Make a sentence with the word proud

Examples of how to use the word “proud” in a sentence. How to connect “proud” with other words to make correct English sentences.

proud (adj): feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or people connected with you have done or got something good

Use “proud” in a sentence

They are proud of their children’s achievements.
He is very proud of his custom bike.
She is proud of herself for finishing college.
I’m proud of my son.
I’m proud to be a part of this project.
There is nothing to be proud of.
I’m very proud of you.
I feel very proud to be a part of the team.
I’m proud of my son.

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Sentences with the word Proud?



  • «in the old days she had been harsh and stiff; afraid of her husband and yet arrogantly proud that she had a husband strong and fierce enough to make her afraid»
  • «The proud father produced many pictures of his baby»; «The accused brought forth a letter in court that he claims exonerates him»
  • «clothed and in his right mind»- Bible; «proud of her well-clothed family»; «nurses clad in white»; «white-clad nurses»
  • «I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project»; «they all did their share of the work»
  • «she was fiercely proud of her children»
  • «a gallant pageant»; «lofty ships»; «majestic cities»; «proud alpine peaks»
  • «hardy explorers of northern Canada»; «proud of her tall stalwart son»; «stout seamen»; «sturdy young athletes»
  • «was proud of his improved grades»; «an improved viewfinder»
  • «proud of their child»
  • «proud parents»; «a proud moment»; «proud to serve his country»; «a proud name»; «proud princes»

proud — перевод на русский


I had her raised in the lowest dive in Zanzibar …so you could be proud of her!

Я вырастил ее в самой дешевой забегаловке Занзибара … ты можешь гордиться своей дочерью!

And you’ll be proud of me, too.

И ты будешь гордиться мной.

I’m sure you’ll be a big success, and then they’ll be proud of you.

Отанете звездой, и они будут гордиться.

As the years go by, you can always look back on this day and be mighty proud of me.

Пройдут года, ты вспомнишь этот день и будешь мной гордиться.

You say you refuse, Shinza, but you can’t be so proud.

Ты, конечно, можешь отказаться, Шинза, но гордиться тебе нечем

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My dear brother would be so proud.

Мой дорогой брат был бы так горд.

No matter what you ever do, Edward you’ll never make me feel as proud of you as you have this minute.

Вовсе нет, напротив, Эдвард ты не представляешь как я горд за тебя сейчас.

I am proud and happy to be here, folks, and I would like to take this occasion to say…

Я горд и счастлив тем, что нахожусь здесь, и я хотел бы воспользоваться этой возможностью, чтобы сказать…

I don’t mind telling you I’m very proud of your war record.

Нет слов, я очень горд за твои военные успехи.

Mighty proud to meet you, Jones.

Черезвычайно горд познакомиться с вами, Джонс.

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Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to present a serious social drama proving that vice is always punished.

Дамы и господа, мы с гордостью представляем вам серьезную социальную драму, доказывающую, что порок всегда наказывается.

…ladies and gentlemen we are proud to present a comedy of manners with a moral.

Дамы и господа, мы с гордостью представляем вам комедию нравов с моралью.

Very proud.

Большой гордостью.

All our work must be dictated by a single thought… that the German worker… be made an upright, proud and equally entitled national comrade.

Вся наша работа должна быть продиктована единой мыслью… о том что Немецкий рабочий… должен с гордостью быть равноправным национальным товарищем.


Кроме того, я с гордостью скажу вам, что вот девушка, которую я люблю.

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Прежде всего, я научилась плавать кролем, чем очень горжусь.

I’m proud of Fras.

Я очень горжусь Фрейзом.

I’m proud of us.

Знаешь, я очень горжусь нами.

I’m proud of the set.

На самом деле, я очень горжусь съёмочной площадкой.

I’m very proud of him.

Я им очень горжусь.

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Proud to see you here in the uniform of Australia.

Рад видеть вас здесь в Военной форме Австралии.

I admire you and am proud to be by your side.

Я восхищаюсь тобой и рад, что на твоей стороне..

And I am proud to put on afterwards my poor worker’s rags, in the morning, under the boiling sun of my province, of my village!

И я рад отложить на потом свои нищенскую трудовую робу, утром, под палящем солнцем моего края, моей деревни!

Colleagues, I proudly say that we convened again to clarify our ideas and to report the results of one year of research in the context of scientific progress.

Дорогие коллеги, я рад, что мы снова здесь собрались, чтобы обменяться мыслями и подвести итоги наших научных исследований, проведенных в этом году.

I’m not proud that I spend my time with a broken-down alcoholic.

Я не рад, что встречаюсь с несчастной алкоголичкой.

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Larry, it’s my proud privilege to present a gift from the Municipal Band.

Ларри, для меня большая честь вручить вам подарок от Муниципального Оркестра.

Ladies and Gentlemen. I am proud to present to you, a local hero. The man with the nose for news.

Имею честь вам представить нашего местного героя, человека, у которого нюх на сенсации, который всегда в нужный момент в нужном месте, человека, который готов взглянуть в лицо смерти ради новостей…

Just wanna say I’m proud to help you any way I can.

Я только хочу сказать, что для меня честь вам помочь, чем я могу.

«Hans Peterson is proud to announce his marriage to Lena Svenson.»

Ханс Петерсон имеет честь объявить о своей свадьбе с Линой Свенсен…

How proudly.

Какая честь.

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He seems very proud of this new, uh, steamer.

Похоже он очень доволен своей новой паровой яхтой…

I hope that you are proud of me now.

Надеюсь, что теперь ты мной доволен.

Proud of yourself?


Just when I was getting sick of you whining about Wanda, you do us proud.

Ты мне уже начинал надоедать своим хныканьем по Ванде… но сейчас я доволен.

Apophis would be proud.

Апофис будет доволен.

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Even if he doesn’t listen, or even if he acts proud or says things too bluntly, cut him some slack and always stay by his side.

Я счастлив. А начнет разыгрывать надменность или станет слишком прямолинеен — и оставайтесь рядом.

oh, we… We are now prepared with dinner. Mi padrecito he will be very proud to have as his guests, officers of the Estados Unidos.

ох, мы как раз собирались обедать мой отец, будет так счастлив …что у него в гостях американские офицеры он большой патриот

It’s just the two of us living our lives together, happily and proudly.

Это когда два человека живут одной жизнью вместе, дерзко и счастливо.

Well, in that case, I—I’ll be proud to marry you. Oh, baby.

В таком случае, я буду счастлива выйти за тебя.

The proud father.

Счастливый отец.

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Proud of yourself?

Очень благородно.

We are a very proud family, Mr Evans.

Мы очень уважаемая семья, мистер Иванс.

I am proud and happy to receive the victor of Aspromonte in my house

Вы очень любезны, княгиня. Я очень рад быть у вас в гостях.

You know, sweetie I just want you to know that I was so proud of you today expressing your feelings so freely in front of Jerry and all.

Знаешь, лапочка хочу, чтобы ты знал, что сегодня ты меня очень порадовал тем что так открыто выражал свои чувства перед Джерри и остальными.

It makes me so proud, Mr President, that you stuck with us.

Вы поступили очень смело, что остались с нами, сэр.

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I tried to remember what you said, to make him decide for himself. But you know Drake, how proud he is.

Я пыталась подтолкнуть его к решению, но ты же знаешь Дрейка, он такой гордец.

He was less proud than you.

Он не такой гордец, как вы.

My husband is a proud man delighted to be associated with every brick… and every tree of his property at every moment of his waking life. No doubt in his dreams as well… though I’ve not been well acquainted with his dreams.

Мой супруг — гордец, и он счастлив чувствовать свою связь с каждым камнем, с каждым деревом своего имения в каждый момент своей жизни, как наяву, так и, без сомнения, во сне, хотя я уже не так хорошо знакома с его снами, с тех пор, как…

— The same proud as his father .

— Такой же гордец, как его батюшка.

You have need of proud men.

Вам нужны гордецы.

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Proud Meaning in English






Showing self-esteem

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Proud Meaning in Hindi







I am proud of my country.

We are proud of our national flag.

I feel proud of having him as my friend.

We are proud of you.

I am proud of my collection of stamps.

I felt quite proud of my creative abilities and visual skills.

Ever body is proud of one thing or the other.

I am proud of our culture and heritage.

He is very proud of his wealth.

Are you not proud of your achievement?

He possessed a lot of wealth so he was very proud.

I am proud to have you for my friend.

I am truly proud of my school.

I am proud to have you as a sister.

I am very proud of being a girl.

He is very proud of his new car.

She seems to be proud of her beauty.

Are you proud of your country?

She is proud by nature.

He is a very proud man.

He is proud and disrespectful to honorable people.

I am really proud of you.

we should never be proud of our money, strength, and criticize others.

He was very proud of what I had accomplished.

Are you proud of me?

She is too proud to confess her fault.

She is proud of her big house.

He is proud that he was born of a high family.

He is so proud that he cannot beg.

I am proud of my old school.

He is highly educated yet he is not proud.

She is too proud to beg.

He is proud of his position.

We are proud of being Indians.

We are proud of our soldiers.

We are proud of our country.

I am proud of this great heritage.

I am proud to be his disciple.

I am proud of my motherland.

He is too proud to listen to anyone.

I am proud to be Indian.

She is too proud to seek help.

Her sister is proud.

I am proud of that great inheritance.

She is too proud to talk to you.

She is a proud girl.

This is a matter which I am proud of.

Her manner was proud.

He is rich but he is not proud.

No sooner did she get the award than she became proud.

I am really proud of a friend like you.

He is proud of his purse.

She is pretty but she is not proud.

He is too proud to ask for a loan.

This is the matter of which I am proud.

I am proud of my cultural heritage.

My parents are extremely proud of us.

He is proud.

I am proud of this great inheritance.

He is not proud of his wealth.

I am proud of my son.

He is very proud and impatient.

He is too proud to admit his fault.

What a proud fellow he is !

He is proud of his riches.

She grew proud.

We feel proud of you.

We should be proud of our heritage.

He is proud of his high birth.

I am proud of my cultural inheritance.

An institution can be proud of such a student.

I am proud of my cultural heritage.

She is too proud to apologize.

She is so proud that she will not apologize.

He is proud of his country.

I was proud cf my high birth.

She says your parents ought to be proud of you.

They are very proud of their wealth.

I am proud to have a friend like you.

He is not proud of his wealth.

I am proud of having been declared the best actor.

I am proud of you.

He is very proud of his promotion.

We are proud of our country.

Your parents must be proud of you.

I am proud of my college.

I am proud of my friends who are very few but are definitely true.

She is proud of her new dress.

You will feel proud of your son’s act of nobility and bravery.

I am proud of my college library.

I am proud of my motherland.

He is proud of his position.

He is so proud that he cannot beg.

We are proud of being Indians.

You ought to be proud of it.

He is proud of his richness.

She is proud of her beauty.

He is proud of his high birth.

He is so proud that he will not beg for mercy.

He is so proud that he can’t confess his fault.

He is so proud that he does not listen to anyone.

He’s every reason to be proud of his son.

I am proud of his honesty.

He is proud of never having been late for school.

He was proud of his daughter.

He’s proud of his good grades.

She is proud of having been beautiful.

I’m proud to be working on this project.

It is perfectly natural for him to be proud of his son.

Give me a chance to make you proud of me.

I’m proud of myself.

I’m proud of what I said.

I am proud of being a good son.

Synonyms of Proud


She is very content with her job and has no desire to quit it.

Are you content with your position in the company?

She was content with her life.

I do not know the content of this letter.


He is contented though he is poor.

He leads contented life.

She is contented with her lot.

He is contented with his pay.

Man should learn to be contented with what he has.

We should be contented with our lot.

I was contented to assist her.

Unless you can adapt yourself to your circumstances, you cannot lead a contented life.

He is contented with his lot.

I am contented with my lot.

He is a contented man.

Happy is the man who is contented with his lot.


He did not enter the room in a dignified manner.

This is not dignified or respectful.

We must respect the right of women to equal opportunities and a dignified life.


He is an eminent physician.

He is eminent for his great discoveries.

He is an eminent painter.

He is an eminent violinist.

He is eminent both as a teacher and writer.


He would be very glad to hear the news.

I am supremely glad to hear it.

I was very glad to get a present from her.

She was glad of my company.

I’m glad to be here.

I’m really glad to hear that.

I am very glad to meet you.

I am glad to see her.

The entire nation was glad at the news.

His parents were glad at his success in the examination.

He was glad at about the good news.


India has a glorious past.

It is a game of glorious uncertainties.

We had a glorious time at the seaside.


These are the best skincare tips that mom’s at home should follow for gorgeous skin.

The gorgeous actress was totally in a mood to party.


He was gratified to see his son well-settled in life.

He was surprised and gratified at his success.

The news gratified us.


It needs to be done with great care.

It was with great difficulty that she bottled up her anger.

He made a great decision.

You have committed a great blunder.


I am honored to be awarded this prize.

I am honored to meet you.

They honored him as their leading statesman.

I am highly honored by the presence of the president.


I had never seen a such magnificent building.

What a magnificent vase!

We have a magnificent view of the ocean from our hotel room.

The sacred ceremony was held in the magnificent temple.

She has had a magnificent career.

The royal wedding was a magnificent occasion.

This museum has a magnificent collection of modern art.

She was wearing a magnificent silver dress.


She comes off a noble family.

It makes him noble and sympathetic.

He is the person of noble rank.


It was a rewarding visit.

It was a very rewarding visit.

Ancient history is a very rewarding subject.


I am satisfied with her conduct.

He satisfied everybody.

The agreement satisfied the workers.

The officer was satisfied with his work.

He was satisfied to know the result.

She seemed to be satisfied with the result of the exam.

He satisfied his hunger with a sandwich and milk.

They were satisfied with the meals.

They are satisfied with the new house.

He was satisfied with the result.

I am fully satisfied with my new house.

He seems satisfied with my explanation.

They all appeared satisfied with your answers.

Are you satisfied with the political situation in your country?

He is perfectly satisfied with his current salary.

He wasn’t satisfied with the pay he was getting.

I am satisfied with the result.






  • Use the word Proud in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And then one day, you too can be the proud proprietor of a very heavily mortgaged, roadside brothel and wish you were dead.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time th’ oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely the pangs of disprized love, the law’s delay the insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of th’ unworthy takes when he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin?

I consider this a proud association for the Taelon Synod.

Your mama’s proud. Jeff: Thank you.

dwant you to make me feel d dlike I’m the only girl in the world d Christina: I’m so proud of my team thus far

Yep, my mom said «if Heavenly Father is proud of you, he’ll always give you what you ask.»

And the life we live Is primitive and proud!

My parents said that if I made God proud and I did everything the Church asked, in the latter days, I could have whatever

You should be proud, buddy.

Congrats General, you’re now the proud owner of Coverton’s first nuclear waste facility.

Richard has decided to make the baby proud, and buy back the dealership.

You should be proud too, Ali, because you and the baby are having a positive effect on the Fitzpatricks.

My kid is gonna have an old man that he can be proud of.

I got a kid to make proud.

All this time I’ve been vilifying Fitz, but at least he’s been running around trying to make you proud.

I am proud to die a mortal

You’ve all made me very proud

If I had a son, I’d be proud if he was like Daniel.

«Finally, Mother M├ñrta, you can be proud of Ingmar!

I did not acknowledge religion, when life was fair, and I am too proud to do it now that my happiness has been cast aside!»

«Munich is proud of this success and, as the great concert master is ready, offer appropriate tribute and laurels to the victor.»

After a night of battling I thought I’d found it and mounted my horse, free and proud like a god, my filled heart puffed up with noble feelings.

Yesterday when I answered you «»No»» for Count Vitelozzo I felt proud and secure, grand and joyful.

If your father were here today, he would be so proud of you.

I know how to stop the proud Achilles from participating in the race.

Georgia was quick and impulsive, proud and independent.

Betty was too poor to quit her job — and too proud to stay. So she quit!

I will be proud of undertaking it, Samuel, to undertake it with trust and it thrills

proud, majestic, haughty …

I had her raised in the lowest dive in Zanzibar …so you could be proud of her!


«Poitrier can really be proud of you!»

This proud phrase that a German prince could transform the World into a Paradise if only people were to take this seriously.

She oughta be proud to help you, proud to be Kitty Darling’s daughter, right?

Somebody you can be proud of, who’ll just be crazy about you.

We’re proud of you, Brother.

Should I be humble, proud, apologetic?

I suppose you’re proud of yourself, playing a trick on those poor mothers!

I don┬┤t know what you mean by decent but I┬┤m proud of my job. I┬┤m not ashamed of anything.

Why should the spirit of mortal be proud, like a swift-fleeting meteor, fast-flying cloud?

Mr. Lincoln, I’m just proud of you!

There’s something to be proud of.

Oh. Now then, uh, these are a model that we’re very proud of.

And you’ll be proud of me, too.

I’m proud to be the first to congratulate you on behalf of this modest, but now famous caf├®, for the glory bestowed upon you today.

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