Make sentence with the word profit

Synonym: advantage, benefit, earnings, gain, proceeds, loss. Similar words: nonprofit, profile, high profile, of itself, profane, profound, profanity, profligacy. Meaning: [‘prɑfɪt /’prɒ-]  n. 1. the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses) 2. the advantageous quality of being beneficial. v. 1. derive a benefit from 2. make a profit; gain money or materially. 

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1. Many receive advice only the wise profit by it. 

2. Honour and profit lie not in one sack. 

3. No great loss but some small profit

4. What will it profit me?

5. The accounts show a profit of 9000.

6. The agency is voluntary and not run for profit.

7. It seems the banks always profit from farmers’ misfortunes.

8. The greedy boss stopped at nothing to gain profit.

9. Further investment is contingent upon the company’s profit performance.

10. We’ll divide the profit fifty-fifty.

11. Our daily profit is usually around $500.

12. They will make a handsome profit on the property.

13. He hoped to profit from his investments.

14. Subtracting the costs, the profit would be 1,(sentencedict .com)000 pounds.

15. It will profit you nothing to do that.

16. Using other people for one’s own profit is immoral.

17. Investments showed a gross profit of 26%.

18. The company’s main function is to maximize profit.

19. Our top priorities must be profit and commercial growth.

20. When we know how much is profit, then we can apportion the money among/between us.

21. They sold the business at a profit / loss .

22. A large/major portion of the company’s profit goes straight back into new projects.

23. The company made a healthy profit of $106m last year.

24. Profit is the most important yardstick of success for any business.

25. Supermarkets make a lot of profit on their own brand products.

26. That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit

27. A businessman should grab at any chance to make a profit.

28. We should be able to sell the house at a profit.

29. He renovates old houses and sells them at a profit.

30. The firm will be able to undercut its competitors whilst still making a profit.

More similar words: nonprofit, profile, high profile, of itself, profane, profound, profanity, profligacy, profession, professional, fit to, outfit, of importance, benefit, fit into, fitness, fitting, benefit from, hear of, wear off, tear off, a pair of, clear off, for fear of, a matter of, a number of, in favour of, any number of, to the number of, as a matter of fact.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word profit, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use profit in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «profit».

Profit in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word profit in a sentence.

  1. The difference is their profit.

  2. Knopf expected to make a profit.

  3. Others keen to profit soon joined in.

  4. Eastern had not turned a profit since 1959.

  5. This made it difficult to fly them at a profit.

  6. As virtual goods, they have high profit margins.

  7. It thus made a profit, having kept its costs low.

  8. The gold is finally sold in India at a large profit.

  9. Up until early 1980, it earned a profit of ₹24 lakh.

  10. In June 1950, he was able to report its first profit.

  11. The publishing house was, however, unable to turn a profit.

  12. They were still a property from which he expected to profit.

  13. The Toft family made no profit from the affair, and Mary Toft returned to Surrey.

  14. These books were sold at a profit and earned the Memorial large amounts of money.

  15. The tournament earned a profit of $4 million on its $30 million operating budget.

  16. It was years before Johnson’s Dictionary, as it came to be known, turned a profit.

  17. We are making these peep show machines and selling a lot of them at a good profit.

  18. The national tour began in 1950 and grossed $3,000,000 in the first year, making $1,500,000 in profit.

  19. For Fermenta however, optimism was still de rigueur: it showed a profit for the first quarter of 1986.

  20. Several 1804 dollars were struck, and some were sold for personal profit on the part of Mint officials.

  21. He also plans to play the stock market the day before to make a huge profit from the imminent disaster.

  22. In 1980, he secured the highest royalty rate in the music industry: 37 percent of wholesale album profit.

  23. Her reported fee was $3 million upfront with profit participation, bringing her salary up to $15 million.

  24. However, his regime first succumbed to the temptations of a quick profit by further debasing the coinage.

  25. The production-distribution end of the RKO business, now deep in the red, would never make a profit again.

  26. He built the struggling paper almost from the ground up, and a competitor soon bought him out for a profit.

  27. Mother Goose was a runaway success with its London audiences and earned an extraordinary profit of £20,000.

  28. Johnson used the profit from the sale of the Mirror to continue his education at the University of Kentucky.

  29. He reasoned that mobile gaming would lack integrity over the quality of games in an effort to turn a profit.

  30. These coins were sold by the government, not issued to a private group at face value for resale at a profit.

  31. Under the VEP, employees contributed 3.5 percent of their annual salaries to a special profit insurance fund.

  32. Although the machines worked well, the lack of economies of scale prevented the venture from yielding a profit.

  33. Some of these new issues, like the Cincinnati Musical Center half dollar, were controlled by insiders for private profit.

  34. Despite improvements made to other parts of the network, the Underground railways were still struggling to make a profit.

  35. Following poor sales in 2002, Sega cut its profit forecast for 2003 by 90 percent, and explored opportunities for mergers.

  36. The remaining growers increasingly rely on sales of oil for their profit, although, leather, eggs, and meat are also sold.

  37. For the quarter ending September 30, 1995, Sierra posted a profit of $3.26 million, compared to a loss of $850,000 in 1994.

  38. This was driven by financial self-interest, as they stood to profit considerably from a strong Jewish community in England.

  39. Long made a profit on the bonuses and the resale of those state leases and used the funds primarily for political purposes.

  40. However, they seem to have lost interest in North America after 1509, having incurred great expenses and made little profit.

  41. When inline skating was removed from the X-Games, vert skaters found other ways to profit from their sport and their talent.

  42. Although Warbrick had chiefly sporting reasons for conducting the tour, for Eyton and Scott profit was the major motivation.

  43. Large advance sales guaranteed a considerable run; by the start of November, it had paid back its advance, and closed after 358 performances, paying a small profit to RCA.

  44. They purchase from the subterraneous coiners 36 shillings’-worth of copper (in nominal value) for 20 shillings, so that the profit derived from the cheating is very large.

  45. By 1929, the Daily News was showing a profit, and three years later, amid the Depression, began publishing a broadsheet edition, raising its price from two to three cents.

  46. When, in early 1928, the lines began to show a profit thanks to the management of Deputy Minister of Railways John Callaghan, he began to pursue the idea with more vigour.

  47. In many rural areas that could not afford to build good roads, private companies had built the roads and attempted to recover the costs and turn a profit by charging tolls.

Synonyms for profit

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word profit has the following synonyms: gain, net income, net, net profit, lucre, profits, earnings, benefit and turn a profit.

General information about «profit» example sentences

The example sentences for the word profit that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «profit» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «profit».

Profit is a bimonthly Canadian business magazine aimed at entrepreneurs. The headquarters of the magazine is in Toronto. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Choices always are subjective, and right choices lead to greater profits.


End-of-week profit taking prevented USD from extending its gains on Friday despite stronger-than-expected first-quarter U.S. GDP growth and an upward revision to the University of Michigan’s consumer confidence index.


We as fans sadly have to accept that 1) the board are not football fans they are MONEY fans who follow profit 2) the manager has perhaps done the best with what he has been given and has also lost his mojo and has also been caught up with in regards to tactics and transfers by the test of the world.


Randich hopes a full season of operations with an anticipated gross of $ 1.3 million and expenditures of $ 1.1 million will yield a $ 200,000 profit.


Paul tells Timothy, via the inspiration of the Holy Spirit: «Remind them (faithful teachers) of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers… but avoid profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.»


This means that Company 2’s profit margin is 42 %.


By consistently scaling in and scaling out, you may end up doing better because you can lower your basis getting in and get out with an overall net profit.


I have been handling adwords accounts for last 3 years, but never calculated profit margin.


Now we are moving into the substantial questions: Are binary options robots right for you, are they worth the money, and can you make a profit?


For the 12 months to June 30, a2 Milk reported a profit of $ 30 million, on the back of a 127 per cent surge in revenue.


In other words, he claims that B of A can keep growing — and keep in mind that operating leverage should keep profits growing far faster than revenues — without without any boost from retained earnings.


In the maternity context there are no companies offering grants to find out about the benefits of birth without medication or intervention — there is no profit in physiological birth.


All five of these indicators can easily be revealed during the analysis process and all five can be used to generate profit.


This will help Facebook in generating huge amount of profits by opening a new stream of revenue.


Van Dyke’s lawsuit claims the budget was «significantly inflated to include numerous illegitimate and improper expenses» in an effort to dilute profits.


This is will invariably improve your overall performance as far as your profit making venture is concerned.


This is a normal practice within the debt industry, and it just so happens that SoFi is one of the true industry leaders in packaging their AAA bonds to spin a profit.


A # 36.9 million gain on player disposals turned a # 23 million operating loss into a # 13.4 million profit at the pre-tax level.


At the time of the ICO, the company had promised a 13-fold increase in profit in less than 30 days.


If Team 8 is taken out of the equation, the WHL’s operating profits would be effectively halved.


You buy 100 shares of ABC for $ 900 and return them to the broker, thus pocketing a $ 100 profit ($ 1,000 minus $ 900)


Famed for studying almost three dozen bubbles and every bust, in September 2007, a month prior to the market peak that preceded the Global Financial Crisis, Grantham noted, profit margins would fall, the housing market would break, and the risk-premium all over the world would widen, «each with severe consequences».


With proper management these techniques could sometimes result in significantly increasing profits; without proper planning they could result in disastrous losses.


Investors will then be paid back 100 % of net profits until they have recouped their initial investment.


Divine Chocolate Owned by cocoa farmers themselves, Divine Chocolate is the only 100 percent fair trade chocolate company which allows the farmers to share in profits and have a heavy voice in the cocoa industry.


Resources giant Rio Tinto has reported a 34 per cent drop in its underlying first half profit to $ US5.2 billion ($ A4.9 billion), with lower prices for iron ore and other commodities the main reason fo


U.S. companies have stashed $ 2.5 trillion in cash overseas in order to avoid paying the 35 % U.S. tax rate on repatriated foreign profits.


If our grandfathers heard this, they’d laugh at the idea that anything but profits matter.


While some of this fee goes to server costs and maintenance fees, a good bit is likely to be pure profit for the pool operator.


The Spaniard was in fantastic form for the Swans last season after joining the club for just # 2million, and although they are keen not to lose a key player, they could be set to make a huge profit on Michu with their slapping a price tag of over # 25million on his head.


Although many of the companies going public lack profits — Twitter and Box, as just two recent examples, reported hundreds of millions of dollars worth of losses in their Securities and Exchange Commission filings — they are a far cry from many of the hollow IPOs of the 1990s, experts say.


The income-based method considers that the main purpose for operating a business is to earn profits.


Total’s net adjusted profit came in at $ 2.9 billion, beating analysts» forecast of $ 2.77 billion in the quarter.


Now, I didn’t get to see Tony Hsieh when he spoke at the Reno PRSA back in January, and i haven’t read his book «Delivering Happiness: A path to profits, passion, and purpose,» but i am aware of their general strategy.


The support continues after the program ends, with Brandery staff tapping into their networks to set up meetings and help startups turn a profit.


Usually, it’s people on the left who emphasize the need for metrics other than prices and profit margins when deciding whether economic changes like the ones Amazon drives are good.


Having reaped enormous profits from free trade in those areas where they enjoy a distinct comparative advantage, developed countries violate procedural justice whenever they curtail or suppress the liberalization of markets in which they have a comparative disadvantage.


Because it has no profit motive, it would divert resources away from Huhne towards the cases which need the most attention.


While some here may welcome this position, I ask the boards and I ask shareholders to respect that some of the areas Nestlé is entering into are not where you should be trying to boost your profits.


Sales on credit will only create paper profits if the debts are not recovered from the customers.


We tend to assume that business leaders are concerned only with short-term profits and not with societal well-being.


Despite the market bump following the release of the stress test results, which will result in returning more capital to investors than C actually earns in profits, like BAC the C common still trades at a discount to book.


If you want to help, purchase either the Believe Honey Bar ($ 10) or the «Our World» Tee ($ 20) and 100 % of the profits will be donated to this very special program to help mothers and their babies in Africa.


I hope that I will see first profits from the shares in 10-15 years from now and maybe a few dividends.


The shopping mall investment was eventually transferred to an entity in Guernsey, an island in the English Channel, which has zero taxes on corporate profits.


The option buyer can also sell the call option in the open market for a profit, assuming the stock is above the strike price.


But whatever the motive, prestige or profit, the unique beauty and excitement of the races and the sociability of the hosts gives the sport its special cachet.


If Joe Flacco, Ray Rice and the rest of their Ravens teammates could somehow pull off a second straight upset, bettors would turn a $ 658.75 profit ($ 425 x 1.55).


Further, they can suggest ways you can cut costs and increase profits.


For nearly 20 years, the Banrock Station Environmental Trust has re-invested profits from the sale of Banrock Station wines into environmental projects around the world, and our commitment to date exceeds AUD$ 6 million to more than 130 projects in 13 countries to help protect our beautiful planet.


Sentences with the word Profit?



  • «an allowance for profit«
  • «a clear profit«
  • «unlike champerty, criminal maintenance does not necessarily involve personal profit«
  • «lay out thousands on gold»; «he laid out a fortune in the hope of making a huge profit«
  • «net profit«
  • «the medical establishment doesn’t profit from preventive medicine»
  • «he teaches at the medical school but his fortune came from private practice»; «lawyers in private practice are in business and must make a profit to survive»
  • «the company turned a good profit after a year»
  • «desire for undue private profit«; «unwarranted limitations of personal freedom»

profit — перевод на русский


He will refuse to misrepresent his product. He will scorn unmerited profit.

Он не будет искажать информацию о своем продукте, он презреет незаслуженную прибыль.

You see, not only will I derive a handsome profit .. From the medical formula you invent and endorse. But I shall also, be using your name as a slogan.

Я не только получу солидную прибыль от химической формулы, которую вы разработаете, но и использую ваше имя в рекламном слогане.

If the profit is 10% a year, it’s over 10,000 yen.

Если прибыль составляет 10% в год, это более 10 000 иен.

A clear profit of $7,500.

Чистая прибыль 7500$.

It’s very simple. I sell gasoline. I make a small profit.

Это просто — я продаю бензин и получаю свою прибыль.

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When he paints a van Gogh, he is van Gogh. He’s Lautrec, Cézanne, he’s any painter he chooses to be, and that is his motive and also his profit.

Когда он подделывает ван Гога, он ван Гог или Лотрек или кто — нибудь другой, кого он выбрал, отсюда его мотивы и от сюда все его доходы.

But the profits are infinitely superior.

Но доходы будут несоизмеримо больше.

You have to have imagination to think of what I did— — To help to show our shareholders net profit 2400000 dollars and everything can be distributed.

тоещЄ,какнечеловексмоим воображением, смог бы разработать столь дерзкий план, …благодар€ которому € стал президентом, …с гордостью демонстрирующим акционерам их общие наличные доходы.

This planet has enough duralinium to double the company’s profits next year.

На этой планете достаточно доралона, чтобы удвоить доходы компании к следующему году.

Earth — or your corporation’s profits?

Земля — или доходы твоей компании?

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It would be foolish not to profit from it.

Не извлечь из него выгоды было бы глупо.

No one can accuse you of making any personal profit.

Никто не обвинит тебя в получении личной выгоды.

The country’s future must no longer be… allowed to depend upon the interests… of a handful of millionaires… or their coldly calculated profits.

— Будущее страны более не может находиться в зависимости от банды миллионеров и холодно просчитанной выгоды.

Oh, there’s no profit in working for anybody except yourself.

О, нет никакой выгоды работать на кого-то, кроме самого себя.

— A golden one. All your hopes have merged into a master passion: profit.

Всем своим прежним мечтам ты изменил ради всепобеждающей страсти… выгоды.

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«In those days I’d have have started a factory just for kicks, and no doubt I’d have made a profit.»

«Я мог бы создать фабрику только ради удовольствия, и я не сомневаюсь, что смог бы хорошо заработать.»

You’ll be turning over a half million profit in eighteen months, goddamnit.

Ты сможешь заработать полмиллиона долларов на полтора года, черт тебя подери.

You can either profit by this or be destroyed.

Ты можешь либо заработать на этом, либо погибнуть.

Animals are always kept for profit.

Животных содержат, чтобы на них заработать.

You want to profit from it, I can understand.

Вы хотите заработать на этом, я могу понять.

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Do you can explain why someone have to make a profit… whenever we water to boil?

ќбъ€сните, почему кто-то должен получать прибыль, когда мы кип€тим воду?

You’ll profit from it immediately.

Вы уже начали получать прибыль

I can’t afford to have one of my associates distracted with financial difficulties so, until your debt is paid you won’t be seeing any profit.

Я не мог позволить, чтобы один из моих партнеров отвлекался на финансовые сложности, так что, пока твой долг не уплачен, ты не будешь получать прибыль.

— I’m here to generate profits.

-Я здесь чтобы получать прибыль.

— and turn a profit the second year.

— и начать получать прибыль со второго года.

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And even better, we may profit.

И еще лучше, мы можем получить прибыль.

You’ve got a right to make a profit, too.

Ты же должен получить прибыль.

I can only make a profit if I sell the movie to France and Belgium.

Я могу получить прибыль только тогда, если продам фильм во Франции и Бельгии.

They’ re taking the tanker to Bahrain, and the company’s gonna make a profit.

Они направили танкер в Бахрейн и нефтяной компании удастся получить прибыль.

are all-too-often injured and discarded … (PIGEON BOWLING) in pointless … trivial … outlandish contests … designed to make profits and entertain.

слишком часто повреждены и отказаны… (БОУЛИНГ ГОЛУБЯ) в бессмысленном… тривиальный… диковинные соревнования … разработанный, чтобы получить прибыль и развлечь.

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— And did it help to increase them the profits?

И Вы помогли им найти деньги? Да.

Just so you gentlemen can turn right around and resell it… to some Carolina paper mill for a tidy profit ?

Значит, хотите продать его кому-то за хорошие деньги?

And believe me, this message is being heard loud and clear… by all those who seek profit and power… in the importation and sale of illegal drugs.

И, поверьте, это сообщение прозвучит громко и ясно… для всех, что добывает деньги и власть… путем ввоза и продажи наркотиков.

I mean there’s more money to be made smuggling fags than heroin, these days. Big profits to protect.

Сегодня на контрабанде курева можно заработать больше, чем на героине, огромные деньги.

Making obscene profits better-than-expected earnings.

Делать грязные деньги лучше, чем неожиданные прибыли, одна из них….

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I talked the ghosts into getting the house, renovating it, and then I sold it, and made lots of profit!

и ужасно выгодно продала!

And who’s to profit from it?

А кому это выгодно?

To save Jews would slow down our effort of war which in turn would profit him.

Если мы сосредоточимся на спасении евреев и ослабим военные действия, это будет ему как раз выгодно. Можно вам напомнить, что пока мы едим и беседуем, поезда мчатся в лагеря?

And we shall both… profit.

Это будет выгодно нам обоим.

Yeah, the only people who’ll profit from it are divorce lawyers.

И выгодно это будет только юристам, специализирующимся на разводах.

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I expect a very fancy profit out of it.

Но я надеюсь на этом нажиться.

I know it’s not right for them to try to profit from my husband’s death.

Я знаю, это неправильно, что они пытаются нажиться на смерти моего мужа.

Too honest to profit from a killing?

Слишком честен, чтобы нажиться на убийстве?

One of the locals had found a way to profit from the general hatred for Rahl.

Один из местных жителей нашел способ нажиться на всеобщей ненависти к Ралу.

What kind of jerk would want to profit from your pain?

— Что за придурок хотел нажиться на твоей боли?

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I think a lot of it had to do with my morbid sensitivity to the guy… as well as his natural affinity to get in there and profit off it.

Главным образом из-за моей болезненной чуствительности к нему… и его природной склонности наживаться на этом.

«Ben agreed to drive her, even though he wasn’t out to profit from other folks’ misfortunes, as he put it.»

Бен согласился её отвезти, хотя и сказал, что не любит наживаться на чужой беде. Я тебе заплачу.

How could I possibly allow myself to profit from her death to… to dine in splendour because I took away a woman’s will to live?

Как я вообще могу позволить себе наживаться на его смерти… Жить в роскоши, потому что я забрал у девушки волю к жизни?

I do not seek to profit from the pain and loss of the bereaved.

Я не пытаюсь наживаться на боли и скорби тех, кто потерял своих близких.

The president of the hospital’s board of directors has decreed that no one will profit from today’s calamity.

— Президент совета директоров больницы заявил, что мы не станем наживаться на трагедии.

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