t bang so loudly, the guy living below is always angry.

— Не стучи так громко, сосед внизу всегда зол.

You’re not still angry, are you?

Ты ведь уже не зол?

Colonel Creighton was very angry when you disappeared.

Полковник Крайтон был очень зол, когда ты пропал.

I was angry. I lost my temper.

Я был зол и потерял голову.

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Yeom Ra has become very angry.

Ём Ра разозлился.

Are you angry because I called her a cow?

Ты разозлился потому, что я назвал её коровой?

I just got scared and angry, but never got that far.

Просто я испугался и разозлился, и мне не удалось дать им сдачи.

He told her one day when he was drunk and angry.

Однажды он был пьян, разозлился и сказал ей.

Is he angry?

Он разозлился?

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The king is angry. See, he gnaws his lip.

Король сердит.

You’re laughing now, but I warn you: father is angry

Ты смеешься, но я предупреждаю тебя: отец сердит.

I can tell you’re angry.

Я знаю, что сердит.

He’s a soldier, Your Highness, and he’s angry.

Он солдат, ваше величество, и он сердит.

I would pick him up and shake him when I was angry but so clever.

я, когда бывал сердит, подымал его прямо за бока и тряс, но он был очень умный.

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We met that same night. He was very angry.

Мы встретились в тот же вечер, он очень рассердился.

My father became very angry.

Отец очень рассердился.

He caught me in the ruins searching for the treasure and became angry, he says that this treasure does not exist!

Он поймал меня в руинах за поиском сокровищ, и он рассердился, он говорит, что этих сокровищ не существует!

I resisted, so Günther beat me up and was really angry.

Я стала сопротивляться, тогда Гюнтер рассердился и избил меня.

Kichemunito saw and was angry.

Гитчи Маниту увидел это и рассердился.

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You want to make me angry or something?

Хочешь меня разозлить?

I had to make you angry enough to shake off their influence.

Мне пришлось разозлить вас, чтобы избавить от их влияния.

That should make a certain group of families rather angry, wouldn’t you say?

Это должно весьма разозлить определённую группу семей, как вы считаете?

Say what you like, but you won’t get me angry.

Говори что хочешь, тебе меня не разозлить.

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It’s the duplicity that makes me angry, Valerie.

Так именно эта двуличность меня и злит, Валери.

Aren’t you angry that I became Ushitora’s bodyguard?

Тебя что, не злит, что я – телохранитель Ушиторы?

You’re angry because I won’t grovel.

Тебя злит, что я не подхалимничаю перед тобой.

She makes me angry.

Она злит меня.

He makes my angry!

Он меня злит!

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You don’t know him when he gets angry.

Ты же его знаешь! Когда он в гневе, он быка растопчет!

Can he be angry?

Так в гневе он?

If I get angry, even flies daren’t fly. I’m very frightened of you

Ибо когда я в гневе, даже мухи не смеют летать!

Because I was angry!

Ёто из-за того, что € в гневе!

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— That laughter means he is angry.

— Он так смеётся, когда рассержен.

So he’s not angry.

Он не рассержен…

Mr Groenevelt is angry and wants to say unpleasant things.

Я думаю, Господин Грюневельт рассержен и хочет высказать неприятные вещи.

Don’t you think I should be angry?

Вам не кажется, что я должен быть рассержен?

I’m telling you, I’m angry.

Говорю тебе, я рассержен.

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Sentences with the word Angry?



  • «The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket»; «The angry mother shouted at the teacher»
  • «angry at the weather»; «angry customers»; «an angry silence»; «sending angry letters to the papers»
  • «an angry sore»
  • «angry clouds on the horizon»; «furious winds»; «the raging sea»
  • «She managed to mollify the angry customer»
  • «a sad expression»; «a look of triumph»; «an angry face»
  • «averting her gaze meant that she was angry«
  • «the venture turned out badly for the investors»; «angry that the case was settled disadvantageously for them»
  • «the smart set goes there»; «they were an angry lot»
  • «The speaker was barraged by an angry audience»; «The governor was bombarded with requests to grant a pardon to the convicted killer»
  • «a clear and present danger»; «a clear explanation»; «a clear case of murder»; «a clear indication that she was angry«; «gave us a clear idea of human nature»
  • «She came away angry«
  • «the angry man was frothing at the mouth»
  • «The weather turned nasty»; «She grew angry«
  • «I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel»; «I thought to find her in a bad state»; «he didn’t think to find her in the kitchen»; «I guess she is angry at me for standing her up»
  • «left their clothes dirty looking»; «a most disagreeable looking character»; «angry-looking»; «liquid-looking»; «severe-looking policemen on noble horses»; «fine-sounding phrases»; «taken in by high-sounding talk»
  • «a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay»; «the quiet waters of a lagoon»; «a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky»; «a smooth channel crossing»; «scarcely a ripple on the still water»; «unruffled water»
  • «The sales clerk snapped a reply at the angry customer»; «The guard snarled at us»
  • «he was unbelievably angry«
  • «profits were distributed unevenly»; «angry at being dealt with so unequally»

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