Make a sentence with the word perform

Examples of how to use the word “perform” in a sentence. How to connect “perform” with other words to make correct English sentences.

perform (v): to do an action or piece of work

Use “perform” in a sentence

He taught the dog to perform some very clever tricks.
The magician performed some amazing tricks.
The singers will perform at the festival.

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Synonym: accomplish, achieve, act, carry out, do, execute, transact. Antonym: neglect. Similar words: performer, answer for, butterfly, interfere, differ from, interfere in, form, norm. Meaning: [pər’fɔrm /pə’fɔːm]  v. 1. carry out or perform an action 2. perform a function 3. give a performance (of something) 4. get (something) done. 

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1. Be slow to promise and quick to perform

2. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve. 

3. To say little and perform much is the characteristic of great minds. 

4. A host of musicians will perform at the festival.

5. Wizards usually use magic wands to perform spells.

6. The children always perform a nativity play every Christmas.

7. A computer can perform many tasks at once.

8. Computers can perform a variety of tasks.

9. The UN must perform a difficult balancing act between the two sides in the conflict.

10. In your new job you will perform a variety of functions.

11. Norton Disk Doctor can perform miracles on a dodgy hard disk.

12. You will be asked to perform some standard manoeuvres during your driving test.

13. His council had had to perform miracles on a tiny budget.

13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

14. We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.

15. He promises, but does not always perform.

16. Plans are in hand to perform ‘Oz’ next semester.

17. Some animals perform elaborate mating rituals before they copulate.

18. The police perform a vital role in our society.

19. They will perform a short mime later.

20. The trained horses sashayed to perform.

21. I have a duty to perform.

22. Only the priest can perform these actions.

23. She strove to perform all her wifely functions perfectly.

24. These tyres perform badly/poorly in hot weather.

25. I’m looking forward to seeing you perform.

26. Singers took turns to perform songs they had written.

27. Fraser did not perform until after inter-mission.

28. The children perform two plays each school year.

29. What functions can this program perform?

30. Those who are quick to promise are generally slow to perform

More similar words: performer, answer for, butterfly, interfere, differ from, interfere in, form, norm, interfere with, format, reform, former, formal, inform, formula, uniform, hormone, normally, enormous, platform, informal, formerly, transform, formation, information, transformation. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«She is unable to perform in the show tonight.«
(be + unable to, be + expected to, be + able to)

Used with nouns:

«The priest will perform the ceremony.«
(ceremony, wedding, service)

«Scientists performed an experiment.«

«The doctor will perform the surgery.«
(surgery, procedure, operation, exam, examination)

«He performs magic during his shows.«

«She performed the song on stage.«
(song, dance)

«This machine performs an important function.«
(function, roll, job)

«The economy has performed badly lately.«
(economy, athlete, band, actor, actress)

Used with adverbs:

«The band performed well last night.«
(well, poorly, live, publicly, in public, together)

«He performs inspections annually.«
(annually, monthly, regularly, routinely, automatically, manually)

«The doctor performed his first surgery successfully.«
(successfully, correctly)

«He performs his duties faithfully.«

«Time for us to perform some serious vegetable imitations,» Herndon said as he stretched out

They perform many tasks

It would certainly be some kind of trick with hidden wicks and special fuel, but he’d seen people spit fire so he figured there would be some way to perform that circus stunt also

Only that Travis was his close friend and colleague, because his need was so great and out of respect for Travis’ skill as an artist would he perform this ritual

penetrate into you (through eyes and ears) and perform its healing

Now she relied only on her own direct contact with the central hub, the main server within the company that could perform the same activities but with a layer of personal filtering in between — unobtrusive, in other words

He can only perform a physical action; a

If they knew they were simulating a cell in a larger organism, they would not be able to perform their function in the larger organism that is the Haad of Al-Harron

I often have the impression that my inability to perform certain moves correctly has been noticed and commented by the rest of the pupils

An ornamental pool with a fountain graced the center of it, they took the scotch to some high-backed stools that bracketed a small table next to a small raised lawn upon which houris might perform

He called up a panel and brought a couple out to perform, the ones with the better raunchy settings seeing as Jaseem was here

They perform religious functions to cause one to feel at peace with God, but they never once bring the power of salvation to the hearts of the pew sitters

In being taught, they have preconceived notions of how God is going to perform His acts and what the Messiah will be like

The pastor has become a performer because the people are not able to perform that specific function themselves

Pippa was an accomplished singer and Liesse a clown … she had a feeling she’d seen him perform once, when she was a child … he must be nearly seventy now and mostly occupied in organising troupes of travelling players

Have food stamps saved anyone? Has anyone been better off in life because they have health insurance? Does life get easier when we have these conveniences? Our tax money goes to pay for things like health insurance, food stamps, social security, Medicare, upkeep of unused buildings (that could be used to shelter the homeless if our Government really did care about us), great scientific studies like whether sick shrimp perform as well on a treadmill as healthy shrimp (this is a real study funded by the Government – it cost about 15 million dollars), army expenses, paying off the interest on our nation’s debt, veteran’s benefits, and government jobs such as postal workers or police officers

When He calls upon us to perform His will, it might be entirely contrary to what this world thinks is peaceful or gentle or any of these other fruits of the Spirit

Catwhiskers had the idea of making obstacles to perform tricks

There are times, unfortunately, when people believe they can perform an activity and it is just a non runner

If you can perform the Head to Knee successfully the Forward Bend will not give you too much difficulty

When, after careful practice, you can perform this asana to your liking and can hold it in comfort for several minutes, while you hold it practice deep breathing with your eyes closed and your spine held straight

So perform this hopping off the ground three or four times and then straighten up for a rest

So this exercise is as useful as it is simple to perform

If you are still having difficulty with the Lotus Pose, and I know that many of you will take quite some time to master it as it is very difficult for the average Westerner, then perform the easiest of the variations of this posture until you can go a stage farther

When you can perform this variation with ease, and it can be done easily with patient practice, gradually extend the period when your face is touching the floor, and then try to practice the Yoga Complete Breath

When you are able to perform this Plough Posture to your liking try to increase, all the time, the overall stretch, as this position is most beneficial when carried to its extreme form, i

Remain in the position for as long as you comfortably can and then perform it with reversed arms

In view of the fact that Yoga asanas should be done on an empty stomach it is usually convenient to perform your practice schedule first thing in the morning when you get out of bed

Do not omit the correct breathing as you perform these exercises and if you would slim do please avoid constipation, as this is one of the worst enemies of the body and of the figure

It is worth a little trouble and exercise, is it not, to maintain one’s health? So practice this head rotating exercise whenever you have a quiet moment and can perform it inconspicuously

It is beautiful to look at, and when I explain the benefits of this lovely asana you will surely want to keep practicing it until you can perform it to perfection

Admirable Aristethes would perform his duty even if it made him wince

Because we are still in deep space, we can perform the experiments that they cannot in the realm of Sol

He thinks this should occur in all higher orders also, but we will never contain enough antimatter to perform that experiment

For example, charities that spend less than $300,000 a year in Federal funds are generally asked only to perform a «self-audit

«Sir,» Heymon said, «the ship on our flank is almost certainly a bussard, any daedelus would have to be running on ions to perform the way that ship is

regularly hard wire our nervous system to perform specific acts, emotions and behaviors, it becomes easier to understand how people believe that the problem is not only outside of them, but outside of their control

body that perform certain functions and produce

pressure to perform the testing (we’ll call this the

this trapped emotion blaming?” and then perform a

She had to perform with dignity

One outfit that they had to perform in was a very skimpy little loincloth that didn’t really cover anything during some of the moves

To perform with dignity was the best she could hope for

may receive the best help from in relation to how well they will perform the

in between, and perform the testing on the surrogate

proxy is testable, so perform a baseline test on the

as he just couldn’t perform any more, and it was

is that you can get a horse to perform with that

“As you know,” she began once formalities were over, “Tometahin requires utmost concentration to perform his duty

She also scours the local papers to see if there are any visiting celebrities, but they rarely attend and almost never perform

stop and perform a strange ritual

This she both encouraged and enhanced, so that while each must rely on the other in an activity they could not perform individually, neither required the constant assistance of the other to accomplish those tasks which were just within the capability of one

Then she detailed the necessary steps which enabled it to perform as intended

detailed the necessary steps which enabled it to perform as intended

What about that?” asked the host, then added, “You have already told me about how our ‘machine’ doesn’t work right—though I have a little difficulty thinking of my body as a machine; it sounds so Cartesian—But what about that, ‘microcosm of the great world’ and the ‘necessary steps to make it perform as intended’? You haven’t told me about that yet

There is no missing link, nor mystical rite to perform

I suggest, if you are really interested, that you perform some simple experiments

learned that I was to perform this task on my own

Whether it was the preparation of a new meal, or a more efficient method to perform an already familiar task, they were like sponges soaking up the attentions and instructions of their parents and Great-uncle

For no matter how precise the language, it can not perform the same duty as the picture

There are insufficient officers at the scene to perform a detailed search, so the Inspector in charge splits the uniforms up and sends them off in different directions to check on the basic lie of the land

“Father saw the Company perform on his last visit, a couple of years ago, and inquired about their training of aspiring young actresses and vocalists

“We can’t actually perform any of this when we’re dressed for public intercourse, naturally

perform the proper function of, uh

perform that good thing that I have

” My father was always in the shop, and my mother was always so frail; I was relied upon to perform the majority of the household chores and duties growing up

“We perform in a school house; might we set up a scholarship or something for our sons and daughters who wish to pursue their education, but who might not otherwise be able to without assistance?”

14Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the

Hmmm, and these window placements are slightly asymmetrical, but they really offer quite the impact, don’t they? I do really like the addition of the tower, it raises one’s spirits and would I suppose perform the same purpose as a steeple on a church

He didn’t think having to perform a lot of maintenance on the machines was a big deal

I want you to perform nothing less than a miracle,» Brice said

The work which he learns to perform, it must be expected, over

So often the Church has taken the stance that we will perform

The three capital improvements are, first, the exchange of the rock and spindle for the spinning-wheel, which, with the same quantity of labour, will perform more than double the quantity of work

The intention of the fixed capital is to increase the productive powers of labour, or to enable the same number of labourers to perform a much greater quantity of work

It is upon this account that all such improvements in mechanics, as enable the same number of workmen to perform an equal quantity of work with cheaper

By this operation, therefore, twenty thousand pounds in gold and silver perform all the functions which a hundred thousand could otherwise have performed

I would have offered to perform what little healing I could, but with my powers in turmoil he was better off with the first aid kit

When Matthew was finished, Maye came forward to perform a healing spell to seal in the ink and prevent infection

The community gathered at the coven’s circle, while the local police shouted instructions on how to perform a search party

The once or twice that he’s tried to be intimate with me he’s been unable to perform

The farmers, too, besides paying the rent, were anciently, it was supposed, bound to perform a great number of services to the landlord, which were seldom either specified in the lease, or regulated by any precise rule, but by the use and wont of the manor or barony

Under Senta and Isin’s patient tutelage, Deni and Song became adept at the subtle movements required to perform the basics of the Lascorii Court ‘dances and rituals’ which is what the robe flourishes were used for to begin with

Third, activities that you perform in Flow keep you in touch with your source of happiness

At this very point millions of impulses are flowing through your nervous system turning into all the actions you perform

It is the belief that any volitional act you perform eventually rebounds to you in some way

In other words, an autotelic activity is intrinsically rewarding in the present, whereas you usually perform other activities with an eye to future benefit

In other words, you perform the act for the sole purpose of being in a meditative state

His job was to perform the same series of tasks on a unit as it passed his station

He challenged himself to perform his task in the shortest time possible

A truly charitable person will always perform charitable acts

There was time for the Huntress and her two yachts to perform a most thorough survey of the Corona Zed system, as well as the neighboring system not two light-years—four days—away

So, does that mean the remaining seven billion people on Earth are assuming unimportant or insignificant roles? Obviously not, because our incarnation here grants us an opportunity to perform a role, which helps complete the mosaic of life on this planet

As we perform our jobs or daily duties, we render service to others

Many people falsely believe that they need to perform major tasks in order to command respect and gain self-worth in this world

There were times when she thought she was going to really lose her mind over the actions of this youngster, but then he would perform in such a wild and passionate manner toward her, she would settle down and accept what she could obtain from him

After all, what she wanted was a young boy to indulge in sex with her, and if she couldn’t train him to perform in the usual manner, she could at least learn to be more and more proficient in the taking of him in the oral way

those who perform charitable acts minus the fanfare are people who stand to gain the most admiration, in the end

It was a source of infinite satisfaction to take a young kid to the rear of the store after closing hours, lock the front door, and “play” with him until he was wildly excited and ready to perform any act she desired

perform any actions without a very specific intention as

If you are having tests or surgical procedures performed, you can safeguard against testing errors and also help ensure the best results with your surgery by following these steps:

Apart from situations of repeated non-compliance or serious misconduct of the patient and when essential but unpleasant activity is required to be performed, rest of the time consultants should be soft spoken as talking is the main ingredient of patient-doctor relationship

Prayer should not be performed in a manner that it disturbs others

While group singing of ‘bhajans’ can be done in a suitable place like a temple or a hall in a manner and time that least disturbance is caused to those not involved in it, the individual prayer is necessarily a communion with God best performed in a quiet corner of the house

Duties to family and friends and to one’s business or profession will be more perfectly and efficiently performed

The reason for this is, that after we have participated in the happenings of the day and in the general give and take of life, the mind is in a state of violent vibration; this is not the case if the meditation is performed first thing in the morning

Meditation is an interior act, and can only be performed successfully when the body is relaxed, rightly poised and then forgotten

However, if you are a patient and therapeutic Yoga is your need, you will benefit in learning it from a medical practitioner who is trained to understand the physiology of the human body and can thus be watchful of the effects of Yoga if performed incorrectly

This site enables on line puja in many temples and provides information about the type of pujas that can be performed

Tahlmute’s certificates and incantations performed correctly this week and they were admitted to the storage facility after quite a lengthy process of looking up records and cross checking thieves files

Estwig asked if any of them had ever performed on video and lost interest when he found they had not

They performed an

Her mother had performed the same ritual when

One by one, He performed miracles that defied

All the miracles that Jesus performed

He performed like any cherub would, but Ava had made the settings in here automatic so she didn’t have to get out his panel and control it

as you, lord, performed many miracles with the hands of apostle Paul

The play is being performed in the Village Hall – the stage is well equipped with proper lighting and although we don’t actually need microphones for so small a hall, there’s a pretty complicated looking, sound system as well

He leads me through what appears to be a labyrinth of darkened school buildings to the small theatre which is where the play is being performed

It performed flawlessly

Her mother had performed the same ritual when coming of age, although for her it seemed the bitter pleasure of awakening touched her mind

The logic of their minds is not performed with nerve cells and hormones but with silicon representations of neurons with global constants representing hormone levels and digital memory representing nucleotide sequences

Jesus performed those miracles; at the same time as the Father performed them; at the same time the Holy Spirit performed them

‘Yes … we have performed together many times

JayJay not only performed in this extravaganza but also compered, introducing with great pride all the students he has helped hone their skills to professional status

performed gracefully, gliding through the air

This is not the physical rule and reign as performed through Israel

different tricks to be performed then move onto another trick

This treatment is usual y performed in conjunction with the Obagi Blue Peel treatment

This is usually performed in cases where there is sagging and loss of firmness in the skin

The whole exercise should be performed slowly and rhythmically, with nasal inhalations and oral exhalations

It is best performed with the eyes closed which is very calming to the mind and nerves

When performed correctly this asana requires

Apart from the Gottesman who performed the ceremony, there was only Wiesse, a couple of people I didn’t know, and me

In all three of the variations practice the Yoga Complete Breath and it is a good place here to remind you that this Complete Breath should be performed slowly and fully

All you hurried business people take note! The Yoga Complete Breath while performed when the body is in the Fish Posture helps to remove the spasm from the bronchial tubes and also helps to relieve asthma

Ideally all Yoga asanas should be performed in the open air in order to draw into the lungs the maximum amount of fresh air

These swinging movements from side to side should be performed slowly and rhythmically

This simple exercise may be performed once or twice a day until you feel you are ready to try it with both legs at once

It should be performed four times a day at first and when you become more flexible it can be performed up to a dozen times a day

The accent is on slow and rhythmical movement, as this exercise is much more beneficial to the health and the figure when performed slowly and gracefully

No Yoga exercises should be performed during pregnancy or menstruation except the breathing ones, which can be done with impunity

They were tough flight trainers, but their flyers performed with split second precision

All the stretching exercises I have described in this book, and particularly in chapter two can be performed in connection with exercising the eyes

The Backbend described in chapter four can be performed so that your eyes follow the movements of your head and are so exercised, and likewise in the Triangle Posture* described in chapter ten

During the week Cyberia cleaned the house, cooked meals and performed a range of other wifely duties while her husband, under the guise of bringing euphonic enlightenment to the masses, rescued black bin liners full of old clothes, books and partially complete jigsaw sets from the doorways of London’s charitable retail outlets

At one point, after pocketing their money and their komboloi beads, they performed a remarkable piece of coordinated percussion by tapping their feet and fingertips on the table tops in time to a tune hummed by Zacharias, their Sophian eyes a-shining

Whether the small group of signals that occur when a course correction is made are instructions causing the correction, status confirmation that the correction has been performed or by-products of making the course correction doesn’t tell us much more

The Hold Protectorate performed the ceremony amid Tarak’s faithful warriors

and performed a range of other wifely duties while her husband,

The pilot had performed one of the slickest landings he had ever experienced

Then the testing is performed on the surrogate, rather

Yellelle explained that it would become a real ID as soon as she successfully performed some operation with it, such as buying a house

thoughtfully performed: it will be a dud

She or he has performed what was both, often to its depths

The bulk of the cutting itself was performed by mechanical

We had two shows which we performed in a rota

All smiles and charm on stage, she became a vicious bitch as soon as she stepped off the small stage on which they performed

She mused as she went down to join them, how many times these same activities had been performed with nearly the same schedule and expected results over the countless generations before them

Unbeknownst to anyone, Jameson had secretly observed, when his own training permitted, Titania and Hipolyta as they performed some of their own challenges and tasks

He had often performed this chore for his mom in their kitchen

“I mean I’ve read them all and performed many of them, the plays I mean, with my sisters

Billy has always relied, even in the darkest times, on his own personal gospel as performed by Saint Victor Damone, except that Mother Nature is playing games this morning

There was even a table where the sides changed and men undressed and performed for women to rope them, again fending off the ropes of those they did not desire, lunging into the ropes of those they did

” She performed a crouch and step with her staff passing over head as his blow was again blocked

classrooms had Christmas trees, the choir and band performed pieces about the

“I still performed around campus

“Chloe has performed all the interior design and execution herself; down to the last drawer pull and window treatment

It took a few seconds for the calculations to be performed and the smile to creep across his face

For the torture and abuse he so willingly performed,

Though a difficult task, it was one he performed many times before

It appears, accordingly, from the experience of all ages and nations, I believe, that the work done by freemen comes cheaper in the end than that performed by slaves

She knew then that her soul had never really believed that such an act as this could actually be performed

It was probably a household manufacture, in which every different part of the work was occasionally performed by all the different members of almost every private family, but so as to be their work only when they had nothing else to do, and not to be the principal business from which any of them derived the greater part of their subsistence

The work which is performed in this manner, it has already been observed, comes always much cheaper to market than that which is the principal or sole fund of the workman’s subsistence

But in what manner this operation is performed, and in what manner it tends to increase either the gross or the neat revenue of the society, is not altogether so obvious, and may therefore require some further explication

By this operation, therefore, twenty thousand pounds in gold and silver perform all the functions which a hundred thousand could otherwise have performed

An operation of this kind has, within these five-and-twenty or thirty years, been performed in Scotland, by the erection of new banking companies in almost every considerable town, and even in some country villages

” In the theater at Smyrna, she’d seen dramas performed on feast days, both comedy and tragedy, but never dance

I’ve performed on Lesvos and on Chios

Indeed, after I performed, I was asked to lead a school at its ancient Temple of Cybele

The coconut had been smashed, a brief pooja performed

How many times had they heard the stories that Helda’s father had recounted about the miracles that the God of the Hebrews had performed way back then? Now they were actually hearing similar stories from a reliable witness

“Releasing docking clamps and maneuvering to threshold,” the Elf recited her actions as she performed them

What would anywhere else have been performed by ore refining machines, here was being done with the broken teeth and bleeding fingers of slaves

As seen in Chapter 13, acts performed in the name of charity are not charitable unless they are selfless

When the tasks are well performed, we inspire others to emulate our approach in life

In truth, science is very much a part of spirituality and some of the ‘miracles’ are performed via biology, chemistry or physics

In some countries, the citizens destined for defending the state seem to have been exercised only, without being, if I may say so, regimented; that is, without being divided into separate and distinct bodies of troops, each of which performed its exercises under its own proper and permanent officers

Public services are never better performed, than when their reward comes only in consequence of their being performed, and is proportioned to the diligence employed in performing them

He worked on his invention until it performed to his satisfaction

Its object is, in all cases, to maintain the authority of the master, and, whether he neglects or performs his duty, to oblige the students in all cases to behave to him as if he performed it with the greatest diligence and ability

Though Latin, therefore, was no longer understood anywhere by the great body of the people, the whole service of the church still continued to be performed in that language

Translations into Latin, Coptic and Syriac were performed during the 200’s AD and these were spread throughout the world as “Inspired Scripture”

Before his discovery no previous studies had been performed in this field and he was about to embark on some ground-breaking work, without the tools and technology that we have available today

This took six years to compile, was tedious and time-consuming, but provided Panin with the tools with which an in-depth analysis could be performed

And you can be sure that every possible test will be performed to verify Mr Alendry’s identity

Bible Code researchers have performed various searches throughout the Bible with specific attention to finding out who the true Messiah is

Because the Jews attributed the works that Jesus performed through his miracles to the devil, Jesus declared that the Jews would be blinded and that they would not know the things that are now hid from their eyes

The Bible says God created everything and performed his creation work over a period of 6 days and confirms this twice in Exodus

The school has a strong performing arts faculty and has a tiny theatre

«So you are bored with houris because they have no soul, because there is no ‘mutual pleasure’ but just a heavenly spirit performing its natural function

But if what we have been performing is not the perfect thing from Heaven that has been prescribed, then what is?

‘I haven’t mentioned it to JJ yet, but I anticipate that he would want to be actively involved in the Guild and the setting up of a school for performing arts

We don’t even realize that we are performing this sort of characteristic

I have also seen enquiries from France and Italy asking for information about the courses offered here at the Guild Hall so it seems that the concept of a trained cadre of performing musicians, singers and actors is taking off worldwide

Pippa put together a small troupe of performers in the spring and I was invited to go with them as they travelled to the west of the country, performing wherever there was a space large enough

This increases the stretch of the dorsal muscles while you are performing the deep breathing

It means that Yoga is working for you so you should welcome it as a sign that you were performing the exercise properly

When her husband returned home after another hard day performing for London’s musical cognoscenti he found the poor girl buried up to her armpits in smudged sheets of thin cardboard

For a start, the machinery here, whilst performing well, is not on the same scale as the massive engines of the industrial revolution across in England

But when she appears, she looks quite ordinary … obviously not performing … I wonder where they’re going – some operatic society event, perhaps? I’m just about to turn away when I become transfixed – he’s holding her hand! Gobsmacked, I watch as he opens the door for her to get into the passenger seat, and I catch an exchange of smiles between them which stops me in my tracks

I would prefer performing to the notorious audience at the Glasgow Empire to facing this evening … but I don’t have the option

This was where he would be forced to speculate on what sort of device or being was performing all this quantum state changing

He had to make it sound like performing this experiment might give him some hope

She halted her men from the grim task they were performing and questioned the young boy

performing any of these tests, stop

In that case Ava was in a fish bowl performing for Yellelle

‘The society was formed in the early 1900s and has been performing locally ever since

She was completely in Yellelle’s power and performing for her amusement

There was an air of excitement all thru the temple, and many of the senior girls came thru the area to meet with the group who would be performing their first ceremony this evening

The boy begins by pouring water into the bowl and he has to stand slightly awkwardly to use the microphone while performing his trick at the camping table, but he soon starts to gain confidence

The young magician gave a creditable encore, performing most of Fearson’s Hookup without mishap, although he did miss his mouth with the cigarette at the end

For a moment only there was silence then all but the twins broke into genuine laughter both at the girls’ expressions and at the image of them performing such a task

Then performing the same feat in three more places, handed the saw back to Harry, and cautioned him to stand back

course? Or was the mystery man performing some task unrelated to

After several steps each young woman was more and more competent in performing the movements with poise and grace, at which point he commended them and offered pointers of a minor nature to each

This latter facility was the result of having been given the responsibility of performing the daily ordering and planning based upon the restaurant’s business load, the current menus, and the seasonal availability of supplies

Titania and Hipolyta were thoroughly jubilant at the prospect of performing in public all the plays they had produced as junior thespians in the Livingson great room

That destined for performing the same office with regard to the freeman is managed by the freeman himself

website is performing and very detailed information about where your traffic

When the capital stock of any country is increased to such a degree that it cannot be all employed in supplying the consumption, and supporting the productive labour of that particular country, the surplus part of it naturally disgorges itself into the carrying trade, and is employed in performing the same offices to other countries

They have a much wider range, and may draw them from the most remote corners of the world, either in exchange for the manufactured produce of their own industry, or by performing the office of carriers between distant countries, and exchanging the produce of one for that of another

your team members are performing to your satisfaction, you have

These great and important services foreign trade is continually occupied in performing to all the different countries between which it is carried on

In short, Nerissa was performing all the duties of a wife

Commander Elenir of the Lorien has the charge of performing like duties on behalf of Jista, Reia and Pim who shall board the command vessel of the next largest group

” the other pointed with her chin at the room at large and the several ‘ministrations’ certain slaves were performing for their masters; “

An activity is not autotelic if you focus your attention on its consequences, such as the money or prestige you can earn by successfully performing the activity

A selfish person, on the other hand, will always act selfishly, even while performing acts that appear to be charitable

This is typically the best performing ad but also the higher priced

Darshi continued, “It’s grandpa Alfie’s contention, and he says it was his great, great-grandfather’s before him, that all the technological advances invented by any people are really just reflections of what the realized individual is actually capable of performing

Garrett looked at his nurses, “Crash cart!” Glen and Evans watched as the doctor began performing CPR on his patient while a nurse charged the paddles

Public services are never better performed, than when their reward comes only in consequence of their being performed, and is proportioned to the diligence employed in performing them

There had been a couple of times when Scott appeared to her when she called him, but she wasn’t going to let on to Dr Heigener – and become like some performing monkey for the psychiatrist

As they turned they could see one of the other two troop carriers performing the same operation

By the other part, music, it was proposed, at least by the philosophers and historians, who have given us an account of those institutions, to humanize the mind, to soften the temper, and to dispose it for performing all the social and moral duties of public and private life

The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects, too, are perhaps always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding, or to exercise his invention, in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur

During the next 50 years, Panin would devote up to 18 hours a day painstakingly counting letters, numbers, sentences and syllables and performing calculations to mathematical problems and then recording his findings in hand-written notes

Nanotechnology was already used by the West for medical purposes, performing small internal operations or merely delivering drugs

They did not have any personnel capable of performing the tests that had to be checked for the acceptance check each aircraft had to pass prior to the aircraft being given the O

That was not good for your breathing, as it is not that easy performing those exercises wearing one

In other words, higher performance standards in conjunction with broad-based curricular formats initiated by under performing schools is the only sure fire way of ensuring that each student achieves his or 28

There is a big difference between performing a sex act because you wish to avoid punishment, and having sex with someone you truly wish to give pleasure to

Addendum to the above: Higher rates of lower-paying jobs; that is to say, higher rates of ―under-employment‖ will oftentimes distort unemployment statistics in the same (inverse) manner statistics report higher achievement levels in ―formerly‖ under performing schools, especially those located in predominately urban areas, in proportion to their lowering of academic standards

standardized working environments? When measured in constant dollars, is he or she properly convinced that the average worker employed in comparable positions is relatively worse off today? It seems that the (fictitious) contempt for Wal-Mart and to a lesser extent, their competitors who are being given a free pass for not performing quite as well, perhaps, has less to do with the negative impact on traditional (small) businesses and changing landscapes than their (Democrats‘) obligatory pandering to their union base whose conflicting interests, properly understood, need not be elaborated here

William helped Stan in the garage, performing menial tasks such as changing the motor oil and tires for Stan’s customers

Performing ―good‖ deeds for their own sake because it is good to do so does not address the question: by what conventional standards are such acts of goodness, good to begin with; and assuming that they are, whether the ―Will to Goodness‖ is driven by some inherent factor; that is to say, an (essential) moral goodness that resides within the doer of good deeds or conditioned, rather, by rewards and punishment, reciprocity or perhaps, fear, in which case, such acts of ―goodness‖, sullied by questionable (intent), are motivated, in part, by self-serving designs that are not (inherently) good in themselves

Many of our public schools are performing a disservice to students entrusted to their care; many of whom, having ―graduated‖, are oftentimes ill equipped to meet the basic day-to-day challenges that lie ahead

As a sports fan who came of age in the sixties, I often ask myself, what have become of the Larry Czonka‘s or the Bill Riggins‘ or the Jerry West‘s or Rick Barry‘s, White Athletes who once dominated their respected sports? Is it conceivable that, in a day and age when the financial rewards are exceptionally high, (White‘s) have suddenly lost their competitive spark? Or could it be that many have fallen victim, in their own right, to stereotypical standards that seem to favor skill specific attributes like speed or vertical aptitude above other, less ―remarkable‖ qualities equally essential for performing on a higher level? Will such patterns eventually mandate the same type of protective status for Whites that are presently afforded to African Americans and other racial minorities competing in the public and private sectors? The latter is a stretch, granted

Covered from head to foot in soot, he finally came to rest laying on his stomach atop a pile of bricks, his hands clasped in front of his face, looking for all the world like a performing seal in a circus

We have identified a need for units that are more adaptable to changing situations and capable of performing a variety of missions

She was performing what they call ‘fellatio,’ in Latin

“Would you keep on performing on a stage when all the viewers had left? I could admire you for your dedication, but I generally hold fools in low esteem

If vice squad officers knew where she was performing, they would raid the venue, arrest her and everybody else

His injuries were critical, and his parents were informed his chance of survival was dependent on emergency surgery, but there was no surgeon capable of performing the operation at Nambour Hospital

In any case, he couldn’t care less; just as long as that didn’t stop the machine from performing its ministrations on Amonas, he’d have time for a bath sometime later on

His face shone from the light of God’s angels, performing their appointed tasks with harmony, diligence and piety

“It’s as if a person performing an experiment for the first time had pumped all the air out of a glass vessel down to the point of a vacuum, then after sealing it, he sat in a darkened room and contemplated the void within the vessel for a while, in an attempt to determine whether there was any detectable substance still within it that his instruments had failed to register

The initiates, who spend thirty days performing community service before they can become full members, sit side by side on a bench

“While you sleep, we will be performing a short procedure to observe a few things about your brain

“Mirror neurons fire both when one performs an action and when one sees another person performing that action

Performing an aerial spin, Cinder’s body twisted into nothing and out of

Craft—English teacher and director of Performing Arts

contain methods for performing needed tasks

performing certain action is normally tested for the hardware products and in the case

So exploring a complete application and then performing a test is an art of exploratory

While performing the test ideas, list out the test ideas that you are going to give as an

The person who has happiness, health and success created the causes for a pleasant life by performing positive actions in previous lives

Of course, some of the members even managed to convince themselves they were performing a public service at the same time by getting these women off the streets

Although he was always performing tests on us, I think he found

showing compassion by the use of His power in healing; and performing

Usage of prototypes, conference room piloting, performing meeting with client or review by client all of them contributing to validation of requirements

Causal Analysis: A SQA helps in performing causal analysis activity at project level

The audit checklist can be used for performing the audit by the auditor

This tool is highly used in performing causal analysis software industry in distinguishing which are the vital factors which we need to concentrate in analyzing any outcome

Amarilloans are fortunate to enjoy an abundant performing arts community

The Lone Star Ballet, Amarillo Opera, and Amarillo Symphony perform in the distinctive 1,279 seat Globe News Center for the Performing Arts

The Texas Academy of Performing arts focuses on youth education and performance

Above: The Globe-News Center for the Performing Arts presents a vast array of productions enjoyed by the residents of the Texas Panhandle

of the Globe-News Center for The Performing

This caused his liver to cease performing its necessary functions at the age of 29, dragging the rest of his mortal corpus with it

tunate were actually performing a service to the individu-

As emotionless as a surgeon performing a routine operation, the killer executed the task of dissecting Madeline’s body, carefully placing each piece in a precise arrangement

69 At that time the Lord appeared to Abraham, and called to him, from Heaven, and said to him, Lay not your hand on the lad, neither do you any thing to him, for now I know that you fear God in performing this act, and in not withholding your son, your only son, from me

Then, she said, “Well, Carnatic music is performing, it is singing and that is music

There were never enough concerts—never enough opportunities to perform, and definitely never any to even prove performing capabilities

But, that was the month musicians would be busy—not singing or performing concerts—but applying to various sabhas and meeting their contacts to get chances to sing during the December music season

This careless indis cretion in performing acts of lesbian love, increased their fears, as well as Roger’s, that their little brothers would be raised in an undesirable, unhealthy and unethical environment

I would hope that a Convention of States called under Article 5, would also review the need for ‘term limitations’ within our Federal Court system and the United States Senate and House — limiting Congress Senate in service, a move that will allow all of our representatives to focus / concentrate on performing the ‘service’ they are undertaking rather than ‘building war chests for their next election’ — more in line with the Founder’s published desires — ‘service’ that was “short” and rules established that would not exempt them from being affected by the rules established

Everyone performs various actions under some influence that he is capable of controlling by self-discipline

through all his paces, and he performs at the top of

Its object is, in all cases, to maintain the authority of the master, and, whether he neglects or performs his duty, to oblige the students in all cases to behave to him as if he performed it with the greatest diligence and ability

In this manner, a timid or shy individual who performs some courageous act for the right reason(s) should be commended above another individual whose similar acts of courage come naturally

The Quick Boot option still performs all the necessary tests, but it does that quicker

But keep in mind that your computer performs thousands of operations every second and there is nothing suspicious about most of them

In these cases the federal government performs no function other than collecting and transferring money

“Mirror neurons fire both when one performs an action and when one sees another person performing that action

14 For he performs the thing that is appointed for me, and many such things are with him

2 I will cry to God most high; to God that performs all things for me

Function Statements: — That actually performs task of the function

The mul() will performs

and makes their knowledge foolish; 26 Who confirms the word of his servant, and performs the counsel of his messengers; that says

every man from his house, and from his labour, that performs not this promise, even so be he shaken out, and emptied; and all the

And I saw another course, a law for her, and how according to that law she performs her monthly revolution; And all these Uriel, the holy angel who is the leader of them all, showed to me, and their positions, and I wrote down their positions as he showed them to me, and I wrote down their months as they were, and the appearance of their lights till fifteen days were accomplished

what function it performs and how we can actually wear it out

The Application Layer of the TCP/IP model performs much the same tasks as the

A person is derelict in the performance of his duty when he wilfully or negligently fails to perform them, or when he performs them in a culpably inefficient manner

And I saw another course a law for her and how according to that law she performs her monthly revolution; And all these Uriel the holy angel who is the leader of them all showed to me and their positions and I wrote down their positions as he showed them to me and I wrote down their months as they were and the appearance of their lights till fifteen days were accomplished

When he performs

After she performs oral sex, he switches positions with Janay and begins sucking and licking her breasts in a voracious manner as she becomes deeply aroused

He then begins to kiss between her legs as he slowly places his tongue in her vagina and performs fellatio and she achieves multiple orgasms before they finally share a lovemaking session that is more intense than their first time

» «What kinds of luxury sir» I asked «are hurtful?» «Every act of a man which he performs with pleasure» he replied «is an act of luxury; for the sharp-tempered man when gratifying his tendency indulges in luxury; and the adulterer and the drunkard and the back-biter and the liar and the covetous man and the thief and he who does things like these gratifies his peculiar propensity and in so doing indulges in luxury

The Coast Guard performs its missions at home and abroad, adding to the legacy of the service motto, “Semper Paratus: Always Ready

performs best) and then try to «beat the control» by writing better ads

Google will run the one that performs the best by default

Tāmasic – performs actions without due thought about the results, or how actions are carried out

Tāmasic – individual performs tapa with the goal of doing harm to others or for torturing his self

When the typical job names were linked to the parts of the core process each job performs, new insights and consensus again emerged

He assimilates the information and performs giant calculations while you see the global connection of all the little fragments that he furnishes, and how you can best use them

Spiritual Baptism is a cleansing that God performs; the conversion examples in the Holy Bible are using physical water and God’s Spiritual Power to remove our sins forever, by our Faith in Jesus Christ, The Son of God, as our Lord and Savior and our obedience to the Commandments of Christ

He performs the ablutions and eight cycles of prayer before he is to visit the House of God, the Ka‘bah

He then performs the seven rounds of the Ka‘bah, the Holy House

Rodney only performs at the ‗ Hole‘

act that he performs all through the day is always accompanied by some text

When the Master Morya or the Master Kuthumi performs the rite it is

He prays like a man but performs like a God

In this case Maya convinced my friend he was making a legitimate test or challenge to the model rather than escaping the discomfort and leaving her alone to survive in peace, by prompting him to ask questions about the theory of the model – questions that began with why and what if, and I‘m not sure I agree that………However, the only valid and legitimate test or challenge to a model is to see how well it performs in application, not in theory

where she performs alternative healing and so on

Then run them against each other to see which performs best

The “testing” comes in when you slowly tweak the headline in your PPC ad, testing out different elements to determine which performs best

-ALF performs these actions with the intent to avoid harming any

One of the pair performs in the

experimental condition and the other performs in the control

If a participant has to perform a series of actions, the order in which she/he performs

A man who performs this act is also called a chikan

performs ablution in the best way, then offers a Prayer

• Muhammad (PBUH) said, «Whoever performs the Hajj and

A binding estimate may be given only when a moving estimator performs an in-house estimate

she’d probably struggle a bit, but this is when Spock performs

He performs a service, without pay – all right, he gets some cat chow and is finicky – very similar to the good that is done at various Hospice places

misled by the hierarchy that God performs miracles

Steve Bhaerman is a writer who performs comedy internationally as

public function new_user() performs several functions, such as loading the view file, to validating any data inputted after submission, and displaying a view

They show the code that performs the hashing and comparison of passwords (a concise version can be found in the following recipe)

Our village has about two hundred dwellings and it seems that every day the high priest performs the purification ceremony, clearing new land of evil spirits so as to build houses for the newly betrothed

This performs the rotate operation on the image

This performs the cropping operation on the image

Because the executor performs a number of tasks that can be technically difficult and time consuming, he/she is also entitled to be paid a reasonable amount for services rendered

“She is from Palestine, where a certain Nancy Laplante rules and performs miracles nearly daily

stock of a company that under performs its peers

performs the industry by 5 % — given the constraint that all steel companies have the same

On Wall Street, when a company performs above analysts’ expectations, they are

When a stock under performs the

However, any stock that out performs the market for any length of time is also at a greater

If one performs regular linear

A few years later I got to know that id a vampire chants certain chants and performs some rituals over a mummified body then the soul of that dead human gets trapped inside its body

Well, despite the hardships and sincerity of his labor, his effort is only as good as the service he performs

“We wrote back to the school and said that Diane only performs for charity

“Well when their organization sent this school a letter back stating that Diane D only performs for charity, I made this story up to Marcus about a child dying of leukemia whose dying wish is to meet Diane D so that Diane D’s family could let her come to this school because Marcus and the rest of the kids in this school wanted to see Diane D real bad

performs across 1010 of the 1111 string-spaces

“Yes, our dragon lady that performs for the men with her razor fans

“I’m gonna place a small ad in the newspaper with a headline that says, ‘The Hicks Band performs and opening act for Diane D and The Dianettes at the Staten Island Mall on Saturday May 12th

He, Dave, Marlon and Ray look and see a small article in the corner of the page with a headline that reads: THE HICKS BAND PERFORMS AND OPENING ACT FOR DIAND D AND THE DIANETTES AT THE STATEN ISLAND MALL ON SATURDAY MAY 12

If it performs better, you plan will do better

If it performs worse, your plan will not perform as well

Shakespeare performs a radial burst

My staff performs

With all three, you can have an in-depth view at how a site performs

“Overseer Joshua, that is my command, and you will see to it that the nurse performs her duty

Yes: few pray! It is just one of the things assumed as a matter of course, but seldom practised; a thing which is everybody’s business, but in fact hardly anybody performs

And he performs miracles up to now

The risk manager performs the following tasks in the course of risk monitoring:

The end of the ratchet arm performs with the swinging of the spherical weight smaller or larger rectilinear for movements pressed towards the ratchet gear by an arm with a spring on the body (frame) of the device

As a result of the cyclic heating and cooling (shade) the piston performs slow but powerful vertical reciprocating motion

Instead, the separator performs this, which is a magnetic type

God never contracted people to do what ayat Allah performs

The quality of actions which a man performs through out

In this world, he who offers oblations, performs sacrifices,

— The YOGI, doer of selfless action, performs the same prescribed task

not attached to the actions he performs imperceptibly

Krishn has so far said that the yogi who performs selfless action with a

This indicates an activity of liver cells so the liver performs its functions as metabolizing and discharging the surplus cholesterol and triglycerides perfectly

is, in fact, unrighteous and obsessed because he performs yagya either to

This seeker also performs the ordained action, but what a great differ-

Thus, at first the spirit considers all good actions difficult, but when it performs them as a compliance to God having known that all His commands are but out of His love to it and for its mere advantage, such deeds will result in good and ease for it , as they will be followed by everlasting comfort and happiness

In this noble verse the statement “one that witnesses” refers to the one who performs an action with another or presents it to him

After this explanation we can say that “to attain your record by the right” does not mean to receive it by the right hand, yet it means that the deeds which man performs in his life should be good and lofty in order that they result in bliss and abundant blessings for him

Thus when one performs wicked action, he is called a transgressor, then if he keeps on practicing it and wears the garment of crime, that is he becomes a criminal,[32] he is called an evil doer

I say, this verse shows us that man cannot be a charitable humanist who performs noble deeds unless he recognizes His Creator and feels fear of Him

выполнять, исполнять, совершать, выступать, играть, проделать, представлять


- исполнять, выполнять; делать

to perform a task — выполнять задание
to perform useful work — выполнять /делать/ полезную работу
to perform an operation — проводить, делать операцию
to perform an experiment — проводить опыт
to perform an obligation — выполнить обязательство /долг/
to perform the part of the host — взять на себя роль хозяина, быть хозяином

- представлять; играть (пьесу)

the new play was performed with great enthusiasm — новая пьеса была сыграна с большим подъёмом

- быть сценичной (о пьесе)

play that performs well — сценичная пьеса

- исполнять (роль, музыкальное произведение и т. п.); играть

to perform skilfully on the flute — искусно играть на флейте
he performed the part of Hamlet — он играл /исполнял роль/ Гамлета

- показывать фокусы; делать трюки (о дрессированных животных)

dogs that perform at the circus — дрессированные собаки, собаки, которые выступают в цирке
to perform a conjuring trick — показать фокус

- спорт. выступать, делать упражнения (на снарядах и т. п.)
- разг. хорошо себя показать, зарекомендовать

our team performed very well in the match — наша команда очень хорошо играла в этом матче

- иметь хорошие эксплуатационные качества (об автомобиле); иметь хорошую приёмистость

Мои примеры


doctors using a laser to perform delicate eye surgery — врачи, которые выполняют сложные хирургические операции на глазах с помощью лазера  
to conduct / hold / perform a ceremony — осуществлять церемонию, совершать обряд  
to perform a religious ceremony — совершать религиозный обряд  
to perform a christening — окрестить  
to do / perform a circumcision — совершить обрезание  
to do / perform a deed — совершить поступок  
to do / carry out / discharge / perform one’s duties — выполнять свои обязанности  
to perform an exploit — совершать подвиг  
to commit, perform an act — совершить поступок  
to accomplish / perform a feat — совершить подвиг  
to fulfill / perform a function — выполнять функцию  

Примеры с переводом

How well your daughter performs on the piano!

Как хорошо ваша дочь играет на пианино!

The doctor had to perform surgery immediately.

Врачу пришлось провести операцию немедленно.

Our team performed very well in the match.

В этом матче наша команда сыграла очень хорошо.

It was amazing to watch them perform.

Их выступление было просто поразительно.

Have you ever performed a musical play on this stage?

Вы уже исполняли на этой сцене какую-нибудь музыкальную пьесу?

Surgeons performed an emergency operation.

Хирурги провели срочную операцию.

She was asked to perform the solo cold.

Её попросили выступить соло без предварительной подготовки.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…searched for a priest who could perform an exorcism…

She likes to perform different types of music because she doesn’t want to be pigeonholed.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

performance  — производительность, исполнение, эффективность, выполнение, деятельность
performer  — исполнитель
performing  — исполнительский, исполняемый, дрессированный, ученый
performed  — выполненный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: perform
he/she/it: performs
ing ф. (present participle): performing
2-я ф. (past tense): performed
3-я ф. (past participle): performed

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