Make a word splash

Word Splash is one simple technique for previewing new content, and it can also be used as a closure activity.  A word splash is a collection of terms or concepts related to the target topic placed randomly around the topic heading.  The teacher guides learners to consider the words and their relationship to the topic.  At the end of the lesson or unit, the teacher might repeat the activity to guide students’ reflections about their learning. 

ASOT Elements: E8, E13, E14

Other Names: Key Word Technique, Picture Splash


  1. Brainstorm important words related to the target topic.  Consider vocabulary words, important concepts, examples, and related ideas.
  2. Display the words «splashed» around the topic.
  3. Explain that each of the words displayed relates to their upcoming topic. Read the words aloud.
  4. Instruct students to think about how the words are related.  They might consider how each word is related to the overall topic or how one word relates to another.  Model an accurate example.
    • Determine how students will make their thinking visible.  For example, you might guide them to connect two words with a complete sentence and record the sentences in their academic notebooks.
  5. Present the content, or have students read the selection.  Encourage them to look for evidence to confirm or revise their predictions.
  6. After the lesson (or unit or reading), cause students to revisit their initial predictions.  They should confirm and/or revise their initial connections with their new understanding and correct their written record (notes).  Use a group discussion activity such as Interaction Sequence to help students publicly summarize their learning.


  • Use Word Splash to preview academic vocabulary in assigned reading or for a unit of study.
  • Consider how you will organize students effectively.  For example, after students think independently about connections (step 4), use a strategy such as Partners A & B or Numbered Heads Together to provide students more engagement with the content.  
  • Use a world cloud generator such as,, or to create your word splash.
  • After reading or learning about the topic, have students create their own word splash.  (Be certain to have them make the connections as well!)

More Resources:

  • Nebraska Instructional Coaches Network:

«Declaration of Independence» Wordsift Example:

Shakespeare Unit Wordle Example:

Word Splash is a comprehension and vocabulary strategy that makes learning terminology easier for students. It’s a fun, interactive activity (that should be a part of your collection of classroom games) that engages students and motivates them to learn new words while by setting a clear purpose for reading. Here we will take a look at how it works and how to use it.

How it Works

Before beginning a new chapter or unit of study, the teacher determines important terminology or key concepts for the topic. Then the words are “splashed” or displayed (preferably in an angle) on the front board or somewhere in the classroom. Students brainstorm and generate complete statements connecting the words or phrases. They predict how the words relate to the main topic. Once they have predicated and generated their statements, students then read the printed material to check their accuracy and revise if needed.

Introducing Word Splash

Word Splash can be used for any topic and in any subject. Before introducing Word Splash, decide on a topic and determine the most important vocabulary words or key concepts about that topic. For this example we will be using the following terms: slavery, freedom, conductor, Underground Railroad, abolitionist, Harriet Tubman.

  1. As a prereading activity or as part of your regimen of classroom games, display words on the front board (or in any creative way you like) and explain that the words you are reading to the students relate to an article they are going to read.
  2. Have students work in pairs to predict what they topic is going to be about.
  3. Once students have shared their predications, you can now write your topic, “Harriet Tubman,” on the front board.
  4. Then, students must connect two or more of the words together and tell how they will go together in the article. They must do this for all of the words.
  5. Students then need to read the article on Harriet Tubman and learn how the words are connected. Tell students to compare the connections with their predications and revise if needed.
  6. Students can next share their findings with another pair.

How to Keep it Fun and Interesting

To keep the Word Splash strategy fun, vary the way you present it. Here are a few ideas.

  • Write vocabulary words on a name tag and stick it to the students’ shirts.
  • Display words on paper and hang them from the ceiling with wire hangers or paper clips.
  • Use window markers and write the vocabulary words on the window.
  • Write words in different colored chalk on the front board.
  • Write words on sticky notes and place randomly around the classroom.

Suggestions for Application

Here are a few ways you can use the Word Splash strategy in your classroom as part of your collection of classroom games.

  • Create a Word Splash prior to viewing an educational video; then pause the video periodically for students to discuss and revise their predictions.
  • Create a Word Splash prior to having a guest speaker. After the speaker has completed their presentation, have students share their predications with the guest.
  • Use the Word Splash strategy for summarizing. Have students read a passage and then create their own Word Splash of what they feel are the key terms or ideas in the passage.
  • Create a Word Splash with pictures. Display a variety of pictures for students and ask them what they think the key ideas are in the photos.
  • Extension activity: Have students use the words to write complete sentences about Harriet Tubman. For example. Harriet Tubman was a conductor on the Underground Railroad. She was an Abolitionist who escaped slavery to help other African-American slaves escape to freedom.
  • Word Splash can also be used to teach important math terminology. Before beginning a unit on measurement, write the following key terms on the front board: area, centimeter, inches, foot, length, height, perimeter, meter. Have students read the words and guess what each term means. Hang the terms from the ceiling and keep them their throughout the unit. As the unit progresses, encourage students to draw and write their own definitions of the terms in their notebooks. This can be used as a study aid to help students recall words.

Research shows that we read better when we have a purpose. The Word Splash strategy is the perfect choice for struggling or reluctant readers. It provides them with a purpose for reading, which helps capture their attention and motivate them to learn.

Presentation on theme: «Word Splash Create you own word splash using a focus word. Let NO one know your word. Use other words to describe that word. We will have to guess which.»— Presentation transcript:


Homework Due Thursday Comprehensive Test 2 Friday Menu Choice Board Due Friday


Word Splash Create you own word splash using a focus word. Let NO one know your word. Use other words to describe that word. We will have to guess which focus word you’re a describing. 7th Grade Torch Great Students Smart Creative Unique Talented


Focus Words Pythagorean Theorem Volume Exponents Irrational Number
Perfect Squares Perfect Cubes


Team Yellow -Vs-Team Green
Everyone must answer the question since numbers will randomly be called Yes! You can help your teammates If correct, place your counter in the position of choice Remember to play defense!


Which of the following item is best described as a sphere?
A. Pizza B. Soda can C. Cereal box D. Tennis ball


Do the following lengths form a right triangle?
A = 10inches B = 12 inches C = 14 inches


xc , for x


Sue left her house traveling due west towards the store
Sue left her house traveling due west towards the store. After 35 yards she traveled due north 19 yards to the store. When she left the store she cut across the field and traveled along a straight path. How much shorter was the path Sue took home then the path she took to the store?


Two cylindrical science beakers are similar
Two cylindrical science beakers are similar. The smaller one has a radius of 2 cm and a height of 4 cm. Its volume is about 50 cubic cm. The larger beaker has a height of about 16 cm. Approximately what is the volume of the larger beaker?



Download Print-Ready Version — Download RRwordsplashJennifer.pdf

Brief Description:

Word Splash is a strategy teachers can use at then end of a unit or lesson to prompt students to make connections with the content learned. Students use vocabulary or major concepts to draw conclusions.

Intended Purpose:
The purpose of this strategy is to help students reflect on content learned and therefore transfer information into their long term memory.

How To/Steps:

  1. Determine 8-9 key words or concepts.
  2. Create a «splash» of words using different sizes and fonts in WordArt. This maybe placed in a PowerPoint slide or on a piece of chart paper. If you are in a hurry this could be written on the board.
  3. Using as many words possible, ask students to
    —predict or draw conclusions about the content learned,
    —use them correctly in one or two sentences,
    —use them to create a poem, rap, song, picture, etc. relating to the concept.

Approximate Time:
5-10 Minutes

Use pictures instead of words for non-verbal learners. This makes it a little more engaging as well.

Tags for Searching: vocabulary, summarizing, warm up

Attachment Description:
The attached example will show examples of a word splash used for a summarizer and a warm up.

Variations of Use:
This strategy can also be used as a warm up before a lesson or unit. Place words/pictures on a powerpoint slide without the main idea in the center. Ask students to use the words/ideas presented to determine the main idea of the lesson. After students become familiar with the strategy, ask students to create a word splash template with possible student responses.

Strategy Category:
Reflect and Respond

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

произвести фурор

сделать всплеск

сделать сенсацию

произвести сенсацию

меня искупать

наделать шума

производить фурор

That was me thinking you wanted to make a splash with your first show, Scott.

The strategy holds appeal for luxury brands that are trying to make a splash in China, because Chinese consumers are known for their heavy dependence on smartphone apps.

Подобная стратегия привлекает люксовые бренды, которые пытаются произвести фурор в Китае, где потребители известны своей сильной зависимостью от приложений в смартфонах.

Here are some of the best that can help you make a splash.

Вот некоторые из лучших, которые могут помочь вам сделать всплеск.

There are other ways to make a splash, and if you get your trajectory wrong, the result can be very messy.

Существуют и другие способы сделать всплеск, и если вы ошибетесь в своей траектории, результат может быть очень грязным.

Because they’re boring, and I want to make a splash.

When a new business is seeking to make a splash online, they should get numerous matters right.

Когда новый бизнес хочет сделать сенсацию онлайн, он должен сделать несколько вещей правильно.

He is co-owner of a production company and is looking to make a splash in the entertainment realm.

Он является совладельцем производственной компании и стремится сделать всплеск в сфере развлечений.

Delicious Parma-style eggplants, stuffed or fried — these vegetables will always make a splash on the table.

Аппетитные баклажаны по-пармски, фаршированные или жареные — эти овощи всегда произведут фурор на столе.

It’s not clear if Samsung is well-positioned to make a splash in either market, though for very different reasons.

Неясно, подходит ли Samsung, чтобы сделать всплеск на любом рынке, хотя и по разным причинам.

There is no doubt that our companies’ product will make a splash on the market of intellectual devices for smart grid networks in the near future.

«Без сомнения, представленный нашими компаниями продукт уже в ближайшее время произведет фурор на рынке интеллектуальных устройств для сетей smart grid.

The details have been slow in coming from Kia, illustrating the manufacturer’s desire to make a splash upon entering the EV into the market.

Kia не спеша сообщала подробности, демонстрируя стремление производителя сделать сенсацию при выходе EV на рынок.

They wanted to make a splash… a surprise, a mystery, a marvel!

The car, which is now in general, hardly anyone remembers — Buick Regal, at the time had to make a splash.

Автомобиль, который сегодня вообще едва ли кто-то помнит — Buick Regal, в свое время должен был произвести фурор.

Alexis Ohanian: How to make a splash in socialmedia

When the teacher of an elementary school in new Jersey suggested that the fence painting David Killen from Manhattan 200 paintingsthat she kept in a warehouse, the thought that they are unlikely to make a splash at the next auction.

Когда преподавательница начальной школы в Нью-Джерси предложила скупщику живописи Дэвиду Киллену из Манхэттена 200 картин, которые она хранила на складе, тот подумал, что они вряд ли произведут фурор на следующем аукционе.

If Trudeau really wants to make a splash, he should march the Canadian army into New York and Washington DC and remove all the gangsters like Armitage who still rule there.

Если Трюдо действительно хочет сделать всплеск, он должен устроить марш канадской армии в Нью-Йорк и Вашингтон, и удалить всех бандитов, таких как Армитидж, которые до сих пор там правят.

And only on «Nights of Champions» Nasser was able to make a splash and take second place, second only to Mike Francos, with whom they later became good friends.

И только на «Ночи Чемпионов» Нассер смог произвести фурор и занять второе место, уступив лишь Майку Франкосу, с которым они позже стали хорошими друзьями.

I want to make a splash like she has.

I asked you to make a splash and you did.

So only way this guys buys you as a major player is if we make a splash.

Потому единственный способ подать тебя как серьезного игрока — это устроить большой «бум».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 129. Точных совпадений: 129. Затраченное время: 169 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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