Make a sentence with the word tooth

Examples of how to use the word “tooth” in a sentence. How to connect “tooth” with other words to make correct English sentences.

tooth (n): one of the hard, white objects in the mouth that are used for biting and chewing (= crushing food)

Use “tooth” in a sentence

My tooth hurts a lot.
This tooth is loose.
Which tooth hurts?
I had a tooth pulled out yesterday.
You should brush your teeth twice a day.
Can you tell me which tooth hurts?

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tooth — перевод на русский


Oh, my God, your teeth are blue.

Хоспади, да у тебя зубы синие.

— You were brushing your teeth.

— Ты чистила зубы. — Да.

«But my teeth are nice and clean, mother!»

«Но мои зубы совсем чистые, мам!»

I hope all your teeth have cavities.

Надеюсь, у вас все зубы пока на месте.

You open your mouth and I’ll pop a tooth out of it.

Откроешь свой рот, и я пересчитаю твои зубы.

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You cut your teeth on it.

Вы давно вонзили в него зубки.

I’ll chew my food well, brush my teeth, and I’ll shave in the morning.

Я буду хорошо жевать пищу, чистить зубки, и бриться по утрам.

Hey, look at my teeth.

Эй, посмотри-ка на мои зубки.

I know your teeth.

Я твои зубки знаю.

Give him the teeth, the whole personality.

Покажи зубки, не стесняйся.

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Who left the application, the tooth fairy?

— А кто оставил заявку, зубная фея?

Mother says candy rots tooth enamel.

Мама говорит, что от конфет портится зубная эмаль.

Maybe the tooth fairy will come tonight, huh?

Похоже, сегодня прилетит зубная фея.

It’s just tooth brushes and a cold floor.

Это просто зубная щетка и холодный пол.

Tooth Fairy.

Зубная фея!

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Mugger grabbed his wallet and his teeth.

И Бандит утащил и его бумажник, и челюсть.

Gramps, put your teeth in, get your hands off your daughter and pay attention.

Слышь, дедуля, вставь на место челюсть, кончай лапать дочку и смотри внимательно.

When we’re old and gray you must remind me to put my teeth in, so I don’t go out without them.

Когда мы состаримся, будешь напоминать, чтобы я не забывала вставлять челюсть.

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Finally showed your teeth.

Наконец-то вы показали свои клыки.

It charged at the light, roaring like a lion and showing its dirty yellow teeth.

Она бросилась на свет, рыча, как лев, и обнажив свои грязные желтые клыки.

You had big teeth, but still nice.

У тебя были большие клыки.

— They look like big teeth.

— Горы похожи на огромные клыки.

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She does not know either, that she brushes teeth in sewage water.

И она не знает, что полощет рот канализационной водой.

Well! I shall smile, I shall smile so that my back teeth show. I shall be humane, and sweep my opinions under the carpet, and say yes to everything and act the hypocrite.

Ха… улыбаться во весь рот… поджимать хвост и лицемерить!

He’ll be staring at our teeth all the time.

Он все время будет заглядывать нам в рот.

But you know what Mr Fink-Nottle is like once he gets the bit between his teeth.

Но как Гасси скажет такое, если у него вечно набит рот?

— Keep your teeth together and go back to work.

— Закрыть рот и заняться работой.

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They stepped on my glasses, and I lost my false teeth…»

«Они разбили мои очки, сломали вставную челюсть,…»

She takes her teeth out, puts ’em in the glass. She gives him a blowjob.

Вынимает вставную челюсть, кладёт её в стакан и делает это.

Like the old women put their false teeth,

как старуха кладет свою вставную челюсть,..

Looks like someone ordered a set of teeth.

Кто-то заказал вставную челюсть.

False teeth became dental appliances. Medicine became medication.

«Вставная челюсть» стала «Зубным протезом!» «Медицина» стала «Медикаментозным лечением!»

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Sweet tooth?

Вы сладкоежка?

You know, I’m not that much of a sweet tooth..

Ты ведь знаешь, я не такая уж и сладкоежка…

I’ve got a sweet tooth.

Я сладкоежка.

He’s got a sweet tooth.

Он у нас сладкоежка.

And for Ross Mr. Sweet Tooth.

И для Росса мистера сладкоежки.

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Why’d you pull out the tooth?

Зачем зубы выбил?

I pulled all his teeth out.

Все зубы выбил.

— He knocked your teeth out.

— Он тебе зубы выбил.

Some Puerto Rican kid lost some teeth.

Какой-то пуэрториканский пацанёнок зубы выбил.

Watch out! If we didn’t have respect for Trimalchio, …I’d have broken your teeth already!

Если бы не моё уважение к Трималхиону, я бы уже выбил тебе зубы!

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Well, well. If it isn’t the tooth fairy.

Так-так ты ведь не зубная фея правда?

Look, I don’t care if you’re the Tooth Fairy, all right?

Да хоть зубная фея, мне всё равно.

There’s no such thing as the tooth fairy, Dad.

Зубная фея не существует, папа.

And Santa Claus lives with the tooth fairy in Oueens.

А Санта Клаус живет с зубной феей в Квинсе.

Scott! I got to fly in with the Tooth Fairy.

Скотт, я летела с Зубной феей.

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The tooth powder in the bathroom was turned around, but any of them could have done that

The shape of the region was like a walrus tooth

The skinny one had a claw half as long as his and the tasty one had a big tooth launcher

The tooth it threw was huge with a wicked straight-edge point, one like he hadn’t seen in thirty centuries

The one with the wicked tooth launcher had disappeared from view

This one, though tastier, was putting off less fear pheromones and looked to be serious with that tooth launcher

The next time the one with the tooth launcher scanned the other way, he was going for it

“I know that maybe Jeff is a little long in the tooth, but he has a great mind for strategy

He had a gold tooth

eleven years long on the tooth,

Sabre tooth tigers and all that

She took Ava to the bathroom and showed her which was her wash rag, tooth pick and soap

justify the criminal! An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth!

The establishment still ran on old fashioned lines; notably, there was little incidence of the super-bugs which appeared to afflict the majority of hospitals and the locals appreciated it accordingly, fighting tooth and nail to keep the place open every time there was a rumour that it might be closed

He was also pretty sure he had chipped a tooth

he was – though a bit long in the tooth, if you know what

” Babs grinned showing off his new gold filling in his front tooth balancing the one he commissioned some nearly four decades previously

«And haven’t you children a sweet tooth

eye, tooth for tooth; as he hath caused a

indications: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth

tooth came in contact with a twig

a baby tooth flew onto the ground

“What about the tooth faerie?” inquired Joey

“The tooth fairy will still visit you, don’t worry

companies want it to be known) that placing a tooth in

happened to be in close proximity that evening, that tooth

The tooth faerie, with her wild, high hair and her

retrieve the tooth but it wasn’t there

It should be mentioned that tooth faeries do not

tooth faerie flies to the kitchen counter and spies the glass

She has found the tooth

Tooth faeries use teeth (not just human teeth) as

The tooth faerie dives for the tooth, brings it to the

The tooth faerie flinches her green little fists, she

This tooth will do, she uses all of her strength to try

He spits out the tooth faerie

It’s the tooth faerie! It’s the tooth faerie, he wants

Think: The tooth faerie

He broke a tooth, and spat it out with fury

baby tooth fell out

tooth fairy out there that pays for baby teeth? Is there

They were indeed courageous, as their name suggested, since as a part of their total-body, tidying up services, they would even head in and out of the hippo’s mouth with their dinky tooth brushes and dental floss to leave him with a glistening, bright smile when they were all done

Without a moment’s hesitation Helez looked the king in the eyes and answered, “Your Majesty, in our culture and religion justice is served through an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a life for a life

tooth for tooth» and then Himself tortures these same people mercilessly for not

“It was my favorite as a child,” Nerissa gathered that Tragus had a sweet tooth

To see a tooth fairy in your dream indicates that you will be rewarded or recognized for your current hardships and difficulties

They had the consistency of iron and I knew many a person who had chipped a tooth or teeth trying to bite into them the best way to eat them without suffering damage to the teeth was to soak them in tea which softened them before you bit into one

did know he was due for a wisdom tooth

Something had moved in her — like as if an old rotten tooth had been dug out, taking with it the pain, and leaving only the gaping hole to be covered over and the tissue to reassemble itself in the healing process

«Have you had your tooth fixed yet?»

«My wisdom tooth? No, that’s tomorrow

while, then swallowed it, scowling as the cold hit his sore tooth

Fought tooth and claw, but she had to give in in the end

Mind you nothing could dampen my spirit just knowing that Gorge and Tommy were alive was a tonic in itself and I knew that they would fight tooth and nail to clear my name and have me freed

There was no time for respite and, as Raven was bent over in pain, a deadly fist slammed into the side of his face, knocking a tooth from his mouth in a spurt of blood

Apparently, the captain had a sweet tooth, or maybe he bribed his men with rewards

He picked up a pencil and sighed at the fresh feline tooth marks decorating it

I smiled at him and then had the pleasure of watching him pull out the variety of things in his package – shirts with funny cartoons printed on them, Bob Marley tapes, and a leather neckband with a shark’s tooth attached to it

In his Nehru jacket and saddle shoes, Brubaker was sure glad he didn’t have the doctor’s nerve in his tooth

It was about a half, the bottom half, of what was clearly a tooth

A human tooth, an incisor by the look of it

Fin’s thoughts were cut short when the creature slapped its mouth against his, the tooth covered tongue pushing its way down his throat with a rasping noise that vibrated throughout his head

His face reddened, as he snarled, “I am so very happy that I don’t have your nerve in my tooth

That funny little chip off the front tooth

Rewe turned his head around to reply, a silver tooth from his mouth casting off a shiny reflection of the torchlight:

He deftly blocked the maneuver with a Lomcevak followed by a shark’s tooth followed by a half-roll

She handed him a calling card, on good stiff stock, with a rough but pleasant tooth to it

Preventing Tooth Decay And The Need For Filling

What is tooth decay?

Tooth decay is a disease process which softens and destroys the hard tissues of the tooth

It is treated by the removal of the rotted (decayed) parts of the tooth and the replacement of the missing parts with a ‘filling’

We have shown a direct relationship between stress and tooth decay

The increased frequency of sugar in the diet leads to tooth decay

It is true that there are many other factors in tooth decay, but this is the major factor and one over which we have direct control

As soap is to washing so toothpaste is to tooth cleaning

This involves the focus of cleaning of a little ditch called a sulcus which is situated between the tooth and the gum around each tooth

As the damage progresses it becomes more and more noticeable with the gum tissue receding back causing the tooth to look longer as more of its root surface is exposed

Some people refer to this as getting long in the tooth implying that the damage to the tissues is the result of getting older

Enamel (the outer or surface layer of the tooth) ‘corrodes’ with acid at a slower rate than dentine (the layer underneath the enamel)

This is known to produce what is described as ‘rampant decay’ in the baby teeth where the entire set upper and lower are devastated by tooth decay

Naika»s gold tooth sparkled

The account was over a year old and was as clean as a hound’s tooth

_I_ had a tooth out once

“Cremation costs to rise as tooth fillings poison the living”22 by TOM KELLY

Environmentalists say that it is an absolute necessity to ensure the spiral fumes from the crematorium chimneys, caused by tooth fillings, do not pollute our air, waterways, soil, animals and food

The cost of the filters is estimated at £300,000 each! This additional cost will be paid by relatives, regardless of whether the deceased had tooth fillings or not

The alternative is to remove all tooth fillings from cadavers prior to cremation commencing, but due to the time involved, it would raise the cost of cremation considerably

When the jawbone was damaged or eroded over time, it must be “rebuilt”, so to speak prior to a new tooth being inserted or implanted into the bone

Confidence in the unfaithful man in the time of trouble is like the broken tooth, and the foot out of joint;

Penalty will apply on next tooth

She grinned, and the sun spangled off her gold tooth

“That’s the Giant’s Tooth

“Where has the witch gone?” roared another voice, the voice of youth and battle and tooth and claw; the voice of wolves and hawks and bounding deer

“Quite a sweet tooth,

20 Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he has caused a blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him again

Severe pain came on suddenly and Harry Walker, DDS, was able to extract the left lower wisdom tooth, sort of

Everyone has his or her own unique story, but mine started with a shattered wisdom tooth

27 And if he smite out his manservant’s tooth, or his maidservant’s tooth; he

gap toothed charm while the astonishing cavalcade played again

She smiled a gap toothed smile at him as she lit an unfiltered cigarette and blew smoke all over his iced bun

As the lights came up again slowly, the tart with a heart was standing where the blonde spirit had appeared, and she was smiling her soft and gentle, gap toothed smile once again

the ugly looking troll of a man flashed a gap toothed grin at her and

She smiled a gap toothed smile at him as she lit an

Alec was contemplating the number of servings it would take to fill his stomach when a gap toothed old woman jumped in his face

Its own toothed tongue, having fixed into Fin’s with its backwards facing teeth, tore Fin’s tongue from his mouth

It flew into the air, landing on Conal’s bald head and before he could move, it had sunk its toothed tongue deep into his scalp

beauty, but could only conceal his true emotions at the time with a half toothed

I can’t really even call it a top rock just yet, he was just dancing, but he was circling around the cypher, staring down all of the Hip Hop Breakers- meanwhile some random spectator chick tapped me on my shoulder, and in an annoyingly chipper tone said, “Hey can you do the wave? … Do the wave!” and if she wasn’t chipper enough, she picked up her chipperness and added, “… that’ll show them, do a wave, and then you guys will win,” she said with high eyebrows and an over bit-horse toothed smile while moving her arms like a cheerleader would have or maybe she was pop-wavin’

toothed squirrel, saving his life right when he was about to

The downed pup wanted nothing more than to disengage from this tiny bundle of toothed energy and began squalling like a banshee


There are toothed whales (orcas, sperm whales) and non-

toothed cat’s I knew that the milk wasn’t for me

toothed cat nearby, and he/she could be famished

Over al , he wasn’t the usual upper class, big toothed,

In the oceans the baleen and toothed cetaceans, or whales, had

The falcon took his toothed beak and viciously pecked one of the man’s eyeballs repeatedly in the socket as the man screamed and writhed with pain

These included three 16 pound stone sledges, several Cleveland model tackle blocks with long lengths of stout rope, three Disston’s type cross cut saws for two man tree cutting, four stone picks of seven pounds each, two toothed stone mason’s hammers of ten pounds each, six pointed quarry picks, various steel wedges, a large stone cutter’s saw called a Frig Bob, a smaller starting saw called a Razzor, a triangular file to sharpen saw teeth, two drill braces, a pedal operated grinding stone of 60 pounds for sharpening of the other tools, and an assortment of small hand tools

The little girl saw her mother and gave a gap toothed gurgle of joy and took off for her at high speed

Another whale on the other side rose up out of the water and caught the carcass in its mouth with one massive toothed bite

But the word of Mr Costello was an unwelcome language for him for he nauseated the wretch that seemed to him a cropeared creature of a misshapen gibbosity, born out of wedlock and thrust like a crookback toothed and feet first into the world, which the dint of the surgeon’s pliers in his skull lent indeed a colour to, so as to put him in thought of that missing link of creation’s chain desiderated by the late ingenious Mr Darwin

The monster opened its great toothed mouth and the sound that came from it was the sound of the Fog Horn itself

The small calliope inside the carousel machinery rattle-snapped its nervous-stallion shivering drums, clashed its harvest-moon cymbals, toothed its castanets, and throatily choked and sobbed its reeds, whistles, and baroque flutes

— Leaves: Are they large or small? spear-shaped, rounded or strap-like? with toothed, or lobed edges? made up of several leaflets? uniform in colour?

Look for the toothed, narrow oval leaves covered in stinging hairs and the spikes of green flowers

5 Wild Parsnips (Pastinaca sativa) are hairy, pungent, averaging 1m (3ft), with toothed leaflets and dense heads of tiny yellow flowers; in waste and grassy places

8 Wild Grapes (Vitis) are straggly, high-climbing, with large, heart-shaped coarsely toothed leaves, greenish flowers and bunches of amber to purplish grapes

5 Hazels (Corylus) are tall shrubs of thickets and waste ground, with toothed, oval to heart-shaped leaves and brownish-yellow catkins

3m (2-4ft), branching, with purple-streaked stems, a hollow-chambered rootstock, small 2-3 lobed, toothed leaflets and clusters of tiny white flowers, always found by water

Willows (Salix) are broad-leaved trees or shrubs with toothed leaves, lighter on the underside, and distinctive yellow or green catkins

Do not confuse their poisonous, spiky-cased nuts with those of Sweet Chestnut which has narrow, toothed leaves and much more densely prickled seed cases

3 Water Mint (Mentha aquatica) is aromatic, hairy, always near fresh water, with toothed, pointed oval leaves, a purplish stem to 80cm (32in) and clusters of pinkish flowers

4 Elms (Ulmus) are tall trees with large, oval, toothed leaves, green discshaped fruits and, often, suckers at the base of the trunk

5cm (1in) in length with large toothed jaws and a stinger

«I know now that she carries her keys in her right pocket—they are all hung on a steel ring—one of them is three times as large as the rest, and has the wards toothed; that cannot be the key of her drawer—then she must have some strong box or safe

All on a sudden he recalled a conjecture he had formed on the occasion of his preceding visit: the big key with the toothed wards, which was attached to the ring with the smaller ones, probably belonged, not to the drawers, but to some box in which the old woman, no doubt, hoarded up her valuables

Toothed coral (Cymbidium odontorhizom) in flower

tooth meaning:

n.) One of the hard, bony appendages on the jaws which usually aid in biting and chewing food.

n.) a love or weakness for type of food.

Milk may help prevent tooth decay.

I have a sweet tooth and eat too much candy.

She has a decayed tooth.

He had his tooth pulled.

I cracked my tooth as I fell.

The dentist pulled my bad tooth.

There’s a cavity in the boy’s tooth.

She bought a hair brush and a tooth brush.

The tooth was removed under local anesthetic .

An adult tooth came in right next to a baby tooth.

My front tooth fell out.

Should I have my tooth extracted?

Danny’s always had a sweet tooth. He cannot stop himself eating desserts.

They were fighting tooth and nail.

What method can make a tooth whiten?

He has a bad abscess under that tooth.

She’s very grumpy when her tooth aches.

The dentist extracted her wisdom tooth.

The decayed tooth has come off of itself.

If your tooth hurts, you should see a dentist.

tooth which has been hit hard may discolor.

A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain.

He’s very crabby right now because he has a bad tooth.

Do you see this gray area around the root of this tooth?

The little girl’s tooth came out when she bit into the apple.

I have a sweet tooth, so anything with durian is my favourite.

You had better go to the dentist to have that tooth pulled out.

Plaque grows when bacteria attach to the tooth and begin multiplying.

Since I developed this cavity, my tooth has been really sensitive to heat and cold.

I decided to have the offending tooth removed.

He gave his tooth a sharp jerk and it came out.

His tooth had started to throb painfully again.

I went to my dentist to have a tooth taken out.

It’s a messy business having a tooth taken out.

Plaque is the culprit that causes tooth decay.

Related Words:
tees – teeter – teetered – teetering – teeters – teeter-totter – teeth – tooth – get your teeth into – have teeth – in the teeth of – teeth on edge – buck teeth – false teeth – grit your teeth –

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Similar words: booth, smooth, smooth out, boot, foot, shoot, on foot, shoot up. Meaning: [tuːθ]  n. 1. hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense 2. something resembling the tooth of an animal 3. toothlike structure in invertebrates found in the mouth or alimentary canal or on a shell 4. a means of enforcement 5. one of a number of uniform projections on a gear. 

1, Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. 

2, How sharper than a serpent’s tooth is to have a thankless child. 

3, An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. 

4, He has a bad abscess under that tooth.

5, The dentist extracted her wisdom tooth.

6, This tooth feels very loose.

7, I haven’t even touched your tooth yet.

8, The dentist drilled a hole in the tooth.

9, I’ve just had a tooth out at the dentist’s.

10, My tooth is killing me.

11, A tooth which has been hit hard may discolour.

12, They were fighting tooth and nail.

13, The tooth was removed under local anaesthetic .

14, You’ll have to have that tooth out.

15, Yeah, I have a sweet tooth.

16, You’ll have to have that tooth extracted .

17, He gave his tooth a sharp jerk and it came out.

18, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

19, I went to my dentist to have a tooth taken out.

20, A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain.

21, If a tooth feels very loose,( your dentist may recommend that it’s taken out.

22, He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out.

23, A healthy tooth percussed with a metal instrument gives a metallic sound.

24, The dentist will treat my tooth.

25, I decided to have the offending tooth removed.

26, I cracked my tooth as I fell.

27, I have a filling in the tooth.

28, He chipped off a piece of his tooth.

29, She — ied with pain when the dentist pulled the tooth out.

30, Polly fell and knocked a chip out of her front tooth.

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