Make sentence with word ancient

Ancient wonders captured in 3D
Древние чудеса ловят в 3D

Then play in the ancient Russian game «leaf».
Тогда играем в старинную русскую игру «Листик».

I graduate in May with a degree in ancient philosophy.
Я выпускаюсь в мае со степенью по античной философии.

It’s an ancient artefact.
Это древний артефакт.

Some of the soldiers wear ancient mesh armor.
Иные солдаты одеты в старинные кольчуги.

He was a professor at the university, in ancient art.
Он был профессором в университете, преподавал античное искусство.

Your ancient camp scout emblem?
Ваша древняя эмблема юных скаутов?

The Sorbonne’s students, supporting those from Nanterre, occupy their ancient university.
Студенты Сорбонны, которые поддерживают студентов Нанта, оккупируют свой старинный университет.

There’s an antique cannon auction next Saturday at the Essex Museum of Ancient Weaponry.
Ну, будет аукцион античной пушки в следующую субботу в эссекском музее Древнего Вооружения.

Ancient Arab lands are bestirred.
Древние арабские земли встрепенулись.

According to an ancient legend, pagan gods used to live on the mountain.
По старинному преданию, на вершине горы якобы жили языческие боги.

His depiction of ancient warfare depends less on the personal, which in some ways proves more familiar to moderns than the medieval.
Но, изображая античные войны, он уделяет уже меньше внимания личному, что, как выясняется, в определенном смысле более знакомо современным людям, нежели тем, кто жил в средние века.

Our pleasures are really ancient.
Удовольствия — наше древнее наследие.

So it’s an ancient pathway, because it must have arisen a long time ago in evolution such that it still works in all these animals.
Так что это старинный клеточный путь гормона, потому что он должен был появиться много лет назад во время эволюции, если он до сих пор работает во всех этих животных.

So while he was very close to destroying the temple of the ancient four elements, he couldn’t quite yet disprove them.
Итак, хотя он и был очень близок к разрушению античного пантеона четырех элементов, он еще не мог полностью их опровергнуть.

He respects all ancient titles.
Он уважает каждый древний род.

He immediately suggested the ancient Orthodox church known as Pokrova, situated at the confluence of the Nerl and Klyazma Rivers near the medieval capital city of Vladimir.
Он сразу же предложил старинную православную церковь Покрова, расположенную на слиянии рек Нерль и Клязьмы рядом со средневековым городом Владимиром.

It’s why social organization has grown from the hunter-gatherer village to the ancient state, the empire, and now here we are in a globalized world.
Вот как сообщество поселений охотников-собирателей выросло в античное государство, затем в империю, и в сегодняшний глобализованный мир.

The Ottomans, ancient Greeks, troglodytes.
Оттоманы, древние греки, троглодиты.

In Akko, you can visit the bath museum Al-Basha, which consists of several rooms of ancient Turkish baths with models of visitors and bath attendants of the time.
В Акко можно побывать в музее-бане Аль Баша, представляющем собой несколько залов старинных турецких бань с муляжами посетителей и банщиков того времени.


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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Thousands of years ago, ancient Egyptian and ancient Greeks also like to use emerald to do jewelry.

Тысячи лет назад древние египетские и древние греки также хотели бы использовать изумрудно делать украшения.

There is clear historical evidence that spinning wheels were used for gambling games in ancient Rome and ancient China.

Есть исторические свидетельства использования колес для азартных игр еще в Древнем Китае.

This ancient musical instrument associated with ancient epics, storytellers.

Этот древний музыкальный инструмент ассоциируется у нас со старинными былинами, сказителями.

This ancient place preserved its aristocratic appearance and ancient structure.

Это старинное местечко удивительным образом сохранило свой аристократический облик и древнюю структуру.

They have an ancient organization, an ancient society, an ancient spiritual bonding that keeps them doing certain work within a certain star system.

Эти существа объединены в древнюю организацию, древнее сообщество, и между ними существует древняя духовная связь, благодаря которой они выполняют определенную работу в определенных звездных системах.

In the expositions you can see treasures raised from the seabed, ancient nautical charts, ancient atlases and ancient weapons.

В экспозициях можно увидеть сокровища, поднятые со дна морей, старинные навигационные карты, древние атласы и старинное оружие.

Divination is much more ancient than sewing or knitting, it is a very ancient magic ritual.

Гадание намного древнее шитья или вязания, это очень древний магический ритуал.

People think that their culture is very ancient and in fact it is only the remains of ancient knowledge.

Люди думают, что их культура очень древняя, а на самом деле это только остатки древних знаний.

Now you do not have these ancient boxes with ancient services open to the whole world.

Теперь у вас нет этих древних коробок с древними сервисами, открытыми всему миру.

But in recent years, there has been interest in ancient music, ancient instruments.

Но в последние годы появился интерес к старинной музыке, старинным инструментам.

In forging an ancient document, for example, they know how to buy ancient materials that will pass carbon dating tests.

Например, при подделке древнего документа, они знают, как купить древние материалы, которые пройдут тесты на датировку углерода.

I have met people who condemn ancient rulers and emperors and ancient religions as the source of all conflict.

Я встречал людей, которые осуждают древних правителей и императоров, а также древние религии как источник всех конфликтов на земле.

This ancient city was and remains a living legend and the capital of the famous ancient dominant militarized state.

Этот античный город был и остается живой легендой и столицей знаменитого древнего военизированного государства.

Diorite was also mined in the ancient world, as is evident by the extensive use of this rock in ancient architecture.

Диорит также добывали в древнем мире, о чем свидетельствует широкое использование этого камня в древней архитектуре.

Actually, the five flavors mentioned by ancient people were a basic concept for ancient nutritional science.

На самом деле, пять вкусов, упомянутых древними, были основой древней науки о питании.

Lovers of ancient architecture can admire three ancient churches here.

Любители древней архитектуры могут полюбоваться тут тремя старинными церквями.

A well-developed ancient agricultural system also existed in the region as evident by the discovery of ancient tanks at the site.

Хорошо развитая древняя сельскохозяйственная система также существовала в регионе, о чем свидетельствует обнаружение древних резервуаров на месте.

But this ancient fear is a recognition of an ancient potential.

A blended family could also be the result of two ancient human species procreating, for example, and creating an ancient human hybrid.

Смешанная семья также может быть результатом двух древних человеческих видов, которые, например, создавали древний человеческий гибрид.

Genetic analysis corresponding with geography and ancient history shows that domestic cats spread through the world following ancient trade routes across land and sea.

Генетический анализ, соответствующий географии и древней истории, показывает, что домашние кошки распространились по всему миру по древним торговым путям через сушу и море.

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ancient — перевод на русский


of all places which, if anybody knows, is full of ammonites and ancient fossils.

где, если кто-нибудь знает, полно амонитов и древних окаменелостей.

He’s like the ghost of an ancient Egyptian king.

Он похож на призрак древних египетских фараонов.

On the ancient monuments of barbarism and despotism, I shall inscribe great words of justice and mercy.

На древних памятниках варварства и деспотизма я напишу великие слова справедливости и милосердия.

Nature keeps most of her ancient secrets in caves.

Природа хранит большинство своих древних тайн в пещерах.

And it is also said… man, using the magic power… of the ancient runic symbols… can call forth these powers of darkness… the demons of hell.

И также сказано, что человек, используя магическую силу древних рунических символов, может призвать эти силы тьмы, демонов ада.

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Anyway, that’s ancient history.

В любом случае, это старая история.

It’s an ancient custom of the manor.

Это старая традиция в замке.

There is ancient.

— Наверное, очень старая.

He’s ancient history.

Он уже старая история.

It is very ancient.

Очень старая вещь.

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— An if I live until I be a man… I’ll win our ancient rights in France again… or die a soldier, as I lived a king.

А то, что если вырасту большим, старинные владенья отвоюю у Франции обратно, иль умру я воином и славным королём.

All these strange and ancient books.

Читаешь все эти странные старинные книги.

Ancient human sea chanteys, mostly.

В основном, старинные земные морские куплеты.

You make fake ancient cloths.

Вы производите поддельные старинные ткани.

One of them is short, and the other is wearing ancient armor.

Один малого роста, другой облачён в старинные доспехи.

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The evil spirits of ancient times changed in the medieval folklore to devils, sneaking around and tempting children.

Злые духи древности предстают в средневековом фольклоре в образе бесов, вьющихся окрест и соблазняющих неразумных.

Of the terrible ancient world and of the terrible future world

Об ужасной древности и об ужасном будущем

Of the stupid ancient world and of the ferocious future world

О глупой древности и о жестоком будущем

«A drug used in ancient times by the natives.»

— Вот. — Что там? — Это лекарство, которое использовали ещё в древности индейские аборигены.

Children born during an eclipse were drown in ancient times because they brought misfortune.

Рожденных во время затмения детей надо топить, как в древности, потому что они приносят несчастья.

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-An ancient vase.

Античная ваза.

Every culture, ancient and modern has placed its totems and concerns among the stars.

Каждая культура, античная и современная, помещала свои тотемы и интересы среди звёзд.

This is ancient history.

Это античная история.

Ancient Philosophy.

Античная философия.

Ancient history.

Античная история…

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Latin, Sanskrit, Ancient Greek.

Латынь! Санскрит! Древнегреческий!

That’s ancient Greek.

— Это древнегреческий.

Translate «reddendo singula singulis» into Ancient Greek.

Переведите «reddendo singula singulis» на древнегреческий.

Why wouldn’t an ancient Greek baker mind if you told him where he could stick his baguette? SMOOTH ELECTRIC GUITAR Sean.

Почему древнегреческий пекарь не счёл бы оскорблением, если бы вы ему сказали, куда он может засунуть свой батон?

— You mean Ancient Greek?

А, ты про древнегреческий?

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Did you know they had beer in ancient Egypt? — Oh, yeah?

— Вы знаете, что уже древние Египтяне умели варить пиво?

The Ancient Egyptians rebelled against the Sun God Ra, or at least, someone they believed to be an imposter.

Древние египтяне восстали против бога солнца Ра или против кого-то, кого они считали самозванцем.

Mind you, the ancient Egyptians believed that one can only create a truly original perfume by adding an extra note, one final essence that will ring out and dominate the others.

Кстати, древние египтяне верили, что истинно оригинальный аромат создаёт особая дополнительная нота, некий финальный штрих царящий в общей гармонии над прочими компонентами.

what we have here is something that will degrade over time. it will not last for thousands of years like what the ancient egyptians left behind.

То что мы имеем здесь рассыплется со временем, не сохранится 1000 лет, как то, что оставили древние египтяне.

Meow. That’s what the ancient Egyptians called their cats.

«Мяу» — так древние египтяне называли кошек.

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It was the tail of a great bear which the ancient Greeks and Native Americans saw instead of the handle of a dipper.

это был хвост большого медведя, который древние греки или индейцы видели вместо ручки ковша.

The ancient Greeks imagined the course of human events to be a tapestry created by three goddesses: the Fates.

Древние греки представляли себе курс человеческих событий в виде ткани, сотканной тремя Мойрами, богинями судьбы.

The ancient Greeks explained that diffuse band of brightness in the night sky as the milk of the goddess Hera squirted from her breast across the heavens.

Древние греки объясняли, что широкая светлая лента в небе — это молоко богини Геры, брызнувшее из ее груди и пролившееся на небеса.


«Древние греки»?

Do you know how the ancient Greeks defined happiness?

Вы знаете, что древние греки понимали под счастьем?

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When people in ancient times found a claw like this,

Если люди в прошлом находили коготь такого животного.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s ancient history.

Что касается меня, это уже в прошлом.

I thought that was ancient history.

Я думал, это уже в прошлом.

The election is ancient history, Zaphod, but if memory serves, you won, proving that good looks and charm win over brilliance and the ability to govern.

¬ыборы уже в прошлом, «эйфод, но € припоминаю, что ты победил, доказыва€, что красота и обо€ние побеждают гениальность и умение руководить.

Farideh’s ancient history.

Фариде давно в прошлом.

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Soloviev, History of Russia From the Most Ancient Times.

С.Соловьёв. «Российская история с древнейших времён»

One of the most ancient formations in the galaxy.

Одно из древнейших образований в Галактике.

Your Majesty, from ancient times to the present Righteous burglar is used to name those who steal money from corrupted officials then give it to the poor

Ваше Величество, с древнейших времён и до наших дней благородными разбойниками именовали тех, кто ворует деньги у продажных чиновников и раздаёт их беднякам.

I have to maintain the ancient traditions.

Я должен сохранить древнейшие устои.

In the deserts of Utah ancient rivers flowing across sandstone country steadily widen their canyons until now the land between them has been reduced to spires and pinnacles.

В пустынях штата Юта древнейшие реки, пересекая страну песчаников, монотонно расширяют каньоны. Теперь земли между ними представляют собой остроконечные башни.

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For Fig. 2b we added the allele sharing counts between each ancient sample and each reference population up to allele count five, and computed the ratio NED / (NED+IBS), where NED is the sharing count with Dutch, and IBS the sharing count with Spanish (Supplementary Note 3).


HS: Hi Jeannie — I made it when I got home with my standard (but ancient) food processor.


Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides are sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine hides to ensure a natural, high quality, and sustainable source of this ancient nutrient.


His new book, Five Stars, shows readers how to master the ancient of communication to thrive in the age of ideas (On Sale June, 2018, St. Martin’s Press)


Discover the wide-ranging health benefits offered by the ancient medical art of acupuncture.


In 1996, a team of scientists led by David McKay announced the discovery of possible fossil and trace chemical evidence for ancient microbacterial life in a chunk of meteorite (3.9-billion-year-old ALH840001) that came from the planet Mars.


Many prophecies have been fulfilled and even history confirms events as being true such as the fall of ancient Babylon.


Fayose said it was strange that in a clash involving the people of Ile-Ife, who are Yorubas and Hausa, who are settlers in the ancient town, only Yorubas were arrested, taken to Abuja and paraded before the press.»


Upon arrival, a stop is made at El Zanjón de Granados, a series of excavated ancient tunnels that serve as both an archaeological museum and event space.


My heart truly went out to many small growers I spoke with who struggle to make a living to supply us with one of the most precious commodities known to mankind: ancient grains.


Additionally, we also assayed mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms among ancient Parsi DNA samples excavated from Sanjan, in present day Gujarat, the place of their original settlement in India.


These ideas were first developed by ancient Greek philosophers, then refined in dogmatic controversies of the early centuries of the Church, and subsequently taught systematically by the scholastics, especially St Thomas.


Rice is an ancient grain that’s been around for forever.


Support comes from data on a range of organisms, which show an inverse relationship between mutation rate and ancient population size.


The point is that the manifestation of the «who» comes to pass in the same manner as the notoriously unreliable manifestations of ancient oracles, which, according to Heraclitus, «neither reveal nor hide in words, but give manifest signs.


Even if you don’t want to give up wheat, experimenting with ancient grains is delicious and healthful, giving the body a chance to experience a whole grain and get the benefits from a new range of vitamins and minerals.


The reason SAME SEX ACTS were condemned because the concept of same-sex relations would be a foreign concept in ancient times.


From the mountains of Peru to plains of the Fertile Crescent, we’re restoring precious ancient grains come from across the world and bringing them to your dinner table.


At a recent meeting in Gibraltar, however, some researchers held that recently redated fossils from a cave in Spain paint a more complicated picture, with two or more ancient human species living side by side in Europe for thousands of years.


Visit Yakushima, Japan, and you’ll encounter the subtropical island’s most popular attraction — an ancient forest of craggy cedar trees with massive trunks that reach more than 16.4 feet (5 meters) in diameter.


Researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, have therefore looked into new ways to get hold of ancient human DNA.


Every night, sleepless, Conor is visited at 12.07 precisely by a monster — an ancient yew tree in the gothic churchyard he can see from his bedroom window becoming a terrifying, fiery-eyed, giant green man, voiced with thunderous authority by Liam Neeson.


Most cultures around the world have their own versions of the sweat bath, whether it’s the ancient Romans and their «Thermae» or the traditional Japanese «Onsen».


The origins of farming have been hard to pin down because ancient plant remains are rarely preserved in the Middle East, says team member Ehud Weiss, a paleoethnobotanist at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel.


He dubbed it Georgium Sidus — Latin for «George’s Star» — after his sponsor King George III, but other astronomers protested, and it was eventually given the name Uranus, sticking with the usual nomenclature of ancient Greek/Roman gods.


One of the most ancient and powerful Infinity Stones first appeared in Doctor Strange, which revealed that the Sorcerers Supreme have been the keepers of the Time Stone, which, not surprisingly, can manipulate time.


The Watchers are an ancient alien race of technologically advanced beings.


Chia seeds were first harvested over 3,000 years ago by the ancient Mayan, Inca and Aztec empires.


Willerslev’s own PhD, 13 years ago, demonstrated that it is possible to extract ancient plant and mammalian DNA from sediments, as it contains preserved molecular fossils from substances such as tissue, urine, and faeces.


We have several ancient apple and pear trees at the cottage and this year I and a friend managed to harvest some of the apples for the freezer.


If you’ve never heard of Lichtspeer, its a title set in an «ancient Germanic Future», a world filled with Hipster Ice Giants and Wurst Zombies -LRB-?)


I must admit that apart from quinoa and the occasional farro dish, I have not dabbled with many other kinds of ancient grains.


A «bonanza» of remains from extinct giant lemurs has been discovered in a flooded cave in Madagascar, shedding light on the island’s unique ancient megafauna.


While the world believes they are a poor third world nation, in reality they are the most technologically-advanced society on Earth thanks to an ancient meteorite containing «vibranium.»


With regards to Genesis 1, I would have to read up on the other ancient cosmogenies.


They are ancient, authentic, and as fundamental to the Christian tradition as heterosexual marriage.»


Cairo’s high temperatures and ancient charm continue to draw in tourists every year.


Each charcoal layer represents a fire that burned through the ancient forest.


Paintings and prints frequently carry particular meaning within Petzold’s films, as examples of the ancient tradition of ekphrasis, probably none more so than in Phoenix’s immediate predecessor Barbara (2012) with its conspicuous Rembrandt print, but likewise in much earlier works like Die Beischlafdiebin (The Sex Thief, 1998) with a Gerard Richter on the wall — another artist conspicuously engaged with multiple forms of peculiarly German afterness.4


Some even claim that this dish dates back to the ancient Etruscans.


One of the ancient diagrams painted on a wall in Wat Pho — showing how to massage «sen lines» or energy lines


These cosmological models suggest the early quantum density fluctuations may have been dramatic enough to create black holes — known as primordial black holes — and these ancient Big Bang remnants may still exist to this day.


The alchemists of ancient Greece were never successful in turning one material into another and neither are we.


In fact, temporary marriages have actually been successfully practiced for centuries, among Peruvian Indians in the Andes, in 15th-century Indonesia, in ancient Japan and the Islamic world and elsewhere.


Valerian was used medicinally in many different cultures, including the Anglo-Saxons and the ancient Arabs.


Looking at the reality of ancient Mesoamerica, it quickly becomes clear that much of the uproar rose out of a confusion of two distinct cultures that lived 500 years apart.


In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem.


Hunger is a very powerful, ancient, and deep-seated drive that, if stimulated long enough, will make you eat and store more energy.


A glimpse of its history and origin: Barley was one of the most important food grains in the ancient world and there has been considerable evidence that it was the sustaining food source in the evolution of humans.


Master Vedic astrologer Sanjeev Verma shares what you really need to know about this powerful ancient practice that is often misunderstood.


Sentences with the word Ancient?



  • «the borrowing of ancient motifs was very apparent»
  • «ancient history»; «ancient civilizations such as those of the Etruscans and Sumerians»; «ancient Greece»
  • «an ancient mariner»
  • «He invoked the law that would save him»; «I appealed to the law of 1900»; «She invoked an ancient law»
  • «in the 5th century BC ancient Athens was the world’s most powerful and civilized city»
  • «the swastika…a very ancient prophylactic symbol occurring among all peoples»- Victor Schultze
  • «some people want to Christianize ancient pagan sites»
  • «ancient cisalpine Gaul included an area south and east of the Alps»
  • «ancient Troy was a great city»
  • «Latin is a language as dead as dead can be. It killed the ancient Romans—and now it’s killing me»
  • «classicism often derived its models from the ancient Greeks and Romans»
  • «colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple»; «has a colossal nerve»; «a prodigious storm»; «a stupendous field of grass»; «stupendous demand»
  • «We preserve these archeological findings»; «The old lady could not keep up the building»; «children must be taught to conserve our national heritage»; «The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts»
  • «his cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds»- T.B. Macaulay; «the ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and Egypt»; «that queer, cosmopolitan, rather sinister crowd found around the Marseilles docks»
  • «ancient Egyptians believed in the divinity of the Pharaohs»
  • «ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek»
  • «less durable rocks were gradually worn away to form valleys»; «the perdurable granite of the ancient Appalachian spine of the continent»
  • «These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion»
  • «ancient Gallic dialects»; «Gallic migrations»; «the Gallic Wars»
  • «The students groaned when the professor got out the exam booklets»; «The ancient door soughed when opened»
  • «read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice»; «she had a warm mesmeric charm»; «the sheer force of his presence was mesmerizing»; «a spellbinding description of life in ancient Rome»
  • «artifacts suggestive of an ancient society»; «an implicative statement»
  • «ancient Italic dialects»
  • «Koine is a dialect of ancient Greek that was the lingua franca of the empire of Alexander the Great and was widely spoken throughout the eastern Mediterranean area in Roman times»
  • «the ancient Greeks believed that nymphs inhabited forests and bodies of water»
  • «He versified the ancient saga»
  • «the treasure found in the ancient tomb was reposited in the museum»
  • «a singular example»; «the unique existing example of Donne’s handwriting»; «a unique copy of an ancient manuscript»; «certain types of problems have unique solutions»
  • «a traceable riverbed»; «the traceable course of an ancient wall»
  • «The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America»
  • «ancient transalpine Gaul was an area northwest of the Alps and included modern France and Belgium»; «Cracow was a transalpine university»
  • «an unwritten law»; «rites…so ancient that they well might have had their unwritten origins in Aurignacian times»- J.L.T.C.Spence
  • «a wooden box»; «an ancient cart with wooden wheels»

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