Make sentence with word afraid

Synonym: cowardly, fearful, frightened, scared. Antonym: bold, brave. Similar words: be afraid to, be afraid of, braided, African, aid, aide, said, AIDS. Meaning: [ə’freɪd]  adj. 1. filled with fear or apprehension 2. filled with regret or concern; used often to soften an unpleasant statement 3. feeling worry or concern or insecurity 4. having feelings of aversion or unwillingness. 

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1. He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. 

2. A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe. 

3. He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning. 

4. We were afraid he might relapse into a coma.

5. I want someone afraid of losing me.

6. Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.

7. I was afraid the sickness had sapped my strength.

7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

8. I want someone who’s afraid of losing me.

9. I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.

10. I’m afraid we’re not making much progress .

11. I’m afraid the position is open to abuse.

12. She did not seem at all afraid.

13. Bill’s not afraid to express his opinions.

14. There’s no need to be afraid.

15. I am afraid I can’t help you.

16. I’m afraid this is the only suitcase I possess.

17. I’m afraid I’ve got urgent business now.

18. ‘I wouldn’t be afraid,’ she boasted.

19. I’m afraid I have the wrong number.

20. ‘I’m afraid not,’ he said regretfully.

21. None of us is afraid of difficulties.

22. ‘Failed again, I’m afraid.’ ‘Oh, hard luck.

23. Animals are usually afraid of fire.

24. I am afraid I cannot cope with this.

25. I’m afraid I’m no weather prophet.

26. He whispered to me that he was afraid.

27. In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it. 

28. He that has [hath] been bitten by a serpent, is afraid of a rope. 

29. We hope to grow old, yet we fear old age; that is, we are willing to live, and afraid to die. 

30. The dog that has been beaten with a stick is afraid of its shadow. 

More similar words: be afraid to, be afraid of, braided, African, aid, aide, said, AIDS, south africa, first-aid kit, fray, frame, frank, fraud, rain, rail, france, trail, rainy, trait, drain, brain, train, raise, fragile, frankly, frantic, fraught, frazzle, praise. 

To be afraid is to have the emotional response of fear to threats or danger. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

He was afraid that God would not protect him from the Jezebel.


these are the queries i would say why iam afraid.


I’m… you want to know more, dont be afraid to ask.


It’s important to know who you’re dealing with, so don’t be afraid to ask your new friend plenty of questions.


Like you, I am afraid that I’m going to end up with foot problems so I’m trying to limit my heel wearing But you honestly look great in them so no worries on that!


I loved Dr. Brighten’s enthusiasm and absolutely agree that we need to not be afraid to advocate for ourselves.


Those kinds of customers — middle-class, brand-conscious, and not afraid of a deal — are what Target is after in Canada, too.


Aghast at the success of his supposedly simpleminded colleagues and afraid of the competition, Shockley persuaded senior management to assign Brattain and Bardeen to months of brainstorming with patent lawyers, keeping them from the lab.


«Why is he afraid of standing up on camera and having an honest discussion about what he would do in a second term?»


Maybe, like many Americans, he was a little afraid of them.


To all the frustrated mothers out there — don’t be afraid of CIO HOWEVER realize that it is NOT for everyone and know (you will) when it is too far.


Don’t be afraid to let your contacts know that you’re open for business by posting your work on social media and starting an email list.


However, there were also students who were afraid of getting things wrong, and actually avoided challenges so they could get everything right all of the time.


About the necklace from the giveaway — I haven’t received it unfortunately, there’s probably a delay in transit I’m afraid.


Also, they aren’t afraid to tailor food to their particular taste.


Someone who is loving caring sharing supporting honest truthful reliable provider not afraid to show affection and attention along with receiving.


Jesus wanted people with humble hearts who weren’t afraid to turn from their sin and love of the world to follow him, to listen to his commands and become more like him daily.


There is no limit to greatness, there is no need to be afraid there won’t be room for you in the forum of amazing feats, amazing minds, amazing actions.


I’ll show you love that you’ve dreamed of from the magic of one wish so just close your eyes and «watch this» don’t be afraid, you’ll be amazed at all The love I have to give, so close your eyes and watch this!!!


Robson suggests, «Don’t be afraid to introduce child scissors.


Many women feel afraid the moment they hold their baby, and that feeling of dread and trepidation is carried with them all through motherhood and (I’m guessing) until the end of time.


The first and most important bad habit to break is the bad habit of cooking everything over some wussy variation of medium heat because you’re afraid of smoke or of black shit sticking to your pan or you’re too impatient to truly slow cook anything.


I’m afraid I will end up eating the entire batch by myself!


Thinks that the Cuomocrats must really be afraid of their paison from East Cleveland.


No time for outfitpics this past week I’m afraid, but I can not let a Saturday go by without a fashionpost… so today we’re doing it a bit differently!


Shaw has had his issues with Jose Mourinho, with the Man Utd boss not afraid to publicly call him out since he arrived at Old Trafford, as reported by The Guardian.


And when it comes to maturity, I’m afraid that Pastor Mark still has a long way to go.


They were in almost new condition and I’m not afraid of a pattern on my lower half so buying them was a no brainer.


Also I’m afraid to stop using diapers completely since she’s not using the toilet 100 % of the time, pees a ton at night, and I don’t want to deal with accidents around the house or when out.


Don’t be afraid to give it a try, it’s not difficult at all.


They may be afraid to stir up jealous or angry feelings.


Remember that having a portfolio is a must, but don’t be afraid to share about your work on your social accounts — I use my personal Instagram as a mini-portfolio of sorts, which can help future clients connect with you on a more personal level, and be driven to want to work with you.


If the Church wants to survive it needs to elect someone a little more vigorous, charismatic and inspiring that would not be afraid to change things, like revoke the celibacy rule preventing the clergy from marrying and having a family.


Kate is blunt and brash and is not afraid to speak her mind to anyone.


We were suddenly alone, and felt afraid and forsaken.


Not that I am afraid of Man Utd but we need to act wisely just like them and add quality earlier rather than wait.


Or, if all else fails, don’t be afraid to ask.


That the green consensus across the political parties is, I’m afraid, falling away.


Don’t be afraid to talk with your doctor about the cost of having your baby.


Be thankful for things not being worse, but never be afraid to work to make them better, Cole says.


Do not be afraid to clean the cord; the quicker the base dries, the sooner the cord will fall off.


Performing your best is nothing to be afraid of.


I would never short sell or buy anything other than large cap equities (stocks), but that might just be because I am afraid of losing everything I have.


I’ve been meaning to try my own chocolate bars but I’m afraid to start I may never stop.


A reputable dating site will provide a facility to «block» nuisances sending you messages so, if someone is pestering you, don’t be afraid to use this tool.


I also love that she was such a strong woman who wasn’t afraid to defy the odds and change people’s perspectives about how women should dress.


Don’t be afraid to leave the bagels in the oven a few more minutes — you want the crust to have a nice deep tan/brown color.


Some researchers are afraid that if they reveal too many details of an invention they will wreck their chances of patenting it later on.


Just eat all the things you’re afraid of.


Here are some tips for opening your mind to the wisdom you might subconsciously be afraid to hear.


afraid — перевод на русский


Then I’m afraid you’re on your own.

А потом, боюсь, вы сами по себе.

I’m just afraid you’re going to get hurt.

Я просто боюсь, что тебе будет больно.

I go for the lowest form of man because I’m afraid to be with someone I might actually connect with.

Я выбираю низшую форму человека, потому что боюсь быть с тем, с кем у меня может быть взаимопонимание.

I’m afraid he’s going to have to.

Боюсь, ему действительно пора бы извиниться.

I’m afraid I have to report the incident to the General Nursing Council and the Central Midwives Board.

Боюсь, мне придётся сообщить об этом инциденте в главный Сестринский совет и в Центральное управление акушерства.

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And now you are afraid to take a room with a bath?

А теперь испугался взять номер с ванной?

Weren’t you afraid?

Ты не испугался?

No, Mr. Kralik, he’s wasn’t afraid, I can assure you. He’s tactful.

Нет, мистер Кралик, он не испугался, могу вас уверить, просто он тактичен.

I think he’s afraid!

По-моему, он испугался.

Afraid so, honey child.

Испугался, так ребенок.

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Oh, Rhett, I’m so afraid.

Мне страшно.

Weren’t you afraid?

А вам не было страшно?

I was afraid in my dark bedroom but when I heard you riding Sultan home, I went to bed.

В моей темной спальне мне было страшно, но когда я слышала, как Султан возвращается домой, я шла в постель.

I’m not afraid

Мне не страшно

— Or that I’d be afraid on my own?

— Или что мне будет страшно одной?

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I tell you, I’m afraid. No he ain’t a man. He’s a devil, he is.

Говорю вам, из страха.

I’ve been afraid of half the things I ever did.

Я стараюсь жить без страха за содеянное.

Almost afraid to know itself.

Отчизна наша бедная от страха Не узнаёт сама себя!

Whenever it arrives, Father, I won’t be afraid!

Когда бы они ни грянули, отец, я встречу их без страха!

Me, I want you to be afraid.

А я хочу, чтобы ты испытал чувство страха.

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Frankly, I’m afraid, sir, that we may get involved in another embarrassing situation.

Честно говоря, я опасаюсь, что мы опять попадём в очередную неприятную историю.

That’s what I’m afraid of.

Да, этого я и опасаюсь.

I’m afraid of the Shore Patrol.

Я опасаюсь берегового патруля.

I’m not afraid of a libel suit, because I’m a lawyer myself.

Я не слишком-то опасаюсь иска о клевете, потому что я сам еще и юрист.

I’m not afraid of them.

Я не опасаюсь их.

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«Aut Caesar aut nullus. » The world’s effete, worn out, afraid.

Или всё или ничего. Мир истощён, измучен, напуган.

I told you, you were afraid.

Я же говорила, ты напуган.

You can tell from a man’s eyes when he is afraid. Look at his eyes.

По глазам человека можно узнать, когда он напуган.

Everybody was so afraid that you might cry.

Каждый так напуган, что впору плакать.

When you’re so afraid, nothing can help.

Ничто не поможет, когда ты так напуган.

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Even the goddamn ….. what is it ? Because they are afraid that there is more to reality than they have confronted.

«х пугает то, что есть большее чем та реальность, с которой они сталкивались. «то есть те врата, в которые они не осмеливаютс€ заходить и не желают что в них заходили мы, потому как там мы можем научитьс€ тому, о чЄм они не имеют ни малейшего представлени€.

That’s what I’m afraid of.

Вот то, что меня пугает. Полиция?

That’s why you’re afraid.

Это вас и пугает.

I’m afraid of this town.

Меня пугает этот город.

I was no longer afraid of Argelouse.

Меня больше не пугает Аржелуз.

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But Célestin was afraid of getting burned.

Но Селестин побоялся обжечься.

I mean, he walks away. He’s afraid to come over to the table when another man is there.

Он побоялся подойти к столику, когда там сидел другой мужчина.

Jamie, if you liked someone a great deal you wouldn’t be afraid to tell her so, would you?

Джеми, если бы тебе кто-нибудь очень понравился ты бы не побоялся сказать это, правда?

Have people say I was afraid to put my theory to the test?

— А люди скажут, что я побоялся опробовать мою теорию на опыте?

Then I just looked around. I was afraid someone would notice the lights were on, so I turned them off.

Я хотела просто осмотреться, но побоялась, что кто-то заметит свет, и выключила его.

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I’m afraid she’s not.

Её нет.

No, I’m afraid not.

Нет. Похоже, нет.

I’m afraid I don’t. You do know!

Нет, это скорее признание.

— I’m afraid you’ll have to think of something better than that.

Нет, надо придумать план получше.

I’m afraid I haven’t.

А я нет.

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So I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone our trip abroad this year.

Нам придется отложить поездку за границу в этом году.

I’m afraid literature will have to do without me.

Литературе придется обойтись без меня некоторое время.

— My dear Therese, I am afraid we will have to wake up.

Милая Тереза, вам придется оставить мечты. Но почему?

I’m afraid I’m gonna have to search you.

Мне придётся вас обыскать.

I’m afraid you’ll have to learn to be obedient again.

Придется побыть солдатом.

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Отправить комментарий

боящийся, испуганный, напуганный


- испуганный, напуганный; боящийся

Who is afraid? — кто испугался? кто боится?
to be afraid of smb., smth. — бояться кого-л., чего-л.
to be afraid of hard work — страшиться /чураться/ тяжёлой работы
to be afraid for smb., smth. — бояться /опасаться/ за кого-л., за что-л.
to make smb. afraid — напугать кого-л.
he’s afraid for his job — он дрожит за своё место, он боится потерять работу

- сожалеющий, огорчённый

to be afraid (that) … — бояться, как бы не …
I am afraid (that) we are late — боюсь, что мы опаздываем
I am afraid that we may be late — боюсь, как бы нам не опоздать,

- к сожалению (вежливая форма отказа)

I am afraid I cannot give you his address — к сожалению, я не могу вам дать его адрес
is the boss back yet? — I am afraid not

- не желающий, стесняющийся (делать что-л.); нерасположенный; опасающийся

I was afraid of hurting his feelings — я не хотел задевать его чувств /огорчать его/
don’t be afraid of asking — ≅ не стесняйтесь, задавайте вопросы
afraid to say bo to a goose — боится вымолвить словечко; ≅ пикнуть не смеет

Мои примеры


a nervy film director who’s not afraid to take risks — смелый кинорежиссёр, который не боится рисковать  
a supine legislature that is afraid to take action — инертная законодательная власть, которая боится действовать самостоятельно  
to be afraid of smth. — бояться чего-л.  
to make afraid — пугать  
to be half afraid — опасаться, немного бояться  
afraid to say ❝bo❞ to a goose — боится вымолвить словечко  
to be afraid of one’s shadow — быть трусливым  
to be afraid — страшиться, бояться, трусить  
i’m afraid you are a bit wrong here — боюсь, вы в этом несколько ошибаетесь  
afraid to say «bo» to a goose — боится вымолвить словечко  
be afraid of the dark — бояться темноты  
be afraid of hard work — страшиться тяжелой работы; чураться тяжелой работы  

Примеры с переводом

Who is afraid?

кто испугался? кто боится?

I’m afraid you’re wrong.

Боюсь, вы ошибаетесь.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Не бойтесь просить о помощи.

There’s no need to be afraid.

Бояться не нужно.

I am afraid to wake him.

Я не решаюсь его будить.

Are you afraid of him, or what?

Ты что, боишься его, что ли?

I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name.

К сожалению, я не разобрал вашего имени. / Простите, я не расслышал, как вас зовут.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I’m afraid safe driving isn’t Jaqui’s only hobbyhorse.

She had always been afraid of any emotional entanglements.

Everyone was afraid of their overbearing and tyrannical boss.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

unafraid  — бесстрашный, смелый, незапуганный

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«He is afraid of dogs.«
(be: is/am/are, seems)

«I am afraid most of the time.«
(be: is/am/are, feel)

«As a child, I became afraid of ghosts.«
(became, grew, be: was/were)

«Clowns make me afraid.«

Used with adverbs:

«She is extremely afraid of public speaking.«
(extremely, very, deathly, deeply)

«The child was suddenly afraid of the water.«
(suddenly, instantly, obviously, clearly, extremely, very, deeply, deathly, terribly)

Used with prepositions:

«I am afraid for you when you swim alone.«

«I am deeply afraid of death.«

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