Make a sentence with the word pollution

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1. All pollution is simply an unused resource.

2. Something must be done to stop the pollution.

3. Environmentalists are alarmed by the dramatic increase in pollution.

4. We should take many measures to stop pollution.

5. The costs of pollution control must be considered.

6. The Act imposes more stringent regulations on atmospheric pollution.

6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

7. There are various techniques for dealing with industrial pollution.

8. Air pollution will soon soar above safety levels.

9. Poverty is a more pressing problem than pollution.

10. Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.

11. Matters of pollution and the environment concern us all.

12. Higher levels of pollution have started to corrode pipes.

13. There is a connection between pollution and the death of trees.

14. The fine was for the company’s pollution of the air near its plants.

15. The obvious way of reducing pollution is to use cars less.

16. The problem of pollution in the city can not be wished away.

17. A miasma of pollution hung in the air above Mexico City.

18. Changes in the climate are due to pollution of the atmosphere.

19. There has been a sharp decrease in pollution since the law was introduced.

20. Aerial pollution is a problem that should be solved quickly.

21. The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife.

22. Pollution is legally controlled and enforced through various federal and state laws.

23. Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by the pollution.

24. The most important question in the world today is pollution.

25. The Black Sea is facing ecological catastrophe as a result of pollution.

26. The government itself has little information on the extent of industrial pollution.

27. The report ascribes the rise in childhood asthma to the increase in pollution.

28. There are substantial fines for exceeding permitted levels of noise pollution.

29. The summit ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution.

30. The minister is to hold tripartite meetings with the oil and car industries to discuss ways of reducing pollution.

More similar words: evolution, resolution, revolutionary, execution, collection, institution, distribution, prosecution, contribution, constitution, institutional, collaboration, constitutional, roll up, poll, notion, option, action, nation, motion, edition, fiction, section, question, portion, mention, auction, location, position, zonation. 

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«Significantly exacerbate the problem of carbon pollution» is vague and toothless.


Longer and more extreme heat waves will impact human health through reduced air quality and increases in insect and waterborne diseases, and require increased use of electricity for cooling, further increasing carbon pollution.


The source of ocean plastic pollution is usually assumed to be mismanaged waste — those plastic bags and containers that get missed by the recycling truck or blown away in the wind.


By 2030, at least 132 million more short tons of carbon pollution will be avoided, equivalent to avoiding one-year’s worth of emissions from over 25 million cars.


The partnership was founded by Monterey Bay Aquarium, National Aquarium, and Shedd Aquarium with the primary goal of reducing ocean and freshwater plastic pollution.


City life makes our skin constantly exposed to pollution and as a result, skin gets dull and oily.


Slow and steady will win this pollution race.


[9:10 a.m. Insert More of the logic in expediting a shift from coal to natural gas in developing countries comes from the latest pollution mortality estimates, as reported in the Global Burden of Disease study in The Lancet.]


Leah Gunn Barrett, of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, said New York has strong gun laws, but illegal firearms still make their way in via Virginia and elsewhere like «pollution or cockroaches.»


Other activities include: producing products that may be recycled at the end of their lifespan for material reuse; reducing energy consumption in operations; or even re-engineering distribution methods as a means of reducing long-distance travel during product delivery, ultimately reducing fossil fuel consumption (and the disease-causing air pollution that is its byproduct).


Yep, they’ll never compare to those beautiful strip mines, ash heaps and particulate pollution from coal!


Discuss your state’s pollution coverage with your agent.


Dogs, like humans, can suffer from the negative effects on digestion of cooked and processed foods, food additives and pollution.


W has to rely on Abbott and Costello era photos found on the internet to tell the adults in the room about pollution in Pittsburgh.


The extractionist economy does the most harm to two groups — those already impacted by racism and marginalization, and future generations who will inherit the pollution we put into the air today,» said Karenna Gore, Director of the Center for Earth Ethics.


Brothers Charles and David Koch are billionaires many times over, thanks to Koch Industries» empire of pipelines, refineries, mines and wells that for generations have spewed carbon pollution into the atmosphere for free.


As more cars and trucks hit the roads, this pollution will increase dramatically unless strict emissions-reduction and fuel economy policies are in place.


Batteries like those in Escondido deliver power instantaneously, but unlike a gas plant they emit no greenhouse gases or air pollution on-site.


As new research reminds us that pollution often disproportionately affects poor and minority communities in the United States, a long-standing mapping tool from the EPA can help reporters explore and discover those environmental justice stories nearest them.


Democratic Trustee challengers took aim at their Republican opponents Tuesday on the issues of water pollution and public beach access at a candidates» forum sponsored by The Suffolk Times and hosted by Peconic Landing in Greenport.


Coal-state Democrats don’t necessarily have a solution; plenty of them clam up when asked about controversial proposals such as cap-and-trade and pollution regulations.


Our faces, particularly for those of us who live in cities, are exposed to a daily assault of environmental toxins, free radicals, pollution, and sundry airborne nasties.


EPA considers large CAFOs as point sources of water pollution.


Note that I am recommending Io-Plex SR, which is an iodine supplement to be taken twice per day to protect you from fluoride, bromide and chlorine pollution.


stress (in biology) A factor, such as unusual temperatures, moisture or pollution, that affects the health of a species or ecosystem.


Instead of reducing pollution, we now have a spate of new coal plants and inevitable greenhouse gas limits on a collision course that puts companies and shareholders at financial risk.»


This includes pollution from CFCs, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and mercury.


According to a report commissioned by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and launched on 18 February by the Global Partnership on Nutrient Management and International Nitrogen Initiative, nitrogen pollution causes US$ 200-US $ 2,000 billion of damage around the world each year.


They handpick beautifully skin friendly products from the US, New Zealand, Australia, UK, South Africa and Malaysia — all of which are sourced specifically to help deal with Hong Kong’s harsh environment: pollution, chemicals, sweltering humidity and drying air conditioning, as well as typical lifestyle byproducts like sleep deprivation and aging.


Stopping the chem-trails alone will result in rapid global heating, because of the pollution induced greenhouse effect, leading to severe consequences seen in the video.


If you associate charcoal with dirt and pollution, think again.


Developing countries see this as obligating the wealthy nations who have dumped the most carbon pollution into the atmosphere to act first and most aggressively to cut their emissions.


Students analyze their own travel data, as well as that of the whole class, and then explore strategies for reducing air pollution by choosing to ride their bike rather than drive, or by taking fewer trips.


Antioxidants like vitamin C can help acne-prone skin, and they also protect against sun damage and pollution.


The impacts of its reliance on coal are becoming more well known and recently there was much online discussion after an eight-year-old girl was diagnosed with lung cancer which her doctor blamed on air pollution.


Vehicle pollution increases risks of cancer, damages respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and can negatively impact children’s lung development and adult’s reproductive health.


Most waste and pollution is caused by industrial, military and commercial processes, over which consumers have no control.


The report also warned diseases and infections linked to air pollution claim the lives of 4,000 children under five in Europe every year.


Because they are short-lived, aerosols generally aren’t distributed evenly through the atmosphere like CO2, but tend to be concentrated near centres of pollution.


Ozone pollution across the continental United States will become far more difficult to keep in check as temperatures rise, according to new research led by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).


There have been many Okinawan protests against the rapes, crimes, accidents, and pollution caused by this sort of concentration of American troops and weaponry, but so far the U. S. military — in collusion with the Japanese government — has ignored them.


The New Zealand government has many regulations and a strict quota system in place that help to protect the environment, prevent pollution and ensure that the fish populations are sustainable.


Jan 04,2016…THROW-AWAY LAWS The passage of a pollution law often occasions celebration, but a recent incident on…


[T] he rule… comes on the heels of tough new requirements that the Obama administration imposed on mercury emissions and cross-state pollution from utilities within the past year.


Beyond the climate change bill, though, we will need Labour and the Conservatives to be as brave as the Liberal Democrats in coming up with hard proposals for change: so far, only the Lib Dems have put forward firm plans for greener but not higher taxes, by switching the tax burden from good things like work, risk and effort to bad things like pollution.


the electric industry remains the dominant source of air pollution….


There is important work to do: on flood risk; air pollution; how we ensure a sustainable and economically viable food and farming system; and much more.


The profit that Tesla Motors booked for the third quarter was boosted by the company’s record sales of its existing electric vehicles, along with the cost reductions and the sale of pollution tax credits to other car manufacturers.


Reducing deforestation and indoor air pollution requires the substitution of wood and charcoal with modern energy.


¶ More than 95 % of the world’s population in 2016 (+7 billion) lived in areas with dangerously high levels of air pollution, according to the annual report from the Health Effects Institute.


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This is the kind of pollution that is commonly known as heat pollution or thermal pollution.

Physical pollution is pollution associated with changes in the physical parameters of the environment.

Физическое — загрязнение, связанное с изменением физических параметров окружающей среды.

This prevents the so-called visual pollution.

Все эти действия направлены на борьбу с так называемым «визуальным загрязнением».

Ecological pollution takes place when chemical pollution, organic pollution or thermal pollution is caused by nature rather than by human activity.

East Asia is home to several areas with severe pollution problems, called pollution hotspots.

В Восточной Азии находится нескольких районов, имеющих серьезные проблемы с загрязнением, называемые «горячие точки» загрязнения.

This type of pollution is called nonspecific pollution, that is to say a pollution inherent to the human presence.

Kinds of pollution: radiation, electromagnetic and chemical pollution, and also microbiological pollution.

Other sources of pollution may include traffic and airborne pollution, potential sources of accidental pollution such as pipelines, and other existing point pollution sources.

К другим источникам загрязнения могут относиться загрязнение в результате дорожного движения и загрязнение, переносимое по воздуху, потенциальные источники аварийного загрязнения, например трубопроводы, и другие существующие точечные источники загрязнения.

Soil pollution is an example of how pollution in one form leads to issues in another.

Загрязнение почвы является примером того, как загрязнение в одной форме приводит к проблемам в другой.

This type of pollution is called artificial pollution, but there are natural factors that pollute the air and make it dangerous.

Этот тип загрязнения называется искусственным загрязнением, однако существуют природные факторы, которые загрязняют воздух и делают его опасным.

Industrial pollution is aggravated by large-scale chemical pollution caused by agriculture.

Промышленное загрязнение усугубляется масштабным химическим загрязнением, вызванным сельским хозяйством.

As countries develop, household air and water pollution — ancient forms of pollution linked to severe poverty — decline.

По мере развития стран, загрязнение воздуха и воды домашними хозяйствами — древние формы загрязнения, связанные с тяжелой нищетой — уменьшаются.

Water pollution is the most dangerous and worst form of pollution putting lives in danger.

Загрязнение воды является самой опасной и наихудшей формой загрязнения, ставящей под угрозу жизнь людей.

Other companies may in turn find it more economical to purchase pollution allowances as the lowest-cost alternative to compliance with pollution standards.

Другие компании могут, в свою очередь, счесть более экономически целесообразным приобрести квоты на загрязнение в качестве наиболее дешевой альтернативы соблюдению норм загрязнения.

It can also assist in the prevention of pollution and coordination response to pollution incidents.

Кроме того, эти службы могут помогать в предотвращении загрязнения и в координации мер по преодолению последствий аварий, ведущих к загрязнению.

The stratification according to pollution levels indicated possible relations between soil chemical characteristics and pollution loads.

Расслоение данных с учетом уровней загрязнения позволило выявить связи между химическими характеристиками почвы и нагрузками загрязнения.

Recognizing the impacts on land-based resources of pollution in marine and coastal areas, countries are developing programmes to minimize and prevent pollution.

Признавая воздействие загрязнений из наземных источников на морские и прибрежные районы, страны разрабатывают программы по минимизации и предотвращению загрязнений.

The activities will address pollution from domestic sewage, industrial wastes and agricultural non-point pollution.

Эта деятельность будет касаться загрязнения домашними сточными водами, сброса промышленных отходов и загрязнения из неточечных сельскохозяйственных источников.

So, solving the problem of pollution with more pollution.

Plastic ocean pollution has become synonymous with microplastic pollution.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат pollution

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Examples of how to use the word “pollution” in a sentence. How to connect “pollution” with other words to make correct English sentences.

pollution (n): damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste

Use “pollution” in a sentence

Environmental pollution is causing abnormal weather conditions.
Air pollution is a serious global problem.
Air pollution is a serious problem.
We have to do more to protect the environment from pollution.

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pollution — перевод на русский


Outside there is the worst kind of pollution I’ve met in years!

Снаружи — самый худший вид загрязнения, который я когда-либо встречал.

Back on Earth, tens of thousands of people die every day — traffic accidents, suicides, pollution, epidemics…

На Земле, десятки тысяч людей умирают ежедневно — дорожные происшествия, самоубийства, загрязнения, эпидемии…

It’s time we all awoke to the alarm bell of pollution, instead of sliding down the slippery slopes of… .. whatever it is.

Пора объявить тревогу загрязнения, вместо того, чтобы скользить по склону что бы это ни было.

— No waste, no pollution!

— Нет отходов, нет загрязнения!

No pollution from an oil refinery?

Нет загрязнения от нефтеперерабатывающего завода?

Показать ещё примеры для «загрязнения»…

Look at that pollution.

Такое загрязнение окружающей среды.

The bomb and pollution, for instance.

Атомная бомба, загрязнение окружающей среды…


Загрязнение окружающей среды!

Patrick, when was the last time you saw pollution turn somebody into an axe murderer?

Патрик, когда в последний раз ты видел, чтобы загрязнение окружающей среды превращало кого-нибудь в убийцу с топором?

This is a picture of that first sketch of the world in terms of population, resources, capital investment in industry, investment in agriculture, and the accumulated pollution in the world.

Вот этот рисунок, который впервые изобразил мир в таких терминах как популяция, ресурсы, инвестиции в промышленность, инвестиции в сельское хозяйство и загрязнение окружающей среды.

Показать ещё примеры для «загрязнение окружающей среды»…

Pollution symptoms

Симптомы заражения…

They are receiving treatment doctor in a safe place … since analysis They say they suffer … High levels of pollution.

Они получают медицинскую помощь в закрытом учреждении, поскольку анализы подтвердили, что у них высокий уровень заражения.

They were exposed to High levels of pollution.

У них был высокий уровень заражения.

You call it collaboration, to us it’s pollution.

Это для вас сотрудничество, а для нас — заражение.

But mining berynium unleashed lethal doses of radiation and pollution.

Однако добыча бериния вызвала опасное радиоактивное заражение.

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