Make sentence with the word message

Synonym: communication, dispatch, epistle, letter, note, word. Similar words: passage, massage, passageway, mess about, visage, presage, sausage, envisage. Meaning: [‘mesɪdʒ]  n. 1. a communication (usually brief) that is written or spoken or signaled 2. what a communication that is about something is about. v. 1. send a message to 2. send as a message 3. send a message. 

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1. Could I take a message?

2. Do you have any message?

3. The manager is out,can I take a message?

4. The message was written in code.

5. The president broadcast his message on all stations yesterday.

6. They must radiocast the message at once.

7. The answering machine bleeped and I left my message.

8. He relayed the message to his boss.

9. Can I leave a message?

10. They have telexed a message to our company.

11. I left a message on your answering machine.

12. Mark the message ‘urgent’, please.

13. May I take a message?

14. The message in the newspaper is unabridged.

15. I left a message on her answering machine.

16. He sent a coded message to CIA headquarters.

17. He panted out his message.

18. We’ve had a message that your father is ill.

19. Waddington rewound the tape and played the message again.

20. I wrote a message to myself.

21. She has telegraphed the message to her parents.

22. Shall I take a message?

23. You can leave a message with reception.

24. Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me.

25. The message was written in cipher.

26. A message flashed up on my computer screen .

27. I’ll give him your message.

28. Churchill telegraphed an urgent message to Wavell.

29. There is a message for Mr.Jones at reception.

30. Each card is printed with a different message.

More similar words: passage, massage, passageway, mess about, visage, presage, sausage, envisage, mess, essay, messy, Messrs, messiah, incessant, necessary, cessation, incessantly, unnecessary, homesickness, eagerness, tactlessness, disagree, mesh, sagacious, fumes, disagreement, disagreeable, vassal, pass away, assail. 

Examples of how to use the word “message” in a sentence. How to connect “message” with other words to make correct English sentences.

message (n): a short piece of information that you give to a person when you cannot speak to them directly

Use “message” in a sentence

Check my message and please call me back right after!
Can I leave a message?
This message doesn’t make sense to me.
Can I leave a message?
There’s a message for you.
Each card is printed with a different message.
Please send me a message as soon as you arrive.
She sent me a funny text message.
I have an urgent message for him.

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  • Use the word Message in a sentences

Sentence Examples

«Vinick’s comments called into question the Santos campaign’s unflinching support of the Bartlet White House, as Congressman Santos parried tabloid charges, and strained to articulate an economic message

Now, the decoder constantly searches for these images until it finds one, and when it does, it decodes a secret message.

This message will be distributed in open frequency.

He’s given us the message to keep the place clean.

Relay it just like that. Relay this message to the ghost that you see.

Anyways, he wants me to pass along a message to you.

We need to send a message.

Lieutenant, we have a message for you from the Medical Examiner’s office.

Caesar made known to his captains the message from the Senate.

Thanks You for Your message about the traitorous Daimyo, who, with foreign doctrines wants to incite the people against the sanctified person of the Mikado.

«Is it a message from father that he wants me to get married this year?»

Cardinal Campeggio, with a message from the Pope.

I have an important message for King Fortinbras.

You know, David, if I could send a message to mankind, I would like to send them a New Year’s greeting.

My brother has sent a colleague with the message that La Carozza has been taken to the women’s prison.

if I bring back a bad message, if I return with empty hands, then do not rage against yourself and me, be strong, don’t despair, shake it off and forget this woman!

Signorina Carlotta, if this is nothing but a game for you, the pleasure of playing around or even worse, then you are, despite your sweet face and your voice which sounds like a message from heaven, a devil!

On December 4th 1921, at 18:27 European Standard Time, all the radio stations on Earth received a strange message.

The Deciphering Bureau failed to make out the mysterious message.

A secret message warns me of war against Burgundy!

The message I have been expecting has come!

«When I got the telephone message that our cousin had arrives…»

I could not reply to your message as long as Haddo was there.

She left this message for you on her pillows.

The chief foreman of the Heart-Machine, Grot, — with an important message

I tell you, you go down to the saloon… you tell him you meet stranger in post office… and that he give you this message.

I have a message for you.

This message is for the handsomest man in town.

Take this message to the king in Vienna, my boy and there, have fun like the others!

About this note, did he leave any message?

No, he wouldn’t leave any message.

Just like I’m gonna connect with you, because my music has a simple message

We’re up to a big job, and you leave no message for me?

I, uh, I know it’s against the rules… but could I give you a message for a girl here?

Wait till I get a pencil and write that message down.

Now, what was that message?

Listen, he gave us a message to give to you.

What was that message that he gave us?

What’s happening with the message?

A message from the dug-out. Silence.

A message from the Big Boy.

If I can transmit a message?

I just wanted to deliver you a message from our friend Biberkopf:

As the actors took their bows during the curtain call of the stage versi├│n, it was customary for Professor Van Helsing to step forward, raising his hand to stop the applause, and deliver a special message.

And after you’ve delivered the message, you will remember nothing I now say.

your majesty, an urgent message excuse me

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

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The reformer was coming to town for a message.

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Use the word organism in a sentence?

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use it by saying-
how can you use the word ebullient in a sentence?

Use runoff in a sentence?

«How can you use the word «runoff» in a sentence?» That’s a
sentence, and it uses the word «runoff».


1. Complete the polite requests with the words below.

could      if      mind      possible      wonder

1   Would it be ……………………….. for you to … ?

2   ……………………….. you please … ?

3   Would you ……………………….. telling me … ?

4   Would you mind ……………………….. … ?

5   I ……………………….. if …


1 possible   2 Could   3 mind   4 if   5 wonder

2. Rewrite the imperatives as polite requests. Include the word in brackets.

 Tidy your room! (possibly)


 Give me your address! (mind)


 Phone me later! (wonder)


 Bring me some coffee! (possible)



 Could you please tidy your room?

2   Would you mind giving me your address?

 I wonder if you could phone me later.

4   Would it be possible for you to bring me some coffee?

Writing Strategy

Make sure that you a) include all of the points in the task and b) develop each point, that is, add some extra information or detail. Try not to write just one sentence for each point.

3. Read the Writing Strategy. Then read the message. Match the extra information 1-5 with A-D in the message. There is one piece of information you do not need.

Hi! My name is David and I live in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. [A] I’m sixteen years old, and I live with my parents and my younger brother. [B]

I’m a huge fan of music and I love going to gigs. I also play guitar in a band. [C] I also enjoy going to the cinema and watching films at home.

I’ve got a computer in my room and I often chat to my friends online. I wonder if you could send me your Skype address. [D]

1   We aren’t very good because we don’t practice enough!

2   That is why I’m interested in finding a penfriend.

3   Our flat is in the centre of the city, near the river.

4   It would be fun to speak to you some time.

5   His name is Miles and he’s into computer.

Writing Guide

Hi! My name is Lucy. I’m fifteen years old and I live in Birmingham in the UK. I’m in interested in chatting (in English!) with teenagers from different countries using Skype. Please send me a message and tell me a little about yourself, your family and your hobbies. Also, please say why you are interested in chatting. I’m waiting to hear from you!

Click here to reply to Lucy.

You have seen this advertisement on a website. Write a message in reply and provide the information Lucy asks for. Include a request for information in your message.

4. Read the advertisement and the task above. Then make brief notes under headings 1-4.

1   Information about yourself



2   Information about your family



3   Hobbies and interests



4   What information are you requesting?



5. Write your message. Use your notes from exercise 4 and include a phrase from exercise 1 for your polite request.






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