Make a sentence with the word tree

Examples of how to use the word “tree” in a sentence. How to connect “tree” with other words to make correct English sentences.

tree (n): a tall plant that has a wooden trunk and branches that grow from its upper part:

Use “tree” in a sentence

The car struck the tree.
We need to plant some more trees here.
Can you climb up that tree?
If you don’t like where you are, then change it. You are not a tree!

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Synonym: Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Tree, corner, shoetree, tree diagram. Similar words: street, free, three, agree, greet, Greek, trend, freely. Meaning: [trɪː]  n. 1. a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms 2. a figure that branches from a single root 3. English actor and theatrical producer noted for his lavish productions of Shakespeare (1853-1917). v. 1. force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape 2. plant with trees 3. chase an animal up a tree 4. stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree. 

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1. The tree must be bent while it is young. 

2. Don’t climb a tree to look for fish. 

3. You cannot judge a tree by its bark. 

4. As the tree falls, so shall it lie. 

5. The apple never falls far from the tree

6. A tree is known by its fruit. 

7. Experience is the fruit of the tree of errors. 

8. The tree is known by its [his] fruit. 

9. As the tree, so the fruit. 

10. A tall tree catches the wind. 

11. The fruit does not fall far from the tree

12. A tree must be bent while it is young. 

13. Money does not grow on tree

13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

14. Every tree is known by its own fruit. 

15. Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit. 

16. Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 

17. A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees. William Blake 

18. When the tree is fallen, every one runs to it with his axe. 

19. Like tree, like fruit.

20. As the twig is bent so the tree is inclined. 

21. He was hipped when he dropped from the tree.

22. The wind had snapped the tree in two.

23. Birds are tootling in the tree.

24. He peeled the bark off that tree.

25. Put not your hand between the bark and the tree

26. A young twig is easier twisted than an old tree

27. He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree

28. He that would eat [have] the fruit must climb the tree

29. For me the different religions are beautiful flowers from the same garden, or they are branches of the same majestic tree. Therefore they are equally true, though being received and interpreted through human instruments equally imperfect. 

30. He will shoot higher who shoots at the moon [sun] than he who aims at a tree

More similar words: street, free, three, agree, greet, Greek, trend, freely, breeze, free of, freeze, screen, stretch, stream, treaty, streak, stress, preempt, set free, agree to, agree on, entreat, extreme, retreat, actress, get ready, disagree, free from, distress, stretch out. 

  • Use the word Tree in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Swamp of mangrove tree all the way.

Okay, based on the angle of the tree and the weight distribution, uh, estimated by the barycenter balancing point, as well as the relatively weak tensile strength of the River Sheoak, which is really no more than a weed…

And I, God, have anointed you to dig up this part three that’s buried by a tree on a hill in your backyard!»

They thought he made up this part three that was buried by a tree on the hill in his backyard.

So I’ll take my part three from the hill with the tree Feel free if you’d like to come along with me to the promised land!

It’ll all make sense if you read Part 3, so follow those books from the hill with the tree!

The mental health apple never falls far from the tree.

I found this really weird-looking tree.

I mean, it wasn’t a tree.

Not so exuberant… think about your family tree.

The bridal suite at Rose tree Inn.

And not even the most outstanding person, not the most flourishing tree could rescue you from your anxiety.

His two friends left him like tree leaves blown by the cold autumn wind.

«Spreading its branches wide like a crane, will this himekomatsu pine tree live as long?»

Heir to the Treadway fortune — a living proof that every family tree must have its sap. (Actor : Buster Keaton)

This is the meaning: Thou wilt wed the suitor who first toucheth the rose-tree in thy garden.

Allah grant he touch not the rose-tree.

He touched not the rose-tree.

Celestial Majesty, the superstition of the Princess centers on that rose-tree.

If thou dost reach the Cavern of Enchanted Trees touch with this talisman the midmost tree.

You can still see the stump of the old tree.

In the morning we’ll climb the pinnacle — and drop the other tree over.

When I release the tree it will snap back with terrific force — …and by calculating the curve the rock will describe as it rushes through the air-

Hector’s out there with a Christmas tree for little Willie.

Rosie and I will trim the tree.

Perhaps she wants to help us trim the tree.

tree throwing Tossing the caber:

A wooden pole or a tree trunk serves as a «caber»

We’ve got to form a vigilante committee and hang him to the highest tree… and I’m going to start it.

A hollow tree stump about a mile from here.

Right where that coconut tree is.

Get away from that tree before it dies.

Right there where the stump of that tree is overlooking the oceanfront.

It shows how to get to Cocoanut Manor and the hollow tree stump… and reads, «Hollow stump, jewels.»

I guess we’ll conduct this marriage ceremony right around there… under that tree.

Ben, help me with the tree.

Yeah, well, Ted saw Sock fall into the Christmas tree.

We passed a cherry tree and when he saw it, he went crazy.

Did you ever see a tree like that?

They taught me how to follow a trail by watching the leaves. And how to cut your mark on a tree so you won’t get lost in the forest. And they taught me how to burry in in the snow, so you won’t freeze to death in the storms.

I hid it in the holler of the big tree at the bend of the trail.

Ivan swinging through the tree tops.

«I forbid you to eat apples from the tree of knowledge».

The meadow lies in the sunlight, centre stage a linden tree with hearts carved into its bark.

# I knew you would be drawn to this linden tree, # by the yearning for the Postmaster’s child.

Is there a postmaster’s daughter somewhere that you’re in love with, and a linden tree with hearts carved into its bark?

If there was five birds in a tree, and St. Louis and I shot one of the birds… how many of the birds would be left in the tree?

tree — перевод на русский


I found this really weird-looking tree.

Я увидел это странное дерево.

I mean, it wasn’t a tree. It was something different.

Я хочу сказать это было не дерево Это было что-то другое

This is a tree, Johnny.

Это дерево, Джонни.

Say, did you notice that leaning tree down there?

Кстати, вы заметили там упавшее дерево?

If that supporting branch were cut away… this fallen tree would make a perfect Malay deadfall.

Если подрезать держащую ветку, дерево станет прекрасной малайской ловушкой.

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Come on, light the Christmas tree and rejoice. This is his last hour.

давай,зажги елку, (пусть хоть порадуется) в его последний час

I’ve got to get up and trim that darn Christmas tree.

Мне надо подняться и нарядить эту чёртову Рождественскую ёлку.

I’ve gotta get home and trim my Christmas tree.

Я должен идти домой наряжать елку.

Trim your Christmas tree, eh?

Наряжать елку?

I’ve gotta get home and trim my Christmas tree.

Я собираюсь пойти домой и нарядить елку.

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I’m saying I’m on green grass with palm trees waving overhead.

Я пишу, что лежу на траве, и над головой пальмы.

Palm trees… Flowers… The sun to warm us…

Пальмы, цветы, солнце, чтобы нас греть и мягкие дождики.

I liked the palm trees.

Я люблю пальмы.

And if you were out of work, for no charge at all, the «Palm Trees of Valencia» and «Elisabeth’s Lovely Legs» could magically appear in your cold, bare room.

А если вы ушли с работы и совершенно ничем не были заняты «Пальмы Валенсии» или «Милые ножки Элизабет» могли привнести волшебство в вашу холодную, пустую комнату.

We passed the window and saw the fancy posters, all blue seas and palm trees.

И проходя мимо витрины, увидели красивые плакаты — море, пальмы, греческие острова или что-то подобное.

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White sand, green pine trees, fragrance of the sea — it’s a popular health resort.

«Белый песок, зеленые сосны,» «запах моря — это знаменитая здравница.»

There are pine trees, a river.

Здесь есть сосны, река.

— Look at those pine trees.

— Посмотрите на эти сосны.

The next day, Setsukos body was discovered near the pine tree, behind the house

На следующий день за домом, у сосны, обнаружили тело Сэцуко.

Do you live up in those dark trees and snow?

Вы на холме живете, Где черные сосны и снег?

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The small tree became a tall oak…

Маленькое деревце стало высоким дубом…

A blade of grass, a bush, a tree a flower petal.

Травинка, кустик, деревце, цветочные лепестки.

When a hare gnaws a young tree, it’s completely destroyed.

Понимаешь, когда заяц обгрызает деревце, оно тут же погибает.

That little tree is in trouble.

Это деревце в беде.

When you see a young tree die,

Если гибнет молодое деревце,

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He wanted to add it to the family tree.

Он захотел внести его в семейное древо.

This is the Ounce family tree.

Это фамильное древо Оунса.

This is my family tree.

Вот моё фамильное древо.

Clutching on to their family tree like an umbrella!

Хватаются за свое генеалогическое древо, как за зонтик!

Buddha’s tree of enlightenment. Remember?

Древо просвящения Будды, помнишь?

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Strong as a tree and swift as the wind.

Могучий, как дуб и быстрый, как ветер.

This oak tree and me, we’re made of the same stuff.

Этот дуб и я, мы состоим из одного и того же.

He was planting oak trees.

Потом засыпал ямку. Он сажал дуб.

It’s a camphor tree.

Это дуб.

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But he told you himself not to go back through the trees.

Но он вам сам сказал не идти через лес.

You must go across the tuft and into the trees.

Идите через ветки, а потом в лес.

Make sure you can see the forest. Make sure the trees aren’t getting in the way.

Только… подумай над тем, виден ли тебе лес убедись, что деревья не мешают.

Those trees are two centuries old, right?

Двести лет стоит этот лес, да? Издержки цивилизации.

There is so much trees in this forest.

Это такой большой лес.

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Hold, ye husbandmen, because the harvest of your field hath perished and the vine is dried up and the apple tree languisheth!

Берегитесь, земледельцы… ибо урожай ваших полей погиб… и виноградная лоза высохла… и яблоня погибла!

Only it’s not cherry, but an apple tree.

Только это не вишня, а яблоня.

The leaves have all gone off the apple tree, ducks.

Яблоня вся облетела, утенок.

God bless you, apple tree!

Дай бог тебе здоровья, яблоня!

Poetry is like an apple tree.

Поэзия — как яблоня.

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Do you see that tree over there?

Это мой тополь и мой дом.

Do you remember when after the fire you nearly cut my tree down?

А помнишь, после пожара мой тополь чуть не срубили.

Yes, it is a good tree!

Да, хороший тополь. Ты ешь, ешь, Картанбай.

Why did you become so attached to your tree?

А что ты за свой тополь держишься?

I’ll go only when I cut down your tree and build the new school with large windows and durable roof!

Я уйду только тогда, когда срублю ваш тополь. И построю новую школу. С большими окнами и крепкой крышей.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«We have an apple tree in our backyard.«
(apple, cherry, orange, pear, lemon, fruit)

«You don’t see many tropical trees in this state.«
(tropical, exotic)

«There are many tall trees in the forest.«
(tall, big, huge, large)

«The owl lives in the hollow tree.«

«We have evergreen trees in our area.«
(evergreen, fir, pine, oak)

«That’s an old tree.«
(old, mature, young, native, dead)

«Let’s sit under a shady tree.«

«There are many fallen trees around here.«
(fallen, bare, leafless)

Used with verbs:

«He chopped down the dead tree.«
(chopped down, cut down)

«The kids climb the big tree.«

«We want to plant more trees in the yard.«

«The tree is growing fast.«
(be + growing)

«The tree fell during the storm.«
(fell, fell down)

Used with nouns:

«We cleaned up the tree branches after the big storm.«
(branches, leaves, limbs)

«The tree trunk is very wide.«
(trunk, stump)

Used with prepositions:

«The tall tree fell during the storm.«

«Let’s have a picnic under the tree.«
(under, beneath)

«There’s a bird in the tree.«

«The dog chased the cat up the tree.«

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