Make sentence with the word know

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

To make sentence negative and express negation, we should add the word «HeT» + noun in the Genitive case, for example:

Чтобы придать предложению оттенок негатива и сказать про отрицание, нам необходимо добавить слово «нет» + существительное в родительном падеже, например:

Другие результаты

Thus, you can make sentences interchanging material and make sentences as with nouns, as with adjectives.

Ability to make sentences of 3-4 words.

Place the words in the appropriate order to make sentences.

I’ll try to make sentences, but I don’t like to.

Explain the spelling of these words and make sentences with them.

Объясните правописание этих слов и составьте с ними предложения.

Today we will learn how to make sentences in Russian.

Try to make sentences with the words that you know.

Теперь попробуйте составить фразы со словами, которые у вас есть.

It was difficult to make sentences, more often I brushed off monosyllabic phrases.

Parrot can mimic human words, understand the meanings, can remember many words and make sentences.

Попугаи могут имитировать человеческие слова, понимать смысл, запоминать фразы и строить предложения.

Whenever you start something new, remember this helper word to make sentences stronger and more hopeful.

Каждый раз, начиная что-то новое, необходимо помнить, что это маленькое подручное слово делает утверждения более сильными и подающими надежды.

The study asked college students studying business to make sentences out of various word clusters before answering questions and playing several games.

В ходе исследования, студентов колледжа, изучающих бизнес, просили составить предложения из различных групп слов перед ответами на вопросы и несколькими играми.

Start with the 100 most common words and then make sentences with them over and over again.

Начните со 100 самых распространенных слов, а потом снова и снова составляйте предложения с ними.

Passive voice makes sentences longer and as it is in the past tenses, it is harder to focus on the actor’s performance.

Пассивный голос делает предложения длиннее, и, как и в прошлые времена, труднее сосредоточиться на актерской игре.

To make sentences with indirect speech, It is necessary to study the rules of punctuation in such situations.

Дополнения с Чтобы составить предложения с косвенной речью, нужно изучить правила постановки знаков препинания в таких ситуациях.

This is the verdict of justice, which, based on the evidence provided and documents, makes sentences in accordance with the law.

Судья Это вершитель правосудия, который, основываясь на предоставленных доказательствах и документах, выносит приговоры в соответствии с законом.

Students make sentences according to the pictures.

They then have to make sentences about their partner, who will tell them if that thing is true or false.

You know those magnet words that people make sentences with?

How do I make sentences in 3 lines?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

I certainly know a lot more about the Bible and theology than I did before entering seminary, but looking back over my life, the times I felt the closest to God were all before entering seminary.


Guys, I know a lot has been discussed about the striker situation.


One of the things that is easier to reflect on in hindsight is that luckily during that time I was Tweeting, blogging, going along to events and generally getting to know a lot of people.


Just everything was perfect then, and I know a lot of people recreate it now, but it’s just not the same!!


I’m healthy enough, I know a lot about nutrition, and I don’t see the point in completing a program like this.


He worked with us on our trade and knew a lot about the car… we were looking for.


I know a lot of Mormons and the vast majority are good people.


It is a fun way for kids to learn more about science and that it’s okay to be smart and know a lot facts.


I know a lot of editors and proofers offer their services on Writer’s Digest, but the costs for their classes and services run pretty steep and it seems a bit more commercialized now than Ryan’s site.


I know a lot of people think it’s terrible, but I know for me, at least, without spanking there is no telling how horrid of a person I would be.


I know a lot of people have done it already but… I had to add to the growing list of commenters….


although I’m a new member of the Association, I’ve spoken at two of their conferences before and know lots of its members already, including its President Katie Fforde, who kindly provided a cover endorsement of the first novel in my Sophie Sayers cosy mystery series, describing it as «A cracking example of cosy crime».


You might picture a «dog breeder» as a professional person who knows a lot about dogs, owns magnificent «pedigreed» dogs, and carefully plans each breeding to produce excellent pets for you and me.


I know a lot of people are interested in veganism (even if they are not vegan), so I think it is nice to have a different voice for those who may be making a slow transition.


«I don’t pretend to know a lot about it, but I don’t get emotional and don’t scare easily.


[Laughs] I will say this, since I did work at MoMA for a long time and since I knew a lot of people involved in the ’58 show.


Same with a woman who has a bicornate uterus, even though I know a lot of CPMs will still care these women.


I know a lot of very toned fitness people out there who say they don’t do any ab exercises, just strength training.


I do know a lot of people though that really like the HeadBlade due to its ease-of-use and I can definitely appreciate that.


I went into this movie not knowing a lot other than it was written and produced by Guillermo del Toro known for movies as Pan’s Labyrinth and the Hell Boy franchise.


I know a lot of you are looking for oil-free salad dressings, so I wanted to make sure to give you a few tasty options.


While we know a lot more about the console itself, there’s still a lot we don’t know, like exactly how powerful the Switch’s custom Nvidia Tegra chipset is.


When I went back to their office to point it out, the lady just shrugged, corrected her numbers on the form and said «You seem to know a lot about this stuff already.


«I know you know a lot about dogs, and we — my parents and I — need your advice.»


Lifelong learners, like Buffett and Munger — though I have known some really bright people who know a lot about investing/finance who add little to an investment process.


We’re happy to invest in spending some time with you so that you can find out if we are who we say we are (since we know lots of people have been burned by disingenuous marketing in the fitness industry in the past).


We know a lot about the bears when they are using the Brooks River, but we know very little about their movements and home ranges when they are not here.


The playing staff has turned over a lot since I was there, but I know a lot of people with the club and, like you, who are no longer with the club.


I read a ton of fantasy, and I know a lot of my favorite authors are online and incredibly accessible to readers because they’re not the big name j.k. rowlings and stephenie meyers of the world.


I know a lot of parents who insist on packing fruits and vegetables (or yogurt, cheese…) knowing full well that their children will never, in a million years, eat these items.


And one of the areas I know a lot about (after 20-plus years as the founder and CEO of a public relations agency in the Silicon Valley during its heyday) is marketing.


Some of the PS Bloggers might not know a lot about this game.


I do a lot of things and know a lot of things.


I know a lot of people who get their first travel rewards card and say «Now I can go buy that thing I’ve been wanting.»


«And I knew a lot of kids that I went to school with that would swim in the Valatie Kill.


When you hit your jackpot of deeply supportive birth resource in your area, you’ll find that these women know a lot about each other and how the others work.


I know a lot about dating, and how to make the most of my clients»… Keep Reading


It’s one of the models we identified as working for many couples in The New I Do: Reshaping Marriage for Skeptics, Realists and Rebels, and it’s one I know a lot about; my mom up and moved away from my dad for about 10 years to establish a life of her own several states away, making her a marital renegade.


I know lots of the other bento gals find them at Michaels and even in Target or dollar stores.


I know a lot of people who are really burdened by the task of cooking and I had never quite felt that, until recently.


I am Russian myself and I know a lot of Russian women who have worked extremely hard and acheived amazing things in life and more importantly in their careers!


I know a lot of people complain about the sailing in this game and I can see why.


Polish dating can be a minefield at first if you don’t know a lot about your date’s culture.


I know a lot of people don’t wear perfume everyday, but I find it to be one of my favorite finishing touches.


I’m at a point where I don’t really need anything in my closet, so I only want to add pieces I truly, truly love and / or pieces by brands I know a lot about and know how they’re made, etc..


I know a lot of you would love to watch a Chinese Version instead of English, so here it is!


I know a lot of Spanish but never could get the trilled R down, and I never thought to look to YouTube for help (my Spanish teachers never ever explained how to physically do it!).


That is far more fundamental to value investing than knowing a lot about accounting in my experience.


Your animal companions know a lot about health and healing, loving and living life well.


This is perfect for those who want to do something special, but do not know a lot about their date’s culture.


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We commonly use the verb know with a noun phrase, with a that-clause or with a wh-clause (e.g. who, where, why):

Do you know the music shop just by the market square? (+ object)

We know that this must be a difficult decision for you. (+ that clause)

Do you know where to buy batteries for the watch? (+ wh-clause)

We don’t use continuous forms of know:

She’s a really good teacher and knows the names of over two hundred of her students.

Not: … and is knowing the names of ….

We’ve known each other since we were children.

Not: We’ve been knowing each other

Know how + infinitive

We do not commonly use know + to-infinitive. We use know how + to-infinitive:

Does he know how to play classical guitar music?

Not: Does he know to play

Know + object + infinitive

In very formal English, we use know + object + to-infinitive:

[extract from a reference for a job]

I have worked with John Davidson for five years and know him to be reliable and hard-working.

Weather experts have never known it to snow as heavily as it has this spring.

Know without an object

To refer to general knowledge, we use know without an object:


They’re opening a new terminal at Amsterdam airport.


Yes, I know. (I know that they are opening a new terminal.)

We use know + object to refer to what we know from personal experience:


They’re opening a new terminal at Amsterdam airport.


Yes, I know it. (I know the one you mean. I have been there and seen the airport.)

We also sometimes use know about or know of when we say what we know from general experience (know of is more formal):

What do you know about the origins of the American Civil War?

Not: What do you know the origins

You know

We use you know very often in speaking as a discourse marker. We use it to check that the people we are speaking to share the same knowledge as us and understand what we are saying:

It’s impossible to find time to go to the gym, you know, every day, isn’t it?

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