Make sentence using the word write


Make sentences from the words and write them in your notebook. Put one verb in the past simple and one verb in the past continuous.

1 i/shop/when/ meet / her
(i was shopping when i met her.)

2 While/we/ eat / breakfast / the letter / arrive

3 Sarah/not go / because /she/not feel / very well

4 As/i/fall/my parachute / suddenly / open

5 you/have/ a shower / when/i/phone?

6 Gavin/break / his arm / while / he /do / judo​

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

     1 the children have never been to the circus
    2 we have already done our room
    3 they have just begun doing their homework
    4 i ‘ve never swum in the ocean
    5 nick hasn t ggiven back my dictionary
    6 my cousin has become an engineer
    7 mr has already written a new book

    1. Ответ

      Ответ дан

      Спасибо огромное а то завтра сдавать а я спать хочу снова огромное спасибо

    2. Ответ

      Ответ дан

  2. 1.The children never have been to the circus.
    2.We have done already our room.
    3.They have just begun doing their homework.
    4.I have never swum in the ocean.
    5.Nick hasn`t given back my dictionary.
    6.My cousin has become an engineer.
    7.Mr Watterson has written a new book.


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8. Make sentences using the following word combinations according
to Table 2 and the Model.
Model: to speak English at the lesson — We always speak English at the
to live in this street; to go to the office by bus; to study a foreign
language; to work hard at English; to read books in English; to get up
at 7 o’clock; to work at the plant


Светило науки — 21184 ответа — 153888 раз оказано помощи

I live in this street with my family. My mother usually goes to the office by bus. We study a foreign language at school. I am working hard at my English. But I can’t read books in English, yet. On weekdays I  get up at 7 o’clock and have breakfast. My father works at the plant nearby.


Светило науки — 766 ответов — 4857 раз оказано помощи

We always live in this street.
We always to go to the office by bus.
We always study a foreigne language.
We always work hard at English.
We always read books in English.
We always get up at 7 o`clock.
We always work at the plant.

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