Make a sentence with the word orange

Synonym: Orange, Orange River, orange tree, orangeness, orangish. Similar words: range, arrange, arrangement, angel, change, exchange, in danger, out of danger. Meaning: [‘ɑrɪndʒ ,’ɔ- /’ɒr-]  n. 1. round yellow to orange fruit of any of several citrus trees 2. orange color or pigment; any of a range of colors between red and yellow 3. any citrus tree bearing oranges 4. any pigment producing the orange color 5. a river in South Africa that flows generally westward to the Atlantic Ocean. adj. of the color between red and yellow; similar to the color of a ripe orange. 

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1. If the orange is going to be bad —-for the best of us are bad sometimes —it begins to be bad from the outside, not from the inside. 

2. That’s a funny combo — pink and orange.

3. Add orange paint to get a warmer hue.

4. It is a seedless type orange.

5. She filled her mug with orange juice.

6. Would you like another orange?

7. He cut the orange into quarters.

8. Cut the orange peel into fine shreds.

9. He aimed at the apple and orange.

10. The orange curtains jar with the red furniture.

11. Would you peel me an orange?

12. She likes the orange coat.

13. The salad was decorated with segments of orange.

14. This tea tasted of orange blossoms.

15. I’d like a glass of orange juice.

16. The orange skin squirted in my eye.

17. Do you like orange juice?

18. What colour is an orange?

19. He stripped an orange of its rind for me.

20. The orange juice had been spiked with gin.

21. The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.

22. The adult can be readily distinguished by its orange bill.

23. Fresh orange juice should be refrigerated after opening and drunk within three days.

23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

24. Peel a thick-skinned orange and square off the ends with a sharp knife.

25. She wanted to buy the orange dress,but we persuaded her that the blue one was more becoming.

26. The outside of an orange is bitter, but the inside is sweet.

27. He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window.

28. The colours of the spectrum — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet — can be seen in a rainbow.

29. There were four of us, so we divided the orange into quarters and each ate a piece.

30. The illustration shows a cluster of five roses coloured apricot orange.

More similar words: range, arrange, arrangement, angel, change, exchange, in danger, out of danger, changeable, in exchange for, unchangeable, oral, gang, for ages, angle, angst, storage, hang up, hang on, decorate, plunge, finger, singer, anguish, favorable, elaborate, corporate, behavioral, laboratory, demoralize. 

Examples of how to use the word “orange” in a sentence. How to connect “orange” with other words to make correct English sentences.

orange (n, adj): a round sweet fruit that has a thick orange skin and an orange centre divided into many parts; of a colour between red and yellow

Use “orange” in a sentence

He gave me an orange in exchange for a piece of cake.
Two glasses of orange juice, please.
Make yourself at home. There’s orange juice in the fridge.
Would you like some orange juice?
There is an orange on the table.

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orange — перевод на русский


— You through with your orange juice?

— Ты еще будешь свой апельсиновый сок?

Orange juice? Certainly.

Апельсиновый сок?

Orange juice.

апельсиновый сок.

— Two bourbons and an orange juice.

— Два бурбона и апельсиновый сок.

I want some orange juice, eggs, bacon, toasted muffin and lots of coffee.

Я хочу апельсиновый сок, яичницу с беконом, булочку, тост с земляничным джемом, и много кофе.

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Over there, you have sun, light, color, all colors. Orange, pink, green, yellow, pale blue…

А там есть солнце, свет, цвета, все цвета Оранжевый, розовый, зеленый, желтый, голубой…

An orange blossom in her bosom.

Оранжевый цветок на грудь.

Orange alert.

Оранжевый уровень.

Orange, I guess.

Я полагаю, оранжевый.

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Orange, New Jersey.

Оранж, Нью-Джерси.

this is Southern California. This is orange county.

Это оранж Каунти, в смысле, в конце концов, Селиг помог раскрыть организацию шпионов-коммунистов.

My name is Orange J. I’m down with Massive Genius.

— Меня зовут Оранж Джей… Я от Мэссив Джиниеса.

San Jose is a mess. So is Orange County…

Но с Сан-Хосе путаница так же, как и с округом Оранж,

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I’ve had two beers and a couple of orange squashes.

Всего два пива и апельсиновый сок.

One orange.

Апельсиновый сок

I’ll get the orange juice.

Сейчас принесу апельсиновый сок.

Orange soda.

Апельсиновый сок с содовой.

Bring some beer up and orange soda.

И положите пива и апельсиновый сок с содовой.

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Finish your orange juice.

Допей свой сок.

Drink your orange juice.

Пей сок.

I’llsettleforcoffeeand orange juice this morning.

Сегодняутромярешил взять кофе и апелсиновый сок.

Orange juice?

Виски. Так… Хотите сок?

You should just buy orange juice in cartons.

Ты бы купил сок в пакете.

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— South Orange.

Саут Орандж.

I booked you a flight into John Wayne airport in Orange County.

Я заказал вам билет до аэропорта в Орандж Каунти.

I think it works in Orange County too.

По-моему, в округе Орандж тоже.

And Michael hurried to the British section Orange County for his date.

А Майкл поспешил в британскую часть Орандж Каунти на свидание.

Michael Bluth had set up a meeting with Cal Cullen… owner of one of the largest parcels ofland in Orange County.

Майкл Блут организовал встречу с Кэлом Калленом. владельцем крупнейших земельных участков в Орандж Каунти.

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And besides, this is gonna be… the most bitchingly fast bike in all of Orange County.

А кроме того, это будет самый быстрый велосипед во всём округе Ориндж.

[Narrator] Yes, Maggie was the most feared prosecutor in all of Orange County.

Да, Мэгги считалась самым опасным прокурором во всём округе Ориндж.

How big is Orange County?

Насколько большой округ Ориндж?

— Some, kids from Orange County.

— Какие-то пацаны из округа Ориндж.

Boy. You must really wanna take to to those Orange County kids now, huh Stan?

Ты, наверное, очень хочешь добраться до тех пацанов из округа Ориндж, а, Стэн?

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Orange hair.

Рыжий парик.

And I know you had a fat, orange cat.

И я знаю, что у тебя был толстый рыжий кот.

Ooh, he had a fat, orange cat.

У него был толстый, рыжий кот.

— You heard him, orange pubes.

! — Ты оглох, рыжий лобок?

Who’s orange and fat?

Кто рыжий и жирный?

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Shut up… You know, orange doesn’t suit you at all

Грубиянка… оранжевый цвет тебе совсем не подходит.

It’s equal to a bright orange neon light that says that I’m home.

Яркий оранжевый цвет дает понять, что я дома.

Oh. Gina likes orange.

Джина любит оранжевый цвет.

Yeah, they call it a black box, but they paint ’em orange to help recovery teams like that find them more easily.

Да, они называют его черным, но красят его в оранжевый цвет чтобы помочь команде по восстановлению как эта проще его найти.

That explains the orange toes.

Это объясняет оранжевый цвет пальцев ног.

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For those who never been to SF, the bridge is bright orange.

Для тех, кто не был в Сан-Франциско — мост ярко-оранжевый.

You should be easy to remember, you were wearing that burnt orange jacket, turquoise scarf, and those earrings that were, frankly, way too big for the outfit.

Чтобы вам легче было вспомнить, на вас был ярко-оранжевый пиджак, бирюзовый шарф, и серьги, которые были, откровенно говоря, крупноваты для вашего туалета.

— Okay, the truth is, the other day, we accidentally got some of your mail, and there was this bright orange envelope that said «Mortgage payment past due, final notice.»

— Окей, правда в том что не так давно мы случайно получили кое-что из твоей почты и там был этот ярко-оранжевый конверт на нем было написано: «Ипотечный платеж просрочен, последнее предупреждение»

Underneath a burnt orange sky.

Под ярко-оранжевым небом.

Some glow bright orange like hot coals, radiating heat to their surroundings, others are dark and cool.

Некоторые светятся ярко-оранжевым, как горячие угли, которые излучают тепло вокруг себя, другие же темные и холодные.

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  • Use the word Orange in a sentences

Sentence Examples

We can have blue soup to start, orange pudding to end, and… well, for main course, we have… uh, congealed green gunge.

I can see that orange jumpsuit from 5000 feet!

You know ÔÇô sunshine and yellow, orange and everything that sounded like children’s sweets.

Everything is colored, everything, you know is, Ah it must be to do an orange

Not only orange… Oh… I haven’t seen color.

For three generations, these orange blossoms have been worn at our weddings-

Are you crazy, throwing orange peels on the ground?

I have a feeling we can get that fella to make some of that orange stuff… with some of that iced green stuff, and turn out something really beautiful.

Finish your orange juice.

And that orange was rotten. Rotten!

Give the fool an orange and send him to the orphanage!

No. Small, orange, with black stripes.

Where is Summers with the orange juice? His nice lukewarm orange juice with seeds in it?

Hey, this isn’t orange juice!

orange soda, jelly… candy twists, fried dough sticks… toffee and watermelon.

orange juice every morning.

Pushing through these snowdrifts is not like… strolling under the orange trees at home.

Hey, Ma, if Uncle Bean dies, Pop’s gonna buy an orange ranch out in California.

If you get any money from Uncle Bean, you are not going to buy an orange ranch.

Now you’ve got an orange ranch on your mind.

«Typical California orange grove.»

So am I, to see your dad about that orange ranch I sold him.

You sold Dad an orange ranch? Where?

It seems he was getting better, but he attended the Epworth League picnic, and he choked to death eating an orange.

Mr Bis-on-ay, that orange ranch we sold you is no good. — Why not?

An orange grove is an orange grove.

Your father was at our office and paid the rest on that orange ranch. — He did?

I’m now in the orange business.

Here’s your orange grove.

This is evidently a young orange tree.

Young orange tree! It’s a weed, you idiot.

Hey, Pop, look! An orange!

You see that orange ranch?

That orange ranch and 40… $44,000.

Read a newspaper, have an orange soda.

An orange soda and a newspaper, please.

Excuse me, I would like a glass of orange juice with a little ice, and…

Well, I don’t think I’ll trouble with the orange juice.

There’s very little to be gained from orange juice.

I’m alluding to His Majesty, King William III, William of orange… who, with Queen Mary, has come over from the Netherlands… and has been ruling England the past two months or more.

Italy… the sun, the orange trees… I’d love to travel, read poetry by moonlight…

[SINGING] The ousel cock so black of hue With orange-tawny bill… The throstle with his note so true

[SINGING] The ousel cock so black of hue So black of hue With orange-tawny bill

Tomatojuice, orange juice, grape juice, pineapple juice…

Tamarind, barley water, orange juice?

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Oranges are citrus fruits grown in Florida.

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