Make new word from other words

Combine up to 4 words into one unique word. You can make an unlimited amount of word combinations by putting in or taking out words.

Here are example combined words: Condensed + Fang


  • cang
  • cfang
  • cg
  • cng
  • coang
  • cofang
  • cog
  • conang
  • condang
  • condeang
  • condefang
  • condeg
  • condenang
  • condenfang
  • condeng
  • condenng
  • condensang
  • condenseang
  • condensedang
  • condensedfang
  • condensedg
  • condensedng
  • condensefang
  • condenseg
  • condenseng
  • condensfang
  • condensg
  • condensng
  • condfang
  • condg
  • condng
  • confang
  • cong
  • conng


Word Generator is the perfect tool to create words. Be you in search of a Scrabble word generator or just in need of some random words, the device generates all possible words from the given letters. Try it and transform random letters into winning words!

The Essential Guide to Using Word Solvers

Are you looking for a random word generator?

Whether you are playing a word game or just challenging your friends, a world solver is the thing you need. Curious about how these generators work and help you win? Let’s find out!

What is a Word Generator — Word Solver Definition

In a nutshell, a word generator is a tool that helps you to find words. It generates all possible words from your letters and by doing so, helps you discover new ones. People use word solvers for various reasons, but the main aim is always the same — to make words from your input letters. 

Our word solver is quick and user-friendly, in a few milliseconds, you can get a list of all possible words that can help you beat your friends at a game or win at challenges. So any time you are stuck with words, get help from a word generator. 

How to Use a Word Generator App — 3 Simple Steps

All word generators, whether it’s a word solver, word cheat website, or unscramble app, work on the same principle. You enter the letters you have ended up with into the word solver box to create new words. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to use an online cheat word helper.

Step 1. Check the Letters or Tiles

If you are playing a board game, check the letters you have got. You will probably have some tiles containing letters, vowels, consonants, syllables, and more. If you are trying to make new words, then decide which alphabets you are going to use. 

Let’s take an example to illustrate the process. Let’s say you have got the letters M, A, R, T, Y, R, O, L.

Step 2: Enter the Letters in the Search Box

All word solvers will have a blank space or box to enter the letters. Your job is to type in all the letters you will use to spell the word. Now the next task depends on what you are using.

  • If you are using a word cheat website, press enter or go beside the search box
  • For word generator apps, press the search button

So following our example, type in the letters M, A, R, T, Y, R, O, L. Press enter and wait for the results to load.

Step 3: Check Out the Word List

Now the word maker will display the results according to the word length from the letters given. If we use the letters in our example, the word finder result will include

6-Letter Words

  • Rotary
  • Martyr

4-Letter Words

  • Mortal
  • Armory

3-Letter Words 

  • Mortar

Now you can use the words to earn points and win word games for free!

How to Make Words Online

The first thing you will want to do is to find a word generator. You can do a simple Google to get a list of word jumble generator sites and apps. 

Then you need to follow the exact steps we discussed above to generate new words using the word grabber. For example, let’s assume you are trying to make words with the letters D, E, T, O, I, R.

The next thing you do is to

  1. Enter the letters in the search box
  2. Press enter or go
  3. Get your results

So here, the letter combination generator will display words like

  • Editor
  • Rioted
  • Tie
  • Rod
  • Toe
  • Dot
  • Ire

How to Use Word Solver for Multiple Letters

Have you ended up with too many letters in your hands?

You have nothing to worry about as the unscramble generator will ease your troubles! No matter how many letters you’ve got, the 3,4,5,6,7 letter word generator will do its job. We will take an example to show you how.

8 Letter Example

We will take the letters C, T, I, N, M, A, R and O. Here we have 8 letters. 

Now you know what to do — enter the letters in the box and hit go!

Doing so gives you new words that include

  • Romantic
  • Carotin
  • Atomic
  • Carton
  • Train
  • Ratio
  • Coat
  • Tram
  • Air
  • Ran

So you again have a list of words grouped by length to win your game! 

A word solver is ideal when you have to make new words, no matter how you are going to use them. 

The ‘Word Formation Process’ is regarded as the branch of Morphology, and it has a significant role in expanding the vocabulary that helps us communicate very smoothly. The main objectives of the word-formation process are to form new words with the same root by deploying different rules or processes.

In other words, we can say that the word-formation process is a process in which new words are formed by modifying the existing terms or completely changing those words.

Let us see the fundamental word-formation processes in linguistics:


‘Derivation’ is a significant word-formation process that attaches derivation affixes to the main form to create a new word. Affixes (prefixes or suffixes) are regarded as bound morphemes.

A morpheme is the smallest meaningful syntactical or grammar unit of a language that cannot be divided without changing its meaning. In contrast to the free morpheme, a bound morpheme doesn’t have any independent meaning, and it needs the help of a free morpheme to form a new word.

Let us see some examples of derivation in the below table:

Base Forms New Words
Appear Disappear
Justice Injustice
Lighten Enlighten
Friend Friendship
Happy Happiness

Back Formation

‘Back-Formation’ is a word-formation process that eliminates the actual derivational affix from the main form to create a new word. However, Back-Formation is contrary to derivation in terms of forming new words. Let us see some examples of Back-Formation in the below table:

Base Forms Back Formation
Insertion Insert
Donation Donate
Precession Process
Obsessive Obsess
Resurrection Resurrect


In conversion, a word of one grammatical form converts into another without changing spelling or pronunciation. For example, the term ‘Google’ originated as a noun before the verb.

A few years ago, we only used the term as a noun (search it on Google), but now we say ‘Google it. Let us see some examples of conversion in the below table:

Noun To Verb
Access – to access
Google – to google
Email – to email
Name – to name
Host – to host
Verb To Noun
To hope Hope
To cover Cover
To increase Increase
To attack Attack


‘Compounding’ is a word-formation process that allows words to combine to make a new word. Compounding words can be formed as two words joined with a hyphen. Let us see some examples in the below table:

Words Compounding Words
Class+room Classroom
Note+book Notebook
Break+up Breakup
Brother+in+law Brother in law
High+light Highlight


‘Clipping’ is another essential word-formation process that reduces or shortens a word without changing the exact meaning. In contrast to the back-formation process, it reserves the original meaning.

Clipping is divided into four types. They are:

  1. Back Clipping
  2. Fore Clipping
  3. Middle Clipping
  4. Complex Clipping

Every Clipping has different roles in words when they are assigned. Back Clipping removes the end part of a word; Fore Clipping removes the beginning part of a word; Middle Clipping reserves the middle position. Finally, Complex Clipping removes multiple pieces from multiple words.

Let us see some examples in the below table:

Words Clippings
Advertisement Ad
Photograph Photo
Telephone Phone
Influenza Flue
Cabletelegram Cablegram


In the ‘Blending’ word-formation method, the parts of two or more words combine to form a new word. Let us see some examples in the below table:

Words Blendings
Breakfast+lunch Brunch
Biographical+picture Biopic
Motor+hotel Motel
Spanish+English Spanglish
Telephone+marathon Telethon


‘Abbreviation’ is another famous and widely used word-formation method used to shorten a word or phrase. In the modern era, ‘Abbreviation is becoming more popular. Nowadays, people used to use it everywhere. Let us see some examples in the below table:

Words/Phrases Abbreviation
Junior Jr.
Mister Mr.
Mistress Miss.
Doctor Dr.
Department Dept.
Bachelor of Arts B.A.
Master of Arts M.A.
Master of Business Administration MBA


An Acronym is a popular word-formation process in which an initialism is pronounced as a word. It forms from the first letter of each word in a phrase, and the newly formed letters create a new word that helps us speedy communication. For example, ‘PIN’ is an initialism for Personal Identification Number used as the word ‘pin.’

However, let us see some other famous examples of acronyms in the below table for a better understanding:

Acronyms Words/Phrases
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ASAP As Soon As Possible
AWOL Absent Without Leave


‘Borrowing’ is another word-formation process in which a word from one language is borrowed directly into another language. Let us see some English words which are borrowed from another language:

Algebra Arabic
Cherub Hebrew
Murder French
Pizza Italian
Tamale Spanish


Now we know that Word-Formation Processes are the methods by which words are formed by deploying different types of rules. We can create new words by following the above word-formation methods.

We need to do one thing: we have to follow the fundamental rules or processes of word formation.

Azizul Hakim is the founder & CEO of He is a passionate writer, English instructor, and content creator. He has completed his graduation and post-graduation in English language and literature.

Anagram Maker

Rearrange letters in words and phrases to get other words! Enter the words in the field below and click the Generate button.

Anagram Maker

Playing with words to create new ones is something we all have done once. This is called an anagram, where you take a word or phrase and rearrange them to make new words. You shift the letters around and use them only once.

It is a great way to aid language learning and also help in reading development. You can show how many words can come from a single word or a phrase using the same letters. So, to make things easy for you, we have an all-new Anagram Maker that allows you to make different words using a single word and phrase.

It is a free and fun online tool that you can use to make anagrams from any word or phrase with just a click. So, since the tool will handle it for you, you don’t have to overthink to come up with a bunch of words from a few alphabets.

Our Anagram Maker will just rearrange the letters with a dictionary check. Once you complete that part, the tool automatically displays various words from your input. It will take a few seconds, and the Anagram Maker will do all the hard work for you.

After the list is in front of you, choose the words you want to include. With an easy-to-use interface, this powerful tool allows you to make hundreds and thousands of anagrams from different words within seconds.

It can make the learning process a lot easier and can help you teach young ones how to rearrange the letters to make new words from a single word or sentence.

Or, if you are playing a scrabble game online with your friends and need to figure out some words, then the Anagram Maker can come in handy for you. And these are just a few use cases; there are endless ways that you can use the Anagram Maker to your benefit.

a process of creating new words from material available in the
language after a certain structural and semantic formulas and
pattern, forming words by combining root & affix morphemes.

2 Types of word formation:

Compounding (словосложение)

Word – derivation

the types further distinction may be made between the ways of forming
words. The basic way of forming words is word-derivation affixation
and conversion apart from this shortening and a number of minor ways
of formal words such as back-forming, blending, sound imitation are
traditionally referred to formation.

Different types of word

the formation of new words by means of suffixes and prefixes to

Affixes may be grouped

1) according to their
linguistic origin. We distinguish affixes of Germanic origin (full,
less), of Romanic origin (ion), of Greek origin (ise, izm);

2) according to the parts of
speech. We distinguish noun forming, adj. forming and verb forming

according to semantic functions. They may denote persons, quality,
negation. Many suffixes originated from separate words: hood
originated for the noun hood, which meant state or condition; full –
(adj. In O.E) now it is suffix. Suffixes may change the part of
speech: critic (al).

suffixes are divided into lexical
and grammatical

suffixes build new word. Productive
ex: read-readable, happy-happiness, act-actor.

suffixes change the grammatical form of a word. Often used to create
neologisms and nonce-words (I
don’t like Sunday evenings: I feel so mondayish)

For ex: finish-finished, say-says, rose-roses.

productive suffixes:

forming – er,
ing, is, ist, ance

– forming – y,
ish, ed, able, less

– forming – ly

Verb – forming — Ize, /ise,


Un, die, re

(zero derivation) it is one of the major ways of enriching EV &
referrers to the numerous cases of phonetic identity of word forms of
2 words belonging to different part of speech.. The new word has a
meaning which differs from that of original one though it can ><
be associated with it. nurse
(noun) to nurse – to feed

A certain stem is used for the
formation of a categorically different word without a derivative
element being added.

– to bag, Back – to back , Bottle – to bottle
specific pattern is very productive in English

most popular types are noun →verb or verb→noun To
take off – a take off

can be total
or partial
Partial: the then
president (тогдашний).
An adverb is used as an adjective, only in this particular context.
Total: work
– to work

may be the result of shading of English endings. The historical
changes may be briefly outlined as follows: in O.E. a verb and a noun
of the same root were distinguished by their endings. For ex: the
verb ‘to love’ had a form (Old Eng.) ‘lufian’. This verb had
personal conjunctions. The noun ‘love’ had the form ‘lufu’
with different case endings. But in the course of time, the personal
and case endings were lost. There are numerous pairs of words (e. g.
love, n. — to love, v.; work, n. — to work, v.; drink, n. — to
drink, v., etc.) which did, not occur due to conversion but coincided
as a result of certain historical processes (dropping of endings,
simplification of stems) when before that they had different forms
(e. g. O. E. lufu, n. — lufian, v.).

two categories of parts of speech especially affected by conversion
are nouns and verbs. Verbs made from nouns are the most numerous
amongst the words produced by conversion: e. g. to
hand, to back, to face, to eye, to mouth, to nose, to dog, to wolf,
to monkey, to can, to coal, to stage, to screen, to room, to floor,
to blackmail, to blacklist, to honeymoon,

and very many others.

are frequently made from verbs: do (e. g. This
is the queerest do I»ve ever come across
Do — event, incident), go (e. g. He
has still plenty of go at his age.

Go — energy), make,
run, find, catch, cut, walk, worry, show, move
etc. Verbs can also be made from adjectives: to
pale, to yellow, to cool, to grey, to rough

(e. g. We
decided to rough it in the tents as the weather was warm

parts of speech are not entirely unsusceptible to conversion as the
following examples show: to
down, to out (as in a newspaper heading Diplomatist Outed from
Budapest), the ups and downs, the ins and outs, like, n, (as in the
like of me and the like of you).

& word comparison.
words are made of 2 derivational stems. The types of structure of CW:
morphological &syntactic

the process is released without any linking elements sunflower.
are three types of neutral compounds simple compounds went a compound
consist of a simple affixes stems.

derivational compound

— has affixes babysitter.


has a shorten stems. TV-set


in number. This type is non productive. Represented by words, where 2
stems are combined by a linking vowel/ consonant Anglo-Saxon,
statesman, craftsmanship.

– formed of segments of speech preserving articles, prepositions,
adverbs. Mother-in-law

word are made by stem ether without any phonetic changes Bye-Bye
or variation of a root vowel or consonant ping-pong

are 2 ways of producing them:

The word is formed from the syllable of the original word which in
term may loose its beginning –phone,
its ending vac

The word is formed from the initial letter of a word group BB,
bf – boyfriend. Acronyms
shorten words but read as one UNO


imitation –
are made by imitating different links of sounds that may be produced
by animals, birds…bark
mew –
names of animals, birds & insects are made by SI coo-coo
crow –

glide, to slip
supposed to convey the very sound of the smooth easy movement over a
slippery surface.

verb is produced from a noun by subtraction (вычитание)
– to bag, babysitter – to babysit

blending part of two words to form one word (merging into one word),
combining letters/sounds they have in common as a connecting element.
+ fog = smog, Breakfast + lunch = brunch, Smoke + haze = smaze

addictive type: they are transformable into a phrase consisting of
two words combined by a conjunction “and” smog
→ smoke & fog

blending of restrictive type: transformable into an attributive
phrase, where the first element serves as modifier of a second.
– positive electron,

– medical care

English is a unique mixture of Germanic & Romanic elements. This
mixing has resulted in the international character of the vocabulary.
In the comparison with other languages English possesses great
richness of vocabulary.

All languages are mixtures to
a greater or lesser extent, but the present day English vocabulary is
unique in this respect.

A brief look on various
historical strata of the English vocabulary:

1) through cultural contacts
with Romans partly already on the continent and all through the
influence of Christianity a very early stratum of Latin-Greek words
entered the language.

Their origin is no longer felt
by the normal speaker today in such word: pound, mint, mustard,
school, dish, chin, cleric, cheese, devil, pepper, street, gospel,

same can be said about some Scandinavian words (from about the 10th
century) that today belong to the central core of the vocabulary.

means that their frequency is very high. They,
their, them, sky, skin, skill, skirt, ill, dies, take…
partly supersede the number of OE words OE
heofon – heaven (sky) Niman – take

Steorfan – die

more radical change & profound influence on the English
vocabulary occurred on 1066 (Norman Conquest). Until the 15th
cent., a great number of French words were adopted. They belong to
the areas of court,
church, law, state.

Virtue, religion,
parliament, justice, noble, beauty, preach, honour…

influx of the words was the strongest up to the 15th
cent., but continued up to the 17th

Many French borrowings
retained their original pronunciation & stress

ballet, machine, garage…

Separate, attitude,
constitute, introduce…

Adjectives in English –
arrogant, important, patient

Sometimes with their

Demonstrative –

Separate – separation

17-18 cc. due to the
establishing of cultural, trade relations many words were borrowed
from Italian, Spanish, Dutch, French.

violin, opera

hurricane, tomato, tobacco

dog, landscape


From the point of view of
their etymology formal words are normally of classical Romanic
origin, informal – Anglo-Saxon.

Nowadays many Americanisms
become familiar due to the increase of transatlantic travel & the
influence of broadcast media.

in London (Heathrow airport) “baggage”
instead of “luggage”

The present day English
vocabulary is from being homogeneous.

word expressions are created for new things irrespective of their
scale of importance. They may be all important and concern some
social relationships (new form/ state)
People’s republic.
smth threatening the very existence of humanity nuclear

or the thing may be short lived. N
a newly coined word, phrase/ a new meaning for an existing word / a
word borrowed from another language.

development of science and industry technology: black
hole, internet, supermarket.

adaptive lexical system isn’t only adding new units but readjust
the ways & means of word formation radio
detection and ranging – RADAR

lex. System may adopt itself by combining several word-building
processes face-out
(noun) – the radioactive dust descending through the air after an
anatomic explosion.
word was coined by composition/ compounding & conversion.

–in (n) –a student conference/ series of seminars on some burning
issue of the day, meaning some demonstration on protest.
pattern is very frequent lis–in
, due-in

means protest demonstration when fluking traffic. Bionies
combination of bio & electron.


– air-conditioner – air-conditioning

to be not numerous and might be treated as exceptions now, evolving
into separate set.

N abscessed with smth and containing the elements mad
& happy: powermad, moneymad, auto-happy.

Conversion, composition,
semantic change are in constant use when coining N

change of meaning rather an introduction of a new additional meaning
may be illustrated by the word NETWORK
– stations for simultaneous broadcast of the same program.

accepted N may become a basis for further word formation. ZIP
– to zip – zipper


lex. System is unadaptive system, developing for many centuries and
reflecting the changing needs, servicing only in special context.
& historisms.


once common but are now replaced by synonyms. Mostly they are poetic:
– arch, morning – new word, hapless – arch, unlucky – modern.

the causes of the word’s disappearance are extralinguistic, eg. The
thing named is no longer used. They are very numerous as names for
social relations, institutions, objects of material culture of the
past, eg. many types of sailing craft belong to the past: caravels,
great many of

denotes various types of weapons in historical novels: blunderbuss
of them are in Voc in some figurative meaning: shiel
sword. –

in meaning, but identical in sound or spelling form


The result of split of polysemy capital

differs from polysemy because there is no semantic bond (связь)
between homonyms; it has been lost & doesn’t exist.

as the result of leveling of grammar in flections, when different
parts of speech become identical in their forms. Care
(in OE) — caru(n), care (OE) – carian (v)

By conversion
slim – to slim, water – to water

With the help of the same suffix fro the same stem. Reader
– the person who reads/a book for reading.

Accidentally. Native words can coincide in their form beran
– to bear, bera (animal) – to bear

Shortening of different words. Cab
(cabriolet, cabbage, cabin)

Homonyms can be of 3 kinds:

Homonyms proper (the sound & the spelling are identical)
bat – bat

animal (
— cricket bat (
back — part of body, away from the front, go to back

Homophones (the same sound form but different spelling)
flower – flour, sole – soul, rain – reign, bye-by-buy

Homographs (the same spelling)
tear [iə] – tear [εə, lead [i:] – lead [e]

Homonyms in English are very
numerous. Oxford English Dictionary registers 2540 homonyms, of which
89% are monosyllabic words and 9,1% are two-syllable words.

most homonyms are monosyllabic words. The trend towards
monosyllabism, greatly increased by the loss of inflections and
shortening, must have contributed much toward increasing the number
of homonyms in English.

Among the other ways of
creating homonyms the following processes must be mentioned:

the viewpoint of their origin homonyms are sometimes divided into
historical and etymological. Historical
homonyms are those which result from the breaking up of polysemy;
then one polysemantic word will split up into two or more separate
words. Etymo1ogiсal
homonyms are words of different origin which come to be alike in
sound or in spelling (and may be both written and pronounced alike).

and native words can coincide in form, thus producing homonyms (as in
the above given examples). In other cases homonyms are a result of
borrowing when several different words become identical in sound or
spelling. E.g. the Latin vitim — «wrong», «an immoral
habit» has given the English vice — вада
«evil conduct»; the Latin vitis -«spiral» has
given the English »vice» — тиски
«apparatus with strong jaws in which things can be hold
tightly»; the Latin vice — «instead of», «in
place of» will be found in vice — president.


synonym – a word of similar or identical meaning to one or more
words in the same language. All languages contain synonyms but in
English they exist in superabundance. There no two absolutely
identical words because connotations, ways of usage, frequency of an
occurrence are different. Senses of synonyms are identical in respect
of central semantic trades (denotational meaning) but differ in
respect of minor semantic trades (connotational). In each group of S
there’s a word with the most general meaning, with can substitute
any word of the group. TO
LOOK AT — to glance – to stare


Weather the different in
denotational/ connotational component

. They
bear the same idea but not identical in their referential content,
different shades of meaning or degree. BEAUTIFUL
– fine, handsome – pretty
ascent – to mount – to climb.

in emotive and stylistic sphere.












kick the bucket

— Devour (

Synonymic condensation is
typical of the English language.

refers to situations when writers or speakers bring together several
words with one & the same meaning to add more conviction, to
description more vivid. Ex.:
Lord & master, First & foremost, Safe & secure,
Stress & strain, by force & violence

synonyms there’s a special group of words –
to substitute some unpleasant or offensive words. Drunk
– marry

According to interchangability
context S are classified


An extremely rare occurrence. Ulman: “a luxury that language
can hardly afford.” M. Breal spoke about a law of distribution in
the language (words should be synonyms, were synonyms in the past
usually acquire different meanings and are no longer
interchangeable). Ex.: fatherland
— motherland

Context can emphasize some certain semantic trades & suppress
other semantic trades; words with different meaning can become
synonyms in a certain context. Ex.: tasteless
– dull, Active – curious, Curious – responsive

Synonyms can reflect social








Only speaking about younger
people by older people

Is not used by the higher
educated people

Positive connotation



lift – elevator, Queue – line, autumn – fall

authors classify group like:
like – love – adore, famous- celebrated – eminent
denote different degree of the same notion or different shades of
meanings and can be substituted only in some context.

belonging to the same part of speech identical in speech expressing
contrary or contradictory notion.

classify them into absolute/
have different roots
same root but different affixes. In most cases “-“ prefixes from
antonyms an,
dis, non.

Sometimes they are formed by suffixes full
& less
But they do not always substitute each other selfless
– selfish, successful – unsuccessful
same with “-“ prefixes
to appoint – to disappoint.

difference is not only in structure but in semantic. The DA
contradictory notions, one of then excludes the other active
– inactive.
contrary notion: ugly

plain – good-looking – pretty –


distinguished from complementarily
by being based on different logical relationshipd for pairs of
antonyms like
good – bad, big – small
is good (not bad). He is not good (doesn’t imply he is bad)
The negation (отрицание)
of one term doesn’t implies the assertion of the other.

Lines suggests proper
– tapped – cold
complementary antonyms
2 words negative and assertion not
male — female

also one type of semantic opposition conversives
denote one reference as viewed from different points of view that of
the subject & that of the object.
– sell, give — receive

minor image relations of functions husband
– wife, pupil – teacher, above – below, before — after


Phrasiological units/ idioms – motivated word group. They are
reproduced as readymade units. Express a singe notion, used in
sentence as one part of it.


PU when the meaning of the whole
not deducible from the sum of the meanings of the parts. Stability
of PU implies that it exist as a readymade linguistic unit, which
doesn’t allow of any variability of its lexical component of gr.

ling. literature the term
used for the expressions where the meaning of one element is depended
on the other. Vinogradov: “irrespective of structure and properties
of the units”. Smernitsky: “it denotes only such set expressions
which do not possess expressiveness or emotional coloring”. Arnold:
“it says that only denotes such set expressions that are
imaginative, expressive and emotional”. Ammosova call them fixed
context units –
can’t substitute an element without changing the meaning of the
whole. Ahmanova insists on the semantic intearity of such phrases:
“prevailing over the structural separates of their element”.
Kuning lays stress on the structural separatness of the elements in
the PU on the change of meaning in the whole as compared with its
elements taken separately with its elements and on a certain minimum

dictionary) mode of expression peculiarities of diction. That is
choice and arrangement of words and phrases characteristic of some
author.there are difficult terms. Idioms word equivalents & these
difficult units or terminology reflects certain differences in the
main criteria used to distinguish.

lack of semantic motivation 2. Lexical & grammatical stability

criteria: 1). The degree of semantic isolation 2). The degree of

Opaque in meaning (трудный
the meaning of the individual words can’t be summed together to
produce the meaning of the
kick the bucket = to die
contains no clue to the idiomatic meaning of this expression.The
degree of semantic isolation is the highest.

The 3 typesof PU:

Phraseological fusions. The degree of motivation is very low. one
component preserves its direct meaning Ex.:
to pass the buck = to pass responsibility –

Phraseological unities. Clearly motivated. Transparent both
components in their direct meaning but the combination acquires
figurative sense to
see the light = to understand, old salt —

Phraseological combinations. There is a component used in its
direct meaning. There are lots of idioms (proverbs, saying). To
be good at smth.
killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back

Idioms institutionalized formulas of politeness:How
do you do?Good-bye (God be with you) How about a drink?

Structural classification
of PU

Prof. A.I. Smirnitsky worked
out structural classification of phraseological units, comparing them
with words. He points out one-top units which he compares with
derived words because derived words have only one root morpheme. He
points out two-top units which he compares with compound words
because in compound words we usually have two root morphemes.

one-top units he

points out three structural types;

units of the type «to give up» (verb + postposition type), e.g. to
art up, to back up, to drop out, to nose out, to buy into, to
sandwich in etc.;

units of the type «to be tired» . Some of these units remind the
Passive Voice in their structure but they have different prepositions
with them, while in the Passive Voice we can have only prepositions
«by» or «with», e.g. to
be tired of, to be interested in, to be surprised at etc
There are also units in this type which remind free word-groups of
the type «to be young», e.g. to be akin to, to be aware of etc.
The difference between them is that the adjective «young» can be
used as an attribute and as a predicative in a sentence, while the
nominal component in such units can act only as a predicative. In
these units the verb is the grammar centre and the second component
is the semantic centre;

Prepositional- nominal phraseological units. These units are
equivalents of unchangeable words: prepositions, conjunctions,
adverbs, that is why they have no grammar centre, their semantic
centre is the nominal part, e.g.
On the doorstep (quite near), on the nose (exactly), in the course
of, on the stroke of, in time, on the point of

etc. In the course of time such units can become words, e.g.
instead etc.

two-top units

A.I. Smirnitsky points out the following structural types:

a) attributive-nominal such
as: a month of Sundays, grey matter, a millstone round one’s neck
and many others. Units of this type are noun equivalents and can be
partly or perfectly idiomatic. In partly idiomatic units (phrasisms)
sometimes the first component is idiomatic, e.g. high road, in other
cases the second component is idiomatic, e.g. first night. In many
cases both components are idiomatic, e.g. red tape, blind alley, bed
of nail, shot in the arm and many others.

b) verb-nominal phraseological
units, e.g. to read between the lines , to speak BBC, to sweep under
the carpet etc. The grammar centre of such units is the verb, the
semantic centre in many cases is the nominal component, e.g. to fall
in love. In some units the verb is both the grammar and the semantic
centre, e.g. not to know the ropes. These units can be perfectly
idiomatic as well, e.g. to burn one’s boats,to vote with one’s
feet, to take to the cleaners’ etc.

Very close to such units are
word-groups of the type to have a glance, to have a smoke. These
units are not idiomatic and are treated in grammar as a special
syntactical combination, a kind of aspect.

c) phraseological repetitions,
such as : now or never, part and parcel , country and western etc.
Such units can be built on antonyms, e.g. ups and downs , back and
forth; often they are formed by means of alliteration, e.g cakes and
ale, as busy as a bee. Components in repetitions are joined by means
of conjunctions. These units are equivalents of adverbs or adjectives
and have no grammar centre. They can also be partly or perfectly
idiomatic, e.g. cool as a cucumber (partly), bread and butter

Phraseological units the same
as compound words can have more than two tops (stems in compound
words), e.g. to take a back seat, a peg to hang a thing on, lock,
stock and barrel, to be a shaddow of one’s own self, at one’s own
sweet will.

Syntactical classification
of PU

units can be classified as parts of speech. This classification was
suggested by I.V. Arnold. Here we have the following groups:

a) noun phraseologisms
denoting an object, a person, a living being, e.g. bullet train,
latchkey child, redbrick university, Green Berets,

b) verb phraseologisms
denoting an action, a state, a feeling, e.g. to break the log-jam, to
get on somebody’s coattails, to be on the beam, to nose out , to
make headlines,

c) adjective phraseologisms
denoting a quality, e.g. loose as a goose, dull as lead ,

d) adverb phraseological
units, such as : with a bump, in the soup, like a dream , like a dog
with two tails,

e) preposition phraseological
units, e.g. in the course of, on the stroke of ,

f) interjection phraseological
units, e.g. «Catch me!», «Well, I never!» etc.

In I.V.Arnold’s
classification there are also sentence equivalents, proverbs, sayings
and quatations, e.g. «The sky is the limit», «What makes him
tick», » I am easy». Proverbs are usually metaphorical, e.g. «Too
many cooks spoil the broth», while sayings are as a rule
non-metaphorical, e.g. «Where there is a will there is a way».

Tip: See my list of the Most Common Mistakes in English. It will teach you how to avoid mis­takes with com­mas, pre­pos­i­tions, ir­reg­u­lar verbs, and much more.

English speakers are very creative when it comes to making up new words by combining parts of words that already exist. For example, most people know that “brunch” is a combination of “breakfast” and “lunch”, but did you know that “smog” comes from “smoke” and “fog”?

There are lots and lots of such words in English, many more than in other European languages. One of the reasons for that is, of course, that English has many more speakers than other European languages (with the exception of Spanish), so there are more people who can potentially create a catchy new word.

Nevertheless, I believe that the main reason is much more pragmatic. English is a fairly analytic language, which in linguistic jargon refers to a language that, simply put, conveys the function of a word using word order and things like prepositions rather than endings and prefixes. Words in English are thought of as isolated units, whereas words in other European languages often carry additional information, and it is much easier to merge two isolated units than to merge two words carrying a lot of additional information, some of which would inevitably be lost during merging.

But enough of that theoretical nonsense. Let’s take a look at actual examples of such words in English.

English portmanteaus

A portmanteau is a type of blend word in which the beginning of one word is combined with the final part of another word. For example, it may surprise you that the word “bit” used in computing (as in “megabit”) is a portmanteau of ”binary” and “digit” (its development was probably influenced by the fact that “bit” already was an English word meaning a small amount of something). Sometimes the two parts may overlap, e.g. “smash”, which is composed of “smack” and “mash” with “ma” connecting the two parts.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common portmanteaus in English that are more or less accepted (note that the list excludes brand and product names, which are often based on a portmanteau):

alphanumeric = alphabetic + numeric
advertorial = advertisement +‎ editorial
bit = binary + digit (only in computing)
brainiac = brain + maniac
breathalyzer = breath + analyzer
Brexit = Britain + exit
brunch = breakfast + lunch
camcorder = camera + recorder
dumbfound = dumb (mute) + confound
electrocute = electro- + execute
email = electronic + mail
emoticon = emotion + icon
endorphin = endogenous + morphine
fanzine = fan + magazine
forex = foreign + exchange
guesstimate = guess + estimate
infomercial = information + commercial
keytar = keyboard + guitar
labradoodle = labrador + poodle
mechatronics = mechanics +‎ electronics
metrosexual = metropolitan +‎ heterosexual
moped = motor + pedals (borrowed from Swedish)
motel = motor + hotel
napalm = naphthenic + palmitic
Oxbridge = Oxford + Cambridge (used in the UK to refer collectively to the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge)
newscast = news + broadcast
paratrooper = parachute + troop + -er
phablet = phone + tablet
pulsar = pulsating + star
sexting = sex + texting
sheeple = sheep + people
smash = smack +‎ mash
smog = smoke + fog
Spanglish = Spanish + English
televangelist = television + evangelist
transistor = transconductance or transfer + resistor
vlog = video + blog (itself a shortening of web + log)
vitamin = vital + amine (introduced by a Polish biochemist when it was thought that all vitamins contained an amino acid)
webinar = web + seminar
workaholic = work + -a- + alcoholic

There is also an archaic word “cameleopard”, composed of “camel” and “leopard”, which means “giraffe”. If you are interested in the history of that word (and of the word “giraffe”), you can read my article about them.

Blend words combining the beginnings of two words

Another type of blend words, which are less common than portmanteaus in English, is formed by taking the first part of one word, the first part of another word, and merging them into one word. Here are the most common such words:

Amerind = American + Indian (referring to native Americans)
botox = botulism + toxin
cyborg = cybernetic + organism
cosplay = costume + play
hazmat = hazardeous + mataterial
modem = modulator + demodulator
sitcom = situation + comedy

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При изучении английского один из важных аспектов — новые слова. Как правило, студенты пишут их в тетрадь/приложение, с примерами и переводом. Стараются запомнить новую лексику. Но одной зубрежкой здесь не обойтись. Предлагаю научиться пользоваться словообразованием, то есть изменять уже знакомые слова.

Словообразование (word formation) — это способы, при которых из одного слова можно сделать новые. Путем добавления суффикса, приставки, сокращения или конверсии. Овладев словообразованием вы будете гораздо свободнее чувствовать себя в английской лексике.


  • 1 4 способа словообразования в английском
  • 2 Приставки как способ словообразования в английском 
  • 3 Суффиксы как способ словообразования в английском
  • 4 Как образуются глаголы в английском
  • 5 Как образуются наречия  в английском
  • 6 Таблица словообразования по частям речи 
  • 7 Объединение суффиксов и приставок: преобразование слов в английском языке
  • 8 Конверсия в английском
  • 9 Сокращение в английском

4 способа словообразования в английском

Английский язык известен своим способом формирования и использования слов и предложений. Образование новых слов из существующего корневого слова путем прибавления слога или другого слова — общий процесс; однако есть несколько способов, которыми это можно сделать.

Образование слов классифицируется на четыре типа в зависимости от того, как осуществляется процесс образования. 

  • Добавляя префиксы
  • Добавляя суффиксы
  • Преобразование из одного класса слов в другой
  • Образовать сложные слова

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  Добавление префиксов

Приставка (prefix)– это буква или группа букв, которые добавляются к началу слова (at the beginning of the word) с целью образовать новое слово. Наиболее часто используемые префиксы включают «in-», «un-», «dis-», «im-», «ir-» и т. д.

Примеры словообразования путем добавления приставки:

Discipline – indiscipline Дисциплина — недисциплинированность
Just – unjust Справедливый — несправедливый
Tidy – untidy Аккуратный — неаккуратный
Respect – disrespect Уважение — неуважение
Understand – misunderstand Понять — неправильно понять
Comfortable – uncomfortable Удобный — неудобный
Comfort – discomfort  Комфорт – дискомфорт
Responsible – irresponsible Ответственный — безответственный
Honest – dishonest Честный — нечестный
Happy – unhappy Счастливый – несчастный
Polite – impolite Вежливый — невежливый
Experience – inexperience Опыт — неопытность
Practical – impractical Практичный – непрактичный
Important – unimportant Важно — неважно
Legal – illegal Легальный — незаконный
Ethical – unethical  Этично — неэтично
Potent – impotent Мощный — бессильный

Добавление суффиксов

Суффикс – это короткий слог, добавляемый в конце основного слова. Добавление суффиксов обычно изменяет класс  конкретного слова. Наиболее распространенные суффиксы включают «-ment», «-ness», «-ity», «-ous», «-tion», «-sion», «-al», «-able», «-ible», ‘-ive’, ‘-ly’, ‘-ate’, ‘-er’, ‘-or’ и т. д. 

Примеры словообразования путем добавления суффикса:

Comprehend (verb) – comprehension (noun) – comprehensible (adjective) Постигать (глагол) – понимать (существительное) – понимать (прилагательное)
Inform (verb) – information (noun) – informative (adjective) Информировать (глагол) – информация (существительное) – информативно (прилагательное)
Invest (verb) – Investment (noun) – Investor (noun) Инвестировать (глагол) – Инвестировать (существительное) – Инвестор (существительное)
Write (verb) – writer (noun) Писать (глагол) – писатель (существительное)
Authorise (verb) – authorisation (noun) Authorize (глагол) – авторизация (существительное)
Move (verb) – movement (noun) Move (глагол) – движение (существительное)
Add (verb) – addition (noun) Добавить (глагол) – добавить (существительное) 
Happy (adjective) – happiness (noun) Happy (прилагательное) – счастье (существительное) 
Conserve (verb) – conservation (noun) Консервировать (глагол) – консервировать (существительное) 
Wide (Adjective) – widen (verb) Широкий (прилагательное) – расширять (глагол) 
Manage (verb) – manageable (adjective) – manager (noun) Управлять (глагол) – управляемый (прилагательное) – менеджер (существительное)
Courage (noun) – courageous (adjective) Мужество (существительное) – мужественный (прилагательное)
Brave (adjective) – bravery (noun) Храбрый (прилагательное) – храбрость (существительное)
Quick (adjective) – quickly (adverb) Быстрый (прилагательное) – быстро (наречие)
Sad (adjective) – sadness (noun) Грустный (прилагательное) – печаль (существительное)


Процесс преобразования фокусируется исключительно на изменении класса конкретного слова. Обратите внимание, как некоторые существительные используются для выполнения роли глагола или прилагательного, действующего как существительное, просто добавляя другое слово или слегка изменяя написание фактического слова.

  • The rich should help the poor. / Богатые должны помогать бедным.

Прилагательные, такие как «богатый» и «бедный», используются как существительные с артиклем «the».

  • Everyone is talented. / Все талантливы.

«Талантливый» — причастие прошедшего времени используется в качестве прилагательного. Слово образовано добавлением суффикса «ed» к концу существительного «талант».

  • There will definitely be a lot of ups and downs in life. / В жизни определенно будет много взлетов и падений.

Предлоги «вверх» и «вниз» используются как существительные с добавлением «s» в конце.

  • He texted me about the meeting only at the last minute. / Он написал мне о встрече только в последнюю минуту.

Существительное «текст», используемое для обозначения текстового сообщения, отправленного по телефону, используется в качестве глагола в предложении путем добавления «ed» в конце слова.

  • The financial aid had to be approved before we could make a decision. / Финансовая помощь должна была быть одобрена, прежде чем мы смогли принять решение.

Существительное «финансы» используется как прилагательное, добавляя к нему «ial» в конце, а глагол «решать» используется как существительное, удаляя «de» и добавляя к слову «sion».

Формирование сложных слов

Сложные слова образуются путем соединения одной части речи с другой, образуя определенный класс слов. Существует множество способов образования сложных слов. Глаголы соединяются с прилагательными, образуя составные глаголы, причастие настоящего времени сочетается с существительным, образуя составное существительное, два существительных соединяются, образуя составное существительное, прилагательное и существительное соединяются, образуя составное существительное, наречие в сочетании с существительным образуют составное существительное, прилагательное в сочетании с причастием прошедшего времени образует составное прилагательное и так далее. 

Over (adverb) + load (noun) – Overload Сверх (наречие) + нагрузка (существительное) — Перегрузка
White (adjective) + wash (verb) – Whitewash Белый (прилагательное) + мыть (глагол) – Белить
Black (adjective) + board (noun) – Blackboard Черный (прилагательное) + доска (существительное) — Школьная доска
Cup (noun) + board (noun) – Cupboard Чашка (существительное) + доска (существительное) – Буфет/Кухонный шкаф
Swimming (present participle) + pool (noun) – Swimming pool Плавание (причастие настоящего времени) + бассейн (существительное) – Плавательный бассейн
Three (adjective) + legged (past participle) – Three-legged Третий (прилагательное) + длинноногий (причастие прошедшего времени) — Трехногий
Break (verb) + Down (preposition) – Breakdown Перерыв (глагол) + вниз (Предлог) — упадок
Up (preposition) + town (noun) – Uptown Вверх (предлог) + город (существительное) — жилые кварталы
Copy (verb) + writer (noun) – Copywriter Копировать (глагол) + писатель (существительное) – Копирайтер
Sun (noun) + rise (verb) – Sunrise Солнце (существительное) + восход (глагол) – Восход солнца
Flash (verb) + mob (noun) – Flash mob Вспышка (глагол) + толпа (существительное) –  Flash mob /Массовая акция
Master (noun) + piece (noun) – Masterpiece Мастер (существительное) + произведение (существительное) – Шедевр

Далее предлагаю более подробно разобрать словообразование в каждой части речи.

Приставки как способ словообразования в английском 

Приставки в английском языке являются одним из самых сложных грамматических аспектов для изучения. Приставки типа im-, in-, un- могут изменить весь смысл предложения. Приставки можно разделить на две группы: отрицательные и все остальные. Наиболее употребительные отрицательные приставки: un-, in-, dis-.

Отрицательные приставки в английском языке

Отрицательные приставки

de deactivate — деактивировать
un unhappy — несчастный
in indirect — непрямой
aab amoral — аморальный
anti antivirus — антивирус
counter counter-clockwise — против часовой стрелки
dis dislike — не нравиться

Приставка un-

comfortable — удобный uncomfortable — неудобный
equal — равный unequal — неравный
expected — ожидаемый unexpected — неожиданный
happy — счастливый unhappy — несчастный
important — важный unimportant — неважный
known — известный unknown — неизвестный
limited — ограниченный unlimited — неограниченный
pleasant — приятный unpleasant — неприятный

Также un- присоединяется к глаголам, чтобы выразить противоположное действие.

to dress — одеваться to undress — раздеваться
to lock — запирать to unlock — отпирать
to pack — упаковывать to unpack — распаковывать

Приставка in-

Нет правил, регулирующих, когда используется un-, а когда in-, хотя по смыслу эти приставки не отличаются. Важная разница в том, что in- НЕ используется в глаголах.

ability — способность inability — неспособность
adequate — достаточный inadequate — недостаточный
capable — способный incapable — неспособный
comparable — сравнимый incomparable — несравнимый
complete — полный incomplete — неполный
direct — прямой indirect — непрямой
experienced — опытный inexperienced — неопытный

Приставка in — видоизменяется в некоторых случаях:

  • перед l превращается в il-
  • перед r превращается в ir-
  • перед m и p превращается в im-
legal — законный illegal — незаконный
logical — логичный illogical — нелогичный
regular — регулярный irregular — нерегулярный
responsible — ответственный irresponsible — безответственный
patient — терпеливый impatient — нетерпеливый
possible — возможный impossible — невозможный

Приставка dis-

Dis- может выражать отрицание или противоположное действие.


honest — честный dishonest — бесчестный
to approve — одобрять disapprove — не одобрять
to like — любить (I like — мне нравится) to dislike — не любить (I dislike — мне не нравится)

Противоположное действие:

to appear — появляться to disappear — исчезать
to arm — вооружать to disarm — разоружать
to connect — соединять to disconnect — разъединять

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Другие отрицательные приставки

Среди прочих отрицательных приставок много международных, латинского и греческого происхождения, встречающихся и в русском языке.

  • aab— (без-, не-, а-): abnormal — ненормальный, amoral — аморальный.
  • anti- (анти-, противо-): antivirus — антивирус, antibiotic — антибиотик.
  • counter- (контр-, противо-): counterstrike — контрудар, counter-clockwise — против часовой стрелки.
  • de- (лишать, удалять): decode — раскодировать, deformation — расформирование.
  • non- (отрицание, отсутствие): non-stop — безостановочный, non-alcoholic — безалкогольный.

Приставки с разными значениями

en encircle — окружать (делать круг)
ultra ultra-violet — ультрафиолетовый
sub submarine — подводный
ex ex-husband — бывший муж
inter intertown — междугородний
re to reread — перечитать
mis to misquote — неправильно цитировать
over under to overpay — переплатить
pre/ post  post-war — послевоенный
co co-author — соавтор
Приставка re- (снова, заново, вновь)
to appear — появиться to reappear — снова появиться
to construct — построить to reconstruct — перестроить
to read — прочитать to reread — перечитать
to sell — продать to resell — перепродать
Приставка mis- (неправильно, неверно)
to hear — услышать to mishear — ослышаться, неправильно услышать
to lead — вести to mislead — ввести в заблуждение
to quote — цитировать to misquote — неправильно цитировать
to understand — понимать to misunderstand — неправильно понимать
Приставки over- (сверх, чрезмерно) и under- (недо-, недостаточно)
to estimate — оценивать to overestimate — переоцениватьTo underestimate — недооценивать
to pay — платить to overpay — переплатитьto underpay — недоплатить
Приставки pre- (перед, ранее) и post- (пост-, после), часто пишутся через дефис
revolutionary — революционный pre-revolutionary — дореволюционныйpost-revolutionary — послереволюционный
war — война pre-war — довоенныйpost-war — послевоенный
Приставка co- (сотрудничество, общность действия), часто пишется через дефис
author — автор co-author — соавтор
existence — существование co-existence — сосуществование
operation — операция co-operation — кооперация, содействие
Приставка inter- (между, среди, взаимно)
national — национальный international — международный
action — действие interaction — взаимодействие
town — город intertown — междугородний
Приставка ex- (экс-, бывший), пишется через дефис
husband — муж ex-husband — бывший муж
president — президент ex-president — экс-президент
Приставка sub- (суб-, под-)
marine — морской submarine — подводный
section — секция subsection — подсекция
Приставка ultra- (ультра-, сверх-), пишется через дефис
microscopic — микроскопический ultramicroscopic — ультрамикроскопический
violet — фиолетовый ultra-violet — ультрафиолетовый
Приставка en- (делать что-то)
circle — круг encircle — окружать (делать круг)
large — большой enlarge — увеличивать (делать больше)
slave — раб enslave — порабощать (делать рабом)
  • В современном английском языке есть слова с неотделяемыми приставками, в них входят приставки, перечисленные в таблице выше, но, отделив их, мы не получим самостоятельного слова. Например: reduce (сокращать), discuss (обсуждать), prepare (готовить). На самом деле эти приставки — уже и не приставки вовсе. Когда-то давно они приросли к корням слов, ныне уже неупотребительным и видоизмененным, и постепенно сами вошли в состав корня слова. К примеру, в слове prepare (готовить) pre — это уже не приставка, а часть корня слова.
  • В разговорной речи в ходу слово «ex» — оно в точности соответствует нашему «бывший, бывшая» и имеет значение «бывший мужпарень, бывшая женадевушка»: My ex texted me — Мой бывший написал мне СМС.

Суффиксы как способ словообразования в английском

Суффикс — это буква или группа букв, присоединяемые к концу слова для образования нового слова или для изменения грамматической функции (или части речи) слова. Например, глагол  read  превращается в прилагательное readable добавлением суффикса -able.

Понимание значений общих суффиксов может помочь вам понять значения новых слов, с которыми вы сталкиваетесь. В некоторых случаях написание корня   или  основы слова  изменяется при добавлении суффикса. Например, в словах, оканчивающихся на y , которым предшествует согласная (например, существительное beauty и прилагательное ugly), y  может измениться на i при добавлении суффикса (как в прилагательном beautiful и существительном ugliness). 

Подробная статья о суффиксах в английском языке — «СУФФИКСЫ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫХ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ — ПРОСТЫМ ЯЗЫКОМ». В статье не только суффиксы прилагательных, но и словообразование существительных и глаголов с помощью суффиксов.

Как образуются глаголы в английском

Глаголы в английском языке образуются с помощью суффиксов (обособленных, неотделяемых), префиксов и с помощью конверсии.

Префиксы для образования глаголов

Prefix Пример
re- restructure, revisit, reappear, rebuild, refinance / реструктурировать, пересмотреть, появиться вновь, перестроить, рефинансировать
dis- disappear, disallow, disarm, disconnect, discontinue / исчезнуть, запретить, разоружить, отсоединить, прекратить
over- overbook, oversleep, overwork / переутомление, проспать, переутомиться
un- unbend, uncouple, unfasten / разгибать, расцеплять, отстегивать
mis- mislead, misinform, misidentify / вводить в заблуждение, дезинформировать, неверно идентифицировать
out- outperform, outbid / превзойти, перекупить
co- co-exist, co-operate, co-own / сосуществовать, сотрудничать, совместно владеть
de- devalue, deselect / обесценить, отменить выбор
fore- foreclose, foresee / лишать права выкупа, предвидеть
inter- interact, intermix, interface / взаимодействовать, перемешивать, сопрягать
pre- pre-expose, prejudge, pretest / предварительное разоблачение, предвосхищение, предварительное тестирование
sub- subcontract, subdivide / заключать субподряд, подразделять
trans- transform, transcribe, transplant / трансформировать, транскрибировать, трансплантировать
under- underfund, undersell, undervalue, underdevelop / недостаточное финансирование, недопродажа, недооценка, недоразвитость

Суффиксы для образования глаголов

Суффиксы помогают преобразовывать одну часть речи в другую. Например, The butter is very soft because of the heat. – The butter softens when it is hot. / Масло очень мягкое из-за тепла. — Масло размягчается, когда оно горячее. 

Другой пример — «-ize », который превращает существительные в глаголы. We should try to synthesize all of this information so that it is easier to understand. / Мы должны попытаться синтезировать всю эту информацию, чтобы ее было легче понять.

Наиболее распространенные глагольные суффиксы и их значение:

-en Soften, darken, widen, weaken, strengthen / Смягчать, затемнять, расширять, ослаблять, укреплять
-ise/-ize Sympathise, empathise, synthesize / Сочувствовать, сопереживать, синтезировать
-ate Activate, collaborate, create / Активируйте, сотрудничайте, создавайте
-ify, -fy Justify, magnify, amplify, satisfy / Активируйте, сотрудничайте, создавайте

Как образуются наречия  в английском

Наречие — это слово, которое изменяет глагол, прилагательное или другое наречие. Другими словами, наречия описывают действия или другие описательные слова. 

В большинстве случаев наречие образуется путем добавления «ly» к прилагательному.

quick / быстрый quickly / быстро
slow /межденный slowly / медленно
beautiful / красивый beautifully / красиво
firm / твердый firmly / твердо
delicate / нежный delicately / нежно
abrupt / резкий abruptly / резко
careful / осторожный carefully / осторожно
harsh / суровый harshly / сурово
cheerful / веселый  cheerfully / весело
sad / грустный sadly / грустно

Иногда прилагательное оканчивается на «у». В этих случаях замените «y» на «i» и добавьте «ly». 

easy / простой easily / легко
lucky / удачливый luckily /к счастью
happy / счастливый happily / счастливо
angry / сердитый angrily / сердито
hungry / голодный hungrily / нетерпеливо

С использованием суффиксов -wise, -ward, -like и пр.

Очень важно, чтобы слова образовывались правильно: помимо  суффикса -ly, наречия могут образоваться и при помощи иных суффиксов: -wise, -ward, -like.

war / война warlike / воинственно
sea / море seaward / по направлению к морю

Некоторые слова относятся и к наречию, и к прилагательному.

far/near —  далеко/близко;

early/late — рано/поздно;

high/low — высоко/низко;

little/much — мало/много.

Таблица словообразования по частям речи 

Для того чтобы разобраться в множестве вариантов и лучше усвоить образование слов в английском языке, я подготовила таблицу.

Объединение суффиксов и приставок: преобразование слов в английском языке

Важнейшим элементом в процессе преобразования является смысл. Слово, которое не претерпевает структурных изменений, но изменяет грамматические категории (и, следовательно, в некоторой степени значение), претерпело преобразование. 

Ключевая характеристика словообразования – это его продуктивность. От одного корня можно образовать целую группу слов, добавляя разные приставки и суффиксы. Приведем несколько примеров.

  • Для possible словообразование может выглядеть следующим образом: possible (возможный) — possibility (возможность) — impossibility (невозможность).
  • Цепочка переходов для слова occasion: occasion (случай) — occasional (случайный) — occasionally (случайно).
  • Для слова agree словообразование можно выстроить в цепочки с приставкой и без приставки: agree (соглашаться) — agreeable (приемлемый / приятный) — agreeably (приятно) — agreement (соглашение, согласие).
    agree (соглашаться) — disagree (противоречить, расходиться в мнениях) — disagreeable (неприятный) — disagreeably (неприятно) — disagreement (разногласие).

Конверсия в английском

Конверсия – это процесс словообразования, при котором слово одной грамматической формы становится словом другой грамматической формы без изменения в написании или произношении. 

Например, существительное email появилось в английском задолго до глагола. Еще десятилетие назад единственным возможным вариантом было сказать: send an email (отправить имейл. Здесь email — существительное), в то время как сейчас мы можем просто email people («имейлить» людям. Здесь email является глаголом).  

access /доступ to access /получить доступ
Google  to google /гуглить/ искать в Google
host / хозяин to host /для размещения
spear /копье to spear /протыкать
torch /факел  to torch /зажечь
verb / глагол  to verb the truth / глаголить (говорить) истину

Сокращение в английском

Часто аббревиатуры можно встретить в интернет переписках и в различных мессенджерах. Ими заменяют часто используемые выражения, которые слишком долго писать целыми. Например, сокращения btw — by the way, idk — I don’t know. Более подробно эту тему я разбирала в статье «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ МОЛОДЕЖНЫЙ СЛЕНГ — 100 САМЫХ ПОПУЛЯРНЫХ ФРАЗ»

Словообразование важный аспект при изучении английского языка. Он относится к процессам, посредством которых создаются новые слова. Глубоко понять английский невозможно без погружения в эту тему.

PROGRESS English School поможет вам освоить новые английские слова и выражения. Мы разработали курс «Интенсив», который всего за 1-3 месяца улучшит ваш английский на 1-3 уровня. 

What is Word Formation?

Word formation process is subject of morphology where we learn how new words are formed. In linguistics, word formation process is the creation of a new word by making changes in existing words or by creating new words. In other words, it refers to the ways in which new words are made on the basis of other words.

Different Forms of Word Formation

Word Formation process is achieved by different ways to create a new word that includes; coinage, compounding, borrowing, blending, acronym, clipping, contraction, backformation, affixation and conversion.


Compounding is a type of word formation where we join two words side by side to create a new word. It is very common type of word formation in a language. Some time we write a compound word with a hyphen between two words and some time we keep a space and sometime we write them jointly. All these three forms are common in all languages.

Common examples of word compounding are:

·         Part + time = part-time

·         Book + case = bookcase

·         Low + paid = low-paid

·         Door + knob = doorknob

·         Finger + print = fingerprint

·         Wall + paper = wallpaper

·         Sun + burn = sunburn

·         Text + book = textbook

·         Good + looking = good-looking

·         Ice + cream = Ice-cream


In word formation process, borrowing is the process by which a word from one language is adapted for use in another language. The word that is borrowed is called a borrowing, a loanword, or a borrowed word. It is also known as lexical borrowing. It is the most common source of new words in all languages.

Common Examples of borrowed words in English language are:

·         Dope (Dutch)

·         Croissant (French)

·         Zebra (Bantu)

·         Lilac (Persian)

·         Pretzel (German)

·         Yogurt (Turkish)

·         Piano (Italian)

·         Sofa (Arabic)

·         Tattoo (Tahitian)

·         Tycoon (Japanese)


Blending is the combination of two separate words to form a single new word. It is different from compounding where we add two words side by side to make a new word but in blending we do not use both words in complete sense but new/derived word has part of both words e.g. word smog and fog are different words and when we blend them to make a new word, we use a part of each word to make a new word that is smog. We took first two letters from first word (sm) from smoke and last two (og) from fog to derive a new word smog.

Some more examples of blending are:

·         Smoke + murk=smurk

·         Smoke + haze= smaze

·         Motel (hotel + motor)

·         Brunch (breakfast + lunch )

·         Infotainment ( information + entertainment)

·         Franglais ( French + English)

·         Spanglish (Spanish + English )



Abbreviation is a process where we create a new word by making a change in lexical form of a word keeping same meaning. There are three main types of abbreviations.

1.    Clipping / Shortening / Truncation

2.    Acronyms / Initialism

3.    Contraction

Clipping / Shortening / Truncation

Clipping is the type of word formation where we use a part of word instead of whole word. This form of word formation is used where there is a long/multi-syllable word and to save time we use a short one instead of that long word e.g. the word advertisement is a long word and we use its short form ad (ads for plural form) instead of whole word.

Here are some examples of clipping:

·         Ad from advertisement

·         Gas from gasoline

·         Exam from examination

·         Cab from cabriolet

·         Fax from facsimile

·         Condo from condominium

·         Fan from fanatic

·         Flu from Influenza

·         Edu from education

·         Gym from gymnasium

·         Lab from laboratory

Acronyms / Initialism

An acronym is a word or name formed as an abbreviation from the initial letters in a phrase or a multi syllable word (as in Benelux). The initials are pronounced as new single words. Commonly derived word are written in upper case e.g. NATO.

Some common examples of acronyms are:

·         CD is acronym of compact disk

·         VCR is acronym of  video cassette recorder

·         NATO is acronym of North Atlantic Treaty Organization

·         NASA is acronym of National Aeronautics and Space Administration

·         ATM is acronym of  Automatic Teller Machine

·         PIN is acronym of Personal Identification Number

Some time the word is written in lower case (Initial letter capital when at start of sentence)

·         Laser is acronym of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

·         Scuba is acronym of  Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

·         Radar  is acronym of Radio Detecting And Ranging


A contraction is a word formed as an abbreviation from a word. Contractions are abbreviations in which we omit letters from the middle of a word or more than one words.

Some common contractions are below:

·         Dr is from Doctor.

·         St is from Saint.

·         He’s from He is.

·         I’ve is from I have.


Affixation is the word formation process where a new word is created by adding suffix or prefix to a root word. The affixation may involve prefixes, suffixes, infixes. In prefixes, we add extra letters before root word e.g. re+right to make a new word rewrite. In suffix, we add some extra letters with a base/root word e.g. read+able. In infixes, the base word is changed in its form e.g. the plural of woman is women that creates new word “women”.

1.    Prefixes: un+ plug = unplug

2.    Suffixes: cut + ie = cutie

3.    Infixes: man + plural = men

Zero-derivation (Conversion)

Zero-derivation, or conversion, is a derivational process that forms new words from existing words. Zero derivation, is a kind of word formation involving the creation of a word from an existing word without any change in form, which is to say, derivation using only zero. Zero-derivation or conversion changes the lexical category of a word without changing its phonological shape. For example, the word ship is a noun and we use it also as a verb. See below sentences to understand it.

1.    Beach hotel has a ship to enjoy honeymoon.

2.    Beach hotel will ship your luggage in two days.

In first sentence, the word ship is a noun and in second sentence the word ship (verb) is derived from the action of ship (noun) that transports luggage, so the word ship (verb) has meaning of transportation.


Backformation is the word formation process where a new word is derived by removing what appears to be an affix. When we remove last part of word (that looks like suffix but not a suffix in real) from a word it creates a new word.

Some very familiar words are below:

·         Peddle from peddler

·         Edit from editor

·         Pea from pease

Coinage / Neologism

It is also a process of word formation where new words (either deliberately or accidentally) are invented. This is a very rare process to create new words, but in the media and industry, people and companies try to surpass others with unique words to name their services or products.

Some common examples of coinage are: Kodak, Google, Bing, Nylon etc.


In word formation process, sometime new words are derives by based on the name of a person or a place. Some time these words have attribution to a place and sometime the words are attributes to the things/terms who discover/invent them. For example, the word volt is electric term that is after the name of Italian scientist Alessandro Volta.

Some common examples of eponyms are:

·         Hoover: after the person who marketed it

·         Jeans: after a city of Italy Genoa

·         Spangle: after the person who invented it

·         Watt: after the name of scientist James Watt

·         Fahrenheit:  after the name of German scientist Gabriel Fahrenheit

Everything You Need to Know about Word Unscramblers

Love playing Scrabble®? You know how difficult it is to find words among a bunch of letters. Sure, seeing vowels and consonants is everything some people need to win over any jumble.

However, figuring out a letter combination that forms an anagram isn’t a skill everyone possesses. If you’re one of those requiring word scramble help, I’ve got good news for you. It’s easy to figure out the missing word, even if you aren’t sure about it, especially if you are playing your favorite board game online.

You can discover new ways to make playing the game easy. Read on and discover your way to mastering any jumble.

What is a Word Unscramble Tool?

A word unscramble tool also goes by the name of «letter unscrambler» or «jumble solver.» It’s a tool that finds words hidden within jumbled letters.

An anagram solver lets you find all the words made from a list of letters presented in any order. You only need to locate the online tool and, in the search bar, enter any letters you can think of, including wild cards.

Many word solvers also let you choose a game dictionary. It gives you extra leeway to search with advanced options if you want to cheat with specific rules.

You don’t have to think of them as some unscramble cheat. Instead, using a scramble solver can help you study and practice your next Scrabble® or Words With Friends® match.

How to Unscramble Words and How to Use Advanced Options

Steps and Examples

The first thing you need to do is to find the best tool. Then, the steps are straightforward. Even more so, most tools follow the same steps; you’ll have a hard time getting lost with any scramble solver.

  • Step 1: Enter each of your current letter tiles in the search box. The maximum is fifteen. You can use two blank tiles («?» or SPACE).
  • Step 2: Hit the Search button. You will get to see different words coming up from the generator. Click on any word to see its definition. 

Want to get even better at the popular word game? Alternatively, you can also use Advanced Options to add in more complexity to your favorite word game. So, you can decide what letter or letter pairs the word should start with, or the letter you will find at the end. A wildcard letter can generate many letter ideas.

You can also decide how many letters the word will contain, or the word pattern. For instance, you can search for high-scoring words that have the letter ‘n’ in a specific position. When you are done, all you need to do is hit the search button again.

Then, you can see the words database categorized by the number of letters.

Unscramble Words Methods

There are two approaches when it comes to word scramble help. Each method sets itself apart depending on how you’re solving the anagram.

1. Unscramble Letters

The first approach is to unscramble letter combinations to make words. This way tends to be the most commonly sought-after because it’s easier to score more points and win when you’re not focusing on a specific word.

When we talk about having to unscramble letters to make words, the possibilities are more extensive.

This word scramble help consists of what you learned earlier. The unscrambler tool receives combinations of letters and proceeds to unscramble them into different words.

If your objective is to rely less on that random wildcard and increase your vocabulary, this way is the best.

2. Unscramble Words

This type of word solver is much more restrictive. If you go with it, you’re choosing to unscramble jumbled words. It’s the closest you can get to a literal anagram.

To unscramble this anagram is much more difficult. You’re going after an individual result instead of many possibilities.

Online tools to unscramble jumbled words are usually more difficult to find. Often, the easiest way to unscramble a specific word with online help is to use filters. This way, you can limit the results and narrow them down to what you want.

Tips and Tricks to Unscramble Long Words

Words longer than five letters can be a nightmare. However, there are a few tips we can give you to make your life easier.

Tip 1: Focus on Syllables

Firstly, you can exploit the mighty syllable. People make words from syllables, not letters. You can merge vowels and consonants and form letter combinations (like suffixes and prefixes) that often go together. This way makes it easier to visualize possible words.

Tip 2: Vowels vs Consonants

Another way is to separate consonants and vowels. It often makes answers more noticeable than having everything jumbled.

Tip 3: Separate the Letter S

Lastly, the chances are that your language pluralizes words by adding an S in the end. If you’re playing Scrabble® and have a noisy S, taking up space, you probably can place it as adjacent letters at the end of your next word.

Most Popular Unscrambling Examples

There are ways to make the next puzzle game more exciting. Additionally, you can use these «rules» to focus on particular vocabularies you want to improve.

A. Three Word Finding Examples by Length

The first example is to unscramble anagrams into a set number of random letters using advanced options.

  1. Make 7 letter words with these letters: AHSJFTSIKATL
  2. Make 6 letter words with these letters: OKLIYNCMZHOF
  3. Make 5 letter words with these letters: MGJDUHSIAOET

B. Two Word Solving Examples by Topic

The other way to solve a letter scramble puzzle is to focus on a topic. You can choose specific categories for your anagram, or you can limit your jumble to a certain language like German or French to make things harder!

  1. Find home utilities with these letters: KSIETNCHOFRK
  2. Find food-related words with these letters: AJDOQIUESHNM

If you are looking to get better in the board game faster, this Word Unscrambler is the one you need to check out – for sure! For Crossword Puzzles lovers, we have a different tool. Try it here when you are stuck in solving any clue.

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