Make a sentence with the word wondered

He wondered how long he could possibly spin this one out

He wondered where she was now, playing in the snows of Kugenzglaw? Or did she experience one winter and head right back down to her old place down Sinbara point? What if she’d come up to the Wild Catch last Nightday?

“And you want to ask me about this? Are you kidding? Are you expecting me to feel sorry for you?” Kira was not angry, exactly, but she wondered why on earth he would have come all this way to have this particular conversation with her

Tennis,” the child begged, pulling on his mother’s skirts and Hermann Schulz wondered why

Still, the bullies did pause for a moment, and momentarily looked at each other and wondered what they should do

“What is death?” the little ant wondered

He was so stubborn about it that she wondered if there was more to it than that

Maybe he’d sold his place on the mainland? Where’d they get the money for the boat also? Maybe it was a visitor? She wondered if Venna really had more money than she let on

She wondered how much of it he was personally missing, it might be several, maybe pounds

Johnny often wondered how his dad would feel if he ever found out that Johnny was a super spy and that he was concealing so many things from him

Staring into her cold, dark eyes, Scar wondered if it was already too late

She wondered if Herndon was only pretending to be asleep and listening in

» She knew her sister was deeply involved with the Heavenly Mother, she wondered if it was politically possible to have a conversation with her about any hostile intentions on their part

She wondered how many tries it was going to take before she learned her lesson regarding testosterone guys

» He wondered how much of that pronouncement was due to the fact that Estwig was moving to this end of the harness and could be listening

He wondered how Tahlmute was going to get around the ‘tomorrow’ restriction

He wondered about that

He wondered if a press that could print this magazine on paper could fit in that crate

He wondered if he should go to the council with this question? That would certainly expose everything of Tahlmute’s past and doing that would likely lose him the job

Then he wondered how often they had been together? He worried a little about that because he wanted Estwig to be wary of Wootondi

He wondered how worried she really was, and why

Then I wondered what could be in that crate

he wondered whether it might not be easier to clear the site and rebuild

But instead Tahlmute began with, «You know what I’ve always wondered

She wondered how long she had been suspended, looked at the date, 2423! It had been a hundred and forty five years! Gordon’s Lamp should have been back to Sol long ago

Glenelle wondered at the folly of a nation consisting of one pill-shaped space colony three miles in diameter and forty miles long that passes in close orbit less than five hundred miles above, declaring war on a glowing industrial belt holding half a billion mortals that was longer than the distance to that orbit

How many years more, she wondered

She wondered if she was going to talk about the one on the surface, that could be fun

She was so blown on the native elixir that she just sat there and wondered on the intricacies of all the grown and grafted wood that went into the room in which they sat

Glenelle wondered if her android would even work after all this time, and blinked into it to try

He looks rough – unshaven, his hair slightly longer than usual — but that is not to be wondered at

It was a very good representation of the environment the mortal humans on the planet below lived in, she wondered if they had planted nano instruments that allowed one to converse with people on the planet below in real time

She wondered if this instrument would even be working at all by now if it weren’t for nano-mechanical repairs?

Glenelle wondered if she already knew

he had once known so well and wondered whether he could simply walk out of the

I’ve often wondered if that is why men never grow up

He wondered if that was how God evolved?

Bahkmar wondered at the blind gullibility of the population to fall for that

» Jordo wondered if Ernie really believed that or if was just bluster

I wondered whether the face and the hair that had once lain here might now be rotting in the earth, but somehow I did not care

I wondered whether the trap door into the building above these cells had been left open

I didn’t contradict him but I wondered: When we left the seaside the time was 6:30 in the afternoon; how harmful would it have been, if we had stayed for fifteen more minutes? All things considered, I believe yesterday’s excursion was one of Alexander’s tricks, aiming to keep his disciples in subjection: He doesn’t allow them to enjoy anything, so that they don’t demand anything

Bahkmar wondered how Bellam expected the three hundred members of theology would convert three thousand natives

Bahkmar wondered how long it would be before he risked open defiance as the day drew near

As I stripped off my shirt I wondered how I could measure time accurately, how I could make the most of these small moments of freedom

He wondered who was on that, it was usually easier duty

I wondered at his not knowing this word, but I explained it to him

“Not with the initiation, with a carnation!” another guy joked and I wondered: Initiation? What kind of initiation?

Bahkmar wondered at the shallowness of it all, ‘she’s an electric whack-off stick,’ he wanted to say, but that would be dishonorable wouldn’t it? It was his oath to keep that knowledge of what she was, as well as the details of her code, from Jaseem

He wondered if all the Qbytes they copied from a brain didn’t really amount to little more than a few thousand pages of ‘if’ statements, some response databases and a few gig of life experiences? He wondered if being in silicon took something from a soul? He bore the remainder of the evening stoically

What shall I do now? Call him and ask »how much is it?» I wondered bitterly

‘What are we even doing here?’ he wondered

‘Why try?’ he wondered

I wondered how these two men had been brought up

He wondered if in some way this was payback for wanting his love-mate to have a soul

Bahkmar wondered if his houris were male? Bahkmar shuddered

I wondered where the guard in the blue check shirt was

Bahkmar wondered why he dared make that statement, but compared to what he’d already revealed, this was small

He wondered if he had made a mistake talking about that

He wondered if it was the same guy who did the effects for the Haadij

He wondered what the symbolism would be if he was to climb the rope? God would probably think he was so arrogant he intended to climb up and take over

He wondered if he would be here for the remainder of eternity

I wondered whether the heating worked in winter

He wondered if Diam knew this? He wondered if Moamar did? He wondered if he was the first to know?

He wondered how Diam was arranging to cover other sensors, because too-late Bahkmar realized that they had to encapsulate all the ships instrumentation to keep the crew from noticing the effects of their intervention

He wondered if the simulation was accurate enough so that if he killed every last bug, they would be gone

What would his mind be like a thousand years from now, a million? He wondered how this sentence could ever end

He wondered what would happen then? He would never know it had happened would he? There would just be a time slice he never received

He wondered if there would be anything to tell him that things were nearing that point

He wondered if the universe around him might start to fail

He wondered if someone had recalled their commander from backup and Vincef had found a way to regain control of the expedition? He was glad his sentence had only lasted three days

They clearly held this conversation on a nightly basis and I wondered how anyone could stand such a thing, no matter how much sympathy one held in one’s heart

Listening to the night-dead creaking of the building and to the faint strains of a television playing further down the hall in the room where the guards brewed our tea and relaxed when not on duty, I wondered again about this friendship

We often wondered whether the other hostages felt the same, but we could never quite imagine Aban and Beniamin finding the same closeness

He wondered what that meant? ‘Keep the place together?’ He didn’t think it was in any danger, things seemed to be remarkably smooth at his place

Herndon was confident he could get his own business done in one or two weeks and then wondered what he would do for the remainder

She pressed comfortably on him, he didn’t remember her being this well turned and wondered if she’d taken something to enhance her figure a bit

Alfred wondered if Alan had completely forgotten the phone and was going to leave it on thru their bedroom antics? He completely panicked, heart pain and all

Alfred wondered if he might be better off if Alan’s phone was to fail

He wondered if they could tell whether he really came from Earth or his memories are really from a drug overdose

She wondered if they would ever know, she doubted there was a soul on what remained of Gordon’s Lamp that was half as competent with silicon as that avatar was, certainly none that would be able to detect what she had actually done

We often wondered … we saw her, you know

«I wondered why the nautical theme in her act,» Nlara said

I’ve often wondered about my birth parents … I mean, Mum and Dad have been brilliant but … you always wonder, don’t you?’

She wondered what kind of person would have that much skill with RNAcid and use it on such a message

He looked down at the shell of the man he had once known so well and wondered whether he could simply walk out of the place with him under his arm

I wondered what was in its cargo

wondered if it was only a short-range travel device

It hadn’t been active in so many years, he wondered if it would even work

‘Wiesse wondered if you might be interested

A week later she wondered if she had some of this wrong after all

He wondered, as he flew toward the ground and even more pain, if he had lost consciousness

He wondered how much further the girls had gone

He wondered how long it would be before he would be forced to admit they were gone from his life forever

They are very happy together – I have often wondered if you planned for them to fall in love like that

I felt like nothing was real, I wondered if I was real

Once again he wondered how he could have been so stupid that he thought he could survive on an alien planet

He wondered at first what she meant, then knew it was because he hadn’t engaged in sex with her

He wondered if she had actually done so and just not told him of it

He wondered what world she had lost, was it the world of her yaag? «That is true,» Alan said, «especially now that I threw the phone out as far into the Lhar as I could throw it

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Wondered | Wondered Sentence

  • He wondered how it might be with her.
  • Victoria wondered in silence.
  • I have wondered and grieved!
  • I wondered what the trouble was.
  • So we scarcely wondered when she died.
  • I wondered if possibly she might be right.
  • She sighed, and he wondered what her story might be.
  • Mrs. Cockayne wondered likewise.
  • Julia wondered how Emily could think so wisely.
  • I wondered if my grandmother felt as I felt.
  • It was a smart tapping and Pep wondered who it could be.
  • He wondered how Judge Lindsly was now.
  • Have you ever wondered how George Stribling stood her?
  • For many days and nights I wondered what the Junker meant.
  • I wondered if I should grow up beautiful, like Mrs. Moss.
  • He wondered what it was about her that he had at first found attractive.
  • She returned his kiss coldly and he wondered if she loved him.
  • He felt sorry for her and wondered if he might offer her money.
  • For a moment Lawrence wondered what it could mean, and then he knew.
  • He wondered if Tom Corbin took the same precaution last might.
  • I wondered how it was they could drink in so much of the sun’s glow.

How To Use Wondered In A Sentence?

  • She wondered why and rebelled, but her father was obdurate and left her crying.
  • The conversation paused, and in a long silence they wondered if the fly-man had heard.
  • In the midst of his embarrassment Stephen wondered resentfully how she had discovered his name.
  • Then about daylight I heard some shooting, and wondered if they had been followed.
  • Up to this point Gray had not even wondered at his lateness; he had only felt annoyed at it.
  • Is it therefore to be wondered at that the people of Italy rejoiced on the 14th of May?
  • He did not buy any though, and I wondered why he did not, he looked so easy, so at home there.
  • Whenever I thought of it I wondered how I ever could have been inspired to do so unholy a thing.
  • Patty had often wondered what it was about the man that aroused in her so unconquerable an aversion.
  • And in the melancholy greyness of the dawn he looked down into the street and wondered what the end would be.
  • He wondered if it were still the same excitement that sent the alternate flush and pallor up her cheek.
  • I looked at him, and wondered that this poor helpless mortal could have been an object of terror to me!
  • He thought he had never gazed on so lovely a scene, and he wondered who it was who had made his home in that peaceful valley.
  • He had heard of avoiding service, but he knew little of the law, and wondered what power the service of the writ gave his creditor over him.
  • I heard her and Bertram laughing down below, and wondered if they got the length of settling what dogs they would take out!
  • Bowles excused himself, and wondered what would happen; but the half-drunken cowboy who brought out the life-saver never gave him a second look.
  • The memory of a man named Dunbar came over him, and he wondered if he had died in the morning, when his bones were brittle and cold.
  • We wondered how long it would be before a formal declaration of war between England and Germany would be declared.
  • The hands of the clock were at the quarter now; we in the chorus wondered that St. Michel had not come.

Definition of Wondered

(obsolete) Wonderful, extraordinary. | simple past tense and past participle of wonder

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Wondered in a sentence

Wondered sentence

sentence with Wondered

Wondered used in a sentence

Wondered make sentence

make sentence with Wondered

make sentence of Wondered

Wondered sentence in english

  • Use the word Wondered in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I wondered what was the matter.

No offense, I just wondered if you had any evenings open?

So then I wondered: what is she doing with summer dresses at the north pole?

I’ve often wondered about that.

As they stood side by side at city hall He wondered where she got the gown and all While she wasn’t too sure of his name

He wondered where she got the gown and all While she wasn’t too sure of his name

I’ve often wondered why it was necessary in some cases.

I wondered if you’d hate very much if we couldn’t have her down here for a while.

We cry after the dead, I always wondered what the welcome back will be.

I’ve often wondered what would happen to that porter… if somebody jumped on him from here.

Ladies and gentleman. If you have wondered why you haven’t received any wireless messages today, it is because we have placed them on the Christmas tree.

Have you ever wondered why he went out of his way to befriend her?

Probably wondered what it’s all about.

I wondered where I lost it.

Why? — Nothing. I just wondered.

Joseph. — I wondered if you’d do something for me.

Shiraito wondered if she was dreaming,

Is it to be wondered at that you should choose this place to build your house?


Sometimes I have wondered whether life wouldn’t be much more amusing if we were all devils, and no nonsense about angels and being good.

I wondered if I was still out of my mind.

I often wondered why I bothered to save all these things.

I wondered why I was talking to you as I did.

Mr. Hardwick, dear sir, one of our guests has informed us… that he is to be married this evening. We wondered if you would give up your bridal suite. — Give it up?

I noticed you… at the botanical garden party and wondered who you were.

I’ve sometimes wondered if…

I wondered who this man could be that everyone spoke of in hushed tones and who never came back.

I wondered if your husband had phoned, or anything.

I wondered about your health.

From the first time I saw you… I wondered how on earth you came to be doing settlement work.

I know the first part of the story, but I wondered what you know might know?

-For years I’ve wondered

I wondered how a good-looking man like you… could be stuck with a crow like her.

I wondered if the fact I’d been miraculously spared didn’t make it look as if I’d killed them all.

They both looked at me and wondered where they’d seen these eyes before, but neither recognized me.

During dinner they both wondered which I’d choose for the rest of the night.

I often wondered what you were like before.

I’ve seen your pictures, and wondered how you look.

-l wondered about you, too.


He wondered if I was following him and finally asked.

I wondered why I hadn’t seen him all day.

Why? Just wondered. I wish I’d been born lucky instead of beautiful and hungry.

I just wondered. Would it make any difference if I was? Not as long as you aren’t in danger.

Would you think me rude if i wondered why you’ve come here?

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I WONDERED if they would diliver my Pizza on time!

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i wonder

Оборот «I wonder» часто встречается в английской речи. Он буквально значит «задаваться вопросом, спрашивать себя». Мы используем его, когда хотим сказать, что хотели бы что-то узнать. Этот оборот используется в разных вариантах: I wonder if, I wonder whether, I wonder why, No wonder —  давайте разберем их подробнее.

Первый вариант — это «I wonder if…» Предложение с таким оборотом состоит из (как минимум) двух частей.

  • Часть 1. I wonder — буквально «я задаюсь вопросом».
  • Часть 2. союз if + придаточное предложение, где выражено, каким именно вопросом мы задаемся.

Придаточное предложение представляет собой утверждение с прямым порядком слов, то есть порядок слов не «наоборот», как в вопросах, а обычный, как в утверждениях. Приведу примеры, придаточные в них подчеркнуты:

I wonder if she remembers me. — Интересно, помнит ли она меня?

I wonder if it is going to rain. — Интересно, пойдет ли дождь?

Как видите, я перевожу эти примеры со словом «интересно» и в вопросительной форме, а не утвердительной, как в оригинале. Дело в том, что если переводить совсем дословно, получилось бы: «Я задаюсь вопросом, помнит ли она меня», «Я задаюсь вопросом, пойдет ли дождь», но это звучит так, будто говорит не человек, а робот. По этой причине я немного обрабатываю перевод, чтобы он звучал более по-человечески.

Разумеется, вместо «I wonder» можно взять вариант с другим местоимением, с существительным вместо местоимения (хотя чаще оборот используется именно от первого лица). Глагол «wonder» может использоваться в других временах, обычно в Past Simple или Past Continuous. При этом нужно учитывать принципы согласования времен, т.к. мы имеем дело со сложноподчиненным предложением. Приведу примеры:

He wondered if he was going to pass the test. — Ему было интересно, пройдет ли он испытание (букв. «он задавался вопросом…»)

The dog wondered if it barked too loudly. — Собаке было интересно, не слишком ли громко она лаяла.

Поскольку конструкция с «I wonder» и ее аналоги в русском языке строятся очень по-разному, мы можем по-разному переводить такие предложения на русский язык. Не всегда это будет «интересно», не всегда это будет вопросительное предложение. Возьмем пример:

The police officer wondered if I spoke English.

Суть предложения следующая: полицейский задавался вопросом, говорю ли я по-английски? Вряд ли тут уместно говорить о том, что ему было «интересно». Скорее, он «хотел узнать»: «Полицейский хотел знать, говорю ли я по-английски». Но это все тонкости перевода, я отвлекаюсь на них лишь для того, чтобы объяснить вам, почему у меня «I wonder» в примерах переводится не всегда одним и тем же способом.

Вариант в Past Continuous часто используется в конструкции «I was wondering if you could…» — это шаблонный способ вежливо о чем-то попросить. Например:

I was wondering if you could help me.

Буквально это значит «Я задавался вопросом (мне было интересно), не можешь ли ты мне помочь», но, опять же, по-русски это звучит кривовато, в русском языке попросту другие шаблоны для подобных просьб. Мы, скорее, скажем: «Знаешь, я хотел тебя кое о чем попросить…» или что-то в этом роде.

Приведу еще пару примеров такой просьбы с небуквальным переводом:

I was wondering if you could lend me some money. — Знаешь, я хотел тебя кое о чем попросить. Не одолжишь мне немного денег?

I was wondering if you could look at my homework. — Я тут хотел спросить, не мог бы ты взглянуть на мою домашнюю работу?

Во всех примерах выше вместо if можно использовать союз whether — разницы не будет никакой:

The police officer wondered if/whether I spoke English.

Тем не менее, союз if в таких предложениях используется чаще, возможно, попросту потому что он короче и легче произносится.

Замечу, что в придаточной части может использоваться будущее время. Мы можем сказать:

I wonder if you will take part in the event. — Мне интересно, примешь ли ты участие в мероприятии?

Я делаю это оговорку вот почему. Если вы изучали условные предложения, то помните такое правило: в условии, которое начинается на if, будущее время не используется. Мы говорим: «You will get the prize if you win«, а не «…if you will win». Это правило не стоит переносить на предложение с «I wonder», поскольку они не являются условными предложениями.

I wonder what/how/where/why и т. д.

Еще один оборот с «I wonder» — это предложение из двух частей, где первая часть — «I wonder» (или вариант с другим подлежащим, глаголом «wonder» в другом времени), вторая часть — придаточное, начинающееся с вопросительного слова, такого как why — почему, what — что и т. д.

  • Часть 1. I wonder 
  • Часть 2. what + придаточное предложение.

Заметьте, что в придаточном предложении прямой порядок слов, как в утверждении, а не обратный, как в вопросе, несмотря на то, что начинается оно с вопросительного слова — пусть это не сбивает вас с толку. Приведу примеры:

I wonder what you are going to do now. — Мне интересно, что ты сейчас собираешься делать.

I was wondering where we were going. — Мне было интересно, куда мы ехали.

I wonder why you find my favorite book boring. — Мне интересно, почему ты находишь мою любимую книгу скучной.

I wonder what time they close. — Интересно, во сколько они закрываются?

i wonder

Частая ошибка — это ставить придаточное в вопросительную форму.

  • Неправильно: I wonder why does she cry?
  • Правильно: I wonder why she cries.

No wonder — Неудивительно

Еще один оборот с «wonder» — это «No wonder» — «неудивительно». Вообще, глагол to wonder может значить «удивляться», но в этом значении он встречается редко, например:

I do not wonder you don’t like swimming. — Я не удивлен (букв. «не удивляюсь»), что ты не любишь плавать.

Куда чаще встречается оборот «No wonder». Используется он так:

  • Часть 1. No wonder 
  • Часть 2. Придаточное, в котором мы говорим, чему именно не удивляемся.

Вторая часть может начинаться на союз that, но в речи он обычно опускается. Например:

No wonder you don’t like swimming! You swim like a rock! — Неудивительно, что ты не любишь плавать! Ты плаваешь как топор! (букв. «как камень»)

You’re a good person. No wonder that you have so many friends. — Ты хороший человек. Неудивительно, что у тебя так много друзей.

No wonder she is fluent in Spanish, she grew up in Mexico. — Неудивительно, что она свободно владеет испанским, она выросла в Мексике.


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