Make a sentence with the word sense

Synonym: comprehend, discern, fathom, feel, follow, grasp, intelligence, judgment, mentality, perceive, realize, understand. Similar words: in a sense, make sense, consensus, senseless, dense, offense, sensor, consent. Meaning: [sens]  n. 1. a general conscious awareness 2. the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted 3. the faculty through which the external world is apprehended 4. sound practical judgment 5. a natural appreciation or ability. v. 1. perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles 2. detect some circumstance or entity automatically 3. become aware of not through the senses but instinctively 4. comprehend. 

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1. Common sense is not common.

2. A man of sense talks little and listens much. 

3. A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning. 

4. A handful of common sense is worth bushel of learning. 

5. Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves. 

6. Men of courage, men of sense, and menof letters are frequent: but a true gentleman is what one seldom seen. 

7. The experience reinforced my sense of loss.

8. Americans have an innate sense of fairness.

9. She has a strong sense of justice and fairness.

10. I credit him with a certain amount of sense.

11. Riders need a good sense of balance.

12. This theory makes sense of an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon.

13. They lulled her into a false sense of security.

14. He has no sense of responsibility.

14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

15. Yoga gives me a sense of inner calm.

16. He never lost his innate sense of fun.

17. She hasn’t an ounce of common sense.

18. Dogs have a keen sense of smell.

19. Afterwards I felt a great sense of relief.

20. Kozelek expresses his sense of desolation absolutely without self-pity.

21. Are you totally devoid of common sense?

22. The incident left me with a sense of helplessness.

23. I can’t stand people with no sense of humour.

24. He has no sense of humor.

25. There’s a lot of sense in what she says.

26. Her sense of disappointment was profound.

27. His sense of duty is very strong.

28. He had no sense of rhythm whatsoever.

29. Singing can create a sense of wellbeing.

30. I regard that man as lost,( who has lost his sense of shame. 

More similar words: in a sense, make sense, consensus, senseless, dense, offense, sensor, consent, expense, intense, license, defense, sensitive, sensation, sensitivity, at the expense of, send, lens, insect, insert, send in, send out, senior, send for, Senate, senator, essence, ensure, in secret, response. 

Examples of how to use the word “sense” in a sentence. How to connect “sense” with other words to make correct English sentences.

sense (n): an ability to understand, recognize, value, or react to something, especially any of the five physical abilities to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel

Use “sense” in a sentence

Smell is one of the five senses.
This question doesn’t make sense.
He has no sense of humor.
You should rewrite this sentence, It does not make sense.
He has no sense of shame.
The question simply doesn’t make sense.
Don’t lose your sense of humor.
Dogs have a keen sense of smell.
This sentence doesn’t make sense.
This message doesn’t make sense to me.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

sense — перевод на русский


Now, there’s no sense in sitting at home fretting.

Ну нет никакого смысла сидеть дома и киснуть.

-…which doesn’t even make sense.

Хотя в этом и нет смысла.

There’s no sense in running too far ahead of ourselves.

— Постойте, постойте, господа. Нет смысла бежать впереди себя.

Oh, there’s not much sense in trying to fool you, Blanche.

Нет смысла пытаться одурачить тебя, Бланш.

Never common sense.

Никакого здравого смысла.

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Your sense of duty is as impregnable as Gibraltar.

Твое чувство долга перед своими обязанностями непоколебимо как Гибралтар.

An hour or two strapped up in here brought him to his senses.

Пара часов в ремнях привели его в чувство.

What a divine sense of humor!

Какое превосходное чувство юмора!

You and your sense of property!

Ты и твое чувство собственности!

I hope you brought her to her senses, Mother.

Я надеюсь, что ты приведешь ее в чувство, мама.

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Even now, I sense it.

Даже сейчас я чувствую это.

Sometimes I get this way, where nothing makes sense…

Я чувствую, что все бесполезно.

But I do sense things.

Но я такие вещи чувствую.

I think I can sense something too.

Да. Я тоже чувствую что-то подобное.

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-Thank you. I’m afraid that my sister has a somewhat distorted sense of humor.

Боюсь, что у моей сестры несколько необычное чувство юмора.

You have no sense of humor!

Нет у тебя чувства юмора!

She has a very peculiar sense of humor.

У неё очень своеобразное чувство юмора.

I’ve heard you Americans have a great sense of humor.

Я слышал, что у американцев отличное чувство юмора.

You have a great sense of humor, haven’t you?

У тебя чудесное чувство юмора.

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No sense in me putting this back on again.

Не имеет смысла снова их надевать.

As I can’t find a job and there’s no sense in waiting,

Я не могу найти работу и, полагаю, ждать больше не имеет смысла.

Nothing about this girl makes sense.

В ней ничего не имеет смысла.

Noting makes sense… and so…

Ничто не имеет смысла… и тогда…

In the present state of inertia and self-satisfaction to speak of masses makes no sense.

В современном состоянии инерции и самоудовлетворенности общества говорить о массах не имеет смысла.

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I can’t make sense with it.

Ничего не понимаю.

— Well, I can’t make any sense out of it.

— Я ничего не понимаю.

Taylor doesn’t make much sense to me.

Я не очень хорошо понимаю Тэйлора.

It doesn’t make sense, a girl like you.

Я не понимаю, такая, как ты.

— It doesn’t make sense.

Ничего не понимаю.

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That was quite enough! I sensed immediately that he’s unreliable!

Я сразу font color-«#e1e1e1″почувствовала, что он ненадежный!

Maybe, in some strange way, the dog sensed that…

Может, каким-то образом, собака почувствовала это…

I sensed it. And why?

Я почувствовала это.

She sensed my gaze.

Она почувствовала мой взгляд.

— Remind me what it was that you sensed when you entered this deserted house.

— Напомни мне, что ты почувствовала, когда вошла в этот заброшенный дом.

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Я знал у вас есть чувство юмора.

You got a sense of humor, friend.

У Вас есть чувство юмора, друг.

You got a sense of humor.

У тебя есть чувство юмора.

You have a sense of humour.

Да, у вас и впрямь есть чувство юмора.

You have a sense of humour too!

У вас так же есть чувство юмора!

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— It makes no sense.

— Это бессмысленно.

— No sense?


No sense in sitting here.

Сидеть бессмысленно.

It’s not smart to leave like that, it makes no sense.

Бежать вот так просто глупо. Бессмысленно!

This still doesn’t make sense, but it isn’t worth a quarter of a million dollars either.

Это бессмысленно. Оно тоже четверть миллиона не стоит.

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A sense of being loved and needed and wanted.

Ощущение того, что он любим и нужен кому-то.

I was losing my sense of being an individual.

Я утратила ощущение собственного существования.

Yes, you know I had a very strong sense of energy outside this building a sort of magnetic pull if you like.

— Да. Вы знаете, у меня было очень сильное ощущение энергии вне этого здания. Своего рода магнитное напряжение, если Вам нравится.

You have no sense of time.

Вы теряете ощущение времени.

A sense of stifling or drowning.

Ощущение удушья или погружения.

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with God in a true sense of this term

sense to claim you are in relationship with God and still

influence this world? Games are addicting because they give you a sense of accomplishment

«Hey, we saved the maps,» Jorma said, «not that they made any sense to either one of us

Time, in the physical sense, doesn’t actually exist

a sense of proportion to the importance of certain matters in life

awaken a whole new sense of being present and living life in the moment, as it is happening

their sense of awe

When you lose that sense, the

our true sense of worship

intuitive decision in the moment of how you should handle that sixth sense

distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to

“You have to be able to sense where your body is and when you’re unstable

Even if you’ve been an avid golfer, a fiend for tennis, loved playing hockey or zooming downhill on skis, you can’t assume you’ve retained your sense of balance

sense of contentment within us in a

Can we do anything to protect ourselves and bring our sense of balance up to par? Happily, the answer is yes

They mask the ability to sense accurately where the pressure is on the foot

“Oh really? Compton?” That makes sense

“You’ll find everything you need is there for the numbers to make sense,” Henry continued, when he really should have just stayed quiet

On the other hand, pleasurable thoughts and feelings can lead to muscle relaxation and a sense of well being

She felt Tdeshi’s hormones prompting her to blow off comfortable old Kulai and run off on an adventure with a dashing manly man, but Ava’s sense of duty was going to force Herndon to pay for this junket with his fast boat

Scar peered intently at the gibberish on the monitor, trying to make sense of the words and numbers appearing and disappearing in rapid procession

In a sense she was a native, this body was born here of native parents back when Alan was the only person of Earth ancestry walking here

It was his dream that he would marry and have children … and Dan is a man to make his dreams reality … I think he had some crackbrained idea that he could have the wife and family along with my friendship as well … I daresay he thought I would come to terms with Joanna … after all, she was a friend of mine … it made some sort of sense

If that makes any sense

Kulai was so sophisticated, a well practiced amorist from an ancient and decadent culture, but in a sense more tease than Tdeshi’s hormones wanted her to live with

Not all the lines have to make sense

Cockroaches have a well developed sense of smell

There was a sense of royalty about the room

Though the last one is the final one, it makes sense to destroy the previous ones

She had also given Nancy the spy name of Seventy-Seven, and the identity and sense of purpose that went along with it

If the welcome for project staff and accompanying officials is anything to go by, there is already a deep sense of appreciation

‘What?’ I asked, trying to make sense of what he’s said

They had way more money than sense and a bunch of crazy notions, but other than that, they were just big guys who liked to play with motors

Through the practice of Meditation you will achieve a greater sense of purpose and strength of will

This Niyama encourages us to let go of our false sense of control and to connect to the Divine or that which gives us the sense of wholeness and sacredness

By now Dan had regained his sense of righteous propriety

they lost their sense of time and place and became one writhing creature on that

“I don’t mean Heaven and Hell, not in the biblical sense

Cat tried to make sense of his words

Independence tussles with sense as I watch; sense wins

She looked beyond Ava to the surf while she thought of how little sense that statement made

Once they did, their creed could finally make some real sense

I like Molly … she’s got a wicked sense of humour

She could feel the need, could sense the exquisite pain of that once

What sense it made to spread their arms like birds and cup their hands was beyond her

I sit in the car for nearly ten minutes muttering imprecations about that bloody man before my sense of humour gets the better of me and, realising just how stupid this whole thing is, burst out laughing

Whilst not always the sharpest knife in the box, Stu’s libidinous sense of what

There was certainly no question that he knew a lot about Gino’s criminal past, way too much, so in that sense the game was up

‘Sometimes – pretty awful most of them, though you do get the odd one who has a bit of sense about her

I sense Stephen stiffen as he sees them, though he is obviously determined not to let his fear of the animals show

In the past year they had become ‘prosperous’ in a virtual sense, and she still thought they had a lot more crystal than Ava admitted to

save for that one weird sense of longing that seemed to flow from his soul

I could sense that there was a story corning, so I kept quiet

She had a sense that it would be safer not to reveal how much she knew

Taking a deep breath, she got up from the couch as silently as she could, tip-toed to the front door, slowly opened it with a sense of relief when it didn’t squeak, and then hurried outside and up the street

No doubt he will land when no one is looking also, so there is no sense staying up staring at him

wanted something, but had no means to express such things in any sense other than

Sense at last, I thought

Things weren’t adding up and I couldn’t make any sense of it, but whatever the explanation, I just couldn’t watch her cry

Even the little black box that was nested against her belly seemed to hum with its own sense of vigor again

She bleeds slowly, darkening his vision amid a deep sense of

The clearance to view the data for that was a much bigger boon than non-technicians knew, for it allowed access to the diagnostic recording system and once one knew how to use the diagnostic recording system it was relatively simple to get access to every data stream in the crew, every sense, every output, even hormone levels

Removing the hessian sack was like shucking-off a mental straight-jacket Along with a sense of humiliation I could also feel a sense of anger rising in my blood

As it happens, it is a Granny & Grandpa afternoon and, as Fred is a keen G&G attendee and frequently spends the afternoon crawling round the floor with the children, it makes sense to include the kids in the festivities

Nothing made sense, as if I was waking from the equivalent of a long and comatose illness and had no idea what year, what decade this might be

The bucket, for instance, felt clean and dry, but bathed in the aromas of moulded plastic and disinfectant I could sense a mixture of bleach and the faint tang of stale urine

My already heightened sense of smell recoiled from the metallic odour of fresh blood

When he remembered how little inertial negation that bucket had, it all suddenly made sense

He had always been a casual follower of the faith until now, but this made so little sense

That makes some sort of sense to me in my dazed state

I hungered, not for the bread and jam on the tray, but for a sense of self worth

In the darkness I still drifted between states of melancholia and determination, but I also found a new emotion brewing: that of puppy-dog gratefulness mixed with a strange sense of excited anticipation

At the same time I felt a deep sense of relief

‘Ah – do I sense that you have been on the receiving end of the local jungle drums?’ I asked; he looks sheepish for a second

Judaic revelation is incomplete and Islam is a false religion in the sense that we are misguided in our separatism

Through it all, through the jokes and the bonhomie, all boys together in the relief trench, I couldn’t shake a nagging sense of indignation

How could they behave like this? How could they treat me like this after all these weeks? But mixed in with the sense of resentment I was also very conscious of the threat

The feeling in my fingers drifted away, giving me a vague sense of having been swallowed by a monstrous, mechanical snake

What follows next is dead silence, but then Sabrina speaks again, «Well, are you excited about the ceremony?» I cringe as I sense confusion coming from Apollo as he responds, «What ceremony?»

‘I was so busy in December I hadn’t noticed my period didn’t happen and I’d been lulled into a sense of security by the fact that I had a bit of a period in November … though it wasn’t anywhere near normal

The woman’s speech is mostly incoherent, but I can still get a sense of what is troubling her

In a sense, the tech who had done this had just zeroed his call-backs and run away

The sense of disappointment, of failure, was crushing in the darkness

Thinking back to a lot of what his father told him, and it all made sense

On occasions I still smouldered with that inner anger, but I came to see through Menachem’s observations that we all, captives and guards, felt a similar sense of outrage and impotent fury

In that sense, it’s good to be here where we live on instead of ending so completely that we never even know it

He was convinced she loved him, in some sense at least, but in almost everything, she was a native and he was a foreigner

Through it all, through each and every one of these long drawn out days, I let a sense of self-pity wash through me

I tried to block out this sense of pointless waste by focussing on the shapes and forms of my new friends

I wanted to grab hold of Beniamin and shake some sort of sense back into him

That made so little sense because intelligence said that the Al-Harron was also advertised as a seedship

She could feel the need, could sense the exquisite pain of that once in a lifetime craving, a passion that inflamed her entire being beyond anything that she had known in all these years of absolute and necessary thirst

Any sense of time has long left, leaving him disorientated

When we apply this to our own lives, it makes sense now as to why we undergo pain and torment

In a sense, God foreknew that He would suffer before He even started to create

In another sense, God also foreknew that He might not have to suffer

Whilst not always the sharpest knife in the box, Stu’s libidinous sense of what was possible confirmed the Countess’s assessment of the situation

Lyla could sense his

She passed her hands over his chin, natives either grew full length beards or had their facial hair genetically removed, so this roughness was something she seldom sensed and after the fifty Earth years since he’d left, it moved her in unexpected ways

He had sensed they were much more intelligent than a horse, more intelligent than a feral dog

She sensed something other

The low menace in his voice reminded me of my father on report night, and for the first time in my life I sensed the difference between love and hate

I sensed fear and bewilderment, mine included

We sensed the nervous agitation of the guards, an anxiety verging on panic

She sensed something other here but not evil, not in its own right, describing it to herself as rather a feral air, as though the man were wild and untamed as yet

The twins sensed that they were going ‘home’ and they became very excited, running about and growling

Since they were the same age, Nuran and Alan hit it off well enough that night in the inn that Luray wanted to suggest to Lmore that Nuran wouldn’t be needing a guide to Zhlindu, but she also sensed that Nuran and Lmore already had a little history that Lmore wanted to continue

They sensed the people in the large Hall and attacked it with a vengeance

He sensed him roaming about looking for information

In Felix I sensed the businessman, I could tell he was in the habit of entering his problems in his mental search engine and waiting for a list of alternatives to come up but this time he didn’t stand a chance because the wide blue was smiling as wide and as blue as only the wide blue can smile and the balmy air was becalming his twiddling and so he was forced to relax a little more, close his eyes and lay back

Up to then, I suppose it had been nothing more than banter but I sensed it was beginning to border on something a little more diabolical and that was when the mood changed with some Athens jazz

I hoped he sensed my unease

Thom sensed the meeting was over, he tapped the signed req back into his phone and minimized it, then got up to go

Annie sensed that she was about to be initiated into a new world of family revelations and scandals

Lucy had never bought into the concept that art or music could change lives or move mountains, but with every hook and drum beat, with every lilting nuance of the boy’s soft voice, she sensed a shift in the world and she knew instinctively that she had to download the song immediately

Lana told me that she sensed there was some kind of

say, in effect: «What you just said was meaningless!» Such is only sensed as

«It wasn’t until the year you call 114 that our cerebral mechanics first sensed a mortal dimension

Annie sensed that she was about to be initiated into a new world

voice, she sensed a shift in the world and she knew instinctively

He had apparently sensed the mood, and seemed happy enough to

He had sensed a certain

He couldn’t let him know he had sensed that he knew Tdeshi

Johnson sensed Roman was uneasy with the amount of information known

Still Roman sensed he had walked into a world meant solely for

He was beginning to scare her, and he must have sensed it, for he turned and walked off into the first small room at the front of the house

Then almost as if the crowd sensed her wish, a path opened and the seven of them where clearly visible to her, in a nook of their own, the six stood about Sara in her wheel chair, each girl, securely tucked under a young man’s arm of Emma’s approval

He never sensed the other being

He sensed the man’s power as clearly as his stench

She shook him, gently, but with enough force that he sensed urgency

his back and sensed a lifting of the gloom

He sensed the presence and knew the speaker, it was the Gray Mage Coba, a refugee of the Order and, next to Brice, he was the highest ranked mage in Shattered Rock

Brice sensed the mages rousing behind him and could hear whispers running through the crowd of students

But he sensed that was about to change

Galimoto sensed the presence of his master, felt him emanating fear, far away at the outskirts of the city

He must have sensed her reply was grim, for the darkness tightened around him

But he would probably do so, even without her endorsement, for he sensed a kindred spirit in the man

As he pondered his options, he sensed the branches closing in on him once more

Immediately he sensed the Tree, and the pure evil within

He could see her jaw was injured, and though he couldn’t have known about her other injury, he must have sensed it was improper to strike a girl’s chest

Nerissa sensed that there was little love between them

Ome hesitated, he sensed something in the figure

The moment he sensed their presence, Ollius communicated telepathically with them

Ollius sensed confusion, shock, and a great deal of fear among the group

Ostedes was preparing to move on, to further his power, further the chaos, when suddenly he sensed new arrivals to the Hangar – both of their minds oh so familiar

He sensed a failure of catastrophic proportions

What was most puzzling was that he only sensed it, but couldn’t see it

The army of races sensed the potential failure as well

‘Dona’Cora,’ Anon thought, a grin spreading across his face as he sensed her familiar presence

She wasn’t interested and they naturally sensed that enough to stay away from her

But Nerissa sensed he might become enticed by the story of her travels

Within the cave, I sensed a The Maiden’s Odyssey

Although we had broken up she told me that she felt compelled to come and see me to see if I was OK as she sensed I was in trouble

He sensed that the two women liked each other; or so it seemed on the surface

My uncles must have sensed that it was full of sweet-fleshed fish

She really thought so, even if she hadn’t sensed the rising

sensed that it involved a woman

She couldn’t reach it, but sensed it wasn’t far back in her memory

Today was different, though; he sensed that Ashpenaz needed a sympathetic ear

They had either heard the public announcement from the city square or somehow sensed that something big was about to happen there that day, and they started gathering to watch

Zarko smiled as he sensed her urgency

meet his eye, she sensed

He sensed the news had to be for him so he got up and quickly made his way down the stairs, his heart beating in his chest

First they thought it was a reaction to Rachel’s plea for forgiveness, but then they sensed something deeper, something more complex

Azubah sensed the turmoil in her niece as she waited for the explanation

A moment later, the leader sensed the attack and reared up on its hind legs snarling frantically

Jodie was enjoying seeing in the near-blackness when she sensed the outline of two tunnel entrances some distance before them

The Leader somehow sensed the officer was thinking about him, as out of the blue, the Leader fixed him with a slightly manic, slightly threatening grin

Even Danny had not sensed its presence

It was a rare kind of empathy that he sensed

I couldn’t bring myself to answer out loud, but I think she sensed my movement

Becky must have sensed it because she moved close and slipped her arm around my waist, snuggling against my shoulder

He sensed the connection to his master growing dim

Zardino must have sensed the the apprehension from Torbin’s expression

Jannson said a few words about his monitoring equipment, but she certainly sensed a tension between them

He apparently sensed the end of the journey

Perhaps people sensed there was a threat to their existence even without the evidence; they were reassessing their lives, looking to shore up what really mattered, asking the bigger questions

Torbin mused that it was some kind of sulking objection at being usurped, though more likely it sensed its primary purpose in sending him to the black hole was no longer valid

“You sensed a presence there?”

This time Torbin sensed the purpose was far more sinister

I»m sure He sensed what we all needed

The device knew his mind better than any Elusiver with their invasive probing; it sensed what he wanted

Roidon seemed happy to be leaving; despite Raiya’s distress he must have sensed that there was hope

Even in his condition he sensed there was something between her and Torbin, except the thing in question was more in Torbin’s mind

and now, here he was on the phone and she sensed his merriment as soon as she picked up the receiver

Rosemary sensed in her bones the solid stone walls, steeped in family history, surrounding her, almost enfolding her

And he sensed Rosemary didn’t want to go either

He sensed a moment of resistance in her and then it broke and he was certain

on, emotionally enlightened by everything he sensed in the

Frank sensed the challenge in her tone

Torin had not sensed such strength in Adem during any of their lessons

I’ll never understand how Ozzie sensed that he had to protect Nathaniel from those living room perils on that awful day

I think now that as Autumn sensed her own death approaching, she returned deliberately to a more primal place

It was similar to the theme of falling through fire that he sensed in Arawn through the kigare, endless pain, endless suffering

He was surprised himself when he realised it had melted away at her words and what he sensed in her

Grant heard this, he sensed more than ever that General Lee was

He asked Arawn through the kigare if he sensed any evil in these men

Jean focused on his face for a brief moment; her expression mirrored the ache in her heart he sensed through the kigare

We are also not here to be preoccupied with indiscriminate or unregulated gratification of the senses, or to imitate the behaviour of others whose lives are so misdirected

This is due to the fact that the focus of attention is away from the things of the senses, no matter how beautiful

The withdrawing of the mind-consciousness from the periphery of the body, so that the avenues of outer perception and contact (the five senses) are stilled, and the consciousness is no longer outgoing

Prathayara or Withdrawal of the Senses

Senses are superior to your body

Mind is superior to the senses and intellect is superior to mind

I stand there like a lunatic for slightly longer than is polite … just staring at her and trying to take this in, then, come to my senses suddenly

every inch covered her senses reeled with ever deeper revelation

«It sounds like you are now much more concerned about that fact that my sister has come to her senses about you than you are about the fact that the shuttlecraft is in orbit

The steam rising from the freshly brewed tea assaulted my senses making me salivate

I try to respond accordingly but he senses my embarrassment at once:

Suddenly, I’m distracted by a voice, wake up!» Immediately, the sensation of Apollo standing over me inundates my senses

Hints of perfumed unguents applied so thoughtlessly in the dawn light spoke in foreign tongues to insect senses

It is an orgy of the senses

With every inch covered her senses reeled with ever deeper revelation

«They have very different senses

Allowing the other pedestrians to pass, she paused, one hand on the post of the crossing for balance, and bent over fiddling with her shoe, her senses firing off warnings … she could smell danger

Probably the greatest travesty of our age is the use of manipulation during worship to rile up the emotions and senses during the music time

He approached more quietly after that, and kept his senses alert for something less technical than a human

Slowly, my senses steadying, I open my eyes and try to calm my breathing … the familiar room is comforting

A mighty roar from Rah brought her back to her senses

I closed my eyes and tried to look forward to this unexpected visit to the city of cities but just as Prometheus opened up with some hot tips on the nightspots of Sophia, I was brought to my senses by a sensuous vibration from deep within my trouser pocket

A welcome pressure on my arm brought me to my senses, but my guilt began to smoulder

But it brought me to my senses, seething with frustration and anger, ‘He’s a total bloody menace

A shivering fit brings him to his senses soon enough though and, with a filthy look in my direction, he goes off into a corner of the room to divest himself of his soaking clothes while I do the same by the fire

The rendering of my wife’s body, the dinner, the candlelight, the music, the smells of the food, her perfume and her body itself was all fine, at least as good as my mortal senses could ever perceive

The princess was the first to come to her senses

Earlier, whilst waiting for the Delfini, I’d confessed I was an old-fashioned dreamy coward who had almost flown away only a few hours earlier but for the last minute flash of awareness that brought me to my senses

At those times when the vision of the fish is restricted, its other senses will kick in

He had almost lost total control of his senses before Naria stepped in and brought him back from the brink of madness

The feel of her smooth skin on his body heightened all his senses

He calmed himself and focused all his senses; he would have to be very cautious

“It was pretty intense, but what scenes were projected on my senses during that time really isn’t important if we don’t know where it came from

She told him not to worry; she would council with her Eloi senses before approaching them

They were about thirty feet from Warrior Hold when Rayne’s senses suddenly tensed…

What I want to do here is expand both senses and

This keda cart was rendered very well to all his senses and so was the girl sitting on the front of it

Helen came to her senses as if emerging from a deep dive in

Joseph lay still for a few minutes, until he regained his senses and slowly sat up

He didn’t blame her, entering the spirit world with one’s head encased in an ensorcelled helmet was too scary to contemplate and was making him cold, especially with his senses heightened by the yaag

Petr shook his head to clear his fuddled senses

Her senses alert, she moved her feet a little, trying to gauge how treacherous the mud was

his mind, over and over again, Flee! It was an hour before he finally came to his senses and stopped

Racial memory alerted senses she didn’t know she had and ran messages along neural pathways long forgotten

Ozzie appeared at her side holding a glass of water; it brought her back to her senses

pressure buffeted his senses making his mind spin

The sound brought both Angie and Kev to their senses and, her smile threatening to crack her face in two, Angie had pulled him into the house and shut the door

thought he was dreaming, but as his senses started to return slowly and nerves

Maggie is the first to come to her senses, and although she is winded, she is able to shake off the intoxication of violence

Of course Beth always, tried not to let anyone know she had it, she even went so far as to do just what her senses told her not to do

on end — his senses keenly alert

The deeper she breathed to clear her head, the more his intoxicating cologne fill her every senses

Had Johnny the Killer come to his senses?

Yet also he was clearly aware of the orange rays, the eerie hooting of the lumin’s song, the softness of the tiny leaves beneath them and the perfection of her skin to a level beyond that given by mortal senses

senses enough to realise that the best thing for him to do

He prided himself on the flavors he could imagine from them, and was interested in souls with highly developed culinary senses

She held out hope, all be it small, but there was hope in her heart that he may someday come to his senses and appear at the door

All I can say is that I am sorry! I should have kept control of my senses and also Debra

Matter of fact if she hadn’t come to her senses then, the Dickens Festival would’ve gone down the tubes

grew more pronounced, and my senses began to react to

An eyestream for an optic nerve, tactile streams for the touch senses, a lump of silicon for a living brain, a souped up avatar for a real human soul

Your interface needs to query for the other senses as well as just the sight

If your helmet was connected to your other senses, you would not be able to tell that you weren’t here in flesh

The addressing to read the other senses is already provided by my environment if you can find a way to hook them up on yours when and if you want to

«Interfaces to all the other senses

«It’s such a great pleasure that we have those tactile senses working,» he said

Roman continued to run toward us, then regained his senses

Although this is a lovely spot here, and the experience of it is very real with all the senses hooked up

Every now and then Alec came to his senses and pushed Nathalia away, forcing her to rent out her own quarters at the Wayward Inn

I come to my senses when I remember that there is only one

As the fire inside her dwindled, her senses returned and she realized that she was floating high above the head of Tetloan, suspended in the air by the arms of the elf

Gradually his senses cleared, and he could hear the

came to his senses and rushed towards the source of the

“Have you lost your senses?” cried the grand-vizir, in horror

Gradually his senses returned, and he realised that he was

They entered the courtyard, or as their guide called it, ‘the garden’, and immediately their senses were assaulted

This will heighten your senses, speed up both strength and reaction time and dull any sense of pain

Her conscious motor nerves were shut down by the poison, her autonomous motor and all senses were still functioning

A communications channel much like the phone brings the inputs from the android’s senses up to the ship, and the action and vocal outputs of Victoria’s mind down to the android

He watched, numb, his mind no longer acknowledging his senses, blind to his environment and the events unfolding around him

’ Marguerite was still in control of her senses enough

It took a moment for his senses to return, and when they did, he found the woman unconscious and stretched across his lap

His senses tuned to danger, Adros continued to survey the land

His senses grew sharper

to suddenly come to his senses

tricks with his senses

other, before Richard suddenly came to his senses

tales could be richer in senses than it seems

All of her senses were incredibly dull

His next string of curses he directed towards himself, for letting his weariness blur his senses and allowing a simple blob of a creature to be his end

As Adros slowly regained his senses he looked around, realizing he was still at the Hangar, and quite alive

against you palm, and all that nature offers your senses

senses with all this negativity on a daily basis

Our senses heightened to an almost painful intensity until I touched her again

I was consumed; each of my senses extended to their limits

They processed their memories differently and relied heavily on senses rather than emotions

Blackness permeated my eyesight, but my other senses sharpened

The next morning, they’d come to their senses

‘What is it?’ I asked, sensing something behind that last exclamation

Sensing what he was up to, Jackson and Lady Isabol doubled their efforts to reach them

Sensing that she was merely trying to save face, Rayne said she would use the wooden sword

Denair remembered going thru the market place and sensing a strong life force about him, strangely familiar somehow

probably sensing the truth about what was going

Sensing the same, Mya offered a solution

Carl peered through the candlelight at the janitor sensing his young friend

Roman cut her off, sensing the onset of world war three

“It’s always like this on Thanksgiving,” Buttworst said, sensing Roman’s

“Keep your arrow on them,” Dobber said, sensing his fears

‘The truth,’ she said, sensing his hesitance

But she still held back, sensing that there was more

She hadn’t seen him for a while and she neighed softly, sensing that it was an opportunity to get out for a change

In fact, as Carius reentered the camp, sensing something newly amiss, he made his way right back to the physician’s tent

Sensing her stare on the back of its large black head the animal turned around and stopped for a split-second

The streams seemed to be sensing, enquiring, and sucking up nourishment

“You know, reading people… sensing their auras… hearing stories of great beasts that savagely-”

Sometimes our psychic antennae may be actually sensing place memory of a particular location

sensing a rare opportunity

However, the woman – perhaps sensing the man was intent on something more than mere emotional comforting – returned to her seat after a light pat on his shoulder

Martin watched the screen of the heat sensing equipment looking for any white outlines that might be a man

’ he wanted the suit to comment, to somehow offer some solace if not a solution, but it remained silent, only releasing it’s lock-hold, at least sensing that was the right thing to do now

” replied Chris, sensing he was losing the argument

But sensing his lack of comprehension it told him in English every precautionary measure it was taking to counter the ship’s mysterious effects, as its thrusters were edging him nearer

He scanned the village streets as though sensing danger then he continued

‘I have been wondering,’ she said, sensing he was about to try some

Torbin stepped forward, sensing the Elusiver’s time was fast running out

” He continued, sensing

It was sensing for the Power that was always just beyond your reach, until the True Flow heightened your senses and you moved with greater speed and agility

But now, as if sensing the need, he had to come back to say good-bye

Tilden looked to the east, perhaps sensing for any demons in the distance, as did all the Guardians while also trying to look in every direction at once

The building illuminated, sensing his presence, fluorescent strips extending to a near vanishing point

‘All right now,’ Dr Karol said, surely sensing the escalating argument

It would activate automatically, sensing Gerrid’s imminent rejection From TIAR

The casket hatch swooshed open sensing the elevated bioactivity

On sensing Halon’s concern, Saldon fought of his tiredness in preparing his mattress more slowly

His dark eyes narrowed, and once again Amaranthe remembered his knack for sensing deception

Perhaps sensing more than a practice bout, other men drifted over

«And you would train me?» Darkburst asked, wrinkling his snout in excitement, sensing the power he was being offered

The tree, sensing the coming winter, as it had for many generations past, settled itself more comfortably into the ground, its great roots creaking in protest as it did so

All through the forest creatures paused in their activities, sensing some awesome event was taking place

Thomas waited a few moments, and sensing that William was anticipating his response, spoke softly and directly

«We left him on the forest path, Preceptor,» he answered nervously, sensing at once that they had made a terrible mistake

The lead wolf was sensing the pressure from the others to commence the attack

William, sensing their apprehension, quickly grabbed at the embankment, finding smaller rocks

Finally she came up for air, sensing that I was squirming around quite a bit

As if sensing this; she wouldn’t make eye contact

As if sensing my thoughts, her eyes gleamed impishly over the table

One day, sensing the end of its life nearing, the robin decided that it should return to the plant that had engendered it

Reaching the edge of the rocks, she waited for a moment, sensing that more prey were coming near, but she’d already laid her eggs and had no more

Sensing the animosity Troy felt towards Piers, Conal let go of Kirsti’s hand and stepped between them, a warning on his face as he stared at Troy

Sensing the prey below, the Syclers above began dropping off the roof of the cave

Sensing a movement behind him, Piers turned, glancing over his shoulder, gasping

The nurse, possibly sensing that she had been too abrupt with me, softened and told me to come with her to the nursing station

At the Southern edge of the forest, the Witch was sensing the growing danger

Her brow furrowed at the thought that perhaps he was already sensing there was something wrong with the world he had been delivered into: it was harsh, demanding, and uncaring, but did her son have to know so soon? Perhaps he could sense the absence of his father’s touch

Colling agreed, sensing that she wanted him to leave

He had been aware that his desire for Elizabeth had grown each day as he had watched her become healthier and stronger, but he had kept both his words and his actions towards her in check, sensing that her experiences in the camp must have been dreadful

Elizabeth was still sleeping soundly when Colling woke, sensing that it was morning, even though it was still dark

Although cobras can hear, they are actually deaf to ambient noises, sensing ground vibrations instead

Again, from a first sensing of a possible predator’s presence; to the receptacle of respect for the rewards of the hunt; to responsibility for the vagaries of climate oscillations; to the sensate presence imagined within the heavenly bodies; to the nearness of the family favorite, then the clan, the tribe, the village, the city, and finally the favorite of a nation, Man has always sensed something

At the time, Charles Darwin attempted to explain the enigma, perhaps sensing part of the evolutionary mechanism

She still wept without sensing it

Sensing his change, his uncle, Uncle Ben, says to him, “Remember Peter, with Great Power, comes Great Responsibility

Sensing the panic in his fragmented melody-making, I forgot my own and walked over to him

I continued praying, “Please, help her, be with her,” sensing all the while that I was needed

Sensing this, Philip II of Macedon made his move

government, sensing trouble ahead, closed the border to further immigration and

Sensing the familiar tense of Home,

As if sensing her fears, he leaned forward and kissed her cheek

Feeling and sensing these qualities naturally opens the door of your heart

“Help us unload–” He stopped in mid-sentence, sensing they had no idea what

“…Am I human?” Cloud repeated, sensing the captivation of the

with urgency, sensing that something was terribly wrong as he

They were sensing change

The girl was sensing change

Mikael was sensing change also, but he thought that she just grew tired of him and that was why she wasn’t coming to Earth often

Honey, sensing the time, had rushed to the phone and dialed

Several God Boys gave up the attempt sensing they had a lot to

‘’ he weakly said to himself, but immediately stopped sensing something amiss

The media had dropped it completely sensing a sea change and found other juicy news to latch onto

Sensing danger, as only a trained professional can, Gretchen felt the small hairs on the back of her neck tingling

Sensing my confusion he smiled still looking at them “Its interesting, that no matter how hard you throw a boomerang, it always comes back to you

As if sensing my presence, Brandon stopped pacing and his head snapped to me

Sensing our increasing strength, several red spectres dart simultaneously towards us in a final and desperate attempt to overcome us

Sensing my immediate displeasure at a long and boring lecture, the clever old man changed his point

Sensing that a race was afoot, their horses looked up and

Nemia waited for that as well, her basket of barbering supplies in hand, sensing something was amiss, and missing Dalia with all her heart

” Torin says while sensing Janay’s anger towards him

Sensing that someone else had entered the aisle with her Amori glanced up from her book

Sensing that I was on the muscle, he shrugged back into the depths of his plush chair, and good listener that he was, warily heard me out

“What time was that?” Carrillo asked sensing that he could connect the two deaths with my statement

Although technically, I am not sensing his location from here, since I am not here

I am sensing his location from a far more distant place

Youssaf, positioned somewhat ahead of the procession like a serpent’s tongue, sensing the environment for signs of danger, had shown signs of great relief upon first sighting Moshe

The driver slumped forward loosing the reins as the horses again, sensing a loss of direction, slowed to the same aimless walk that took them also into the gully

A few more breaths when Simon could see the rebellion in his father’s mind and then his colours faded out of all sensing

Simon could feel the boy’s fear even without the gift of sensing thought, as the colours of orange and black filled his imagination

Definition of Sense

the bodies ability to experience sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell

Examples of Sense in a sentence

When Beethoven started composing music his sense of hearing was poor and got worse until he was completely deaf.


Wolves have a great sense of smell that enables them to track prey that is several miles away.


French perfume makers have a skilled sense of smell.


A chef’s sense of taste allows them to make unique flavor combinations and create new dishes.


The man lost all sense of touch in his arm as a result of his gunshot wound.


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