Make a sentence with word giant

Synonym: colossal, enormous, gigantic, huge, immense, mammoth, monumental, tremendous, vast. Antonym: diminutive, dwarf, little, small, tiny. Similar words: brilliant, Asian, piano, Persian, Indian, Canadian, Russian, Italian. Meaning: [‘dʒaɪənt]  n. 1. any creature of exceptional size 2. a person of exceptional importance and reputation 3. an unusually large enterprise 4. a very large person; impressive in size or qualities 5. someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful 6. an imaginary figure of superhuman size and strength; appears in folklore and fair tales 7. a very bright star of large diameter and low density (relative to the Sun). adj. of great mass; huge and bulky. 

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(1) He looks scary but he’s really a gentle giant.

(2) His son is a giant of 6 feet already.

(3) Shakespeare is a giant among writers.

(4) Giant waves froth the sand.

(5) There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct.

(6) All that stuff about catching giant fish was just a bit of poetic licence.

(7) But at sea the wind can build up giant, powerful waves.

(8) A giant wildcat is being hunted after 58 lambs were butchered.

(9) The volcano spewed a giant cloud of ash(, dust and gases into the air.

(10) Shakespeare is a giant among poets/the giant of poets.

(11) He’s a giant of a man.

(12) Giant waves lashed the sea wall.

(13) Their firm merged with a Japanese electronics giant.

(14) The team’s mascot is a giant swan.

(15) The Amazon is a giant amongst rivers.

(16) The result has been a giant leap in productivity.

(17) What a giant of a tree!

(18) The giant jets that increasingly dominate the world’s airways.

(19) The company was integratd with the computer giant.

(20) The giant packet gives you more for less money!

(21) Kirk stood helpless before this giant of a man.

(22) Giant pandas are indigenous to China.

(23) The cave is the home of a legendary giant.

(24) Overhead cranes were lifting giant sheets of steel.

(25) Giant shovels are biting off big chunks from the hill.

(26) Some people are intimidated by his size, but in fact he’s a gentle giant.

(27) The trust, which has 2.3 million members, has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment movement.

(28) At the Sheffield arena, the speakers were magnified ten times on a giant screen.

(29) The company will be going head to head with the giant of the pharmaceuticals market.

(30) The most popular exhibit in the museum was a giant animatronic dinosaur.

More similar words: brilliant, Asian, piano, Persian, Indian, Canadian, Russian, Italian, alliance, musician, historian, civilian, compliance, physician, technician, triangular, politician, Palestinian, can’t, want, pant, machiavellian, plant, grant, infant, peasant, distant, elegant, instant, fantasy. 

Examples of how to use the word “giant” in a sentence. How to connect “giant” with other words to make correct English sentences.

giant (n, adj): an imaginary creature like a man but extremely tall, strong, and usually very cruel, appearing especially in children’s stories; extremely large

Use “giant” in a sentence

The company has become a giant in the toy industry.
He’s a giant compared to you.
Stop at the giant tree and wait for me.

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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Giant | Giant Sentence

  • The giant came and towered above him.
  • The giant was tugging at his beard.
  • The night bomber is the giant of the sky.
  • The unseen giant is often kind and gentle.
  • This giant meddles with everything within his reach.
  • The giant appeared at the door, club in hand.
  • The strong old giant is very fond of music, too.
  • Everything you have heard about this wonderful giant is true.
  • But the giant pine-tree of the forest was now beginning to bend.
  • There is a mighty giant in the world, who is as old as the earth itself.
  • The giant thought this a capital plan, and that he would do the like.
  • Then the old giant goes whistling on his way to hide his stolen goods.
  • Want is a growing giant whom the coat of Have was never large enough to cover.
  • It was quite late when Britt-Mitchell arose like a giant refreshed.
  • In those days the Mount of Cornwall was kept by a huge giant named Cormoran.
  • The giant cried out again, «Art thou that villain who killed my kinsmen?

How To Use Giant In A Sentence?

  • The triplane is by far the best type for these giant raiders that fly by night.
  • This giant was the lord of an enchanted castle situated in the midst of a lonesome wood.
  • Petronella had a vision of this vivid young giant gloating over his two books on a rude shelf.
  • He seized the table, and looked a giant in the mighty expression of his iron will.
  • He found some supper in the kitchen, and the tired man and the giant ate together.
  • During a momentary hush they could hear a long boom as if a giant wave was pounding the beach.
  • So his wife brought him two full bags of gold, and the giant began to count his money.
  • Like giant wrestlers, they locked in a fierce embrace, and the waves shot up for thirty feet.
  • Down came the giant with a terrible crash, and that, you may be sure, was the end of him.
  • This sort of thing didn’t suit the giant at all, for he wasn’t used to being beaten by any one.
  • The gritty star has rubbed him raw, And the crab has struck with his giant claw.
  • They have been used along the Aisne positions as auxiliaries to the giant Krupp siege-howitzers.
  • Now you shall hear a strange old tale told of Giant Sun, in the days of long ago.
  • I agreed; for I felt the strength of a giant in me, and I longed to pummel him soundly.
  • The giant came and loomed over them like the Spirit of the Lamp of the Arabian Nights.
  • In the middle of the night the giant stole out of bed and went up to the one where he thought the little man was fast asleep.
  • Now and then one of them got a ten-strike, but the occurrence was so rare that it made no show alongside of my giant score.
  • Jack then returned, and let the giant out of the vault, who asked what he should give him for keeping the castle from destruction.
  • That was the worst of my giant visitants, but my mother too, dear lady, was something of a terror to this microcosm.
  • Sometimes the people there would want a bridge made, or a tower built, or there might be a giant there eating all the little boys and girls.
  • At this, the giant roared like claps of thunder, and began to lay about him with his iron club like one stark mad.
  • But the giantess was quite sure that she had seen no little boys that morning; and after grumbling a great deal, the giant sat down to breakfast.
  • He at once began working on a design for a giant airship, which was to be 1,970 feet long, and 98 feet in diameter at the middle.
  • Virune, under the leadership of Empal, trained and took command of the air using the giant eagles that they had learned to domesticate.

Definition of Giant

Very large. | A mythical human of very great size. | (mythology) Specifically, any of the gigantes, the race of giants in the Greek mythology.

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Giant in a sentence

Giant sentence

sentence with Giant

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make sentence of Giant

Giant sentence in english

giant — перевод на русский


Like a giant racer.

Как гигантский гонщик.

Giant squid astern, sir!

За кормой гигантский кальмар, сэр!

A giant torch reaching for distance. But, and to men who sweat out these projects mighty important but, Orbit is not obtained.

Вырывается гигантский факел пламени, видимый с большого расстояния значительный успех создателей, однако… выхода на орбиту не было.

A giant ombu tree, Phytolacca dioica.

Гигантский лаконос, фитолакка диоика.

The electric eel on Earth, the giant dry-worm of Antos IV. — The fluffy…

Электрический угорь на Земле, гигантский червь с Антоса-4.

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When high on a mountaintop in Southern California, a giant telescope searches the heavens for the secrets there contained.

Когда на вершине горы в Южной Калифорнии огромный телескоп был направлен в небеса и искал секреты, которые они скрывают.

Oh, a giant condor.

— О-о, огромный кондор.

It took seven minutes for our words to reach the giant spacecraft but this time delay has been edited from this recording.

Наши слова достигают огромный космический корабль за 7 минут но это временное отставание устранено при монтаже записи.

Kulik assumed a giant meteorite had struck the Earth.

Кулик предположил, что в Землю врезался огромный метеорит.

If enough has accumulated a giant bubble of foam will heave up with tremendous force.

Если ее достаточно… огромный шар пены с невероятной силой вырывается наружу.

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The decision has been made to send a second interplanetary giant on a voyage…

Было решено отправить в полет второй межпланетный гигант…

Listen, Marty, I know you’re no mental giant but try to juggle this, all of you.

Послушай, Марти, ты конечно, не гигант мысли но они манипулируют нами.

Golo the Giant.

Голо — гигант.

And I’m Golo the Giant:

Я и Голо — гигант:

No positive proof, but I’m convinced that the giant sucks up energy like a sponge, feeds on it, is a walking storehouse of energy!

Прямых доказательств нет, но Я уверен, что гигант поглощает энергию, как губка, Он словно питается ей, и также является хранилищем энергии!

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Am I really in the presence of the great giant Rumpus?

Действительно ли передо мной великий великан Румпус?

-The clever and good-hearted giant Rumpus?

— Умный и добросердечный великан Румпус?

It was really a giant’s castle but how was Jack to know that?

В этом замке жил великан, но откуда Джеку было знать это?

And the giant and the beanstalks crashed to the ground and they never rose again.

Великан и бобовое дерево рухнули на землю Больше они не поднялись

No, he’s a giant made of kissel.

Нет, он великан, сделанный из киселя.

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A giant cricket, master.

Большой сверчок, учитель.

It was glorious. It was a cloudy night. All of a sudden this giant shaft of moonlight breaks through.

Ночь была облачной, но потом, неизвестно откуда, большой луч луны прорвался сквозь тучи, словно наступил день.

It’s all one big giant conspiracy.

Это все один большой заговор против меня.

A seven feet giant with hands like shovels.

Он такой большой. Под 2 метра. Руки — что две лопаты.

Sir, without the superheavy element, it will have been a giant waste of time.

Сэр, без сверхтяжелого элемента, это будет большой потерей времени.

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His name is Brian Piccolo and he has the heart of a giant and that rare form of courage which allows him to kid himself and his opponent.

Его зовут Брайан Пикколо, у него сердце титана, и редкая форма мужества, которое дает ему возможность подшучивать над собой… и своим соперником.

Giant Warriors…


The Giant Warriors!

Титана? !

While I’m in Pejite, your priority is to revive that Giant Warrior.

Я вернусь в Фезит. А вы тем временем оживите титана.

Revive the Giant Warrior, defy both great powers, and learn to live with that thing.

Разбудить титана, отбить все атаки и жить под его защитой.

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And one day, those giant beings, who were all women, and souls, as they danced felt like creating not their works, but mine, and those beings collapsed.

И однажды, эти громадные существа, все будучи женщинами, и души, танцуя и чувствуя, что делают не свою, а мою работу, и эти существа потерпели крах.

In those days, giant pictures were put on the walls, on bus stops, on trucks, on taxis.

Было время — мы расклеивали громадные фотографии на стенах, автобусных остановках, на машинах, такси.

-What are these giant wings?»

— Что за громадные крылья у меня?»

Cleveland is like a giant waiting room.

Кливленд — это громадный зал ожидания,..

…giant monster that looks like the ghost of…

громадный монстр, похожий на привидение….

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A giant tree branch came through the window And demolished it.

Здоровенная ветка пробила окно и расплющила его.

A giant wasp?

Здоровенная оса?

In what way is your giant, meaty paw Smacking me in the face not your fault?

Твоя здоровенная лапа ударила меня по лицу и это не твоя вина?

What did you just say, you giant bastard?

Что ты только что сказал, ты, здоровенный ублюдок?

It was either this or one of those giant neck cones.

Так что был выбор: вот это или здоровенный воротник, как собачкам надевают.

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I am nidaršiè the Giant, the strongest man of the Balkans and Asia Minor.

Я Жнидаршич, Див, сильнейший человек Балкан и Малой Азии.

Giant, don’t worry: All the profit goes to you.

Див, не волнуйся: вся прибыль твоя.

Bravo, Giant!

Браво, Див!

Joint stock, Giant!

Акционерное, Див!

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— Oh, Hud, Giant, hello.

— Худ… Верзила… Привет.

Look, there’s Giant Reed.

Смотри, вон Верзила Рид.

Hello, Giant!

Привет, Верзила!

Giant Reed and Hud Hastings!

Верзила Рид и Худ Гастингс!

Hud, Giant, hello there!

Худ, Верзила… привет!

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