Make sentence with the word understand

understand — перевод на русский


I don’t understand how they could pull it off.

Я не понимаю как они могли это сделать.

I have all these marks on my body, and my shirt is broken, and I don’t remember. I don’t understand.

Я не понимаю.

I understand that every citizen is worried.

Я понимаю опасения жителей.

Because I don’t understand these things, in the future, if the official positions in the United States government have a standing, call me again to let me know.

Я многого не понимаю. В будущем звоните мне только по поводу официальных дел США.

And I understand if this means you don’t want to work with me… Look, let me finish.

— И я понимаю, если это значит, что вы не хотите работать со мной.

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I don’t understand why I’m even staying.

Я не могу понять, почему до сих пор остаюсь.

I understand the precautions very well.

Могу понять ваше беспокойство.

In any relationship, there are no instances where one understands the other’s world completely.

что не можешь понять происходящего в мире другого.

I was able to understand my mother’s pain more clearly.

смог понять всю боль моей мамы.

Lest shipment of gold stolen bannot understand how bandits get their information.

Не можем понять, откуда бандиты берут информацию. Немедленно высылайте детектива.

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What I don’t understand is why one adopts a son from another family in Japan?

Мне не понятно, зачем понадобилось принимать сына из другой семьи?

Yes. And that’s why I understand his conflict.

Да, и поэтому мне понятно его смятение.

No one is to enter the palace under any circumstances, understand?

Вечером никто не должен входить во дворец. Понятно? Да, сэр!

— That’s not hard to understand.

— Оно и понятно.

Mr. Greenberg, I hired you as an actor, not as a writer. Understand?

Пан Гринберг, вы актёр, а не драматург, понятно?

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This show is off, understand?

Шоу закрывается, ясно?

Now I understand everything. -What? How it could happen.

Мне ясно, как это могло случиться.

-Of course! Or don’t you understand it yet?

Или тебе ещё не всё с этим ясно?

Now I understand a lot of things!

Теперь мне многое стало ясно.

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Listen, Carrot-top, the most important thing in a relationship is understanding, harmony.

Слушай, Рыжик, самое важное в отношениях это понимание, гармония.

Surely the qualities of mercy, understanding and sweet forgiveness…

Такие качества как милосердие,.. -…понимание и кроткое всепрощение.

It’s understanding.

Это понимание.

Love and understanding won’t make a good detective out of a recalcitrant poet.

Любовь и понимание не сделают поэта хорошим детективом.

That lack of pretense, that strange directness and understanding.

Я давно не встречала таких людей. Никаких претензий. Удивительная прямота и понимание.

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I don’t understand.

Не знаю…

— I understand it.


I can’t understand.

Сам не знаю.

Madame, I understand this was the rendezvous of the Musketeers.

Мадам, я знаю, что сюда приезжали мушкетеры.

I don’t understand these things.

Я и сама не знаю.

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Do you understand, Irma ?

Ты слышишь, Ирма?

Never, you understand?

Никогда — ты слышишь?

He’s no longer worth a damn, you understand?

Он ничтожество, ты слышишь?

Do you understand, Bel Ami?

Ты слышишь, Милый друг?

Egle, did you understand?

Эгле! Ты слышишь?

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We should go en masse and demand to speak to whoever’s in charge and make them understand they can’t just keep us here.

Мы должны подойти все вместе и потребовать того, кто здесь главный, чтобы объяснить, что они не могут нас здесь держать.

Bielecki couldn’t understand Nina’s absence and he started to feel overwhelming anxiety.

Белецкий не мог себе объяснить отсутствие Нины, и им овладело скрытое беспокойство.

It’s so hard to make you understand.

Мне трудно это все объяснить.

But I tell you I understand.

Я могу все объяснить.

How can I make you understand?

Как мне объяснить вам?

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— Ah, Temple, you’re so understanding.

— О, Темпл. Какой ты понимающий.

And no one with any true understanding would blame you for it.

И не один понимающий человек не посмеет вас за это винить.

You’ve been so understanding.

Вы такой понимающий

I know that you’re gentle and understanding, but…

Я знаю, что ты чуткая и понимающая, но…

Even if the lady is understanding, it’s cheap.

Даже если невеста понимающая, это несерьезно.

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Why a daughter of mine should fool around with a hotel clerk… when she has the opportunity of marrying one of the Boston Yates… is more than I can understand,

И почему моя дочь путается с гостиничным клерком… когда она может выйти замуж за одного из бостонских Йетсов? — Мне это совершенно непонятно.

Don’t you understand?

— Неужели непонятно?

Try to understand.

Неужели непонятно?

Didn’t you understand me?

Неужели непонятно?

Something’s happened I don’t understand.

Случилось нечто непонятное.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«He fully understands what is going on.«
(fully, completely, totally, clearly, really, truly)

«He barely understands what the teacher is saying.«
(barely, hardly)

«She finally understood the directions.«

«He immediately understood the danger he was in.«
(immediately, quickly, suddenly)

«Help me to better understand the situation.«

«He does not really understand why she is so mad.«
(not really, not truly, not necessarily, not entirely)

Used with verbs:

«He seems to understand English.«
(seems to, appears to)

«Can you understand the question?«
(can, do)

«You have to understand that I had no choice.«
(have, must)

Used with prepositions:

«She does not understand much about politics.«

Used with nouns:

«He doesn’t understand the business.«
(business, basics, concept, danger, difference, importance, need, language, meaning, problem, reason, significance, situation)

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Thanks for your helps to understand the sentence correctly.

In order not only to learn but also to understand the new rule, to understand the sentence, you need to remain focused (as in the study of any new skill).

Чтобы не просто выучить, но и осознать новое правило, понять предложение, вам нужно оставаться сосредоточенным (как и при изучении любого нового навыка).

The relation ‘in’ is something which we can think about and understand, for, if we could not understand it, we could not understand the sentence ‘I am in my room’.

Отношение «в» есть нечто, о чем мы можем мыслить и что мы можем понять, потому что, если бы мы не могли его понять, мы не могли бы понять предложение «Я нахожусь в моей комнате».

Intelligent learners, a term that includes most adults, soon realize that such exercises can be done without even trying to understand the sentence fully, which is rather pointless.

Сообразительные обучающиеся быстро осознают, что подобного рода упражнения могут быть выполнены даже без попытки полностью понять предложение, что является довольно-таки бессмысленным занятием.

I understand the sentence, but I’m not able to translate it.

He wrote a sentence on the paper, but I didn’t understand the sentence.

Он написал предложение на бумаге, но я не понял его.

In some style guides, such as that of the Associated Press (AP), the only time an Oxford comma is used is when it is necessary in order to accurately understand the sentence.

В некоторых руководствах по стилю, например, в Associated Press (AP), оксфордская запятая используется только тогда, когда это необходимо для точного понимания предложения.

The voice control can, for example, understand the sentence «I am hungry» and in response suggests restaurants close by.

К примеру, система распознавания голоса поймет предложение «Я голоден» («Хочу жрать» — вряд ли) и в ответ предложит список ресторанов, расположенных поблизости.

Do you understand the sentence that could be imposed on you if you are found guilty?

Понимаете ли вы, что вас ждёт, если вас сочтут виновным?

For the last two years, they have witnessed their mother and their father’s anguish and they have struggled to understand the sentence passed on their elder brother and they have not understood.

За последние два года они были свидетелями страданий их матери и отца, и они изо всех сил пытались понять приговор, вынесенный их старшему брату, но так и не смогли.

Why does it strike me as if I did not understand the sentence? though it is after all an extremely simple sentence of the most ordinary kind?

Почему мне кажется, будто я не понял данное предложение несмотря на то, что это наипростейшее предложение самого обыкновенного вида?

Here is how you can understand the sentence.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Grammar : Verb
Spell : uhn-der-stand
Phonetic Transcription : ˌʌn dərˈstænd

Top 10 synonyms for understand

Other synonyms for the word understand

  • apprehend
  • be aware
  • be conscious of
  • be informed
  • be with it
  • catch
  • catch on
  • concede
  • conceive
  • conclude
  • conjecture
  • count on
  • deduce
  • distinguish
  • expect
  • fancy
  • feel for
  • gather
  • get the hang of
  • get the idea
  • get the picture
  • get the point
  • grasp
  • guess
  • have knowledge of
  • hear
  • identify with
  • imagine
  • infer
  • interpret
  • ken
  • know
  • learn
  • make out
  • make sense of
  • master
  • note
  • penetrate
  • perceive
  • possess
  • presume
  • read
  • realize
  • reckon
  • recognize
  • register
  • savvy
  • see
  • seize
  • sense
  • suppose
  • surmise
  • suspect
  • sympathize
  • take for granted
  • take in
  • take it
  • take meaning
  • tolerate

Définition of understand

Origin :

  • Old English understandan «comprehend, grasp the idea of,» probably literally «stand in the midst of,» from under + standan «to stand» (see stand). If this is the meaning, the under is not the usual word meaning «beneath,» but from Old English under, from PIE *nter- «between, among» (cf. Sanskrit antar «among, between,» Latin inter «between, among,» Greek entera «intestines;» see inter-).
  • That is the suggestion in Barnhart, but other sources regard the «among, between, before, in the presence of» sense of Old English prefix and preposition under as other meanings of the same word. «Among» seems to be the sense in many Old English compounds that resemble understand, e.g. underniman «to receive,» undersecan «to investigate,» underginnan «to begin.» It also seems to be the sense still in expressions such as under such circumstances.
  • Perhaps the ultimate sense is «be close to,» cf. Greek epistamai «I know how, I know,» literally «I stand upon.» Similar formations are found in Old Frisian (understonda), Middle Danish (understande), while other Germanic languages use compounds meaning «stand before» (cf. German verstehen, represented in Old English by forstanden). For this concept, most Indo-European languages use figurative extensions of compounds that literally mean «put together,» or «separate,» or «take, grasp» (see comprehend). Old English oferstandan, Middle English overstonden, literally «over-stand» seem to have been used only in literal senses.

  • verb appreciate, comprehend
  • verb think, believe

Example sentences :

  • I’m in the Critchleys’ box to-night and I understand she’s to be there.
  • Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
  • I don’t pretend to understand your game, but you may rely on my secrecy.
  • Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
  • But, bound as he was, we can understand why they looked in vain.
  • Extract from : « Brave and Bold » by Horatio Alger
  • Then you will understand, and understanding, you will admire his courage.
  • Extract from : « Ancient Man » by Hendrik Willem van Loon
  • He was older than I, experienced with women—a lover of women, I came to understand in time.
  • Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson
  • But this does not astonish us when we understand the difficulties which he was obliged to solve.
  • Extract from : « Ancient Man » by Hendrik Willem van Loon
  • Dey laughed when dey heard me talk, an’ I could not understand dem, no how.
  • Extract from : « Harriet, The Moses of Her People » by Sarah H. Bradford
  • Philip, you are older and wiser than I, and have shown already that you understand her.
  • Extract from : « Malbone » by Thomas Wentworth Higginson
  • They understand it, up to the level of their own stature; they know who loves them, but not who loves virtue.
  • Extract from : « Malbone » by Thomas Wentworth Higginson
  • They are angry also, as I understand, with my mother, for returning his compliment.
  • Extract from : « Clarissa, Volume 1 (of 9) » by Samuel Richardson

Antonyms for understand

  • be ignorant
  • disallow
  • disapprove
  • disbelieve
  • discard
  • disregard
  • fail
  • free
  • ignore
  • know
  • leave
  • let go
  • lose
  • misinterpret
  • miss
  • mistake
  • misunderstand
  • neglect
  • not get
  • overlook
  • reject
  • release

Based on : — — — Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Preparation for the end of life and the role of communication in understanding anticipated physical changes and spiritual changes involve the whole family.

Not much influence because of lack of organization, understanding of issues, and means to participate and influence reforms.

Quality of life and social production functions : a framework for understanding health effects.

The first page of each category is a practice page to ensure that the subject understands the task.

After determining that classes of nicotine withdrawal exist, understanding the etiology of withdrawal can be enhanced by applying behavior genetic modeling to the latent classes.

Thus, institutional design emerges as a factor in understanding lobbying success.

To achieve this, governments must come to a clearer understanding the role of stakeholder input in governance strategies and of associated metagovernance issues.

The notion of sectoral specialisation is supported by another branch of recent analysis which involves understanding differences in the characteristics of firm owners.

Truncated power laws : a tool for understanding aggregation patterns of animals?

Studying capillary discharged plasma is helpful in understanding the principle of laser production and finding the best experimental parameters.

The first step in understanding the phenomenon is to name it.

What was evident to him was a certain lack of understanding among actors about their obligation to writers and plays of social commitment.

Taste is a complex, modern phenomenon that can be understood in a number of ways.

Having already accomplished some of the work of understanding the sentence, the children would have more resources available on the second attempt.

Generalizing novel verbs to different structures : evidence for the importance of understanding meaning.

Alternatively, understanding false belief may be enhanced, but more modestly.

In later development, language plays a crucial role in understanding the world, and in leading to change in culture-specific behavior.

Answering this involves stepping outside the discipline of the system designer and understanding the social, material and organisational aspects of medical work.

Long terms variables, such as political culture, seem to be more important for understanding current obstacles at institutional consolidation.

More on logophoric pronouns and how quasi-indicators should be understood as logophoric pronouns in section 5 below.

I am now in a position to suggest that the best and most promising way of understanding quasi-indicators is along the lines of logophoric pronouns.

The problem is that this isn’t obviously either explicit or implicit, as those terms are understood in picture (1).

In the event that they understood only part of a sentence, they were to write out as many words as they could identify.

When studying human behaviour, we are interested in understanding how various individuals negotiate the challenges that they face and mobilise the resources at their disposal.

Necessity can be understood in at least two ways.

A key to understanding the debacle of anti-nuclear reform lies in the past history of the movement itself.

Seeking refuge in the past may be understood as their means of not being overwhelmed by their anxieties.

Moreover, previous and especially early-life religious experiences provide useful points of reference for understanding present religious and spiritual attitudes.

Unfortunately he is not entirely clear about how he understands the relationship between the treatments of astronomy and geometry.

He understood the art of music and tried to practice it.

Thus, the capacity of visual working memory must be understood in terms of integrated objects rather than individual features.

Similarly, attempts to suppress pain expression can be understood as a function of the relationship between patient and caregiver.

There is probably no bigger issue for human and animal welfare than understanding and controlling pain and suffering.

Table 1 presents the results of the separate regression analyses conducted for each group to increase understanding about the significant interaction.

First, understanding the phenotypic outcome of an ability may require understanding the ability’s developmental trajectory.

Modelling perceptual experience is not an alternative to understanding the neural process.

In this meaning, biological neurons can be understood as analog chaotic devices.

In our attempt to find a new method of understanding the brain and mind at a mesoscopic level, we face several difficult problems.

The distinction between activation and integration has profound implications for predicting and understanding interactions between event codes.

The second goal is to show the use of this framework in understanding certain aspects of motor control and motor imagery.

If spatial understanding is regarded as outside conceptual structure, why is social understanding regarded as inside conceptual structure?

The self-organization of conscious thought must not be understood as the organization of conscious thought under the control of the self.

The predictive validity of latent pure short-term memory capacity would provide important progress toward understanding the biologically primary factors that influence variability in math skills.

Over the last two decades, researchers have become increasingly interested in understanding the relationship between cognitive function and the brain.

What kinds of problems also require understanding the mental states of others?

The relationship between altruism and self-control may be understood as similar discounting processes for extrinsic reinforcement, social and temporal.

A genetic constraint should be understood as a selective tradeoff between the new mutation and the existing genome.

While highly conjectural, understanding better how these pieces fall together could develop our understanding of why nightmares occur.

Instead, she proposes a different approach for understanding why stories are convincing — why people believe them and pass them on.

The results of this work also emphasize the importance of understanding the tritrophic interactions of a system when dealing with biological control.

Important that pupils have a chance of understanding this major cultural in-uence.

Through understanding the conflicts that new music students battle with, then, we are on the path to helping them manage the transition smoothly.

There is a chance that some of them understood the question to relate to writing music or just practising by themselves.

Study of the effect of food on the biology of insects is important in understanding host suitability of plant-infesting insect species.

After three or four repetitions, children understood the desired pattern of responses and phrased their answers accordingly.

The very many musical examples work well as an aid to understanding the concepts behind each musical (and cultural) analysis.

How can students develop a higher level of musical understanding if they are not given the opportunity to work or ‘function’ at that level?

Music offers the opportunity for every child to move on from where they are, in skills, understanding and imagination.

The concept of ‘mutuality’ is a very helpful one for the reader to use in understanding the author’s underpinning philosophy to music with young children.

To ensure that the children understood the required task, they were given corrective feedback about their performance on the practice items.

The relevance of specific language impairment in understanding the role of transfer in second language acquisition.

If we understood what the crucial triggering evidence was, the design of effective intervention would be clear.

The key to understanding the difference is its relation to the ‘cultural praxis of everyday life’.

Archaeologists study the former in the hope of understanding the latter.

More research in dialectology is therefore needed with a view to better understanding how this can be done more effectively.

Healing illnesses requires understanding what diseases mean to people.

We try to make our science user-friendly so it can be easily understood by the public.

In that context, the evidence for language-selective performance may be understood as a default condition that occurs when initial conceptual selection processes can be exploited.

In other words, understanding a particular action requires applying the theory’s laws and deriving a solution.

With experience in such social interaction concerning the mental world, children’s understanding becomes progressively consolidated.

Finally, it is consistent with incrementality in both production and comprehension, which appears necessary for understanding dialogue.

The latter theory would also be suited for understanding the interactions between unrelated species of a polymicrobial infection producing and/or taking up various siderophores.

Mathematical description of the processes acting simultaneously in the course of biofilm development can help in understanding their interdependence.

The former gives anthropologists’ synchronic understanding a diachronic flourish.

Another original connotation we want to preserve is that explaining system development and its functioning demands understanding these systems’ sociotechnical nature.

The journey towards understanding the music of another culture is not an easy one, whatever route one takes and whatever tools of analysis one employs.

Perhaps that few parents were even reading the brochure, let alone understanding what they read if they did read it?

Is the patient to be understood as an individual, as a family member, or as a citizen?

Clearly it is very difficult to imagine and adequately comprehend other ways of understanding the world using our own language and concepts.

He understood style as the ‘correspondence between the art-work and its history of becoming, with all the conditions and pre-conditions of its becoming’ (1979).

Transformation, then, seems to be a key concept for understanding the ritual practices.

One such variable that may be important for understanding individual differences in vocabulary development is gender.

I would suggest that their stance also needs to be understood from another related angle.

If at any time the experimenter was unsure whether the child understood the word, further questions were asked.

As a resource for understanding the political history of the world western political theory has great strength, and no effective surviving rival.

There is no reason why philosophy ought not to seek the most general terms of our understanding with a postmodern understanding of generality.

The central problem for understanding response induction is to identify the linkages between topographically different response forms.

Are the effects of discrete, well-defined experiences on adults relevant to understanding the role of experience in development?

When subjects had difficulty understanding the five points, a reduced three-point scale was used (yes — sometimes — no).

Above all, unable to apprehend the innate quality of things, understanding here seems to be sought uniquely in a description of their physical substance.

His brief but very clear survey is essential for understanding the rural society of that period.

Here again, he reflected a way of understanding the evolution of human arts that would become highly typical of studies of writing in his century.

During the subsequent years both leaders maintained friendship with one another personally, and promoted co-operation and understanding between their orders.

Without sentimentalizing the idea, he now felt, after his efforts to help these women, that he understood it more deeply.

A culture can only be understood from within.

The relationship between personal and family timetables is a complex one which needs to be understood in particular historical contexts.

Another, who has problems in understanding speech as well as problems in understanding print, has an impairment at the semantic level.

There is little understanding about how animal behaviour evolved through time to produce the human» mind».

In describing the project, a non-punitive model for understanding probation practice will be developed.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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