Make a word wheel

10000+ результатов для ‘word wheel’

OGE/EGE Word formation

OGE/EGE Word formation
Пропущенное слово

от Ma1204

9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс
Средняя школа
Word formation

Word wheel

Word wheel
Случайное колесо

от Dinakuryaevaa

3 класс

Mimi's Wheel 2 Home

Mimi’s Wheel 2 Home

от Polishka0007

Mimis Wheel 2

tricky word wheel

tricky word wheel
Случайное колесо

от Ksenia10

Useful Oil - Word wheel

Useful Oil — Word wheel
Случайное колесо

от Languages2

Word Revision Wheel

Word Revision Wheel
Случайное колесо

от Educationnow9

F3_Chem_1 - Revision word wheel

F3_Chem_1 — Revision word wheel
Случайное колесо

от Languages2

Copy of Word Wheel

Copy of Word Wheel
Случайное колесо

от U19241766

 body language word formation

body language word formation
Случайное колесо

от Alnikat

word formation RNE

Clothes Mimi's wheel 2

Clothes Mimi’s wheel 2
Найди пару

от Polishka0007

Mimis Wheel 2

mimi's wheel weather

mimi’s wheel weather
Откройте поле

от Galkim98

mimis wheel 3
Spotlight 1
Spotlight 2
Spotlight 3

First letter satpinm + d (words from mimi's wheel 2)

First letter satpinm + d (words from mimi’s wheel 2)
Найди пару

от Pollay007

Mimis wheel 2

Word order (предложения БЕЗ глагола действия)

Word order (предложения БЕЗ глагола действия)
Привести в порядок

от Babrasin

Sentence word order

satpin + m first letter change

satpin + m first letter change

от Pollay007

Mimis wheel 2


Групповая сортировка

от Puchkovadn90


2. First letter satpinmd + g (words from mimi's wheel 2)

2. First letter satpinmd + g (words from mimi’s wheel 2)
Найди пару

от Pollay007

Mimis wheel 2

SATPIN + M (reading lowercase and uppercase)

SATPIN + M (reading lowercase and uppercase)
Случайное колесо

от Pollay007

Mimis wheel 2

Body parts wheel

Body parts wheel
Случайное колесо

от Erutsop

body parts

Word order (предложения с глаголом действия)

Word order (предложения с глаголом действия)
Привести в порядок

от Babrasin

Sentence word order

verbs and adverbs

verbs and adverbs
Групповая сортировка

от Ulyana4

word formation

Discuss problems and solutions (Oxford Word Skills)

Discuss problems and solutions (Oxford Word Skills)
Случайное колесо

от Mgalitskiy

Oxford Word Skills Advanced unit 54
Problems and Solutions

phonics d

phonics d

от Pollay007

Mimis wheel 2

2. satpinmd + g (words reading and quiz)

2. satpinmd + g (words reading and quiz)
Найди пару

от Pollay007

Mimis wheel 2

satpin m (words reading and quiz)

satpin m (words reading and quiz)
Найди пару

от Pollay007

Mimis wheel 2

1. letter g - words

1. letter g — words

от Pollay007

Mimis wheel 2

1. satpinmd + g  first letter change

1. satpinmd + g first letter change

от Pollay007

Mimis wheel 2

satpinm + d first letter change

satpinm + d first letter change

от Pollay007

Mimis wheel 2

Word formation nouns & adjectives _ 2

Word formation nouns & adjectives _ 2
Групповая сортировка

от Tanya2

Word Formation
word formation adjectives nouns

satpinm + d (words reading and quiz)

satpinm + d (words reading and quiz)
Найди пару

от Pollay007

Mimis wheel 2


Случайное колесо

от Languagefox

-less -able/ible adjectives oge

-less -able/ible adjectives oge

от Fireflyeltresources


adverbs oge

adverbs oge

от Fireflyeltresources




от Fireflyeltresources


ОГЭ 26-31

ОГЭ 26-31
Пропущенное слово

от Puchkovadn90


-tion -sion nouns oge

-tion -sion nouns oge

от Fireflyeltresources


Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence

Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence

от Volginaksenia

Gateway B1
word formation

GW B1 Noun suffixes -ness,-ship,-dom

GW B1 Noun suffixes -ness,-ship,-dom
Групповая сортировка

от Ma1204

Gateway B1
Word formation

Negative prefixes

Negative prefixes
Групповая сортировка

от Annieg

word formation

огэ макмиллан u3 word formation

огэ макмиллан u3 word formation
Пропущенное слово

от Truthisoutthere

word formation

Oxford Word Skills Advanced Unit 15

Oxford Word Skills Advanced Unit 15
Случайное колесо

от Merelymercy

Advanced English
Oxford word skills

-ic -ly -ed -ian -ous -ish -ent adjectives oge

-ic -ly -ed -ian -ous -ish -ent adjectives oge

от Fireflyeltresources


Who is your secret Santa?

Who is your secret Santa?
Случайное колесо

от Irfed071288

Secret Santa random wheel

Oxford word skills basic Unit 44

Oxford word skills basic Unit 44
Пропущенное слово

от Annbelova

Oxford word skills basic

Gateway B1 Unit 1

Gateway B1 Unit 1
Угадай буквы

от Lizamoskvich

word formation

-al adjectives oge

-al adjectives oge
Угадай буквы

от Fireflyeltresources



Случайное колесо

от Ofikg


Случайное колесо

от Akatyaa11

-ship -ness nouns oge

-ship -ness nouns oge
Угадай буквы

от Fireflyeltresources


-y adjectives oge

-y adjectives oge
Найди пару

от Fireflyeltresources


Spin the wheel,please and say the word

Spin the wheel,please and say the word
Случайное колесо

от Alfia64

spin the wheel and make a sentence with a word

spin the wheel and make a sentence with a word
Случайное колесо

от Gogksenia

wheel and make your example with the word

wheel and make your example with the word
Случайное колесо

от U17550138

dis- im- inter- un- oge

dis- im- inter- un- oge
Угадай буквы

от Fireflyeltresources


Solar system. Sentences

Solar system. Sentences
Привести в порядок

от Ria04

2-й класс
природные науки
Word order

-ance/-ence -ing -ity nouns oge

-ance/-ence -ing -ity nouns oge
Найди пару

от Fireflyeltresources


B2 negative pref

B2 negative pref
Групповая сортировка

от Krtek

word formation

Discussion starters (Oxford Word power Int)

Discussion starters (Oxford Word power Int)
Случайное колесо

от Solaris437

B1 Level
Oxford word power

WF p9 #6

WF p9 #6
Групповая сортировка

от Lidiakol

Word building

WF p23 #17

WF p23 #17

от Lidiakol

Word building

crime collocations advanced

crime collocations advanced

от Enganna16

word building

Create your own printable word wheel with this free online worksheet maker. Every day a new word wheel, but it is very easy to create your own puzzle. Just type your word in the Word Wheel Word inputbox. While you type the wheel will be created. In case you don’t have inspiration, you can use pick a puzzle from the list or pick a word from the dictionary. Copy and paste the word in the input field. You can give your students a clue of the word wheel word. Type your clue in the Clue text box. Pick a letter to place in the center of the wheel. All the words your students find must contain this center letter. You also have the option to change the game desciption. It will be printed on the worksheet.

word wheel rules

Word wheel puzzles are not only fun to do, but also extremely helpful in the classroom. The rules of the game are very simple. The goal is to make as many words as you can make from the letters in the word wheel. And all the words should contain the letter in the center of the wheel. It is extremely easy to make your own word wheel games. The online word wheel maker comes with a dictionary, from where you can choose your words from. The worksheets comes with an answer sheet with a list of words which can be made with the letters from the word wheel puzzle.

Create a word wheel puzzle

Word wheel word:

Center letter:


Clue for the Word Wheel Word

Terms of use of the edu games.

1. You can use the worksheets for free for non-commercial purposes, such as in schools, training centers or at home.
2. It is strictly forbidden to modify the worksheets in any way.
3. You can place an image of the worksheet on a website, but you have to place clearly and close to the image a link to
4. It is forbidden to place the worksheet as a pdf file on a website.
5. You are allowed to use the worksheets (as pdf) in a closed environment for teaching purposes, as such Google’s Classroom. As long as the school or institution is free for the students and that they have free access to the worksheets.
6. There are no limitations on the numbers of worksheets you can create and download.
7. You give the edu games website the permission to use your created puzzles. Your puzzle will be checked and if it is suitable for other users it will be published on the website.
8. It is forbidden to embed into an i-frame of another website.

Word Wheel Puzzle Maker

Puzzle Details

Pick a 9 letter word: [?] *

Enter the Middle Letter: [?] *

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Word Wheel Solver

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Using the Word Wheel Solver

Nine letters. One word game puzzle. Many words. Welcome to our word wheel solver page, which taps into the power of our world famous word solver engine. Simply enter your letters in the box above and we can get started on the word wheel puzzle.

What is the Word Wheel Solver

Simple. We have a fast word generator. It will take your nine letters (all wordwheel puzzles have nine letters) and show you the full list of possible words you can make from those letters. Behind the scenes we have an anagram word generator. This works recursively down into smaller chunks.

This is intended as word list help. You are left to solve the rest of the puzzle on your own, in terms of building words around the central letter or middle letter. (I mean, come on, we have to leave you some room for challenge and skill at finding the word puzzle answer or phrase. Think of all that free dopamine at your success vs. your friend! Point and click word cheat apps just aren’t very fun! If you are confused with the results of the word unscrambler, look for a clue to narrow the possible words.)

Besides… you have ways to get a bonus word or bonus round as a contestant. We can unscramble word ideas with our word finder, you are left to handle the other players and game strategy.
There are some limits. The word wheel solver is designed for puzzle game ideas where you know all of the letters, just not the right order. We expand your vocabulary to help solve new puzzle ideas. If you have a missing letter, you need a crossword solver to claim the prize. You need to handle multiple word puzzles manually (our solver will give you many answers). We don’t have many proper nouns in the database (since they are often excluded from many games). Improper nouns are a completely different story! Plurals rock.

Just a bunch of fun loving activities?

Please send all feedback, complaints, and lucrative sponsorship deals to (page: wordsolver).

This Website is copyright © 2012 — 2022 Performance Ingenuity LLC. All Rights Reserved. We like cookies and use them on the site, per our Privacy Policy.

There are many ways you can teach CVC words and for your kids to learn them, this CVC word wheel certainly being one of the more engaging ones.

This activity is great for learning about word families, practising reading and even writing.

CVC Word Wheel Activity for Kids

*this post contains affiliate links*

So how does it work? Each short sound comes on its separate sheet, so your kids can practice one word family at a time.

You can provide your kids with a pen and pencil and have them write down the words as they find them.

CVC Word Activity

CVC Word Wheel

Let your kids spin the wheel and try to find as many words as they can for each word family. For example, they can go on a hunt for the -an word family. As they turn the wheels they will uncover many words like – pan, man, fan, can, ran… 

Encourage them to read the words aloud – you can have them try for CVC words only or have them read nonsense words aloud too – they are great for reading practice after all.

CVC Word Wheel Activity

They can also choose a beginning sound – R – for example and see which CVC words with short A sound they can make – rat, ran, rag, rap, ram.

How to Make a CVC Word Wheel

What you need:

  • our template (optional)
  • laminator
  • laminating pouch
  • split pin
  • scissors

Step by Step Tutorial

Print out the templates.

Cut them out.

Place the sheet with images and circle inside a laminator pouch.

Warm up the laminator.

Place the two circles you cut inside another laminator pouch.


Enjoy watching the sheet come out of the laminator (we all know you do ;).

Trim the plastic.

Punch a hole through all 3 parts (punch through the dark dot located on each part)

This can be done with the split pin although there are many tools that work better.

But a split pin sure is handy when it comes to this project, as you will be needing it anyway.

Now push the split pin through the holes, starting with the hole of the smallest circe.

Next go through the largest one.

Nice and careful.

Finish by pushing the split pin through the last sheet.

Secure it.

All done.

Get the CVC Word Wheel

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Become a member of Easy Peasy and Fun membership and gain access to our exclusive craft templates and educational printables. With brand new resources added on weekly basis you will never run out of fun things to make with your kids (either as a parent or as a teacher).

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