Make a sentence with the word recognize

Synonym: accept, acknowledge, admit, allow, appreciate, behold, know, realize, see, understand. Similar words: recognition, cognitive, economic recovery, agonize, organize, harmonize, organized, synchronize. Meaning: [‘rekəgnaɪz]  v. 1. accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority 2. be fully aware or cognizant of 3. detect with the senses 4. perceive to be the same 5. grant credentials to 6. express greetings upon meeting someone 7. express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for 8. exhibit recognition for (an antigen or a substrate) 9. show approval or appreciation of. 

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1. We must recognize that we have been defeated.

2. I recognize you now.You are Mary’s husband.

3. Blind persons can often recognize objects by feeling them.

4. I could scarcely recognize him.

5. Do you recognize this tune?

6. We recognize the necessity for a written agreement.

7. The odd thing was that he didn’t recognize me.

8. They have agreed to recognize the breakaway republic’s independence.

9. I didn’t recognize you in your uniform.

10. I almost didn’t recognize her — she’d changed so much.

11. Sometimes, the key to making progress is to recognize how to take that very first step. Then you start your journey.

12. I didn’t recognize him because he had altered so much.

13. We need to recognize that we are now living in a plural society.

14. I don’t know the title but I recognize the tune.

15. As parents we recognize the value of you in our child’s development. Thank you for what you have done.

16. I could hardly recognize the body of the driver, as it had been badly mangled up in the accident.

17. You can recognize the fish by the shape of their fins.

18. He had known her long enough to recognize the ebb and flow of her moods.

19. Don’t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend.

20. I didn’t recognize him: he was in disguise.

21. I didn’t recognize the handwriting on the envelope.

22. We fully recognize the need to improve communications.

23. Their is something that is much more scarce[], something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize

24. The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. 

25. Line up these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal.

26. Why were grown-ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ideas?

27. You have changed so much that I can hardly recognize you.

28. Temptation comes to all of us,whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise,sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame,flichering back to lift,or a new friend who could end up being so much more,or a young child who wakens feelings we didn’t know we had.And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come moring,we’ll have to suffer the consequences.

29. If you tend to overeat because of depression, first take steps to recognize the source of your sadness.

30. There is something that is much more scarce, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize.

More similar words: recognition, cognitive, economic recovery, agonize, organize, harmonize, organized, synchronize, recoup, record, recover, recourse, recommend, recovery, recording, recommendation, reconciliation, sign in, magnitude, significant, significance, significantly, organization, organizational, seize, prize, size up, utilize, citizen, realize. 

Examples of how to use the word “recognize” in a sentence. How to connect “recognize” with other words to make correct English sentences.

recognize (v): to know someone or something because you have seen or heard him or her or experienced it before

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I feel like I recognize her.

Я чувствую, что узнал ее.

Did he recognize me?

Он узнал меня?

— Did he recognize you?

— Он тебя узнал?

I didn’t recognize you, Mr. Charles.

Я не узнал вас, мистер Чарльз.

You look so young, I didn’t recognize you.

Ты выглядишь удивительно молодо. Я не узнал тебя.

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I wonder why he finaly decided to recognize me legally.

Я пытаюсь понять, почему он все-таки решил признать меня официально.

No nation is going to risk being the first to recognize so weak and controversial a government.

Ни одна нация не рискнет первой признать… такое беспомощное правительство, как у них.

Agreed Angel, but we must recognize there’s something supernatural in these deaths.

Согласен, Анхель… Но мы должны признать, что в этих смертях есть что-то сверхъестественное.

— I have to be tough, because you need to recognize that the child died, and you have to close The home and forget.

— Мне приходится быть жестким, потому что вам нужно признать, что ребенок умер, и вы должны вернутсья домой и забыть.

One might still recognize some cinematographic value in this film, if this rhythm were to be maintained, it will not be maintained.

За этим фильмом можно было бы признать некоторую кинематографическую ценность, если бы он подчинялся какому-то ритму. Но никакому ритму он подчиняться не будет.

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You don’t have to be a critic to recognize an amateur.

Не надо быть критиком, чтобы распознать халтуру.

You got to know how to recognize it.

Надо знать, как его распознать.

Not one constellation you can recognize!

Ни одного созвездия не могу распознать!

— And you don’t even recognize your friend.

— И мы даже не можем распознать своего друга.

But above all, I will tell you How to recognize TS.I.B.A.R. agents

но прежде всего, я расскажт вам как распознать агентов ц.и.б.А.р.

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He’s with some guy I don’t recognize.

Йх двое, второго я не знаю.

Recognize this one?

-Не знаю его.

When I came into that house there was another girl whom I seemed to recognized too.

Когда я оказалась в этом доме, там уже была другая молодая женщина. Временами мне казалось, что её я тоже знаю.

I thought I would recognize you but I do not.

Я думал, что я вас знаю но я ошибся.

I didn’t recognize you.

— Извините, я вас не знаю.

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And could you recognize him?

А Вы могли бы его опознать?

They’d never have been able to recognize her remains

Никто б не смог опознать ее останки, если б

How can we recognize them?

Как опознать их?

Little tiny pieces that nobody could ever recognize as having been a poor, defenseless, blind lady whose husband was off in Asbury Park.

На маленькие крошечные кусочки, в которых никого, возможно, не удастся опознать, останки бедной беззащитной слепой женщины, муж которой пропадал в Айсбери-парке, когда её убивали?

Now you may recognize me.

Теперь можете меня опознать.

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Do you recognize this handwriting?

Вам вот этот почерк знаком?

And do you recognize this thing?

А вот этот предмет вам знаком?

Recognize this handwriting?

Вам знаком этот почерк?

I wanna ask you, do you recognize this man?

Скажите, пожалуйста, вам знаком этот человек?

I thought I knew them all, but I don’t recognize it.

Я думал, я их все уже знаю, но этот мне не знаком.

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And when we get close enough to the graveyard to recognize it the issue becomes clear-cut and simple.

И когда мы находимся так близко к кладбищу, чтобы понять это проблема становится четкой и простой.

What are you playing? I don’t think I recognize that.

Не могу понять что это.

It takes a great man to recognize that.

Нужно быть великим человеком, чтобы это понять.

The president has not committed himself, but he does recognize that we do need something in this area.

Если президент не хочет на это пойти, но мы должны понять, что это наше будущее.

Are you smart enough to recognize it?

У тебя хватит ума, чтобы это понять?

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Do you recognize it?

Ты видел это?

I recognize those uniforms from my guidebook, they’re from the 20th century.

Я видел эту форму в моем путеводителе, они из 20-ого века.

I spent months in a lab being prodded and poked by a scientist who didn’t recognize I was a life-form.

Я провёл месяцы в лаборатории, где меня колол и ковырял учёный, который не видел во мне живого существа.

— …and a biker gang I recognize.

— И банду байкеров я недавно видел.

See? Told you I recognized her.

Я так и знал, я ее уже видел!

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I didn’t recognize you.

Я даже не сразу узнала тебя.

I hardly recognized her.

Я ее не сразу узнала. Неплохо выглядит.

Oh, I recognized you right away.

Я вас сразу узнала.

I recognized his voice immediately.

Я сразу узнала его голос.

I’ve seen a picture of you. That’s how I recognize you.

Видела фотографию, сразу узнала.

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– Taking drugs to get into the presence of God is (bargaining) into the presence of God and if you just go and have an experience this is you’re simply not equiped to recognize the experience for what it isn’t to react to it in the right way

«потребление наркотиков дл€ достижени€ божественных состо€ний, есть ничто иное, как дешЄвое приобретение подобных состо€ний. ≈сли ¬ы принимаете наркотики, скорее всего не готовы осознать, по какой причине подобного рода опыт не может пойти на пользу.


Чтобы научиться принимать то, в чём мы отличаемся, и осознать, в чём мы похожи.

You’ve helped me recognize the better parts of myself.

Вы помогли мне осознать лучшие стороны моей личности.

And only two seconds to recognize if the symptoms fit while staring at the rancid,unchanged water of an ac unit.

И всего две секунды понадобится, чтобы осознать, подходят ли симптомы, когда в упор смотришь на прогорклую, неменявшуюся воду в кондиционере.

We recognized it as an mistake and got rid of it a long time ago

Мы осознали, что это ошибка, и избавились от них уже давно.

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Sentences with recognize. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use recognize in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for recognize.

  • Recognize her. (10)
  • Recognize it; united. (10)
  • They shall not recognize me. (10)
  • Why will you not recognize facts? (10)
  • I recognize it as a folly of youth. (10)
  • I recognize the value of early misfortune. (10)
  • They would recognize the flame quality in her. (9)
  • Queer to recognize a man hardly seen since school-days. (8)
  • She ran on, allowing me time to recognize Clara Goodwin. (10)
  • He did not at once recognize Michael, who sat turned aside. (12)
  • What principle did the first attempts at piano-making recognize? (3)
  • But if we fairly recognize it, we shall be the first to alter our ways. (10)
  • Many insist that the public is able to recognize and pay for the truth. (16)
  • I recognize it, and that to this the streamlets flow, thence pours the flood. (10)
  • You will recognize me better by opening your door entirely: voices are deceptive. (10)
  • She disliked the Margravine of Rippau, who was in Vienna, and did not recognize us. (10)
  • As the window was behind him I could not see his face and did not at once recognize him. (14)
  • Because people fail to recognize and pay for good books, endowed libraries stud the land. (16)
  • To suppose that she would recognize a Genius, failing a special introduction, was absurd. (10)
  • Libby blushed, as he always did when required to recognize Grace in her professional quality. (9)
  • We all recognize their right to lie at rest, with immunity from all that is harsh and violent. (1)
  • Would Cramier recognize himself in this creature with the horn-like ears, and great bossed forehead? (8)
  • No one could do that now, unless he wrote a book that we could not recognize as a work of literature. (9)
  • Because they fail to recognize and pay for good instruction, education is provided free or at part cost. (16)
  • He passed her, on the public stairs of the house, but he saw that she did not recognize him in the dim light. (9)
  • I recognize the truth of this without pretending to have been changed in anything but my point of view of it. (9)
  • Afterwards Lowell wrote again, owning himself wrong in his appeal, which he had come to recognize as invasive. (9)
  • But now when I have come to recognize these ideas as destructive errors, I must not serve them for another hour. (12)
  • I think not; and to recognize an impossibility economizes time and is one of the virtues of a clear understanding. (10)
  • Such sprout and send their life forth into the man, creating a new nature which the world will not recognize as his. (13)
  • The ladies never acted so well as when they were in the presence of a fact which they acknowledged, but did not recognize. (10)
  • When she turned to the shore she saw him advancing, but did not recognize; when they met she merely looked with wide parted lips. (10)
  • Language flowed from Renee in affinity with the pleasure-giving laws that make the curves we recognize as beauty in sublimer arts. (10)
  • Yet the Italians are rather plain-spoken, and they recognize facts which our company manners at least do not admit the existence of. (9)
  • The public should recognize, I think, his right to a special code like that accorded the priest, the lawyer, the soldier, the physician. (16)

Also see sentences for: apprehend, arrest, heed, mark, note, notice, observe.

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Definition of Recognize

to know and remember (someone or something) because of previous knowledge or experience

Examples of Recognize in a sentence

Bold and daring, Harriet Tubman helped over 300 slaves escape to freedom through the Underground Railroad.


Knowing that no one had succeeded before, the daring Wright brothers made history by inventing, building, and flying the world’s first successful airplane.


Crazy at the least and daring at best, American mountaineer Annie Smith Peck was one of the first women to climb the Swiss Alps.


Swallowing down his fears, the daring tight-rope walker stepped out onto the line.


The daring young entrepreneur found it very unfortunate that she lived in a time when women were not business owners.


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