Make sentence with the word kind

Examples of how to use the word “kind” in a sentence. How to connect “kind” with other words to make correct English sentences.

kind (n, adj): a group with similar characteristics, or a particular type; generous, helpful, and thinking about other people’s feelings

Use “kind” in a sentence

He is very kind.
She isn’t kind to him. In fact, she’s not kind to anyone.
What kind of wine do you have?

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kind — перевод на русский


Would you be so kind in telling me what happened to you?

Не будете ли Вы так добры рассказать, что с Вами произошло?

Be very kind to him.

Будьте добры к нему.

Although you haven’t been kind to my uncle, I will be pleased to help you one more time.

Вы не были добры к моему дяде, но тем не менее я буду рада Вам ещё раз помочь.

I wonder if you’ll be kind enough to let me tell you my side.

Не будете ли вы так добры выслушать мою позицию.

Oh, how kind are you, Monsieur.

О, месье, как вы добры.

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Will you kindly respect my gray hair?

— Будьте любезны, уважьте мои седины.

Kind of you to see me.

— Спасибо. Вы очень любезны.

-Your Grace is too kind.

— Вы очень любезны, Ваша Светлость.

Then if you will be so kind, judge.

Если вы будете так любезны, судья.

— Thank you. You’re very kind.

Вы очень любезны.

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It simply is an act of self deception to put that kind of religious interpretation on out of thought.

Ёто просто акт самообмана налагать религиозные интерпретации на такого рода мысли.

Will be a love nest The practical kind

Может стать любовным гнездышком для продолжения рода

Then if she’s that kind of a girl, well, the rest is easy.

И если она такого рода девушка… то остальное просто.

Not much, perhaps, but just of a certain kind.

Возможно, но воображения определённого рода.

«With respect to the said newspapers the said Charles Foster Kane hereby relinquishes all control thereof and of the syndicates pertaining thereto and any and all other newspaper, press and publishing properties of any kind and agrees to abandon all claim thereto… »

С уважением к вышеназванным газетам, Чарльз Фостер Кейн отказывается от всяческого контроля над ними, над их профсоюзами, а также всеми другими газетами и любого рода издательствами. От имущественных претензий.

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This world’s divided into two kinds of people… the hunter and the hunted.

все люди делятся на два типа: охотники и жертвы.

Now, there are three kinds of music on this Fantasia program.

В программе «Фантазия» вы услышите три типа музыки.

Now, the number that opens our Fantasia program, the Toccata and Fugue, is music of this third kind, what we call absolute music.

Итак, программу «Фантазия» открывает Токката и Фуга, музыка третьего типа. Мы её называем чистая музыка.

Your love is the romantic kind.

Ваша же любовь романтического типа.

He said that there are three kinds of men.

Он сказал, что есть три типа людей.

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But it’s very kind of you to take an interest.

Очень мило, что вас это волнует.

— Oh, how kind.

— Ой, как мило.

— I’ll open the door. — It was kind of you to come, Miss Frazier.

Очень мило, что вы пришли, мисс Фрезер.

That’s very kind of you but this could never be like Kansas.

Это очень мило, но здесь никогда не будет так, как в Канзасе.

That’s very kind of you sister, but I’m not hungry.

Это очень мило с твоей стороны, сестрёнка, но я не голоден.

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Well, you know, they’re pretty, but it’s kind of odd, the whole idea of someone giving someone a flower ’cause it’s like, «Oh, you know, I like you, so let me give you something that’s dying.»

Ну, знаешь, да они красивые, но это немного странно, вся идея дарения цветов потому что это как «О, знаешь, ты мне нравишься, так что я хочу подарить тебе что-то что умирает»

It’s like this, miss. You see, the horse is kind of tired today… on account of having won the Grand National on Friday.

Дело в том, мисс, что он сегодня немного усталый… после того, как в пятницу выиграл Большой Национальный приз.

It’s kind of frightening.

Немного жутковато.

That sounds kind of old-fashioned and domestic coming from you, Trudy.

Это звучит немного старомодно. Странно слышать это от вас, Труди.

Have you got a brunette with green eyes, kind of slanted either alone or with a little guy, weighs about 115 pounds wears a grey hat and grey suit?

Брюнетка, с зелеными глазами, немного раскосыми, живет одна, или с невысоким парнем, весит где-то 52 килограмма, ходит в серой шляпе и сером костюме.

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Yeah, yesterday you got in trouble because you bought the wrong kind of sage.

Да, вчера у тебя были проблемы, потому что ты купил неправильный вид шалфея.

If he wants to be kind, it’s all right with me.

Если он хочет делать вид, что все в порядке со мной

Kind of a tall, dark, handsome-like gentleman.

На вид высокий, смуглый, красивый, как джентльмен.

Your husband created a new kind of journalism, and you helped him.

Ваш муж создал новый вид журналистики, и Вы помогали ему в этом.

That’s the worst kind of wolf.

Лиса — худший вид волка.

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— You’ll do nothing of the kind.

— Ничего подобного.

You’ll do nothing of the kind.

Ты не сделаешь ничего подобного.

It’s nothing of the kind.

Ничего подобного.

You didn’t do anything of the kind, Lizzie.

Ничего подобного, Лиззи.

I won’t do anything of the kind.

Не будет ничего подобного.

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— It’s awfully kind of you, but I can’t…

— Это ужасно мило с вашей стороны, но я не могу…

It’s awful kind of you to look after me.

Это ужасно мило с вашей стороны присмотреть за мной.

It’s very kind of you but I’ll be all right if they just change the cloth.

Мило с вашей стороны, но мне будет достаточного поменять скатерть.

It’s very kind of you, but I’m not very hungry.

Спасибо, это очень мило с вашей стороны, но я не голодна.

That’s wonderfully kind of you.

— Очень мило с Вашей стороны.

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If this is some kind of sick training session, you better… you better tell me!

Нет, папа. Если это какая-то нелепая тренировка, сразу скажи!

I was a bit worried, she was kind of nervous tonight.

Я переживал… Она сегодня была какая-то нервная.

I’ve no memory of ever being bit by any kind of bee.

Не помню, чтобы меня хоть какая-то пчела жалила.

Dad told me he heard you were in some kind of building work.

Отец сказал мне, что он слышал, будто у тебя какая-то работа, связанная со строительством.

A kind of magic or whatever it was.

Какая-то магия…

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Synonym: considerate, decent, friendly, generous, gentle, make, nature, sort, species, sympathetic, tender, thoughtful, type, variety, warmhearted. Antonym: unkind. Similar words: kind of, look in, milking, parking, fucking, banking, kingdom, check in. Meaning: [kaɪnd]  n. a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality. adj. 1. having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior 2. agreeable, conducive to comfort 3. tolerant and forgiving under provocation. 

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1. Kind hearts are more than coronets. 

2. A kind word is never lost. 

3. Kind words are worth much and cost little. 

4. Kind words are the music of the world. 

5. Kind words butter no parsnips.

6. Soft (or Fine or Kind) words butter no parsnips. 

7. Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 

8. Things of a kind come together; people of a kind fall into the same group. 

9. Aluminium is a kind of metal.

10. What kind of house do you live in?

11. This kind of reasoning is deeply perverse.

12. What kind of fish is this?

12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

13. Thank you all for your kind gifts.

14. Don’t say that kind of thing so loudly.

15. What kind of tours are available?

16. She has such a kind, friendly personality.

17. His cruelty belied his kind words.

18. What kind of bag was it?

19. What kind of wine do you have?

20. What kind of wine do u have available?

21. This is a kind of atomic spectrum.

22. He’s some kind of mathematical genius.

23. Its nozzle was smeared with some kind of lubricant.

24. This kind of biscuits is crisp.

25. Peony is a kind of herbs.

26. The regions differ in size(, but not in kind.

27. Men of privilege without power are waste material, Men of enlighten-ment without influence are the poorest kind of rubbish. 

28. Words and deeds are quite indifferent 23modes of the divine 24energy. Words are also action, and actions are a kind of words. 

29. When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. 

30. Experience never misleads; what you are missed by is only your judgement, and this misleads you by anticipating results from experience of a kind that is not produced by your experements. 

More similar words: kind of, look in, milking, parking, fucking, banking, kingdom, check in, break in, striking, look into, break into, find, mind, index, find out, behind, window, wind up, Indian, mind you, the working class, industry, indicate, reminder, in detail, in danger, never mind, fall behind, indicator. 

Definition of Kind

caring; nice

Examples of Kind in a sentence

A kind volunteer showed compassion by giving out blankets to flood victims at the local shelter.


The elderly woman was known for being kind, as she lovingly cared for children in her home for over two decades.


A kind gentleman helped the women and children into the life boat, thinking only of saving others and not himself.


Mother Teresa’s kind and benevolent deeds are known throughout the world of humanitarians.


Only when he became sick did the ruthless businessman become kind and sympathetic to the plight of others.


Other words in the Generous category:

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Sentences with kind in them. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use kind in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for kind.

  • You must be kind. (10)
  • If the gods are kind. (8)
  • This is kind of you. (10)
  • They were awfully kind. (9)
  • It kind of shook him up. (9)
  • You have so kind a face. (8)
  • She was one of that kind. (9)
  • They are so strong and kind. (8)
  • Give an example of each kind. (3)
  • But, I know you will be too kind. (10)
  • You take me for a kind of monster. (22)
  • She still wears the kind of afterglow. (10)
  • He is the kind to make friends everywhere. (13)
  • Be kind, dear uncle, and do not reproach me. (10)
  • However, the books are a kind of investment. (14)
  • He was kind of everywhere at once with his eyes. (8)
  • This gave a kind of haziness to our intercourse. (2)
  • This kind of Organum admitted thirds and sixths. (3)
  • It was plain that she was in trouble of some kind. (8)
  • Not to be unkind, not too kind: this was her task. (10)
  • A kind of legendary malevolence clung about his image. (8)
  • Those letters are acting like a kind of poison in me! (10)
  • I always kind of hoped it would turn out the other way. (9)
  • But La Salle was not the kind of man to be discouraged. (19)
  • Virtually, in wealth and power, he was a prince; but of how queer a kind! (10)
  • And such a quaint kind of eighteenth-century type of beauty! (9)
  • You are very kind to bring me these interesting particulars. (4)
  • He was of his kind, and she was of her kind. (13)
  • My kind friends will not hear of my returning till I am better. (4)
  • And no breakfast to give me a stomach for this kind of weather. (10)
  • Disasters of the present kind could hardly affect such a veteran. (10)
  • Kind people, I dare say; their bill was paid any extent, they said. (10)
  • It was a splendid opportunity for the kind of warfare Indians loved. (19)
  • Perhaps it is wonderful that none of them shows anything of the kind. (9)
  • You must give dignity to the main building by some kind of approach. (13)
  • Could he not see that she had no word in her soul for him of that kind? (10)
  • The result was a kind of heavy froth, an air of thoroughly domestic vice. (8)
  • And now, you dear kind darling old thing, let me kiss you for coming to me. (10)
  • By no means a kind, indulgent young man was Argall, and his eyes kindled angrily. (19)
  • I wonder if you would be so very kind as to let us have a few words with Mrs. Dedmond alone? (8)
  • Kind nature put that district to sleep while she operated on the disquieted lower functions. (10)
  • Early deprivations of any kind, that would encourage the youthful reader to go and do likewise? (9)
  • A refresher of a few hundreds would have been impolitic to this kind of man; but the entire sum! (10)
  • It is a deafening kind of interrupted roar, between that of a bull and the braying of an elephant. (21)
  • To quiet the kind souls, she entreated them to give their promise that they would invite her again. (10)
  • He was one of the righteous kind, with a golden watch-chain and a tip of five sous for the servants. (12)
  • And it really may be humorous, of a kind, yet it will miss the point by going too much round about it. (10)
  • At stated intervals Mr. Pendyce imported a new kind of cow, or partridge, and built a wing to the schools. (8)
  • But in every respect, as she saw more of her, she approved her, and was confirmed in all her kind designs. (4)
  • He hated bad men; and it was besides necessary for him to denounce somebody, and get relief of some kind. (10)
  • A kind of superstition prevented her; she would not risk making him feel that she was hanging round his neck. (8)
  • They are the source of all refinement, and I do not believe that the best art in any kind exists without them. (9)
  • To which not very costly banter Isabel responded in kind, and rapidly sketched the life they could lead aboard. (9)
  • He was looked on as sufficiently belonging to the place to make his merits and prospects a kind of common concern. (4)
  • Her heart had a blow in the thought, that a lady of this kind would create the pleasure by not bringing criticism. (10)
  • When he walked, he had a kind of spring in his gait, as if now and again a buoyant thought lifted him from the ground. (9)
  • Felix looked at her with ever-increasing interest; she certainly was of the kind that could be relied on to make trouble. (8)
  • As far as I could see there were no grass, no weeds, no flowers; the earth was covered with a kind of lichen, uniformly blue. (7)
  • He was incredibly gentle and soft in all his movements, and perfectly kind, without being at any moment unprofitably sympathetic. (9)
  • He seized a falchion hanging apart, but the lady stayed his arm, and led to another flight of stone ending in a kind of corridor. (10)
  • When the court was most French, most artificial, most vicious, the citizen life must have remained immutably German, dull, and kind. (9)
  • Why should he be punished as he was, stricken in a place so sacred that the effort to defend himself had seemed a kind of sacrilege? (9)
  • The priest asked me many questions as to the contemptible faith of my fathers, and received my replies with a kind of ecclesiastical titter. (2)

Also see sentences for: breed, brood, character, class, color, compassionate, description.

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