Make a sentence with word come

Antonym: go. Similar words: come home, some, home, comet, come at, come on, come to, come up. Meaning: [kʌm]  n. the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract. v. 1. move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody 2. reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress 3. come to pass; arrive, as in due course 4. reach or enter a state, relation, condition, use, or position 5. to be the product or result 6. be found or available 7. come forth 8. be a native of 9. extend or reach 10. exist or occur in a certain point in a series 11. come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example 12. cover a certain distance 13. come under, be classified or included 14. happen as a result 15. add up in number or quantity 16. develop into 17. be received 18. come to one’s mind; suggest itself 19. proceed or get along 20. experience orgasm 21. have a certain priority. 

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1 At open doors dogs come in. 

2 If you build it they will come

3 Go for wool and come home shorn. 

5 Diseases come on horseback, but go away on foot. 

6 To a boiling pot flies come not. 

7 All good things come to he who waits. 

8 Misfortunes come on wings and depart on foot. 

9 Come what may, heaven won’t fall. 

10 Agues come on horseback but go away on foot. 

11 Let’s cross the bridge when we come to it. 

12 Good things come to those who wait. 

13 Misforunes come on horseback and go away on foot. 

14 Don’t cross the bridge till you come to it. 

15 Of evil grain, no good seed can come

16 Do what you ought, and come what can. 

17 Misfortunes never [seldom] come alone [single]. 

18 All good things must come to an end. 

19 Take things as they come (or are). 

20 All things come to those who wait. 

21 When rogues (or thieves) fall out,( honest men come by their own. 

22 In delay there lies no plenty , Then come kiss me , sweet and twenty , Youth’s a stuff that will not endure . 

23 Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning. 

24 Love as in time to come you should hate, and hate as you should in time to come, love. 

25 What’s bred in the bone will come out in the flesh. 

26 Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it. 

27 If the mountain won’t come to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain. 

28 If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain. 

29 The misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come

30 Nor fame I slight, nor for her favours call; she come unlooked for, if she comes at all. 

More similar words: come home, some, home, comet, come at, come on, come to, come up, come out, come by, come for, come of, outcome, become, come off, someone, moment, at home, come down, come forth, come out of, come into, come true, come about, come up to, come from, homeland, become one, handsome, come round. 

Example Sentences of the Verb Come

Come Over Here Please!.
PhotoAlto/Frederic Cirou/Getty Images

Updated on August 05, 2018

The irregular verb ‘come’ is one of the most common in English. Come is usually used when returning to a place one is at such as in ‘come home’, or when speaking about a person going from one place to another to see another person as in the phrase ‘come over here’. 

Come is also used in many phrasal verbs such as, come up, come through, come over, come to. For example:

  • Tom came up with a solution. 
  • Could you come over tonight?

Here are two example sentences with the verb ‘come’ in each of the tenses. There are also examples in the passive voice, modal forms, and conditional forms. 

Example Sentences Using ‘Come’ in Each Form

Base Form​ come / Past Simple came / Past Participle come / Gerund coming

Present Simple

  • I often come to this supermarket.
  • Alan comes up with great ideas.

Present Continuous

  • Look! he is coming up the street.
  • Jennifer is coming over this evening.

Present Perfect

  • Mary has come to this school for the past four years.
  • MY friend Peter has come through for me many times.

Present Perfect Continuous

  • Mary has been coming to this school for the past four years.
  • The students have been coming to the grammar class for two weeks.

Past Simple

  • We came here yesterday.
  • What did the teacher come up with on Monday?

Past Continuous

  • We were coming home when we got the telephone call on our cell phone.
  • She was coming to my help as the police arrived on the scene. 

Past Perfect

  • We had just come home when he arrived.
  • Alessandra had come up with a solution before they suggested the change.

Past Perfect Continuous

  • John had been coming to their house for years when he decided not to visit anymore.
  • I’d been coming to this class for two weeks when I met Alan.

Future (will)

  • Peter will come next week.
  • When will you come over for dinner?

Future (going to)

  • Mary is going to come to the party next week.
  • I think he’s going to come up with an idea.

Future Continuous

  • This time next week I will be coming home.
  • Will you be coming over for dinner at eight?

Future Perfect

  • Many people will have come by the end of the party.
  • This meeting will have come to an end by six o’clock.

Future Possibility

  • She might come tomorrow.
  • Peter should come to this class. I think you’ll enjoy it.

Real Conditional

  • If he comes, we will have lunch at a good restaurant.
  • Unless he shows up soon, she’ll have to come over and give us a hand.

Unreal Conditional

  • If I came to the party, I wouldn’t enjoy myself.
  • I would come over tonight if I had the time.

Past Unreal Conditional

  • If he had come, he would have resolved all the problems.
  • Tom would have done his homework if he had come home on time.

Present Modal

  • You really should come to the show.
  • The children can come with you this evening.

Past Modal

  • They must have come! I’m sure I saw them.
  • He could always come home on the weekend. 

Quiz: Conjugate With Come

Use the verb «to come» to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct.

  1. We ____ here yesterday.
  2. Peter _____ next week.
  3. Mary ____ to the party next week.
  4. Mary _____ to this school for the past four years.
  5. We _____ home when we got the telephone call on our cell phone.
  6. I often _____ to this supermarket.
  7. This time next week I _____ home.
  8. If he _____, we will have lunch at a good restaurant.
  9. We _____ just _____ home when he arrived.
  10. Many people ____ by the end of the party.

Quiz Answers

  1. came
  2. will come
  3. is going to come
  4. has come
  5. were coming
  6. come
  7. will be coming
  8. comes
  9. had come
  10. will have come

Здесь приведены фразовые глаголы английского языка с come. Каждый фразовый глагол имеет перевод, транскрипцию, произношение, а также предложения с примерами использования.

Фразовые глаголы с Come с переводом, примерами и произношением

Глагол come часто используется в составе многочисленных фразовых глаголов английского языка.
Основное значение глагола come – приходить, идти

come [kʌm]

came [keɪm] – приходить, подходить; идти, приезжать, прибывать.

Come About

come about [kʌm əˈbaʊt] – появляться, возникать

Синонимы: appear, happen

How did mathematics come about? — Как появилась математика?

Come Across

come across [kʌm əˈkrɔs] – быть понятным, случайно встретить, наткнуться

Синонимы: appear , seem

Did her report come across? — Её доклад был понятен?
We came across this fact when we were digging the hole – Мы наткнулись на этот факт, когда копали яму.

Come After

come after [kʌm ˈɑːftə] – преследовать

Синонимы: pursue, chase, persecute, haunt, follow

I came across him from the school. – Я преследовал его от школы.

Come Along

come along [kʌm əˈlɔŋ] – сопровождать кого-л., идти с кем-л.

Синонимы: come, go along

She came along with us to the theatre. — Она пошла с нами в театр.

Come Apart

come apart [kʌm əˈpɑːt] – ломаться, разваливаться, распадаться

Синонимы: fall apart, split up, break, separate

The toy just came apart in my hands. — Игрушка развалилась на части у меня в руках.

Come Around

come around [kʌm əˈraʊnd] – объезжать; обходить, заходить, заезжать, приходить

Синонимы: come by

Why don’t you come around and see us one evening? — Почему бы тебе не зайти к нам как-нибудь вечером?

Come Back

come back [kʌm bæk] – возвращаться

Синонимы: return, rejoin, recover, go back, returnee

Is the player expected to come back? — Ожидается ли возвращение игрока?

Come Between

come between [kʌm bɪˈtwiːn] – вмешиваться

Синонимы: interfere, intervene, meddle

Never come between lovers. – Никогда не вмешивайся в отношения влюбленных.

Come By

come by [kʌm baɪ] – заходить, заглядывать, доставать

Синонимы: come into, drop by, drop in

Why don’t you come by some afternoon and have tea with us? — Может быть, заглянешь ко нам как-нибудь после обеда на чашечку чая?
Don‘t you know where the best bread come by? – Вы не знаете, где можно достать самый лучший хлеб?

Come Down

come down [kʌm daʊn] – уменьшаться, снижаться, спуститься, спускаться

Синонимы: get down, descend, go down, fall, drop

The price came down. — Цена снизилась.
Guys, come down. We have to go. – Ребята, спускайтесь. Мы должны идти.
The old tower came down from wind. – Старая башня упала от ветра.

Come Down On

come down on [kʌm daʊn ɔn] – критиковать, осуждать

Синонимы: criticize

Don’t dare come down on her! – Не смей осуждать её!

Come Down With

come down with [kʌm daʊn wɪð] – заболеть

Синонимы: fall ill

Many people came down with flu this spring. – Многие люди заболели гриппом этой весной.

Come For

come for [kʌm fɔː] – арестовывать, задерживать

Синонимы: arrest

If you break the law, the police will come for you – Если ты будешь нарушать закон, полиция тебя арестует.

Come Forward

come forward [kʌm ˈfɔːwəd] – выделяться, выдаваться, откликаться, отзываться (на призыв), предлагать свою кандидатуру

Синонимы: come forth

Many women came forward to help. — Многие женщины предложили свою помощь.

Come From

come from [kʌm frɔm] – происходить, быть родом

Синонимы: originate in

He comes from a family of Muslim people — Он родом из семьи мусульман.

Come In

come in [kʌm ɪn] – войти, участвовать, играть определённую роль, входить в моду

Синонимы: come, go in, get in, enter, include

Come in and do not make noise. — Заходите и не шумите.
Unfortunately, mini skirts are coming in. — К сожалению, мини-юбки входят в моду.

Come Into

come into [kʌm ˈɪntʊ] – получать наследство, унаследовать

Синонимы: inherit

She came into a large sum of money when her uncle died. — Когда умер её дядя, она унаследовала большую сумму денег.

Come Of

come of [kʌm ɔv] – быть результатом, следовать из чего-то

Синонимы: result from

No good will come of it — Из этого ничего хорошего не выйдет.

Come Off

come off [kʌm ɔf] – покидать, уходить, отрываться, отклеиваться

Синонимы: come off, tear off, tear, break away

The button has come off. — Пуговица оторвалась.
Do you see? The paper is coming off — Ты видишь? Бумага отклеивается.

Come On

come on [kʌm ɔn] – наступать, надвигаться, приближаться

Синонимы: go on, appear, come nearer

A storm is coming on. — Надвигается шторм.
It feels like spring is coming on — Такое ощущение, что весна приближается.

Come Out

come out [kʌm aʊt] – приезжать (в отдалённые места, в другую страну), выезжать, бывать на людях, выходить

Синонимы: get out, emerge, appear, turn out, come forth, come, go out, leave

He often comes out — Он часто бывает на людях.
I saw them when they came out to Russia last year. — Я видел их в прошлом году, когда они приехали в Россию.

Come Over

come over [kʌm ˈəʊvə] – заезжать, заходить, уезжать, переезжать

Синонимы: come by, come across, visit, come

I came over to Ukraine in 2017. — Я переехал в Украину в 2017 году.
Why don’t you come over to our place one evening? — Почему бы тебе не заглянуть к нам как-нибудь вечером?

Come Round

come round [kʌm raʊnd] – приходить в себя, опомниться

Синонимы: recover

She couldn‘t came round after his death for a long time. — Она долгое время не могла прийти в себя после его смерти.

Come Through

come through [kʌm θruː] – проникать, просачиваться; пролезать, просовываться, появляться, перенести, пережить

Синонимы: penetrate, permeate, manifest

Coming through! — Разрешите пройти!; Посторонитесь!
They came through the loss. — Они пережили потери.
The sun came through after hours of snow. — После долгих снежных часов выглянуло солнце.

Come Together

come together [kʌm təˈgeðə] – объединиться, помириться, прийти к согласию

Синонимы: unite, join, combine, merge

We must come together if we want to win — Мы должны объединиться, если хотим победить.

Come Under

come under [kʌm ˈʌndə] – подвергаться

Синонимы: undergo, be subject to

All our ideas come under criticism of our partners. — Все наши идеи подвергаются критике со стороны наших партнеров.

Come Up

come up [kʌm ʌp] – подниматься, повышаться; усиливаться, увеличиваться, подходить, приближаться

Синонимы: come on, come, rise up, muster, find, rise, scratch, arise

The temperature of our room should not come up — Температура нашей комнаты не должна повыситься.
A child came up to me and asked for his ball. — Какой-то ребенок подошёл ко мне и попросил свой мяч.

Come Up Against

come up against [kʌm ʌp əˈgenst] – столкнуться, противостоять

Синонимы: confront, resist

We came up against total indifference – Мы столкнулись с полным равнодушием.

Come Up With

come up with [kʌm ʌp wɪð] – придумать

Синонимы: invent

Don’t worry, we’ll come up with something — Не беспокойся, мы что-нибудь придумаем.

Come example sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use come in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for come.

  • Come, eggs! (10)
  • At last you come! (8)
  • Come, and tell me. (4)
  • Come now! (8)
  • For, now the hour had come! (8)
  • Come and look! (8)
  • Come aht, Fido! (8)
  • Pray, come here. (10)
  • Had it really come? (8)
  • Come here to-night. (10)
  • She hates me to come. (8)
  • But Thyme did not come back. (8)
  • I will never come back to you. (8)
  • Would he come early to-morrow? (8)
  • Ask your mistress to come here. (8)
  • How did you come by all that money? (8)
  • So good of you to come, Sir Thomas. (8)
  • What on earth did you come here for? (8)
  • The turn of the tide had come to him. (10)
  • How then to come at them to, get it done? (10)
  • But, in truth, he had come to a pretty pass. (8)
  • Surely he was to come once more into peace! (13)
  • Frau Schimmel realised that the end had come. (5)
  • Come, Harry, thought I, it is better to learn your fate at once. (6)
  • A telegram had come from him, he was on the way. (8)
  • It died hard, but did come to an end, piecemeal. (10)
  • Down had come her house of cards with a vengeance! (8)
  • But Gregory would not come in just yet out of the sun. (8)
  • But tell me, what did you come down to Netherfield for? (4)
  • Would you care to come some day and look over my hospital? (8)
  • It would be as well for your son to come down to the Court. (8)
  • Come, for perhaps we need you as one of the hearts that once glowed for him. (12)
  • They come here and break our Sabbath, and teach their atheism. (9)
  • Our drain has come in, de oder platform; only one minute we haf. (8)
  • For you to come here is impossible, and too dreadful for us both. (8)
  • It seems an age to wait till they come to stay with us next week. (8)
  • He really supposed her to have come to him with a burdened spirit. (10)
  • I go through my illusions and come always back on that good truth. (10)
  • Nothing could surely come of it, for neither of them had any money. (8)
  • Come then, and homeward; passing down the close path of the meadows. (10)
  • While my Play goes on, I must permit him to come forward occasionally. (10)
  • The lad was a nephew that had come from Sweden to live with his uncles. (18)
  • Those flat and shapeless tones could come through the noses of no other. (9)
  • I shall die, shall die like them, Frail and lone; Come to me, my lover, come! (10)
  • She sat a long time, musing, and went back forgetting all she had come out to do. (8)
  • People were beginning to come to Philadelphia for the autumn session of Congress. (18)
  • While they were there, with their enticement and their memories, prayer would never come. (8)
  • The Harvilles had promised to come with her and stay at Uppercross, whenever she returned. (4)
  • It was exactly what James, as we know, had come for, and he was made correspondingly uneasy. (8)
  • He suddenly remembered the moment in which the impulse to murder the machine had come upon him. (12)
  • It was Winton, who had come up from behind the shelter, and stood, with eyebrows slightly raised. (8)
  • Then come various episodes, full of attractive enthusiasm, but always ending with the same vague unrest. (3)
  • When we are come, there will be nobody at Villa Rubein; Aunt Constance has gone a fortnight ago to Florence. (8)
  • A strip of carpeting has come up from along our corridor, but we hardly miss it from the matting which remains. (9)
  • He might come to know it, but he would not try to know it; if it offered itself he might even try not to know it. (9)
  • He was watching, with a teasing sense of familiarity, a tall, shabbily dressed, elderly man, who had just come in. (9)
  • They come from the wild and sterile islands between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, where they run at large. (21)
  • Do you expect to come up here with a bombshell in your pocket, and explode it among us without causing any commotion? (9)
  • Why had not Diana come to her, she asked herself, and asked her husband; who, as usual, was absolutely unable to say. (10)
  • Now death has come to join its vague conjectures to the broken expectations of life, and that blithe spirit is elsewhere. (9)
  • She could telegraph Mavering to come; and she rose, humbly and gratefully, as if from an answered prayer, to go and do so. (9)
  • In an evil hour he decided to come to Italy, but he found the prices so ruinously low that he was forced to disband his company. (9)
  • John Ford came out to shake hands with him, then, remembering why he had come, breathed loudly, said nothing, and went in again. (8)
  • Copper, since the war, has come back into use again as a sheet metal for the small house, for its cost has dropped within reason. (17)
  • Probably the absence of natural motion inspires the prophecy that we must ultimately come down: our unused legs wax morbidly restless. (10)
  • She had only to go and stay there twenty-one days, then Jon could come, and in front of two people they could declare themselves married. (8)
  • Stephen, who was still walking with his springy step, though he had come on foot the whole way from the Temple, hailed them with his hat. (8)
  • But when he did come he had formulated Saratoga very completely, and had a better conception of doing it than I had, after my repeated sojourns. (9)

Also see sentences for: arrive, ensue, flow, issue, proceed.

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Come up

to be mentioned or discussed; to arrive; to be ready soon; to approach someone; to stand next to someone

Our issue came up in the meeting last week.

“Is dinner ready?” “Coming up!”

He came up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

Come up with

to find a new idea; to produce something

Finally, we came up with the solution that each of us will pay half of the monthly bills.

I’ve come up with an idea for Mom’s birthday present.

How could you come up with such a large amount of money?

Come across (to come upon)

to find someone/something by chance

I came across a book that I was looking for.

He came across a recruitment ad when he was reading the newspaper this afternoon.

They came across many challenges before winning the final competition.

Come round/around

to happen again; to become conscious again

Time flies. Christmas will soon come round.

I’ve been waiting for him to come round.

My grandpa has finally come round after three years in a coma.

Come about

to happen

How did the coincidence come about?

My confused feelings for him have come about since he texted another girl.

Our break-up came about in a way that I could never imagine.

Come along

to go somewhere with someone; to make progress

Just go ahead. I’ll come along.

Your writing skills have come along so far.

Although he joined the class quite late, he came along very well.

Come out

to appear; to reveal the truth

The sun comes out after a dark night.

He has decided to come out to his parents.

Don’t worry about the scandal. The truth will come out soon.

Come back

to go back to a place; to happen again

My puppy has finally come back after three days.

All of my old memories came back after I watched this short video.

The next day, he came back to me and said “sorry.”

Come over

to visit someone’s house for a short time, (emotions) to affect someone strongly

Would you like to come over for lunch?

Whenever I see that baby-pink dress, the feelings of missing my daughter just come over me.

Sorry, I’ve got to go. My parents just came over from England.

Come through

to overcome a difficult or dangerous situation and become better; to arrive by telephone or radio or after some official procedure

The city has come through after the terrible earthquake.

The message has finally come through.

After the two-hour discussion, the contest results came through.

Come apart

to be separated into pieces

Our new dryer has come apart. I’ll return it to the store.

Jack’s car came apart in the car crash.

Don’t sit on that chair. It will soon come apart.

Come before

to take higher priority than others; to be brought to a discussion or for consideration

Wendy is such a selfish girl. Her needs always come before anything else.

That case will come before the court soon.

My dad is such a great man. His family has always come before his career.

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