Make sentence with the word beautiful

Synonym: attractive, handsome, lovely, pretty. Antonym: ugly. Similar words: beauty, bifurcate, bureau, tableau, rousseau, bureaucracy, taut, auto. Meaning: [‘bjuːtəfʊl]  adj. 1. delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration 2. aesthetically pleasing 3. (of weather) highly enjoyable. 

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1. Nothing is really beautiful but truth. 

2. Every mother thinks her child beautiful

3. Mountains look beautiful from a distance. 

4. Death is the only pure, beautiful conclusion of a great passion. 

5. For me the different religions are beautiful flowers from the same garden, or they are branches of the same majestic tree. Therefore they are equally true, though being received and interpreted through human instruments equally imperfect. 

6. That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful. 

7. Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive and widely effective mode of saying things, and hence its importance. 

8. A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form. 

9. Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action. James Russell Lowell 

10. Male peacocks have beautiful plumage.

11. That’s my new car. She’s beautiful, isn’t she?

12. He glimpsed her as the beautiful girl went by.

13. The dawns here in the mountains are very beautiful.

14. There is a beautiful bird in the cage.

15. The male has beautiful tail feathers.

16. This town is famous for its beautiful buildings.

17. She was a very beautiful woman.

18. Mona wrote with a beautiful simplicity of style.

19. Men alleged oath, but is a beautiful lies just.

20. We are quartered in a beautiful villa.

21. The audience was enraptured by her beautiful voice.

22. We beheld the beautiful sand beach before us.

23. Workers weave silk thread into beautiful shirts.

24. It’s a very beautiful place in the summertime.

25. Beautiful music came floating out of the window.

26. Patricia looked beautiful and elegant as always.

27. She’s beautiful. I’m nuts about her.

27. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

28. She was even more beautiful than I had remembered.

29. After the verb to love, to help is the most beautiful verb in the world. 

30. The diamonds of other countries are always the most beautiful

More similar words: beauty, bifurcate, bureau, tableau, rousseau, bureaucracy, taut, auto, autumn, hauteur, autonomy, stiff, authorize, automatic, authority, astronaut, ratify, bean, beam, automobile, autocratic, gratify, justify, mortify, rectify, testify, beach, beast, beard, ratified. 

beautiful — перевод на русский


I’m beautiful.

Я красивая.

And she’s beautiful.

А она красивая.

She was so beautiful.

Она такая красивая.

And now, you’re still very beautiful.

вы очень красивая.

Who is that beautiful girl?

Кто эта красивая девушка?

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It’s beautiful in, though.

Здесь прекрасно.

You still think it’s beautiful and sweet to die for your country, don’t you?

Вы всё ещё думаете что это прекрасно и сладко погибнуть за свою родину?

And wait. One day, London will glow with incandescence… and will be so beautiful that even you will be moved by it.

Однажды Лондон засветится светом ламп накаливания… и это будет так прекрасно, что даже тебя тронет.

— It’d go just beautifully with my neck. — Hmm.

Оно будет так прекрасно смотреться на моей шее.

Why, Ellen, she dances beautifully.

Да ведь, Эллен, она прекрасно танцует.

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Hello there, beautiful.

Привет, красавица.

She’s beautiful, isn’t she?

Красавица, правда? — Да.

You look beautiful, Red.

Ты красавица, Рыжая.

It was beautiful.

Она красавица.

Beautiful, my baby.

Ты красавица, крошка.

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— Pierre. It’s too beautiful coming all at once.

— Пьер, это слишком хорошо и неожиданно.

Everything’s so beautiful here!

Здесь так хорошо!

If something hurts very much or if something is so beautiful that it is beyond impressions, then this could be a way to tell it.

Если тебя что-то очень беспокоит или наоборот так хорошо, что не знаешь, как это передать, то всё это можно сказать музыкой.

I had everything laid out in the dining room and it was just beautiful.

Я все приготовила там, в гостиной, да так хорошо!

This is so beautiful..

Здесь хорошо, да?

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All those beautiful things that were destroyed… I could restore.

Вся эта красота была уничтожена и я хочу её восстановить.

That’s beautiful.

Какая красота!

Isn’t that beautiful?

Ну не красота?

Oh, how… beautiful.

Какая, красота.

Sure is beautiful.

Просто красота.

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It was beautiful there.

Там было так замечательно.

It’s so beautiful, Cousin Felipe.

Это так замечательно, кузина Фелипе.

Mother won’t ride in the dogcart. But i’m afraid there isn’t room for all of you. Mais certainement, it will do beautifully.

но я боюсь свободных номеров нет о все будет замечательно моя служанка может расположиться рядом с вашим грумом она худенькая а Купидон встанет в ногах и мою сумку поставим в ноги о я уверяю вас я уверена, портье в отеле падет к моим ногам

— Yes, but it is beautiful.

— Да, но это же замечательно.

Oh, that was beautiful!

Просто замечательно.

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Marjorie, I was just having the most beautiful dream about you.

Марджори, мне снился чудесный сон, я видел вас…

She has such a beautiful mouth too.

У неё чудесный ротик.

Tell me, Wolfie dear, will we have a beautiful home?

Скажите мне, Вольф дорогой, будет ли у нас чудесный дом?

Oh, look at my beautiful tail.

Взгляните на мой чудесный хвостик.

Beautiful view from there. Come on.

Оттуда открывается чудесный вид.

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I’ll fix it with flowers, and it will look beautiful.

Я бы предложил это сделать с цветами, будет очень красиво.

Yes, it’s beautiful — the foam on the crests of the waves

Да, очень красиво — пена на гребнях волн.

Did you ever see anything as beautiful?

Правда, очень красиво?

You’re right, it’s beautiful here.

Да, очень красиво здесь.

The sunset is beautiful in the woods.

Пойдём на озеро, посмотрим закат, там очень красиво.

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You dance beautifully, my dear.

Вы великолепно танцуете, моя дорогая.

Beautiful, Lance.

Великолепно, Ланс!

Luz, darling, you look just beautiful!

Лаз, дорогая, ты выглядишь великолепно.

— Yes, it looks beautiful.

Не так ли? О да, великолепно!

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The most beautiful creature west of Exeter.

–Лучшая красотка в округе.

The beautiful one is at the bar. She will probably have trouble.

Красотка у стойки бара и, кажется, она попала в беду.

Beautiful girl You’re a lovely picture

Красотка моя, прелестная картинка.

Beautiful girl You’re a gorgeous mixture

Красотка моя прекрасная блондинка

Beautiful girl What a gorgeous creature

Красотка моя, Прекрасное создание

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Beautiful sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use beautiful in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for beautiful.

  • I never saw anything half so beautiful! (4)
  • The beautiful morning! (8)
  • The ride was beautiful. (10)
  • Was she still beautiful? (8)
  • A very beautiful morning. (10)
  • A beautiful, warm night…. (8)
  • Thin Eastern china, good and really beautiful! (8)
  • I have had a beautiful dream. (10)
  • Truly a most beautiful night! (10)
  • We speed for beautiful Devon. (10)
  • I think it is extremely beautiful. (8)
  • Now go and make yourself beautiful. (8)
  • Rip and I have had a beautiful day. (10)
  • Why am I not beautiful, was her thought. (10)
  • He thinks you have such a beautiful house. (9)
  • It happened that Mrs. Lovell was beautiful. (10)
  • It was beautiful to see her, but it was sad. (8)
  • Adiante was as beautiful by day as by night. (10)
  • She had brothers, horse-dealers, beautiful fiddlers. (10)
  • The simplicity of the life of labour looked beautiful. (10)
  • Smiling villages and beautiful cities pass in procession. (21)
  • A light glimmered across the dewy blue of her beautiful eyes. (10)
  • When she came forth, Edward thought her marvellously beautiful. (10)
  • Ashurst smiled, and when he smiled his face was rather beautiful. (8)
  • I cannot help admiring a beautiful and brave self-denying nature. (10)
  • Beautiful as you truly are, Carry, five years more will tell on you. (10)
  • They were known beautiful eyes, in a foreign land of night and mist. (10)
  • Nevil had once called her beautiful; his praise had given her beauty. (10)
  • We opened, and beheld a very beautiful young woman, in Tyrolese costume. (6)
  • But London is better than Orleans, and the English country is so beautiful. (8)
  • Grudgingly he admitted her still beautiful and in figure almost as young as ever. (8)
  • Beautiful as she is, she is not so much beautiful as interesting. (2)
  • Or else he would have lashed himself for hanging on the beautiful eyes of a woman. (10)
  • Besides two operas and a number of beautiful songs, he has composed five symphonies. (3)
  • Its pale rays fled out on either hand; beautiful but grim was the vision they disclosed. (8)
  • As long as the captain is civil to him, we may be sure beautiful Amy has not complained. (10)
  • His image rose before her day and night, sometimes alone, sometimes with his beautiful bride. (5)
  • Fight in this beautiful climate that you may be dominated by a blue coat, not by a white coat. (10)
  • It was all so wonderfully beautiful and his heart filled to overflowing with memories and hopes. (5)
  • Meanwhile there was a fear that he would lose his chance of marrying the beautiful Miss Durham. (10)
  • Sir Walter thought much of Mrs Wallis; she was said to be an excessively pretty woman, beautiful. (4)
  • On a beautiful day of May he and his friends had reached the city of Acquapendente in the Abruzzi. (12)
  • It is not noble to love the beautiful, or to live for it, or by it; and it may even not be refining. (9)
  • Mrs. Mountstuart was led away to inspect the beautiful porcelain service, the present of Lady Busshe. (10)
  • Most of the adsmithing is now employed in persuading people that such things are useful, beautiful, and pure. (9)
  • Passing through the Groceries her eye was unpleasantly attracted by the back view of a very beautiful figure. (8)
  • The act of service was beautiful in gracefulness, and her simplicity in doing the work touched it spiritually. (10)
  • A beautiful woman choosing to rhapsodize has her way, and is not subjected to the critical commentary within us. (10)
  • Colour flooded the beautiful dark face, as of the funeral hues of a sun suffusing all the heavens; firing earth. (10)
  • I have heard the chimes of Oxford playing their symphony in a golden autumn morning, and beautiful it was to hear. (2)
  • How they grew from tiny seeds to great and beautiful things, and then slowly, slowly dried and decayed away to dust. (8)
  • Then, remembering that his mother had said moonlit nights were beautiful, he continued to stare out in a general way. (8)
  • It was the pace of a bulky man of fifty, and his head was that beautiful head we all know from the many pictures of it. (9)
  • The next morning the ladies assembled again on the piazza to decide what should be done with the beautiful day before them. (9)
  • He looked so beautiful and peaceful sitting in that chair under the tree; it was I who first came on him sitting there, you know. (8)
  • The beautiful concision of style in this document gave Algernon a feeling of profound deference toward the law and its officers. (10)
  • It was beautiful there, too, with the bright open fields hedged with great elms, and that ever-rich serenity of its grass and trees. (8)
  • The simpler and more straightforward the design, the cheaper it is and the more beautiful it can be made in the hands of the good artist. (17)
  • Hot tears were shed, for though not one of all the mourners had ever really known Bianca, they felt that they had lost something beautiful. (5)
  • Longfellow was in the fulness of his world-wide fame, and in the ripeness of the beautiful genius which was not to know decay while life endured. (9)
  • Alice stood there, beautiful, pathetic, austere; and Dan had halted in the spot to which he had advanced, when her eye forbade him to approach nearer. (9)
  • The string-quartets are not always in quartet style and their structure is sometimes open to criticism, but they are individual and contain much that is beautiful. (3)

Also see sentences for: beauteous, comely, exquisite, fair, fastidious, handsome, lovely.

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When I go to the web site flick-r , I see beautiful photos .

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  • good-looking
  • gorgeous
  • graceful
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  • handsome
  • lovely
  • magnificent
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  • pleasing
  • pretty
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  • stunning
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  • wonderful
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  • angelic
  • beauteous
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  • symmetrical
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  • well-formed

On this page you’ll find 137 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to beautiful, such as: alluring, appealing, charming, cute, dazzling, and delicate.

antonyms for beautiful

  • awkward
  • bad
  • coarse
  • crude
  • drab
  • dull
  • homely
  • horrible
  • inelegant
  • inferior
  • insignificant
  • offensive
  • ordinary
  • paltry
  • poor
  • repulsive
  • rough
  • ugly
  • uncouth
  • unrefined
  • disgusting
  • grotesque
  • hideous
  • plain
  • unattractive

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING beautiful

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


What are other ways to say beautiful?

A person or thing that is beautiful has perfection of form, color, etc., or noble and spiritual qualities: a beautiful landscape, a beautiful woman. Handsome often implies stateliness or pleasing proportion and symmetry: a handsome man. That which is lovely is beautiful but in a warm and endearing way: a lovely smile. Pretty implies a moderate but noticeable beauty, emphasizing gracefulness or delicacy: a pretty flower.

How to use beautiful in a sentence

Along the way, you’ll visit a women’s weaving cooperative, learn how to make tortillas, and hunker down at beautiful glamping sites, one of which has front-row views of Fuego, a very active volcano.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • adorable
  • agreeable
  • alluring
  • beautiful
  • beckoning
  • bewitching
  • captivating
  • charming
  • comely
  • enchanting
  • engaging
  • enthralling
  • enticing
  • fair
  • fascinating
  • fetching
  • glamorous
  • good-looking
  • gorgeous
  • handsome
  • hunky
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  • pleasing
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  • pretty
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  • stunning
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  • tantalizing
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  • tempting
  • winning
  • winsome
  • amazing
  • astonishing
  • beautiful
  • cool
  • excellent
  • exceptional
  • fabulous
  • great
  • impressive
  • intense
  • marvelous
  • mind-blowing
  • outstanding
  • remarkable
  • terrific
  • wonderful
  • acceptable
  • agreeable
  • attractive
  • beautiful
  • comely
  • cute
  • effective
  • enhancing
  • excellent
  • fair
  • graceful
  • handsome
  • neat
  • nice
  • presentable
  • pretty
  • seemly
  • tasteful
  • welcome
  • well-chosen
  • alluring
  • beautiful
  • captivating
  • charming
  • desirable
  • enchanting
  • engaging
  • enthralling
  • enticing
  • fascinating
  • glamorous
  • lovely
  • luring
  • pretty
  • seductive
  • tempting
  • winning
  • winsome
  • adorable
  • beautiful
  • charming
  • dainty
  • delightful
  • pleasant
  • pretty
  • adorable
  • beautiful
  • charming
  • dainty
  • delightful
  • pleasant
  • pretty

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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