Make a spelling word list



Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling




Wrong Spelling


Education Perfect’s spelling lists test students’ spelling by saying a word in context and requiring them to answer with the correct spelling of that word.

Spelling lists are available for all non-language subject areas, such as English, Science and Maths.

The EP Content Team has already developed a number of spelling lists for you to use, but you can also make your own for automatic, self-marking spelling tests to complete in class or at home. They are also valuable as a resource for other subject areas to improve students’ spelling of domain-specific vocabulary, for example, Science terminology. 

Create a Spelling List

Open the Content tab from your Teacher Dashboard.

Showing Content tab in a teacher account

Ensure your Content Library is in Edit mode, and switch the displayed subject to any non-language subject.

Edit mode and subject drop-down menu in the content library

Open the folder you would like to add the spelling list to, open the Create new drop down menu at the top, and click on Spelling List.

Create New dropdown menu with Spelling List highlighted

Add words one by one

Give your list a name by clicking to edit the title.

Add words by typing the spelling word in the left hand field, and a sentence containing the word on the right. Continue to add as many words and sentences as you would like by clicking Add another spelling word . 

Don’t forget to hit Save!

Adding title, save button and adding words when creating a spelling list

As you add words to the list, the server will generate electronic sound files for each word and the sentence containing the word in the background. These will be available shortly after you complete the list. If human voices are available, these will be used instead.

Please contact us with any issues relating to electronic sound files, or spelling lists in general. 


You can also import many questions at once from an existing spelling list or from a spreadsheet. 

  1. Create your spreadsheet in Excel, Google Docs, or any other spreadsheet tool. Put the spelling word in Column A, and the related sentence (containing that word) in Column B.
  2. In the list editor, click the blue Import button at the bottom of the page. 
  3. Copy (Ctrl+C) the data in your spreadsheet, and paste it into the dialog box that appears. 
  4. Ensure that the column headers are the right way around, then click Import
  5. That’s it!

Importing spelling list from a spreadsheet to the content library

To find out how these lists are presented to students in the Student Zone, see: How do students use Spelling lists?

Stuck? Please feel welcome to reach out to our team!

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Last updated on March 28, 2023


When choosing a spelling bee word list, or training students to compete in a spelling bee, we have to face a simple fact:

Spelling is more than memory work.

There isn’t a big enough list or enough time to have students recall every single word that could be thrown to them.

Instead, we have to present spelling words in a way that teaches a deeper understanding of spelling.

We’ve gathered 100+ spelling bee words and included their syllables, graphemes, phonemes, part of speech and etymology, so you make any student feel like a spelling champion!


Spelling bee word list

WORD Grade Level SYLLABLES PHONEMES GRAPHEMES part of speech Definition Sentence ETYMOLOGY
pitch 3 pitch p, i, ch p, i, tch singluar noun the level or tune of a sound She was singing in a different pitch.
taken 3 tak/en past verb to have gotten a hold of; grasped My dad has taken my game away from me.
cannot 3 can/not present verb to not be able to do something I cannot eat dessert before dinner.
stayed 3 stayed past verb to have been somewhere for a short time We stayed at a hotel when we were on holiday.
denim 3 den/im irregular noun a type of material used for jeans I like to wear denim jeans.
doctor 3 doc/tor singlular noun a person that treats sick people I went to the doctor when I was sick. Latin
gloves 3 gloves plural noun hand covers to protect hands I put on gloves before I wash the dishes.
ocean 3 o/cean singular noun a large area of water covering Earth The ship sailed over the ocean. Greek
cadet 3 ca/det singular noun a person training in the armed forces or police The cadet was in training to be a police officer. French
oxen 3 ox/en plural noun plural of ox, a large domestic animal kept for milk A herd of oxen were grazing on the grass.
quail 3 quail kw,ai,l qu,ai,l irregular noun a small brown bird A quail was in the nest. French
arch 3 arch ar, ch ar, ch singlular noun a curved top that is held by two supports You enter the hall through a huge arch. Latin
cheese 3 cheese ch,ee,z ch,ee,se singlular noun a food made from milk curd I like to eat cheese and crackers. Germanic
teach 3 teach t, ee, ch t, ea, ch present verb to help someone learn how to do something He will teach me how to play the game. Germanic
liver 3 liv/er singlular noun an organ in the body that cleans and filters blood The liver is an organ that filters blood.
river 3 riv/er singlular noun a natural, large stream of water The canoe drifted up the river. Latin
story 3 sto/ry singlular noun a fictional tale shorter than a novel My teacher reads us a story every day. Latin
thank 3 thank th, a, n, k th, a, n, k verb to show you are pleased by something or someone Please thank her for all her help. Germanic
mammal 3 mam/mal singlular noun an animal that feeds its young with milk from the mother A mammal feeds its young with milk. Latin
mammoth 3 mam/moth singlular noun an extinct elephant covered in long hair and curved tusks The mammoth lived long ago and had long hair and tusks.
events 3 e/vents plural noun things that are planned; social occasions or activities There will be three events to raise money.
facts 3 facts f,a,c,t,s f,a,c,t,s plural noun things that are proven or known to be true The facts have been proven and are true.
people 3 peo/ple plural noun more than one person Ten people came to the party. Latin
once 3 once adverb one time I have only been to hospital once.
coming 3 com/ing adjective about to happen or just beginning We will have a lot of fun in the coming year.
inside 3 in/side preposition within a container or room I want to see what is inside the box.
parents 3 par/ents plural noun plural of parent, a mother or father My parents will not let me stay up late.
guard 4 guard g, ar, d gu, ar, d present verb to watch or protect The dog was set to guard the gate. Germanic
lamb 4 lamb l,a,m l,a,mb singluar a young sheep A baby sheep is called a lamb.
wrap 4 wrap r,a,p wr,a,p present to cover by winding or folding We will wrap the present with green paper.
coarse 4 coarse k,or,s c,oar,se having a harsh or rough quality The coarse sand was hard to walk on.
geese 4 geese g,ee,s g,ee,se plural more than one goose The goose flew over to the other geese in the flock.
gel 4 gel j,e,l g,e,l singluar a thick jellylike substance As the mixture cooled it turned into a gel.
gem 4 gem j,e,m g,e,m singluar a cut and polished stone The precious gem sparkled in the light.
rye 4 rye r,igh r,ye irregular a type of grain used in baking Bread made with rye tastes different to wheat. German
touch 4 touch t, u, ch t, ou, ch present to put your hand or fingers on someone or something Do not touch the wet paint.
wreck 4 wreck r, e, k wr, e, ck singluar the remains of a ship or other vehicle The divers enjoyed diving on the wreck.
quiche 4 quiche k, ee, sh qu, i, che singluar a pie made with eggs We made the quiche with lots of eggs. French
foul 4 foul f, ou, l f, ou, l extremely unpleasant There was a foul smell coming from the bathroom.
lure 4 lure l, ure l, ure present to persuade someone to do something by offering something exciting I tried to lure the dog outside with a bone.
chief 4 chief ch, ee, f ch, ie, f singluar a person who is in charge A new chief of police has just been appointed.
gnat 5 gnat n, a, t gn, a, t singluar a small, flying, biting insect A gnat is a small flying insect which bites. German
gnaw 5 gnaw n, aw gn, aw present to bite or chew something repeatedly My dog loves to gnaw on bones. German
quip 5 quip kw, i, p qu, i, p singluar a funny and clever comment He made a quip and clever comment.
raise 5 raise r,ai,z r,ai,se present to lift up I raise my arm to answer the question.
sauce 5 sauce s, aw, s s, au, ce singluar a thick liquid eaten with food I love to have sauce on my pie.
bight 5 bight b, igh, t b, igh, t singluar a curve in a coastline A curve in a coastline is called a bight.
thigh 5 thigh th, igh th, igh singluar the part of the leg above the knee The thigh muscle is above the knee.
balm 5 balm b, ar, m b, al, m singluar a fragrant cream or liquid used to heal the skin Dad uses a skin balm after he shaves.
calm 5 calm c, ar, m c, al, m not angry, upset or excited We have to stay calm if we hear the fire alarm.
weigh 5 weigh w, ai w, eigh present to find out how heavy someone or something is. I use the scales to weigh the ingredients carefully.
Zeus 5 Zeus z,oo(long),s z,eu,s noun the ruler of the gods in Greek mythology Zeus is the ruler of the gods in Greek mythology.
column 5 col/umn noun one of two or more vertical sections of a printed page Please read down the left column.
zoology 5 zo/ol/o/gy noun the study of animals She wants to study zoology and animals.
corpses 5 cor/pses noun plural of corpse, a dead body The ancient corpses were buried thousands of years ago.
cities 5 cit/ies noun plural of city, a large town London and Paris are two large cities.
passage 5 pas/sage noun an alley or pathway We took a shortcut down the side passage.
including 5 in/clud/ing preposition part of a particular group or amount Three people, including myself, are getting an award.
compartment 5 com/part/ment noun a section of something larger I keep snacks in the bottom compartment of my bag.
prospector 6 pros/pec/tor noun a person who searches for valuable substances such as gold or oil The prospector found a gold nugget.
gouging 6 goug/ing present verb to make a hole through something in a rough way The builder was gouging a hole through the wall.
gourd 6 gourd g,or,d g,our,d noun a fruit with a hard rind often used for decoration or for making objects We used the skin of a dried gourd to make a bowl.
support 6 sup/port present verb to give assistance or comfort My teacher will support my learning.
advance 6 ad/vance noun to move forward in a purposeful way I want to advance to the next level of the game.
balance 6 bal/ance present verb an even distribution of weight The toddler lost his balance as he was trying to walk.
cancelled 6 can/celled past verb for a planned event to not take place The school sports day was cancelled because of the storm.
canceled 6 can/celed past verb for a planned event to not take place The school sports day was canceled because of the storm.
clearance 6 clear/ance noun the process of removing things There was a large boot sale after the house clearance.
budget 6 budg/et noun an amount of money you have available to spend My parents made a weekly budget for our groceries.
mussels 6 mus/sels noun edible sea creatures with two black shells that close The mussels are edible and have black shells.
whether 6 wheth/er conjunction showing a choice between alternatives I don’t know whether to go to the party or not.
pieces 6 piec/es noun a part of something The pizza was cut into eight equal pieces.
rhythm 6 rhy/thm noun a strong, regular and repeated movement or sound The dancers all had great rhythm.
exterminate 6 ex/ter/min/ate present verb to destroy or kill completely Our efforts to exterminate the cockroaches have failed. Latin
quarrelling 6 quar/rel/ling present verb arguing angrily The quarrelling students were sent to detention. Latin
possibility 6 pos/si/bil/i/ty noun a chance that something may or may not happen or exist There is a possibility that it will snow on the weekend.
chaos 6 cha/os noun complete confusion and disorder Computer failure caused chaos at the airport. Greek
orchestra 6 or/ches/tra noun a large group of musicians who play many different instruments together and are led by a conductor She played the violin in the school orchestra. Greek
category 6 cat/e/go/ry noun a group of people or things that are similar in some way He competed in the race in his age category. Latin and Greek
originated 6 o/rig/i/nat/ed past verb began to exist The waltz originated in Vienna.
geography 6 ge/og/ra/phy noun the natural features of an area In class we have been studying the geography of the local area. Greek
sapphire 6 sap/phire noun a clear bright blue gemstone She received a sapphire ring on her sixteenth birthday. Greek
squadron 6 squad/ron noun a military unit consisting of soldiers, ships or aircraft The squadron of bombers returned to their base. Italian
fatigue 6 fa/tigue noun extreme tiredness She was suffering from the fatigue after the long hike. French
recruit 6 re/cruit present verb to find new people to take part in an event or join a group or team We had to recruit more players for our team. French
whirligig 6 whirl/i/gig noun a child’s toy that spins rapidly A spinning top is an example of a whirligig. Middle English
chaperone 7 chap/er/one noun a person who goes with and is responsible for a group of young people My father volunteered to be a chaperone at the next school dance. French
charade 7 cha/rade noun something that is done in order to pretend something is true when it is not really true They continue the charade until it wasn’t fun anymore. French
chassis 7 chas/sis noun the base frame that a car or other vehicle is built on The chassis of the car was damaged in the accident. French
chivalry 7 chiv/al/ry noun very polite, honest and kind behaviour I love listening to stories of knights and their chivalry. Latin
cliché 7 cliche noun a phrase that has been used so often that it is no longer original Time flies when you are having fun is an example of a cliché. French
machinery 7 ma/chin/er/y noun machines of a particular kind or machines in general The farm machinery is kept in the barn.
peasants 7 peas/ants noun in history a person of a low social class of farm workers and owners of small farms The land was farmed by peasants for hundreds of years. Latin
perimeter 7 per/rim/e/ter noun the outside edge of an area, surface or flat shape Soldiers guarded the perimeter of the camp. Greek
persuade 7 per/suade present verb to cause someone to do something or believe something by asking, arguing or giving reasons I am trying to persuade my parents to increase my pocket money. Latin
thermometer 7 ther/mo/me/ter noun a device used to measure temperature of a person’s body or the air Mum used a thermometer to see if I had a fever. French
toupee 7 tou/pee noun a small wig that is worn by a man to cover a bald spot on his head The actor was wearing a black toupee on his head. French
camouflage 7 cam/ou/flage noun the way some animals are coloured or shaped so they can not be seen in their natural surroundings A stick insects colour and shape helps it to hide in a tree. French
limousine 7 lim/ou/sine noun a large, expensive car often driven by a paid driver The bride and groom hired a limousine for their wedding day. French
gargoyle 7 gar/goyle noun a stone object in the shape of the head of an ugly creature, usually seen on the roofs of old buildings A row of gargoyles perch on the roof in front of the church. Old French

The spelling word lists in this section have been divided into 5 levels, 1 is the easiest 5 the hardest. Choose the level that is right for you. These lists are a resource for practising and applying all the ideas and techniques you’ve learnt from this website. If this is your first time using have a look at the spelling help section before you start practicing with these words.

Spelling Word Lists Level 1: Very Easy Words
Click here to use the dictionary.

List (a) List (b) List (c)
this aims their
time with there
fact word these
kept such world
above many zoo
age likely record
date main space
eggs order people
more small sold
idea press large
List (d) List (e) List (f)
became because become
enter family great
burn first horse
built longest person
along earl itself
belongs early events
another could ever
clock bring colour
house match speed
little sheep farmer

Spelling Word Lists Level 2: Easy Words
Click here to use the dictionary.

List (a) List (b) List (c)
accept central energy
meaning school slang
known total widely
upheld view until
third reject affairs
depth final speak
money occur lacking
law range group
habit admit dancing
agree except quest
List (d) List (e) List (f)
degree joint poet
edition affect current
borrow effect bright
force apply special
however impact interesting
moment sign twice
present usage attempt
binder edited field
blunt bound bring
chicken focus general
List (g) List (h) List (i)
choose who stoop
chose were distress
choice where fainted
motion why remain
respect which royal
method whereas success
salary south style
sister mount second
search strong stated
chinese chains sung

Spelling Word Lists Level 3: Intermediate Words
Click here to use the dictionary.

List (a) List (b) List (c)
social transform industry
instead collapsed account
adventure married science
publish project endear
gallery correction absolute
connect enough modern
hence grammar grew
consists advertising lodge
length embrace defeated
dictionary exotic manual
List (d) List (e) List (f)
original proofread obscure
including marketing necessary
discovery despite country
elements disgrace million
gentleman labour attesting
continue annual governed
fundamental experience depend
employs currency armour
apparent probably series
standard lifestyle essential
List (g) List (h) List (i)
height understood tenant
weight harvest isolated
heavy coverage century
catholic classical complete
casual dense limited
trace sense contained
conversion dismissed position
concept measure phrase
models natural required
military exclude curved
List (j) List (k) List (l)
conclusion developed infancy
impressive knowledge liberty
revised since conditions
critical aunt decade
embarking uncle uniform
victory cousin thus
technical niece understanding
solve nephew structure
source current dispute
elephant cultural promoted
List (m) List (n)
policy objects
relative separate
wealth rapidly
whether deduce
weather observers
official references
register satisfy
produced widowed
distinct devoted
denied describe

Spelling Word Lists Level 4: Challenging Words
Click here to use the dictionary.

List (a) List (b) List (c)
complexity venture servant
velocity university dissatisfied
contradictory geography museum
lyrics machine megabytes
influence literature analytic
comprising dominated manufacturing
nuclear honour contraction
appropriate calculation constitution
minister language depot
romance supplement sequence
List (d) List (e) List (f)
religious concerning experimental
alphabetical combination elementary
european mechanics illustrate
accessible commander descended
composition community financial
analysis brought conjecture
description execution perception
resource portrait scholar
vacuum taught ushering
volume conversation applicable
List (g) List (h) List (i)
controversial principle resembled
varieties parliament representative
conversely identified stomach
siblings variant severe
astronomy undefined technique
pioneer migrated premier
caught comprehensive society
surprising theory signature
intensely candidates commonplace
interaction perceived poverty
List (j)

Spelling Word Lists Level 5: Very Challenging Words
Click here to use the dictionary.

List (a) List (b) List (c)
aisle hypothesis gravitation
isle astrophysics campaign
daughter lieutenant extraordinary
conceived soldier characteristics
sociological sergeant substantial
psychology colonel incomprehensible
inertia monastery foreign
dimension elucidate approximately
committee arithmetic derivative
fervently pronounce republican
List (d) List (e) List (f)
ineffectual philosophy resurgence
phenomena simultaneous temporarily
vocabulary ploughman yacht
empirical deficient charismatic
alias borough circumstance
ethos inheritance monarchy
consequence archives conquered
obsolete tolerance electronically
dialect neutron initially
archaic inspiration contemporary


Return from Spelling Word Lists to Home Page.

List A-1

Level A Spelling:, List 1. Words with -an and -en; Words include: an, man, can.

1st Grade

Common Core

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Cut, sort, and glue

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-2

Level A Spelling:, List 2. Words with -in, -on, and -un; Words include: pin, on, fun

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-3

Level A Spelling:, List 3. Words with -at and -it; Words include:  that, rat, sit

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-4

Level A Spelling:, List 4. Words with -et and -ot; Words include:  pet, get, got

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-5

Level A Spelling: List 5. Words with -ut and -ug; Words include: cut, hut, bug

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-6

Level A: Spelling Words: List 6.  Words with -ay; Words include: may, tray, lay

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-7

Level A Spelling: List 7. Words with -ag and -ig; Words include: bag, rag, digs

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-8

Level A Spelling: List 8. Words with -eg and -og; Words include: beg, jog, frog

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-9

Level A Spelling: List 9. Words with -ar, -er, and -ur; Words include: star, her, fur

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-10

Level A Spelling: List 10.  Words with -ap and -ip; Words include: nap, clap, lips

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-11

Level A Spelling: List 11. Words with —op and -up; Words include: hop, drop, cup

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-12

Level A Spelling: List 12. Words with th; Words include: them, math, path

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-13

Level A Spelling Words, List 13. Words with -am, -im, and -um; Words include:  ham, trim, drum

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-14

Level A Spelling: List 14. Words with -ad, -ed, and -id; Words include:  pad, glad, kids

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-15

Level A Spelling: List 15. Words with -all and -ell; Words include: tall, small, fell

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-16

Level A Spelling: List 16. Words with -ill and -ull; Words include: hill, drill, full

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-17

Level A Spelling: List 17. Words with the long a sound; Words include: made, gave, snake

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-18

Level A Spelling: List 18. Words with the long e sound; Words include: she, see, sleep

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-19

Level A Spelling, List 19. Words with the long i sound; Words include: cry, sky, shy

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-20

Level A Spelling: List 20. Words with the long o sound; Words include: go, row, slow

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-21

Write each word twice

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-22

Level A Spelling List 22. Words with -ing; Words include: sing, king, doing

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-23

Level A Spelling: List 23. Words with -aw; Words include: saw, paws, draw

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-24

Level A Spelling: List 24. Words with -ew; Words include: few, new, flew

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-25

Level A: Spelling List 25. Words with -ant and -ent; Words include: ant, pants, went

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-26

Level A Spelling: List 26.  Words with -ine and -ime; Words include: mine, nine, slime

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-27

Level A Spelling: List 27. Words with long e spelled ea; Words include: mean, heat, hear

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-28

Level A Spelling: List 28. Words with silent letters; Words include: walk, comb, lamb

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-29

Level A Spelling: List 29. Words with ov; Words include: dove, shove, over

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-30

Level A Spelling: List 30. Words with st and ss; Words include: stem, stand, pass

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-31

Level A Spelling: Numbers Theme List. Words include: one, two, three

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-32

Level A Words: School Words Theme List. School theme; Words include: desk, book, spell

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A-33

Level A: Spelling Words: Colors Theme List. Words include: green, pink, brown

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A: Halloween

Level A: Spelling Words, Holiday List: Halloween. Words include: bat, dark, spook

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A: Christmas

Level A: Spelling Words, Holiday List: Christmas. Words include: snow, tree, elf

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

List A: Easter

Level A Spelling Words, Holiday List: Easter. Words include: egg, bunny, hide

1st Grade

Cut, sort, and glue the spelling words in alphabetical order.

1st Grade

Unscramble the spelling words.

1st Grade

Also on S.T.W. …

2nd Grade Spelling (Level B)

Spelling lists and worksheets specially designed for second grade students.

3rd Grade Spelling (Level C)

Spelling lists and worksheets made for third grade students.

4th Grade Spelling (Level D)

Spelling worksheets and lists for fourth graders.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Make a seven letter scrabble word
  • Make a sentences using the word because
  • Make a sentence with word school
  • Make a sentence with word said
  • Make a sentence with word response