Make a sentence with the word safety

Antonym: danger. Similar words: safely, lifetime, a few, cafe, unfettered, quite a few, piety, ninety. Meaning: [‘seɪftɪ]  n. 1. the state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused by some agent under defined conditions 2. a safe place 3. a device designed to prevent injury 4. (baseball) the successful act of striking a baseball in such a way that the batter reaches base safely 5. contraceptive device consisting of a sheath of thin rubber or latex that is worn over the penis during intercourse 6. a score in American football; a player is tackled behind his own goal line. 

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1) In the multitude of counsellors there is safety

2) The path of duty is the path of safety

3) There is safety in numbers.

4) Caution is the parent of safety

5) There’s safety in numbers.

6) The death of wolves is the safety of the sheep. 

7) We all concerned for her safety.

8) New safety regulations have been brought in.

9) Don’t worry about him. He is in safety.

10) He was kept in custody for his own safety.

11) Her actions manifested a complete disregard for personal safety.

12) They have a casual attitude towards safety .

13) All pilots are responsible for their passengers’ safety.

14) The teacher escorted the children to safety.

15) He showed a reckless disregard for his own safety.

16) The police reassured her about her child’s safety.

17) The plumber will fit some new safety values.

18) I will pray to God for your safety.

19) They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons.

20) He felt some concern for her safety.

21) News of their safety came as a great relief.

22) He is callous about the safety of his workers.

23) We’re keeping you here for your own safety.

24) Air pollution will soon soar above safety levels.

25) Parents are looking for reassurance about their children’s safety.

26) This is a handy little safety box.

27) The seat is bolted in place for extra safety.

28) The bus driver is responsible for the passengers safety.

29) The safety of the ship is the captain’s responsibility.

30) The planes have to undergo rigorous safety checks.

More similar words: safely, lifetime, a few, cafe, unfettered, quite a few, piety, ninety, society, anxiety, variety, a variety, a variety of. 

safety — перевод на русский


Allison’s mother loves her daughter, and that translates into her daughter’s safety.

Мама Элисон любит свою дочь и это отображается в безопасности её дочери.

I will be sure of Dr. Jekyll’s safety, or I’ll make you answer for it.

Я буду уверен в безопасности доктора Джекилла или ты за это ответишь.

Whatever’s going on in your head, think of your own safety!

Что бы там в твоей башке не творилось, подумай о собственной безопасности!

Both of them knew too much for somebody’s safety so they had to be silenced.

Они оба знали слишком много, чтобы быть в безопасности, — …и их заставили замолчать.

He has his duty to do, and doubtless will have evolved some laborious plan for getting you to safety.

У него свое задание. Он разработал сложный план, чтобы вы были в безопасности.

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He must be brought here for safety.

Его надо привезти сюда, здесь безопасно.

Can this be handled with reasonable safety, yes or no?

Можно ли сделать это сравнительно безопасно. Да или нет?

Don’t tremble, the safety’s on

Не бойся, это безопасно.

It is no longer in a place of safety.

Это место больше не безопасно.

It can be mildly painful and certainly safety is on everybody’s mind mine in particular.

Может быть немного болезненно, и особенно безопасно как по мнению многих пациентов так и по моему мнению в частности.

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Here’s the safety. You have seven shots in all.

Вот предохранитель Семь патронов прилагаются

Bomb fusing, master safety on.

Включить бомбовый предохранитель.

Release first safety.

Снять первый предохранитель.

— First safety.

— Первый предохранитель.

— Release second safety.

— Снять второй предохранитель.

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A man named Charbonnier had saved my life… by digging me out and carrying me to safety.

Мне рассказали, что человек по имени Шарбонье спас меня, откопав и отнеся в безопасное место.

You’ll get to safety and alert the fleet. You will not attack alone.

Вы улетите в безопасное место и сообщите об эскадре, а не станете атаковать в одиночку.

Of all the planets of Minara, we have the power to transport the inhabitants of only one to safety.

Из всех планет Минары мы можем отправить в безопасное место обитателей лишь одной.

Take me to safety!

Отвези меня в безопасное место!

To safety!

В безопасное место!

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-Some of them even wear safety pins.

— Некоторые из них носят даже булавки.

«Dustbin, calendar, books, games, paper, pencils, shovel, spade, crowbar, axe, hatchet, saw, whistle and/or gong for alarms, suitcases for furniture or evacuation, string, pliers first-aid kits, safety pins, scissors, flints, aspirins, diarrhoea remedy,

«Мусорное ведро, календарь, книги, игры, бумага, карандаши, совок, лопата, ломик, топор, большой нож, пила, свисток иили гонг для поднятия тревоги, ящики для мебели или эвакуации, леска, плоскогубцы аптечки первой помощи, английские булавки, ножницы, кремни, аспирин, средство от поноса, пинцет, каламиновый лосьон, наборы для выживания, присыпка от вшей и блох, крысиный яд, инсулин, таблетки от давления,

— But I wanted to. But the cousins had confiscated the safety pins to caress themselves.

Я хотела завязать их, но мои кузины конфисковали все булавки.

I think there are safety pins in the bedroom closet.

Кажется в шкафу спальни в обувном ящике есть булавки.

At the request of the patient, you’ll relinquish any sharp objects such as: ‘nail files, pencils, pens, safety pins, bobby pins, your necklace, matches, lighters, belts, belt buckles,

ѕо просьбе пациентки вам надо оставить все острые предметы. ј именно: пилки дл€ ногтей, ручки, карандаши, булавки, заколки,.. …ожерель€, спички, зажигалки, по€са, серьги, украшени€, очки,..

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— That’s a safety feature.

— Таковы меры предосторожности.

I know it’s frustrating, but normally safety features save lives.

Я понимаю, это ужасно. Но нужны меры предосторожности, чтобы спасать людей.

— Let me guess. It’s a safety feature.

Меры предосторожности.

Now, as you all have heard, there is a killer in town… and the police have asked us to give you the following safety tips.

Итак, как вы знаете, в городе убийца. И полиция просит вас соблюдать меры предосторожности.

All back to the safety position.

Принять меры предосторожности.

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— Dude, you got the child safety locks on, man.

Защита от детей. Чувак, у тебя защита от детей включена?

Phaser safeties engaged.

Защита фазеров запущена.

There is safety in that.

А это лучшая защита от любых неприятностей.

The only safety in Colombia is money, mountains of it.

Единственная защита в Колумбии — это деньги, много денег.

Engage safety.

Включить защиту.

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Your safety deposit box is number seven.

— Номер вашей ячейки — семь.

I need the key to safety deposit box 850 now.

Мне нужен ключ от ячейки номер 815 немедленно.

Agents recovered the rest of the cash from Lily Stegman’s safety deposit box,all right?

Агенты забрали остатки наличных денег из ячейки Лили Стегман,так?

Safety box 22. Perfect.

Они здесь, в ячейке номер 22.

Well, you say that there are family heirlooms inside your safety deposit box.

Итак, вы утверждаете, что в банковской ячейке лежат некие фамильные ценности.

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You want to rescue the ladies first, but the chamberlain’s safety is more pressing.

Ты хочешь спасти госпожу, но важнее — спасти Казначея.

You established that the safety of an individual outweighs legal concerns.

Ты желаешь спасти одну личность, не задев интересы других.

-You’ve ensured the universe’s safety.

Вы помогли спасти вселенную!

Memnon must leave the safety of his palace to get her.

Чтобы спасти ее, Мемнону придется покинуть дворец.

Our orders are to secure their safety.

Мы должны их спасти.

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Certain — it’s safety regulations.

Уверен — правила техники безопасности.

He’ll distract people from our awful safety record.

Возьмём его на работу, он отвлечет клиентов от нарушений техники безопасности.

That’s it for the safety stuff, man. You ready?

Это что касается техники безопасности.

Today is safety training day.

Сегодня день изучения техники безопасности.

You know they have to fulfill 13 separate health and safety criteria before they can do this.

Знаете, что они должны соблюсти 13 критерий техники безопасности перед тем как смогут это сделать.

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Examples of how to use the word “safety” in a sentence. How to connect “safety” with other words to make correct English sentences.

safety (n): a state in which or a place where you are safe and not in danger or at risk

Use “safety” in a sentence

My primary concern is your safety.
I am responsible for your safety.
For your own safety, just stay here.
Safety is the most important thing here.
It is vital that you follow all safety procedures.

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Definition of Safety

security or well-being

Examples of Safety in a sentence

Because the hurricane poses a risk to their safety, the family has decided to evacuate.


The safety of the employees was at risk because of the dangerous machines.


Helmets as well as elbow and knee pads can add to a child’s safety when riding a bike.


Concerned with the safety of the travelers, the airline cancelled flights headed to places with bad weather.


A safety plan will be put into place so that every family member knows how to protect themselves in case of a fire.


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I will not go, alas I seek no Safety.

Then, feeling that I had done all that lay in my power to insure our safety, I returned to the tower; calling in on my sister and Pepper, for a final visit, on the way.

Her naval supremacy alone had sufficed to secure her safety and superiority over all rivals or possible combinations of force.

There it seems Perkin Warbeck had found safety, as had Lady Warwick after Barnet, and at the time of the Suppression there were thirty men in sanctuary in the «Great Close of Beaulieu,« which seems to have included all the original grant of land made to the abbey by King John.

Could he have given this warning, and ensured the safety of his allies, without betraying the whole of the conspirators projects, he would gladly have done so; for he both despised and hated the men of Wessagussett, and he was willing that they should he treated as they seemed disposed to treat such of his race as they could get into their power.

No vessel ever yet tried that pass without being lost, but the Argo, which owed her safety to the sacred freight she bore, the fleece of the goldenbacked ram, which could not perish.

He only obtained a contemptuous request that he should consult his own safety by retiring to Namur.

First, «A fool‘s mouth,« saith the wise man, «is his destruction, his lips are the snare of his soul:« and if any kind of speech is destructive and dangerous, then is this certainly most of all; for by no means can a man inflame so fierce anger, impress so stiff hatred, raise so deadly enmity against himself, and consequently so endanger his safety, ease and welfare, as by this practice.

The latter by changing his dress reached safety and for some time escaped detection in Cilicia.

For that A lady, whose lord keeps summer in the hills To nurse a gouty foot, should penalize His dutiful return by shutting doors And hanging out a ladder made of rope, Or prove its safety by rehearsing it Upon a heavier man.

He trusted there was not a man before him who would not suffer his flocks and his crops to be destroyed by tempest fifty times over rather than purchase their safety by unhallowed means.

This battle was the one which assured the safety of Paris.

They stayed here two months afterwards, without receiving any other injuries from the natives, who, finding the danger to which they exposed themselves by open hostilities, and, not being able any more to surprise the vigilance of Drake, preferred their safety to revenge.

Still she resolved to conceal themat least at presentfrom all but Jyanough, whose friendship for Henrich would, she knew, render him peculiarly alive to all that concerned his safety.

They would neither receive Caesar‘s commissioners, nor guarantee their safety, but referred the whole to Pompey.

Too brave and resolute to leave their comradeinarms, too feeble to procure his safety, they were wearing out their strength in futile though heroic efforts, whilst the object of their solicitude was at his last gasp.

Preparatory to the admission of California and New Mexico the people of each will have instituted for themselves a republican form of government, «laying its foundation in such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.«

And the fact that the garments on which the burning material was fastened were as nearly fireproof as was possible to make them gave him additional safety.

Strong as Madame Esmond‘s belief appeared to be respecting her son‘s safety, the house of Castlewood naturally remained sad and gloomy.

He feared, it seems, that he might be suspected of a design to make himself despot, and seeing that Cimon took the side of the nobility, and was much beloved by them, he betook himself to the people, as a means of obtaining safety for himself, and a strong party to combat that of Cimon.

Still, admitting all you say, the men who should surprise the North some fine morning with a present of Jeff Davis on their breakfastplates, wouldn’t be without honor, to say nothing of promotion and profit« «Oh, if we can carry Jeff off without compromising the safety of the prisoners, I‘ll join you heartily.

And the next night and the next dawn brought back her safety.

She also suspected the two recent arrivals to be detectives, and the town was so small and so absolutely without police protection that she would not risk her personal safety by remaining longer in it.

I asked, angrily, for even though I was afraid of the venture, it was not in my mind to be treated like a child, as seemed to be the case when the old man was considering my safety rather than his own.

The course of the river had changed, so that a ribbon of shadow extended along that bank, partially obscuring the form of Fred Whitney, who seemed to cling to it as if therein lay his safety.

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